Hi All,
Not really a death threat and not sure if it belongs in this discussion but it's quite funny so thought I would share it with you all. Its a reply from a xtian to an atheist website, with regards to a Kentucky lawsuit by US atheists about god being a factor in homeland security:
"wow you are so freaking stupid. mytholigical
creatures? yes that is what you are. and your
all fat, and you eat cat turds. how are those
cat turds by the way? is this why you are so
stupid? doest the cat eat things they find in
the fields that when it craps it out and you
run over and eat it, it makes you stupid? you
could just stop eating those cat turds then
you wouldn't have to be atheist anymore. you
could believe in something other than the
stupid rants of hollywood. stop eating those
cat turds my good friends. no need. waist not
your lives on the runny sloppy cat turds you
enjoy so much. they have brought you down low
low low my bro. maybe you'll loose some fat as
well if you lay of those turds. maybe the
smell of you will go away. yes try the
spaggetti and be not a fat stinky stupid."
Haha go figure. Hope everyone ate up all their cat turds for breakfast this morning!!! Dont be a FAT STINKY STUPID, kids!!!