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 Topic: Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?

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  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #120 - February 25, 2023, 08:41 PM

    Surah 77        AL-MURSALAAT–The teams or parties that work for mission of Allah deliver to mankind his messages to help them leave their harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other so that they could adopt the way of life advised for them by Allah to ensure their own well being with help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For that reason We draw your attention to the teams that work for Our mission to make our messages familiar to mankind as they are supposed to

    002] in order to blow away thereby their unfounded harmful and destructive religious and secular beliefs and practices like turbulent or threshing wind currents that separate husk from the grain.

    003] That is why these teams broadcast or spread or publicise far and wide Our message about our advised way of life for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other.

    004] Therefore they make clearly evident the differences between our advised way of life and the ways of life mankind have adopted for themselves whereby they have ended up in terrible painful suffering by hands of each other.

    005] For that reason We lay before mankind information about the past events as lessons for them to learn from.

    006] So that the lessons act for them as good news and warnings for their future thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    007] No doubt at all that our promise to mankind about the uprooting of their adopted harmful and destructive ways of life and establishment of our advised way of life or rule of law in the human world will come to pass.

    008] It is because in due course as the masses become properly educated and trained the powerful and wealthy people with harmful and destructive desires and ambition who develop harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours will no longer appeal to them or their appeal to them will fade away so they will rise up against them.

    009] That is how in time to come the opportunities for the establishment of the kingdom based upon our heavenly guidance will open up.

    010] That is how in time to come harmful and destructive people of great influence will lose their influence as if they are piles of dust blown away by the changing currents of wind.

    011] By then our messages through our missionaries will have reached home for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    012] So you may raise question, for how long more things will continue like this in the human world?

    013] The answer is, till the time people themselves make the needed decisions and take the needed steps to change things for what they should be.

    014] So what will make obvious for you the mankind what will happen at the time when people will decide to change things and take steps for that?

    015] It will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    016] Did We not find past generations harmed or destroyed by hands of each other through bloody revolutions due to going against Our guidance by living their lives the harmful and destructive way as they chose?

    017] So it will happen to these generations as well as the coming generations who will follow them or follow their ways of life.

    018] That is how We leave such people who refuse to live by Our guidance to think and to do as they please therefore we let them face the consequences as painful sufferings due to which they end up facing revolts or uprisings in due course for going against Our guidance which turn the landscape and things in it upside down for them.

    019] So tt will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    020] Have We not created and evolved you the mankind from a tiny part of an insignificant fluid?

    021] Which We let become secured in a safe place to grow and develop

    022] for a set period of time where after you are caused to be born into the world you live in?

    023] Likewise We have set up measures for governing all operations and affairs, so how excellent are We in setting up measures for governing all operations and affairs!

    024] This is why it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    025] Have We not made the earth fit for serving our purpose according to our plan?

    026] For the living as well as for the dead?

    027] By bringing about high lands and low lands or peaks and troughs or heights and depths so that you the mankind could have sweet water to drink and so that you could learn to live on it in peace and security for a set period of time?

    028] So it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    029] And when that time comes during which the landscape and things in it change in some human populations and remain the same in other human populations, it will be said by our missionaries to the deposed leading elites of those human populations whose way of life remains the same revolt after revolt, experience or taste or undergo or go through that state of existence about which you used to think and say it could never happen to you.

    030] So now continue your lives under the shadow of the same three pillars the ruling elite, the money lending elite and the religious elite which together cause a dark shadow of harms and destructions over the masses under their control for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense which causes anger or resentment in them to build up and increase to explode as a violent revolt or an uprising in due course

    031] due to having no let or freedom from worries or anxiety nor shelter against the flames of fire of hatred and animosity.

    032] Therefore raging masses shoot up huge sparks of fire of hatred and animosity or shout out very loudly hateful slogans against their oppressors

    033] as frequently as if they were a row of yellow camels.

    034] So it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    035] That will be the time when the oppressors will not be allowed by their victims to speak,

    036] nor will they be given permission to offer their excuses.

    037] Likewise it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    038] This is how it will be at the time when mankind will decide and take steps to change things for themselves. This is why We put before you people your own case as well as the cases of your past generations together or collectively so that you could learn lessons and think and do what can ensure your well being as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    039] However for as long as you the mankind will not think and do what needs to be thought and done for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom you people will keep on plotting and scheming against our advised way of life for mankind and keep facing the consequences for thinking and doing so.

    040] This is why it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    041] Surely those who will be consistent with our guidance as well as each other for our sake they will be under the shades of our protective umbrella due to drinking from the springs or fountains of our knowledge so they will end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    042] That is how they will have their desired outcome for their benevolent thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other.

    043] They will be told by each other, eat and drink to your heart’s satisfaction, this is the reward for your hard works you did for ensuring well being of each other.

    044] That is how We will reward those who will understand our guidance properly and abide by it faithfully.

    045] But it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep revolting or rising up against them or their oppressors.

    046] So secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for a little while, surely you people are committing grave crimes against each other by living the way you do so consequences are bound to follow

    047] therefore there is a very bad news for those at the time of uprising who deny each other the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance.

    048] It is because when these like people are invited to bend or model their lives according to our guidance, they refuse to do so,

    049] Therefore it will be a very bad news for those at the time who deny others the benefits and the advantages of rule of law based upon Our guidance as their victims will keep rising up or revolting against them or their oppressors.

    050] So according to which guidance other than our this guidance can they wholeheartedly and fully as well as properly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other for our sake for their very own blissful, dignified and secure existence?

    Surah 78       AL-NABA-The most magnificent news is establishment of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah in the human world by mankind themselves for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for sake of their creator and sustainer.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Concerning what are mankind inquiring from each other?

    002] Concerning the most magnificent news from us that a period of time is coming when the way of life advised for mankind by Us will become a fully established reality in Our kingdom by hands of mankind themselves for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    003] It is what they have been always disputing about and fighting over with each other continuously.

    004] But not for too long rather in time to come they will start understanding our advised way of life for them properly in order to abide by it faithfully.

    005] No doubt at all that in time to come they will start understanding our advised way of life for them properly to live by it faithfully.

    006] Have We not brought about and prepared the earth or ground as a swinging cradle for you the mankind as your temporary place of residence and rest so that you could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom for a set period of time?

    007] And raised the high mountains as weights from deep within the earth as oscillation dampers so that it does not jitter or overly vibrate while it is in flight through space along with rest of solar system so that it does not cause vibration related problems for you?

    008] Also have We not created and evolved you the mankind as well as provided you with our guidance so that you people fully complement each other in order to accomplish our set goals for you according to our provided guidelines?

    009] Moreover have we not brought about sleep and periods of rest for you the mankind so that you people could recoup your lost energies after you have become exhausted by carrying out your daily tasks?

    010] Furthermore have We not brought about the phenomenon of the night on the earth as if by sliding a dark covering over things to hide them,

    011] and have We not brought about the phenomenon of the day on the earth as if by sliding off the dark covering for you to expose the sunlight so that you people could go about your daily tasks or businesses?

    012] Also have We not brought about at a distance from your earth a set of multiple more planets,

    013] and caused the huge ball of fire to act as a source of heat and brilliant light to be centre of their gravity so that they orbit around it?

    014] Do we not thereby raise wind currents to evaporate water as clouds and then send it down as abundant rain from the clouds,

    015] in order to bring forth grain and vegetation

    016] as well as gardens of luxurious growth?

    017] Just as working of all this natural world is planned, organised and regulated by Us so the time period for Our advised way of life for mankind to become a fully established reality in the human world by hands of mankind themselves is also planned.

    018] So the day the proper call for invitation to Our advised way of life is made loud and clear for mankind by our missionaries, you the mankind will come forth in multitudes to support it.

    019] That is how the heavenly kingdom will open up for all to enter it as if it is all widely opened doors.

    020] And the war mongering powerful and wealthy chiefs who reject and oppose our advised way of life for mankind will no longer be able to stand in the way of masses as they will have been undermined and moved out of their way by them.

    021] No doubt this raging fire of hatred and animosity of masses awaits them as a consequence of their own humiliating thoughts and actions against them for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    022] This is the destiny of all oppressors and tyrants.

    023] A terrible state of existence wherein they will abide for as long as they deserve it.

    024] Due to living by way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they will continue burning in fire of hatred and animosity against each other so they will not experience a pleasant existence because due to their ignorance based arrogance they will not learn to understand properly our provided information which could give them a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    025] So they will have between themselves periods of intense hot and intense cold atmosphere,

    026] which is a fitting outcome for thoughts and actions of such people as choose to live their own way instead of living by Our advised way of life.

    027] All this because such people do not think about the long term consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other

    028] and for the very same reason they reject and oppose Our set goals for them to accomplish according our provided guidelines whereby they end up denying themselves huge benefits and advantages.

    029] The fact is, We advised a way of life for mankind due to having full knowledge about everything as We have stated in Our revealed book,

    030] Yet you the mankind choose to ignore our advice so carry on living the way you want and keep on experiencing terrible consequences because your self-imposed ways of life can only and only increase for you a life of more and more torment and painful suffering.

    031] On the contrary, those who are consistent with Our guidance therefore become a proper human community in Our kingdom they will certainly bring about for themselves

    032] beautiful gardens and vineyards

    033] through help and full support of like minded thoughtful and hard working equally committed companions.

    034] That is how they will bring about a tightly knit proper human community in a place.

    035] They will not hear anything harmful and destructive from each other against each other in that kingdom because therein they will not deny anything of benefit to each other among themselves.

    036] A fitting outcome for their hard works for ensuring well being of each other according to the way of life advised for them by their Creator and Sustainer.

    037] The one who is sole creator and sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them, the Maintainer of all the creation, against Whose advised way of life for mankind none is able to argue justifiably or successfully .

    038] During the period of time when his revealed rule of law is properly and fully established in His kingdom by His missionaries who are properly organised and regulated, none will be allowed to say anything save the one who speaks according to the guidance of the Maintainer of the whole creation and what one says ensures well being of mankind.

    039] That will be the time period when the proper rule of law will become fully and properly established in the human world by mankind themselves in actual reality. So let anyone who wishes or desires that such a rule of law should become a reality in the human world work or strive or struggle hard to bring about the rule of law of his Creator and Sustainer.

    040] Surely We have already forewarned you the mankind about continuous terrible painful suffering otherwise. During the period of time when the party that rejects and opposes Our rule of law faces consequences of what its hands will have sent forth it will say, O I wish, I were consistent with it.

    Surah 79      AL-NAAZIAAT-The missionary teams of Allah that help human beings move from the ways of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah so that they work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence solely for sake of Allah. 

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] We present as models for humanity such teams or parties of people as dive deep into the ocean of purpose based knowledge to pull mankind out of depths of darkness of ignorance about the purpose of life and the way to fulfil it.

    002] Such as strive very hard to free mankind from things which hold them back from unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom so that they could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    003] Those who move ahead or advance with full force for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in Our kingdom.

    004] Overtaking or outdoing one another to do better than each other for ensuring well being of each other for sake of Allah alone.

    005] That is how they plan, organise and regulate themselves for accomplishing Our assigned goals for them according to Our provided guidelines.

    006] So think of the time period as to what will happen in the human world when a sustained movement will be started by Our these like missionaries for the establishment of Our advised way of life for all of the human population in Our kingdom that will uproot all the existing harmful and destructive ways of life invented and imposed by some upon others to take undue advantage of each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense?

    007] That movement will be backed up by more succeeding similar movements with all kinds of needed support for its ultimate success.

    008] During that time period hearts of inventors and imposers of harmful and destructive ways of life to take undue advantage of others will be pounding due to fear, worry and anxiety.

    009] Moreover their eyes will be stressfully strained because of un-abating successful struggle that will be put up by Our missionaries but so people like them were warned already about consequences for going down the paths they have chosen.

    010] However for the time being they are laughing it off due to their ignorance based arrogance saying to each other, are we really expected to lose all we have gathered so far of the power and the wealth and become like the rest of the dispossessed people?

    011] Are we really going to be stripped off to the bare bones of everything we have gained so far?

    012] They say, in that case we will be in a grave loss or danger.

    013] But the point for them to understand is that it only takes just one wrong action or step to trigger a huge bloody revolution in the human world once people are already fed up with the way they are treated by each other or are forced to live humiliating lives by each other.

    014] That is how quickly opponents end up with arms facing each other in the battlefield.

    015] Has the story of Moses reached you people?

    016] At the time His Creator and Sustainer called upon him for carrying out His assigned mission when he became properly enlightened to do so.

    017] He told him to go to Pharaoh for he has abandoned the way of life We advised for these people through Our messenger Joseph and instead he has adopted a way of life whereby he secures his petty personal gains from the masses at their expense whereby he has made their lives hell.

    018] However approach him gently and ask him nicely, will you be interested in becoming more powerful and wealthy than you are and be loved by your people as well instead of having less power and wealth that you have and for which you are hated by your people?

    019] If you are interested then I have the information from our creator and sustainer whereby I can guide you to the way of life advised for mankind by our Creator and Sustainer so that you become consistent with his guidance as well as with the rest of people in the kingdom by freeing yourself from the way of life that you have adopted which is harmful and destructive for human beings because thereby you people secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    020] That is how Moses showed Pharaoh the wonderful way of life which could benefit him and his people greatly.

    021] However he refused living by the best possible way of life and instead decided to reject and oppose it.
    022] So he continued living by the way of life whereby he made efforts to secure his petty personal gains from the masses at their expense.

    023] Moreover at length he gathered his people and made an announcement.

    024] He said to them, I am your most powerful  owner and ruler.

    025] But in due course Allah found him facing the consequences of his harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against his people from the very beginning to the very end.

    026] Surely in this happening there is a lesson for people who are mindful or aware of the universal set-up systems and laws of Allah which ensure things happen for the purpose they are supposed to happen and that they happen the way they are planned to happen.

    027] Say O mankind, consider your desires and ambitions as well as your mindsets, attitudes and behaviours with respect to His advised way of life for mankind as well as with respect to each other and tell me, are you the mankind working or conducting yourselves very hard for carrying out His program or plan to fulfil His set purpose as told or is it the vast kingdom of rest of his creation? He designed it for fulfilling His purpose and turned it into a reality and it is working fine the way it should whereas you the mankind are avoiding working according to the way of life He has advised for you for fulfilling his assigned purpose for you according to His given plan.

    028] He brought about the kingdom of the universe as well as expanded it and made it suitable for serving His purpose

    029] by putting it through a period of growth and development from an unrecognisable thing till He brought it forth as a clearly recognisable thing that could serve his purpose according to his plan.

    030] As for the creation of the earth, he brought it about along with rest of the solar system after the creation of the universe and evolved it into its current shape and form to make it suitable for his purpose and plan.

    031] From it He brought forth its water and its pasture.

    032] Moreover He raised or brought forth its mountains from deep inside it to stand firmly upon it as weights to dampen its oscillation the while it is in flight,

    033] We did all this for making the earth a temporary habitat for you the mankind and your livestock so that you could have your livelihood there from.

    034] Behold! when the purpose based ultimate sustained education and training based revolution strikes in the human world

    035] during that period of time man will rise to the highest level of thinking and doing things so he will end up accomplishing our assigned mission for him according to our provided guidelines by his hard work.

    036] Because by then why and how people themselves turn their human world into a living hell will also become clearly obvious to him.

    037] Also by then anyone who will rebel against Our advised way of life

    038] preferring the harmful and destructive way of life

    039] will have landed himself in hell of his own making.

    040] But he who will have paid appropriate attention to the standard provided by his Creator and Sustainer and therefore he will have held back himself from fulfilling his harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against others

    041] he will have landed himself into the life of paradise by his own hard work.

    042] Now that you have inform them about the ultimate proper education and training based revolution, they will start asking you about the exact time of this ultimate education and training based worldwide revolution as to when it will actually start taking place?

    043] Tell them, I am not required to know about its exact time in detail or to tell others about exact time of its happening.

    044] For knowledge about its exact time of occurrence rests with your Creator and Sustainer alone.

    045] Moreover you are only a warner for anyone who is concerned about outcomes of his thoughts and action for or against others.

    046] At the time when they will see the revolution strike, they will feel as if they had lived the way they did just for a short while due to shift or change in them from darkness of ignorance to light of knowledge.

    Surah 80       ABASA- The task of a person who works for the mission of Allah is to faithfully convey his message to all human beings within his reach without any undue discrimination regardless of the way they respond or react to his missionary and message. Only and only positive response of mankind to message and messenger of Allah can help them become a proper human community in his kingdom through their unity for peace between themselves to make progress to be prosperous for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence with help and full support of each other for his sake alone.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] One of our missionaries frowned and neglected a respondent to our message.

    002] Because due to his invitation in Our name there abruptly approached him a person in the middle of an engagement who was unaware about Our message for mankind to learn about it from him.

    003] Despite his abrupt approach he too could have been attended to but he ended up neglected at that occasion by our missionary. So the missionary was told, you did not know if he truly will or will not grow in awareness or knowledge about Our advised way of life for mankind.

    004] Or that he will have certainly heeded Our message therefore he will have benefited from our guidance himself as well as others.

    005] As for him who due to his ignorance based arrogance showed he is not at all interested in Our message

    006] to him you continued paying your attention the while you ignored or neglected the other person.

    007] Even though there is no blame on you if he did not free himself from harmful and destructive religious and secular beliefs and practices.

    008] Yet to him who came to you by his own sincere effort and endeavour

    009] due to his desire for knowing about Our advised way of life,

    010] you paid no attention.

    011] This situation could have been handled in a better way because our core message is an open invitation for all mankind regarding our set purpose of life for them as well as the way it should be understood properly and fulfilled faithfully.

    012] So let any person who wishes to learn about this purpose of life as well as the way to fulfil it, learn this message freely without any obstacles or hurdles or hindrance.

    013] This message is available for all in form of written pages that are most valuable for mankind to understand properly and live by faithfully,

    014] so that thereby mankind could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in Our kingdom free from all ills,

    015] by means of journeys of explorations and discoveries through hard works of their own as well as,

    016] of others who wish mankind to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in Our kingdom.

    017] Yet after our this guidance for all human populations they are still heading towards self destruction by adopting the way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to their disregard for Our guidance because of their ignorance based arrogance.

    018] These arrogant and haughty people should reflect upon, out of what Allah has created and evolved them?

    019] Out of a tiny sperm and a tiny ovum He originated them and assigned for them standards and values to live by,

    020] and thereby made their living in this world easy by means of a compatible way of life for a set purpose of being a proper human community in our kingdom.

    021] There after He lets them die to be placed in a temporary resting place

    022] so that then they are raised again from the dead according to his plan.

    023] By no means has man fulfilled His assigned purpose yet for which He has been created and evolved by His creator and sustainer.

    024] For that reason let man reflect upon the food he himself has been feeding upon both mentally and physically.

    025] We have been sending our messages as well as pouring down rainwater in abundance for that purpose.

    026] Moreover thereby We have been cleaving the soil asunder

    027] as well as We have been bringing forth grain.

    028] Also grapes and nutritious vegetation

    029] as well as olives and dates.

    030] Also lush gardens

    031] and fruits as well as fodder

    032] as a means of sustenance for you the mankind as well as for your cattle.

    033] Therefore human populations should heed Our message and work for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence or in time to come unpleasant or horrific things will take place in form of uprisings and upheavals or wars which will blow up things out of all proportions for mankind.

    034] So much so that during that period of time, a man will flee even from his own brother

    035] and his mother as well as his father

    036] and his wife as well as his children.

    037] Because each and every person during that terrible period of time will have enough terrifying concerns of his own to make him or her neglect or ignore or be indifferent to what happens to others or anyone else all around the person.

    038] However some persons or faces even during that period of time will be lively or energetic and shining,

    039] as well as smiling and joyful due to their thinking and doing what they are guided by us to think and do.

    040] But other faces during that period of time will be depressed or sad or covered in misery

    041] as if they are veiled with dark soot of smoke.

    042] These will be the faces of rejecters and opponents of Our advised way of life for mankind. The faces of people with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires due to which they will have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours whereby they will have secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which will have led them to their own destruction by hands of each other due to hatred and animosity between themselves.

    Surah 81        AL-TAKWEER- The gathering of mankind around the brilliant light of guidance from Allah will help them become a proper human community in his kingdom to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence with help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] When mankind will gather around the brilliant light of guidance of Allah

    002] and that will happen when the people enlightened by this guidance will spread out in the human world in order to enlighten others.

    003] At that time those who think of themselves as if they are masters over other people in Our kingdom will start losing their power over them.

    004] At that time the human populations that accept the idea of abusive use of human beings by each other as beasts of burden or slaves will abandoned this mindset, attitude and behaviour.

    005] At that time lawless and disorderly people as well as people who think of themselves above the law will become civilised and they will become a fully organised and self regulated communities.

    006] At that time the seas of human populations will burst forth and the human world will become closely linked and connected to each other.

    007] At that time all the benevolent and constructive minded people will join each other as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    008] That is the time when out of regret the mentally and physically retarded or less developed people in the human world will raise questions among themselves

    009] saying to each other, for what purpose and by which way of life they were kept from realising their God given full potentials for growth and development by their abusers and manipulators?

    010] That is the time when all the pages or parts of Our revealed scripture will become laid fully open before all of the human populations and they will have understood them properly.

    011] That is the time when the tricks and mechanisms invented and used by people in positions of power for keeping the masses enslaved will become fully exposed and known to the masses.

    012] That is the time when the movements by the enslaved people against the masters of the enslaved masses will heat up to their utmost degrees.

    013] That is the time when blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom will becomes obvious to mankind as an achievable reality for them,

    014] because each and every person by then will become aware as to what part one has to play to accomplish this goal.

    015] To prove all this, We draw your attention to the galaxies as evidence that they are revolving and travelling through space at a very high speed.

    016] Some of which are within your visual range and others beyond your visual range running along their set courses precisely.

    017] We also draw your attention to the darkness of the night or the darkness of ignorance as it covers up things as to what they are and how they work.

    018] Moreover we draw your attention to the daylight or the dawn of enlightenment or the light of knowledge as it makes manifest all that was hidden by the darkness of the night or the darkness of ignorance.

    019] Surely Our revelation is proclaimed among you the mankind by Our honourable messenger,

    020] who is authorised by the Owner of the Throne of the kingdom of the universe,

    021] whose way of delivering Our message is fully consistent with Our requirements as well as he is totally faithful to Our revealed message.

    022] Behold! Your this fellow human being is neither insane nor senseless at all

    023] rather the truth is, he has come across this ultimate wisdom that is verifiably of the highest possible degree.

    024] Moreover he is not at all of the envious or jealous kind to withhold from you the mankind this invaluable or highly valuable information which is for your best possible future as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    025] This message is surely not the word of any harmful and destructive leadership that tries to harm or destroy masses for securing its own petty personal gains from them at their expense rather it is a message for their protection against it.

    026] So where are you people heading away from this beautiful message?

    027] This message is nothing less than a most beautiful plan for the purpose of your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of your Creator and Sustainer.

    028] For the individuals as well as for the groups that wish to follow the way of life that is firmly founded and precisely balanced for giving you people a beautiful life or existence.

    029] Therefore you the mankind should follow no way of life other than that which is consistent with plan and purpose of Allah, the Creator and the Sustainer of all the creations.

    Surah 82         AL-INFITAAR- Establishment of kingdom of Allah in the human world will start taking form by hands of mankind when there is an explosion of purpose based information in the human world about his creation as well as his revelation and when that information is properly understood by mankind to act upon faithfully for fulfilling his assigned objective for them for which he has created them as well as all the rest of the creation.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] When the universe is opened up by mankind due to their explorations and discoveries,

    002] and when the galaxies are discovered and explored by mankind for clues about things mankind ought to know,

    003] and when the oceans of information are caused by mankind to burst forth flooding the human world with all kinds of information about things including the information mankind ought to know for the fulfilment of the purpose they have been created and evolved for,

    004] and when the unknown or hidden treasures of useful things in the earth or in the human world become accessible for mankind,

    005] during that time period each and every human population will become aware of the fact that our advised way of life for mankind can help them unite and be peaceful for making progress in order to prosper as a proper human community in our kingdom to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as well as each and every human population will also become aware of the way of life whereby it secures its petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which can hold it back and cause it to stagnate or regress or even be destroyed by hands of each other.

    006] So people will ask themselves in a regretful way, O man! What has been attracting you away from the beautiful way of life that was advised for you by your Glorious, Creator and Sustainer Who intended to change thereby your state of existence from a terribly humiliating state of existence to a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a proper human community in His kingdom?

    007] The One Who designed and evolved you for fulfilling His this intended purpose for which He equipped you suitably and gave you ability to judge and do things appropriately

    008] according to whatever way of life He chose for you to live by?

    009] Yet you people denied yourselves as well as each other living by the way of life that was advised for you by your Creator and Sustainer and that is how you people deprived yourselves as well as each other of benefits and advantages of His program for his set goals for you to accomplish according to his provided guidelines,

    010] even though they were for ensuring your own well being with help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    011] These things that were revealed by Allah for your guidance to abide by were faithfully preserved by scribes,

    012] However, set up systems and laws of Allah make obvious for mankind to see the results of all that they think and do for or against each other.

    013] From the delivered results so far, it is very much obvious for mankind that those human populations which lived by our advised way of life they ended up having a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    014] Whereas those who lived by any way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense ended up in a hellhole of their own making due to fire of hatred and animosity between themselves which tore them apart and many ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    015] So if any human populations will still not stop living by wrong ways of life which tear them apart then they will be kept tossed-in in the fire of hatred and animosity by each other till the time period when the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will gradually become fully established in the human world by mankind themselves.
    016] The rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life will never be able to get away from that kind of terribly humiliating existence unless they come to proper understanding of our advised way of life and start living by it faithfully.

    017] However what will help you the mankind to come to know about what will it be like to live during the period of time when Our advised way of life will become fully established in the human world through mankind themselves?

    018] And what will help you the mankind understand what the life of human beings will be like during the period of time when Our rule of law will become fully established for you people by yourselves in Our kingdom?

    019] The human existence during that period of time will be such that no human being will be master or slave of any other human being at all. Instead all will live as a brotherhood of humanity under rule of law of Allah during that period of time ensuring well being of each other for our sake alone.

    Surah 83      AL-MUTAFFIFEEN- Those who live by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up destroyed by hands of each other instead of living by our advised way of life for them for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Terribly painful future awaits each and every human population that lives its life by any way of life whereby it secures its petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    002] Those who take undue advantage of each other in such a manner that when they have to take by measure by weight or value from others, they take more than their due from others by force or by their set up tricky mechanisms whereby they inflict losses on others,

    003] and likewise when they have to give by measure to others by weight or by value, they cause loss to others using their force or trickery.

    004] Why do they not foresee that by doing so they are gradually inviting against themselves as a consequence an uprising or a revolt or bloody revolution or a terrible reaction by their victims- whereby they will be forced to leave their way of life which they invented and imposed upon their victims due to which they secure more and more power and wealth for themselves at the expense of their victims and they try to hold onto that power and wealth-

    005] during a terrible time period of grave consequences in due course?

    006] That will also be the time period when human populations or masses will rise up or stand up for the establishment of the way of life advised for them by the Creator and Sustainer of all the creations in his kingdom.

    007] So no way these oppressors and suppressors who tear their communities apart will be allowed to get away with it by their victims, the oppressed or suppressed masses. It is the writing on the stone or a foregone conclusion that the way of life invented and imposed by harmful and destructive ruling elite whereby they commit atrocities on their victims for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense will land them in a terrible humiliating trap or downward humiliating spiral due to their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against their own human populations.

    008] However what will make obvious for you the mankind what that terribly humiliating trap is?

    009] It is the way of life that is invented and imposed by powerful and wealthy ruling elite upon their victims whereby they secure their petty personal gains from them at their expense as has been explained in detail in all Our revealed scriptures which keeps landing such like people in a spiral of humiliating harms and destructions by hands of each other as if it is writing on the stone.

    010] Doom and gloom engulfs or surrounds or encompasses such people during that period of time who keep depriving each other of Our assigned rights and responsibilities.

    011] Such people as try to do whatever they can to delay the time and thereby deny the masses the establishment of Our advised way of life for them to take advantage of or benefit from.

    012] None prevent this from happening save each and every group of people who due to their ignorance based arrogance harbour harmful and destructive ambitions and desires due to which they have harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour against humanity.

    013] To whom when Our revelations are proclaimed which tell them about past uprisings or revolts they say, the uprising or revolt stories or bloody revolution stories are just made up stories about the people of old.

    014] Not at all! Rather in their minds is same ill will for others as is obvious from what they have been thinking and doing against each other so the same end result awaits them also.

    015] Not only that, due to their this mindset, attitude and behaviour they will continue depriving themselves and others from the benefits and advantages of guidance of their Creator and Sustainer even in the future as well for as long as they can.

    016] That is why as a people they will continue burning in their self created fire of hatred and animosity against each other.

    017] However in due course when they will come face to face with the forewarned terribly humiliating situation or bloody revolution or revolt they will be reminded by Our missionaries, this is that humiliating situation which you used to deny that it could happen to you.

    018] No, not only that will happen to them but also the way of life advised by Us when understood properly and adopted faithfully by those who seek freedom from all kinds of ills and troubles by these like people will surely take them to heights of excellence and will land them in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    019] However what will make obvious for you the mankind what Our advised way of life is which can help mankind become a great people who reach heights of excellence as a proper human community in our kingdom?

    020] This beautiful way of life that can raise mankind to heights of excellence was purposefully detailed in all Our revealed scriptures and it too is as if a writing on the stone.

    021] Which in turn is also explained or put forth faithfully as evidence for the rest of human populations to see or observe or witness by those who understand it properly and abide by it faithfully.

    022] Surely those who will think and do things according to Our advised way of life to free themselves from inflicting harms and destruction upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they too will end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    023] They too will rise and settle upon the heights of excellence due to contemplating about things at a highest level.
    024] So you the mankind will see their personalities or faces lively or full of life or energy and happiness due to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    025] All because they will be given to quench or satisfy their thirst for knowledge a drink from the fountain of or the sea of knowledge that is fi8rmly stamped by us to raise mankind to heights of excellence.

    026] It is because this beautiful drink is labelled firmly for raising mankind to heights of excellence therefore after taking in this drink mankind are inspired to try their best to outdo each other for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom instead of trying to dominate each other by undermining each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    027] This drink or revealed knowledge gives people the mindset, attitude and behaviour for reaching the heights of excellence and remaining at that level of existence which is right for them for becoming a proper human community in our kingdom,

    028] It is a spring or an ocean of knowledge from which drink only those who desire to live by or yearn for living by way of life advised for mankind by Allah for fulfilling the purpose for which he has created them.

    029] Yet those who commit crimes against humanity by depriving each other of Our given rights and responsibilities due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense dare to criticise those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom

    030] This is why whenever they come face to face with them they try to find faults in their way of life that is advised for them by us instead of learning sense of making proper sense of things and accepting what is true and doing what is right for mankind.

    031] Not only that but also whenever they are among people of their own kind they think of themselves as superior to those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    032] This is why whenever they see them due to their ignorance based arrogance they say to each other among themselves, these are the people who are foolish because surely they are living their lives the wrong way due to working for ensuring well being of each other instead of working for themselves for ensuring their own petty personal gains from others at their expense.

    033] However they were not sent as an authority over them to control them the way they wish to control or over power them.
    034] Nonetheless during the time period when the kingdom based upon Our guidance is properly established and maintained by those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom they will remind them about the end result of their foolishness due to their ignorance based arrogance for following their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains at the expense of others.

    035] It is because by then they will have reached the stage of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom to be the role model for the rest of the human populations to see and think and do likewise.

    036] So there is no excuse as to why those who reject and oppose Our advised way of life for mankind should not face the consequences of what they think and do to each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by going against Our provided guidance for mankind?

    Surah 84      AL-INSHIQAQ- The information explosion about our creation and our revelation among mankind in due course will help them develop and prosper into a proper human community in our kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.
    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] When our kingdom that is full of all kinds of creations is opened up by mankind by their explorations and discoveries

    002] and that is what is planned about it by its Creator and Sustainer and this will become a reality in due course,

    003] and that is when mankind will have explored and discovered things in the earth extensively

    004] and it will have gradually revealed for mankind what is hidden in it and all around it

    005] and that is what is planned about it by its Creator and Sustainer and this too will become a reality in due course,

    006] O you the human populations! Knowingly or unknowingly surely you have been gradually moving towards the fulfilment of the purpose for which your Creator and Sustainer has created you.

    007] However any human population that is given Our revealed book for this purpose and it understands it properly and abides by it faithfully,

    008] it experiences a quicker and easier journey to its set destination of becoming a proper human community in our kingdom.

    009] Therefore it happily turns towards its people to form or shape itself into a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring its own well being through help and full support of each other.

    010] However any human population that is given Our revealed book for this purpose but it instead of studying it properly and abiding by it faithfully it ignores, neglects or it takes it lightly or turns its back on it

    011] it soon invites for itself annihilation or destruction by hands of each other due to securing its petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense

    012] because of which it becomes victim of its self created intense fire of intense and animosity between its people.

    013] All this happens to any such human population which due to its ignorance and neglection of learning sense of making proper sense of things lets come about in it a class of people who enjoys living their lives on the backs of the rest of them whereby they secure their petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    014] This elite due to its ignorance based arrogance does not entertain the thought that consequences for living this way could lead its human population to its annihilation and destruction by hands of each other in due course so it should not live this way rather it should live by way of life advised for it by its Creator and Sustainer instead.

    015] Yes, it should live by way of life advised for it by its Creator and Sustainer because its creator and sustainer is fully aware of what it needs to think and do to fulfil the purpose for which He has created it as well as to fulfil this purpose according to his plan.

    016] For this reason We draw your attention towards rivalries and animosities between yourselves due to your greediness as well as your niggardliness or miserliness and covetousness or jealousy towards each other

    017] due to widespread darkness of ignorance among yourselves whereby you people fail to see the full picture of things which remain wrapped up in mysteries and confusions for you.

    018] Nonetheless you should not despair and pay attention to the moon as it gradually becomes the full moon.

    019] Likewise you the mankind will also keep growing in learning the knowledge and gradually or stage by stage become enlightened about things you ought to know and do so that you end up fulfilling our purpose according to our plan for which we have created and sustained you.

    020] So what justifications do human beings have after all these clear explanations of ours which are holding them back from committing themselves to working for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom?

    021] Moreover instead of committing themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our revealed guidance when the Quran is proclaimed to them, they refuse to accept and carry out its program for accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines.

    022] No, they not only reject and oppose the Quran based way of life themselves but they also try their best to deny its benefits and advantages to the rest of humanity as well.

    023] By such thoughts and actions of such like elite groups of people set up systems and laws of Allah make obvious for mankind to see their tricks and mechanisms they try to keep secret from the people at large or the public  or the masses.

    024] For reasons like these, warn all human populations about the continuation of their terrible painful suffering by hands of each other

    025] save those human populations which will repent from this way of living their lives which makes them enemies of each other and instead they will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence, so they will take all needed or necessary actions to bring people together to help humanity grow and prosper, for such there will be an unending benevolent outcome of their own thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other.

    Surah 85 AL-BUROOJ–The glorious program from Allah for his set goals for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines for their stage by stage growth and development to help them reach the heights of excellence as a proper human community in His kingdom with help and full support of each other for the sole purpose of having a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] We draw attention to our kingdom that is full of galaxies which are in turn full of solar systems or stars and planets.

    002] We also draw attention to the time period that is promised

    003] We draw attention of each and every person as well as of each and every group of persons that observes keenly the natural world as well as the human world.

    004] The fact is, doomed are those people who make this world a hellhole for themselves by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and those who do nothing against it or to stop it.

    005] That is how the fire of hatred and animosity gets ample supply of fuel to become kindled and continue.

    006] It is because most of the human populations have settled for continue living this way over a very, very long periods of time.

    007] Despite the fact that they have been witnessing what some of them have been doing to those who committed or devoted themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance.

    008] The truth is, they tortured and persecuted them and continue to do so for no other reason than their commitment to working for a blissful, dignified and secure existence of humanity as a proper human community in his kingdom according to way of life advised for mankind by Allah, the One Whose advised way of life can make humanity mighty strong which by being mighty strong can ma

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #121 - February 27, 2023, 11:10 PM

    Surah 72       AL-JINN-The strangers or outsiders who become familiar or insiders by giving up harmful and destructive way of life and adopt healing and benevolent way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity which ensures their well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Say, I have been informed that a group of non-locals or non-natives has heeded the message of the Quran and they have told their people that we have heard a wonderful or beautiful message

    002] that guides mankind towards appropriate or proper or right way of life so we have committed or devoted ourselves to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it. Therefore from now onwards we will not live by rule of law or way of life of anyone other than our creator and sustainer or we will not associate anyone in sovereignty or rulership of our Creator and Sustainer by accepting any human being as our ruler or master.

    003] Because He our Creator and Sustainer is the only rightful ultimate authority Who has neither a wife nor a son to share in His sovereignty.

    004] Yet foolish people from among us due to their ignorance based arrogance have been telling us lies or falsehood about Allah.

    005] It is because we wrongly assumed or took it for granted that neither religious and secular masses nor religious and secular leadership could tell lies to their people regarding such things as are about Allah.

    006] The reason the religious and the secular leadership was able to lie to us is because earlier religious and secular masses sought deliverance from their real life related livelihood and living problems through being attached to their religious and secular leadership, that is how they let religious and secular leadership increase its influence and control over them.

    007] So much influence and control they gained over masses that choked masses so they became desperate and hopeless and ended up thinking as you people assumed today that Allah will not raise anyone to put a stop or an end to their this carry on.

    008] Moreover even when we approached the highest leadership about our problems for their solutions by them we found the leadership well guarded by many stern guards who spoke to us with using hateful harsh words like piercing flames which raised fire of hatred and animosity in us against them.

    009] Therefore we used to sit there in hideouts or secret places to spy or eavesdrop on the highest leadership to get some information from them about things related to us but they have stopped even that for us to do so therefore whoever tries to do that now finds fierce guards with raging hatred waiting to ambush him.

    010] So now we are in such a state of ignorance about the top leadership activities that we do not really know whether any harm is intended for the down trodden or ruled people by it or whether their creator and sustainer intends to do something for their guidance.

    011] There are some people from among us who try to put things right but there are others as well who do the opposite so we have become divided into different groups following different ways of life which have brought us to this current state of terrible painful existence.

    012] That is how we have come to realise that we cannot defeat the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for living in this world properly nor can we defeat Him by escaping from His set out purpose and plan for us.

    013] Therefore we have heeded guidance of Allah and have committing ourselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to His guidance for our blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring our well being with help and full support of each other. It is because any people who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of their Creator and Sustainer will have no fear of harm and destruction by hands of each other nor of deception by each other due to not securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    014] Surely there are some among us who have committed to working for peace and some who have moved away from proper way of life. However those who have committed to working for peace it is they who have indeed found the way to freedom from all sorts of troubles or problem between themselves and they are on the path that is proper for mankind to land them in blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer.
    015] As for those who have deviated from the proper or right way of life they will indeed be consumed by fire of hatred and animosity between themselves due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    016] Had they steadfastly followed the path that is proper, We will have provided them with blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom through abundant rain,

    017] and thereby We will have showed them results of their hard works but any people who heed not the guidance of their creator and sustainer will undergo severe painful suffering by hands of each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    018] As for the community centres, they are for community officials and community workers to carry out tasks assigned for them by their communities according to their needs and wants in light of guidance of Allah for serving their communities, therefore people should refer to nothing at all other than guidance of Allah alone for their guidance for living in this world properly.

    019] That is why whenever a missionary or messenger of Allah stood up for the purpose of inviting people to his advised way of life for them, they gathered around him in big crowds to hear what he had to convey.

    020] Tell them, I too for sure invite mankind to guidance of my creator and sustainer alone for living properly in this world and I do not attribute sovereignty of this whole created world to anyone other than Him alone.

    021] Moreover tell them clearly that without help from guidance of Allah as well as your wholehearted and full as well as proper support for it I cannot manage to save you people from harms and destructions you people inflict upon each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense nor can I guide you to the right way of life without you people freely accepting the way of life advised for mankind by Allah to abide by it faithfully.

    022] Tell them also that I cannot find any protection at all for us human beings against what we have been clearly warned about by Allah without our true acceptance of what is revealed for us by him.

    023] So our safety and security only and only rests in accepting and spreading messages revealed for us human beings by Allah. For that reason if any people will reject and opposes guidance of Allah through His messenger then fire of hatred and animosity against each other is their lot for as long as they carry on living by any way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    024] When they will see all this happening before their very eyes about which they are being forewarned, they will come to realise whose helpers are weak and why as well as whose supporters are fewer in numbers and why.

    025] Say, I do not know whether that which you are warned against will soon take place in your case as well or whether my creator and sustainer will remove it altogether from you because it all depends upon your own response to his invitation whether you accept abiding by his advised way of life for mankind or you continue living by any way of life you have already chosen for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    026] In any case only He alone knows His future plan about us human beings and He does not reveal His plan about us to anyone

    027] save whom He chooses as his messenger and thereby He brings about his supporters, who walk along with him towards fulfilling his assigned mission from Allah to ensure safety and security of his people as a proper human community in his kingdom,

    028] so that thereby he demonstrate to mankind in form of coming about of His kingdom in the human world by hands of mankind themselves that they have indeed delivered the messages of their creator and sustainer to whole of the human world. For He encompasses by way of his knowledge all that surround them and he keeps full account of each and everything.

    Surah 73       AL-MUZZAMMIL  The one who is wholeheartedly, fully and properly involved in - and strives very, very hard for - bringing about a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance by bringing people very, very close together for ensuring well being of mankind with their help and full support for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] O you who is charged with responsibility to gather, coordinate, educate and train companions for carrying out the mission assigned by Allah!

    002] Rise up against the darkness of ignorance till it is reduced,

    003] to its half or even less

    004] or make yet more effort for this purpose as well as prioritise things by arranging or organising them in an orderly manner according to the requirements of the Quran for its set purpose and the way of fulfilling that purpose.

    005] All because soon We are going to burden you with yet more or heavier responsibilities so be ready for it.

    006] No doubt studying tasks properly for their proper understanding for carrying them out or doing them properly during the period of darkness of ignorance is most beneficial and advantageous as well as has long lasting effect and makes task planning easier and consistent for the best future.

    007] However no doubt during the enlightened period of time your work will need to be yet harder and for longer period of time in order to maintain things so that they do not fall apart or become undone.

    008] This is how you should strive very, very hard for establishing a proper human community in the kingdom of your creator and sustainer by remaining fully and wholeheartedly as well as properly committed or devoted to making his assigned mission successful.

    009] So that mankind come to realisation the fact that He alone is the owner and the ruler of this whole kingdom of his creation from one end of it to the other because none has the right to own or rule this kingdom of his other than he Himself so take only and only His guidance alone as a standard or criterion or benchmark or foundation for deciding all your affairs

    010] and with that in your mind face steadfastly and courageously in a dignified way what the rejecters and opponents of his rule of law claim and convince them to change their minds so that they stop living their lives the harmful and destructive way and start living their lives by way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer.

    011] If they fail or refuse to accept this truth then leave those people to My set-up systems and laws to deal with them by delivering them the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others whereby they secure their petty personal gains from them at their expense by denying them their My given rights, benefits and advantages by dispossessing them of these. So leave such people as enjoy My provisions themselves at the exclusion of all others to my set up systems and laws but do give them a time period to think over this matter sincerely and seriously.

    012] Surely We have in store information about terrible consequences for such people as think and do harmful and destructive things to each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby out of hatred and animosity against each other they place collars, fetters, shackles and chains in each other’s necks as well as in each other’s feet which prevent them from unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a human population.

    013] Due to choking food of hatred and animosity they are fed upon against each other as part of  their education and training program to condition them by their decision makers they are bound to end up in life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other in due course.

    014] Due to living this way in due course the human world and its influential people will be in the grip of a revolt or sudden uprising or bloody revolution by the masses and the influence of heavy weight people will crumble like heaps of shifting sand.

    015] This is why O mankind, We have surely sent to you a messenger as Our witness to you to deliver Our testimony or statement to you just as We sent a messenger to Pharaoh and his people before you people.

    016] At the time Pharaoh and his people rejected and opposed Our messenger therefore We found him in the grip of unrelenting uprising that raised him and his people to dust.

    017] So if you too will persist in your rejection and opposition to Our guidance due to your ignorance based arrogance then how will you people manage to avoid or escape the coming of the terribly painful time that will turn children into old men due to unbearable tension or stress and strain between yourselves due to hatred and animosity among yourselves?

    018] This is how during that time period the way of life imposed from above by force on the masses to control them by religious and secular ruling elite will totally collapse for the final time and it will become replaced by the way of life advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer by mankind themselves and that is how his promise about the establishment of a proper human community in his kingdom will ultimately become fulfilled.

    019] So no doubt this message from us is a lesson for you the mankind for your proper education and training to prepare yourselves for becoming a proper human community in our kingdom for your blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring your own well being with help and full support of each other. So whoever chooses he can give up harmful and destructive way of life and adopt the way of life that is advised for him by his creator and sustainer.

    020] For this reason surely your Lord will make obvious for mankind in due course to see that for success of His mission you work very, very hard as you work for nearly two thirds of the night, and sometimes half of the night or one-third of it and so do those who are with you for accomplishing this mission. However it is Allah who has set-up the phenomenon of the night and the day for mankind to be able to do things appropriately, because He made it known to you through your own life experiences that you cannot take in information or do things constantly all the time, so He advises you all to gather and understand as much information from the Quran as you ought to, as He has made it obvious for you that some people among you can fall ill and some need to go on some journeys for seeking blissful, dignified and secure existence according to guidance of Allah as well as some need to go on a campaign for the mission of Allah. Therefore follow all of you as much of the Quran as you ought to whatever you do, but no matter what you should all work together in a coordinated way complementing each other fully to establish the proper human community network to attain freedom from all ills or troubles or problems from among yourselves and that is how you should put your trust in set-up systems and laws as well as guidance of Allah for bringing about the world that is beautiful for your existence. Whatever you will do for your own best future as a proper human community in our kingdom, you will find its outcome delivered to you according to promise of Allah whose set-up systems and laws deliver greatest possible benefits as the outcome of proper thoughts and actions of mankind. That is why you should seek blissful, dignified and secure existence by working hard according to guidance of Allah because Allah grants mankind blissful, dignified and secure existence through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance.

    Surah 74       AL-MUDDASSIR  The one who strives very hard for bringing about a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance for ensuring well being of mankind with their help and full support for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For this reason, O you who is assigned a mission by us to establish our rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind with their help and full support for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance!

    002] Start informing mankind about our guidance and thereby about the consequences of their atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    003] That is how you should prove to mankind greatness of the rule of law of your creator and sustainer or his advised way of life for mankind by exposing problems with their self adopted ways of life and by explaining benefits and advantages of his advised way of life for them. 
    004] For that reason ensure that the mission you are assigned remains free of all kinds or sorts of impurities and adulterations as well as dirty tricks and mechanisms

    005] by shunning all types of harmful and destructive elements.

    006] Moreover do not even think about securing for yourself any petty personal gains from others at their expense.
    007] That is how you should prove or show to rest of mankind that you are steadfast in working for the success of the mission assigned to you by your creator and sustainer.

    008] That is how in time to come the trumpet of beauty of rule of law of your creator and sustainer will blow in the human world.

    009] That period of time will be a very distressful and worrying period of time

    010] and not at all a happy or joyful period of time for those who reject and oppose Our guidance due to their ignorance based arrogance because they will lose their power and wealth due to losing their appeal to masses as the masses become better and better aware of their harmful and destructive desires and ambition about them.

    011] So leave any such person to My set up systems and laws to face consequences of his harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others for securing his petty personal gains from them at their expense, the one whom I created as an individual to live for fulfilling my assigned purpose for him according to my plan

    012] and for that very purpose I provided him with abundant resources to manage or use them properly,

    013] as well as solid supporting basis or guidelines to make that management of provided resources evident for masses to witness,

    014] whereby I made possible for him to have a smooth and comfortable existence.

    015] However after having all these things, he is still hungry or greedy for more that is why he is denying things of need to others or dispossessing them of their God given rights through his harmful and destructive tricks and mechanisms.

    016] No, he cannot have more of all this? Because out of ignorance based arrogance he has rejected and opposed Our goals and guidelines for mankind.

    017] Therefore soon We will find him engulfed or wrapped up in troubles and problems with his victims,

    018] because he thought and devised a plot or scheme against Our set goals and provided guidelines.

    019] He will surely perish because that is the way he plotted or schemed or conspired!

    020] In time to come, he will perish indeed, for that is how he conspired against Our mission!

    021] Thereafter he waited for a chance to implement his plot,

    022] out of his dislike or hatred and animosity against Our rule of law in the human world or advised way of life for mankind.

    023] That is why in rage he turned his back on Our message out of sense of domination over others by undermining them

    024] and said, this whole message is nothing but an old trick indeed which is very effective or influential for fooling us thereby.

    025] Surely this Quran is nothing but word of an ordinary human being.

    026] Due to his such a harmful and destructive response to Our advice We see him dragging himself gradually into an agonising painful suffering due to his hatred and animosity for mankind.
    027] However what will explain to you what that agonising painful suffering is?

    028] It is a state or way of terribly worrisome existence wherein one neither lives nor dies due to hatred and animosity between people against each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense .

    029] Surely, our guidance that is written on the pages between the covers or the Quran is a shield against this state or way of existence for mankind.

    030] Upon its provided foundation rests building of the best possible human community by mankind in our kingdom.

    031] However, we have not placed any barrier or protection for mankind against a people who spread fire of hatred and animosity as well as fights and wars between mankind save the people who work for the success of our assigned mission to deliver Our guidance to mankind so that mankind could guard themselves against the fire of hatred and animosity as well as fights and wars between themselves in order to stop their lives from becoming hell. Moreover We have not set a period of time for them but for struggling against those who reject and oppose or fight against Our guidance so that the people who have Our book and read it to understand it properly to adopt its advised way of life faithfully gain the needed confidence and so that those who are wholeheartedly and fully as well as properly committed or devoted to working for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in our kingdom are motivated more and more in due course, and so that people who have our book and who are committed to working for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind have no doubts to cause instability in their minds, and so that those in whose minds there is any harmful and destructive desire or ambition against others and the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance due to their ignorance based arrogance may ask, what is the purpose of Allah behind all this explanation or what Allah is trying to achieve through all this explanation? This is how Allah leaves one to stray if one so desires by showing lack of interest in studying properly for following faithfully His book and guides whom He finds working hard for studying properly for following his book faithfully. No one knows forces of your Creator and Sustainer save he himself alone unless He Himself makes them obvious for mankind to see them in action. Despite being powerful, Allah is not going to force mankind to accept his message rather he expects mankind to be sensible enough to use their sense of making proper sense of things in order to judge this Quran properly for what it is worth for them and if they will do that then they will find that this Quran is nothing less than a greatest blessing for mankind because it tells them the purpose of their existence according to their creator and sustainer to live for as well as it tells them the way to fulfil that purpose.

    032] No, the message in the Quran is not going to reach all instantly nor it is going to be understood by all at once rather it is going to take its time to reach home. For making this point clear We draw your attention to the moon as it starts shining and gradually becomes the full moon because likewise our cool or pleasant light of enlightening knowledge will spread gradually in the human world till it reaches and enlightens whole of the human world.

    033] We also put forth as evidence the widespread darkness of ignorance in minds of mankind about our plan and purpose for mankind as it gradually decreases to a bare minimum possible.

    034] Moreover we put forth as evidence the appearance of our light of knowledge as well as its gradual spreading in the human world till the whole of humanity becomes enlightened by it.

    035] Surely this Quran is the final of the mighty

    036] wake up calls for the mankind to stop living by harmful and destructive ways of life and start understanding properly and living faithfully by its advised way of life.

    037] The Quran is for any and every people who truly want to become united therefore peaceful in order to make progress and be prosperous by following it or neglect and ignore it and end up in stagnation and regression and thereby fall in dire poverty trap.

    038] Behold! Each and every human population is held hostage or in bondage by other human populations because of what people think and do for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they adopt harmful and destructive ways of life

    039] except the people who live by way of life advised for them by Allah which is proper for landing them in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom in due course.

    040] The people who will have turned their living places into blissful, dignified and secure places for themselves by their hard works with help and full support of each other will ask

    041] the people who will have turned their living places into living hell holes for themselves by their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other,

    042] What has landed you into this life of hell you are living in?

    043] They will reply, we were not of those who established proper human community network for fulfilling needs of each other properly,

    044] so we did nothing to cater for needs of each other properly,

    045] instead we became involved in struggles for securing our petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and adopted harmful and destructive religious and secular ideas and practices.

    046] that is how due to our ignorance based arrogance we ended up denying ourselves benefits and advantages of guidance of Allah for a long period of time

    047] till the result of our own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions became very much obvious for us to see with our own eyes.

    048] This is why no intervention by any intervener for stopping them from living the wrong way was of any benefit for them.

    049] So what is the matter with them that they are trying to avoid this message- that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence-

    050] like the frightened donkeys

    051] which flee from the hungry lions?

    052] Behold! Each of them wants a direct scripture for himself from Allah to be unrolled before him.

    053] No, the fact is, due to their ignorance based arrogance they are not at all concerned about their best possible future as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    054] Regardless of their such response the fact is, this Quran is the final reminder from us that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    055] So let any of the people who wish to have a blissful, dignified and secure future heed this message.

    056] However none learn His provided lessons to benefit from or take advantages of except the ones who truly desire to know the plan and purpose of Allah for their creation. Such are the ones who try their best to be ideologically as well as practically consistent with it as well as with each other so they are the ones who are bound to end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    Surah 75        AL-QIYAAMAH- The raising and maintaining of a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah by mankind themselves by way of a proper education and training based revolution according to his guidance for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.   

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Without doubt We hereby proclaim that the rule of law of Allah or the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will become established in the human world in due course by human beings themselves according to our guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other.

    002] For that reason We put forth as evidence the human conscience which is most critical of mankind’s harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each others. This is why as human beings will become more and more aware and knowledgeable about their purpose of existence and the way to fulfil it they will become a proper human community in our kingdom.

    003] So we ask a human being who due to his ignorance based arrogance thinks we cannot give a solid foundation to a proper human community that on what valid basis does such a person think that We cannot plan, organise and regulate humanity on a solid foundation through Our guidance as a proper human community in our kingdom?

    004] No, we are not incapable of doing that at all rather We are fully capable of putting together for man the needed things as an appropriate foundation for a proper human community in our kingdom in a proper way.

    005] However many of the mankind intend to carry on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense even into the future in opposition to our guidance even after our guidance has been delivered to them for their proper study of it as well as for its faithful adoption by them.

    006] Despite all the provided information mankind still ask, when exactly will rule of law of Allah or the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will become an established reality in the human world?

    007] It will become a reality in the human world in due course when the sense of mankind for making proper sense of things becomes brilliantly sharp,

    008] and for that reason the religious and the secular leadership loses its influence due to loss of its appeal to masses.

    009] and the harmful and destructive leadership and the following are brought together face to face to confront each other.

    010] During that time period each and every human being with harmful and destructive desires and ambition which give the human beings harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour against each other will say, is there any way to escape this situation or state of existence or set of circumstances or consequences?

    011] No! There will not be any escape route or way out or way to save oneself during that period of time.

    012] It is because during that period of time, blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind will only and only be in accepting wholeheartedly and fully as well as properly the beautiful foundation provided by your Creator and Sustainer for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    013] During that period of time human beings will be made to realise by each other as to what they have sent forth for their future by way of the outcomes of their thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    014] Surely any human being oneself should be most aware of one’s own motives, thoughts and actions that will land him in the situation one will find oneself in.

    015] Even if any harmful and destructive person will try to justify one’s harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others by offering excuses to the officials or people in charge or in authority at that time.

    016] One will be told, do not try to be too clever with us about it,

    017] because it is our duty and responsibility to collect evidence about you and read it out to you.

    018] So when we have completed our findings or investigative report or statement about you then you can read it and confirm it.

    019] Thereafter officials or people in charge will tell the person, it is our duty and responsibility to make our findings and verdict about you public.

    020] They tell the perpetrator or inflictor of harms and destruction upon others, no you never had any valid excuse for committing crimes against humanity rather people like you were in a desperate hurry and loved getting your hands on things rightfully provided for others that you had no right to.

    021] That is how you jeopardised or ruined your future by creating hatred and animosity as well as fights and wars between mankind by dispossessing mentally and physically weaker people of their God given rights.

    022] This is why during that period of time when rule of law of Allah or the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will become fully established in the human world by human beings themselves some faces will become fresh and lively or highly energetic

    23] looking forward to the establishment of the kingdom based properly upon guidance of their creator and sustainer,

    024] just as during that very period of time some faces will become dark with sadness due to terrible painful suffering or facing humiliation,

    025] worrying and anxious about some backbreaking calamity that is about to befall them.

    026] Nay, they will be yet more desperate for freedom from this situation like a person who is about to breath one’s last in this world but struggles to survive,

    027] and those around him ask each other, is there anyone who could do anything to save this person’s life?

    028] But there will not be any and the dying person will finally give up his fight for life accepting the fact that it is time to go.

    029] Likewise one is forced to move with time at least by interacting natural forces step by step if one does not learn to move in line with provided guidance 

    030] towards the goal set by your Creator and Sustainer till the time period one is made to take one’s final or last step.

    031] Even though one neither confirmed nor supported the true or proper way of life advised for mankind by us nor established the proper human community network in our kingdom

    032] but instead one denied benefits and advantages of Our guidance to others as well as turned away from it oneself by neglecting or ignoring it.

    033] and he dared walk among his people full of haughtiness and arrogance.

    034] Be aware O man, your time to face the consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others is ever coming closer and closer,

    035] surely your time is approaching ever closer and closer so repent from living by harmful and destructive way of life and reform by adopting way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    036] Does man think he is here in this world by himself therefore he is totally free to think and do as he pleases or has he been brought in this world by his creator and sustainer to serve his purpose according to his plan or to accomplish his set goals for him according to his provided guidelines?

    037] Was he not once upon a time just a sperm that was emitted which joined an ovum?

    038] Which then turned into an embryo whom Allah evolved into due proportions,

    039] and brought forth out of that very same embryo both the sexes, male and female.

    040] Is He then not likewise able to bring the dead human beings back to life again in hereafter or in the life to come?

    Surah 76      AL-INSAAN-The time and the chains of causes and effects involved in the processes of bringing about mankind as well as their mental and physical growth and development for the purpose of becoming a proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other so that his greatness in absolute goodness becomes self evident for mankind.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Behold! Did there ever pass a very long time period over mankind during which they may not have thought and done much worth mentioning?

    002] Indeed at a stage in the process of their creation we evolved them through a process of joining of a sperm with an ovum to develop them for this very purpose of a very hard struggle for becoming proper human beings in our kingdom for which we placed in them potential to be able to learn sense of making proper sense of things in order to be able to do things.

    003] For that very purpose we also advised for them a way of life and gave them ability to make choices to use our provisions or granted things properly for the purpose of having a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom or to live their own way to misuse or mishandle or mismanage or abusively use our provisions by securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and suffer the terribly painful consequences by hands of each other.

    004] For the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance We have explained clearly the life of chains and fetters for them by hands of each other which will hinder them and hold them back from progress and prosperity therefore will not let them grow and develop to our given full potential as a people. Also we have made clear for them the life full of intense fire of hatred and animosity they will end up with as a consequence of securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    005] Surely those who will learn properly and follow faithfully Our guidance they will keep themselves free from chaining and fettering each other which hold mankind back from unity, peace, progress and prosperity as well as they will keep themselves free from fire of hatred and animosity against each other because they will have drunk or absorbed or taken in knowledge from a cup or container of blissful, dignifying and life securing knowledge which will brighten up their minds and sharpen their senses.

    006] The drink in the cup or container will be from a gushing spring or fountain or sea of knowledge with which those who serve mission of Allah will have refreshed themselves and they will take it through channels from place to place for distribution to quench the thirst of knowledge of the rest of the human populations.

    007] Such are the people who keep their thoughts and actions in check with our guidance or fulfil their declared promise with us because they fear or dread the time period of widespread unrests or revolts or upheavals or bloody revolutions which could result from their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    008] No doubt out of love or loyalty to rule of law of Allah they ensure for sake of Allah alone provisions for all who need them including those who are isolated or at a distance as well as those who are held captive or are held in bondage by those who act against our guidance for freeing them all from their worries and concerns about their livelihood.

    009] They also tell them, we provide you with what you duly need or want purely for the sake of rule of law of Allah therefore we expect from you neither any reward nor any gratitude or thanks, for our reward rest with Allah for sake of whom we serve his human creatures according to his guidance.

    010] All because we dread the torment or terrible painful suffering that will result in a very distressful period of time of revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions as foretold or warned by our creator and sustainer if we will neglected our God imposed duties and responsibilities to each other.

    011] That is how set up systems and laws of Allah will spare them from the harms and destructions of the period of time of revolts or uprisings or upheavals and deliver them a life of happiness and joy,

    012] That will be their reward for their steadfastness, a life wrapped up in or surrounded or covered by blessings, dignity and security free of all troubles and needless worries.

    013] Therein they will be raised to such a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a proper human community in our kingdom that they will neither see or feel any burning hatred and animosity against each other in there nor will they see or show any lack of concern for ensuring well being of each other.

    014] Therefore pleasant and delightful mood will prevail all around them because of their hard works for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    015] Overwhelmed by the idea of living for the purpose of being a proper human community in our kingdom according to our advised way of life for them they will be looked after by like minded people who will be equally and sincerely as well as properly committed and engaged in thinking and acting on time for getting things done because they will have highly valuable or brilliant minds as well as crystal clear understanding of purpose and the way to fulfil it due to drinking from our cup or source of enlightening knowledge.

    016] The crystal clear understanding due to brilliant minds and sharp senses will make them think and do things according to our benevolent set criteria or standards or measures or values for mankind.
    017] because they will have been given to drink from our cup or container or source of blessed drink that has healing or repairing or soothing or mending properties for fractured relationships or tensions between people in order to unite them into a proper community in our kingdom.

    018] This drink will be from a fountain or spring or sea of knowledge that has the property or quality or attribute or characteristic called Salsabil which can help mend fractured relationships between people by removing tensions and disputes from between them by giving them solid foundation for a caring and sharing human community so that humanity could grow and develop to our given full potential.

    019] They will be served by graceful, transparent minded, energetic people of the proper human community in our kingdom, whenever you the mankind will see them they will be ever busy improving their human community in our kingdom.

    020] Therefore in whichever direction you will look, you will see blessings and splendours of a graceful and glorious human community in our kingdom.

    021] They will be properly arranged or organised and regulated in their official robes or garbs for greatest possible growth and development of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom because their creator and sustainer will have given them to drink from the blessed drink that will help them think clearly and sharply do things quickly that serve His goal according to his advised way of life.

    022] Surely this will be a reward for you people and that is how your hard work will become highly appreciated and valued due to your proper use or management of our provisions.

    023] No doubt that it is for bringing about this kind of proper human community in our kingdom in stages by yourselves We have revealed this Quran for you the mankind.

    024] Therefore show steadfastness for establishing the rule of law of your creator and sustainer and do not yield or give in to any people who reject and oppose our guidance and inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    025] For this purpose strive very, very hard day and night to convince mankind about the fact that rule of law of your creator and sustainer is the most benevolent for them to abide by.
    026] Therefore during the period of darkness of ignorance remain fully and wholeheartedly as well as properly committed or devoted to accomplishing his assigned mission successfully by struggling or campaigning hard through the long period of darkness of ignorance.

    027] These rejecters and opponents of Our guidance due to their ignorance based arrogance love unduly hoarding or piling up things for securing their own petty personal gains from the masses at their expense by controlling or conditioning or manipulating them for furthering their own harmful and destructive agendas due to their harmful and destructive desires and ambition whereby they end up with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against them because due to their ignorance based arrogance they ignore or neglect the time period when as a consequence these masses could rise up or revolt against them to inflict heavy losses upon them.

    028] They should become aware of the fact that it is We who have brought them about by process of evolution whereby we let them evolve as powerful families. That is the mechanism whereby we replace one generation of people with another of their own kind according to our plan for serving our purpose better.

    029] This is indeed our guiding principle or law in operation in the human world  so let any group or generation of people that wishes to live in this world to serve our purpose according to our plan understand the way of life advised for it by its creator and sustainer properly and adopt it faithfully.

    030] So you the mankind should not plan to live by any other way of life against the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. It is because Allah is all knowing and his rule of law is based upon his mighty wisdom for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    031] He admits any and every people into His kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community that wish to do so and they work hard for it. On the contrary for those who inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense He has made it amply clear that such a people will end up in a terribly painful suffering by hands of each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #122 - March 09, 2023, 01:46 AM

    Surah 67    AL-MULK - The kingdom of Allah is for mankind to bring about and maintain in there for themselves by their own hard works blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community according to his guidance through unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to ensure their own well being with help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Provider of abundant useful things as well as his guidance for mankind is he with whose mighty being rests ownership and rulership of all that he has created in his kingdom of creation and who has put in place all kinds of needed measures for all things to make them work properly according to his plan for fulfilling the purpose for which he has created them.

    002] He Who has set-up criterion or standard for mindset, attitude and behaviour of mankind to measure thereby their rise and fall or progression and regression because he has put mankind through a very hard struggle to make it obvious for them which of them works to the best of his God given abilities for making the human world a beautiful place for all of them for fulfilling his plan and purpose for which he has created them. This is why He is the sole provider of mighty foundation for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence with help and full support of each other.

    003] He Who has evolved many galaxies and solar systems or stars and planets in them layers upon layers yet they are all consistent with their purpose of creation and in harmony with each other for that particular reason. So O you who observes them, you will not see any purpose related faults or conflicts or flaws within the creation of the Sustainer of the kingdom of the creation in respect of its stated plan and purpose. You can focus your attention or direct your ability of observation and understanding of things towards it to make proper sense of it and you will see no conflicts or clashes between the realities of the real world and Our revelations about them, so after observing and making proper sense of them, do you see any flaws or faults or conflicts between them?

    004] If not then have yet another critical or careful look at these again, your sight and critical thinking will become tired but you will not be able to see any clashes or conflicts between them.

    005] Likewise for sure We have adorned or beautified the human world by means of guiding lamps such as our messengers or missionaries for humanity and We have arranged them to keep in check the leaders and their supporters in the human world who due to their ignorance based arrogance have harmful and destructive desires and ambition therefore they have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against the rest of mankind and for that reason we have set up for them systems and laws to deliver to them terribly painful consequences for their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and action against others.

    006] And that is how - for those who reject and oppose the way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer - their existence becomes a terrible painful suffering by their own making, which is a terrible state of existence for themselves to be in.

    007] When by dispossessing each other by looting and plundering each other they are pushed by each other into the ditch of fire of hatred and animosity as well as war with each other, they will hear its roaring as it heats up the social environment or atmosphere 

    008] as if it is bursting with rage. Each time a group is pushed therein by another group, people who will have warned them - against such ways of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by force or by tricks- to save them will ask them, did not any warner come to you telling you that if you did not live by guidance of Allah then this is the situation or state of existence you are going to end up in?

    009] They will say, yes indeed a warner did come to us but we denied our people the benefits and advantages he promised us if we will install the rule of law of Allah and observe it faithfully but instead we rejected and opposed him and said to him, Allah never revealed anything, you are just making it up or you are making a serious mistake in thinking that He has.

    010] They will further say, had we at all bothered to listen to his advice or guidance and had we used our own ability to understand things properly then we will not have ended up in this terrible painful suffering now as a people by being full of mutual hatred and animosity towards each other due to which we are waging wars against each other.

    011] That is how they will confess their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions to them because far away will be the people in state of painful suffering from the people who will be in state of blissful and dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    012] As for those who pay due attention to the guidance from their creator and sustainer putting their trust in the promised outcome in the future, for them will be blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom which will be a greatest outcome of their own beautiful thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other.

    013] Regardless you express yourselves in private or do so in the open in public about each other, surely He makes known whatever motives are in your minds for or against each other through your own actions in due course.

    014] Could He not make them known Who has created everything because He is fully able to make obvious for mankind even the smallest of things?

    015] It is He Who has made this world for you to manage it properly according to his guidance so negotiate or make your ways through it freely by making proper use of His provisions and sustenance in accordance to His provided program, goals and guidelines so that you could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    016] Or do you expect to be left in peace by any of those people who live in lofty mansions at the expense of the masses or down trodden people that these like people will not bury you the masses alive very deep in the earth and that way make the earth tremble by their tyranny and brutality?

    017] Or can you expect to be left in peace by any of those who live in lofty mansions at the expense of masses that such a group or party of people will not send against you an army to attack you like a violent tornado? Are you waiting for all this to happen to you before you come to realise the value of My guidance and my warning?

    018] But likewise denied their people the benefits and advantages of Our rule of law the ruling elites, the priestly classes and the money lending parties that have gone before them therefore see how terrible was the end result for those who did not stop thinking and doing from what We stopped them?

    019] Why do they not observe the birds to learn lessons from when they fly above them spreading their wings and folding them? Nothing helps them fly in the air except the set-up systems and laws by the Sustainer of the kingdom of creation. Surely it is He Who likewise has taken care of all affairs about all things through his set up systems and laws according to his plan and purpose.

    020] Even though you are a large population of human beings, who is there that can help you other than the guidance of Sustainer of the kingdom of creation to live your lives properly in this world? Surely those who reject and oppose as well as fight against the rule of law of Allah for mankind are suffering from delusions of greatness without thinking and doing great things for ensuring well being of each other.

    021] Or who is there that can grant you provisions for your sustenance if He withheld His provisions from you? Yet they persist in rebellion and aversion against the way of life that is purposefully proper for them to live by.

    022] Just think about it, who is rightly guided, he who walks with his face bent aside and cannot see or know the road and the destination ahead therefore knows not where he is going or he who can see properly the destination where he is going as well as he walks properly along the firmly founded proper path to a definite destination?

    023] Say, it is He Allah Who has evolved you into human beings and gave you the abilities of hearing, seeing and understanding yet you seldom use them properly for the purpose they are given to you.

    024] Say, it is He Who has originated and multiplied you in this world and under His rule of law you will all be gathered in due course to live your lives properly as a proper human community in his kingdom for your blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    025] They ask, when this promise of establishment of his rule of law in the human world will become fulfilled if what you say is true?

    026] Tell them, Allah has surely made it known for mankind through His revelation as to when it will take place so I am a clear informer about it. It will happen when you the mankind will understand his guidance properly and abide by it faithfully, the sooner you will do that the sooner it will take place.

    027] In due course when they will see it is going to happen, the faces of those who conspire to wage wars to stop this from happening will turn dark with rage and sadness so they will be told, this is what you were calling for so it is here now despite all your efforts and hard works against it.

    028] Say, will you give this matter the due attention that regardless I am destroyed by not following the guidance of Allah properly along with those with me or that we succeed in establishing a proper human community in his kingdom for our blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring our well being with help and full support of each other according to his guidance yet the question that remains to be considered is, who will save the rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah from terrible painful suffering by hands of each other they are hell bent on landing themselves in?

    029] Say, this guidance is from the Sustainer of the kingdom of this whole creation so we have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it and we have placed our trust upon what it promises as the outcome for our thoughts and actions according to it therefore you will soon come to know by results of your own thoughts and actions which of us is in error that is manifest or clear to see.

    030] Say, O you people - who claim your personal or private ownership of things such as land and resources and means of production and distribution instead of accepting the ownership of your creator and sustainer and managing and using things according his guidance for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan – have you considered the situation that if one day all the water you have within your reach evaporates or disappears then who is there that can bring you the clear flowing pleasant fresh water other than the set-up systems and laws of Allah the sole wise ruler of the kingdom of this whole creation? So you have no right to claim ownership of anything at all because ownership of whole of this kingdom of creation belongs to Allah alone so learn to live properly and faithfully by his rule of law so that you could have a great life in his kingdom.

    Surah 68      AL-QALAM-The guiding information for trimming and carving or shaping of mankind into a proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] NOON, We cite as evidence the pen and whatever mankind write with it including that which they write in support of or against our guidance and missionaries.

    002] Regardless the blessed revelation of your creator and sustainer sent to you for the purpose of guidance of mankind proves beyond any reasonable doubt the fact that you are not struck by insanity or madness or senselessness or foolishness as a person

    003] And there is no doubt whatsoever that due to proper understanding and faithful following of this guidance you will earn such a reward or return for your hard works that will never come to an end.

    004] It is because through our guidance you are put on a path that leads a person to sublime standard of character or heights of excellence.

    005] Soon you will see as well as those who reject and oppose this program, its goals and guidelines that all this will become a reality before the very eyes of all of you people.

    006] This will clearly show which of you is really afflicted with fire of hatred and animosity against Our program as well as humanity therefore that very person is actually acting as insane or mad or senseless or foolish or stupid.

    007] Surely set up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer make obvious in due course through their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense those who due to their ignorance based arrogance remain distant from His advised way of life for mankind and likewise they also make obvious in due course those who receive His guidance and study it properly as well as act upon it faithfully through the outcomes of their thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other.

    008] So never give-in to senseless or foolish demands of those leading people who deny benefits and advantages of Our guidance to masses by thinking and acting against or in contradiction to our guidance.

    009] These leading people desire that you strike a deal with them on their terms so that they too could consider a compromise that suits them at the expense of our guidance for mankind.

    010] Never should you agree or compromise with any of these like debased and confused people who are in chaos and cause anarchy and lawlessness or disorder who have no solid foundation to stand upon for building a proper human community in our kingdom.

    011] These leading people conspire for disputes, divisions, rivalries, fights and wars between masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense so that the masses do not and cannot become a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance.

    012] These leading people (rulers, money lenders and priests) oppose all thoughts and actions which could ensure well being of mankind through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom that is how they breach or break all Our set limits for ensuring well being of mankind.

    013] These oppressors and suppressors of mankind are so dangerous for mankind as if they are born to destroy humanity,

    014] just because this group has unduly taken control of land and resources as well as of means of production and distribution and has hoarded plenty of wealth because of having many equally ignorant and arrogant supporters to wage wars for this purpose against the rest of human population.

    015] This is why when Our lessons for living properly in our kingdom are proclaimed to this category of people so that they could learn to live properly in this world as a proper human community by knowing what happened to people like them before them due to what they thought and did, instead of pondering over Our revealed lessons properly they say, they are nonsense made up stories about the people of old.

    016] With this like mindset, attitude and behaviour in due course We will find these like groups of people biting the dust.

    017] Because in due course We will surely let these people also suffer similar painful consequences for their similar harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each others as We let happen to the managers of a beautiful garden in our kingdom when with their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours they decided that they will harvest its fruits for keeping them for themselves only during the time period when it is ready to be harvested

    018] without having due regard for the guidance of Allah as well as each other as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    019] Behold! A visitor fell upon the fruits of their beautiful garden in our kingdom the while they slept or sat idle as per warning of your creator and sustainer,

    020] and by the harvesting time the garden lay destroyed as if it had been harvested already.

    021] That is because on the occasion of harvesting at the daybreak the group called out to one another

    022] some telling others, go out early to your crop if you want to pick its fruit to keep for yourselves only, avoiding any unwanted attention by any needy person.

    023] So they went whispering to one another,

    024] let no needy person enter upon you in the garden today.

    025] Thus they went out all hyped up in their stingy resolve.

    026] But when they saw the garden some of them said to others, surely we must have lost our way to our garden!

    027] The others replied, no rather we ourselves have become destitute and needy of other peoples’ help.

    028] The most upright among them said, did I not tell you to be mindful of guidance of Allah regarding the well being of others? Why did you not strive to uphold His rule of law instead of working against it?

    029] Only after going through same experience themselves they heeded the advice of the wise person among them and said, warning of Our creator and sustainer was true indeed, surely we acted against it and as a result harmed ourselves as a people by not helping each other in time of need,

    030] and they started blaming one another for their straying off of Our advised way of life towards unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    031] Finally they realised and said to each other, troublesome future awaited for us because we had become distant from guidance of Allah as well as from each other so let us from now on understand it properly and follow it faithfully and become a proper human community in his kingdom in actual reality by our thoughts and deeds.

    032] They said, now that we have become one people as per advice of Allah, we can hope that our creator and sustainer will guide us in exchange for a better world than the one we lost. Surely according to guidance of our creator and sustainer if we will strive hard to turn our world as we have it into a better place then it will be granted to us by him.

    033] Behold! This is how personal suffering at times helps people turn better but being able to learn lessons from the sufferings of the people of the past has yet greater advantage if these like people could realise it because that will save them from suffering the pain themselves.

    034] Surely those who are consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other they will end up as outcome of their own very hard works in blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdoms as told by their creator and sustainer.

    035] How could We treat those who live faithfully by Our guidance for the good of each other like those who commit crimes against each other by living against Our guidance?
    036] What is the matter with you the mankind that you do not even think as to how you should be governed properly as per Our guidance?

    037] Or do you have a guiding book from someone equally powerful other than Allah in which you read

    038] that you are free to grab anything and everything as your personal without any consequences or set limits?

    039] Or do you have any other agreement than the Quran from Us – an agreement that is binding for Us till the day Our advised way of life becomes fully established as our rule of law in our kingdom as told in the Quran - that you can take whatever you decide as your personal without any consequences or limits meanwhile?

    040] Ask these chiefs, priests and money lenders if any of them will stand by anything like this when any of them himself is on the receiving end of the same harm and destruction that they inflict upon others!

    041] Or do they truly have other gods than Allah? If so, let them produce evidences from their gods if they are truthful in their claims of this kind.

    042] During the time period of revolt or uprising or bloody revolution the dreadful consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions will start unfolding before them yet when they will be asked to accept abiding by rule of law of Allah to stop all this happening, they will still fail to do so in the hope that it is just a passing phase and they will return to their position of power again after this phase is over.

    043] However they will stand with their eyes cast down in the end due to being utterly humiliated by each other during that period of time. Instead of going through all this humiliation surely it would have been better for them that when they were asked to accept abiding by rule of law of Allah before reaching this stage, they should have accepted living or abiding by rule of law of Allah.

    044] However let Me make it absolutely clear that people like these will face these like consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others who deny benefits and advantages of this revelation to them. We will let them drag each other step by step or stage by stage to their own destruction by the very ways and means whereby they inflict harm and destruction upon others because they bother not to understand Our guidance properly to reform themselves according to it. That is how they will be struck by a calamity about which they will have no idea as to where from it has befallen them or what for.

    045] I will let them have their life time as per My set-up systems and laws to think and do as they choose, nonetheless My set-up systems and laws are foolproof so they never fail.

    046] Despite clarity of Our message what stops them from following Our guidance? Is it that you are asking them for anything in return for delivering Our message that they are overburdened with debt? No, rather it is their ignorance based arrogance that is stopping them from receiving and understanding this message properly and from adopting it faithfully.

    047] Or have they become aware that their future is secure whatever they think, say or do, so they have decided to live like this without any concern for or worry of the consequences for whatever harm they think and do against each others?

    048] Regardless of whatever they think, say or do, strive very, very hard steadfastly for convincing people for the establishment of the rule of law of your Creator and Sustainer in His kingdom so that you do not end up in a situation like that of the fellow who was forced to migrate or move from place to place. At the time he called on Us for help because he was oppressed and in distress due to persecution.

    049] Had there not reached him guidance from his creator and sustainer to free him from this situation, he would have certainly remained entrapped for rest of his life in that state of painful existence.

    050] That is the reason his creator and sustainer chose him and turned him into a person like of those who mend rifts between mankind to bring about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

    051] So be aware that the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance when they come to listen the Quran, they actually come looking for an opportunity to trip you so that you make some mistake about it and they could use that to prove their saying, he is surely an insane or senseless person.

    052] But the fact is, this Quran is nothing less than a message from us for leading all the human populations in the world to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer.

    Surah 69   AL-HAAQQAH- The real truth is if mankind will continue living by any way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then they will continue ending up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other but if they will repent from their harmful and destructive way of life and reform by understanding properly and adopting faithfully the way of life advised for them by Allah then they will end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom by ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] The stated truth that consistently proves true or comes to pass.

    002] What is the stated truth that is continuously proving true or taking place or keeps happening?

    003] And what will make evident or obvious for you the mankind what that stated truth is which consistently keeps on proving true?

    004] The Thamud and the Aad people due to their ignorance based arrogance rejected and opposed Our stated truth in form of Our guidance for them so they did not study it properly and did not adopt it faithfully and instead took it as a falsehood and a lie therefore the consequences they were foretold followed in form of a destructive mutual clash between themselves which destroyed them by hands of each other.

    005] As for the Thamud, their chiefs and their supporters ended up destroyed by a sudden attack of their enemies as if they were struck by a thunderbolt.

    006] And as for the Aad, their chiefs and their supporters also ended up destroyed by a furious attack by their enemies like a terrible windstorm

    007] that was brought upon them by their enemy party which overwhelmed them and which lasted for seven nights and eight successive days. Had you been there, you would have seen them totally overcome by destruction as if they were hollow trunks of the palm-trees that were easily cut down.

    008] So do you see any survival value in the way they lived?

    009] Pharaoh and those before him, and the inhabitants of the overthrown kingdoms also committed similar harmful and destructive acts against each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense

    010] and they did not heed the messages which were sent to them through their messengers from among them by their Creator and Sustainer, so He found them in grip of inescapable and inevitable consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    011] In case of Noah and his people when the troubles overwhelmed them, We carried your ancestors on a journey to a safe place,

    012] so that We make that event a warning for you and all who have ears may hear their story and retain it in their memory as a lesson.

    013] Likewise during the time period when the trumpet of war or uprising or revolt or bloody revolution will be blown with the very first blow for initiating the establishment of Our guidance based kingdom,

    014] so that the divide between the down trodden or down to earth people and the people of influence or power and wealth is eliminated yet another time,

    015] in that time period the stated truth which consistently proves true will come to pass for these chiefs and their supporters as well

    016] and the existing way of life will be ripped apart because by then it will have become untenable

    017] and Our highly productive and valuable missionaries will be ready for bringing the needed change there in. So they will take upon themselves the responsibility for running or managing the kingdom according to guidance of your creator and sustainer in that period of time through mutually valued agreement.

    018)] That will be the time period when the benefits and the advantages of the rule of law of Allah will become manifest for humanity in reality and nothing of the harmful and destructive agendas which people hide from each other now or currently and use it against each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will remain hidden or concealed any more due to transparency in the proper human community in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah.

    019] Thereafter any individual who understands properly and follows faithfully His program, goals and guidelines as well as the constitution and its laws based properly upon them and sticks to the right side of His rule of law therefore ends up achieving his assigned goals according to his guidelines will then say to others, here is the list of things that I have achieved or accomplished for the good of others because of guidance of Allah, so read my list of achievements.

    020] I received and understood the message of Allah properly therefore I became convinced that if I followed the book of Allah then I will certainly achieve or attain or get what is promised therein.

    021] So he will have a blissful, dignified and secure existence or life of pleasure

    022] in a dignified and blissful as well as secure human world he will have created for himself

    023] with clusters of fruits of his hard works within his easy reach.

    024] He will be told, eat and drink to your heart's content, for this is the reward for what you did in the days gone by to make this world a pleasant, beautiful and adorable place for mankind.

    025] While any human to whom reaches His guidance and yet he sticks to the wrong side of His rule of law and ends up in harming and destroying the beautiful human world for securing his petty personal gains from others at their expense will then say regretfully, bad news for me as regard my future, would that I had not been given the book from my creator and sustainer and my list of harmful an destructive thoughts and actions against others for securing my petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    026] I did not bother to receive and understand properly the message of my creator and sustainer so I could not act upon it faithfully. All because I was not bothered to know about the purpose for which he created me nor about the way to fulfil it, so I had no truly worthy goal or destination or target or objective for living my life for nor the proper criterion or standard or benchmark to measure my progress or regression against. The truth is, I had not learned the knowledge about the fact that I will have to face the serious or grave consequences of my own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others.

    027] Now that I am face to face with the consequences of my harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others I wish that all things come to an end, including me.

    028] My personal wealth has done nothing good for others to be a credit to me

    029] and my personal position of power among my people is now gone from me.

    030] So there will rise a cry, let this person remain in chains and fetters as well as collars around his neck

    031] and let him drag himself more and more into the blazing fire of hatred and animosity that he ignited and spread himself,

    032] so leave him attached or fastened or bound to a long chain of harmful and destructive events to suffer the consequences of his own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others.

    033] For he did not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom for ensuring their well being with help and support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence according to the guidance of his creator and sustainer, the one who is provider of solid foundation and structure for mankind to firmly anchor themselves upon to live their lives safely and securely.

    034] Moreover he did not care to provide livelihood for the less capable individuals in his human population

    035] therefore today he has no concerned friend here

    036] nor any food for pleasant thoughts but memories of harms and destruction he inflicted upon others for securing his petty personal gains from them at their expense,

    037] which none but those who harm others will have to live with.

    038] All this you the mankind are told is the truth and I present as evidence all that is self evident to you in this regard

    039] as well as all that which is not self evident to you just as yet but will become self evident or obvious to you the mankind in due course

    040] which will prove beyond any reasonable doubt for you that this Quran is Our own statement that is sent through a messenger for you who has proven faithful to his assigned mission.

    041] It is not a statement of even a deeply thoughtful and widely aware or even a most knowledgeable human being yet only a small number of you the mankind are committing to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in our kingdom on the basis of it.

    042] Moreover it is for sure not a statement of a human being who spreads harmful and destructive secular ideas and practices or religious make beliefs and useless rituals yet only a very small number of you people think things through thoroughly paying attention to its lessons.

    043] The truth is, this is a revelation from the Creator and Sustainer of all the human populations and all the rest of creations in the created world.

    044] Had this messenger from us attributed any false statements to Us,

    045] then we will have certainly made him face the appropriate consequences for doing that

    046] such as We will have let him lose his strong appeal for righteousness and thereby We will have cut off his lifeline for sure

    047] and none of you could have prevented this from happening just as you cannot avoid results of your own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    048] Surely our this revelation is a blessing for mankind to learn lessons from to be consistent with Allah as well as with each other.

    049] We surely make obvious from among you those who deny its benefits and advantages to each other by dispossessing each other of their God given rights by force or by tricks and various mechanisms,

    050] However for such rejecters and opponents of our guidance it is indeed a forewarning about despair and terrible painful suffering that is to befall them by hands of each other in due course.

    051] Surely this truth that consistently keeps proving true is absolutely true in case of this people as well.

    052] So strive hard to bring about a proper human community in a kingdom in the name of your Creator and Sustainer, the One who has provided you with proper and solid foundation and structure for it.

    Surah 70     AL-MA-AARIJ- The vital Importance of guidance of Allah for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence e for ensuring their very own well being through help and full support of each other in steps or stages to rise to heights of excellence from their starting stage or state of existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] An information seeker desires to know information about a terrible painful suffering as to why, when and how that is to befall mankind by hands of each other if they will not give up their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and adopt the way of life advised for them by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    002] This painful suffering cannot be escaped or avoided by those who reject and oppose guidance of Allah.

    003] This is a forewarning for mankind from Allah who has revealed for mankind his guidance which can raise mankind in steps or stages to heights of excellence whereby they can avoid or escape the terrible painful suffering they have been foretold about.
    004] That is how by becoming His missionaries mankind can negotiate their way out of terrible painful suffering with help of His revealed guidance by working towards the fulfilment of the purpose for which he has created them according to the way he has advised for mankind, which can take mankind the time period till they become a single huge worldwide human community which abundantly radiates love and affection for each other in his kingdom for his sake.

    005] Therefore O mankind! Show steadfastness that is beautifully consistent for working towards our set goal or objective or purpose for you.

    006] As for the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance, they see the painful suffering as a far-fetched idea or thought or mere imaginary

    007] but We see it as real as well as, as if it is already here should they fail to heed our forewarning for them.

    008] The time is coming when the heavenly kingdom or kingdom based upon our guidance will blossom like a beautiful flower

    009] because the heavy weights of the human world will lose their importance or worth and become light or weightless like tufts of wool in due course

    010] and even a close friend will not be able to show sadness or concern for situation of his close friend

    011] despite being aware of each other’s plight. To save oneself from the harm and destruction that will prevail at that time, the culprit will willing give away even one’s own children,

    012] one’s partner or consort as well as one’s brother or sister,

    013] his parents and relatives - who will have given one shelter -

    014] as well as all that one has in this world as ransom in order to save or redeem oneself.

    015] But by no means such a person will be able to escape or avoid the wrath of the revengeful people! It will be result of one’s self created and spread fire of hatred and animosity between people,

    016] who will be eager to crush one’s brain in one’s skull.

    017] This situation will be calling upon all those who will have created it by turning their backs on our invitation to our advised way of life for mankind but at the time they will try their best to escape it by turning round and running away from it.

    018] These people will be those who will have dispossessed or robbed others of their God given rightful livelihood by force or by their tricks and mechanisms for piling up things for themselves for the purpose of entrapping and enslaving their victims.

    019] Indeed mankind have been created with ability to motivate or incentivise or urge or encourage themselves as they like but they should do so for the purpose we have created them for, according to our advised way of life or they will end up in troubles or problems with each other.

    020] Yet after our guidance is delivered to them due to their ignorance based arrogance they ignore or neglect it and as a result when any of them are touched by desperation or depression or low self esteem due to ignoring or neglecting Our guidance, they become despondent due to being motiveless or courage-less because of lack of proper knowledge about true purpose for their existence.

    021] This is why when such people get their hands on things of need and want for livelihood of mankind they hold on to them instead of passing them on to them whereby they entrap  or enslave them in order to use them for fulfilling their own harmful and destructive agendas.

    022] But not those who know full well about the benefits and advantages of having a proper human community network in our kingdom based properly upon our guidance.
    023] Such as are constantly and consistently at work for bringing about and maintaining their proper human community in our kingdom.

    024] Such as for sure know full well that in their fruit of labour there is a set rightful due share

    025] for the full and proper assistance of those who need or seek help as well as those who are deprived of rightfully due livelihood by those who reject and oppose our guidance.

    026] Such as prove true their declaration of commitment to success of Our mission in deed or practice by working very, very hard to bring about the time period when all decisions will be made by mankind in the human world according to our rule of law alone.

    027] Such as strive very, very hard out of concern for ensuring well being of humanity to safeguard it against the terrible painful suffering by hands of each other due to such people who follow harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense about which they are forewarned by their Creator and Sustainer.

    028] No doubt according to forewarning of their creator and sustainer mankind are not safe and secure at all from the terrible painful suffering by hands of each other unless they learn properly and adopt faithfully his advised way of life for them.

    029] Such as ensure safety and security of their people by constantly monitoring or observing or keeping an eye over or standing guard over places of entrances and exits of their community to prevent or stop anyone from entering or leaving

    030] with exception of their own people and those with whom they have treaties or are under their management or care, in that case they are not doing anything harmful or destructive to their community for which they could be blamed.

    031] However those who seek or try to go beyond what is clearly stated, they are the ones who are transgressors because they break or breach our these clearly set limits.

    032] Also safe and secure are those people from harms and destructions by hands of each other who deliver what they are entrusted with whereby they keep trusts and honour their promises and agreements,

    033] as well as those who firmly state the truth in their testimonies and standby it

    034] and those who strictly and properly or faithfully discharge their constitutional and legal duties or obligations to their proper human community in our kingdom regarding each other.

    035] It is these like people who will be honoured with blissful, dignified  and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom that will be free of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other.

    036] So what is the matter with those who reject and oppose or fight against Our guidance that they are rushing madly towards you

    037] from the right and from the left in crowds?

    038] Is each and every one of them seeking to enter the blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom which is full of all kinds of beautiful things?

    039] By no means can they enter that sort of existence in our kingdom unless they mould or model themselves according to Our set out standard of character about which they have been given the information to understand properly and adopt faithfully.

    040] That is why We have presented them with the testimony of the Creator and the Sustainer of all the human populations from the East to the West that of a surety We have the capability

    041] to change them in to a proper human community in our kingdom from what they are and nothing can stop or hinder Us from doing that other than they themselves.

    042] So leave such people on their own - as due to their ignorance based arrogance choose not to pay due attention to our guidance and remain involved in harmful and destructive talk against each other due to wandering about aimlessly without knowing the purpose of their existence for which we have created them inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense - until they face the period of time of revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions they are forewarned about.

    043] During that time period they will come forth from their dwellings as if they were rushing to a place for securing their most valuable personal gains

    044] but their eyes will become and remain open in horror due to terror and their faces will become totally distorted or disfigured due to disgrace and humiliation they will suffer at the hands of their revengeful victims. Such will be the period of time they are foretold about unless they repent from the way of life they are living by and reform and mend their ways by adopting the way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer.

    Surah 71          NOOH- One who is genuinely concerned for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah for assurance of their well being with help and full support of each other by means of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] No doubt we sent Noah to his people and told him, warn your people against living the way they are living their lives and tell them to live by our advised way of life for mankind before they end up in a terrible painful suffering by hands of each other due to inflicting harm and destruction upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    002] So he said to them, O my people! I am sent to you as a clear warner by Allah to tell you to stop living the way you are living your lives or you will end up in a terrible painful suffering by hands of each other as a consequences of securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    003] Therefore devote or commit yourselves fully and wholeheartedly as well as properly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence and that way be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with me and with each other.

    004] So that thereby He shields and screens you from your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each and that way gives you a great future as a people for as long as you remain faithful abiders by His rule of law. The fact is the lifespan for a human population is set by Allah on basis of cause and effect so when a people fail to follow His guidance then the consequences for them for doing so follow which cannot be escaped or avoided, should you take the trouble to understand things the way they should be understood.

    005] However at length Noah said, O my Creator and Sustainer! I have called on my people night and day to accept your guidance and abide by it and told them to stop harming and destroying each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    006] Despite my invitation to them for adopting your advised way of life for them due to their ignorance based arrogance it has only and only increased them in their avoidance of Your guidance.

    007] Each time I called on them to seek blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in your kingdom according to Your guidance they pushed their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing me and drew their cloaks over their faces to avoid my recognising them, while persisting in inflicting more and more harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to being puffed up with sense of insolent arrogance and domination.

    008] Moreover I have called on them openly where that was appropriate

    009] and have invited them publicly where that was appropriate as well as appealed to them in private where that was appropriate.

    010] I said to them, seek blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of your creator and sustainer according to his guidance, for He is ever ready to secure and protect you through His advised way of life for mankind for your blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    011] He will send abundant rain for you from the heaven,

    012] and help you with livelihood or things of need and want as well as solid foundations to build your proper human community upon in his kingdom and provide you with gardens and flowing rivers for plentiful provisions.

    013] Despite all this,  what is the matter with you that you do not turn to guidance of Allah to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom

    014] when He has evolved you gradually in stages biologically, psychologically and sociologically?

    015] Why do you not observe for learning lessons how Allah has brought about cluster of many planets in this solar system with appropriate or critical distances between them

    016] and along with them he brought about the moon in there to reflect the sunlight and caused the sun to be in their midst to become a burning lamp for light and heat?

    017] Moreover Allah has caused you the mankind to come forth from the earth just like any other growth from the earth gradually in stages
    018] and then He returns you into the earth after your death and in due course He will cause you to come forth from the earth to become spread out throughout his kingdom of the universe.

    019] Allah has made the earth for you as a temporary bed of provisions for fulfilment of all your needs and wants

    020] so that you make your way to his set out goals for you to accomplish them according to his provided guidelines for you.

    021] Despite his concern for their well being and his detailed explaining of plan and purpose of their existence according to their creator and sustainer his people did not heed Noah so he complained, O my Creator and Sustainer! Due to their ignorance and arrogance many of my people have ignored my message from you and instead they are continuing their support for their rulers, priests and money lenders or their political, religious and business elite whose wealth and following have added to their lot nothing but harms and destructions therefore great losses.

    022] Masses are doing that because their chiefs, priests and money lenders have devised a very harmful and destructive plot or scheme for them to entrap them and to keep them trapped,

    023] due to which their agents urge masses by saying to them, do not leave your rulers, priests and money lenders such as Waddaa, Suwaa’a, Yaghoos, Yaooq and Nasraa.

    024] That is how these chiefs, priests and money lenders have misled many to their self destruction indeed because these inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense achieve nothing other than more of the terrible painful consequences as a result.

    025] Because of their inflicting of harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they have ended up ruined by hands of each other as they have entered the ditch of fire of mutual hatred and animosity whereby they ended up in fighting against each other. That is how they found out there was none to help them save themselves after they had rejected and opposed the way of life that was advised for them by Allah for this very reason.

    026] Seeing all this painful suffering and destruction of his people by hands of each other Noah expressed his wish about humanity to his creator and sustainer saying, my creator and sustainer, let there be no more these like people in Your beautiful kingdom who reject and oppose your guidance seeking dominance over each other by way of undermining each other and ending up like this.

    027] But if You will let such like people be born in this world, they will surely keep on misleading more and more of your people and beget none but rejecters and opponents of Your guidance and will keep on ending up like these people.

    028] My creator and sustainer! Grant blissful, dignified and secure existence to me and my supporters, all young and old as well as anyone else who agrees with my provided guidance from you and commits wholeheartedly and fully as well as properly to working for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom, be they managers or their managed communities who are committed to working for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. It is because your set up systems and laws do not let unite or be in peace or make progress and be prosperous any human populations which inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead their lot is only and only painful suffering and death and destruction by hands of each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #123 - March 16, 2023, 03:29 AM

    Surah 61     AS-SAFF–The mission of Allah for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind cannot become fulfilled by human beings unless they become a properly organised and regulated human community in his kingdom according to his guidance for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Say, all that is in the heavens as well as all that is in the earth has been working hard according to plan of Allah for fulfilling his purpose for which he has created it, because he is the only mighty wise ruler of this whole kingdom of creation.

    002] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance, why do you declare your commitment for making the mission of Allah successful when you in actuality do not carry it out?
    003] It is a gross act of betrayal or disloyalty or dishonesty with mission of Allah that you declare your commitment for making it successful yet you do not do the needed hard work to back up your word or promise or declaration or pledge to accomplish or fulfil this goal.

    004] Set up systems and laws of Allah only and only support or favour those who sincerely strive hard in His way for making his mission successful by organising and regulating themselves into a solid proper human community in his kingdom like a rock solid wall that cannot be penetrated or scaled.

    005] Call to mind the time when Moses said to the people he was sent to, O my people, why do you try to fail or cause set back to the mission of Allah - for the success of which I work very, very hard - by pledging or promising your support for it but by your acting against it despite the fact that you have been informed already that I am a messenger from Allah on a mission to you people to help you become a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure existence? However their mindset, attitude and behaviour was against the way of life that was advised for them by Allah because they lived by a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they refused to give up their existing way of life for adopting the way of life that was advised for them by Allah so Allah left them to themselves to think and do as they please. That is because guidance of Allah does not guide such people who due to their ignorance based arrogance refuse to study it properly to adopt it faithfully and want to keep their divisions based upon rivalries, hatred and animosities between themselves alive.

    006] Moreover call to mind the time when Jesus the son or the leader of Mariam community said, O children of Israel, I am a messenger from Allah on a mission to you confirming the fact that it is the very same mission I am sent with that was told about in the Torah to Moses which came before me and I too am giving you the good news of a messenger that will come after me for fulfilling the very same mission whose attributive name will be Ahmed. However now that he too has come to these people with the very same brilliant program for the very same set of goals for them to accomplish them according to his provided guidelines they say, this is clearly a secret plot or conspiracy against us to deceive us thereby to move us away from our way of life.

    007] But the question is, who can be more harmful and destructive person than any and every person who invents and imposes a way of life upon other human beings whereby these like persons secure their petty personal gains from others at their expense yet attribute that very way of life falsely to Allah whereas each and every person is invited by Allah through his messengers and missionaries to the way of life which can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a part of proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other? This is why guidance of Allah cannot guide these like tyrants and bullies or oppressors, unjust and dishonest people.

    008] They most eagerly desire to extinguish the light of guidance of Allah by way of their harmful and destructive religious and secular ideologies and practices, however, Allah will keep on increasing the light of His guidance till it is complete and the human world is fully enlightened even though rejecters and opponents of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah hate it due to their ignorance based arrogance because it can lead mankind to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    009] But despite their hatred, animosity, rejection and opposition, it is Allah Who out of his goodness and benevolence for ensuring well being of mankind has sent His final messenger with His guidance for a way of life that is proper for mankind for living in this world properly for fulfilling his purpose for which he has created all things including mankind so that through proper education and training of humanity He could let his advised way of life for mankind overcome all other ways of life whereby people with harmful and destructive desires and ambitions secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other even though those who rule others or take others for their rulers instead of Allah may dislike it due to their ignorance based arrogance.

    010] Say, O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance, should I tell you a proper way for going about your daily business that will save you from ending up in painful suffering and destruction by hands of each other as is happening currently?

    011] It is the way of life that requires that you truly and fully as well as properly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom along with His messenger according to guidance of Allah by striving very, very hard for establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah for the blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind using fruits of your labour as well as support of your people. That is greatly beneficial for you as a proper human community if you could understand it or realise it.

    012] He will thereby secure you by freeing you of your difficulties and problems with each other and land you in a better human world wherein things you need and desire will flow like rivers, that is how he will lodge you in beautiful mansions in kingdoms full of all kinds of raw materials to make use of, which will be the greatest achievement for you.

    013] And yet another thing which you would love to have is, support of set up systems and laws of Allah whereby soon will open up for you the ways to the rest of the human world. So deliver this good news to those who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah.

    014] Therefore say to your people also, O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to guidance of Allah, be you therefore the true supporters of the mission of Allah by your deeds just like Jesus the leader of community of Mariam told his disciples by asking them, who will be my supporter for the cause of making the mission of Allah successful? And the disciples responded, we are the supporters of the mission of Allah but the fact is, one group of the children of Israel committed itself to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community the while the other committed itself to opposing it by warmongering, so We aided with Our revelation those who committed themselves to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community rather than their opponents and that is how they became manifest as a dominant community.

    Surah 62       AL-JUMUAH- The vital importance of gathering or coming together of mankind for carrying out the mission assigned for them by Allah for the purpose of becoming a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Say, all that is in the heavens as well as all that is in the earth is striving with its full might according to plan of Allah for fulfilling his purpose for which he has created it, because he is the sole owner as well as mighty wise ruler of this whole kingdom of creation.

    002] It is He Who has raised among the inhabitants of the original human habitat the earth, a messenger from among the human population themselves who publicly declares to them His brilliant program for his set goals for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines whereby he strengthens people by way of proper education and training about the information in the book as well as about the needed wisdom for proper understanding of the book by learning about sense of making proper sense of things. It is because before learning all this knowledge about the purpose of their existence and his advised way of life for them for fulfilling this purpose due to their ignorance based arrogance they were living their lives by harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they ended up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    003] Moreover His program, goals and guidelines based constitution and laws are for all people - even those who have not yet joined the people who are working for fulfilling this mission - because He is mighty wise ruler of all the human populations in the world.

    004] Behold! This is that kind of knowledge from Allah which raises mankind to heights of excellence and he blesses with it any and every person or group or party that truly wants it by working hard to reach it and understand it properly to act upon it faithfully. No doubt Allah alone is owner of this most beneficial treasure of knowledge.

    005] The example of those who were charged with responsibility of learning, teaching and implementing the Torah properly or faithfully but they failed badly in carrying out their this very responsibility or duty or obligation is that of a donkey which carries heavy load of works of literature having no sense of its purpose or of the way to fulfil that purpose. Such bad is the example of human populations which deny to themselves and others the greatest benefits and the greatest advantages of Allah’s revealed brilliant program, goals and guidelines. This is why guidance of Allah does not guide such people who instead of learning, teaching and implementing His guidance properly and faithfully continue living by ways of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and that way end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other due to committing grave crimes against each other as well as humanity.

    006] Say to them, despite ignoring and neglecting the scripture from Allah for your guidance O you the people who claim to be rightly guided by Allah, if you claim to be backers and supporters of mission of Allah to the exclusion of all other people in the world then prove your this claim true by giving up your way of life whereby you secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and show your readiness for death in the cause of Allah for the success of his assigned mission for you if you are really truth in what you claim.

    007] You will see that they will not give up their way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and they will not support or back up the mission of Allah to the point of death ever because they know the harms and destructions they have inflicted upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and they continue doing that but Allah too is well aware of these tyrants, bullies and oppressors of human beings.

    008] Say, the end which you try to do your best to avoid of your way of life whereby you secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will catch up with you in due course because at length you will be brought face to face by his missionaries with the way of life advised for mankind by Allah who is fully aware of all that you know as well as of all that which you do not know, so in due course through his set up systems and laws he will make mankind aware about all that you will think and do which will prove harmful and destructive for mankind.

    009] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance, just like people of the book when you too are called upon to form a proper human community network during the time period of becoming a proper human community then give this formation of proper human community network your all to the best of your God given abilities for supporting and backing up the mission of Allah and leave whatever else you are engaged in for the time being to manifest glory of guidance of Allah. It is because to become and remain a proper human community will be most beneficial and most advantageous for you the mankind if you could understand or become aware of this fact.

    010] At length after you have completed the process of formation of the proper human community network in a place then spread throughout the land for seeking people who wish to know about guidance of Allah and that way let them know about the guidance of Allah in great numbers so that you the mankind could gain freedom from the way of life whereby you people secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and become successful by adopting the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. 

    011] Despite being explained about the mission for fulfilling the purpose of existence and the way to fulfil it still people lack sense of prioritising things properly because when they see any chance for gaining personally at the expense of others or they see any chance for being entertained by some time passing entertainment they rush to it leaving you our messenger standing during your delivery of our vitally important message. Tell them, that which is from Allah or guidance of Allah for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom is the most beneficial and the most advantageous for you than your petty personal gains at each other’s expense or time passing entertainment because it is from Allah who is the best provider for all your mental and physical or psychological and biological needs and wants to ensure your well being through help and full support of yourselves as a proper human community.

    Surah 63     AL-MUNAAFIQOON-The people who prove their words of declaration for commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for their blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other false by what they actually think and do or by their own thoughts and actions against their declared position.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] O messenger, when those who declare their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in my kingdom according to my guidance by their words but do not follow it through with their deeds come to you they say, we testify that you are certainly the messenger of Allah. That is because Allah makes manifest for mankind by His revelation that you are indeed His messenger. However Allah also makes evident or obvious or manifest that these people and the likes are only pretenders because by not doing what they are required to do after promising by means of their declaration that they will do it they are in fact denying benefits and advantages of our guidance to themselves as well as others.

    002] They use their declarations of commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance as a cover in order to try and confuse and mislead others from the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. Harmful and destructive is for mankind indeed what they think and do.

    003] This is because they declare their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind yet conspire to cause rifts and wars between people so their minds have become used to or accustomed to this kind of mindset, attitude and behaviour, because they do not stop and think the wider consequences for mankind of what they are thinking and doing.

    004] Yet when you see them their influential position among your human population impresses you so when they speak you listen to what they have to say but in actual fact they are as worthless as hollow pieces of propped up timber for supporting a load that is ready to break and fall down due to being under pressure. They are so scared of being found out that every time there is any trouble in your human population they think it is going to lead people at large to them as its originators. They are your secret enemies so you people take all necessary precautions against them to protect your human population from their mischiefs. This is how guidance of Allah will defeat them in their harmful and destructive objectives against mankind. See how deluded they are by each other that due to their ignorance based arrogance they are taking each other away from the way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah!

    005] When it is said to them come so that the messenger of Allah could show you the way to blissful, dignified and secure existence, they nod their heads and you see them turning away because they want to live by way of life whereby they could freely dominate others by undermining them for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense.
    006] Due to their ignorance based arrogance it seems all the same to them whether you show them the way to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom or not. For that reason guidance of Allah is not going to secure such people with blissful, dignified and secure existence, because Allah does not guide a people who do not study his guidance properly to adopt it faithfully for the purpose it is delivered to them because they instead work for a way of life due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed or destroyed by each other due to hatred and animosity between themselves.

    007] They are the same people who say to each other, do not spend anything on those who are with the messenger of Allah so that they leave him. However they realise not that to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth but the hypocrites or pretenders are not bothered with learning sense of making proper sense of things to understand them in their proper context.

    008] This is why they say to each other, when we return to the city, we the people who have power and wealth will soon drive out the people who are weak and poor. Regardless of what they say the power and the wealth entirely lies in the hands of those who follow guidance from Allah such as His messenger and those with him who are wholly and properly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in his kingdom according to his guidance but the hypocrites are not bothered with understanding and realising this fact as to how.

    009] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to guidance of Allah, let not the ideology of having your own personal wealth and having your own children stop you from working for manifesting the glory of guidance of Allah, because any party that stops working for this purpose for these reasons will end up in heavy loss in due course.

    010] Therefore use out of the sustenance which We have granted you as a proper human community to further the mission of Allah for ensuring well being of each other before there comes upon you the time of destruction by following the opposite divisive therefore destructive way of life and then you say as a people, my Creator and Sustainer! If only you had given me a little more time then I could have used what I had to support your mission and thus proved true my declaration of commitment to this mission and be of those who worked for growth, development and prosperity of mankind by removing divisions and tensions from among them.

    011] But Allah gives no more time to a human population when conditions for its demise become fulfilled, this is why Allah makes obvious in His guidance all that you the mankind ought to be thinking and doing to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    Surah 64     AL-TAGHAABUN–The gradual gathering of people into a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah by his missionaries according to his advised way of life for them for the purpose of their blissful, dignified and secure existence by bringing people together through resolving their disputes and tensions between them which keep them distant from each other as rivals and enemies due to living by way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up ignored or neglected or isolated or harmed and destroyed by each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth works very, very hard according to his plan for fulfilling the purpose for which Allah has created it in order to manifest beauty of his rule of law for mankind. To Him alone belongs the ownership of the kingdom of the whole of his creation as well as its sovereignty. This is why he alone has set up systems and laws and put in place measures for harmonious or smooth running or working of all things in his kingdom.

    002] He it is Who has originated and evolved you the mankind with ability to think and do as you please yet some of you due to your ignorance based arrogance only choose to work against His guidance causing harm and destruction to each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby you end up harmed or destroyed by each other the while some of you commit themselves fully and wholeheartedly as well as properly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other for your blissful, dignified and secure existence. No matter what, Allah has made obvious what you the mankind ought to be thinking and doing and why or how because he is comprehensively aware of all things as to whatever they are and whatever they do.

    003] He has created and evolved the heavens and the earth for a set purpose and gave you the mankind ability to think and do things along with beautiful shapes and forms so that you could fulfil His purpose for your creation according to his plan.

    004] That is why He laid open before you all that is in the heavens and the earth to benefit from and take full advantage of it so that that way you could actualise your hidden potentials and that is how Allah makes obvious whatever is hidden in your minds through your own actions.

    005] So has there not come to you any report about those who rejected and opposed as well as fought against His guidance before you? That is the reason they ended up tasting the terribly painful consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    006] That is because when their messengers from us came to them with our brilliant program for a set of goals for them to accomplish according to our guidelines they said to each other, are these men like ourselves going to tell us how we should live our lives? That is how due to their ignorance based arrogance they ended up ignoring and neglecting or rejecting and opposing Our guidance and turned away thinking they have no need for guidance of Allah whereas it is only Allah alone who is free of dependence on anything at all for His existence.

    007] The rejecters and opponents of Our guidance wrongly assumed things will always stay the way they are in their favour and they will not be pushed aside by their victims ever. Say to them, why not? Surely according to set up systems and laws of my creator and sustainer you will be pushed aside in due course because you are bound for facing the consequences for all that harm and destruction you are thinking to do and that is how set-up systems and laws of Allah make things easier for those who face difficulties or tough times with courage to get through them.

    008] Therefore before it becomes too late for you, commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to the light of guidance which We have sent for you, because thereby Allah makes obvious what you people ought to be thinking and doing for the purpose of ensuring well being of each other.

    009] So no matter what there is going to come a time period in due course when through his missionaries He will bring you all the human populations together on basis of his provided solid foundation in form of His light of guidance for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom. That will be the period of time for proper or true harmony and unity of mankind because during that time period any and every person who will lack anything of need or want that person will be fully helped by each and every person who will have more than what one will need or want as a responsibility or a duty for sake of Allah. So those who will truly and properly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to bring about blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind according to guidance of Allah by actively removing rifts and repairing fractured relationships between people to help them develop and prosper as a proper human community in his kingdom, His guidance will remove from between them their thoughts and actions based upon rivalries, hatred and animosities and that way he will help them enter blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom due to their mutual cooperation with each other throughout which will flow things of their need and want like rivers for as long as they will live that way and that will be their supreme achievement.

    010] As for those who reject and oppose Our program with a set of goals as well as guidelines and thereby deny their benefits and advantages to themselves as well as others, they will land themselves in fire of hatred and animosity between themselves, a state of existence wherein they will remain for as long as they will continue living by a way of life whereby they will secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that will be a terribly painful state of existence for them to be in.

    011] However remember the fact that no harm or destruction befalls any human population by hands of each other but it is for the reasons they have been warned about through the revealed messages of Allah and whichever people truly and properly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah, it is because their minds are guided by his light of guidance due to their own proper study of his messages and their faithful following of them. It is because Allah has full knowledge of all things.

    012] Therefore be consistent with Allah as well as be consistent with his messenger as regard fulfilment of the mission that is assigned for mankind by Allah. However if instead you will turn away from this objective then duty of Our messenger is only to clearly convey or deliver Our message to the people he is sent for.

    013] However be aware of the fact that Allah is He other than whom none is God so only he alone is the owner and the ruler of this kingdom of whole of his creation, so let those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom put their trust fully and wholeheartedly as well as properly in His set-up systems and laws.

    014] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance, you are hereby made aware that some of your companions and your future generations due to lack of proper education and training could move away from the advised way of life for you by Allah to live by in due course therefore take appropriate measures concerning their proper education and training and that way remove any difficulties and problems in their way to help them be mutually consistent with you as well as each other and that way be secure, for guidance of Allah is amply sufficient to secure and protect all of you through blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    015] Be warned that fruit of your labour or hard work and your future generations if not given your proper attention then they could prove a hindrance for you in accomplishing your God assigned mission for bringing about and maintaining blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom, so if you truly want to achieve this greatest objective then be fully aware that it is Allah alone by understanding properly and acting faithfully upon whose advice or guidance you can achieve your this highest goal as a reward.

    016] Therefore be properly and fully as well as wholeheartedly consistent with guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as much as it is within your capacity or capability by sticking to it as closely as possible and keep open for this purpose all that you have for bringing about a proper human community in his kingdom. It is because a people who truly have community spirit they save themselves from their own covetousness or envy or jealousy or selfishness or greediness or miserliness, it is surely these like people who truly prosper and succeed as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    017] Should you put your full trust in guidance of Allah by thinking and doing what ensures well being of all of you the mankind for his sake, his set up systems and laws will pay you back by delivering to you manifolds in due course and bless you with a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom, for Allah raises in value for mankind things which people use appropriately for their given purposes according to his advice or guidance.

    018] All because He knows what is happening before the very eyes of mankind at present as well as what will happen before the very eyes of mankind in the future, because He is mighty wise owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    Surah 65      AL-TALAAQ–The procedure for installation, termination and changeover of any community administration for continuous smooth running of affairs in the proper human community in the kingdom of Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] O prophet, when you dissolve any of your community administrations, dissolve them at the end of the period of contract and keep count of their time in their offices properly and that way be consistent with rule of law of Allah your creator and sustainer as well as with each other. Do not terminate their contracts or drive them out of their offices before the time of expiry nor they themselves should resign unless they are convicted of some serious misconduct that brings their administration into disrepute due to which it becomes necessary that they are made to leave the premises wherein community administrations are based. These are limits set by Allah so whoever transgresses these limits of Allah will put oneself into difficulty or hardship or problems as well as members of his community. In case of accusations and suspensions you never know that set up systems and laws of Allah may thereafter bring about some new situation for reconciliation so do not go for dismissal till a proper investigation reaches that conclusion in this matter.

    002] However when the period for administration in the office reaches completion then either keep them honourably or part with them honourably by setting up an investigative or inquiry committee with appropriate number of members from administration side as well as community side who are just and fair minded to state facts about the performance of the administration in light of guidance of Allah and community requirements to decide whether the administration should be allowed to continue to serve in the offices or be replaced. This advice is given for all who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his program and its goals and guidelines based constitution and laws for the best possible future of mankind. For any human population that is consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other for the best possible future of mankind, His set up systems and laws always provided a way out of all troubling sets of circumstances or situations,

    003] and that way guided it to the best possible sustenance through ways and means it could never even imagine. It is all due to the fact that guidance of Allah is sufficient for any person or group this is why all should have their full confidence in His guidance as well as his set-up systems and laws because they work for all sets of circumstances and situations for all kinds of matters or affairs. Surely Allah brings about through these set-up systems and laws all that He has planned for his intended purpose because Allah has set the criterion or standard as well as put in place all measures for all things to work properly including people and their managements or administrations.

    004] So those of your administrations that have come to the end of their time in office, the period of grace for the new appointment is three months in case you fall victim to instability, and the same will apply to those who have no set time for service but need to be replaced for various reasons including age, illness or mismanagement. As for those who are burdened with heavy responsibility and are under investigation for serious complaints against them, their period of suspension should continue till completion of investigation or inquiry and delivery of decision. This is how Allah eases difficulties for those who stick steadfastly with His program for his set goals as well as guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws.

    005] That is the reason Allah has sent to you the mankind His guidance as a program for his set goals with guidelines so that any human population that gives due importance to guidance of Allah has its difficulties removed and its hard work paid off.

    006] Let the administration people live the way you the members of the proper human community yourselves live according to your means. You should not make them feel unduly uneasy or cause them trouble as if they are your slaves or servants for they are workers of Allah who work for fulfilling his assigned mission. So long as they are charged with responsibility of administration maintain them until they have completed their task till the given time. Moreover even if after that time they continue providing support for your future needs compensate them and settle the matter of compensation with mutual consultation and in all fairness. But if you cannot get on with each other then let another administration come in to the office and carry on providing for your future needs according to our guidance.

    007] So that your administrations could do things according to your needs or wants let the man of more means contribute to the community revenue according to his means and the man of less means contribute according to what Allah has given him to raise the revenue for due community needs or wants. Remember always that Allah does not hold anyone liable for more than what He has given him and soon this way Allah will bring ease for people after the hardship.

    008] However be warned, how many people of kingdoms or townships or inhabited places due to their ignorance based arrogance ignored or neglected therefore lived against the guidance of their creator and sustainer through His messengers despite the fact that Our warning was to the point as well as most severe yet they ended up in life of hell of their own making by living by way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and ended up destroyed by hands of each other through hatred and animosity against each other.

    009] and that is how they faced consequences or tasted the fruit of their own misdeeds and the fruit or outcome of their misdeeds was harmful and destructive for them.

    010] Through his guidance, Allah wanted to move them away from severe painful suffering but did they listen? Not at all, therefore O people with sense of making proper sense of things, such as claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance, be fully and properly consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other. Surely Allah has sent for you too his guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom so abide by it faithfully.

    011] A messenger from Allah is proclaiming to you the mankind a brilliant program from him for his set of goals for you to accomplish them according to his provided guidelines so that thereby He could bring you out of depths of darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge so that you could give up living by a way of life whereby you secure from each other your petty personal gains at each other’s expense and end up destroyed by hands of each other therefore you could commit to living by his advised way of life instead which can lead you people to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for your own well being with help and full support of each other by actively removing tensions, disputes, rivalries, rifts, hatred, animosities, conflicts and wars from between yourselves. So any human population that truly as well as properly commits to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah and acts to remove rifts from among mankind will indeed be landed by his guidance into a blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom throughout which will flow things of need and want of people like rivers, to live therein for as long as people will follow his advised way of life and maintain the kingdom. All because Allah has put together an excellent program for them to understand properly and carry out faithfully for getting to that beautiful state of existence.

    012] And be aware of the fact that Allah is He Who has originated many galaxies with stars and planet in them that are far away from you as well as this galaxy of which you are a part by way of the very same process/es. His set-up systems and laws operate throughout all of them alike, so that it may become obvious to you the mankind that it is Allah alone Who owns all things as well as rules over all things in the kingdom of his creation and that awareness or knowledge and control of Allah encompasses all things comprehensively so he knows how to guide mankind properly regarding his purpose for which he has created them as well as regarding the way to fulfil it.

    Surah 66      AL-TAHREEM–Thoughts and actions Allah expects from his messengers or missionaries and their supporters for bringing about a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence according to his guidance after they have received it from him.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] O you the prophet, why are you people holding back yourselves from accomplishing what Allah has set for you as a mission or goal to accomplish? Are you people delaying accomplishment of this project in expectation that some sections or parties in your people who have made promises with you people will fulfil their agreements or promises or pledges with you for helping you accomplish this mission? They should remember the fact that accomplishment of this mission assign for mankind by Allah will protect and sustain mankind themselves and that way it will ensure their own well being with help and full support of each other.

    002] No doubt that is why Allah has made it a duty or an obligation for you the mankind to fulfil your contractual or constitutional and legal responsibilities towards each other because Allah is your protector by way of His guidance and that is how He makes obvious for you that He is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    003] Call to mind the incident when the prophet made known the mission related confidential plan to one of the related sections or parties from among his people in private but that section or party instead of keeping that information about the mission related plan to itself made it known to another section or party of his people that was unrelated to the mission plan but somehow Allah made this breach of secrecy or confidentiality known to his prophet so the prophet made known some of the information as to how this breach took place and who was involved in leaking it to the parties or sections that were involved in this affair and held back from telling them the rest of it. However instead of regretting what they had done they raised the question about it as to who told the prophet about all this. The prophet told them, I am told about it by him who makes things known to mankind because He is fully aware of them.

    004] However they were told by Allah, if both of you the parties or sections will truly and fully turn to guidance of Allah to understand it properly and follow it faithfully then minds of both of you will become convinced by it beyond any reasonable doubt so you will not do so again but if instead you will back up each other with false excuses against our advice then be clearly warned that Allah for sure is his supporter by way of a powerful medium of revelation by him and so are all those people who are wholeheartedly, fully and properly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom such as remove rifts, fractures, disputes or tensions from between people and thereby help growth, development, progress and prosperity of proper human community. Moreover the officials or missionaries are also in addition to that among his supporters.

    005] So you the parties or sections too should support him but if you will not and he leaves you to yourselves by freeing you from allegiance and moves on then there is a good chance or possibility that revelation of his creator and sustainer will turn attentions or minds of other human populations toward joining him that will prove helpful to him in accomplishing his assigned mission by us instead of you, who will accept this guidance and live by it by committing themselves to working for unity, peace; progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other. They will act appropriately by turning to our guidance and they will fully dedicate themselves to the success of our assigned mission and they will go forth for spreading its message being full of life and energy. They will be from among the followers of the previous scriptures or from among the people who do not follow any previous scripture at all.

    006] So O you who already claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom, save yourselves and any other people within your reach from the fire of hatred and animosity that is ignited by harmful and destructive leaderships in positions of power through religious and secular divisions in order to secure their petty personal gains from the masses at their expense but its fuel are stonehearted people as well as the people who are foolish enough to follow them and the only protection against that fire of hatred and animosity are people who are on Our mission authorised by Our revelation so they are solid or tough and strict and do not flinch in carrying out our mission for ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other. These people do not delay acting upon our commands instead they promptly act upon what they are commanded to do for this purpose.

    007] One day, they will say to those who oppose establishment of Our rule of law, O you who are committed to rejecting and opposing guidance of Allah, make no excuses today for yourselves. You will face the consequences for whatever harmful and destructive you have been thinking and doing against others.

    008] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in our kingdom according to our guidance, turn towards guidance of Allah as you ought to or as you should by changing your way of life from harmful and destructive way of life to his advised way of life for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom as a proper human community. It is so that you study his guidance properly and act upon it faithfully so that thereby your Creator and Sustainer helps you remove and overcome all tensions, divisions, rivalries, disputes or conflicts between yourselves and that way enable you to enter blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdoms wherein throughout flow rivers of things of your need or want due to your own hard works to ensure your well being with help and full support of each other. So let it be clearly known to all today that Allah will not let the rejecters and opponents of His rule of law humiliate his prophet and those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with him, instead their light of knowledge will shine in front of them to keep them on the right path as well as on the right side of each other because they express their wish by saying, our creator and sustainer, we desire that you let us complete our study of your real world realities as well as of your revealed message and thereby perfect our light of knowledge for the benefit of ourselves and others and thereby grant us blissful, dignified and secure existence, for You have set-up systems and laws as well as put in place measures that govern operations of all things in the kingdom of your creations.

    009] O prophet, strive very, very hard against open and secret rejecters and opponents of our rule of law that is based upon Our guidance that is most beneficial and advantageous for mankind and deliver them a fatal blow by using this message to convince them because due to their ignorance based arrogance they are hell bent upon plunging mankind permanently into the ditch of fire of mutual hatred and animosity and thereby into permanent state of conflicts, fights and wars  which is a terrible painful state of existence for mankind to be in.

    010] Allah puts forth as a lesson to learn from for those who reject and oppose his rule of law, a section or party from among a human population to which was sent Noah and a section or party from among a human population to which was sent Lot. Both of these human populations were within the jurisdictions or areas of both of these two of our missionaries who were sent to them and who were wholeheartedly and fully as well as properly devoted or committed to making Our assigned mission successful by removing rifts, rivalries, fractures, disputes, tensions, hatred or animosities or fights or wars from among or between their people to bring about brotherhood and harmony between them so that they could become proper human communities in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer but the leading sections or parties from within their human populations to which they were sent rejected and opposed them and therefore they conspired or plotted or schemed against them but their doing so brought them nothing beneficial or advantageous from Allah but instead they were told if you must then you are free to enter the ditch of mutual hatred and animosity between yourselves along with those who too are hell bent upon entering there in.

    011] However for those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance, Allah puts forth as a lesson to learn from the poor and weak section of human population that was oppressed by Pharaoh, which expressed its desire by saying, my creator and sustainer, provide a program with set of goals and guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws for me from yourself due to which I could bring about a proper human community in your kingdom whereby I could have blissful, dignified and secure existence and be safe and secure from Pharaoh and those who work for him and that way save me from the people who are tyrants or barbarians or bullies because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from me at my expense and therefore they inflict harms and destructions upon me.

    012] Another lesson to learn from is that of people of Mariam community that was daughter of Imran, which guarded itself against all that posed any threat or danger to it by strengthening itself against it and that is because We motivated or inspired it through revelation from us as a program with goals and guidelines so it fulfilled requirements of its creator and sustainer according to His guidance, therefore it was one of the most loyal communities which did things properly as it was required or told.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #124 - March 28, 2023, 06:33 AM

    Surah 57      AL-HADEED– The guidance of Allah is the only solid foundation for mankind to base firmly upon it their proper human community for their blissful, dignified and secure existence to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other by means of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity in his kingdom.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Strives hard to fulfil purpose of Allah according to his plan all that is in the heavens as well as the earth because He alone is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of whole of creation.

    002] To Him alone belongs the ownership and sovereignty of the kingdom of the heavens as well as the earth therefore His set-up systems and laws regulate construction and deconstruction or rise and fall or life and death of all things including that of human population because it is He who has set-up systems and laws to govern operations of all things according to set measures he has put in place.

    003] He was continuously there in the past and he will be continuously there in the future. He is manifest through his act of creation as well as his act of revelation for mankind despite being undetectable by their senses or despite being hidden from their senses. Despite being undetectable by mankind through their senses he made all things known or obvious for mankind relating his purpose of their creation and the way they can fulfil that purpose by way of his revealed guidance for them.

    004] It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in connected multiple stages of long durations where after in due course He established His authority over the kingdom of whole of his creation. He makes obvious for you the mankind all that goes into the earth as well as all that comes out of it as well as all that comes down from the heaven and all that rises to it. So His guidance should be with you no matter wherever you are because He has proper understanding of all that you ought to be thinking and doing for knowing and fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    005] To Him alone belongs the ownership and the sovereignty of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that is why it is up to set-up systems and laws of Allah to make all things work appropriately.

    006] That is how He changes the night into the day and the day into the night as well as that way He makes motives or thoughts of people for or against each other obvious for mankind through results of their own actions in due course.

    007] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, commit wholeheartedly and fully as well as properly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with his messenger as a proper human community in his kingdom according to guidance of Allah and make proper use of all that you have been provided with for fulfilling the purpose for which Allah has created you according to his plan. It is because only those from among you the mankind who will commit properly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance and therefore make proper use of all that is provided for them will be rewarded greatly.

    008] So what is the matter with you people that you do not commit properly and fully by your words as well as your deeds to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to guidance of Allah when his messenger is calling upon you people to commit truly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of your creator and sustainer even though you have already declared your commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by your word or pledge or promise or covenant if you are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind?

    009] When it is He Who has bestowed upon His messenger for this purpose a brilliant program for you people to carry out for accomplishing a set of goals from him according to his guidelines so that thereby He brings you people out of depths of darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge. No doubt this is how Allah shelters you from harms and destructions by hands of each other through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing way of life through his guidance.

    010] So what is the matter with you people that you do not work as hard as you should according to the best of your God given abilities for ensuring well being of mankind according to way of life advised for mankind by Allah despite the fact that the ownership of the heavens and the earth is only and only of Allah alone who has given things to you for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan, so why do you people hesitate or are reluctant to use what is given to you by Allah? Not equal are those from among you people in sight of Allah who struggled themselves as well as used whatever fruits of their labours they had for the success of the mission assigned by Allah before the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in his kingdom and from among those who struggled themselves as well as used whatever fruits of their labour they had for the success of mission of Allah after the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in his kingdom. The people who struggled earlier have earned larger or higher or more rewards than those who struggled later on. Nonetheless all are promised beautiful rewards by Allah and Allah is fully aware of all that you people think and do as well as for what purpose and how.

    011] So who is there that will work hard for accomplishing the mission of Allah in the hope of a better human world in the future as the end result so that He adds multi folds dignified return or reward for his hard work for his benefit?

    012] During the time period when the rule of law of Allah becomes fully established in the human world among the proper human community you will see the managers and the managed parties or sections of communities committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind how their light of knowledge based upon revealed information of Allah will be shining before them guiding them to the right courses of actions, heralding good times or brilliant days or the time period ahead when things of need for people will flow like rivers in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah wherein they will land, and that will be the greatest achievement for them.

    013] During that period of time when the hypocrites will see true supporters and followers of the guidance of Allah that they are most successful people, the hypocrite chiefs and their hypocrite followings will say to those who will have faithfully committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, will you overlook our thoughts and actions against you and let us have a share in your success due to the light of knowledge that you have? They will be told by them, first look back or reflect on your past way of life and take steps to reconcile yourselves with the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for your better future only then you can join us otherwise carry on living by your own chosen way of life which you used to think was better according to your own brilliant understanding of things because that is the way you thought things will be better for you. So a clear criterion or standard will be set as a barrier with a door through to decide between them for allowing into proper human community only those of them who will be deemed deserving. Those who will fall within the range of that criterion they will be allowed through to become part of the proper human community for living on the basis of caring and sharing due to their hard works and compassion and those who will fall outside that criterion they will be barred and left on their own to continue living as they used to live and suffer the terrible consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other they were warned about, tearing each other apart in rage due to hatred and animosity between them due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    014] So those who will be barred from becoming part of the proper human community, they will shout out to the people who will be in state of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah asking them, were we not on your side? They will reply, yes but you led yourselves into plots, schemes and conspiracies against us because due to your ignorance based arrogance you were suspicious about our motives and you doubted guidance of Allah and that way you were deceived by your harmful and destructive ambitions and desires until there came the time Allah warned us all about the while your destructive leadership deceived you concerning revelation of Allah till the last moment before you were hit by the consequences of your harmful an destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    015] So during this period of time no redemption is possible for you the hypocrite people – because you declared your commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah but in actual fact you people worked against that declaration of yours for harming and destroying the proper human community - or for the open rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah unless you people truly repent from the way of life you live by and reform according to way of life advised for mankind by Allah. Your abode or state of existence is fire of hatred and animosity between yourselves which you people yourselves have been igniting and fuelling as well as keeping alive by securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is a very bad state of existence for all of you people to be in.

    016] So has the time not come for those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance by words of their mouth to back them up with their energetic and forceful actions for making the mission of Allah successful for the purpose it is has been assigned to them so that they do not become like people who were given the book before this because as time went on for them they gradually lost their fervour, passion and zeal for acting on their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for which they were given the book? That is how most of them ended up divided because they started living by a way of life whereby they began securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other out of hatred and animosity for each other.

    017] However you the people of proper human community should know the most about the message of Allah that it always inspires and motivates mankind to become alive and rise to heights of excellence even after they have fallen apart due to their ignorance based arrogance or due to their ignorance or neglection of this message. That is how Allah brings back to life the earth after its death by raining upon it fresh water to bring it back to life. No doubt We have expressed for you the mankind our brilliant program to carry out for accomplishing our stated goals according to our provided guidelines so that you the mankind could use your our given ability to learn sense for making proper sense of our creation and revelation and that way become a sensible people who do what think and what needs to be thought and done for fulfilling our purpose according to our plan for which you have been created by us.

    018] Surely the managers of the proper human communities and the managed proper human communities that work for the fulfilment of Our assigned mission to them to prove themselves true in their commitment to making our assigned mission for them successful in the hope of their best possible future for themselves as they are told by Allah, Allah will surely increase their return or reward multi folds and award them with honour and dignity.

    019] Those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by their words as well as their deeds according to guidance of Allah along with His messenger they are the ones who in the sight of their creator and sustainer are in fact true to their commitment indeed as well as they are the true and proper example for the human world from their creator and sustainer regarding the commitment to the success of his mission. For them is reward due to their enlightenment based thoughts and actions for the success of the mission. As for those who reject and oppose our brilliant program, goals and guidelines therefore they deny each other our given rights, benefits and advantages they are bound to end up by hands of each other in the state of existence that will be full of terrible painful suffering for them.

    020] O you the mankind, be warned that your life in this world without you people having proper sense of our purpose for creating you and our plan for you to fulfil it for your guidance is nothing more than a purposeless and planless venture or play or drama or amusement or entertainment wherein you only live for showing off and boasting among yourselves against each other and a quest or struggle for greater and greater power and riches and more and more children or following for fighting against each other for dominance by undermining each other. The similitude of people who exist and live like this is like that of weed or unwanted or undesired growth or vegetation that flourish after the rain all by itself, growth of which appears to be wonderful or delightful but it is not sown or grown by the manager of the land to serve his purpose so after it has lived for its time it withers and you see it turn yellow and soon after it becomes dry and crumbles into the dust. So living one’s life without having proper sense of our purpose for one to live for and without having sense of our advised way for one to fulfil that purpose by is in the end living for nothing other than living for a terrible painful suffering. However living one’s life for fulfilling the purpose of Allah according to his plan is nothing less than a beautiful and pleasant experience for oneself as well as it ensured for one pleasure of Allah whose purpose one serves. Nonetheless there is no doubt that the life of this passing or fleeting world is nothing more than a very short lived illusion but living for the best result in hereafter should be target for all those who wish to have a great future in the end.

    021] Therefore strive very, very hard for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in this kingdom of your creator and sustainer according to his guidance for their blissful, dignified and secure existence to ensure their well being through help and full support of each other to bring about a beautiful human world as vast as the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. This program for a set of goals with guidelines is prepared for those who will truly and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with His messenger. Such glorious and full of blessings is revealed guidance of Allah, proper understanding of which He bestows only and only upon those who are happy to make their full effort for studying it properly to act upon it faithfully, for Allah is bestower of his purpose and plan upon mankind for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    022] No harm or destruction takes place in the human world among yourselves which is not told about in our revealed book already with reasons behind it before it strikes according to our set-up systems and laws that operate throughout our kingdom of creation, surely Allah’s purpose for revelation is to make such things easy for mankind to understand and overcome provided mankind do not ignore or neglect his message.

    023] All this is done so that you the mankind do not despair or become hopeless and lost within yourselves or be completely overwhelmed or overtaken by grief for things that you lose due to your ignorance and negligence or your ignorance based arrogance forgetting others who can help and support you, or be completely overcome or overtaken by joy at what you gain forgetting others that need your help and support due to your ignorance based arrogance, for set up systems and laws of Allah do not support any such human populations that are either hopeless or are vainglorious boasters who reject and oppose His guidance due to their ignorance based arrogance.

    024] Such as are stingy, niggardly and miserly themselves and they encourage or tell others to be stingy, niggardly and miserly as well. Any and every person that pays no due attention to guidance of Allah should realise that Allah is free of all needs from them for his existence and that ownership and sovereignty of the whole of the kingdom of creation belongs only and only to Him alone.

    025] Surely We sent Our messengers for mankind with our brilliant program for a set of our stated goals for them to accomplish according to our provided guidelines therefore we sent with them Our books as the criterion or standard to measure against all that people may think, say and do in this regard for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other. That is the reason We have sent this solid criterion as well as a foundation for mankind to firmly and properly base themselves upon because in it is greatest possible power or strength for ensuring well being of mankind so that thereby Allah makes known who helps and supports his mission properly along with his messenger for the best possible future of mankind that is yet hidden from them. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that he is mighty powerful indeed.

    026] We surely sent Noah and Abraham and bestowed upon their people after them prophet-hood and the scripture. Some of them made major efforts to receive and understand the scripture properly for acting upon it faithfully but most of them due to their ignorance based arrogance rejected and opposed it and therefore transgressed against each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they ended up divided and through fire of hatred and animosity against each other they ended up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    027] After them We sent more messengers along the same way one after the other and followed them all with Jesus the leader or son of community of Mariam. We gave him the Injeel whereby We sought to put compassion and reconciliation into the hearts and minds of his supporters so that they become a proper human community according to guidance of Allah. As for the religion and monasticism, they invented it all by themselves. We did not impose upon them anything other than seeking the establishment of the rule of law of Allah for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other for the sake of fulfilling the purpose of Allah according to his plan for his approval or appreciation or acceptance. However they did not act upon our guidance as they were supposed to act upon it all together but instead only some of them acted upon it as they were supposed to therefore We rewarded those from among them who fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to Our guidance but most of them were transgressors who inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they ended up falling apart and they were harmed or destroyed by hands of each other through fire of hatred and animosity between themselves.

    028] O you the people from among the people of the book who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah, be consistent with his guidance that is with you people already as well as with each other by committing to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with His this latest and the very last messenger so that Allah doubles your strength through blissful, dignified and secure existence by means of his advised way of life for mankind along with increased light of knowledge for you to go by. That is how he will save and secure you people, for Allah saves and secures mankind through his advised way of life from harms and destruction mankind inflict upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    029] So let those people of the book who refuse to work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with this messenger become aware that they do not have the monopoly over the guidance of Allah rather it is entirely up to Allah to bestow his guidance upon whichever desire to work for its success because Allah is fully capable of bestowing great benefits and advantages upon humanity through His blissful, dignified and life securing guidance for them.

    Surah 58    AL-MUJAADALAH–The struggle between mankind for establishing and maintaining a way of life to live their lives by out of the two ways of life. The way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from the rest at their expense therefore they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other due to hatred and animosity between themselves or the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Surely Allah advises you the messenger to redress concerns of any party or section or team or human population that comes to you with any complain against its leadership or administration or management or a fellow human population that is part of the proper human community because no doubt guidance of Allah recognises or acknowledges true concerns of any party or section of community or human population that pleads with you the messenger of Allah regarding its leadership or administration or management or fellow human population in order to seek redress of its concerns according to guidance of Allah. Be aware that guidance of Allah addresses concerns of both the parties involved. Surely guidance of Allah makes people observe and understand things properly and act upon it faithfully.

    002] Those leaders or managers or administrators from among you that make false promises or declarations of commitments to their sections of communities, those communities are not and cannot be under their leadership or management or administration, because for true leaders or managers or administrators their communities can only be those to whom they discharge their duties or obligations or responsibilities fully and properly. The fact is, deceptive leaders or managers or administrators make their false declarations or promises of commitment to their communities obvious by evading their duties or obligations or responsibilities to them. That is how guidance of Allah helps parties or communities purge themselves of such damaging and destructive elements to protect themselves from harm and destruction.

    003] As for those people or leaders or administrators who go against their communities but then wish for true reconciliation regarding their commitment, they should offer assurance for their proper conduct in future in writing to the community to get clean bill of health from community before they could resume their relationship with their communities. This process is advised for you people to teach you people a lesson because Allah is well aware of all that you people should be thinking and doing to be a proper human community.

    004] However if any person cannot obtain the clean chit right away due to some reason or concern of the community then such a person should volunteer oneself for proper education and training or rehabilitation for two consecutive sessions before they can have normalisation of relationship with their communities. However, if one does not need to volunteer oneself for rehabilitation then one should volunteer to educate and train immigrant residents of the land for their proper assimilation into the proper human community. This course of action is advised for you people so that you the people from the proper human community commit properly and fully as well as wholeheartedly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah along with His messenger. These are the limits set by Allah so be warned that those who will deny benefits and advantages of these set limits of Allah to each other and instead they will reject and oppose these limits then they will be pushed by each other in to a state of existence that will be full of terrible painful suffering for them.

    005] Moreover those who will reject and oppose this mission of Allah assigned for mankind through His messenger will end up weakened and humiliated by each other like those before them. We have indeed sent brilliant program, goals and guidelines for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom but we have also warned that those who will reject and oppose our guidance they will surely end up in a terribly humiliating state of existence by hands of each other.

    006] During the time period when Allah will move out of the way all those people who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose His rule of law through his guidance and his missionaries by educating and training them properly then he will make clearly obvious to them results of their thoughts and actions for and against his mission. Allah has account of all that they think and do even if they have forgotten all they will have thought and done. All because Allah is a witness over all things including human beings and what they do or how and why.

    007] Are you the mankind not aware that Allah makes known or obvious to mankind all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth in due course due to being fully aware of it? It cannot be that three persons converse in secret and He is not the fourth of them, or five persons converse in secret and He is not the sixth of them, regardless fewer or greater in number and wherever they may be He is with them. Therefore during the time period when the rule of law of Allah will become fully established in the human world due to proper education and training based revolution by the missionaries of Allah He will show mankind the results of what they will have been thinking and doing for or against each other as regard the his assigned mission. It is because Allah makes all things they need to know and do evident for mankind to understand them properly and carry them out faithfully.

    008] Have you not noticed that those who were forbidden to hold secret meetings yet they persistently do what was forbidden for them to do? They hold secret meetings among themselves for plotting or conspiring or scheming against the proper human community to undermine the trust and confidence of its members in the program, goals and guidelines of Allah to create distrust between its people and thereby hostile environment for them all against the instruction of the messenger of Allah. That is why when they come to you they greet you with inappropriate words which Allah does not greet you with and they say to each other, why does Allah not make us face the consequences of what we think and do against the proper human community? Hell of their own making for themselves is sufficient for them because they are burning in flames of fire of hatred and animosity, what a terrible state of existence it is for them to be in!

    009] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance, when you confer together in private, never plot or scheme or conspire for undermining trust or confidence of the proper human community in the program, goals and guidelines of Allah for creating hostile environment for each other or for confrontation with messenger of Allah instead counsel for thinking and doing good for ensuring well being of each other and for stopping any harm against each other and for being consistent with guidance of Allah and each other, therefore be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with proper human community, for it is He around Whose program and set of goals as well as guidelines you all should be gathered by each other.

    010] Be warned that to call for secret meetings for conspiracy against the mission of Allah is work of the leadership with harmful and destructive desires and ambitions as well as mindset, attitude and behaviour against the proper human community in order to plot inflicting damage and destruction upon those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance, however none can inflict any harm or destruction upon them unless Allah finds them ignoring or neglecting His purpose and plan for them for which he has created them, this is why those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom must put their trust in set-up systems and laws of Allah that operate throughout the kingdom of his creation.

    011] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah, when you are called upon to tolerate each other and cooperate fully with each other in your coming together and meetings then do accommodate each other so that thereby teaching of Allah makes room for you in each other's hearts and minds. And if or when you are called upon to rise up to any occasion as a proper human community then do rise up together because that is the way Allah will raise those of you who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to heights of excellence as well as blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring your well being through help and full support of each other, particularly those who have been granted all the needed information about the purpose of your existence and the way to fulfil it from Allah as well as its proper understanding to act upon it faithfully. This is how Allah makes evident or obvious for you what you ought to be thinking and doing, why and how.

    012] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah, if or when you have to carry out some work along with the messenger of Allah in relation to the mission assigned by Allah, ensure through consultation with each other before you act that you already have all that you need for fulfilling the task properly. That will be greatly beneficial for you and give you advantage because it will free or save you people from unnecessary problems and difficulties along the way. However if you fail to act as advised for some excusable reason then set up systems and laws of Allah will still save and secure you through His blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance.

    013] Are you people hesitant or reluctant about consulting each other before carrying out any tasks relating the mission assigned to you to prove your promises and declaration true for the success of the mission? You should not be, however if you cannot do so at times due to some valid excuses still set up systems and laws of Allah will back you up so long as you establish and maintain a proper human community network for attaining freedom from all ills in the human population for its growth and prosperity, that is how you all should be consistent with guidance of Allah along with his messenger because Allah is aware of what you ought to be knowing and doing and that is why he has informed you about those things.

    014] Have you not noticed the ones who turn to those people regarding the matters of the proper human community concern who are already suffering from rage or anger or fire of hatred and animosity against the proper human community that Allah warned them against because they are far away from the blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance of Allah for mankind? They are neither on your side nor on their side but they do swear allegiance to falsehood and they are aware of doing so.

    015] Allah has warned them about grave painful suffering for doing so because harmful and destructive indeed is for mankind what they are thinking and doing.

    016] They use their false pledges or promises as cover for their deception so that they could stop other people from joining the supporters or missionaries of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah and that is the reason they will end up in a terribly humiliating painful suffering by hands of each other as a people.

    017] Neither their personal gains or riches or wealth or treasures nor their following or supporters or descendents will avail them at all against the terrible painful suffering Allah has warned them about due to rejecting and opposing his guidance. By doing so they have put themselves on the path or way of life that leads mankind to fire of hatred and animosity between themselves whereby they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. They will remain in that terribly painful state of existence for as long as they will continue living by that way of life unless they repent from living by that way of life and start living by way of life advised for mankind by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    018] A time period will come when a government or a governing body based upon guidance of Allah will gather them all together to take an oath of allegiance from them and they will declare their loyalty to rule of law of Allah before it just like they are declaring their loyalty to rule of law of Allah in your presence currently assuming thereby they will have some solid foundation to stand upon. However the fact is, they will prove themselves liars then just as they have proven themselves liars just now.

    019] The religious and secular leadership with harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour has imposed upon them its way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from them at their expense so they have caused them to ignore or neglect the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. That is how due to their ignorance based arrogance they have become part of a party of the harmful and destructive leadership. However, be warned that party of harmful and destructive leadership is bound to end up in a terrible loss by hands of each other in due course.

    020] That is because those who try to inflict harms and destructions upon the proper human community that works for the success of the mission of Allah along with His messenger are bound to end up in a state of existence that is most humiliating.

    021] Allah has declared that no matter what they will think and do against my assigned mission ultimately it is I and My messengers and missionaries who will prevail because purpose and plan of Allah is mighty as well as perfect for delivering blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    022] This is why you mankind will never find any human population who are fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for bringing about the period of best possible future for mankind compromising their loyalty with those who are at war with mission of Allah and His messenger even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their other close relatives or supporters. It is they in whose very beings guidance of Allah has entrenched commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by strengthening them with the revelation from Himself. He will surely land them in kingdoms in which will be flowing rivers of all things of need and want due to their own hard works, to live therein for as long as they will live by his advised way of life for mankind. The set-up systems and laws of Allah will be consistent with them because they too will be consistent with His set-up systems and laws. They are the people who are part of the party of Allah. Be aware that ultimately the party of Allah is bound to be successful in fulfilling the purpose of Allah according to his plan for which he has created all things.

    Surah 59      AL-HASHR–The basis for drawing together of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence to ensure their well being through help and full support of each other by way of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as well as letting those people separate from this proper human community who wish to live by any way of life whereby they wish to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that they could suffer the consequences for doing so by hands of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Say, all that is in the heavens as well as all that is in the earth has been working hard according to plan of Allah for fulfilling his purpose for which he has created it, because he is the only mighty wise ruler of this whole kingdom of creation.

    002] It is He Who by means of his set up systems and laws brought out of their secure settlements rejecters and opponents of his guidance from among the people of the book at the time of their first exodus due to their plotting, scheming and conspiracies against the proper human community in his kingdom. You people did not even think that things will happen this way that they will ever leave their places wherein they were settled securely and they themselves also thought their safety and security measures will keep them safe and secure to continue working against the mission of Allah secretly without being found out. However the law of consequences by Allah came into play against them in a way they did not expect and that exposed their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the proper human community which caused terrible fear in their minds for reprisals so they ended up leaving the places of their residence by emptying, dismantling and wrapping up their own tents and houses themselves along with help of those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom. So learn the lesson from all this O you the people who have sense to make proper sense of things and stop working against the assigned mission of Allah for mankind for establishing the rule of law of Allah properly in the human world or be always already for suffering the painful consequences for thinking and doing so.

    003] Had Allah not saved them from reprisals for what they thought and did against the proper human community by His decree allowing them the safe passage for their exit, they could have been made to suffer terrible losses immediately without giving the matter much thought and had they remained settled in there then due to their own foolish mindset, attitude and behaviour in due course they could have been made to suffer much worse consequences due to the very same fire of hatred and animosity they themselves tried to ignite in the proper human community.

    004] All this happened to them because they chose to strive against the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world which he sent for mankind through his messenger and any people that strive against the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world are clearly warned about the consequences that the set up systems and laws of Allah are strict in delivering to such people consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the proper human community that strives hard for the proper establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world.

    005] So whatever of the soft and helpful approach you the people of proper human community adopted instead of reprisals to bring about their peaceful exile by leaving them to continue living by their own way of life it was according to the guidance of Allah, for the reason so that thereby He may let them have an opportunity to reflect upon His guidance and their harmful and destructive reaction against it to learn some valuable lessons to become part of the proper human community instead of their continuous following of their harmful and destructive way of life which leads them to harms and destructions by hands of each other because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they become and remain divided due to hatred and animosity between themselves.

    006] However that which is left behind by the migrants Allah has granted its management to His messenger to make proper use of it for ensuring well being of the proper human community. The individuals from among you have no right to have it to manage it because it is not fruit of their own individual hard works and furthermore whatever belongs to Allah he has sole and full right to give it under management of his messenger for ensuring well being of all his people. It is because Allah has set up appropriate laws and has put in place appropriate measures to govern operations or workings of all things properly. 

    007] So whatever of the dwellers of the township is left behind by them who have migrated Allah has bestowed it upon His messenger because it belongs to him alone and it is for His messenger to distribute it to all those who are dependent upon him in any way, particularly among those within his reach or are in near about areas or in the neighbourhood and the lonely or isolated or distant individuals who have none to support them, the people who are stuck in an unfavourable situation or a set of circumstances therefore they lack livelihood and are in need of support and the travellers through the township or kingdom who may become needy looking for help or those who travel for mission related or missionary work. Such like basis for the distribution of the community wealth are absolutely necessary so that the community wealth does not become the permanent personal or private property of those among you who do not care for others and would not share it with others as they should. Therefore take only whatever share of the community wealth the messenger of Allah rightfully assigns for any of you and refrain from taking whatever share of such wealth does not rightfully belong to any of you and therefore he stops you from taking it and that way be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah, for set up systems and laws of Allah are strict in calling to account people as individuals and as human populations through delivering to them outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    008] Moreover an appropriate share from community wealth should also be assigned or allocated for the immigrants who are persecuted and driven out of their homelands and are dispossessed of their possessions just because they sought livelihood according to guidance of Allah so they supported the mission for establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world by supporting the mission of His messenger, such people indeed prove true their claim of commitment to the mission for bringing about blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance.

    009] An appropriate share should also be given to those who made sacrifices to help new comers and were already committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance even before the arrival of the immigrants and they love those who have migrated to them and they have no undue desire in their minds for things given to them and instead they prefer fulfilment of the needs and wants of those immigrants over the needs and wants of themselves even though they themselves are in need or want of things. The fact is people such as these who save themselves from securing their petty personal gains from others at their expense in the proper human community are the ones who will be most successful in due course.

    010] This is why for those who joined later on to support the mission of Allah for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world after those who were already there for supporting the mission of Allah, they express their goodwill for them wholeheartedly by saying, our creator and sustainer, secure us and our brothers who have been working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind since before us and due to your guidance do not leave any malice in our minds towards those who have been committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in your kingdom already. Our creator and sustainer, surely You show your kindness and mercy to mankind through Your blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for them if they understand it properly and act upon it faithfully as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your guidance.

    011] On the contrary have you not considered the sayings of the hypocrites to their ideological brethren from among the people of the book who rejected and opposed guidance of Allah that if people from among the proper human community cause you to migrate from this place of your settlements then we too will migrate along with you and we will never listen to anyone who seeks to harm you and if you are attacked, we will certainly help you? However set up systems and laws of Allah made it evident or obvious that they were lying.

    012] Although the migrants have left their place of residence by themselves, even if they were to be driven out by the proper human community due to their mischiefs and conspiracies, they will not have gone with them and if they were attacked by them they will not have helped them either but even if they had decided to help them, they will have turned their backs and run away, they knew this already therefore they did not help them at all.

    013] It is because in their minds there is greater fear or tension for consequences for going against you the proper human community rather than going against guidance of Allah and well being of humanity, for they are a people who due to their ignorance based arrogance avoid proper understanding of things which really matter for them.

    014] Regardless of whatever they say, they will never fight against you the proper human community even if they do so altogether except from within the fortified positions in townships and from behind the defensive walls. It is because stronger is their rivalry, hatred and animosity among themselves for secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. You may think or assume they are united but the fact is mentally they are utterly against each other due to securing their petty individual personal interests or gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is because they are a people who avoid learning sense of making proper sense of things which really matter for ensuring well being of mankind.

    015] They are similar in mindset, attitude and behaviour to those who have tasted or experienced the consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the proper human community a short while before them. They too will face painful consequences for their own thoughts and actions against the proper human community in the kingdom of Allah.

    016] These groups of people whose mindset, attitude and behaviour is just like that of the harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership which they follow which in turn follows a way of life whereby they secures their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense when that leadership tells them to reject and oppose the establishment of the rule of law of Allah according his guidance in the human world and they rejects and opposes it and face the consequences they are clearly warned about, the very same leadership says to them, I have nothing to do with what you have done so you are on your own. This is how due to ignorance based arrogance their leadership deceives its equally dumb following and then for its face saving it uses the baseless excuses including telling them, I fear Allah the lord of the worlds.

    017] The end result for both the leadership and the following is that they are all thrown by each other into a state of existence that is full of terrible painful suffering because of their harmful and destructive ideas and practices which lead them into the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves and they remain in that state of existence for as long as they continue living that way and they do not stop living that way and instead do not adopt the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for the blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom. Such is the outcome for thoughts and actions of those who inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    018] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance, be fully and properly consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with humanity and let each and every person think and be careful as to what one is doing for the good of its own future as well as its own future generations. So be consistent with guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other because that is the reason why Allah makes obvious for you all what you all should be thinking and doing for your brilliant future.

    019] Do not be like those who were given the books before you who due to their ignorance based arrogance ignored and neglected guidance of Allah so Allah left them to their own devices. They were a people who ended up creating divisions and lived with hatred and animosity between themselves due to living by ways of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    020] Behold! The people striving or struggling for the human world that is full of terrible painful suffering and the people striving and struggling for the human world that is full of blissful, dignified and secure existence are not equal rather people striving for bringing about a blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind in the human world are far superior.

    021] Even if We placed this Quran before the most knowledgeable person or the person who has the most possible information and who can make most possible proper sense of it in the human world, you will still see him humbled before its information due to being awe struck by superiority of the information from Allah. We are citing such like examples for mankind so that they could become thoughtfully motivated or inspired and active people for fulfilling the purpose for which we have created them according to the way it is supposed to be fulfilled.

    022] This is why this revelation from Allah clearly proves the fact that Allah is He other than Whom there is no God or creator, owner and ruler, the One Who makes obvious for mankind in due course that which is hidden for them to show He is the provider of psychological, biological and sociological needs of mankind.

    023] Allah is He besides Whom there is no God for his creation, the only owner and sovereign of whole of his creation, the one who advises mankind to become united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous and free of inflicting harm and destruction upon each other for pleasant and beautiful existence, the one who advises people to be safe and secure, the granter of guidance for mankind for their safety and security from harm and destruction by hands of each other, the guardian or protector and sustainer of all His creation so that it could fulfil his purpose of creation according to his plan, the one who honours mankind and cannot be resisted or opposed by anyone or anything, the one who is supreme in authority, surely Allah is free of all those partners in His sovereignty which people assign or ascribe and assume for Him.
    024] He is Allah, the creator, the evolver, the shaper or fashioner or designer to whom belong only and only the most beautiful attributes or qualities or characteristics or properties and works. All that is in the heavens and the earth strives to its utmost ability to reflect His ownership and sovereignty, for He alone is mighty wise ruler of this world.

    Surah 60     AL-MUMTAHINAH-The preparation or education and training as well as investigation and critical examination of a human population for becoming a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance as well as of any other human population that decides to join the proper human community for ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in my kingdom according to my guidance, you should not take for allies or partners for accomplishing my assigned mission those people who are haters and enemies of my mission as well as your mission offering them respect and affection just because you people are related to each other for the reason that they reject and oppose the true or proper guidance that has come to you from me, due to which they have driven out my messenger to you along with yourselves just because you people have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah your creator and sustainer. If you have truly come forth to struggle for promoting my advised way of life for mankind seeking my pleasure through ensuring well being of mankind then how can you people secretly and sincerely have connections with those relatives of yours who fight or declare war against you due to my assigned mission for you? Be warned that I know whatever you people hide or conceal or keep secret from your friends or foes and whatever you make obvious or evident or known to your friends or foes so whoever from among you will disclose what one is supposed to hide or keep secret from one’s foes that person has cut himself off from the way of life advised for mankind by his creator and sustainer.   

    002] Should you people not realise the fact that whenever those relatives of yours who take you for their enemies meet you, they treat you as their enemies and they extend their hands and tongues against you people hoping to harm or destroy you? It is because due to their ignorance based arrogance they wish to see you joining them in rejecting and opposing the establishment of rule of law of Allah or be harmed or destroyed.

    003] However if any of you will join those who reject and oppose my advised way of life for mankind just because they are your relatives then remember that harm and destruction will keep on spreading so the time period will come when people will rise up against this harmful and destructive way of life, neither your relatives nor even your children and following will support you when that happens. That time period will manifest for you to see clearly the difference between both of you the parties as to which of you is following the beneficial, advantageous and constructive way of life for mankind and which of you is following the harmful and destructive way of life for mankind whereby some people in positions of power secure their petty personal gains from the rest at their expense, that is how Allah makes obvious for you the mankind what you ought to be thinking and doing and what you are not supposed to be thinking and doing.

    004] You have an excellent example in Abraham and his team or following or supporters when they said to their people, we are distancing from you people as well as from those whom you take for your rulers instead of Allah. We reject and oppose the way of life you people live by for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other whereby you end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. For this reason this is the beginning of the separation between us and you people till you people commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to guidance of Allah the only true God. Nonetheless Abraham also said to his father and relatives, I will surely continue desiring your safety and security but I have no authority whatsoever from Allah to force you to leave your way of life or to impose upon you his advised way of life for mankind for your blissful, dignified and secure existence. All because Abraham and his supporting team had already declared, our creator and sustainer in your set up systems and laws we put our trust and for our guidance we refer or turn towards your provided guidance through which you have told us about the purpose for which you have created us and the way to fulfil that purpose.

    005] They also expressed their wish by saying, our Creator and Sustainer, do not leave us on our own to become an easy target for those who reject and oppose Your guidance instead through your guidance protect us from them. Our creator and sustainer, no doubt you are the sole mighty ruler of whole of this kingdom of your creation.

    006] Indeed in the way Abraham and his team responded to their relatives about our guidance after their rejection and opposition to it there is a beautiful example for you people as well as for any and every people that join the mission of Allah looking forward to the best time period of existence for their future. However any people who turn away from it or against it let them be aware that Allah is free of all wants for his existence to whom belongs the ownership and sovereignty of this whole kingdom of creation.

    007] It may well be that Allah will bring about love and affection between you and your relatives with whom you are at odds just now because Allah has sent the revelation that is powerful enough to make this happen if you could deliver it as it ought to be delivered and they receive it as they ought to receive it, for Allah secures mankind through His blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance provided they understand it properly and act upon it faithfully.

    008] This is why Allah does not stop you people from behaving compassionately and equitably with those from among your relatives who are currently your enemies who do not declare wars on you due to your following of guidance of Allah nor do they take active part in driving you out of your homes. The fact is, set up systems and laws of Allah supports those who behave compassionately and equitably towards each other because they seek to harm none and if anything they work for benefit of all.

    009] It is because rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah inflict harm and destruction upon each other thereby upon humanity therefore Allah forbids you to make friendship with those of your relatives who fight you because you follow His guidance and therefore they drive you out of your homes and back up others in your expulsion. So those who therefore will take them for friends are indeed the ones who do what is harmful and destructive for this mission based proper human community.

    010] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance when there come to you any parties or families or human populations which claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah seeking to join you, check them out to ensure that they are not here for harmful and destructive ulterior motives to harm and destroy you people. Allah knows their commitment to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and in time to come he will make it evident to you through their thoughts and actions whether it is true or false but if you find them reasonably committed to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind then do not refuse them your friendship and affection as well as help and support in order to send them back to join those who reject and oppose Our guidance. They are no longer compatible with those whom they left nor are they any longer compatible with these people who came to you. Since these parties have decided to leave their previous or former human populations to join you people therefore they may have some contractual obligations with people they left so for that reason return to their former human populations what they have given them. Moreover there should be no hurdle or obstacle between both of you parties when any of you parties enter in any contract with each other provided you people give each other the dues as is appropriate. Also do not hold on to your contracts by force with parties from among you who wish to go and join those who reject and oppose Our guidance and have enmity towards you and would inflict damage on you on behalf of your opponents or adversaries, so if they wish to be free to join the opponents of Our guidance you too are free to demand what you have spent on them and make the opponents do the same. This is solution of Allah which He has decreed for you because Allah is wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    011] However if you do not get back the demanded amount from your parties that go and join t

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #125 - March 30, 2023, 08:06 AM

    Surah 55      AL-RAHMAAN–The provider of biological, psychological and sociological needs of mankind taught the Quran to his messenger to teach it to rest of mankind for bringing about a proper human community in his kingdom based upon his program for his assigned goals for them to accomplish according to his provided guidelines for the purpose of ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] By saying, the provider of psychological, sociological and biological needs of mankind

    002] has taught you his messenger this Quran to teach it to rest of mankind.

    003] It is He who has created and evolved mankind 

    004] and taught them how to communicate or interact with each other as well as with the rest of the creation.

    005] In his kingdom of creation the sun and the moon work according to His set up systems and laws as well as according to his computations and measures he put in place for them so that they serve his purpose according to his plan.

    006] All the galaxies full of stars and planets as well as all the trees and plants in his kingdom work according to his plan to serve his purpose as per his set up systems and laws.

    007] By means of his set up systems and laws according to measures he put in place He gave rise to his kingdom of all this creation and set a proper balancing mechanism therein to keep all things in a proper balance with respect to each other for them to work properly and to keep on working properly as programmed.

    008] So you the mankind should also try your best to keep things properly balanced in the human world by studying things properly and learning from all that you have been given ability to learn and do, so that you never transgress his set limits and suffer the terrible consequences as a result.

    009] Therefore establish the proper balance among yourselves regarding his assigned rights and responsibilities for you and never inflict loss or damage upon each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    010] As for the earth We originated it with capabilities for bringing about all the living things with provisions for all the creatures,

    011] wherein are fruits and date-palms having sheathed clusters

    012] as well as grain with husk and scented herbs.

    013] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    014] Because you the mankind are not Gods so you do not own anything at all to make decisions about it freely rather He the one true God began origination of mankind with formation of a living cell with components extracted from the earth as a mixture or liquid having potential to bring about human beings, by developing it stage by stage and species by species as a tree of life till came about the human species and he formed the human character like a potter moulds or models his clay into a required or desired shape,

    015] that is how He brought about all species of creatures including the creatures that are visible to the naked eye as well as the creatures that are invisible to the naked eye many of which have disappeared or have become extinct since then because they were brought about the while the environment or atmosphere of the earth was still hot because they could only survive in that kind of environment or atmosphere or weather.

    016] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    017] Since He is the creator and the sustainer Who brought about four seasons in both the hemispheres.

    018] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    019] He has made the two bodies of the water one sweat and the other bitter or salty that come together

    020] yet between them is a barrier which they do not transgress.

    021] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    022] He produces pearls and coral from both of them.

    023] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    024] To Him belong the ships looming up like mountains on the sea.

    025] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    026] All that is brought into existence is constantly made to go through changes or variations by set-up systems and laws according to measures put in place by him

    027] so that the purpose of your Glorious Creator and Sustainer is fulfilled according to his plan for creating all that he has created in his kingdom.

    028] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    029] All those in the heavens and the earth fully depend upon Him for fulfilments of their needs for their existence or survival, His set-up systems and laws are constantly and consistently at work helping things grow and prosper that are in step with them and they eliminate things that fail to do that.

    030] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    031] Soon We will settle your affair or issue also, O you the harmful and destructive leadership and the following.

    032] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    033] So O you the harmful and destructive leadership and following from among the human populations, if you can then escape Our set-up systems and laws in the heavens and the earth but the truth is, you cannot escape consequences of your harmful an destructive thoughts and actions against each other however you can secure a beautiful future for yourselves by studying properly and accepting Our rule of law and following Our advised way of life for mankind faithfully.

    034] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    035] However, should you fail to follow Our advised way of life for mankind and continue on the harmful and destructive path you are on already then flames of fire of hatred and choking animosities among yourselves will be the result for you in due course when the upheavals in reaction start taking place and at that time you will not be able to help yourselves escape the situation.

    036] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    037] Otherwise the universal or worldwide revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions will burst forth like a sea that is full of fire of hatred and animosity.

    038] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    039] During that time period neither harmful and destructive leadership nor following will need to be asked about its crimes against Our rule of law and each other as well as the wider humanity because its crimes will become so obvious or self evident.

    040] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    041] Because the criminals will be recognised through obvious clues on their faces and they will be caught due to their harmful and destructive plots and steps they will take against others for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    042] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    043] This is what will be said by our missionaries to the criminal leadership and its criminal following in a human population that is undergoing or experiencing a revolt or bloody revolution, this is the end result of fire of hatred and animosity between yourselves against which you were clearly warned but these criminals denied it at the time when they were warned because they thought at the time this could never happen to them.

    044] Our warning will come to pass because these criminals will keep delivering hate and animosity based speeches to their human populations so these perpetrators of all this fire of hatred and animosity will end up in the middle of the sea of fire of hatred and animosity they themselves will have created between their human populations in order to divide and rule them and keep them divided in order to keep secure their rule or control or grip over them by employing various manipulating or exploiting mechanisms.

    045] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    046] On the contrary those human populations which will become thoughtful or mindful about or aware of our mission assigned for them they will struggle or strive for or get involved in establishing themselves properly upon the solid foundation provided for them by their Creator and Sustainer to become a proper human community in his kingdom, so they will end up in a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here due to their hard works as well as in hereafter as an award for them.

    047] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    048] Here in this world they will have beautiful existence because these human populations will have learned proper knowledge as well as great skills whereby they will make progress and prosper as a proper human community.

    049] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    050] The places or lands or kingdoms wherein they will be residing or living they will build therein proper education and training centres or fountains or springs of knowledge and training which will help them produce livelihood that will be constantly flowing in there like rivers.

    051] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    052] Therein will result total output due to their hard works whereby they will complement each other as a proper human community.

    053] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    054] Because they will base themselves upon a solid foundation of our program for a set of goals from us to accomplish according to our provided guidelines as a proper human community in our kingdom therefore their minds will be well connected with each other and they will be full of creative ideas and designs like rich brocade therefore the fruits of their self created blissful worlds or kingdoms will be well within their easy reach.

    055] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    056] Because in them will be ability to keep their eyes firmly focused upon our program, goals and guidelines so they will neither use others abusively nor will others be able to use them abusively from within the proper human communities or from the other outside human populations.

    057] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    058] So beautifully they will fit-in with each other and get on with each other as rubies and corals are appropriately placed in a necklace.

    059] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    060] Could the outcome for thoughts and actions of those who work very, very hard to make the human world beautiful for each other be anything other than a beautiful human world for them all?

    061] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    062] And besides these human populations in beautiful kingdoms there are going to be similar other human populations in other beautiful kingdoms in time to come.

    063] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should .

    064] They will be groups of people in very large numbers who will spearhead Our assigned mission for mankind.

    065] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    066] Within these kingdoms which will complement or fully support each other there will be similar learning places or institutions or education and training centres which will complement each other from which will gush forth springs of knowledge or information and understanding as well as livelihood for their dwellers or settlers or residents or inhabitants.

    067] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    068] Each of these kingdoms will be planted with fruit trees like dates palms and pomegranates.

    069] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    070] In each of them there will be people who will work very, very hard according guidance of their creator and sustainer as well as to the best of their God given abilities to make things better thereby they will make the human world a beautiful place for each other.

    071] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should .

    072] They will be mentally and physically beautiful people who will be living in a human world that is full of learned or knowledgeable people due to plenty of learning places as well as they will be fully covered in things of need and want.

    073] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    074] An unparalleled or outstanding people whose mental and physical performance will not have been reached or matched by any natives or locals or strangers or foreigners before them.

    075] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    076] They will be sitting on the highest pedestal or platform of excellent mental and physical performance for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind reaching the target of making the human world a beautiful place for mankind to live in as a proper human community in our kingdom to ensure their well being with help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    077] Therefore say to rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind who live by harmful and destructive way of life because thereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, by what justifiable reasoning can you both the harmful and destructive leadership and following successfully deny to each other right to provisions of the creator and the sustainer of both of you? Since you cannot justify doing that therefore stop doing that and start living properly as you should.

    078] Such firmly founded and glorious are program, goals and guidelines you the messenger are proclaiming to mankind in the name of your creator and sustainer, the one to whom belongs power to honour you the mankind graciously. Therefore mankind should stop living by harmful and destructive way of life and start living by way of life advised for them by him.

    Surah 56    AL-WAAQIAH–The main event which cannot be prevented or stopped from taking place is establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world by his missionaries according to his guidance to ensure well being of mankind with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] When the inevitable event of establishment of the rule of law of Allah by mankind in the human world becomes a reality

    002] and this happening or taking place of this event or coming to pass of this news or forecast cannot be prevented or stopped or proven false or a lie.

    003] The harmful and destructive way of life whereby mankind secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which come about rivalries based upon fire of hatred and animosity between themselves will become uprooted and it will become replaced by way of life advised for mankind by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other.

    004] That is how the rivalry, hatred and animosity based divisions in the human populations will be removed or the uneven social landscape of human world will become evened out in due course.

    005] Because the heavy weights or influential or dominant people of the human world will end up losing their power and influence or domination and appeal

    006] and they will become dislodged and disorientated like dust blown away and scattered by the wind.

    007] You the mankind are in three groups due to three situations or sets of circumstances or states of existence you people face or are in.

    008] As for the group of people who accept and abide by our rule of law or are on the right side of our rule of law, what a beautiful, glorious and amazing life or state of existence they have due to being on the right side of our rule of law!

    009] As for the group of people who reject and oppose Our rule of law or are on the wrong side of our rule of law, what a terrible life or state of existence they have who reject and oppose and fight against our rule of law!

    010] As for the group of people who are the forerunners or the people who start the missionary work for inviting people to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah, what a wonderful and amazing group of people that is! 

    011] They faithfully and firmly stick or attach themselves to guidance of Allah as well as with each other

    012] for bringing about a blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom to ensure their well being through help and full support of each other.

    013] A large party of them struggled earlier for this purpose according to plan of Allah.

    014] And likewise a small party of them continues the struggle for the very same end goal or objective as well as the very same way till the rule of law of Allah becomes fully established in the whole of human world.

    015] Because upon mighty foundations or program, goals and guidelines of Allah

    016] they are firmly and properly based as a proper human community, which is leading them to glorious and beautiful state of existence due to their backing and supporting each other fully.

    017] And their ever lively and energetic fully reliable, dependable and trustable young people are going about their daily business happily serving their proper human community faithfully

    018] with bundles of livelihood as per their need and want due to pleasant intakes in sessions from the flowing rivers of information with understanding as shining beakers and cups of pure wine of our revealed knowledge,

    019] that neither lets them feel hardship nor fed up with sense of responsibility due to inspiring and motivating them like a pleasant drink that neither pains the heads of its drinkers nor takes away their sense of making proper sense of things instead it makes them feel refreshed and energetic as well as lively and active.

    020] They will have fruits of their own hard works,

    021] the ultimate delicacies of life, goodness upon goodness 

    022] as well as loving and intelligent fellow settlers or residents of the kingdoms with brilliant ideas and visions

    023] like valuable pearls well guarded that are kept far away from corruption

    024] as a reward of their own hard works which they have done.

    025] Therein these people will not hear any harmful and destructive talk at all from each other against each other

    026] instead they will hear only and only such talk from each other that will ensure their well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom,

    027] Such are the people who understand properly our advised way of life for them and they accept living by it as well as they abide by it faithfully, what a happy and joyful people are these who live by Our guidance faithfully!

    028] They are part of trouble free and prosperous human population,

    029] like clusters of fruits just like the bananas strongly joined to the banana tree and firmly connected together as a bunch of bananas as well as sticking closely together with each other

    030] with multilayer encompassing or surrounding thick protecting screens or shields or coverings

    031] with dignified and secure livelihood constantly flowing like water among them,

    032] and abundant fruits of all kinds

    033] with uninterrupted never ending supply,

    034] for as long as they will continue living by our advised way of life for them which leads mankind to heights of excellence through blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    035] It is as if We have given these human populations a new lease of life by inspiring and motivating them

    036] through our revelation and their proper study of it by making them capable of performing unparalleled hard works

    037] by bringing out of them their hidden potentialities.

    038] As for those who are on the right side of our rule of law,

    039] a party of them struggled very hard earlier on for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom

    040] and a party of them will continue struggling very hard for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    041] As for those on the opposite side of Our rule of law, what a humiliating state of existence engulfed people on the opposite side of Our guidance because some of them tried to live a luxurious life on the backs of the others whereby they forced poverty upon others by dispossessing them!

    042] That is how they all ended up in the middle of terrible state of existence that was full of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves

    043] so they were ultimately forced to live under the shadow of sadness, sorrow, grief, regret, depression, anxiety, fear and worry that was like a choking pitch-black cloud of smoke for them due to their infliction of harms and destructions upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense,

    044] which neither led them to life of dignity nor of ease or refreshing comfort.

    045] All this happened to these like people because they lived by a way of life whereby some of them tried to secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense due to which they tried to live a luxurious life on the backs of others from among themselves.

    046] This is how the powerful and the wealthy persisted in their heinous crimes against the weak and the poor people in their population despite being warned about the consequences for thinking and doing so against each other.

    047] Yet due to their ignorance based arrogance the powerful and the wealthy used to say, are we really going to end up harmed or destroyed by our weak and poor people and stripped off of our possessions and left bare to the bones by them? How can anyone make anything like this to happen to us or dislodge us from our positions of power or push us aside like this?

    048] And is this really what happened to our forefathers as well?

    049] Tell them, surely it happened to all those human populations who lived by any way of life other than our advised way of life for mankind be they of old or of present age or of the ages to come.

    050] This is why you people who refuse to live by our advised way of life for mankind will also be brought face to face with this situation at an appointed time or in due course so you too will come to see the truth with your own eyes at the time made known for you.

    051] Then, O you the people who live by a harmful and destructive way of life whereby you people dispossess others and that way deny God given rights of others or you denying them access to Our provisions.

    052] In due course you people yourselves will end up eating the fruit of your self-planted terribly bitter tree of hatred, animosity and wars between mankind,

    053] and you will fill your bellies with it to such degree that you will get fed up with it.

    054] You do all this to others due to drinking the boiling water from the fountain of falsehood and lies or due to learning or taking in false information or propaganda based upon anger or rage whereby you are taught hatred and animosity towards guidance of Allah as well as the rest of mankind,

    055] but due to your ignorance based arrogance you drink it like thirsty sick camels with insatiable thirst for it.

    056] This is how the consequences of their state of existence will manifest themselves during the period of time when the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will become established in the human world by our missionaries when they will be taken to task by their victims or by those whom they will have treated badly due to hatred and animosity towards them.

    057] We have surely created and evolved you as well as guided you, will you therefore not fulfil Our purpose according to our given plan faithfully for which we have created you?
    058] Have you studied the human sperm producing process to learn lessons from it as to how we create it and for what purpose?

    059] After studying it carefully what is your conclusion about it? Is it you who create it or are We the Creator of it?

    060] It is we who have created it because We have set-up systems and laws as well as put in place appropriate measures to bring about even your death as well and our set up systems and laws as well as our measures put in place for all these processes cannot be overcome or undermined.

    061] We did all this for replacing you by others of your own new generations for transforming you in due course ideologically into something you have no idea about just as yet.

    062] You the mankind already know your first rise as a proper human community in our kingdom and you will be raised again to become a proper human community in our kingdom, why then you do not learn lessons from that by reflecting on that as to how we did that the first time and how we are going to do it again?

    063] Have you studied and learned lessons from the seed that you sow in the ground or soil?

    064] Is it you who cause it to germinate or sprout and grow into a plant or tree or is it Our set-up systems and laws as well as our measures put in place for this process that causes it to become a plant or a tree?

    065] If you the mankind violate our set up systems and laws instead of understanding them properly and taking advantage of them by working according to them then our set up systems and laws deliver to you the results of your own wrong thoughts and actions which make you regret and cry because all your hard works comes to nothing.

    066] Yet you people blame us for being left with nothing at all by saying we are penalised unjustly

    067] or we are deprived of the fruit of our labour unfairly!

    068] Have you the mankind studied the process involved with processing the sea water you drink from and learned lessons from it?

    069] Is it you who raise it high to form clouds and bring it down from the clouds to purify it for your drinking or is it raised up through process of evaporation and brought down by rain process by Our set-up systems and laws according to our set up measures?

    070] Had it served our purpose and plan that way then We could have let the sea water remain salty or bitter and useless for you. Why then you the mankind do not make proper use of all that We have provided you with including water as told by us so that you could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom instead of fighting and going to wars with each other and thereby your ruining each other?

    071] Have you the mankind studied the fire you trigger or start or kindle or ignite?

    072] Is it you who brought about the tree or fuel which fuels the fire or is it result of Our set-up systems and laws according to our set measures we put in place for this purpose?

    073] We have made it a lesson for mankind to learn from as to what the life will be like without it because we made it a highly useful thing for its users who use it properly or appropriately.

    074] Therefore strive very, very hard in the name of your magnificent and beautiful creator and sustainer for making his assigned mission successful.

    075] No doubt these statements are from your creator and sustainer and to make that obvious We cite as evidence the galaxies full of stars and planets that are revolving and orbiting in their own orbits.

    076] And no doubt this is indeed a solid evidence if you could enable yourselves to examine or study it properly for your verification or confirmation.

    077] No doubt this Quran is such a book that if it is understood properly and acted upon faithfully by mankind then it can lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity and thereby to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    078] It is preserved in shape of a written book for you the mankind by our messenger and passed onto you.

    079] No one can reach it or reach its proper understanding except those who make proper effort to reach it and they study it purely for the objective it is revealed, which is to get information from it about their purpose of existence and the way to fulfil that purpose for which we have created them.

    080] It is sent by the Creator and the Sustainer of the human populations worldwide.

    081] So will you the mankind still take this testimony of ours as a baseless nonsense despite the fact that it is telling you people why you are here in this world and what you are supposed to be thinking and doing?

    082] And will you people make denying it, its true and rightful place in your lives your permanent business or food for your daily thoughts and actions?

    083] But if not then why is it that when you people see a human population being choked or strangled to death by an oppressive or brutal people or regime or system you do not intervene or take action to restore its life of dignity and security by using this program, its goals and guidelines?

    084] Instead due to your ignorance about our assigned mission for you people you helplessly look at each other like fools knowing not what to think and what to do to get people in troubles and difficulties  out of their troubles and difficulties?

    085] That is the time We could prove very helpful for you people through Our guidance yet you do not see any use for Our guidance due to your ignorance based arrogance or its avoidance and negligence.

    086] So why do you then not - if you claim you are not subject to Our set up systems and laws -

    087] restore to the dying human population its life and liberty if what you say or claim about your way of life is true?

    088] The truth is, if the dying or perishing human population becomes one of those human populations which join and sticks to Our guidance firmly

    089] then there is inspiration and motivation for it to unite by being peaceful and progressive as well as prosperous as a proper human community in our kingdom to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence.
    090] So if it decides to live by Our guidance

    091] then tell it, unity, peace, progress and prosperity awaits you based upon guidance from us.

    092] However if it decides to be of the human populations which are confused therefore reject and opposes Our advised way of life,

    093] then the way of life it lives by which is based upon hatred and animosity between its people can only and only lead it to its self destruction by hands of each other due to its people securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    094] That is how it will end up in agonising painful suffering as a consequence.

    095] Surely this is the reality which is very convincing for mankind to verify it for themselves.

    096] Therefore strive very, very hard in the name of your magnificent and beautiful creator and sustainer for making his assigned mission successful.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #126 - April 04, 2023, 06:41 PM

    Surah 53    AL-NAJM–The star like guiding light from Allah that stands out and it is clearly visible from a far away distance for mankind to use it for their guidance to the destination that is decided for them by him for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity to live their lives as a proper human community in his kingdom for having a blissful, dignified and secure existence so that their well being is ensured through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For this purpose We present this shining light of guidance from us for mankind through our messenger that clearly stands out as such and it is not a result of his own personal thoughts therefore mankind should understand it properly and act upon it faithfully to become a proper human community in our kingdom.

    002] It proves to those who will study it properly that our messenger Muhammad who is your fellow human has not strayed nor has he been led astray by anyone or anything.

    003] So he has not proclaimed this Quran in our name as our revelation to him which he has made up all by himself

    004] rather it is a fact that this Quran is our revelation to him indeed as a message for mankind to study properly and adopt faithfully for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    005] It should be very much obvious for mankind after studying it properly that this message is taught to him by the one who is mighty strong in having knowledge of all things.

    006] The reason this message is revealed to him instead of anyone else is that the one who is mighty powerful and all knowing has found him capable and ready for the purpose of carrying out his assigned mission successfully

    007] due to having learned the needed knowledge of things to the highest possible degree for completion of this mission successfully.

    008] Because he undertook journey of discovery or learning sense of making proper sense of things and approached the information he collected intellectually or rationally to make proper sense of it so he rose to a level of knowledge whereat he could benefit from Our revelation so we completed his circuit of information with the revelation of the Quran to him,

    009] like joining of two semicircle bows that make the circle complete,

    010] and that is how Allah revealed to Muhammad the Quran that He decided or intended to reveal to him

    011] and that is why his mind did not contradict or doubt that about which he was given insight through our revelation.

    012] Are you the mankind fighting with him over what he has learned and understood properly which you have not even bothered to study or learn and understand properly?

    013] He saw Our guidance as a clear assurance for the best possible future of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom

    014] wherein lies most possible development or growth and prosperity of mankind and which none should ignore or neglect or transgress

    015] because therein lies our unity, peace, progress and prosperity plan for mankind therefore their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    016] At the time before he received guidance from us, Our plan and purpose for creating all the creation was surrounded in mystery for him.

    017] However he remained focused and never gave up his effort for looking or searching for our guidance nor he became disappointed after being made aware about all this information he was looking for.

    018] He did indeed come across some of the key or vitally important pieces of information as explanations or lessons from his creator and sustainer.

    019] However, have you O messenger seen in the information from us authorisation for the concept of (Al-Laat) the secular rulership of one human being over any other human being instead of Allah or along with Allah, or for the concept of (Al-Uzza) the religious rulership of one human being over any other human being instead of Allah or along with Allah

    020] or for the third one which is the concept of (Manaat) the wealth based rulership of one human being over any other human being instead of Allah or along with Allah?

    021] Is it proper in your view that some of you the human beings should have sovereignty by any such means over others instead of Allah or along with Allah and for the others to accept any such arrangement?

    022] This is indeed an improper division of authority or sovereignty of Allah by some human beings due to their ignorance based arrogance for taking undue advantage of their fellow human beings by making fools of them therefore any such concept should be removed or gotten rid of!

    023] These are nothing but baseless, harmful and destructive ideas or concepts which you the following and your religious as well as secular powerful and wealthy leading people have invented for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore at the expense of concept of the proper human community. Allah has not granted any such authority about any such divisions of his authority or sovereignty. The rejecters and opponents of Our guidance follow nothing but their own self-created baseless ideas and concepts due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires of their own even though the proper guidance of Allah has already come to them from their creator and sustainer.

    024] Or do you the mankind still think that man should be left to his own devices based upon his own harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour after seeing the results of his harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other?

    025] No, not at all because to Allah alone belongs the right to make decisions about each and everything including telling mankind about his purpose for creating them and the way they can fulfil his purpose by means of his given program, goals and guidelines till the completion of his project from the very start.

    026] How many of the human beings are there in high positions of power among human populations yet their participation or intervention and handling of people and things benefits none save themselves at the expense of the rest but that is not the case with a human population that willingly and passionately goes by program, goals and guidelines of Allah, that is how Allah approves and shows consistency of its thoughts and actions for the benefit of mankind.

    027] Yet those who commit not to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah for the best future of mankind, assign administrative responsibilities for the management of the masses and the resources to their people for name sake or tokenism,

    028] as they do not have the needed proper information from us and its proper understanding for knowing their proper role to fulfil it. They just act upon their harmful and destructive chaotic thoughts therefore their actions do not accomplish what is consistent with Our purpose of creation of mankind and they do not benefit humanity.

    029] So expect not well being of humanity from thoughts and actions of those who ignore Our guidance and seek to secure their own petty personal gain from others at their expense based upon their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for living as they like in this world.

    030] This is the summing up of what they know of the available information and its understanding. Surely your Creator and Sustainer will make obvious for mankind in due course those who have strayed from His advised path of life for mankind as well as those who have stayed upon it.

    031] In any case be aware of the fact that to Allah alone belongs ownership and right of rulership over all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, so it is up to His set up systems and laws to deliver the outcomes for thoughts and actions of those who commit atrocities against others for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense as well as to deliver the outcomes of thoughts and actions of those who do their best to help others overcome their deficiencies and lacks to bring balance in their lives and thereby make their lives beautiful.

    032] Such as stop or prevent themselves from inflicting major harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense which could bring about their disintegration as a proper human community but instead they help and fully support others. For them program, goals and guidelines of your creator and sustainer provide ample safety and security or protection. He makes this abundantly evident or obvious for you since He nurtures you in to communities from the humble beginnings just like when you were embryos in wombs of your mothers. So delude and deceive not yourselves and your people through solutions for your problems based upon your religious and secular harmful and destructive beliefs and practices, because He makes obvious in due course through their own thoughts and actions and their outcomes such as fully help and support others for accomplishing his assigned mission or achieving His set goal or target according to his guidance.
    033] So have you people considered such a person who turns away from supporting His assigned mission?

    034] It is because such a person gives very little support and even that grudgingly just for show to avoid detection as a conspirator or hypocrite.

    035] Is his future obvious to him that he can see it secure, needing no help from the proper human community?
    036] Or did he not bother to find out what was told in the scrolls or pages of Moses

    037] and Abraham about proper human community each of whom fulfilled his assigned mission or set out tasks?

    038] They were told in there, none should be burdened with duties and responsibilities by the proper human community in our kingdom other than one can carry out properly according to the best of one’s God given abilities.

    039] Because a human being cannot achieve more than what one can work for.

    040] For that reason one’s effort should be properly monitored and recorded,

    041] so that one could be rewarded for his hard work efficiently and sufficiently or fully and properly,

    042] as it is sole right of your creator and sustainer
     to set out goals for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines for achieving them

    043] whereby He grants blissful, dignified and secure existence to mankind as a proper human community for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other due to their working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity or to let them suffer terribly painful consequences for rejecting and opposing his guidance.

    044] This is how His set up systems and laws bring a human population to life when they follow His advice or guidance or let them perish when they do not do so or fail to do so.

    045] Moreover it is He Who has created and evolved mankind but for their survival they ended up into two categories such as more advantaged as well as less advantaged in relation to each other by complementing each other or opposing and undermining each other

    046] despite being from the very same origin since they started out.

    047] Where after when they reached a stage of properly understanding things He decided to guide them by sending his revelation to them so that they complement each other in order to grow and develop to their full potential in time to come.

    048] For this reason He granted them necessities of life that are more than sufficient for them for fulfilling the purpose for which they were brought about which was to give them a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    049] That is why He bestowed them with intelligence and freedom to think and do things as well as with realisation of purpose through His revelation.

    050] However despite all this He let destroy themselves the harmful and destructive chiefs and people of Aad for not using their intelligence to benefit from His guidance and his granted things,

    051] then he let happen the same to the similar chiefs and people of Thamud without any of them being spared from the grip of his set up systems and laws,

    052] and before them the same was let happen to opponents of Noah who broke Our set limits and inflicted harm and destruction upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    053] Likewise were destroyed the harmful and destructive people of the cities to whom was sent Lot with our message who were overwhelmed by their own atrocities against each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    054] They were all overwhelmed by atrocities they committed against each other due to living by their harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
    055] So think about it, which of the rights and provision of your creator and sustainer will you the human populations deny each other and yet survive similar destructions?

    056] This warner of ours who is sent to you is also like the warners of the people of the past.

    057] The ever approaching period of time of revolts or uprisings or upheavals and tumults or turmoils or bloody revolutions is ever drawing near if you do not stop living your lives by ways of life whereby you secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    058] None other than guidance of Allah can explain such things to you to save you from your self destruction by hands of each other and to give you blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    059] Do you still find this revealed message beyond sensible or nonsense after all this explanation

    060] and take it for a joke instead of following it sincerely

    061] by wasting your time in thinking and doing harmful and destructive things for solving your problems which create more and more conflicts and fights or wars between yourselves?

    062] Therefore commit or devote yourselves fully to guidance of Allah for carrying out its stated objectives according to its guidelines faithfully.

    Surah 54       AL-QAMAR–The light of guidance that shines during the period of time when people are unaware or ignorant or are in the dark or confused about our purpose and plan for creating them in order to enlighten or educate and train them about all this so that they become a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Telling them clearly that the time period for the full and proper establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world will come about only and only when mankind will take up this cause as a mission and act as missionaries for it and flood the human world with light of this guidance to enlighten mankind about it particularly during the period of time when mankind are unaware or lack proper information and understanding about it or they are in the dark or confused about it.

    002] However whenever due to their ignorance based arrogance the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance see any sign or clue or evidence for expansion or spreading of light of our guidance by our missionaries they fight or struggle against it instead of studying it properly and acting upon it faithfully to benefit from it or to take advantage of it by saying, it is only a falsehood that is put together for making fool of us.

    003] The reason they reject and oppose our guidance is because they deny each other our assigned rights and responsibilities regarding our granted provisions for them because they live by a baseless, harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which lands them into conflicts, fights and wars with each other. However there is a set time limit for all affairs relating our purpose and plan.

    004] There has already come to them information about past generations of their human populations containing sufficient or enough warnings for them to learn lessons from

    005] as well as profound wisdom as to how to live their lives properly according to our advised way of life for mankind and how they should not live their lives but warnings are rarely taken seriously by leaderships as well as their followings in the human populations.

    006] So O messenger, leave these chiefs and their supporters to their own devices as they wish. The time period when the terrible event of revolt or uprising or bloody revolution will call upon them it will be a calling towards a terrible state of affairs for them.

    007] With their eyes struck with horror or terror, chiefs and their supporters will rush out of their dwellings like swarming locusts, agitated and overwhelmed with their living or survival concerns.

    008] They will rush out due to terrible commotion and upheaval to find out what has happened and these very rejecters and opponents of Our rule of law will cry out, this is indeed an awful period of time for us!

    009] Long before them chiefs of people of Noah denied benefits and advantages of Our guidance to their people and they opposed and fought against our missionary or our man on our mission. They rejected proposals by Our messenger calling him insane and ignored him,

    010] but he relied upon set-up systems and laws of his Creator and Sustainer saying, concern for livelihood of my people has overwhelmed me so give me strength or solid foundation by means of your guidance to gather people as a proper human community upon this base to bring about your rule of law in the human world!

    011] So at length We opened the doors of opportunities for him and his people through Our guidance like water pouring as a heavy rain

    012] whereby We flooded the land with prosperity like gushing springs and that is how we watered down the harmful and destructive ambitions and desires of people who had harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards each other through Our decreed end goal for them.

    013] This is how We armed him by means of our program, goals and guidelines to bring people together to help them move forward as a proper human community in our kingdom,

    014] so the team journeyed on under Our advised rule of law and care, a reward for a group of determined people that was initially ignored and neglected by their human population.

    015] Behold! We kept that story as a lesson for mankind, so are there any people who would take this lesson aboard and act on this advice to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other?

    016] And see for themselves how effective and pleasant were Our program, goals and guidelines in saving people from their total self destruction due to their living by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of Our alerting and guiding them in advance or in time?

    017] Behold! Likewise We have made this Quran a program for a set of goals with guidelines for mankind to reach the heights of excellence easily, so are there any people who will take this program as a lesson aboard and act on this advice to reach the heights of excellence?

    018] And just as chiefs of Noah denied Our assigned rights and responsibilities to their people so did chiefs of people of Aad to their people, so how effective and pleasant were Our program, goals and guidelines in saving these people from their own total self destruction by hands of each other due to their living by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of Our alerting and guiding them in advance or in time?

    019] We sent for them Our resonating revelation during the period of time when they were constantly at odds with each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense

    020] which snatched people away from that way of life because they were like rootless trunks of palm-trees having no real foundation to base themselves upon as a people to have a life worth living.

    021] So how effective and pleasant were Our program, goals and guidelines in saving people from their total self destruction by hands of each other due to their living by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of Our alerting and guiding them in advance or in time?

    022] Behold! Likewise We have made this Quran a program for a set of goals with guidelines for mankind to reach the heights of excellence easily, so are there any people who will take this program as a lesson aboard and act upon this advice to reach the heights of excellence?

    023] The chiefs of people of Thamud denied Our assigned rights and responsibilities to their people in contravention of Our program, goals and guidelines and that way ignored our warning

    024] By saying to each other, are we to follow a mere human being just like ourselves from among us? That surely will be a wrong thing to do and utter foolishness on our part that will lead us to our utter destruction.

    025] Was he the only suitable or fit person from among us to receive this program, goals and guidelines from Allah? No way! He is indeed a trouble making liar.

    026] So We said to Our messenger, worry not soon in time to come they are going to find out who is really a trouble making insolent liar.

    027] We are about to start a program for a set of goals for them to accomplish as a mission according to our provided guidelines for their education and training for raising awareness among these people for implementing Our rule of law which balances things properly for mankind and thereby makes their human world beautiful if they live up to it. So be ready and well prepared for struggling or striving or working hard with them for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community and remain steadfast and consistent.

    028] So begin by telling them, the rule of law must be just and fair as well as the same for all of them and each person must stick to the constitution and its laws properly and faithfully.

    029] At length people of Thamud assigned one of themselves with their leadership, who took on the responsibility and implemented Our program, goals and guidelines based constitution and laws in the land.

    030] So how effective and pleasant were Our program, goals and guidelines based constitution and its laws in saving these people from their own total self destruction by hands of each other due to their living by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of Our alerting and guiding them in advance or in time?

    031]  We sent for these chiefs and their people a single education and training based revolutionary mission to turn them into a proper human community, so they ended up totally reformed according to our guidance.

    032] Behold! Likewise We have made this Quran a program for a set of goals with guidelines for mankind to reach the heights of excellence easily, so are there any people who will take this program as a lesson aboard and act upon this advice to reach the heights of excellence?

    033] Yet another example is that of the chiefs or the leadership of the people of Lot who denied their people our assigned rights and responsibilities despite Our warning against it.

    034] So We sent for them our program, goals and guidelines to target particularly or especially thereby the people of Lot in order to save them from their own total self destruction by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    035] Through the blessed revelation from us we saved and graced them due to their acceptance of it and working hard according to it to reach the heights of excellence. That is how We reward those who work hard to use our provisions according to our provided guidance as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    036] We did warn them earlier about coming into the grip of our forewarned state of existence but they neglected and ignored our warning so they ended up in the state of existence they were in by adopting a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
    037] However, when they faced their utter destruction or annihilation by living their life the way they were living they detached themselves from it and became passionately attached to the way of life that was advised for them by us where after we opened their eyes to thoughts and actions or things which really mattered for them to think about and do. So we said to them, experience now the pleasure and delight of our guidance due to heeding our warning in time.

    038] This is how dawn of unity, peace, progress and prosperity broke for them and they ended up in an enduring pleasant state of existence as a proper human community in our kingdom. 

    039] So we said to them, taste now the joy and happiness for abiding by our guidance due to heeding our warning in time.

    040] Behold! Likewise We have made this Quran a program for a set of goals with guidelines for mankind to reach the heights of excellence easily, so are there any people who will take this program as a lesson aboard and act upon this advice to reach the heights of excellence?

    041] Our warners also came to chiefs of people of Pharaoh.

    042] They too denied all of our assigned rights and responsibilities to their people and due to our set up systems and laws as well as due to measures we put in place We found them caught up in a mighty revolt or uprising or bloody revolution as a consequence of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    043] So O messenger ask your people, is rejection and opposition of you people to Our rule of law stronger than your past like minded friends or have you been granted exemption in Our plan from Our set up systems and laws for delivering outcomes of people’s thoughts and actions for or against each other?

    044] Do they boast that all together we are a much greater number of people so we can fight off implementation of this alleged rule of law from Allah?

    045] Soon will their multitudes be uprooted and put to flight due to fights between themselves due to the way they live their lives.

    046] This is why no, you people cannot fight off implementation of rule of law of Allah! The starting time for revolt or uprising is a set time period. That time period will be the most grievous and bitter for the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance.

    047] Yet these criminals who rule others unduly or without having any right to do so due to their ignorance based arrogance persist in their living by harmful and destructive way of life or wrong course of thoughts and actions because of their desire for remaining dominant by undermining others against our guidance.

    048] At the time of revolt or uprising when they will be dragged by their victims into the agonising painful suffering with their personalities undermined and humiliated as well as ashamed they will be told, feel the touch of pain and suffering you used to inflict upon us.

    049] Surely We have created everything for a set purpose according to our plan and we have put in place proper or appropriate measures for that reason or purpose.

    050] Moreover We initiate a process at once or without delay between our planning and execution and Our whole program comes into operation and fulfils as smoothly and quickly as a process and mechanism involved in the operation of blinking of an eye.

    051] O you the chiefs and their supporters who due to your ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose establishment of Our rule of law in the human world now, our set up systems and laws have already let destroy themselves many chiefs and their supporters before you who did the same then will you still not install Our program properly for our set goals for you people to accomplish them faithfully according to our provided guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws and act upon it to save yourselves and prosper as a proper human community in our kingdom?

    052] The simple fact that you people should consider is, all that human populations think and do for or against each other is a matter of historical record.

    053] Each and every event, minor and major is manifest or obvious for all to see in there and learn from.

    054] Therefore surely only and only those who will be consistent with each other according to Our guidance will land in blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom with abundance of things of need and want flowing like rivers for them due to their own hard works,

    055] a place wherein people are truly honoured by each other due to living by guidance of Allah who is the sole mighty ruler of this whole kingdom of his creation.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #127 - April 10, 2023, 08:56 AM

    Surah 51    AL-ZAARIYAAT–The missionary teams and parties that need to be arranged and despatched for spreading this message throughout the human world so that mankind could have blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Therefore We call upon you our messenger to organise missionary parties or teams for delivery of Our guidance to human populations.

    002] So they should go and carry along with them our message for delivering it to the human world widely.

    003] So that through their courageous missionary activities they bring unity, peace, progress and prosperity to mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence

    004] by delivering or distributing information to them about Our program, goals and guidelines.

    005] No doubt what you are told is to happen or take place or come to pass.

    006] Which is in due course the rule of law of Allah is to become fully and properly established in the human world by human beings themselves.

    007] We put forth as evidence our harmonious or properly balanced or finely tuned kingdom of creation that is full of galaxies with stars and planets and it functions perfectly for the purpose it is created according to our plan.

    008] Whereas you the mankind have gone after your own chosen purposes of life by your own chosen ways of life instead of fulfilling our purpose according to our plan for which we have created you as well as guided you and provided you with all the needed things.

    009] Nonetheless the fact is you were given the ability to choose from between the differing ways of life and due to your ignorance based arrogance most of you chose to live by a way of life whereby you people secured your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so you moved away from the way of life we advised for you for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    010] However, bad news always awaited those who due to their ignorance based arrogance put themselves on a path that led them to their own harm or destruction by hands of each other due to their following of harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    011] All because those who are fully immersed or soaked in ignorance based arrogance they do not study our guidance properly to accept it and act upon it faithfully.

    012] Yet they dare to ask you, how far is the period of time when the rule of law of Allah that you are telling us about will become an established reality in the human world?

    013] Tell them, it will become an established reality during the time period when the fire of hatred and animosity between them will be at its peak and it will engulf them due to revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions so they will then realise the need for living by our guidance so they will stop living by their way of life and start living by our advised way of life for them.

    014] When they are taken over by upheavals, tumults and turmoils during that period of time they will be told by our missionaries, taste the consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other! This is what you wanted us to work hard for to hurry it up.

    015] As to those who will become consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other as a proper human community in our kingdom, they will end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence in lands or kingdoms that will be full of all that they will need and desire due to their own hard works.

    016] Because they will have joyfully received and understood properly as well as carried out faithfully the program of their creator and sustainer that he has given them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines. They will have achieved all that due to our guidance because they will have already learned to a degree to live their lives for ensuring well being of each other whereby they will have tried making life or existence of each other beautiful.

    017] They will have rested only for a little while during the period of darkness of ignorance during which people inflict harms and destructions upon each other

    018] so that by working hard and for a longer period of time during that troublesome period of time they could protect and secure themselves for establishing the rule of law of their creator and sustainer in the human world as soon as possible through bringing about the dawn of enlightenment in the human world.

    019] No doubt upon the fruit or outcome of their labour or hard work rests securing of God given rights and provisions for those who seek or need sustenance or livelihood due to being dispossessed by rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life for mankind.

    020] And in the human world before your very eyes there are plenty of evidences about it for those of you who would bother to verify them to be sure about this stated fact for joining this campaign or mission for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world.

    021] In fact you do not even need to look far for such evidences because they are found even among your very own human population, so can you still not see or have you no insight into what is going on all around you people and which groups of people are responsible for doing all this to rest of human beings?

    022] Therefore it is or it should be very clear for you all to see that security of your livelihood or provisions or sustenance clearly lies in your proper establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world and that is what you are promised and advised to campaign or strive for to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    023] Beside the evidence before your very eyes the testimony of the owner and sustainer of the heaven and the earth also confirms the fact that what you are taught through this message is the right course of action for you to follow through and that is also going to be your own conclusion as well about whole of this affair once you study this whole situation for yourselves properly whereby some of you secure your petty personal gains from others at their expense due to which you the mankind end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    024] Has the story of dignitaries from the powerful proper human communities reached you which were living in the neighbourhood of Abraham and his people?

    025] When they entered upon him on his invitation they said to him, we offer our services to work with you for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of your people. He said to them, I accept your offer for working with me for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of my people O you people who work for stopping and preventing harm and destruction people inflict upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    026] That was the reason he invited them for help so he turned to them about the situation or state of existence of his own people and brought to their attention some key concerns about them including his concern for the way of life or rule of law in that place whereby those people lived their lives.

    027] This is how he placed his reservations about them before these people by saying to them, will you people not participate or take part in this matter or do something about it?

    028] Before they reassured him he was concerned they may not be able to address his worries about self destruction of his people by hands of each other due to the way they were living their lives and that is how he expressed his concern about them. The dignitaries reassured him by saying to him, have no fear or worries and they gave him good news of a special assistant for his mission who is fully equipped or armed with needed information and its proper understanding about the situation.

    029] That is the way his human population could be brought out of its terrible state of existence due to its ignorance based inactivity and serious lack of productivity where after it was set a goal or task to accomplish or complete even though it made obvious by itself that it is an unproductive and a useless human population.

    030] But the dignitaries said, even so that situation can be changed or turned around as explained by your creator and sustainer in his revelation to you, surely He is the mighty one and all knowing ruler of his kingdom whose set up systems and laws make obvious results of peoples’ own thoughts and actions in due course.

    031] After his concerns were addressed Abraham also asked the dignitaries, O envoys, what else are you people up to?

    032] They replied, just now we are also despatched by our chief administrators to take care of or engage another people as well who are involved in criminal activities against each other,

    033] in order to shift or move them from life of crime to a productive life

    034] as it was put forth for such transgressors by your creator and sustainer in His guidance.

    035] And that is how We get a people out of life of transgression and rebellion to life of happiness and joy through their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance.

    036] This is how We found or established or created a proper human community wherein no one lived without submitting to our guidance or rule of law or program, goals and guidelines.

    037] This is why We have kept alive in the story of Abraham and his people a lesson for those who will keep in their mind the life of painful suffering and will make efforts to move away and stay away from that kind of life or existence.

    038] And there is also a lesson in the story of Moses when We sent him along with his brother to Pharaoh and his chiefs as well as his supporters with a brilliant program, goals and guidelines so that they could help them become a proper human community as they were denying our given rights and provisions to their people.

    039] However he turned his back on Our guidance along with his troublemaking or warmongering chiefs and supporters saying, he is either a conspirator against us who is trying to deceive or make fool of us through his tricky or sweet talk or he is a fanatic or lunatic or a man talking nonsense due to suffering from madness or insanity.

    040] So in due course We found him, his chiefs and supporters in the grip of or caught up in a sea of terrible problems and difficulties which were results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from others at their expense which put them at odds with each other, that is why he deserved the blame for what happened to him, his chiefs and supporters or backers.

    041] There is a similar lesson in the story of people of Aad, their chiefs and supporters because they too denied our given rights and provisions to their people so our set up systems and laws let loose against their chiefs a strong wind of revolt or uprising or bloody revolution or change

    042] whereby their ruling elite was uprooted or dislodged and toppled to its very core.

    043] Likewise there is a clear warning in story of Thamud when it was said to their chiefs, enjoy yourselves the while you can

    044] because they also transgressed against program, goals and guidelines of their creator and sustainer by denying to their people his given rights and provisions so as a result they too were overtaken by a sudden revolt or an uprising the while they looked on in terror due to being overtaken in a way that surprised them.

    045] They could not defend against this sudden change ideologically nor could they fight against it physically.

    046] And We let destroy themselves by hands of each other the chiefs of people of Noah and their supporters before them because they opposed Our rule of law due by denying our given rights and provisions to their people.

    047] All this happened for the fulfilment of the purpose for which we have created all things and it all happened according to our plan because it is We who have originated this kingdom of whole of our creation by Our own power and capability for our own purpose and plan and We are continuously expanding or inflating it so it is only and only through consistency with Our guidance as well as through consistency with each other mankind can survive and prosper or do well.

    048] Moreover We established the earth as an education and training place for human beings so that once they are properly educated and trained they could travel throughout our kingdom of creation and see as well as appreciate how excellently We have carried out all this work!

    049] All things We have created and evolved, similarly belong to different categories so that you the mankind could use them for learning about them through experimenting with them.

    050] Say to mankind, therefore rush towards learning about things the way Allah has set up systems and laws for teaching you, because that will clearly prove for you that I am assigned this mission by Him as a warner for making things plain to you all for the purpose of your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    051] So do not set up any rule of law against or in parallel to the rule of law of Allah, surely I am assigned by Him as a duty to be a plain Warner for you all against doing that in order to try and save you from living your lives by any way of life whereby you may secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which leads mankind to their destruction by hands of each other.

    052] It has been the case always that whenever any messenger came to a people before them in order to warn them against the way they lived their lives, due to their ignorance based arrogance they said about him, he is a deceiving conspirator or trickster or a man who talks nonsense due to insanity or madness and so they ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    053] Is this the best legacy they could leave for their future generations? No, rather they could have done a lot better had they followed our advised way of life for them but due to their ignorance arrogance they ended up a rebellious people.

    054] O Prophet therefore ignore the taunts of those who think not over your advice, for results or consequences of their transgressions against each other cannot be stopped by you on your own if they refuse to heed your warning therefore you are not to be blamed for whatever harmful and destructive they think and do to each other.

    055] Nonetheless you should keep on educating the willing from among them for their well being, because our guidance will benefit only and only those of them who will fully, properly and wholeheartedly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    056] That is because We have not created and evolved all things be they invisible to the naked eye or visible to the naked eye but only and only for serving our purpose of creation according to our plan.

    057] We need no looking after by them nor do We need them to do anything for us for our survival,

    058] because the fact is, it is Allah alone Who is sole provider of sustenance for the maintenance of all that exists, for He is the only one with such power and strength that cannot be undermined or overcome.

    059] Therefore those who live by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore they commit terrible atrocities against each other they will surely face consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other just like their like minded friends before them, so they should not seek of me all this in a hurry

    060] because bad news awaits those who reject and oppose as well as fight against the establishment of Our rule of law in the human world during the period of time they are promised!

    Surah 52        AL-TOOR– The peace plan package from Allah for stopping mankind from fighting with each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as well as for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity to understand it properly to accept it and to adopt it faithfully by forming a proper constitution and its laws according to it for organising and regulating themselves as a proper human community in his kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in order to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Therefore We present this peace plan package to stop mankind from fighting with each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as well as for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity to understand it properly to accept it and to adopt it faithfully by forming a proper constitution and its laws according to it for organising and regulating themselves as a proper human community in our kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in order to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    002] We have provided this information for mankind to collect it in form of a written book and hold onto it firmly 

    003] as a manifesto or a program from us for purpose of mass distribution in the human world,

    004] for forming a proper constitution and its laws for structuring or building a proper human community upon and for regulating it,

    005] and that way comprehensively securing its existence under that umbrella

    006] for expanding like a surging ocean

    007] otherwise your painful suffering by hands of each other will continue against which your creator and sustainer warns you

    008] because there is no any other way of life that could help you avert it

    009] and ignoring or neglecting the peace plan package of Allah continuously could bring the period of time when the whole human world will be shaken up violently and woken up rudely due to revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions

    010] so much so that the powerful and wealthy rulers, money lenders and priests will be running about in utter confusion.

    011] That time period is a very bad news for all those leading people who deny Our provided rights and provisions to rest of humanity

    012] such as remain engaged in their harmful and destructive activities against mankind.

    013] In that period of time they will be driven by their victims into the painful suffering violently

    014] and they will be reminded by our missionaries, this is the fire of hatred and animosity which you used to ignite or kindle or trigger or conspire for by denying God given rights and provision to other human beings.

    015] Was this warning of Allah a false one or were you not bothered with understanding it?

    016] This painful suffering is result of your that uncaring mindset, attitude and behaviour towards others so now put up with it, regardless you put up with it patiently and quietly or impatiently and noisily it is all the same for you, after all it is fruit or result or outcome of your own hard works which you did against the guidance or advice or mission of Allah.

    017] Surely those who strive hard to be consistent with Our guidance as well as with each other, they will end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence as proper human communities in the lands they live or reside or abide or stay in our kingdom,

    018] rejoicing at the outcome of their hard work due to given program, goals and guidelines by their creator and sustainer to them, that is how their creator and sustainer will shield or screen or protect or shelter them from making their own lives as well as lives of others hell.

    019] They will be encouraged by each other by saying, participate or partake in the proper human community properly on basis of proper knowledge through proper education and training centres so that you could think and do things that need thinking and doing properly for fulfilling the purpose for which Allah has created us.

    020] This is how they will rise to heights of excellence due to being properly organised and regulated in groups or teams and that way our guidance will help them have community fellows or colleagues or mates or companies of people that are equally free of blameworthy character who are highly intellectual and learned as well as knowledgeable people fit for thinking and doing what needs to be thought and done for fulfilling our purpose according to our plan for which we have created them and rest of mankind and things.

    021] So those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and those who will support them from among their supporters or following in their struggle for bringing about a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous human community our guidance will unite them firmly and our set up systems and laws will not deny them any fruits of their hard works at all, because each and every human population is entitled or bound to have fruits of its own hard works.

    022] That is how We will provide them with fruits of their labour as per their need or want or desire according to their own hard works that will hold them firmly together as a proper human community.

    023] They will therefore pass on from person to person and generation to generation this torch of proper knowledge or information and its proper understanding in order to safeguard themselves against going off this right way of life on to a harmful and destructive way of life.

    024] They should do that so that in due course there await all around for them like pearls beautifully placed in their places in a necklace their followers or youth well prepared and ready for taking over from their predecessors or elders the community responsibilities to continue this project running smoothly.

    025] They will continue consulting each other for matters of importance for the proper management of the proper human community and its resources so that things continue as smoothly as possible.

    026] Their elders will tell their youngsters, when we were managing our community we were very much fearful and troubled or concerned and worried about fulfilling our duties or responsibilities or obligations properly to our community.

    027] However guidance of Allah has been most helpful in helping us overcome our inefficiencies and deficiencies or lacks so we are saved from a terrible failure or humiliation or chaos and confusion or anarchy in managing our community and its resources.

    028] We managed to do all this because we always invited each other for sticking to His advised way of life according to His guidance. Surely His rule of law when it is fully and properly established in the human world it will clearly demonstrate that He is full of goodness and goodwill for mankind.

    029] So for bringing about such a proper human community in our kingdom strive very, very hard O messenger because you are bestowed with revelation by your creator and sustainer, which is not some nonsense from soothsayers nor are you mentally insane talking nonsense.

    030] Do these chiefs tell their supporters that he is just a person with antisocial agenda and we are waiting for his opposition to our social order die away in due course?

    031] Say to them, carry on then promoting your self-invented social order and I too will carry on promoting my God given social order and wait for the result to appear and decide the matter between us.

    032] Is that all their minds can think about or is it that due to their ignorance based arrogance they have chosen to set themselves up actively against Our advice or guidance or  mission on a course to self destruction?

    033] Are they saying this man has invented this Quran himself? No, he has not invented it at all because it is for their benefit but they say it anyway because they do not want to study it properly to know things from it properly to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind faithfully as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    034] However, even if they insist on their false claim about the Quran that it is a book written by a human being then for sake of argument let them produce a scripture like it that informs them about things they do not even know about including things about themselves.

    035] Moreover did they pop into existence out of nothing or were they brought into being or existence by themselves?

    036] Or is it they who created the heavens and the earth? No, they can never ever tell for sure how all this came to be.

    037] Do they have authority from your Creator and Sustainer to take ownership of provisions in to their possession or are they appointed managers over it by him?

    038] Or do they have any ways and means for consulting Him about it? If they do then let them produce their proofs for it.

    039] Is it for Him to dictate basis for your existence or is it for you to set up rules and laws as you like in His kingdom?

    040] Do you O messenger ask them for any personal gains for a reward for educating them to the best possible way of life for them that they feel burdened by that so they cannot learn it properly and follow it faithfully?

    041] Or do they themselves have the capability to know the future for sure that they must follow their own self created programs for their own chosen purpose of their existence according to their own plan due to being fully secure about their future?

    042] Do they intend to devise a plot against Our this peace plan package? In that case those who oppose establishment of Our rule of law in the human world will become trapped in their own plots or conspiracies or secret schemes and suffer agonising humiliation by hands of each other and keep on suffering till they repent from doing so and reform themselves according to our guidance.

    043] Or do they truly have some other creator, sustainer and rightful ruler than Allah? No, not at all rather the fact is, kingdom of Allah is free of rule by anyone other than its sole rightful ruler Allah alone.

    044] Yet they continue their stupidity even when they see the human world falling apart into pieces due to their stupidity because their excuse is, it is just a passing phase and once it is over they will be back in business as usual.

    045] So let them live by any way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as they please till they face the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions they have been warned about, that is the time when they will lose their minds to fear and themselves to destruction.

    046] The period of time when their plots and designs will avail them not and there will be none to help them out of that situation other than our presented this peace plan.

    047] Surely for these like harmful and destructive people who fail to repent and reform, there is yet another painful suffering to go through in hereafter even though most of them realise it not or refuse to become aware about it.

    048] Regardless of their negative reaction carry on steadfastly with your mission for installation or establishment of the rule of law of your Creator and Sustainer because you are surely succeeding as We see it, so strive hard for establishing rule of law of your creator and sustainer to demonstrate glory of the rule of law of your creator and sustainer for mankind to see for as long as you remain alive.

    049] Strive hard particularly during the period of darkness of ignorance and campaign for it in such a way so that there come about people who prove to be luminaries for guidance of mankind towards establishing this rule of law of Allah.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #128 - April 18, 2023, 02:57 PM

    Surah 48       AL-FATH- Guidance is sent by Allah through his messenger for mankind to open the doors for them to bring about a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] No doubt for this very purpose by means of this guidance We have opened up a high way for our assigned mission for you the mankind to make it as successful as it ought to be by establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world.

    002] So that by means of this guidance Allah prevents or stops or shields or screens or protects you from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your petty personal gain from each other at each other’s expense in the future as well, as you used to inflict harms and destructions upon each other in the past and that way he fulfils his promise to you about blissful, dignified and secure existence through his advised way of life for mankind that is properly balanced and firmly founded. 

    003] That is how Allah helps you with His mighty support.

    004] It is He alone who by way of his guidance brought satisfaction and courage to minds of those who have truly and properly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom in order to add to their self confidence and motivation for putting their trust in the mission based brotherhood of humanity. All this was made possible because to Allah alone belong all the forces in the heavens as well as in the earth, for Allah is all knowing and wise mighty ruler of his kingdom of creation.

    005] He has done all this in order to admit the leaderships and the followings in the human populations who are properly and fully as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as proper human communities in his kingdom into pieces of lands wherein flow things of their need and want like rivers due to their own hard works and that is how He will free them from their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and that will be a great achievement by them in the sight of Allah.

    006] However He leaves leaderships and followings of hypocrites and leaderships and followings of those who take for rulers other than Allah in the human populations to suffer the painful suffering as a consequence of their harbouring of harmful and destructive thoughts for taking harmful and destructive actions against the mission assigned for mankind by Allah. Therefore upon them befall the harms and the destructions they plot or conspire for because they distance themselves from the blissful, dignified and secure life providing program of Allah and that is how He lets them prepare for themselves a life of terrible painful suffering which is a debasing goal to have that leads them to their own humiliation by hands of each other.

    007] Because to Allah alone belong all the forces of the heavens and the earth and Allah is mighty wise ruler of the kingdom of his creation.

    008] O messenger, there cannot be any doubt that We have sent you on a mission to put before mankind our evidence based guidance We have revealed to you and thereby give good news of unity, peace, progress and prosperity to those who commit to following Our guidance and follow it through as well as to deliver the bad news to those who reject and oppose it that they will end up in a terrible painful suffering by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    009] Therefore O mankind, you should commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance along with His messenger and support him fully and properly by giving due importance to what he puts before you. Moreover you should work day and night to manifest glory of rule of law of Allah by establishing it properly in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other.

    010] So no doubt those parties of people that are promising you their backing are in fact pledging their support to you for making the mission assigned for them by Allah through you for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world successful, because they have become aware of the fact that the power of rule of law of Allah can act as a protective shield over them as a proper human community in his kingdom once it becomes fully and properly established in the human world. However if any party or group of people breaks this promise or pledge then there are going to be serious consequences for them for breaking that promise or pledge because they will end up living their lives by a way of life whereby people secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up harmed or destroyed by each other. On the contrary whoever will fulfil his promise or pledge for making the assigned mission of Allah successful, he will soon rewards him with a great reward.

    011] As for the people who due to their ignorance based arrogance ignored and neglected proper study of our guidance therefore held themselves back from joining you in acting for the success of our mission will soon tell their excuse to their relatives and friends, our things and responsibilities for our families have kept us occupied so we could not join you people for missionary work but do seek forgiveness for us from those who were part of this missionary work. They will say with their tongues what is not in their minds. You the missionaries should say to them, who can do anything at all for or against you the mankind in opposition to the set-up systems and laws of Allah who has put in place proper measures for delivering to mankind good or beneficial or bad or harmful outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other? Because the fact is, Allah is always aware of what you the mankind think and do and he has made known for mankind what they ought to be thinking and doing to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    012] Yet instead of understanding guidance of Allah properly and acting upon it faithfully and joining others who are already struggling for the success of the mission assigned for you the mankind by Allah, you people thought that the messenger and those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom along with him will never come back to their families and this thought gave pleasure to your minds. Since you people conceived and harboured such harmful and destructive thoughts therefore you people are lost in your delusional thoughts till repent and study guidance of Allah properly and act upon it faithfully.

    013] And remember always the fact that any human population or party that does not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community by its words as well as its deeds according to guidance of Allah through our messenger Our set-up systems and laws will land such people in a state of terrible painful suffering as an outcome of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    014] Be aware of the fact O mankind that the ownership and rulership of this vast kingdom of the heavens (or far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets) and the earth (or this galaxy that is full of stars and planets) belongs only and only to Allah alone. He lands by means of his guidance in a state of blissful, dignified and secure existence only and only those human populations which work according to His guidance faithfully and leaves those human populations to suffer in terrible agony by hands of each other due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which ignore or neglect working according to His guidance. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that He protect humanity only and only through His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing program, goals and guidelines.

    015] When you people set out to take steps for growth and development of proper human community according to guidance of Allah those who hold back themselves from learning things properly say, let us come with you. They desire to change the way Allah has advised you to do things. Tell them clearly that you cannot come with us because that is what Allah has said already. But their response is, rather you are jealous of us because we will be more successful than you. The fact is, it is a question of who is most suitable for the mission at any given time and place and not a matter for envy but little do they understand such simple things.

    016] Regardless tell these people who due to their ignorance based arrogance did not bother to study our guidance properly to act upon it faithfully due to which they held themselves back from acting for the success of the mission of Allah earlier that if you will prepare yourselves well then soon you will be called upon to strive for the success of the mission of Allah against a mighty people who are battle hardened then you may even end up in a fight with them or they may also accept working for the success of the mission of Allah to bring about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom. At that time if you will prove consistent by your actions with what you say then Allah will reward you with beautiful state of existence as a part of the proper human community in his kingdom but if you will prove yourselves inconsistent again as you did before then He will leave you to lead yourselves into a life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other.

    017] At the same time let it be known to the people of the proper human community that there is no blame on those people among you who lack what it takes to make the campaigning for the mission of Allah successful so long as they do their best according to their God given abilities for the success of the mission of Allah if they stay behind when you go forth on a campaign for making the mission of Allah successful. The fact is any and every people that are consistent with the guidance of Allah which he revealed through His messenger and they are also consistent with each other they will be admitted to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah wherein things of their need or want will flow like rivers due to their own hard works. However any people that will turn away from guidance of Allah or they will ignore and neglect it then they will be left to lead themselves into life of terrible painful suffering.

    018] Allah surely approved the act of those who were fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance when they promised their support and backing for the success of the mission that is assigned for you the messenger of Allah as well as your supporters under the peace treaty or peace plan for mankind. That is how what was in their minds at the time was made obvious for the rest of them to become aware of therefore covered them atmosphere or environment of confidence and trust between themselves and that is how they were brought closer to success of their assigned mission from Allah.

    019] This is how there came in their grip or grasp many things to grab or get hold of that helped growth and development of the proper human community due to guidance of Allah the mighty wise ruler of the kingdom of his creation.

    020] Allah has promised you people many things to get your hands on that can help your growth and development as a proper human community in his kingdom so that thereby He hastens your progress and prosperity and that way restrains the hands of people who oppose your struggle for establishing his rule of law in the human world. All this is told so that it serves as a lesson for those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance so that thereby He guides you people to the way of life that is properly balanced and firmly founded for you all to live by.

    021] Besides what you can get your hands on just now He also promises you many other beneficial things which are not yet within your reach but Allah will bring them within your reach also because Allah has set-up all encompassing systems and laws and he has put in place all the measures to govern all affairs related to everything so that his purpose is served by all that exists according to his plan.

    022] Therefore even if the rejecters and opponents of Our advised way of life for mankind had fought with you they will have been put to flight by you people because they will not have found any protector or supporter to back them up like your protector and backer Allah.

    023] This has been the way of Allah in the past for dealing with these like people and you will find no change in the practice of Allah in the future either.

    024] It is He acceptance and acting upon whose guidance has restrained their hands from you and your hands from them due to the solid foundation that is fully and properly capable of providing mankind with firm basis to organise or build or establish themselves upon and regulate themselves by as a proper human community in his kingdom after He had helped you succeed in winning them over because Allah is fully aware of things that you the mankind should be thinking and doing for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan for ensuring your own well being as a people with help and full support of each other.

    025] No doubt they are a human population who at the start of your missionary struggle for the success of our mission rejected and opposed establishment of our rule of law in their human world and therefore they obstructed or hindered you from bringing about a kingdom based upon our guidance and that way they tried to prevent Our guidance from fulfilling its intended purpose. Allah will have allowed you to go to war with them due to their atrocities they committed upon each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense had there not come about leaderships and followings among them that had committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind whom you could have harmed or destroyed due to being unaware about them had you people ended up in a war against them then you will have regretted this and you will have blamed yourselves about it. Allah therefore held back your hands from them so that thereby He could admit in the proper human community the people from among them who had accepted and acted upon His blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance as they had already chosen to work for its success. Had they ignored and neglected our guidance and that way they had kept away themselves from working for the success of our mission then We too will have left them to themselves to go through terrible painful suffering due to rejecting and opposing Our guidance. Since they accepted and acted upon our guidance so we saved them from harm and destruction by your hands as well as by hands of people of their own human population of which they were a part.

    026] No doubt all the rejecters and opponents of Our mission due to their ignorance based arrogance initially harboured in their minds fire of hatred and animosity against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to being unaware about our guidance as they were during the time period of their ignorance or unawareness prior to our revelation of this guidance for them. However then Allah sent to them his this guidance through his messenger for them for calming down those of them who accepted it properly and acted upon it faithfully by committing to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom due to his imposing upon them consistency with his guidance as well as consistency with each other of which they were most worthy and most deserving. All this happening clearly shows that Allah has full knowledge of all things as to how they should act in order to fulfil his purpose according to his plan.

    027] That is how Allah vindicated plan of action of His messenger by helping him how to plan and execute it properly through his guidance to turn his planned actions into a reality for making his assigned mission successful. So no doubt this is the way he will enter the struggle for bringing about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah for fulfilling the purpose of Allah according to his plan peacefully by gathering people around their group leaders, who are properly organised and regulated having no shortcoming or lacks in their education and training for this purpose to worry about. That is how Allah makes obvious to you the mankind things about which you were not aware and that is how He will open up yet more doors or highways for you in near future to succeed yet more whereby he will bring you close to total success in your struggle or campaign for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world fully and properly.

    028] Because it is He who has sent His messenger with his guidance for mankind for the way of life that is consistent with reality for living properly in this world so that He makes it obvious or manifest to mankind that it is the most beneficial and advantageous way of life for them than all other ways of life whereby they live their lives and to prove that this will take place in actual reality in due course sufficient is this testimony or statement of Allah along with his set up systems and laws which operate in his kingdom of creation for this purpose.

    029] Surely Muhammad is the last or final messenger from Allah to mankind and those who fully, properly and wholeheartedly support him stand rock solid against all kinds of attacks or assaults of those who reject and oppose his assigned mission for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world but they are most tender hearted for taking care of needs and wants of each other or for ensuring well being of each other through help and full support of each other. When you come across them you will find them moulding or bending or modelling themselves in accordance with guidance of Allah by being fully consistent with it as well as each other, seeking bounties or blessings or provisions or livelihood of Allah in form of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom according to His guidance. The signs of their consistency with guidance of Allah are reflected by their beautifully and properly balanced personalities. This is their description which we gave in the Torah and their description in the Injeel. They are like the seeds which germinate and put forth their shoots then strengthens them and then become thick and stand firmly upon their stems or stocks or trunks. Delighting the sowers of the seeds so that thereby Allah stimulates those who reject and oppose His guidance into thinking and accepting His guidance in order to act upon it. Because promise is made by Allah to those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance who will take actions to help humanity grow and prosper that for such of them will come about blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their well being as a great outcome of their own proper thoughts and actions.

    Surah 49    AL-HUJURAAT– The needed departments for putting in place proper systems, structures, procedures and practices for implementation of God sent program with goals and guidelines for organising and regulating or for setting up and running a proper human community or society through proper management of its people and resources as well as means of production and distribution through its politics for bringing about a proper culture for running a proper economy which are necessary for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.     

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for their blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other, proceed not from here onwards without a proper constitution and its laws that are based properly upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah that are delivered to you through His messenger and that way be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other. No doubt guidance of Allah is based upon his comprehensive knowledge of his purpose and plan for which he has created mankind as well as rest of the things.

    002] For that reason O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah, consider not your voices or sayings more important than or above that of the voice of the messenger or any other missionary of Allah nor raise your concerns about the proper human community related problems in his presence in a light or casual or passive way or in an unconcerned or uninvolved or unimportant way as you speak about these things with each other outside the assembly and forget about them so these problems are not dealt with effectively or remain unaddressed or unsolved instead address these problems fully and properly in a proper way in the assembly or gathering for this purpose for solving these problems properly in case your plans for actions to address these problems do not materialise or come to nothing due to your unawareness or ignorance or lack of proper understanding about things being discussed for decisions.

    003] Those who keep their discussions and decisions according to the given framework by the messenger of Allah such are the ones whose minds Allah has truly opened up due to his revelation for their consistency with His guidance and each other so they work very, very hard according to the best of their God given abilities for ensuring well being of each other as well as the wider humanity therefore they will surely end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom in due course which will be a great outcome of their own properly organised and regulated thoughts and actions for this purpose.

    004] As to those who carry on working outside the systems, structures, procedures and practices you the messenger of Allah have set up according to our revealed ideology for bringing about a proper human society according to it for managing its politics properly to create a culture for it for running its economy properly most of them hardly use their sense to make proper sense of such things or seldom bother to understand these things properly.

    005] If only they had realised and worked hard steadfastly and consistently for getting to and receiving our message till you had reached out to them with our message, that will have benefited them greatly because Allah gives blissful, dignified and secure existence to any and every human population only and only through their proper education and training for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    006] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance if at any time any troublemaker or conspirator or untrustable or unreliable or undependable person comes to you with some piece of information against a people or state or land or kingdom then pass it on to your people of relevant department for investigating it properly so that you as a people or state or kingdom do not act on this information before its verification or confirmation in case you end up harming some other people unknowingly or unintentionally in your ignorance or unawareness and then regret what you have done afterwards.

    007] Therefore be aware of the fact that the messenger of Allah is sent among you the mankind to guide you properly by means of his guidance through proper education and training but instead if he were to follow you rather than leading you then in most of the matters of your concern for living in this world properly you all will be in big troubles because you lack proper information as well as proper understanding about matters that need your proper decisions. This is how Allah endeared you and beautified it in your minds working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom and made you abhor living by any other way of life that could lead you to divisions, hatred and animosities between yourselves through suspicions between you people about each other due to misinformation and disinformation which could lead you to mistrust and distrust each other whereby you could end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way you could become disloyal to each other and messenger of Allah as well as the rule of law of Allah. You have been saved from all this because you people have worked hard to reach and understand guidance of Allah properly and have acted upon it faithfully, therefore these like are people who are guided properly.

    008] No doubt the blessed program with goals and guidelines from Allah lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom, for Allah is all knowing mighty ruler of kingdom of his creation.

    009] Still after having been explained all these things if due to lack of proper information or its proper understanding at any time any two parties from among those who claim to work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom fall into dispute and end up in fighting, rest of you people take proper steps to remove causes of tension between them and restore peace between them according to our given peace plan, that is on the basis of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of them all. However if either of the parties fails to agree on proper terms and conditions and instead decides to continue the fighting against the other group then fight all of you together against that party which has transgressed the set limits of Allah till it accepts abiding by rule of law of Allah properly and if it does turn to guidance of Allah to abide by it properly then make peace between them with justice and be fair and compassionate in this regard, for guidance of Allah approves only and only those people who are fair and just with kindness.

    010] Surely those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah are brothers to one another on this solid basis or foundation therefore make reconciliation between your brothers and that way be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other, so that Allah makes manifest for all of the human populations to see His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing program for human beings actualised or realised or turned into a reality.

    011] O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah, let no human population take over any other human population in order to undermine, weaken and enslave it instead each and every human population should help other human populations to do better or to be better than themselves. Nor let any party within any human population take over any other party within the human population in order to undermine, weaken and enslave it instead each and every party within a human population should help other parties to do better or to be better than themselves. Moreover do not accuse each other of wrongdoings falsely among yourselves nor label each other with derogatory words to try to undermine each other thereby. This will cause divisions between yourselves due to hatred and animosity between yourselves after you have declared your commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance. So any people who do not desist or stop doing this they are clearly transgressing the set limits of Allah.   

    012] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom, avoid making and acting upon too many unnecessary and needless assumptions about each other because some of these like assumptions can prove harmful and destructive for you as a brotherhood of humanity. Moreover do not conspire against each other and avoid spying or eavesdropping on each other unnecessarily or needlessly and do not backbite or slander one another, for it is as bad as or as detestable as any of you eats flesh of his own dead brother. Will any of you be happy in harming and destroying your brother in humanity by taking away whatever of our provisions he rightfully has from us? Surely you will abhor any such act if you really loved and cared about your brother, your family, your tribe, your fellow workers for sake of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity according to our guidance because that is where all the benefits you yourself have received come from for you. So be consistent with each other for sake of guidance of Allah in whose name you claim and decide rights and responsibilities for each other and that is how Allah shows that He has turned to you the mankind with His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing program, goals and guidelines.

    013] O mankind! We have surely created and evolved you from a male and a female and organised or arranged you into many human populations and tribes so that you could become aware of rights and responsibilities of each other and fulfil your contractual, constitutional and legal obligations to each other. Surely the most honoured person in our eyes from among you the mankind can only and only be the one who is most consistent with our rule of law for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom. Surely Allah will make all this evident in due course through results of your own thoughts and actions showing clearly He is aware of all that you ought to be thinking and doing.

    014] The people who do not yet know program, goals and guidelines of Allah properly say, we have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance. Say to them, you are not yet fully and wholeheartedly as well as properly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance because you have not yet learned properly about the purpose and the plan of Allah for which he has created all things including mankind through the revelation he has sent for mankind to study it properly and act upon it faithfully. However you can say that you have accepted terms and conditions for commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance, as proper understanding of his guidance has not yet entered your minds which leads human beings to proper and full as well as wholehearted commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance. Nonetheless if your declaration of commitment to make his assigned mission for you successful proves to be consistent with guidance of Allah and you also remain consistent with proper human community as you become more and more aware of revelation of Allah through His messenger then Allah will not deny you the fruits of your thoughts and actions because Allah protects and secures mankind through His blissful and dignifying program, goals and guidelines.

    015] Surely the truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance are only and only those who declare their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance along with his messenger then never doubt their commitment to the mission assigned for them by Allah after properly understanding it and they strive very, very hard for its success with all they have, by putting even themselves on the line in order to establish the rule of law of Allah properly in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom. Such are the ones who are really true to their declaration of commitment to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance which they prove by their actions.
    016] Say, think about which is really the sensible thing to do, you people learning and following the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for fulfilment of his purpose according to his plan for which he has created and evolved all things or are you people telling Allah to accept the way you people live your lives for fulfilling your own personally chosen purposes? Remember always! It is Allah who makes obvious for mankind in due course all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth because He has proper information about all things and its proper understanding according to his plan and purpose of creation of all things therefore it is only and only his right alone to guide mankind as to how they should live their lives in this world.

    017] Some of these people who have come to join you think they are doing you a big favour by declaring their commitment to learning about Islam. Say to them, you have conferred upon me no big favour by committing to learning Islam rather it was Allah Who has conferred a huge favour upon you the mankind in guiding you towards commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom if you are a people who have truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance.

    018] Surely Allah makes obvious in due course the secrets of the heavens and the earth and so He will make manifest through your own actions results of your own commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom, that is how Allah makes evident or manifest or obvious all that you think and do as well as all that you ought to be thinking and doing.

    Surah 50      QAAF- Mankind will keep on suffering painfully by hands of each other if they will continue living the way they are whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore the Quran is revealed by Allah for their guidance which if understood properly and acted upon faithfully will lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For this purpose QAAF, we present the majestic Quran for their guidance which if understood properly and acted upon faithfully will lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    002] Despite this being the fact or a straight forward case some of the people due to their ignorance based arrogance still expressed their concern or doubt about it that there has come to them a warner from us who is only a human being from among themselves for warning them against the way they live whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other therefore these rejecters and opponents of our message also said, this message seems to us a strange kind of message which stops us from living the way we live and tells us to live by way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    003] Thereby we are told that after we have become disintegrated or fallen into the dust as a people due to living the way we live this new way of life can help us rise again to glory as a people, is this really possible? This seems to us a farfetched idea which is far from reality or possibility.

    004] We surely make obvious for mankind through this glorious message all the defects in their existing socio-political and socioeconomic landscapes therefore We have sent this comprehensive book from Us in this regard to lead mankind to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    005] Yet instead of accepting our this purpose based message that is fully consistent with real world realities they reject and oppose it because due to their ignorance based arrogance they are a confused people.
    006] Have they not observed the cosmic space full of galaxies, stars and planets that surrounds or encompasses or envelops them to figure out how We have caused it to come about and become adorned this way? Should they do that, they will find no inconsistency or disharmony or imbalance or flaw between things in it as well as the purpose for which all this has been created and evolved by us.

    007] Moreover have they not observed the earth and figured out how We have expanded it in a way that we have raised masses above its surface as land and mountain peaks and caused to grow in it every kind of beautiful growth from the very same tree of life?

    008] All these things are eye-opening brilliant evidences for people who will observe them and reflect on them to learn lessons from them through experimenting with these things and will turn to guidance of Allah for living their lives purposefully properly in this world in the hope of their best possible future in here as well as in hereafter.

    009] By way of our set up systems and laws We send down water in abundance from the clouds raised in the sky for the prosperity of mankind with which We bring forth gardens of various kinds and the grain for harvesting,

    010] as well as tall palm trees laden with clusters of dates, piled up one over the other,

    011] a sustenance for all our creatures whereby We give life to dead land and inspire or motivate people to become active and lively. That is how the fallen nations rise up again due to being inspired or motivated by Our revelations.

    012] Before these people, the chiefs of people of Noah and of people of dwellers of Ar-Rass denied benefits of our purpose based revelation and sustenance to their people and so did the chiefs of people of Thamud,

    013] Aad, Pharaoh and of the brethren of Lot,

    014] and of dwellers of Al-Aiykah and of people of Tubba, some people from among all of them due to their ignorance based arrogance rejected and opposed our guidance and fought against our messengers who were sent to them to guide them and that way they brought upon themselves forewarned painful state of existence making it a reality for themselves.

    015] Were Our set-up systems and laws undermined or overwhelmed or overcome or overpowered by behaviour of Our these like earlier human creatures that they are in doubt that We will not be able to handle things in relation to future generations of our human creatures?

    016] We surely created and evolved man in such a way that We make obvious his motives that arise in his mind through his actions for all to see, so we know very well his motives and actions for dominating others by undermining them for securing his own petty personal gains from them at their expense that is why we provided him with Our guidance of fundamental or vital important or a life line for him to closely stick to and not to think and do wrong to others for securing his own petty personal gains from them for ensuring his own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a part of the proper human community in our kingdom.

    017] For that reason We bestowed human kind with ability to get information and make proper sense of opposing ways of life to establish himself upon the right path of life or to set himself upon the wrong path of life.

    018] Not a single thought a human being expresses by way of his words or actions but his awareness along with Our guidance helps him stay in check or keep himself in check or stay within set limits.

    019] Because ignorance or lack of proper awareness or knowledge of things that bring harm or destruction can prove harm or destruction a reality for him. That is something you the mankind would rather avoid or stay away from.

    020] That is how We breathe proper awareness or knowledge and motivation into ignorant or unaware minds through our guidance, because that is the only way coming about of terrible forewarned period of time of revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions can be avoided by them.

    021] That is how each and every person will come forth or become obvious with his driving or motivating or inspiring force that will bear witness to the way he lives when the rule of law of Allah becomes established in the human world by our missionaries.

    022] You the mankind were indeed ignorant or unaware of all this but We removed your cover of ignorance or unawareness through Our revelation so that your intelligence and perception becomes sharp about coming of this kind of time period.

    023] Therefore each and every victim of each and every perpetrator of crime will say to officials of our rule of law when it becomes established in the human world, here is my statement ready with me about his crimes.

    024] Our officials will say, throw into hell of his own making each and every stubborn enemy or rejecter and opponent of guidance of Allah as well as each and every enemy of well being of humanity.

    025] The one who tries to stop or prevent any and every thought and act of people that could help human beings unite and become peaceful with each other as well as grow and prosper as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah. The one who breaches set limits of Allah himself and tries to cause suspicions and confusions in minds of others about them as well as tries to set people against each other.

    026] The one who wrongfully claims ownership or rulership or sovereignty of any other along with Allah over anyone or anything at all so throw him into a terrible painful suffering that is severe.

    027] After seeing the sentence that is passed against such a perpetrator of the crimes by our officials his very close confidant and supporter will say, by our Creator and Sustainer, I did not incite him to transgress the set limits of Allah rather he hyped up or pumped up or puffed up himself or became excited or charged up all by himself to breach set limits of Allah.

    028] These people will start arguing with each other over these like things so they will be told by officials of our rule of law at the time, do not dispute with each other in presence of clear cut guidance of Allah because in there he alerted you all already about coming of this period of time but you people due to ignorance based arrogance ignored and neglected it.

    029] Moreover he told mankind already that My set-up systems and laws do not change nor does my way of doing things and I never inflict harms and destructions upon My human creatures rather mankind suffer consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they make life of each other a living hell.

    030] During that period of time our missionaries will ask people living in human populations which make their own lives hell by living at the expense of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other, have you had enough of this kind of life? And they will say, is there yet more terrible painful suffering for us to endure? They will be told by our missionaries, yes if you will continue living this way but if you will stop living this way and start living by way of life advised for mankind by Allah then you can have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    031] That is how blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah is brought near in time by those who work hard to become consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other so having a life worth living is not a farfetched thing for mankind to achieve or accomplish.

    032] So these like people once they have accomplished the mission assigned for them by Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world they will be told, this is the kingdom wherein lies blissful, dignified and secure existence for you people which you were promised by Allah. It is for each and every person who properly and fully as well as wholeheartedly turns to guidance of Allah for his blissful, dignified and secure existence as a part of the proper human community in his kingdom.

    033] The one who is mindful of the guidance of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind in the hope of the best possible future for himself as well as the rest of mankind and who comes to His guidance with fully committed and clarity of mind.

    034] He will be invited by our missionaries or officials by saying, enter in this kingdom for your blissful, dignified and secure existence, this is the time period for entering into life of blissful, dignified and secure existence for you if you wish to be saved from the life of terrible painful suffering by hands of others.

    035] Therein these like people will have all that they will desire or wish for and We will have with Us yet more to offer them.

    036] Despite knowing all this information if these people will still live the way they are living and will refuse to live by way of life advised for them by us then they should become aware of the fact as to how many generations of people We have let destroy themselves by hands of each other before these people who lived by ways of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Many of them were more powerful than these people and many of them explored various areas in the land to escape tyranny, brutality and oppression of each other but they found no escape possible from the consequences of their thoughts and actions against each other save turning to way of life advised for mankind by us.   

    037] Surely in all this there are lessons to be learned for each and every person who has a conscious and lively or active or energetic mind as well as who can hear and see as one should as a witness to the presented facts or evidences.

    038] Moreover you the mankind for sure will find clear evidences that it is We who have created and evolved the heavens and the earth and all that is in between or within them in a number of consistent stages yet despite the fact that tiredness or fatigue can never overwhelm or overcome or overpower us we undertook to complete this task in stages or steps for fulfilling our purpose according to our plan.

    039] So O messenger, you too should deal with rejecters and opponents of our guidance appropriately and properly as well as steadfastly, constantly and consistently about whatever they say and do against our guidance or mission but in stages or steps and that way keep on working hard from the time you come face to face with dawn till the time you come face to face with dusk for manifesting the glory of the rule of law of your creator and sustainer by establishing it in the human world properly.

    040] That is how you should plan your campaign and struggle or strive hard during the period of darkness of ignorance in the human world till our set of goals or targets or tasks for mankind become accomplished or complete according to our provided guidelines.

    041] Moreover keep an eye out for the time period when the caller for revolts or uprisings or bloody revolution will call out from a place quite near to you people.

    042] The time period when people will respond to or heed the call for mighty upheavals turning our warning about it into a reality. That will be the time period when the people will come forth for changing the way things are done in their human populations in a revolutionary way.

    043] Surely it is We Who activate or trigger or give life to human populations by inspiring or motivating them through our revelation to rise or ascend to heights of excellence if they study it properly and act upon it faithfully and let them perish if they ignore or neglect Our advice due to their ignorance based arrogance because it was up to Us to set goals for mankind to accomplish them according to our provided guidelines.

    044] The time period when the earth will open up widely to mankind due to explorations of the human world that will be the time when bringing the human populations together thereby will become easier for mankind for the fulfilment of our purpose according to our plan.

    045] We make evident or obvious or manifest what these rejecters and opponents of Our guidance express through their own words and deeds. You O messenger are not there to force them to accept Our message. However guide and admonish or warn with this Quran each and every person you can so that any and every person who wishes to heed Our warning may do so willingly and with awareness.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #129 - April 29, 2023, 10:41 AM

    Surah 45       AL-JAATHIYAH-The guidance for mankind from Allah for their purpose based or purposeful and proper living in this world as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for which ultimately all human populations will give up their own ways of life after trying them out or before or in front of which all human populations will kneel or bow down or surrender or give up their ways of life after trying them out.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] HAA MEEM.

    002] For this purpose this book is revealed for mankind by Allah, the mighty wise creator, sustainer, rightful owner and ruler of this whole kingdom of creation.

    003] Surely in the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planet as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets there are evidences about it for those who want to commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    004] Evidences are also there in your own creation and evolution as well as in the creation and evolution of animals and other living things that are scattered throughout the earth for those who will enable themselves to verify them to attain certainty that all this creation and revelation is from Allah for the fulfilment of his purpose according to his plan.

    005] Moreover in the phenomenon of alternation of the night and the day and in the process of sustenance or livelihood or provisions that Allah sends down from the heaven through the rain and the sunlight with which He revives the earth after its death as well as in the variations of the atmosphere or environment or weather or seasons there are lessons to observe and learn for those who use their intelligence to try to understand things properly.

    006] These are revelations of Allah which We recite to you for the purpose of guidance of mankind. So according to which other testimony than that of Allah will they commit to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    007] This revelation is also a bad news for future of any and every inventor of falsehood and lies against way of life advised for mankind by Allah who invents lies to use them to wrongfully deny others our granted rights and provisions for them.

    008] Before whom the revelations of Allah are proclaimed and he hears them yet due to his ignorance based arrogance he acts as though he heard them not by not studying them properly and acting upon them faithfully, so announce to any such person the bad news of coming of a period of time during which such people will end up in a state of terrible painful existence by hands of each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    009] Moreover when he hears warnings from Our revelations, he takes them very lightly as a joke to laugh them off therefore for these like people in due course there is going to be a humiliating state of existence by hands of each other.

    010] Because before them lies future full of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves, because they do not do things they need to do for ensuring well being of mankind so that in turn they could benefit from that themselves as well, nor do those whom they take as their rulers instead of Allah so they are bound to end up in a terrible painful suffering in due course by hands of each other.

    011] This Quran is full of guidelines for mankind for fulfilling his assigned mission for establishing his rule of law in the human world so those who reject and oppose its program, goals and guidelines from their Creator and Sustainer, for them life is going to be full of painful suffering by hands of each other due to living their lives the way they please.

    012] It is Allah Who has given you abilities or potentials to make use of the sea so that you could make and use ships to travel through it according to His set-up systems and laws so that you could seek His provisions or livelihood and so that you use those provisions purposefully properly for the benefit of mankind according to his guidance.

    013] Likewise you have been given capabilities by Him to make use of all that is in the far away galaxies that are full of stars and plants as well as all that which is in this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets. Surely in all this there are lessons for mankind to observe and learn from through experimentation for those who think and do things that need to be done for fulfilling the purpose of Allah according to his plan.

    014] O messenger, say to those who have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance, deal effectively with those who are holding back from joining this struggle for bringing about bright days or brilliant periods of times when the rule of law of Allah will become fully and properly established in the human world, because during that period of time His set up systems and laws will deliver to mankind the results according to their works they have carried out.

    015] During that period of time if anyone will do things to ensure well being of mankind through their growth and prosperity then that in turn will end up benefiting oneself as well. Likewise if anyone will do things to harm and destroy mankind then that in turn will end up harming and destroying oneself as well therefore eventually you all will come to realise this fact and therefore you all will turn to guidance of your Creator and Sustainer to study it properly and act upon it faithfully.

    016] That is why We gave Our book to the children of Israel through Our prophet-hood to become wise and struggle or strive or campaign for the establishment of Our rule of law in the human world so that thereby We could provide them with things that could help them grow and prosper to their full potential, and that is how at that time through their own purposeful hard works for learning and doing things We raised them above all the human populations in the human world.

    017] That is because We gave them a brilliant program for a set of goals to accomplish according to our provided guidelines. They did not recreate divisions between themselves after they became united earlier on but due to becoming disconnected with our guidance by ignoring and neglecting it due to their ignorance based arrogance because of which they did not study and did not act upon our book as they were supposed to after the scriptural information had come to them once again. They did this out of rivalry, hatred and animosity between themselves based upon their way of living whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Surely your Creator and Sustainer sees the matter settled between themselves by the time period when their start revolts and uprising which will uproot their harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they live their lives and that is because their ways of life will become replaced with the way of life advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer.

    018] For that reason in due course We put you our messenger on the proper way of life for living in this world through Our revealed guidance therefore stick to it and yield not to the harmful and destructive ambitions and desires of those who have no proper knowledge about living their lives purposefully properly in this world.

    019] They can do nothing at all to ensure well being of you people if you too decide to live your lives the way they live their lives. Surely those who inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense some of them support others for committing that kind of atrocities against each other. However set up systems and laws of Allah only and only supports those human populations which are consistent with His guidance as well as they are consistent with each other.

    020] This is why this Quran contains eye opening explanations with arguments and evidences for guidance of mankind to lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that mankind could accept it and act upon it with certainty beyond any reasonable doubt.

    021] Do those human populations which due to their ignorance based arrogance inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense think that our set up systems and laws will deliver them identical outcomes for their thoughts and actions to those human populations which fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance and they actively carry out works that help remove tensions and disputes or conflicts and fights or wars between human beings so that they could come together to become united to grow and prosper and whose living and dying is for this very same end goal? What an erroneous or illogical or irrational thought or assumption they have!

    022] Contrary to their assumption Allah has originated or brought about and evolved the far away galaxies full of stars and planets as well as this galaxies that is also full of stars and planets in a way so that each and every person is delivered the outcome of his own thoughts and actions by his set up systems and laws according to his own thoughts and actions so that none is made to suffer any harm or loss undeservedly or unjustly or unfairly.

    023] Why don’t you the mankind study the case of such an individual who due to his ignorance based arrogance considers his own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as God because he lives his life according to them whereby he tries to secure his own petty personal gains from others at their expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon them instead of living by the way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah. Allah has given him freedom to choose to think and do as he pleases and get the results of his thoughts and actions accordingly but he chooses to think and do against others as he pleases due to the information he gathers and the way he makes sense of it and uses it. This is how he creates a barrier for himself against reaching the right information and its proper understanding as well as acting upon that information and its proper understanding faithfully. That is how he stops himself from using his sense of hearing and seeing as well as thinking from doing so properly. So who can guide any such person after that person has ignored and neglected guidance from Allah? Will you people then not reflect upon the state of existence of that sort of people as to why they end up living like they do?

    024] These are the type of people who claim, the existence of whole of this kingdom of our creation has no purpose to it. We live and die and nothing causes us to grow old and weak other than time. The fact is, some of them have not even bothered at all to reach the proper information from us in this regard and others of them have not bothered to reach its proper understanding instead they just conjecture and rely upon their baseless guesses and assumptions.

    025] When Our statements are proclaimed to them which speak about our brilliant program for them to carry out with its goals for them to accomplish according to our provided guidelines, they have no other argument but to say, bring back the glory our forefathers used to enjoy if what you claim about this program of yours is true!

    026] Say to them, it is program of Allah that gives you the mankind rise to glory when you understand it properly and act upon it faithfully and as a result you become a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other and lets you lose that glory when you fall away from it or when you ignore or neglect it as a people and therefore you end up divided and enemies of each other who hate each other and that is how He gathers you during the time period of revolts, uprisings and upheavals to raise you people to glory again in which there is no doubt but most of the people bother not to learn things so they remain ignorant due to their arrogance about all these happenings.

    027] To Allah alone belongs ownership and rulership of the kingdom of the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets. During the time period when the promised time period of revolts and uprisings will take place among human populations which live by harmful and destructive ways of life in order for them to be replaced by our advised way of life for mankind by our missionaries, those who will have invented and followed harmful and destructive ways of life they will have been by then put in a state of terrible loss by each other.

    028] You the mankind will see each and every human population that invents and follows any false way of life on its knees or lying in the dust due to its poverty and degeneration. However each and every human population will be invited to pay attention to its own social contract based upon our guidance and it will be told, from now on you will be rewarded properly for whatever thoughts and actions you will come up with for ensuring well being of each other.

    029] This book of Ours the Quran tells you the truth that We will surely in time to come replace the way you think and do things.

    030] So those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance and do works that help humanity come together and develop and prosper their Creator and Sustainer will put them on a program to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom and that will make their achievement manifest for all to see.

    031] But those who will reject and oppose Our guidance, Allah will say to them, were My revelations not proclaimed among you? But due to your ignorance based arrogance you people were taken over by sense of dominating each other by undermining each other so you ended up committing terrible crimes and atrocities or brutalities against each other.

    032] When it was conveyed to you people the promise of Allah is true that a period of time will come when his rule of law will become fully and properly established in the human world and there is no doubt in the coming of the promised period of time you people used to say, we do not know what the promised period of time is all about rather we think it is only your own thought which is only in your own head and it has no external reality in the real world, so we are not convinced about this claim of yours.

    033] That is why during that period of time the harms and destructions that are result of their own thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will become manifest or obvious for them in form of revolts and uprisings and they will be completely encircled or surrounded or encompassed by that sort of state of existence at the time at which due to their ignorance they laugh just now.

    034] It will be said to them by Our missionaries at the time, from now onwards we leave you to your own devices because you have refused to join us for bringing about the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world for ensuring your well being so fire of hatred and animosity is your home or abode or state of existence in your place of stay or residence or settlement or habitation from now onwards and there is none who can help you get out of your this state of existence.

    035] This is because you people took program, goals and guidelines of Allah for you very lightly as a joke and you let the way of life whereby you secured your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense lead you people away from the path He advised for you the mankind for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom. During the time period of revolts, uprisings and upheavals they will not be taken out of state of existence wherein they have fire of hatred and animosity between themselves because they will not have given themselves the time to leave their way of life to adopt the way of life that is advised for them by Allah.

    036] No doubt glorious existence of mankind rests only and only upon their purposeful abiding by the way of life advised for them by the creator and sustainer of the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets, for he is the creator and the sustainer of this vast kingdom of creation.
    037] Greatness for humanity rests only and only upon its purposeful living by the way of life advised for it by its creator and sustainer whose glory is reflected by his vast kingdom of creation that comprehends the far away galaxies full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets because He is the mighty wise ruler of this whole kingdom of his creation.

    Surah 46      AL-AHQAAF–The needed necessary solid foundation for mankind from Allah for their bringing about and maintaining a proper human community in his kingdom for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by removing hatred, animosity, tensions, fractures, rifts, conflicts, disputes, divisions, fights and wars from between them by bringing about love and respect between themselves.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] HAA MEEM.

    002] The revelation of this book is for mankind for serving this very purpose from Allah the mighty wise ruler of the kingdom of his creation.

    003] We did not created the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planet and all that lies in between them but for a set purpose according to our plan and for a set period of time. Yet those who reject and oppose Our guidance due to their ignorance based arrogance do not pay the due attention to things they have been clearly warned against.

    004] Ask them, have you pondered over existence and survival of those whom you take for your rulers other than Allah? Show me anything that they have originated, created and evolved in this galaxy or if they have any share in the creation of the galaxies that are far away? Bring me any book revealed by any of them before our revelation of this book or some remnants of any such book if what you claim is true.

    005] So who could be further away from the proper way of life to live by that is advised for mankind by Allah other than the one who wrongfully and unduly relies for fulfilment of his needs and wants upon his assumed or imagined rulers other than Allah who can never fulfil even their own needs and wants let alone any of his needs and wants on their own let alone properly even till the time period of revolts and uprisings when the harmful and destructive ways of life will become redundant or abandoned by their followers as well as they will become fully and properly replaced by the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. Moreover they cannot even be properly aware of their own needs and wants or demands or requirements let alone fulfil the needs and wants or demands of those who claim to be their subjects or slaves or worshipper.

    006] This is why when mankind will be brought together by their unfulfilled needs and wants to the doors of those whom they take for their rulers other than Allah their alleged or claimed rulers will distance themselves from those who take them for their rulers denying their claim that they were ever their subjects or slaves or worshippers.

    007] Yet when Our brilliant program, goals and guidelines are proclaimed to them by our messenger, the rejecters and opponents of Our guidance say about this truth that has come to them, this is a brilliant trick invented or forged by himself to stop us from living the way we live our lives.

    008] Do they say, he has invented or contrived or fabricated or concocted it himself? Say, if I have conceived it myself then you are in no position to give me protection or refuge or shelter from the set-up systems and laws of Allah to stop me from being exposed in due course about this fact as you claim it to be. However instead His set-up systems and laws will expose in due course whatever you are coming up with about this program or manifesto from Allah. Sufficient through this testimony is He as a witness between me and you that He is the bestower of this blissful, dignifying and secure existence providing program for mankind for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    009] Tell your people O messenger that I am not the very first of the messengers sent by Allah rather I am the very last one so I have been sent with the very same message as was brought by the messengers of Allah in the past before me and you are not the very first of the people rather you are of the very last people and you people are just like the people of the past. Like earlier messengers from Allah I also do not know for a fact what will be done to me by you people in response to my delivery of this message to you nor what will be done to you by me in due course in response to your response, all I am doing is propagating the message about the way of life for mankind that is revealed to me by Allah and I am to you people a plain or clear or unequivocal or unambiguous warner from Allah that the way of life you people live your lives by will land you in a state of existence that is full of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults and turmoils because thereby you secure your petty personal gains from each others at each other’s expense which leads you people into all kinds of troubles and problems with each other.

    010] Say to them also, think about it that if this Quran is indeed from Allah and you people reject and oppose it without even studying it properly even after a testifier or witness from among the children or following of Israel has also testified to its similarity with earlier scriptures and that he has committed himself to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the proper human community in his kingdom according to it while you people are taken over by sense of dominance over each other by undermining each other then think about what are going to be the consequences for you people for thinking and doing so? Surely guidance of Allah does not guide those who ignore or neglect it and keep inflicting harms and destructions upon each other due to their ignorance based arrogance by securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    011] Yet the chiefs of the rejecters and opponents of Our message dare say to those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance, had there been any personal gains for us in the message of the Quran then you people could not have beaten us in committing or devoting ourselves to it. Since these people reject and oppose the idea of being guided by this message as a proper human community in our kingdom therefore they say, this is a fabricated falsehood or a lie just like the one that was invented by alleged God sent messengers and their people in the past long ago.

    012] The fact is before this Quran was revealed for this people by us a book was already given by us to Moses which was a guide for his people to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom and the contents of this book confirm that in a clear or plain language to forewarn those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each others at each other’s expense as well as to give good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom to those who have committed or devoted or sacrificed themselves to bring about a beautiful human world for themselves to live in as a part of it.

    013] Surely those who declare their promise to Allah by saying our creator, sustainer and ruler is only and only Allah alone and then remain firmly committed to His given program, goals and guidelines for fulfilling his assigned mission for the establishment and maintenance of his rule of law in the human world according to his plan for them, there will be no worries for them about their future nor any regrets for them for their past.

    014] Because such are the people who will for sure end up and remain in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a land or kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as a result of their own very hard works for establishing and maintaining such a kingdom.

    015] That is why We have advised for a human being right from the very start of our revelations to mankind to make life of his proper leadership or father of nation or imam as well as his proper human community or ummah or mother nation beautiful by helping and fully supporting them in order to overcome their lacks, deficiencies, shortcomings or weaknesses and limitations, because only and only by going through hardships and difficulties as well as hard works his proper human population or society from which he originates or his mother nation or ummah or proper human community can fulfil its responsibilities or duties or obligations properly towards him and can raise or nurture or model him beautifully through shouldering his responsibility properly by keeping him away or protecting or shielding him from harmful and destructive ways of life till he is made fully aware of the way of life advised for mankind by us where after he should declare his allegiance to our guidance by acting upon which he can deliver for himself and others a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a member of the proper human community in our kingdom by declaring his true intention by saying, my creator and sustainer I will learn needed knowledge properly and act upon it faithfully so that I along with my older and younger generations could use your provisions properly to the best of your granted abilities to me or us for the purpose you have provided them for us, particularly for ensuring well being of our proper leadership as well as our proper human community that has raised us properly so that we could act for removing or keeping away tensions and relationship fractures from them. I turn to your revealed message for my guidance and I promise to live or abide by it.

    016] Such will be the people whose beautiful and constructive thoughts and actions will help bring about and maintain the proper human community in our kingdom by means of their hard works that have our approval for its growth and prosperity whereby We will help them overcome the works of those who will cause damage to the proper human community from among the people of the kingdom based upon your guidance. That is how what we have promised to mankind will prove true for them.

    017] Yet he who is told by his proper human community leadership as well as his proper human community itself to live by the way of life advised for mankind by Allah or you will become confused and lost says to them, mind your own business, are you telling me that I will become ruined the way I live my life when generations have passed before me living their lives the very same way? He says all this to them because they ask him to turn to revelation of Allah for his guidance by saying, your future will be ruined if you do not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the proper human community in his kingdom. Surely the outcomes for the good or bad thoughts and actions of mankind as individuals and as communities for or against each other as promised by Allah are true. But he replies, all this information you are telling me about is nothing but only made up tales of the ancient or past generation of people.

    018] Such were the people about whom Our forewarnings proved true in human populations before them from among the ruling elites as well as from among their followings or supporters. They were surely a people who failed to live their lives by way of life that was advised for them by us which could lead them to a life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    019] That is how all people are assigned positions or ranks for which they are fit or suitable according to levels of their thoughts and actions as well as the results or outcomes of their thoughts and actions in full so that no undeserved loss is suffered by them or is inflicted upon them as a people.

    020] During the period of time when those who reject and oppose Our guidance will end up in a terrible fire of hatred and animosity between themselves they will be asked by their victims, where are good things that you had gathered earlier in your life which you secured from us at our expense that you took pleasure in? Today you will face the consequences of those thoughts and  actions of yours against us whereby you tried to become dominant in the land by undermining us without any justification or justifiable reason that is how you caused disputes, rifts, conflicts, wars and fractures in our human population.

    021] O messenger, tell your people story of chiefs and their supporters from among the people of Aad who were brethren of our messenger Hood. At the time he warned his chiefs and their supporters against causing divisions and unease or hatred and animosity in their human population due to their living by a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and there came warning from us for mankind before him as well as after him regarding this matter telling them, stop living by rule of law of anyone other than Allah. Hood told them, I am worried that if you will not stop living by rule of law of other than Allah then a time period will come when grave painful suffering will befall you people by hands of each other as a result of thinking and doing things the way you do because this will give rise to hatred and animosities between yourselves which will result in revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions due to you people withholding from each other your God given rights to his provisions.

    022] They replied, have you come to turn us away from or against our rulers? Bring us that tormenting period of time that you are telling or warning us about if what you claim is true.

    023] Hood said, the responsibility to let mankind know about it rests with Allah, so I am only here for conveying his message with which I am sent to you, however I can see that you are a people who are not bothered with learning about things you should know about properly for your own best possible future as a people.

    024] So in due course when they saw our forewarning coming in form of a crowd raising clouds of dust towards their valley they said, this crowd that is raising clouds of dust is coming to bring us some relief from our troubles and problems. No, it is not that kind of crowd of people rather it is about what you were in too much hurry for, a storming crowd of people in whose hands rests terrible painful suffering for you as a result of your own atrocities against others.

    025] It is going to destroy everything in its way as it was foretold by creator and sustainer of this human population. Consequently by the morning, there was nothing to be seen except the ruins of their dwellings. That is how Our set-up systems and laws make such people face results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions as inflict harm and destruction upon each other due to their criminal mindset, attitude and behaviour for securing their petty personal gains from each other.

    026] Be aware of the fact that We had provided those people much better places to live in than We have provided you people and we endowed them with the faculties of hearing and seeing as well as making proper sense of things along with our guidance which they understood properly and followed faithfully. However their faculties of hearing and sight as well as intelligence availed them not a bit when they fell away from our guidance and since they started rejecting and opposing our program, goals and guidelines, so in due course they became totally overwhelmed by our warning which they did not take seriously and instead took it lightly because they used to laugh it off whenever they were told about it.

    027] Moreover We found destroying themselves the towns or kingdoms which once upon a time flourished all around you people when they followed our guidance faithfully but from which they fell away and despite Our sending of later revelations to them they did not repent from the ways of life they adopted and they did not reform by adopting our advised way of life that was proper for them for living in this world properly.

    028] But the question for these people to think about is, why did those whom they took for rulers other than Allah to get them closer to Allah not helped them at all? Instead they left them in lurch. That is the reality of their falsehood or false propaganda they invented and spread against the guidance of Allah through their ways and means or tricks and mechanisms they invented.

    029] Moreover tell your people about how We brought to you a group of strangers or unfamiliar or non-native or non-local or foreign or outside or distant or remotely living people to learn the Quran from you. At the time when they arrived in the presence of the Quran when it was being taught they said to each other, learn it properly with full attention and act upon it faithfully. When their study of the Quran completed they returned to their people as missionaries for them who warned their people against living by any way of life that could lead them to harm and destruction by hands of each other.

    030] Upon arriving back in their homeland they said to their people, O our people! We have adhered to a book that has been revealed by Allah after Moses which is confirming the truth that came before it and it guides mankind to what is right and proper way of life for them that is properly balanced therefore it is firmly founded as a foundation for them for living in this world properly.

    031] Therefore O our people, respond to the one who is calling you towards guidance of Allah and commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to it so that Allah protects you from acting harmfully and destructively against each other thereby and that way saves you from ending up in a state of existence that is full of terrible painful suffering for you by hands of each other.

    032] Because anyone who does not respond to the one calling towards guidance of Allah will neither be able to frustrate His plan and purpose for the human world nor will he have anyone to protect him from falling into His forewarned terrible painful state of existence. Surely such people are perplexed or puzzled or they are in a manifest state of confusion and error.

    033] Why don’t they observe things and learn the fact that Allah Who created the far away galaxies full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets was not wearied by their creation and evolution so he is mighty powerful and all wise so he surely has the power to raise any human population that is living like the dead people back to life by inspiring it through his revealed message provided that human population studies his message properly and acts upon it faithfully? After all He alone has set-up systems and laws as well as he has put in place measures to control and operate all things properly for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    034] During the period of time when the rejecters and the opponents of guidance of Allah will face their self created fire of hatred and animosity between themselves they will be asked by our missionaries, is this not the reality you were warned about by Allah? Yes, it is as told by our creator and sustainer, they will answer. Then taste the terrible painful suffering now by hands of your victims as a result of your rejection of and opposition to His guidance.

    035] However be steadfastly persistent in your given task or mission for establishing our rule of law in the human world properly O messenger just like Our determined and steadfast messengers who were sent to their people respectively before you and be not in a rush when you are educating your people and giving them training for carrying out the mission instead take the needed time for doing the job well. Also warn mankind that during the period of time when the rejecters and opponents of our guidance will see revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults and turmoils in the human world about which they are forewarned if they will not stop living by their harmful and destructive ways of life then they will think of their lives they have already lived so far as if they have lived for only a tiny or negligible fraction of a period of time. The forewarning has been conveyed, so which of the people will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other despite that warning other than the people who cause tensions, fractures, hatred and animosities in the human populations through creating disputes, conflicts, rifts, fights and wars?

    Surah 47     MUHAMMAD- The final messenger sent by Allah to deliver his last message to mankind for setting up and regulating as well as running and managing a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah in his kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other to lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Therefore those who will reject and oppose as well as stop people from joining the movement or campaign or mission for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world he will render their thoughts and actions fruitless or ineffective or bring them to nothing.

    002] As for thoughts and actions of those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance and actively participate in mending and harmonising broken or fractured relationships between them, such as will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the guidance which is sent to Muhammad which in actual fact is guidance from their creator and sustainer for them, it can help them overcome their lacks and deficiencies or inefficiencies through proper education and training and that way it can fully and properly address all their concerns for living properly in this world.

    003] The outcomes of thoughts and actions of both the parties lead them to opposite end results because the rejecters and opponents of His guidance live by a harmful and destructive way of life which is based upon their falsehood and lies whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, whereas those who live by a way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer is appropriate for their living in this world properly. This is how Allah explains for mankind things through logically consistent reasoning based exemplary lessons.

    004] Therefore if you are forced into the battlefield due to the atrocities of the rejecters and opponents of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from others at their expense due to which they deprive or dispossess them even of their livelihood then keep striking at the very roots of their heads or leaderships who make them do all this to others till you have defeated them fully and completely by forcing them to lay down their arms then take them as prisoners of war and bind them firmly so that the war they have started ends or is over. After the war is over you should release these prisoners of war only if they promise to behave properly in the future as a favour for them for not starting any more wars of this nature in the future. This is Our rule for you in case of wars that are forced upon you. Had Allah so planned He could have stopped them from attacking you by not giving them ability to choose to do as they please but instead He planned that mankind should have freedom to think and act as they please so he put you the mankind through a struggle for a set purpose according to his plan so that some of you keep others in check always. However remember always that hard works of those who are fought against for supporting the cause or mission of Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other will never be without beneficial results for mankind.

    005] As for those missionaries who survive any wars against them soon He will guide them to think and do things to improve their state of existence

    006] and that is how He will enter them in lands or kingdoms wherein they will have blissful, dignified and secure existence as proper human communities which He has promised them.

    007] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom, if you will fully, properly and wholeheartedly help each other to establish the rule of law of Allah in the human world then He too will help ensure your well being through help and full support of each other to establish you firmly in this world as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    008] As for the rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah, they are bound to end up in self destruction by hands of each other because He sees their thoughts and actions taking them in that direction due to living by way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    009] This is bound to happen to them because they hate the revelation of Allah which is sent for their guidance and they are also enemies of humanity therefore He lets their thoughts and actions become fruitless or ineffective or useless.

    010] Have they not travelled about throughout the land or earth world and seen what was the end of those who have gone before them who thought and did things like them? Allah let them destroy themselves utterly and a similar fate awaits these enemies of revelation of Allah and humanity if they do not learn sense of making proper sense of things in time.

    011] This is because guidance from Allah is protector of only and only those people who commit properly, fully and wholeheartedly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind whereas rejecters and opponents of His guidance have nothing to protect or save them from their self destruction by hands of each other.

    012] Surely Allah will admit into lands or kingdoms throughout which livelihood for them will flow like rivers those who will commit properly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to his guidance such as take actions for or actively participate in helping humanity become united and grow or prosper by removing tensions or relationship fractures from between themselves. As for those who reject and oppose guidance of Allah, their elite or leadership enjoys good things the life has to offer so they eat like animals having no sense of caring for others and sharing things with others therefore fire of hatred and animosity between themselves is their destination for their state of existence to remain in there.

    013] Do these people not want to become aware about the fact as to how many lands or cities people of which were mightier than people of your land or city which has driven you out We have seen destroy themselves due to their rejection and opposition to Our guidance, it is because there was no one left there by them due to their forcing out of such people who could help them through explaining our guidance properly to them to save themselves?

    014] Can he who follows the brilliantly evidence based guidance from his creator and sustainer be equal to him who due to his ignorance based arrogance is misled by his own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires whose harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world and mankind seem beneficial for himself? No, not at all.

    015] The description of the promised land or blessed and blissful kingdom that is to be brought about by those who are consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other is that in that land they will cause rivers of fresh water to flow which is sweet and pleasant for drinkers that does not stop running so it does not go bad. Moreover they will cause rivers of fresh and sweet milk to flow that will not lose its appeal as well as rivers of juices that are tasty and healthy for drinkers and rivers of honey that is pure and clear. In fact in there they will have all kinds of pleasant and tasty fruits of their hard works supply of which will be secured according to guidance of their Creator and Sustainer. Can a people who are able to bring about all this in a land be equalled to those who dwell in lands wherein people are full of fire of hatred and animosity against each other due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they deliver to each other hateful talk and actions that destroy or cuts through their very foundation they base themselves upon as a human population?

    016] Some of these people listen to your talk but not for their proper understanding of it because no sooner they leave your presence that they start asking those endowed with knowledge, what was he talking about just now? These are the people in whose very minds Allah finds ignorance based arrogance which acts as a barrier for them against proper understanding of our guidance and that is why they follow their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires whereby they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    017] As for those who have acquired capability of understanding guidance of Allah properly, he keeps on increasing amount of guidance for them as well as their proper understanding of it that is how He enables them to become consistent with His guidance and each other to free themselves from their self created problems and troubles against each other in due course.

    018] By keeping themselves ignorant about our guidance, are the opponents of guidance of Allah and proper human community waiting for the period of time when revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals will overtake them all of a sudden? Are they not aware that signs about coming of such a period of time have already appeared so when it will actually overtake them, what chance will they have to benefit from this warning or admonition or lesson from us?

    019] So let mankind know O messenger that none has the right to rule anything at all of this kingdom of creation other than Allah himself alone so only and only on the basis of His guidance alone seek or bring about or build the blissful kingdom for safety and security of yourself as well as for the safety and security of leaderships and followings of those who have properly, fully and wholeheartedly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom. That is why Allah makes known to you the mankind your assigned target or objective or end goal or destination as well as the right or proper way to get there or the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for fulfilment of his assigned purpose.

    020] Yet those who have fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom say, if only a Surah is revealed for us that allows us to struggle for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world which includes the armed struggle as well. However when a decisive surah is revealed for them wherein is a lesson for them about dealing with issues of armed struggle, you will see those in whose minds is resistance or hesitation or reluctance for doing so look at you like the one who is going through pangs of death. Though better or more fitting response for them

    021] was to be consistent with Our guidance and to say and do what was beneficial for the proper human community, that will have shown they have sense of making proper sense of things as well as their courageous approach to this issue because they could have proven themselves truly committed to the cause or mission of Allah for establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world and that will have been beneficial and advantageous for them.

    022] Now that some of you have shown such a negative response what can be expected of you people who have gone back on your declaration or word of commitment to our assigned mission for the establishment of our rule of law in the human world other than the fact that like before you will conspire for conflicts and wars in the land and thereby you will cause fractures and breakages in relationships between your people in your human populations due to living by your old way of life whereby you secured your petty personal gains from others at their expense due to which you inflicted harms and destructions upon each other?

    023] These like are the people whom Allah has found far away from benefiting from His blissful, dignifying and secure existence providing guidance because they behave towards it as if they have been deprived of sense hearing and sense seeing due to lack of vision and insight.

    024] Why do they not pay due attention to the actual message of the Quran to see what is wrong with their thinking and doing things and why or how? Have their brains or minds or discerning faculties become frozen or locked or blocked that they cannot think properly anymore?

    025] No doubt those who have returned to their old way of life after the way of life advised for mankind by Allah has been made clear to them they have done so only due to their ignorance based arrogance because they are seduced or allured or misled by harmful and destructive leadership that gives them false hopes for their better future.

    026] That is why they said to those who showed aversion to what Allah has revealed, we will assist you in some matters but Allah will make their motives obvious in due course through their own actions.

    027] However what will they do when the missionaries of Allah come to pay them back in full what they have done to them by stabbing them in the back? They will smash their objectives and defeat their supporters or people who back them up?

    028] That will happen to them because they follow the way of life whereby they secure their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and they hate the way of life advised for mankind by Allah that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence therefore He finds their thoughts and actions void of ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community.

    029] Do those in whose minds is a disease of dominating others by undermining them think that Allah will not bring to light through their own actions in due course their motives, conspiracies or secret plots against the missionaries of Allah?

    030] So be aware that if it is Our plan for exposing them to you our missionaries then We will make them obvious to you in due course in a way that you people will recognize them due to their very obvious characteristics. That is why you will be able to recognise them for sure even by tones of their speeches. That is how Allah will expose them to you people through their own actions.

    031] Moreover We will certainly put you people through a very long and a very hard struggle until We thereby make obvious to rest of the proper human community the steadfast and consistently persistent people from among you, that is how We will make known your struggle for establishing our rule of law in the human world widely in the human world.

    032] Those who themselves reject and oppose guidance of Allah as well as stop and prevent as well as hinder other people from living by way of life advised for mankind by Allah and thereby try their best to resist our mission assigned for mankind through our messenger for the establishment of our rule of law in the human world after our guidance has been made plain and obvious to them they will in no way be able to harm our purpose and plan for mankind, instead their such thoughts and actions will only prove a barrier or hurdle or an obstacle or obstruction for themselves for their own growth and development to their full God given potential and that way their thoughts and actions will prove fruitless or ineffective or a waste of their own time.

    033] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom, be fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly consistent with the guidance of Allah as well as be truly consistent with His messenger so that your struggle and striving or hard works for the success of his assigned mission for you do not come to nothing at all.

    034] As for those who themselves reject and oppose guidance of Allah as well as stop other people from living by way of life advised for mankind by Allah but they are defeated and yet remain opposed to living their lives according to guidance of Allah then guidance of Allah cannot provide them with a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    035] Seeing the mindset, attitude and behaviour of rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah you the missionaries should remain steadfast and firm and should not show any slackness or half heartedness or laziness or weariness during your struggle or striving or campaigning for the success of the mission of Allah for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world so you should not be looking for any period of rest till the mission you are assigned reaches its completion or fulfilment . If you will do that then no doubt due to you people having upper hand you will end up successful because you will have the backing and support of set up systems and laws of Allah who will not let your purpose based proper thoughts and action come to nothing or go to waste.

    036] No doubt the life of this world seems troublesome to some of you the mankind and amusement to others and a purposeless or meaningless exercise or a waste of time for yet others but not so if you fully, properly and wholeheartedly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in the kingdom of Allah according to his guidance and be consistent with his guidance as well as with mankind because then His set-up systems and laws will deliver you the outcome of your proper and purposeful thoughts and actions faithfully where after you are not going to be deprived of your due fruits of your hard works.

    037] This is why to get to that stage you need to pool all your resources together to succeed in this struggle otherwise if our messenger were to demand from all of you all of what you have due to your hard works for his own possession like other tyrannical or brutal leaderships and pressed you hard for it to dispossess you for securing his own petty personal gains from you then you too will have grown stingy like followings of other oppressing and barbaric leaderships but He instead wants to drive out of you all of your harmful and destructive thoughts and ill feelings against each other to replace them with your loving and helpful and supportive feelings for each other so that he could help you turn into a proper human community in actual fact which lives for each other for our sake by giving each other all you people have worked hard for without hesitation or reluctance or resistance.

    038] All this needs to be done so that you people become such a community of people who call for contributions by each and every person according to the best of a person’s God given abilities for making the mission given to mankind by Allah successful for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other because some people among you are stingy and they need to be found out and dealt with appropriately. However any person who remains stingy or miserly by not using what he can to help others, he is only causing loss to the proper human community. Such people should realise that Allah is self sufficient and it is you the mankind who depend upon Him for fulfilment of your needs and wants and that can only be done by people contributing towards each other for ensuring well being of each other. Therefore should any of you people will turn away from the advised way of life for mankind by Allah then He will let others replace you who will not be full of harmful and destructive thoughts and ill feelings against each other like you people.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #130 - May 16, 2023, 05:08 AM

    Surah 43      AL-ZUKHRUF-The firmly founded most valuable foundation for mankind from Allah to base and build their proper human community upon to ensure their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom according to his guidance.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] HAA MEEM.

    002] For this very purpose we have been sending our brilliant revelations for mankind to enlighten them about their purpose of existence and the way they should fulfil that purpose.

    003] That is why We have revealed this Quran in a language that makes things distinct between opposing ways of life that lead to opposite ends so that you the mankind could make purpose and context based sense of things told in it.

    004] No doubt this Quran is the final part of our collection of the scriptures we have been sending for guidance of mankind throughout times and places and it is the very foundation of our rule of law for the human world in this era that is based upon sublime or ultimate reasoning and wisdom that cannot be undermined or ignored or neglected.
    005] How could we withhold from you the mankind our guidance and leave you in the darkness of ignorance about your purpose of existence and the way to fulfil that purpose particularly when some of you people have been robbing or dispossessing each other of our given rights to our provided livelihood or provisions or necessities of life by securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in different ways?

    006] Due to your this mindset, attitude and behaviour against each other, do you people realise or have you people any idea at all how many messengers we had to send among the people of old long before you for their guidance?

    007] Despite our doing so whenever an informer came to them from Us the chiefs and their supporters tried to dominate or overtake or control him by undermining him.

    008] So We let them become destroyed by hands of each other as a consequence even though they had much stronger grip over their downtrodden masses than these ruling people have on their downtrodden masses, that is why we let the harmful and destructive ambitions and desires based mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of people of old become lessons to learn from for these human generations as well as for the generations to come.

    009] These people who falsely claim their ownership and rulership over our originated and evolved things despite their such false claims if you were to ask them, who has originated and evolved the distant or remote galaxies full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets? They will surely say, possibly someone who has power and knowledge has brought them about or into being and sustains them. What they cannot tell you is the purpose for which he has brought them about and the way that purpose can be fulfilled by mankind.

    010] Tell them, no doubt they are brought about and sustained and maintained by Allah alone who is the sole mighty wise owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation, who has made the earth a temporary but pleasant place for your temporary stay and made therein many pathways with landmarks whereby you could guide yourselves or find your ways when you are going about or travelling around in there for your daily tasks or fulfilling your daily needs.

    011] It is he who also sends down rain from the clouds in the sky in due measure and thereby brings to life the land that is dead due to dryness, that is how through His motivating and inspiring revelation you will be brought forth from the earth to travel and spread throughout his created world.

    012] The One and only Who has created and evolved all living things to complement each other or to support and back each other up as well as placed in you the mankind the potential for making ships and the like for yourselves for moving about or travelling about by those ships and the living animals upon which you also rely for your continuous survival.

    013] So that you could firmly establish yourselves in this world on their backs or due to them and that way you could strive hard to properly benefit from and take full advantage of provisions of your Creator and Sustainer in the created world so that when you are firmly established in this world then you admit this fact and strive hard to manifest glory of his purpose based plan for you that he has made all things to help you serve his purpose according to his plan by admitting the fact that otherwise we could not have done what we have managed to do.

    014] For this reason, to guidance of our Creator and Sustainer we all should turn and use his provisions accordingly and not misuse them or mismanage or mishandle them or use them for abusing and manipulating each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    015] Despite guidance from their creator and sustainer due to their ignorance based arrogance there are people some of whom falsely take some of His human creatures as His partners in ownership and sovereignty of his kingdom of creation. Surely such people from among mankind are open rejecters and opponents of his guidance so they manifestly and openly misuse, mismanage, and mishandle his provisions by using them for abusing each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they deny each other his assigned rights to his provisions for them by dispossessing each other of things of need or livelihood by using force or various other tricks and mechanisms.

    016] Had they learned sense of making proper sense of things, they will have thought about who has the actual power and proper authority to grant mankind the proper bases or foundations for living their lives by properly, Allah or his these mentally and physically weak human creatures? Does it make sense that he should choose to give his human creatures the bases or foundations to live by or to build their societies upon that are weak and that he should let his human creatures choose for themselves the bases or foundations to live by or to build their societies upon that are strong?

    017] This is why when any of them is delivered the good news of strong bases or foundations to live by for that person from his creator and sustainer opposite of which such a one attributes to the provider of biological, psychological and sociological needs of mankind due to the persona’s ignorance based arrogance it becomes lost on such a person so that person becomes filled with rage and anger instead of appreciation.

    018] So how dare they ascribe to Allah as partner in ownership and sovereignty of his kingdom of creation such a weak thing as a human being which they the mankind raise upon false or weak bases or foundations or explanations by giving it false reputation due to which it cannot even argue its case against us clearly and successfully?

    019] They also regard his dead messengers and missionaries who dedicated their lives to the mission of the provider of biological, psychological and sociological needs of mankind as the objects of their worship. Are they witnesses to their character of this nature and how they conducted themselves? Their false claims about them have consequences so they will be made to face the results of their thoughts and actions like these about them.

    020] They say, had it not been the will of the provider of biological, psychological and sociological needs of mankind that we take them as objects of our worship then we could not have taken them as objects for our worship. The fact is, they have not bothered to learn things about them as they should have so they have invented or fabricated lies and falsehood about them to give themselves excuses to escape our imposed duties, responsibilities and obligations upon them towards each other.

    021] Or is it that these people who make such claims have a book from Us that was sent before this Quran to them to which they adhere as authority from Us on this matter?

    022] No, not at all instead their only argument is that we found our forefathers practicing all this as a people so we are following them in their footsteps.

    023] Despite this fact whenever We sent a warner before you to forewarn a human population, its ruling elite and their supporters argued that we found our forefathers living this way or practicing this tradition so we are going to continue in their footsteps.

    024] Each of the warners from us asked his people, what if I bring you a better way of life than that upon which you found your forefathers, will you start living your lives that way? Many of them replied, we reject and oppose the way of life with which you claim to have been sent.

    025] Consequently We let Our forewarned painful suffering come to pass for them therefore see what was the end of those who rejected and opposed Our advised way of life for living their lives?

    026] Also call to mind the time when Abraham said to father of his people as well as his people, I am free of serving the rulers that you serve

    027] instead of him who created me because He has recently guided me through his revelation to the way of life that is proper for living in this world properly.

    028] So he left this statement behind as a principle to abide or live by for his supporters or descendants or following or coming generations so that they too keep on living by it.

    029] However instead of continuing with living their lives by that way of life for the purpose that was made plain for them many of them strayed and remained in error even though we provided them and their forefathers with guidance and sustenance until there came to them our this purpose based guidance for the final time in the form of this Quran through a brilliant last or final messenger.

    030] Despite the fact that now this truth has come to them this last time many of them still say, this is falsehood so we reject and oppose it.

    031] Some of them also say, why was this Quran not revealed to a man of great influence in these two great cities or settlements or lands or kingdoms instead of this man called Muhammad who is not at all like these our religious and secular leading elite?

    032] They should realise the fact that it is not their decision to make about who should receive revelation from us as our messenger but ours and instead they should ask themselves, have these men of great influence of great settlements or kingdoms brought about unity, peace, progress and prosperity for their human populations as your creator and sustainer requires of mankind through his blessed revelations or have they sown the seed of discord, hatred, animosity and wars between mankind? Have we provided all things for mankind to enslave each other thereby and be masters and slaves of each other or have we given them things to ensure well being of each other? We have granted them the ways and means for their livelihood for living their lives properly in this world as a proper human community in our kingdom and that is why we have let some of them keep an eye over others for the purpose of proper management of people and resources or means of production and distribution so that they could fulfil their duties, responsibilities and obligations towards each other properly and faithfully for the sake of fulfilment of our given rights of all of them properly and faithfully to ensure their well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence. This is why guidance of your creator and sustainer is most valuable than all that you the mankind gather or amass or pile up or heap up or hoard for yourselves at each other’s expense by dispossessing each other of his given rights to you the mankind to his provisions.

    033] And why is it that so far mankind have not become a proper human community in our kingdom despite our granting them things for their need and want as well as our guidance? Had they become a proper human community, due to their complementing each other’s efforts we will have made possible for all people including those who have rejected and opposed guidance of provider of biological, psychological and sociological needs of mankind for this purpose such houses whose roofs and stairways by which they could go to upper chambers all made with silver

    034] as well as the doors of their houses and couches upon which they recline,

    035] along with ornaments of gold for decoration because all these things are nothing less than useful that bring satisfaction through beautifying life of this world for mankind. So it is the proper way of life for living their lives that is to be focused upon by mankind for their best possible future which can deliver in this world all of this for those who are consistent with guidance of their Creator and Sustainer as well as with each other and yet better reward for them awaits in hereafter as well.

    036] Despite explanation of these like facts any people who still turn away from guidance of their provider of biological, psychological and sociological needs, we find them closely linked or attached to the harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership.

    037] That is because such harmful and destructive friendships stop or prevent such people from adopting the proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah the while they think they are being guided or led along the proper way of living their lives

    038] till that like party is made to face consequences of its thoughts and actions by Our set-up systems and laws when it says to its such friends, I wish that I had distanced myself from you as far as the opposite ends of this world because you turned out to be a very harmful and destructive friend indeed.

    039] Once a people have brought themselves to point of no return, it is said to them by Our missionaries or reminders, you people have already done what you have done so realizing this now and fighting with each other after destroying yourselves as a people is not going to avail you a bit because both of you share the same end which is your destruction by hands of each other.

    040] Can you O messenger therefore make the person who due to his ignorance based arrogance does not want to hear our message properly hear our words for guidance properly about the purpose based proper way of life or make the person who due to his ignorance based arrogance does not want to understand our advised way of life properly see the purpose based proper way of life properly such as the one who openly lives by harmful and destructive way of life and wishes to continue living that way due to his own lack of learning and understanding things he ought to know properly?

    041] People like that wish that you go away and leave them to themselves so that they could continue living the way they are but even if you do go away and leave them on their own, our set up systems and laws are bound to deliver them the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    042] Alternatively should you go away and leave them on their own and they fail to repent and reform then even from a safe distance we can let you see their end as we have warned them, because they are fully in the grip of our set-up systems and laws.
    043] So hold fast on to this Quran which is revealed to you because it is the proof from us that you are certainly on the right way of life for living your life in this world properly which is properly balanced therefore firmly founded.

    044] Moreover this Quran is a lesson for you and your people to learn properly and teach it to rest of mankind faithfully to act upon it as they should because you are required to do so or you are made responsible or accountable for doing so for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    045] Ask those who claim to support our mission we assigned to our messengers whom we sent before you if we have ever authorised any people to live by rule of law of any other God than the one who has purposefully provided things for mankind for the fulfilment of their biological, psychological and sociological needs?

    046] Just as we sent all our messengers including yourself with the very same mission for establishing our rule of law in the human world properly likewise we sent Moses with our program, goals and guidelines to the Pharaoh and his chiefs so he said to them, I am a messenger to you people from the Creator and Sustainer of all the human populations in the world

    047] for delivering his message to you people, where after he conveyed to them our program for carrying it out by accomplishing its goals or objectives according to our provided guidelines for them but instead of appreciating this message from us due to their ignorance based arrogance they took them lightly and laughed them off.

    048] Despite their this negative response we still showed them evidence after evidence with argument after argument, each of which was stronger than the one preceding it but they disregarded them all so we let them face the consequences of some of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other so that they could still leave their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so that they could turn to our advised way of life for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    049] However they continued living the way they were so they were made to face consequences by hands of each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but each time they suffered the consequences by hands of each other as per our forewarnings they turned to Moses requesting him, O you the man who claims to have special information from your creator and sustainer, rely upon that information from your creator and sustainer on our behalf on the basis of promise he has made with you to get us out of these fights and wars from between us and if you will succeed in doing that then we promise that we will certainly start living our lives by way of life you have brought for us for living our lives.

    050] However each time We led them out of their self created fights and wars between themselves, they went back on their agreements and started living their lives by their old way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    051] They did that because the Pharaoh called upon his people repeatedly asking them, O my people, is not the kingdom of Egypt mine and are these flowing rivers not within my jurisdiction? Can you therefore not see that I am your owner, master, ruler and God in this kingdom so you people are my subjects and slaves?

    052] For that reason am I not more powerful than this weakling Moses who has no such power in the land to be able to manifest his will?

    053] Why has he not been anointed with gold bracelets and dressed up in golden robes to rule like other kings and he has no royal officials, soldiers or entourage to accompany him for establishing his reign in a kingdom?

    054] That is how he fooled his people every time yet they supported him. It is because they were a people who were given to discords, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves as well as rest of mankind.

    055] However when they tripped our set-up systems and laws by destroying the proper human community spirit from between themselves and replaced it with hatred and animosity between themselves, we let painful suffering befall them by hands of each other so they ended up destroyed by each other due to being drowned in hatred and animosity of each other.

    056] That is why this is how we made them a lesson for other human populations as well as for the human generations to come.

    057] Similarly when solid or firm or strong foundation based leadership of community of Mariam and its backing or following is cited as an example of a proper human community in our kingdom that was based properly upon our guidance, your people also show rejection and opposition for that as well.

    058] They ask you, are our Gods or rulers better off than him or was he better off than our Gods or rulers? They ask you questions like this - instead of understanding properly the things which you are telling them from us and asking you the questions that really matter such as how did he and his people get on with living their lives rather than he being self centred like other people who claimed they were Gods or kings - due to their ignorance based arrogance just so that they could quarrel or fight with you over this matter for sake of it and that is because these people are a quarrelsome or troublesome or mischief making people.

    059] It is because the fact is, he was nothing less than a man who was loyal to our assigned mission as our messenger who lived for establishing our rule of law in the human world and whom we made an exemplary leader for the children or people of Israel to support and back up.

    060] Had you the mankind been fully consistent with our revealed will or guidance as well as with each other then we will have appointed people from among you as our officials in our kingdom for managing people and resources as well as means of production and distribution properly. But you people instead chose to reject and oppose our guidance to continue living by a way of life whereby you secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so you are bound to face consequences for your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    061] This is why Allah warned as well as informed mankind about the coming of the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions as well as the establishment of his rule of law in the human world, so have no doubt about coming of such a time period and follow my guidance properly because this is the only proper way for bringing about the establishment of my rule of law in the human world properly through a proper education and training based revolution by mankind themselves as missionaries for my assigned mission.

    062] For that reason do not let the harmful and destructive leadership stop or prevent or hinder and lead you people away from this goal or objective or mission by its various ways and means or methods or trick and mechanisms because such a leadership is your open enemy as it always tries to divide you the mankind on basis of religion and secularism to rule you so it will keep on doing so.

    063] This is why when Jesus came to his people with a brilliant program with goals and guidelines from us he said to them, I have come to you people for teaching you reasoning or sense of making proper sense of things you ought to learn or know so that thereby I could help you remove religion and secularism based differences and disputes from between yourselves that are based upon your lack of skill for proper reasoning and proper understanding of guidance from Allah so that you could become consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other and that way you could help and support me for establishing the rule of law of Allah properly in the human world.

    064] Surely it is Allah Who is my creator and sustainer as well as yours therefore abide by his guidance or rule of law. This is the only properly balanced and firmly founded way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom if mankind will understand it properly and act upon it faithfully.

    065] Despite these teachings by Jesus some of the factions of his people remained divided therefore their future was doomed because they chose to continue living their lives by a way of life whereby they secured their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they kept inflicting harms and destructions upon each other so that is how they brought upon themselves a period of terrible painful suffering.

    066] So what are these people of yours waiting for other than the coming of the similar period of time of doom that overtakes them by surprise or unexpectedly or all of a sudden that catches them unaware or unprepared?

    067] The fact is, when the period of time of revolts and uprisings strikes any human population even the intimate and most trusted friends in it become severe enemies to one another but not those people who are consistent with Our guidance and with each other.

    068] So O you the populations of my human creatures, remember the fact that during the time period of revolts and uprisings any of the human populations which reject and oppose my guidance they always end up divided on basis of religion as well as secularism therefore they start fighting with each other whereby they fall in a state of existence that is full of terrible painful and humiliating suffering but there is nothing to worry about or to regret for you people during that period of time because you people are or have become a proper human community in my kingdom.

    069] You are such a people who fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance in our kingdom by carrying out our given program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines and that way you end up and remain in a state of blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring your own well being with help and full support of each other.

    070] So continue encouraging each other for studying our guidance properly and acting upon it faithfully so that you could help each other enter and remain in the state of blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    071] By going around serving them discourses or lectures that are most valuable for opening up their minds to our purpose and plan for them due to which they can have everything which their being desires and all that their eyes delight in. That is how you will be able to bring about such kingdom to abide therein for as long as you will continue thinking and doing so.

    072] Such will be the kingdom which you will inherit by virtue of struggling very, very hard for it.

    073] Therein you will have plenty of the fruits of your own labour or hard works that you will consume or make use of.

    074] On the contrary those who will reject and oppose our guidance they will keep on committing crimes against each other by securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other expense so they will end up in a terrible state of existence by hands of each other that will be full of agony and humiliation for them and they will remain in that state of existence unless they leave or give up their way of life and start living their lives by way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    075] Otherwise their painful suffering will not come to an end or become light due to their living by harmful and destructive way of life whereby they end up in a master slave relationship with each other so they remain in despair in that terrible hopeless state of existence slaving away for their masters.

    076] It is not that we inflict any harms or destructions upon them just for sake of it but that they themselves inflict harms and destructions upon each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    077] Due to harms and destructions that are inflicted upon them by each other the people trapped in that state of existence will cry to their taskmaster saying, O taskmaster, can you request your master on our behalf to ease our tasks for us? But he will say, no rather you are to continue doing what you are told to do.

    078] Surely we have explained for you the mankind the true reality of the way of life many of you people live by but most of you hate knowing the actual truth about your way of life in contrast to our advised way of life for mankind.

    079] That is why they devised a plan to get rid of you O messenger. But we too have a plan to keep you safe from their plots or schemes or conspiracies

    080] Do these leading religious and secular people or rulers, priests and money lenders among their human populations who reject and oppose our guidance think they have succeeded in taking over control of things from us so we cannot take care of their secret plans against well being of mankind with which they come up in their secret and private meetings or discussions? Of course, they cannot succeed in taking over control from us over things and we can take care of their plots and that is why our messages through our messengers are with them which their supporters and followers have been transmitting in writing generation after generation to plan their best possible future for themselves as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    081] So proclaim to mankind O messenger the fact that the provider of things for the fulfilment of the biological, psychological and sociological needs of mankind cannot be succeeded by anyone or anything for taking over his rule over this kingdom of his creation for he is ever living, all knowing and mighty powerful and I am foremost in this struggle and campaigning for the establishment of his rule of law in the human world properly to abide by.

    082] Free or far removed is the creator and the sustainer of the distance galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets and the creator and the sustainer of this vast kingdom of whole of his creation from the things which rejectors and opponents of his guidance attribute or ascribe to him.

    083] So if they still refuse to pay due attention to our guidance then leave them to blunder and to fool about until they face the period of time when revolts and uprising as well as establishment of our rule of law become an established reality in the human world about which they have been warned as well as promised respectively.

    084] That is the time period during which they will certainly come to realise the fact that it is Allah alone who is sole God and ruler over the distance galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as over this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets and not those whom they have taken for their Gods or rulers in the human world here on the earth. It is because He alone is the one who is wise and all knowing ruler who rules through wisdom which He makes obvious for mankind to see throughout this kingdom of his creation.

    085] That is because firmly founded is he himself who has provided firm foundation for the existence, sustenance and maintenance of his creation to help it grow, develop and prosper. To Him alone belongs the kingdom of the distanced galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and plants and all that which is within them and in between them. Since with him alone rests the knowledge as to when and how his rule of law will become fully and properly established in the human world by human beings themselves therefore you the mankind should turn to his guidance and consult it properly in this regard.

    086] Those whom the rejecters and opponents of his guidance take for Gods and rulers instead of him or along with him, they have no capability to intervene in his kingdom of creation for their betterment against his will but this truth is only understood by those who are aware of the realities of the real world due to their keen observation of things the way they are set up to work.

    087] If you ask those who take for Gods and rulers other than Allah, who created them? They will say, Allah. How is it that they are then led away from this truth?

    088] This is why Allah heard his messenger complain by saying, O my Creator and Sustainer, these are such a people who refuse to commit properly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your guidance?

    089] So he was told, that being the case leave them to themselves after letting them know my advised way of life for mankind which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other due to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity. They will soon come to know the truth when they will face the consequences of their thoughts and actions based upon their ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    Surah 44      AL-DUKHAAN-The state of confusion and anarchy or lawlessness or disorder due to the darkness of ignorance in the human world about their purpose of existence and the way to fulfil that purpose which can be overcome only and only through light of guidance from Allah for their enlightenment for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] HAA MEEM.

    002] For this very purpose we have been sending our brilliant revelations for mankind to enlighten them about their purpose of existence and the way they should fulfil that purpose.

    003] We started sending our messages for guidance of mankind through our messengers from among themselves from the time period of darkness of ignorance when some of them started looking for our guidance in the human world for their purpose based existence, growth, development and prosperity and since then We have been warning them against living by any way of life that can lead them to harms and destructions by hands of each other.

    004] Therein every principle or key point or main rule for living a productive, constructive and benevolent life has been explained wisely or logically consistently or rationally for them

    005] as a roadmap from Us. Surely We have been sending messages through Our messengers for guidance of mankind always.

    006] So this Quran is also a blessing from your Creator and Sustainer for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom just like his scriptures that were sent before it. No doubt He is fully aware of all things in relation to his purpose of creating them and the way they should fulfil that purpose according to his plan so he makes them obvious for the benefit and advantage of mankind through his revealed scripture.

    007] Be aware of the fact that this Quran is revealed by the Creator and the Sustainer of all the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets as well as all that lies within them and in between them, should you the mankind bother to verify these facts for yourselves in order to assure yourselves.

    008] There is no owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation but only and only He himself alone. He brings to life or motivates or inspires by means of his guidance only and only those human populations which study it properly and act upon it faithfully and leaves those human populations to their own devices which do not study it properly so they do not act upon it faithfully therefore they perish by hands of each other due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. He is the one who created and sustained you as well as your forefathers of old for a set purpose to fulfil that purpose according to his plan.

    009] Despite being explained all these things many of the mankind still live in doubt and confusion about their purpose of existence or creation and how they should fulfil it.

    010] So O you people who are not bothered with proper study and faithful adoption of our provided guidance wait for the time period when the human world will be overtaken or overshadowed or overwhelmed with all kinds of troubles and problems between human beings themselves which will become clearly visible or manifest or obvious

    011] due to their engulfing people like yourselves. This will be the humiliating painful suffering in which will fall people like you as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    012] However after ignoring our guidance and disregarding our messenger when they will fall into troubles and problems between themselves they will say, our Creator and Sustainer, provide us with protection or shelter or screen from this humiliating painful suffering because we agree to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom.

    013] But how can Our guidance benefit them now in such a terrible period of time which they themselves have brought upon themselves? Because during the better period of time when Our messenger came to them making things plain for them

    014] they paid no due attention to his message and ignored him saying, he is just a bitter or an angry human being who has been taught things against us and has been set against us by our enemies!

    015] So now We will let you think and do whatever you please for the situation that currently prevails but we know many of you will continue living your lives the way you used to.

    016] However when the time period you have been warned about comes, We will find you people caught up in grave consequences of your own terrible thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is how Our set-up systems and laws will help some of you turn to our advised way of life for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    017] Likewise We put through a very hard struggle some of the people who lived under the rule of law of the Pharaoh earlier when Our trustworthy or dependable or reliable messenger Moses came to them telling them about our advised way of life for them which could lead all of them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom

    018] by saying to Pharaoh and his chiefs, let people who wish to live by rule of law of Allah in this world join me freely because I am for you all a verifiably true messenger from Allah who can bring about unity, peace, progress and prosperity for all people in this land.

    019] So do not hold yourselves above the rule of law of Allah, surely I have come to you with a brilliant convincing explanation that is verifiably true against reality in the real world.

    020] I want to set up this land or kingdom according to program, goals and guidelines of the Creator and the Sustainer of mine and yours in order to save our people from the harmful and destructive way of life and its governing or ruling system.

    021] If any of you do not wish to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community then separate or move away or stay away from the people who are with me on this issue.

    022] However Pharaoh and his chiefs refused his proposal so he relied upon the set-up systems and laws of his Creator and Sustainer saying, many of these people due to their ignorance based arrogance are surely committed to living by way of life whereby they commit atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore they are a people who are given to a criminal mindset, attitude and behaviour against each other.

    023] So We said to Moses, take people who are willing to live by my rule of law in the land on a journey of enlightenment or learning or discovery for dispelling from them their darkness of ignorance, surely you will be supported or backed or tailed or followed by a multitude of people.

    024] However leave those people to their own devices that are divisive or troublemakers or mischief-makers who wish to remain as ignorant and arrogant as they are because they are groups that are bound to drown in their own self created troubles and problems with each other or they are bound to be destroyed by hands of each other.

    025] Think about how many gardens and springs they left behind after being destroyed by hands of each other

    026] as well as agriculture and grand palaces

    027] and means of luxury and comfort which they used to enjoy?

    028] Such was their end. That is how We let other people have what they used to have.

    029] So the harm and destruction they brought upon themselves by hands of each other against which they were forewarned by us caused no damage to our set up and working of the heavens and the earth and it happened to them because they gave themselves no time to think and do things purposefully properly as they were guided to.

    030] When supporters of Moses understood our guidance properly and acted upon it faithfully this is how We delivered children of Israel from a humiliating painful suffering

    031] that was inflicted upon them by Pharaoh and his chiefs who were most ignorant and arrogant among these like inordinate transgressors or oppressors or tyrants or bullies.

    032] After saving and establishing them in the land due to their purposeful and proper study of our guidance and its faithful following We made them responsible at the time for making Our purpose and plan for mankind obvious to the human populations near about them or within their reach in the human world.

    033] We gave them from Our lessons to learn themselves and teach to others wherein was involved very hard struggle for mankind to make them manifest in reality.

    034] This story is for these people who say,

    035] there is no life worth living after our downfall from the glory of the olden times as a people and there is no way we could be raised to life of glory and dignity once again as a people.

    036] Bring us story about our forefathers if they rose again after their fall from glory if you speak the truth.

    037] Do these people not want to be better off than the people of Tubba and those who were before them? We let them destroy themselves for the reason that they ignored our guidance and instead continued committing crimes inflicting fatal blows against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So if they do not wish to have the very same fate as them then they should study properly our given program, goals and guidelines and think and do as told to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    038] We did not created the far away galaxies full of stars and planet as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets and all that lies within them or in between them just for time pass or as a play thing.

    039] Rather We have created them for a set purpose according to our plan to express our self thereby as well as through our guidance for mankind to appreciate our existence and greatness in goodness through our works but most of them do not even bother to learn to understand things purposefully properly and they do not do what they are supposed to do for the fulfilment of our assigned purpose for them.

    040] Surely the time period to get outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other is set for all of them as a people or a human population or as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    041] During that period of time people who will reject and oppose our guidance and they will continue living by a way of life whereby they will secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, such people will not have even a relative or friend to intervene to benefit his relative or friend so there will be no support or backing for these like people from each other instead they will be engulfed or trapped in more and more troubles and problems by each other.

    042] On the contrary those who will faithfully accept living by the blessed way of life advised for mankind by Allah they will thereby lead themselves with help and full support of each other to blissful, dignified and secure existence by becoming a proper human community in his kingdom. Surely He is the sole mighty provider of all things for the fulfilment of all purposeful needs of each and every member of the proper human community in his kingdom thereby or by that way of life.

    043] So people who have hatred and animosity against each other no doubt the bitter fruit of tree of dissension or dispute or discord or rivalry or animosity or hatred or disharmony is

    044] their food for thought and action upon which they feed or feast because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense that holds them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    045] Which burns the insides of their bodies or which heats up their environment or enrages their human population

    046] like boiling water in a pot ready to explode or burst forth.

    047] Soon the cry will be raised from among themselves by their victims, seize any and every person from among these people and drag them into the middle of the pit of fire of hatred and animosity they themselves have ignited or kindled or created for all of us in our human population.

    048] That is how fatal blow will be delivered to their leading harmful and destructive goals, ambitions and desires during the time period of revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions against them.

    049] And the voice from among them of their victims will say to them, experience now all this humiliating painful suffering yourselves as well through which you people put us because you thought of yourselves as a group of powerful elite beyond the reach of the masses.

    050] Our missionaries will also say to these like people who assumed themselves beyond the reach of the set up systems and laws of Allah, this is the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions Allah warned us all about but you people used to take this warning lightly or you used to brush it aside as a joke that it will ever come to pass and these things will ever happen to you.

    051] As for those who will be consistent with Our guidance and with each other, they will have secured or obtained a solid foundation for themselves to build their bright future upon for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community 

    052] in a fertile land with fountains or rivers flowing of things of their need and want due to their own hard works.

    053] Due to their purpose based proper education and training they will have received from their purpose built education and training centres so they will be armed or equipped or adorned or ornamented or decorated with robes or garbs of spotless conduct and mannerism and this is why and that is how they will reach the heights of excellence by complementing and fully supporting or backing efforts of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    054] Such will be their way of living their lives in this world. All this will happen in due course because Our guidance makes it possible for people who are of our assigned purpose based pure, beneficial and constructive mindset, attitude and behaviour to come together as a proper human community in our kingdom to think and do what needs to be thought and done in order to fulfil our given task or mission or purpose according to our given plan of action or roadmap.

    055] This is why therein they will have reliable or dependable or secure or fully assured supply of anything and everything they will need for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    056] It is because therein they will not wish to experience another fall from glorious state of existence after seeing the initial or previous or earlier fall from which they will have fully recovered. That is why they will try their best to avoid falling into or becoming stuck in any and every situation that could make their life a living hell for them as before.

    057] All this will be result of information from your Creator and Sustainer and their purpose based proper understanding of it as well as their acting upon it faithfully. Therefore that will be for sure a great achievement for them.

    058] That is why O messenger, We have made this Quran easy for you to understand it properly in your own language through our explanations so that your people could learn it properly from you and spread its proper understanding faithfully in the human world for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world and to be awarded for thinking and doing so in hereafter.

    059] If any of the mankind will still refuse to accept and study our provided guidance properly and they will still refuse to act upon it faithfully then you our missionaries need to wait and they the rejecters and opponents of our guidance also need to wait till you people see outcomes of your own thoughts and actions in due course respectively but those outcomes will not be any different from what has been already explained or made plain for all of you.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #131 - May 22, 2023, 12:24 AM

    Surah 41    FUSSILAT- Guidance from Allah that distinctively stands out for mankind to recognise and acknowledge by studying it properly to act upon it faithfully for removing tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars from between themselves for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.
    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] HAA MEEM.

    002] For this very purpose revelations have been sent in succession throughout human world for their guidance over a very long period of time by the provider of their psychological, sociological and biological needs.

    003] Likewise a book program, goals and guidelines of which distinctly stand out and are fully detailed in form of a proclamation in a language that can be understood clearly by a people who learn sense of making proper or purpose based sense of things told in it.

    004] A book that gives good news as well as delivers a clear warning yet most of the people due to their ignorance based arrogance ignore or avoid it therefore they do not pay their due attention to it. It has the good news in it for those who are already looking forward to a blissful, dignified and secure future based upon its guidance by learning or studying it properly for acting upon it faithfully and it also has the clear warning for those who refuse to live by way of life advised in it because due to their ignorance based arrogance they ignore or avoid or neglect it and that way they do not heed its warning.

    005] Instead they say to you our messenger, in our minds is aversion or opposition to the way of life you are calling us to so there is no chance that we will ever listen or adhere to what you say because there is a clear dividing line between your way of living your lives for the purpose you wish to fulfil and our way of living our lives for the purpose we wish to fulfil, you are as human as we are so what you are saying is nothing better than what we know ourselves, so you carry on living according to your way of life for accomplishing your goals and we will keep on living according to our way of life for fulfilling our goals.

    006] Say to them O messenger, it is true that I am as human as you people are but there has come to me the message that certainly your God is the only God there is, so stand firmly by his assigned mission for the establishment of his rule of law in the whole of the human world for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom because otherwise there awaits terrible troublesome future for those who take for Gods and rulers other than Allah or along with Allah and live by any way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    007] Because such people do not work for strengthening and increasing capacity and capability of all individuals in their whole human population because they reject and oppose the idea of better future for themselves as a part of a proper human community in our kingdom instead they work for dominating others by undermining them whereby they create divisions, tensions, disputes, fights and wars between mankind.

    008] On the contrary those who commit fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance, they take deliberate steps for or active part in removing tensions, disputes, conflicts fights and wars from between mankind to help them mend their fractured relationships with each other for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity, therefore for them there is a constant and consistent highly fruitful outcome for their such constant and consistent thoughts and actions which ensures their future well being as a proper human community with help and full support of each other.

    009] Say, by accepting other Gods than Allah or along with Allah and living by ways of life other than the way of life advised for mankind by Allah whereby you people secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense,
    are you people not denying the existence and sovereignty of the one who brought about and evolved the earth in two different periods of time by means of two different processes? Moreover are you people not denying his sole ownership of all things by attributing ownership of some of the thing to others as well as are you people not denying his sole sovereignty by taking others as your rulers instead of him or along with him? The fact is, according to him he alone is the creator and the sustainer of this whole kingdom of his creation?

    010] Moreover by means of his set up systems and laws he raised from within the earth the land masses rising high above its surface as mountains for dampening its oscillation during its flight as its balancing weights or stabilizers so that it does not jitter or become unstable. Moreover he placed within it things of need in abundance for things that need them according to his set measures put in place by him in four different or separate but consistent or harmonious or alike periods of time for the sustenance and maintenance of all things in there which depend upon them for their needs for their existence.

    011] For bringing about all this at the time he decided to focus his attention towards his intended design of his kingdom of creation to turn it into a reality which was originally just like a cloud of elementary particles so by means of forces of attraction and repulsion he caused his kingdom of this whole creation to start coming about so they started coming about in form of his kingdom of creation according to his plan for his intended purpose.

    012] That is how He initiated the turning of the random elementary particles into many galaxies with many solar systems in those galaxies in two different periods of time with time which are constantly distancing themselves away from each other. That is how he caused his program for each and every galaxy to become complete. Also that is how He adorned this kingdom of his creation with massive brilliant galaxies full of stars and planets and he made it secure against any malfunction or failure. Such are the set-up systems and laws of almighty and all knowing ruler of this kingdom of his creation who makes things obvious for mankind to observe and study them carefully to understand them properly.

    013] Yet if they turn away from this guidance then say to them, I have delivered to you warning about a mind-blowing revolt and uprising, like the tumult, upheaval and turmoil which struck Aad and Thamood.

    014] When their messengers from us came to them from the generations before them and from the generations after them saying to them, take no rulers other than Allah or along with Allah, instead of heeding their call they said, if our creator and sustainer wanted to send us a message then he for sure will have sent it to us through his own special or extraordinary or supernatural officials and not through common human beings like ourselves therefore we reject and oppose the message with which you claim to have been sent.

    015] As for Aad, they acted to make themselves dominant against each other by undermining each other in the land without having the right to do so and they put up a challenge saying, who is stronger than us in might in the human world? They lived by the concept of might is right but could they not think and realise that Allah who has created them was mightier than them yet he does not use his might to prove himself right, for he uses reasoning and evidences to prove his point rationally and he makes people learn what is true and right that way? Yet many of them continued fighting against our program, goals and guidelines and ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    016] So over some days which spelt trouble for them, our set-up systems and laws let loose upon their ruling elite a furious hurricane of angry people in form of revolt or uprising to make them taste a shameful scourge as a result of the way they lived their lives whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, but more painful suffering was yet to follow them in due course as their way of life worsened their situation between themselves. All this happened to them because they had nothing to rely or depend upon to help themselves out of this terrible state of existence.

    017] As for Thamood people, we provided them with our guidance but their chiefs due to their ignorance based arrogance preferred remaining ignorant about our guidance so they continued living the way they were rather than studying our guidance properly and acting upon it faithfully for fulfilling the purpose it was given for, so due to their way of living whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense we found them caught up in a mind blowing unexpected or sudden revolt or uprising by their angry victims who seized their religious and secular ruling elite revengefully for victimising them.

    018] However we delivered our promised blissful, dignified and secure existence for those of them who fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom because they became consistent with our guidance as well as with each other by establishing our rule of law in the land they lived in properly.

    019] Nonetheless be warned about the coming about of a time period because of rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah who gradually force or push each other into life of terrible painful suffering due to living by ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    020] Such like leading religious and secular people keep on pushing each other towards life of terrible painful suffering till they reach that state of existence. The people who quietly or silently act as their ears and their eyes as well as their guards bear witness as to what they do to each other to reach that state of existence as a people.

    021] When these silent witnesses tell these facts about their victims to officials of our kingdom after our kingdom becomes established in the human world they say to these witnesses, why do you bear witness or testify against us? They reply, guidance of Allah has inspired or encouraged us to speak up just like he has inspired everything to express itself freely. It is because he it is who has created and evolved you the mankind to be his best possible creation because you are made capable of referring to his guidance for knowing your purpose of creation according to him in order to fulfil it the way he has told in his guidance.

    022] Despite being warned about coming of period of revolts and uprisings as well as being told about establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world you did not even take any measures to hide your crimes from those who witnessed your crimes against your victims lest they heard or saw or kept a record of what you were doing because you thought that Allah does not make evident the results of many of your thoughts and actions against each other so he will continue doing that and that way he will let you carry on thinking and doing what you were doing to each other.

    023] However this thought of yours which you entertained concerning your creator and sustainer due to your ignorance based arrogance has brought you to harms and destructions by hands of each other so by now you have become of those who are in utter loss.

    024] So now they suffer the consequences of their thoughts and actions quietly or noisily, the fire of hatred and animosity they themselves have ignited or kindled or triggered or activated among their own human population remains their home. It is because by now they have reached such a stage of their existence that even if they will try to be consistent with our guidance as well as with each other they have not given themselves enough time to turn things round.

    025] We have let people have like minded intimate friends they choose for themselves but for those who have ended up choosing such friends as made their past, present and future harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other look good to them then our forewarnings became real for them in the past and they will become real for them in the future as well, both for the generations of the powerful religious and ruling elites as well as for the generations of their ordinary masses that support them so they are for sure to end up destroyed unless they become consistent with our guidance as well as with each other and within their given time period.

    026] These religious and secular chiefs who reject and oppose our guidance tell their supporters, do not let this Quran reach the masses whenever it is proclaimed by organising campaigns against it so that you could drown its message by your propaganda against it as well as against the people who proclaim it.

    027] We will certainly let these rejecters and opponents of our guidance taste or experience serious consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by hands of each other by delivering to them outcomes of their own terrible thoughts and actions.

    028] Such terrible painful existence is the outcome for such thoughts and actions of rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah in which they are to remain for as long as they live unless they repent or give up their way of life and reform by living by our advised way of life for mankind within the given time, a fitting outcome for their campaigning and fighting against our program, goals and guidelines for mankind.

    029] In that state of existence some of these rejecters and opponents of our guidance will say to one of our missionaries, our warden avail us the opportunity to confront those from among our ruling elite and their supporters who misled us so that we could trample them under our feet so that they are utterly humiliated by us.

    030] As for those from among them who declare, our creator and sustainer is only and only Allah alone and then they faithfully abide by his guidance, our missionaries come to them for encouragement and support saying, let nothing worry you or make you anxious instead rejoice because of the good news that the kingdom based upon rule of law of Allah has become established for the blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as it was promised to you.

    031] We are your supporters in life as it is at present as well as in life as it will be in the future. Therein you will find all that your person will desire because therein you will have all that you will work hard for.

    032] That is something which will result due to your working hard for program, goals and guidelines of Allah that are provided for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    033] So who is better in speech than the one who calls mankind towards guidance of Allah therefore works hard to remove tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars from between mankind and thereby facilitate their unity, peace, progress and prosperity and says, I am committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to a way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah?

    034] Works of people that make life of mankind beautiful are not same as works of people that make life of mankind terrible and ugly. So replace works that make life of humanity terrible and ugly by works that make life of mankind beautiful because that way between you and anyone who has dislike or hatred or animosity towards you will become your cordial friend.

    035] However none can attain such mindset, attitude and behaviour save those who constantly and consistently make very hard efforts towards this goal and none can attain such personality save those who strive for it wholeheartedly.

    036] So whenever you the mankind are tempted by the harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership to inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, seek protection against that by bringing about the kingdom based properly upon the rule of law of Allah according to his guidance. No doubt he is fully aware of all things therefore by means of his purpose based guidance he makes things obvious for mankind which they ought to think and do for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    037] Among his lessons to observe and learn from are the night, the day, the sun and the moon because by knowing things about them you can organise and regulate yourselves properly as a people. However do not live your lives as if you the mankind are slaves of time and set of your circumstances like the sun and the moon instead live your lives as sensible human beings according to the purpose based guidance of Allah who has created and evolved them for their purposes respectively just as he has created and evolved you the mankind to fulfil his purpose according to his plan if it is him you truly want to serve or if you truly want to work for him according to his guidance.

    038] Yet if they continue living by way of life whereby they seek dominance over each other by undermining each other through securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to disregarding our guidance by thinking they are above the need for our guidance then inform them about the fact that there are people who are with your creator and sustainer for supporting his mission who have studied his guidance properly and they act upon it faithfully therefore they strive very, very hard day and night tirelessly for manifesting glory of his advised way of life as well as his rule of law for mankind and they never think of themselves above the need for his guidance and they do not try to dominate each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    039] Moreover among his lessons to observe and learn from is, land which you see as dead and barren but when we send down rain upon it, it is stirred into life and thereby its yields increase. Surely he who gives life to it can also raise again any human populations to heights of excellence that have fallen there from by inspiring and motivating them back to life fully motivated and energised or activated. Certainly He has set-up systems and laws to govern all affairs of all things according to measures he has put in place.

    040] Surely those who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose our program, goals and guidelines for mankind their motives are not unknown or hidden to us as to why they are doing that. However they should ask each other, are people who live by a way of life whereby they are pushed into fire of hatred and animosity by each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense better off or are those who try to bring each other to a way of life advised for mankind by us whereby they can live in unity and peace for their progress and prosperity as a proper human community during a period of time when our rule of law has become properly established by them in the human world according to our guidance? So think and do as you like but remember the fact that our set up systems and laws are constant and consistent in delivering outcomes of thoughts and actions of people for or against each other.

    041] No doubt worse off are those people who reject and oppose our guidance whenever it comes to them. It is because it is all about a mighty powerful rule of law for them from us for their living in this world properly.

    042] No rule of law ever proved better than it that was ever brought about and lived by mankind before its revelation by us nor any rule of law will ever prove better than it that will be brought about and lived by mankind ever since after we have revealed it. It is because this best possible rule of law has been revealed successively or repeatedly for mankind to live by properly in this world throughout times and places by the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    043] Nothing is said to you our messenger by these people of yours to prove you a liar that was not said already to our messengers before you. But the fact is, this guidance itself proves beyond any reasonable doubt that it is indeed your creator and sustainer who has provided it for you the mankind for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your well being through help and full support of each other. One who has also set-up systems and laws to deliver painful consequences for the terrible thoughts and actions of his human creatures against each other so that they repent and reform as he requires of them to save themselves from being destroyed by hands of each other.

    044] These people of yours also raise similar objections against our this message for them just for sake of it like the people of the past even though our message is distinct and stands out due to being purposefully structured and contextualised in their own tongue yet most of them due to their ignorance based arrogance are not even aware of the need for our guidance for them so they are not bothered with its proper study or understanding for acting upon it faithfully for their own benefit. Moreover the fact is, it is only and only our right alone to decide in which language and to which people to send our message for mankind not the right of mankind. Had we decided to send our this message to the people of Arabia in the form of the Quran in a foreign or non-Arab language then we could have done that too because our messenger will have interpreted it for them but then they will have come up with their baseless excuse or objection that why this message is in a language that is not spoken by Arabs whereas the messenger who is sent to us with this message is an Arab himself? Say to these people, your such excuses and objections have no validity whatsoever because people who become aware of the need for living by guidance of their creator and sustainer do their best to reach it to receive it to study it properly for acting upon it faithfully for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by solving all the problems between themselves for becoming and remaining a proper human community in our kingdom. As for those who refuse to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom, their senses have taken leave of them so they have become cut off or disconnected or distant from our guidance as if they are being called to it from a faraway or a far removed place.

    045] Before this Quran, we gave a book to Moses also for guidance of his people yet those from among them with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires which gave them harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours created divisions among themselves by living their lives by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Had it not been for the sake of the guidance that came to them from your creator and sustainer the divisions between themselves will have resulted in their complete destruction by hands of each other. All because most of them confused each other about our guidance instead of studying it purposefully properly and acting upon it faithfully.

    046] Our message is very clear for mankind that any people who will act on our behalf to remove tensions, disputes, conflicts or wars from between themselves and help each other unite and be peaceful for their progress and prosperity they will do so for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other. Likewise any people who will cause divisions, disputes, tensions, conflicts and wars between themselves will do so for their own harm and destruction by hands of each other. It is not your creator and sustainer who inflicts harms and destructions upon his human creatures rather his set up systems and laws deliver to people consequence of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    047] So upon the negative or positive responses by mankind to his guidance rest the coming about of the periods of time as to if or when the revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions will take place or when the time period for education and training based revolution for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world will arrive so that rule of law of Allah becomes fully and properly established in the human world by human beings themselves. It is because no effect can come about without its cause and processes take their due time to reach their completion. For that reason no human population carries out or fulfils its responsibility but it is delivered its outcome according to his provided information about his set-up systems and laws. Therefore during that time period missionaries of Allah will confront on his behalf those who will have rejected and opposed his guidance by living their lives the way they will have chosen or liked whereby they will have secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by asking them, where are those people whom you took for your rulers and his partners in sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation? They will acknowledge during that terrible state of existence they will have brought about for themselves that none of us can bear witness to right of their rulership in this kingdom of his creation.

    048] This is how those upon whom they will have relied or depended as their rulers and Gods earlier on will leave them on their own because by then they too will have come to realise that they have no way to escape the terribly humiliating situation they have brought upon themselves.

    049] Mankind never get tired of living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense yet as a consequence or result of doing this if or when any of them face harms and destructions by hands of each other then such people fall into despair losing all hope about recovering from this situation.

    050] However even after this like situation or affliction if we help these like people by means of our guidance to experience blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom yet after a while each of them says, it all belongs exclusively to me and that I do not think that the bad time will ever come upon me and even if I am brought to the book according to my creator and sustainer, I still expect a beautiful treatment by him. However the fact is we let the rejecters and opponents of our guidance know the outcome of all that they think and do in due course therefore we let them experience the painful suffering they bring upon themselves.

    051] This is how when we bestow blissful, dignified and secure existence upon a human population due to our blessed guidance and their own proper understanding and faithful acting upon it over a time period those people in due course turn away from it and drift off back to the harmful and destructive way of life and when harm and destruction befalls them as a result, they come up with lengthy list of desires to be out of this situation without really bothering to study properly our guidance and acting upon it faithfully.

    052] Say to such people O messenger, have you entertained the possibility that if this Quran is in actual fact from Allah
    And yet you reject and oppose it then who can be in bigger loss than you people yourselves who have gone too far in rejecting and opposing it out of hatred and animosity towards each other?

    053] Let them know that if they will consider this Quran in detail then in due course we will draw their attention to our stated evidences in the Quran about this kingdom of our creation as well as about their own persons for their verification until it becomes manifestly clear to them that this Quran is indeed based upon confirmable evidences for its claims or statements. Is the Quran then not sufficient for their guidance because it is a testimony of your creator and sustainer who is a witness over all things in his kingdom of creation?

    054] Are they still in doubt about benefits for them in living by and that way meeting the set out standard for them by their creator and sustainer? Is it still not clear to them that all things are only and only under full control of his set up systems and laws for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan?

    Surah 42     AL-SHOORAA- Consultation for exchanging ideas and interaction between mankind is absolutely necessary for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance for their blissful, dignified and secure existence to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Haa Meem.

    002] Ain Seen Qaaf.

    003] For that very purpose he sent his revelation to you people as it was sent to the people before you because Allah alone is the mighty wise owner and ruler of all this kingdom of his creation and no one else at all.
    004] It is because only and only to him alone belongs all that is in the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as all that is within this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets. He is the only ultimate power and authority that is supreme by whose set up systems and laws this whole kingdom of creation exists and works.

    005] The people in positions of power over the downtrodden masses are about to collapse or tumble down or to be dislodged or removed from their positions because his missionaries are working hard to manifest glory of rule of law and advised way of life for them by their Creator and Sustainer in order to secure blissful and dignified existence of those who are sunk deep into the earth or pushed down below the line of poverty by oppression and suppression of religious and secular leadership or ruling elite. Be aware of the fact that Allah is protector of mankind through his program, goals and guidelines for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    006] So as for those who take for Gods and rulers or protectors other than him, they should come to know that they themselves are under the control of set up systems and laws of Allah alone for their own existence and sustenance but despite Allah being mighty powerful you are not charged by him with responsibility to ensure their well being against their will by force.

    007] Instead we have inspired and motivated you through this Quran which makes things clear in the language that makes sense or can be understood properly by mankind so that you could warn and alert the residents or settlers or inhabitants of the mother of the cities as well as the settlers or residents of the settlements all round it about the coming of the time period of revolts and uprising as well as establishment of our rule of law of in the human world under which mankind will be brought together in coming of which there is no doubt. One group of people will end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom by understanding our guidance properly and acting upon it faithfully but the other group will end up in internal power struggles or fights between themselves due to securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they will end up making their lives hell by hands of each other out of hatred and animosity for each other.

    008] Had it served purpose and plan of Allah for creating mankind then he could have turned all people into a one single group of people by not giving them freedom of choice and by enforcing his will but instead he chose to give people freedom of choice as well as his guidance regarding his purpose for their creation and his plan for them to think and do as they please so he left it up to people themselves to struggle themselves for the choices they make for themselves and receive the outcomes accordingly therefore he lets only those human populations make their lives joyful and wonderful who choose to live according to his guidance, so those who reject and oppose his guidance they suffer harms and destructions by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore due to selfishness, hatred and animosity between themselves they have none as a selfless friend or helper.

    009] Why have they taken up or have accepted Gods and rulers other than him or others along with him and live by their imposed ways of life which make them suffer harms and destructions by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense when the fact is, it is only and only Allah whose rule of law can give mankind blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom once it is fully and properly established and maintained by themselves in their human world? Because he is the only one whose rule of law in the human world raises human populations to heights of excellence again and again after they have fallen from the heights of excellence through his motivating and inspiring purposeful program, goals and guidelines because He has set-up systems and laws and put in place proper measures to deal with all affairs concerning all things.

    010] Say to mankind that whatever your differences, disputes and fights, to resolve them refer to guidance provided by Allah, for such capable of solving all your problems between yourselves is guidance of Allah my creator and sustainer so rely upon it and keep referring to it always.

    011] Because He alone is originator and evolver of the distant or remote galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that too is full of stars and planets. He has made for you mates from among yourselves just as he has made mates among animals, that is how he multiplies you. There is nothing like unto him and he makes that obvious for mankind through his revelation whereby he expresses his extent of observation and understanding of things.

    012] In his guidance rest keys to secrets in the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets. He provides things of need and want abundantly for any human populations which show desire for them through their efforts and hard works as well as limits his provisions for those human populations which show little or no desire through their efforts or works. He makes obvious for mankind everything through His revelation they ought to be aware of for living their lives purposefully properly in this world.

    013] He advised for you the mankind the very same way of life always which he advised for people of Noah. The way of life  which we have revealed to you O Muhammad. The one We advised for people of Abraham, Moses and Jesus by saying to all of them, you should establish this our advised way of life for your people in the human world and cause no divisions in humanity through negative discriminations based upon religion and secularism. Greatly intolerable is that way of life to which you invite mankind for those who choose to live by rule of law of others than Allah which is founded by them upon the foundation of securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Allah raises to heights of excellence the human populations which choose to understand his guidance properly and act upon it faithfully and keep referring to his guidance constantly.

    014] As for the divide between the people who were given our book before you they did not divide into factions after their unity earlier on but due to their ignoring and neglecting proper study of our given scripture to them where after most of them gave up living by our advised way of life and started living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is how they developed hatred and animosity between themselves. Had it not been the plan of your creator and sustainer to give them another chance or opportunity to unite again later on then he will have let them become destroyed by hands of each other. However those who have inherited our scripture later on from their earlier generations are in doubt about ever becoming a proper human community again.   

    015] For that reason keep calling them to the proper way of life for living in this world as well as stay firm on the proper way of life yourself as you are told and follow not their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires based way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Also let them know clearly what you stand for by telling them, I have committed or devoted or sacrificed myself to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to whatever is revealed by Allah from the collection of his scriptures whereby I am told to establish a properly balanced system of justice and fairness among you the mankind. Allah is our creator and sustainer as well as yours. We are responsible for doing whatever we are obligated to do just as you are responsible for doing whatever you are obligated to do so that there are no reasons for fighting over between us and you. In due course Allah will bring us all together because to his message alone we all must turn or refer for our proper purpose based guidance.

    016] So after all these explanations those people of the book who still argue against the mission assigned for mankind by Allah for the establishment of his rule of law in the human world properly after pledging or promising their support for it their arguments are invalid and unjustifiable in the sight of their creator and sustainer because they can bring upon them wrath of each other and that way they can end up in a terrible humiliating painful suffering.

    017] This is why it is Allah who has revealed his book for a purpose based guidance of mankind as a criterion or yardstick or standard for them to abide by in order to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom or what do you know perhaps the period of time for revolts or uprisings may be near or just round the corner?

    018] Only those who do not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom seek to hurry that period of time on by the way they are living their lives because those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to his guidance are seriously concerned about its affect upon humanity when it takes place because they know for sure that if people will continue living their lives the way they are whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then that period of time will come to pass. Be warned that those who are in doubt about the coming of that period of time of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions they are utterly confused due to their ignorance based arrogance. 

    019] Allah is warning people about these terrible things well before their time of happening because he is very kind and compassionate for his human creatures so he wants them not to live their lives the harmful and destructive way. He provides with sustenance in a dignified way to whoever expresses his desire for getting it by making his effort for it according to his advised way of life because he is mighty powerful who uses his power for ensuring well being of mankind through their help and support of each other.

    020] Any people who will decide to cultivate or educate and train their human population for a long term blissful, dignified and secure future will be given a many fold increase in their yield and any people who will decide to cultivate or educate and train their human population for short term gains will get what they work for but such people will not and cannot have share in creating a better future for themselves as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    021] So do the religious and secular leaderships of those who reject and oppose our guidance set up partners with Allah whereby they could litigate or promote or push for them the way of life to live by which is not allowed by the writ of Allah? Had systems and laws of Allah not been set up for dealing with their affairs according to his plan and purpose to give them opportunities to put themselves upon the right track or path then they will have been destroyed by hands of each other sooner or right away due to the way of life they had already chosen to live by. That is because any people who live by any way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense it will lead them to terrible humiliating and painful state of existence by hands of each other.

    022] You will see those who live by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense without any awareness or concern for the consequences of their these harmful and destructive thoughts and actions but in due course you will see them anxious and worried about the terrible consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other so they will try to take steps to avoid them but they are sure to befall them unless they stop living that way and start living by our advised way of life for them. On the contrary those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom and they take steps to help people come together by removing tensions or disputes or fights from between them to help them grow, develop and prosper they will end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence in kingdoms based upon our guidance. For them in there will be whatever they will desire and work hard for according to the guidance of their Creator and Sustainer. That will be for sure a great achievement for them.

    023] Such blessed is the way of life about which Allah gives good news to mankind through his messengers and missionaries who have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance and they actively remove tensions, disputes and, animosities, fights and wars from between people in order to mend their fractured relationships for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence. Say to mankind O messenger, I do not ask you for anything in return save your love for one another as members of a single human family or human brotherhood or a proper human community. So any of you who will work hard to make lives of each other beautiful for sake of Allah, he will increase its fruits many folds till it overshadows the whole of human population in his kingdom. No doubt way of life advised for mankind by Allah can protect all those human populations which use his provisions properly according to his guidance for the purpose he has provided them.

    024] Do they claim, he has attributed this message falsely to Allah? No he has not rather it is in fact a message from us which we have sent to him for delivering it to whole of mankind to understand it properly and act upon it faithfully for ensuring their own well being thereby with help and full support of each other. However had their claim been true then you too are one of them so we will have found the very same ignorance based arrogance as a barrier in your mind also just like them. This is how Allah drives out falsehood based doubt from the minds of people who wish to know the truth by proving the truth true by his words. It is because mankind do not know what they are taught through his guidance otherwise they will not need any guidance from their creator and sustainer. Surely He makes obvious in due course what is hidden in minds of mankind against each other when they act it out against each other.

    025] It is he who gives opportunities for reformation to his human creatures by way of his guidance to take them out of life of misery or harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense to life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom so that they could overcome or make up for the losses which result due to their wrongdoings against each other by knowing what they ought to be doing for fulfilling the purpose of their existence.

    026] This is how he fulfils the needs and wants of those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom, such as take deliberate and purposeful steps to remove tensions, rifts, disputes, conflicts, fights and war from between them in order to bring them all together for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity to ensure their well being through help and full support of each other and that is how he adds many folds to the fruits of their efforts due to his purpose based guidance. As for those who reject and oppose his guidance they are bound to end up in severe painful suffering as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    027] Had Allah not put in place various measures for keeping a check on these like his human creatures as to how far they could go in the opposite direction to his advised way life for mankind by living their lives according to harmful and destructive way of life then they will have gone along that way of life too far but he set appropriate limits for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions beyond which they cannot go. He did all this because he is fully and properly aware of potential of his human creatures as to what they are capable of thinking and doing be it right or wrong or good or bad.

    028] Just as it is he alone who by means of his set up systems and laws in the natural world sends down rain after people have lost all hope and spreads or distributes thereby his blessings for them. So he alone is the guardian and protector of mankind through his glorious rule of law in the human world by means of his advised way of life for them.

    029] Among his lessons to observe and learn from is creation and evolution of the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets and the creatures he has spread within and in between them.  So he is fully capable of bringing mankind together under his rule of law in the human world according to his plan for fulfilling his purpose for which he has already put measures in place.

    030] Despite Allah being mighty powerful and all knowing whatever harms and destructions befall you the mankind by hand of each other it is result of your own thoughts and actions against each other due to the way of life you choose to live by whereby you secure your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because he has given you his guidance as well as freedom to think and do as you please. Nonetheless he also protects and saves you from the results of many of your misdeeds or lets you get away with them.

    031] You the mankind cannot frustrate his plan and purpose for you in this world because there is no protector or helper for you other than Allah or against Allah.

    032] Among his lessons to observe and learn from are the ships with sails travelling smoothly in the oceans looking tall like mountains with flags on top of them in there.

    033] Had he planned he could have drawn wind power from their sails leaving them motionless on the backs of the oceans with people in them stuck and frustrated, surely therein are lessons to observe and learn from for each people constantly and steadfastly working hard to make proper use of his provided things,

    034] Or he could let people who live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense drown in their self created troubles but instead he gives them chances or opportunities despite their many misdeeds or wrongdoings against each other.

    035] So let those who fight against our assigned mission for mankind for the establishment of our rule of law in the human world know that there is no escape for them from our set-up systems and laws if they desire to live a best possible life in this world which could lead them to a better life in hereafter as well.

    036] It is because you the mankind are not provided with anything at all by us for the purpose of harming and destroying you by hands of each other but for the purpose of facilitating your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom of this world. That is why purposeful existence and well being through help and full support of each other rests only and only in abiding by way of life advised for mankind by Allah or in understanding properly and abiding by his guidance faithfully or in establishing his rule of law properly and abiding by his rule of law faithfully for those who fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind because they fully and properly rely upon guidance of their creator and sustainer.

    037] Such as stop inflicting fatal harms and destructions upon each other as well as stop committing major crimes against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and if they become provoked or enraged by each other they stop themselves from acting against each other in that state of mind in order to protect each other against wrath of each other.

    038] Those who respond to the mission based call of their creator and sustainer as they ought to or are supposed to for the establishment of a proper human community network according to his guidance in his kingdom and then they decide all their social, political, cultural and economic affairs regarding individuals, communities and states through mutual consultation and use the sustenance we have provided them with for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other.

    039] Those who do not give in or yield or surrender or submit but help each other fight back to defend themselves when they are oppressed or suppressed or attacked by those who reject and oppose our guidance and take them for their enemies.

    040] However they still remember even then that appropriate retaliation against any damage inflicted upon themselves is a likewise damage that is to be inflicted by them upon their attackers or oppressors however if these people let go retaliation for reconciliation sake then such people still have right to appropriate reparations according to rule of law of Allah. Surely his set up systems and laws do not back up or support those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    041] However failing reconciliation those who avenge damage appropriately after it has been inflicted upon them by some party because that is the only option left for them then they are not to be blamed for that.

    042] The blame rests only and only upon those people who inflict harms and destructions upon any other people by committing aggression against them to oppress or suppress them by conducting themselves in the human world in a way they have no right to do so. Such people themselves are bound to end up in a painful suffering in due course as a result of the way they conduct themselves as a people due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    043] However those who steadfastly and consistently defend and protect themselves against oppressors and suppressors, they surely exhibit great wisdom and courage in conducting themselves that way.

    044] Nonetheless any human population whom Allah finds still going about its daily life the wrong way whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for such there is no safety and security against his set-up system and laws after he has made his guidance clear for them. So you will see when such people as inflict harms and destructions upon each other are in painful suffering by hands of each other in due course they will ask each other, is there any way we could retreat or retrace our steps to get out of this state of existence?

    045] Moreover you will see them brought down by each other humiliated looking at each other with stealthy glances before officials of our kingdom. Seeing their state of affairs those committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom will say to each other, the real losers are those religious and secular leaders indeed who have lost themselves and their people by bringing upon themselves the period of time of revolts and uprisings against which they were clearly warned but due to their ignorance based arrogance they ignored our warnings. Be aware that those who inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense are bound to end up in state of terrible painful suffer by hands of each other for a very long time.

    046] This is why they will have no protectors who could help them against the set up systems and laws of Allah. Any people whom Allah finds distancing or going away from His advised way of life for mankind such people have no way of escaping troublesome life.

    047] Therefore respond properly to the mission based call of your creator and sustainer for the establishment of his rule of law properly in the human world before that period of time arrives which cannot be averted or avoided according to set-up systems and laws of Allah if you failed to do so. There will be no refuge for you at that time against life of painful suffering nor will you be able to escape it any other way if you do bring it upon yourselves by not responding properly to his guidance or advice.

    048] Still if they avoid responding properly to our mission based call then let them be aware of the fact that we have not sent you O messenger to be their protector or saviour forcefully against their will. Your duty is only to convey or pass on our message to them and let them decide for themselves whether they will study it properly and act upon it faithfully or ignore and neglect it. Mankind are such kind of creature that due to their own hard works according to our advised way of life for them whenever we let them taste or experience blissful, dignified and secure existence they are happy with it. But when in due course their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other cause them to fall in troubles and problems with each other due to misusing or mismanaging or mishandling our provisions for them then they start blaming us for it.

    049] However they should become aware of the fact that they own absolutely nothing at all rather to Allah alone belongs the kingdom of the distance galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets. He alone originated and evolved whatever he planned for fulfilling his own purpose. This is why he lets a people go through periods of weaknesses as per their own desires expressed through their collective conduct of affairs and he lets a people go through periods of strengths as per their own desire expressed through their own collective conduct of affairs,

    050] or he lets a people go through periods of strengths as well as periods of weaknesses. However he lets a people perish who fail to cope with the change for their own betterment by failing to understand and use his provisions as guided by him. That is why and that is how he makes obvious for mankind the set-up systems and laws for governing all affairs in his kingdom according to measures he has put in place for this purpose.

    051] It is not consistent with plan and purpose of Allah that he should speak to each and every human being face to face therefore he chose whoever he saw fit for his messenger-ship and spoke to him through a medium to send him to his people so that he speaks to them on his behalf for whatever he intended to convey for them. Surely he is the ultimate authority over all that exists whose rule of law is based upon his comprehensive and perfect wisdom or purpose based reasoning.

    052] Likewise we revealed this message of ours regarding our plan and purpose for you people of this final era. You people did not know what proper rule of law is nor how to live properly with each other in unity and peace for your progress and prosperity or to help other people do the same but we made it a beacon for guidance to guide any human population that expresses its desire for our guidance through its conduct of affairs from among our human creatures, so no doubt O messenger, you are guiding mankind to the way of life that is right for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    053] No doubt this way of life is advised for mankind by Allah to whom belongs all that is in the distance galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as in this galaxy that too is full of stars and planets. So be aware and be warned that outcome of all affairs ultimately rests with set-up systems and laws of Allah alone who has put them in place to fulfil his own purpose and plan for which he has created all that exists.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #132 - May 30, 2023, 02:48 PM

    Surah 40     AL-MUMIN–A person committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah in order to bring about a proper human community in a kingdom that is based properly upon his rule of law in which people live by a way of life that is advised for them by him for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] HAA MEEM.

    002] For this very purpose scriptures have been revealed for guidance of mankind successively throughout times and places by Allah the almighty, the all knowing.

    003] He thereby provided protection for mankind against disputes, divisions, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves so that they redirect and realign themselves from the way of life they lived by whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and ended up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other to the way of life which could lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom. For that reason he urged them to follow closely as well as to hold onto this way of life firmly and strongly for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world. Telling them clearly or plainly, there is no God but only and only he alone therefore it was only and only his right alone to decide the purpose of existence for mankind and the way whereby they should fulfil that purpose by referring to his guidance properly and faithfully.

    004] No people campaign or strive or fight against program, goals and guidelines of Allah except those who reject and oppose his guidance therefore they oppose his advised way of life for mankind to live by as well as they oppose establishment of his rule of law in the human world to abide by. That is why you should not be caught unaware of their activities against our assigned mission for the establishment of our rule of law in the human world for joyful or blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind.

    005] Before these people, chiefs and their supporters from among the people of Noah denied themselves chance or opportunity for living a great life in this world according to our guidance and so did various other human populations after them. Each of these people intended and plotted or conspired to get their messenger from us by surprise because they campaigned or strove or fought for their continuous living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in order to undermine thereby our advised way of life that was proper for their living in this world to give them blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom. Due to their this harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour we found them caught up in destruction by hands of each other. This is how the consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other followed them?

    006] And that is how came to pass or proven true the forewarning of your creator and sustainer about those who rejected and opposed his guidance that they will end up destroyed by creating fire of hatred and animosity between themselves due to the way of life they have chosen for themselves to live by whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    007] On the contrary those who are charged with the responsibility for the establishment of the rule of the law of Allah in the human world and those who have gathered around them to support them, they work very, very hard to manifest glory of the rule of law of their creator and sustainer because they are fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his guidance. They do so because they seek blissful, dignified and secure existence for those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom. They say, we do so because guidance of our creator and sustainer is based upon his comprehensive knowledge of all things for the purpose of blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind therefore we are hopeful that our creator and sustainer your guidance will protect those who will leave their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and adopt your advised way of life for mankind and that way you will save them from making their own lives hell due to hatred and animosity between themselves provided they study your guidance properly and act upon it faithfully.

    008] Our creator and sustainer we are hopeful that your guidance will admit or enter or lead them into blissful, dignified and secure existence providing kingdoms that are full of all sorts of useful materials as per your own promise to them, such as those who will work for removing rifts, disputes, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars from between themselves for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity along with their elders and colleagues as well as their youngsters. You are surely mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of your creation.

    009] We are also hopeful that your guidance will save them from all that is harmful and destructive for them because any people who are saved by you by means of your guidance from inflicting all sorts of harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they surely will have earned your promised blissful, dignified and secure existence during the period of time of revolts, uprisings and upheavals and no doubt that will be the highest or the best achievement for them.

    010] Those who reject and oppose our guidance currently, during the time period of revolts, uprisings, upheavals or turmoils they will be called upon by our missionaries to be reminded about the benefits of our guidance by telling them, the protection of guidance of Allah is much more comprehensive for mankind than your protection for some of your people by each other yet when you were invited to live your lives by his advised way of life for mankind which could lead you people to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom, you rejected and opposed the call or invitation strongly and vehemently, so as a result of that look at where you people have ended up by now.

    011] They will acknowledge and regret their mistake by saying, our creator and sustainer due to our living by harmful and destructive way of life you let us suffer harms and destructions by hands of each other repeatedly as the consequence for doing so because you showed us the right way to reach the state of blissful, dignified and secure existence again and again so we now admit that we were wrong in not living our lives the right way you told us but they will ask, is there any way out of this situation we got ourselves in for now?

    012] They will be told, you went through all these ups and downs or fallings and risings as a people because when you the human beings were invited or called upon to live by the way of life advised for mankind by Allah the sole owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation, you people rejected and opposed this call or invitation but when other Gods or rulers were claimed beside him or alongside with him as authorities you accepted those claims and the way of life whereby you ended up divided due to securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereas to rule this kingdom of creation was sole right of Allah alone who is the only supreme being beyond needing any associates or partners or helpers.

    013] It is he alone who gives you sense of understanding his program, goals and guidelines whereby he provides you with heavenly sustenance. However none pays due attention to his guidance save the one who searches and turns to it.

    014] So if you people really want to get out of this terrible situation or state of existence then invite and encourage each other sincerely and faithfully to live by way of life advised for mankind by Allah by freeing yourselves from harmful and destructive ways of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way end up destroyed by hands of each other. You people should call each other to way of life advised for mankind by Allah even if those who reject and oppose our guidance dislike and oppose or fight you for doing so. 

    015] The one who raises mankind to heights of excellence through his guidance, the owner and ruler of the kingdom of his creation who motivates and inspires by his revelation any people out of his human creatures who want to work for the success of his mission so that thereby they draw attention of their fellow human beings for bringing about the time period when they will meet his set standard for them by establishing his rule of law in the human world.

    016] The time period when they will emerge or come forth as a proper human community in his kingdom. There will not be left anything hidden from them by guidance of Allah which could cause divisions and wars between them. They will be asked by our missionaries or officials of our kingdom, according to whose rule of law in the kingdom of Allah should mankind live from now onwards? They will reply, according to the rule of law of Allah alone, the one who uses His authority properly for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    017] During that period of time outcomes of thoughts and actions of each and every person will be delivered to him properly. There will not be caused any undue loss or damage to anyone at all. That is how set-up systems and laws of Allah will prove sufficiently efficient for delivering to people outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    018] So O messenger, alert mankind also about the time period that is ever drawing near when the hearts of such people will leap up to their throats with fearful grief who secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other so there will not be any sincere friend or any concerned intervener who could help and support or save them from this terrible situation or state of existence that will face them.

    019] Set up systems and laws of Allah make true motives of such people against each other obvious which these people hide from each other in their minds through breaches of their trusts of help and support of each other in due course.

    020] That is because guidance from Allah helps people decide all their affairs according to this purpose based firm and concrete foundation. However those upon whom they rely as their Gods or rulers instead of his revealed guidance they have nothing solid to base their decisions upon. Surely guidance of Allah opens up mankind to deeper and wider awareness of things and their proper and purposeful understanding.

    021] Why do they not travel about in the human world and see what was the end of those rulers and their supporters who have gone before them? They had far brutal and tyrannical grip on their down trodden masses than these rulers that is why they left major evidences or traces of that behind them in the human world and for that reason set up systems and laws of Allah found them caught up in the consequences of their own wrongdoings against each other. All that happened to them because there was none left among them to stop them from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of the way of life they chose to live by instead of the way of life that was advised for them by Allah.

    022] That happened to them because there came to them their messengers with clear program, goals and guidelines from Us but they rejected and opposed them instead of adopting them so Allah found them caught up in their self created troubles against each other. No doubt His set-up systems and laws are strict in making people face the consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other.

    023] Surely we sent Moses with our program, goals and guidelines as an outstanding proof of our authorisation for him,

    024] to go to Pharaoh, Hamaan and Qaaroon yet they called him a conspirator who tried to take over their land through false pretence.

    025] Because he came to them with a message of verifiably true way of life from us to live by properly in this world so due to their ignorance based arrogance they refused to study our message properly in order to act upon it faithfully and instead they said to each other, let us stop or prevent or hinder the growth of sensible courageous people in these human populations which commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of people along with him and groom from among them people who are ignorant, hypocrites and cowardly. However the futile schemes of the rejecters and opponents of our guidance always ended up missing their targets.

    026] After failing of that plot or scheme the Pharaoh said to his chiefs, let me have a bit of time on my own to think about how to kill or defeat or deliver a fatal blow to Moses ideologically then he can rely upon guidance of his creator and sustainer as much as he likes. I fear that unless he is defeated ideologically he will succeed in changing the way we people live in this land or he will cause civil war in this land due to his ideology.

    027] Moses said, I surely want to bring about rule of law based upon guidance of my creator and sustainer who is your creator and sustainer as well solely for the purpose of ensuring well being of all people through help and full support of each other to save all of us from all those who seek dominance over each other by undermining each other because they do not want to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to his set standard and measures put in place for this very purpose.

    028] At this a man who was committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in his kingdom from among the people of Pharaoh who had not yet made his commitment to this mission public said, will you people stop a man from putting forth his case to you people just because he says, my creator and sustainer is Allah, especially when he has brought to you a brilliant program with goals and guidelines from your creator and sustainer? Let him put his case to you and then if you find he is lying then let him face the consequences for his lies but if he is telling us the truth then some of the dreadful things he is alerting you people about may well happen to you. Surely Allah does not guide the one who lies to take undue advantage of others in order to inflict harms and destructions upon them.

    029] O my people! You are the rulers and you are the dominant people in the kingdom today but who will help us against the harms and destructions Allah has forewarned us about should they befall us? Pharaoh said, I am pointing out to you only what I think and I am guiding you only towards the course of actions that is right.

    030] In due course the person who was committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind said, O my people! the fact is, I fear for you the time period of revolts, uprisings, upheavals and disasters like of which befell people of the past because of their own wrongdoings against each other.

    031] Such as people of Noah, Aad, Thamood and those who came after them. Unlike you the mankind Allah never intends harms and destructions for mankind instead he wants mankind to have a great life in this world by living their lives the way he has advised for mankind to live by.

    032] Therefore O my people! If you will not stop living the way you live and do not start living your lives the way you are told by Allah then I fear for you the coming of the period of time when you are called to account by way of consequences of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    033] That is a period of time when you people will turn your backs on each other and flee from each other due to seeking revenge from each other because of your atrocities against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because there will be no guidance from Allah nor any messenger or missionary from him to unite you as a proper human community in his kingdom. It is because any people whom Allah lets go their own way there cannot be anyone to guide them properly and purposefully thereafter so they end up destroyed by hands of each other.

    034] For sure earlier on there came from Allah to you people Joseph with a brilliant program for a set of goals for you to accomplish according his provided guidelines but many of you people remained in doubt concerning what he brought to you till when he passed away then you people all by yourselves assumed the position that Allah will never send another messenger after him. That is how Allah leaves a people to themselves to go their own way such as go beyond his set limits due to their ignorance based arrogance.

    035] People who fight against program, goals and guidelines of Allah without having any justification against them that may have reached or come to them to do so. Such mindset, attitude and behaviour is greatly harmful and destructive for humanity in light of guidance of Allah and in sight of those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom. This is the kind of barrier Allah finds in the minds of all those oppressors or tyrants or bullies or monsters who struggle or fight for domination over others by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    036] After hearing or listening to all this Pharaoh said to one of his chiefs, O Hamaan, set up or build for me a lofty or grand stage whereby I could convey my ideas or thoughts or reasons or objectives or concerns to people of my kingdom.

    037] The reasons or concerns of highest or utmost importance whereby I could overcome and undermine guidance of God of Moses even though I think Moses is a liar because I think he has made it all up himself. That is how mind of Pharaoh due to his ignorance based arrogance made his harmful and destructive thoughts and actions appear good to him and that is why he himself turned away from our advised way of life that was proper for mankind as well as he kept his people away from it also. That is how plots and schemes of Pharaoh led him and his supporters nowhere but to their own destruction by hands of each other.

    038] The man who had already committed himself to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind said to his people, O my people, be consistent with the key points I put before you for your consideration so that I could guide you to the way of life that is proper for you to live by.

    039] O my people, living your lives by a way of life whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense is only of a very limited benefit as well as for only a few of you instead the best possible future for mankind lies in living their lives on a solid and stable foundation that is provided for them by guidance of Allah.

    040] Any people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense cannot have any other outcome than what they have done to each other whereby they can end up destroyed by hands of each other. On the contrary any people who work for removing rifts, disputes, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars from between themselves for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom be they part of management or administration or the managed community at large or be they strong or weak because they are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind they are bound to end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence in a kingdom based upon his guidance wherein they will have their sustenance without being enslaved by each other as they are supposed to organise and regulate themselves according to guidance of Allah for his sake to do their best for each other according to their God given abilities.

    041] So O my people, think about it, how is it that I am calling you people to the way of life which can lead you to freedom from all sorts of rifts, disputes, tensions, fights and wars between yourselves through your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his guidance based upon your mutual consultations for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence while you are calling or inviting me to the way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other expense which can lead us all to our mutual destruction by hands of each other due to fire of hatred and animosity between us that comes about by living this way, so are you people doing the right thing by thinking and doing what you are thinking and doing against each other?

    042] You bid me to reject and oppose rule of law based upon guidance of Allah in order to live by rule of law of others than him about whom I am not made aware by him, that is why I am inviting you to the way of life advised by mighty rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation who assures us all for our blissful, dignified and secure existence through his guidance.
    043] No doubt you invite me towards accepting such a ruler who cannot be relied upon just now nor at any time in the future. The fact is, we all should turn to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for our guidance and any people who reject and oppose that way of life are bound to end up in their self ignited fire of hatred and animosity between themselves due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    044] If you will not consider what I have told you as you ought to and change the way you live then soon you will come to remember what I have told you when you face that situation or state of existence, I am already taking care of my affairs according to guidance of Allah, be aware indeed that set-up systems and laws of Allah are ever watchful or stand guard over thoughts and actions of his human creatures to deliver them outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    045] That is how Allah saved him from being part of all those harmful and destructive plots and schemes that people devised against each other because of which people of Pharaoh were to be overtaken by all sorts of terribly painful situations in different ways.

    046] The fire of hatred and animosity they are being exposed to day and night by each other through their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions and from which they were told to stay away will eventually engulfs them. It is because when a people continue fuelling the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves then that is the way the period of time of revolts, uprisings and upheavals for them eventually arrives in which are forced by each other to enter people like people of Pharaoh who end up in a terrible painful suffering or state of existence.

    047] So during the time period when these people will become fully engulfed in the fire of hatred and animosity they will start arguing with each other so the enslaved people will say to their masters, we listened to you people and supported you and due to that we have ended up fully engulfed in the fire of hatred and animosity between ourselves by now, so can you people now do anything in any way to benefit us for saving ourselves from this fire of hatred and animosity in which we have become fully  engulfed?

    048] Their masters will reply to them, we are all in the fold of this fire of hatred and animosity together, Allah warned mankind about this already but we did not take his warning seriously as we should have. So there is nothing at all which we can do now to end this terribly painful state of existence for ourselves.

    049] So they will end up requesting those who were trying to prevent or save them from falling into the hell of their own making, rely upon the guidance of your creator and sustainer for reducing our painful suffering for a period of time at least.

    050] But they will say to them, did there not come to you people your messengers from Allah with a brilliant program for a set of goals for you to accomplish according to his provided guidelines? Yes, they will answer. They will then say to them, call upon those whom you took for Gods or rulers other than Allah and upon whom you have been relying instead of guidance of Allah. The fact is, dependence upon false rulers by those who reject and oppose guidance of Allah is nothing less than a very wrong idea in their minds that has no basis in reality and it only and only leads them gradually and eventually or ultimately to their own destruction by hands of each other.

    051] On the contrary our guidance surely helps and fully supports our messengers and those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance, it supports them during the time as their life is at the time before the establishment of our rule of law in the human world as well as during the time period when our rule of law becomes a manifest reality in the human world for mankind to witness and model their own laws of land upon that.

    052] During that period of time when our rule of law will become fully and properly established in the human world those who will still try to live by any other rule of law or way of life whereby they will try to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will not benefit them nor their any excuse or justification will work in their favour so they will end up in a terribly painful state of existence due to their moving away from our rule of law and advised way of life for mankind.

    053] This was the purpose for which we gave Moses our guidance and made children or supporters of Israel inheritors of our book of our rule of law for the human world,

    054] which was a guide and a message for the people who had learned sense to make proper sense of things in our kingdom of creation as well as of our guidance to rise to heights of excellence as a proper human community.

    055] Therefore O you our messenger and his supporters, be steadfastly consistent with our this guidance as well as with each other so that the promise of Allah about the establishment of his rule of law and his way of life in the human world becomes a reality whereby you could find protection against all ills in your human population so work or strive very, very hard day and night for manifestation of glory of the rule of law and way of life of your creator and sustainer. 

    056] Those who fight against program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind without having been given any solid foundation or proper authority to them by anyone or anything. They nurture nothing worthwhile in their very beings except the quest for dominance over others by undermining them which they can never attain and maintain through any way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense. Nonetheless you people should seek your safety and security only and only through the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world. It is because he surely can guide mankind properly due to being fully aware of all situations and all circumstances having full and proper understanding of all things.

    057] Surely the creation and evolution of the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets should be a much greater task in the sight of human beings than the creation and evolution of mankind yet most of you people do not bother to observe things to try and understand them purposefully properly.

    058] This is why people who cannot see things purposefully properly and people who can see things purposefully properly are not equal, nor are equal those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom because they work hard for removing disputes, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars from between mankind to those who think and do the opposite. Despite our explanations you the mankind yourselves still reflect or ponder very little upon our message purposefully properly and little you people bother to remind others about it faithfully.

    059] However the time period is sure to come and there is no doubt about it when the worldwide kingdom based upon rule of law of Allah will become an established reality in the human world yet for the time being most of the people are not bothered to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    060] This is why your creator and sustainer says to all of you, invite mankind to my rule of law and advised way of life so that through your thoughts and actions according to my guidance I could fulfil for you your needs and wants through my set up systems and laws and measures put in place. Surely those who seek domination over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living by my provided guidance will soon find themselves engulfed by a world full of people who are full of rage and anger against each other.

    061] Set-up systems and laws of Allah are such that cause for you the mankind the night to rest in and the day to see your way around to get on with what you have to do. Surely Allah does each and everything for the benefit of mankind and not for harming them yet most of the people do not use his provided things properly to benefit each other and instead they use them to harm and destroy each other which they should not.

    062] Such is Allah your creator and sustainer, the originator and evolver of all things. There is no rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom that is full of all kinds of creatures but only and only he alone. So what is leading you away from his advised way of life for mankind other than your own ignorance based arrogance?

    063] Likewise were deluded those before you who fought against program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind.

    064] However Allah is he who brought forth the earth as a foundation or base or starting point for you the mankind to be able to take on a further journey of discovery there from in order to reach the highest point or farthest edge of this kingdom of creation. He has formed your brains, senses and bodies and shaped them beautifully to be fit or suitable with this purpose or objective well. That is why he provided you with useful things that are appropriate or suitable or good for the purpose or goal or mission or task you are told to fulfil. Such powerful and knowledgeable is Allah your creator and sustainer. Full of all kinds of blessings is being of Allah for mankind, the creator and the sustainer of all the people in the human world.

    065] He is ever living and self-sustaining and there is no rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation but only and only he himself alone therefore rely or depend only and only upon his rule of law and his advised way of life according to his guidance with full sincerity and properly as well as faithfully for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom. Admirable, commendable, honourable, glorious or excellent existence for mankind only and only rests with their abiding by rule of law of Allah and with their living by way of life that is advised by Allah who is the creator and the sustainer of the whole of human world.

    066] Say O messenger to the people to whom you are sent, I have been stopped from living or abiding by rule of law of those whom you take for Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah because brilliant program, goals and guidelines have come to me from my creator and sustainer whereby I have been commanded to commit myself fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly only and only to guidance of creator and sustainer of all the creations.

    067] It is he who originated and evolved you from the particles of the earth by means of chemical processes, then from a living cell by means of biological processes, then from an embryo where after he delivers you from the womb of your mother as a baby. After that he causes you to grow till you reach the age of full strength where after he lets you reach an old age but some of you he lets die earlier. That is how he lets you complete your term of life by letting you grow for learning sense of making proper sense of things generation after generation.

    068] It is he who motivates you through his guidance for living your lives to his given full potential if you make proper or purposeful sense of it and follow it faithfully and lets you perish if you do not make proper or purposeful sense of it and follow it faithfully. That is because when he intends or decides and plans upon doing something he only has to initiate the process and it begins to take shape in reality till it is complete by going through stages step by step.

    069] Have you people not observed and learn from that, how those who argue, campaign, struggle or strive or fight against program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind to accomplish them according to his guidelines turn away from the way of life that is proper for them for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    070] Such as those who deny themselves and each other opportunity of living or abiding by our rule of law for mankind that is based upon our guidance which we have been sending through our messengers for ensuring their well being through help an full support of each other. They will soon come to know the truth about our message

    071] when with yokes and chains around their necks they are dragged by each other as slaves of each other

    072] through situations like death and destruction and they burn inside with agonising rage against each other.

    073] At length such people will be asked by our missionaries or officials, where are those whom you took for Gods or rulers

    074] other than or along with Allah? They will say, they have forsaken us and now we have come to know that those whom we used to take for Gods or rulers were in fact nothing of the sort or kind. That is how set up systems and laws of Allah will make them face consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other those who reject and oppose his guidance by refusing to accept it properly and by refusing to abide by it faithfully.

    075] It will be said to such people at the time, you have met this end or fate or outcome because a while back in your lives, you took delight in living by a way of life whereby you secured your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in the land for which you had no right so you went against the way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    076] Therefore now you people enter the gates of hell you have created for yourselves to live therein for as long as you carry on living that way. What a terribly painful existence to end up in for those who live for dominating each other by undermining each other instead of living as a proper human community according to our guidance for ensuring well being of each other through help and full support of each other.

    077] This is why you and your people should be steadfastly consistent with our guidance as well as with each other O messenger, because the promised kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is bound to become a reality in due course. Regardless we first let you the mankind witness some of what we have promised them as consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as revolts or uprisings or we first fulfil our promise of the kingdom based upon our rule of law in the human world to you, no matter what, mankind are bound to turn to our guidance in due course or eventually or ultimately.

    078] This was the purpose for which we sent all of our messengers before you to establish kingdoms based upon our rule of law according to our provided guidance, stories of some of them we have told you and stories of others of them we have not told you. It was not possible for any of those messengers to bring any way of life for mankind other than the one that was advised for them by Allah alone. That is why whenever guidance of Allah came for any human populations matters disputed between people were always settled appropriately the very same way by set-up systems and laws of Allah that were stated in there and as a result those who lived by any way of life whereby they inflicted harmful and destructive upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense suffered heavily always by hands of each other so they ended up completely destroyed or with huge losses.

    079] Remember always that it is only and only Allah alone who has provided you with all things you have including the living things to use them properly according to his guidance for your survival and livelihood and as food for your thought

    080] and there are many other benefits in them for you the mankind as you may think about by yourselves such as they take you where you wish to go carrying you on their backs as ships carry you by sea.

    081] That is how he brings to your attention his evidences as well as his explanations so that you pay due attention to them to learn from so which of these evidences and explanations from Allah can you really deny or prove invalid?

    082] Why do those people who deny our evidences and explanations not travel through the human world and see what was the end of people who passed away before them and why they ended up the way they did? They were as numerous as these people are and they were powerful just like these people because they have left behind them many monuments as signs or clues of their God given mental and physical abilities in the human world yet all that they thought and did, did not ensure their well being as a people due to the way of life they invented and adopted for their living whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    083] It is because when their messengers came to them with our clear warnings along with program, goals and guidelines for them, they boasted about the knowledge they had gained from their life experiences that gave them dominance over each other through undermining each other so the foretold terrible end at which they used to laugh hemmed them in and became a reality for them.

    084] When they saw our warning taking shape in reality they cried out, we commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah, the one and only rightful owner and ruler of the kingdom of this creation and we give up Gods or rulers we took for ourselves other than Allah.

    085] But after seeing our warning taking place in reality their declaration of commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity benefited them not as they did not leave themselves enough time to do so. Such is the way set-up systems and laws of Allah dealt with people in the past so it should be clear for mankind from such stories that those who reject and oppose our guidance always end up in irreversible or irreparable loss or damage.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #133 - June 05, 2023, 01:18 AM

    Surah 39     AL-ZUMAR-The blowing of the trumpet of purpose based guidance from Allah for gathering human populations around it to form a proper human community of them in a kingdom that is based upon his rule of law so that people live their lives in there by his advised way of life for them for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For this very purpose scriptures have been revealed for guidance of mankind successively throughout times and places by Allah the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    002] No doubt we have sent to you the mankind this final book as well to turn its program, goals and guidelines into a reality therefore work for the success of this mission of Allah sincerely and faithfully to establish his rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of yourselves as a proper human community in his kingdom through help and full support of each other for living according to his advised way of life so that you could have blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    003] Ask your people O messenger, is it not sole right of Allah alone as their creator and sustainer to appoint a purpose based way of life for mankind that is free of confusion? Yet those who adopt ways of life invented and promoted by those other than Allah as their rulers or patrons or protectors say, we adopt their ways of life only so that they bring us to that which Allah requires and desires of us. For sure criterion of Allah is and should be the sole standard to decide between them the matters regarding which they are in dispute with each other and fight over. However guidance from Allah cannot guide such people as live their lives on basis of falsehood they themselves come up with due to which they end up rejecting and opposing his purpose based advised way of life for them.

    004] It is because of that very falsehood some of the mankind have come up with a false idea that Allah has a son when Allah is beyond needing or desiring a son for himself for he is God so he has no justifiable need or want or reason to have a son and he never had one, nor can he have one due to being the God. Due to that very reason even if he wanted a son then all he could do was choose one from among his own creatures which he did not choose and it is not possible for Allah to have a family or relatives. So he is free of any such need or want or desire. He is Allah, the only one of his kind, the one who uses power wisely for making things work according to his purpose based plan.

    005] He alone all by himself without anyone’s help or support created the distant galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets for a definite purpose according to his plan. He makes the night to follow the day by means of turning of the earth on its axis in the sunlight and He makes the day to follow the night by means of turning of the earth on its axis in the sunlight. That is how he has subjected the sun and the moon to his set-up systems and laws, each following a set out course of its journey till an appointed time. Is he the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of creation not capable of providing mankind with blissful, dignified and secure existence through his guidance? Of course he is and he has.

    006] He originally evolved you the mankind from a single living cell then from that living cell he evolved all kinds of its fellow living things and that is how for bringing you the mankind about he brought forth all kinds of large and small living things. From then onwards he brings you forth in the bodies of your mothers constantly in stages. This is Allah your creator and sustainer, to whom belongs this kingdom full of all kinds of creations. There is no God or owner or ruler of this kingdom but only and only he alone so how can you the mankind be so ignorant and arrogant that you have decided to go against his guidance?

    007] However if despite all this explanation if you the mankind will still reject and oppose our guidance then remember that Allah depends not on you for his existence but you do depend upon him for your existence, sustenance and maintenance, but regardless of your rejection and opposition of his guidance he does not approve for his human creatures that they should misuse his provisions for dominating each other by undermining each other and as a result suffer terrible consequences for doing so by hands of each other. However if you will use his provisions properly as advised by him then his guidance will help you have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom. So be alert that each and every person has to carry out one’s own God assigned duties or responsibilities or obligations according to the best of one’s God given abilities as none can fulfil duties or responsibilities or obligations assigned to individuals or groups other than they themselves. That is why you should turn to guidance of your creator and sustainer because thereby he informs you concerning what you people ought to be thinking and doing to fulfil his assigned task or mission or purpose or objective for making your existence blissful, dignified and secure. Also be aware of the fact that through his set up systems and laws by delivering outcomes of mankind’s own thoughts by means of their own actions he makes their motives in their minds obvious for all of you to see.

    008] The fact is, at times when some trouble befalls a human being due to going about his life in his own way, he stops living his life that way and turns to way of life that is advised for him by his creator and sustainer but when things start going nicely for him due to following his advised way of life then after a while he forgets living by his advised way of life and starts living by the same way of life as before by taking other Gods and rulers with or against Allah and that is how he leads himself away from his advised way of life. Tell such people, you can secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for a short while but there is no doubt that you people are eventually going to end up in fire of hatred and animosity for each other as a result.     

    009] Can such ignorant and arrogant people be same as the ones who are properly and fully educated, trained, disciplined and equipped or armed even to cope very well in the dark period of ignorance and hardship due to accepting properly and acting upon blessed guidance from their creator and sustainer faithfully for rising or standing up for the best possible future of mankind? Say, are those who learn to understand things properly and do what needs to be done faithfully same as those who do not learn to understand things properly and do not do things as they should be done faithfully? The fact is, no people think things through thoroughly to approach life properly and purposefully save those who have learned to be sensible and wise.

    010] Say to my missionaries, O you people who work for the success of my mission who have committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in my kingdom according to my guidance, be fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly consistent with guidance of your creator and sustainer as well as with each other. For those who work towards a blissful, dignified and secure existence, beautiful life is for them in this very world as well as in hereafter. The purpose based foundation provided by Allah for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind in form of his guidance is comprehensive enough to suffice all purposeful needs and wants of mankind, so those who will build upon it their proper human community and maintain it constantly and consistently they will end up with benefits beyond their imagination.

    011] Say, I am told to live by rule of law of Allah alone according to only and only his advised way of life for mankind.

    012] I am also told to be at the forefront of those who are truly and fully as well as properly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

    013] Say, I am seriously concerned about the period of time of revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions that will arrive with severe painful suffering for mankind by hands of each other if I failed to carry out the mission I am assigned by my creator and sustainer.

    014] Say, therefore I abide properly by guidance of Allah alone by faithfully following his purpose based advised way of life for mankind including me.

    015] As for you the rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah, live by any way of life you wish in opposition to his advised way of life and face the outcomes of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Say, no doubt the real losers are those who will lose human dignity themselves as well as cause loss of human dignity of their own supporters on the day or during the time period when they will be made to face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. Will that not be a manifest huge loss for them?

    016] It is because once the proper human community fractures or fragments or breaks down or divides into social stratas or layers of rivals and enemies due to following harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then layers of fire of hatred and animosity engulf all of them, some from people above them in upper social classes and others from the people below them in lower social classes. Such is the doom about which Allah wants his missionaries to remain alert always. Therefore O my missionaries, be consistent with my guidance and with each other as a proper human community for ensuring your own well being with help and support of each other.

    017] As for those who will avoid oppressing and suppressing each other by refraining from submitting to any rule of law that is based upon foundation of oppression and suppression and instead come to live by rule of law of Allah, for them is good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world in due course as well as in hereafter. So O messenger, give good news to my missionaries who work hard for the success of my mission for establishing my rule of law in their human world.

    018] They who listen to my word properly and act upon it faithfully to attain or achieve for themselves a life that is beautiful. Such are the ones whom Allah guides through his guidance to blissful, dignified and secure existence because they are the ones who have learned sense to understand things properly.

    019] Is a human population about which the forewarning of painful suffering proves true equal to the one which refrains from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other due to studying guidance of Allah properly and acting upon it faithfully? Can you therefore rescue the human populations which are hell bent upon falling into the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves by living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? No you cannot.

    020] Only those who are truly consistent with guidance of their creator and sustainer and with each other will end up lodged in lofty standards therefore heights of excellence ending up in mansions one story above another, through which rivers of things of need or want will flow which is a promise by Allah and set-up systems and laws of Allah fail not in fulfilling his promise.

    021] Why don’t you the mankind observe and learn how Allah sends down water from the clouds which penetrates the earth and comes out through water springs as fresh water? With it He brings forth a variety of crops with different colours then they wither and you see them turning yellow and then finally he crumbles them to dust my means of various processes. Surely in this example, there is a lesson for the people of understanding to observe and learn from.

    022] Is the one whose mind Allah opens due to his learning of sense of making proper sense of things to Al-Islam or the way of life that leads mankind to fulfil their purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom and he walks on that way in the light of guidance from his creator and sustainer like the one who learns no such lessons and walks along a path that leads nowhere other than to painful suffering or terrible state of existence? So bad news is for the future of those people whose minds due to their ignorance based arrogance become and remain closed for the purpose based guidance of Allah. They are clearly on the path that is harmful and destructive for themselves by hands of each other because they secure thereby their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    023] Allah has sent this most beautiful and firmly founded message in form a scripture that is dually and purposefully consistent, within itself as well as with respect to real world realities. It causes such people to become emotionally highly charged or excited or energised or inspired or motivated or activated thereby or due to it who become mindful or fully aware of the demands or requirements of this message of their creator and sustainer. That is why their minds and bodies become fully prepared to undergo proper education and training properly to become properly and fully aligned with mission of Allah for the establishment of his rule of law in the human world. Such is the guidance of Allah whereby he guides whoever wants to be guided properly and purposefully. This is why for whoever the purpose based guidance of Allah is not acceptable due to that person’s ignorance based confusion he can never become a properly guided person.

    024] Is the one who is heading in the direction of terrible painful suffering during the time period of revolts or uprisings before the establishment of rule of law of Allah in the human world like the one who is saved from all this painful suffering due to the establishment of the rule of law of Allah through education and training based revolution for this purpose? During the time period of revolts or uprisings it will be said to such people as inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, now taste the fruits of your own hard labour for misery you have brought upon yourselves all by yourselves by fighting with each other.

    025] Those who have gone before them who lived their lives by harmful or destructive ways of life also denied coming of that terrible period of time due to their rejecting and opposing our guidance because of their thinking that it is all a heap or pile of lies and consequently the terrible painful suffering overtook them by means of the sources and forces they least expected.

    026] That is how set-up systems and laws of Allah made them taste terrible humiliation by hands of each other as outcome of their own thoughts and actions against each other because they chose to live in this world by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other. However the terrible painful suffering that is yet to come for mankind by hands of each other is going to be even greater unless they repent from such ways of life and reform by adopting our purpose based advised way of life for them within their given time. The past people could also have saved themselves from all that terrible painful suffering had they bothered to learn to understand real world realities as well as our guidance properly and had they acted upon all that information faithfully and so can you people.

    027] We have pointed out for mankind all sorts of necessary purposeful evidences and explanations in this Quran so that these people could learn the needed essential purposeful lessons by reflecting or pondering deeply over real world realities and our revelation.

    028] This is surely a consistent proclamation that is free of contradicting itself as well as the real world realities, so that they could be consistent with it and with each other.

    029] Allah brings you an explanation for helping you with your understanding of things. Take the example of a worker who works for different employers who are deeply involved in rivalries and animosities with each other. Also take the example of another worker who works for only and only one employer. Now ask yourselves this question about them, are both the workers in alike or similar situation? No, they are not. It is because the worker who is working for rivals and enemy parties is in deep trouble due to being an agent of opposing different parties with opposing and different demands. Therefore stop assuming and pleasing multiple Gods and rulers and be subjects and servants of rule of law of Allah alone because sovereignty rightfully only and only belongs to Allah alone. However most of the people are not bothered with learning sense of making proper sense of things in order to understand them properly.

    030] Nonetheless you the missionaries who work for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world will reach your promised end and those who live by their own ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they too will reach their promised end which is their own painful suffering or complete destruction by hands of each other.

    031] That is because in due course during the time period of revolts or uprisings and establishment of rule of law of Allah in the human world your disputes will become settled according to set-up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer.

    032] Who can be more harmful and destructive for mankind than the person who invents and spreads a lie against the way of life purposefully advised for mankind by Allah and thereby spreads the idea of rejection and opposition among mankind to what is truly from Allah when it comes to him? Is agonising painful suffering not the fitting or consistent outcome for any such people as work hard for spreading idea of rejection and opposition of our guidance?

    033] Despite all that the one who comes with the true purpose of existence of mankind from Allah and the one who supports such a person are surely bound to be consistent with it and with each other regardless of what rejecters and opponents of our guidance think and do against them.

    034] They will have from their creator and sustainer all that they will express their desire for by making efforts for it according to his purpose based guidance. That is how will be rewarded those who will work for making their world a beautiful place for mankind according to his guidance as the outcome of their own thoughts and actions.

    035] Allah provides such people with guidance to help them do away with their such thoughts and actions which could cause them harms and destructions by hands of each other so that they replace them with thoughts and actions which result in outcome that brings them life that is beautiful and joyful for them.

    036] Is guidance of Allah not sufficient for a people for that purpose who choose to understand properly and abide faithfully by his guidance? Yet the rejecters and opponents of his guidance dare draw your attention to Gods and rulers other than and along with Him. That is why for those who move away from guidance of Allah there is none who can guide them properly to the right purpose the right way.

    037] Moreover the one who is properly guided by guidance of Allah none can lead him astray. Is Allah not then the mighty provider of sufficient guidance for purpose of keeping such people on the proper track to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom who desire as well as work hard to be guided alright?

    038] Also even if you will ask your opponents who join Gods with Allah the question, who created the heavens and the earth? They will surely say Allah alone. Ask them, do you then see not that those whom you take for Gods and rulers along with Allah which of them can stop any harm coming my way if Allah lets it affect me or if he decided to let some benefit come my way could any of them withhold it from reaching me? Say, it is therefore obvious that guidance of Allah is sufficient for all my needs and wants. That is why upon his set-up systems and laws should rely all those who wish to have something properly reliable and trustable to depend upon.

    039] Say, O my people, do all that is within your capability and I will do the same and soon you will come to know who has done really well and why

    040] and upon whom will fall terribly painful affliction and why that will remain in place and increase with time.

    041] O messenger, surely we have revealed to you this book for the purpose based guidance of mankind. So any people who will study it properly and act upon it faithfully, they will do so for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other, but any people who will ignore or neglect or avoid studying it properly and acting upon it faithfully they will do so for the purpose of keeping themselves away from their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community for remaining in chaos, confusion, conflicts, fights and wars. Moreover you are not sent to speak on their behalf as their agent or to promote their way of life for them whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up destroyed by hands of each other.

    042] It is because set up systems and laws of Allah let an individual or a group fulfil its full God given potential till the time it stops doing that itself and any individual or group that does not stop doing that itself he lets it continue even during its time of unawareness or state of natural rest. His set-up systems and laws only holdback such an individual or a group from developing and progressing that fails to do so itself and that is how he makes our forewarning a reality about itself but despite that he lets the rest of the individuals and groups continue developing and growing till an appointed time. Surely there in are lessons for all those people who observe and think things through thoroughly to understand them properly.

    043] Have they taken Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah to support or stand by them or intervene for them or intervene on their behalf or be their intermediaries? Ask them, how can they stand by them if they neither have the needed authority over anyone or anything nor the needed sense or needed information and its proper understanding to do things properly in this regard?

    044] Say, the fact is, the right of supporting anyone or anything wholly and completely rests with Allah alone because only and only to him alone rightfully belongs the kingdom of the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that too is full of stars and planets, so only and only to his guidance alone you all should turn for your proper guidance.

    045] Despite this clarity when message of Allah alone as the only owner and sovereign of this kingdom of creation is proclaimed for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other, the minds of those who refuse to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for their own best possible future become full of rage or hatred and animosity against it but when ownership or sovereignty for others than or along with Allah is proclaimed, they become filled with joy because then they can live as they like for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    046] Even though some will still ignore my guidance yet let mankind know your concern about them by saying, O Allah, the originator, initiator and evolver of the far away galaxies full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets who makes in due course the future of mankind obvious for them as a result of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other in the human world at the present, it is only and only your guidance alone that can properly settle disputes or tensions or conflicts or fights or wars between your human creatures concerning which they have been fighting with each other but only if they will learn it properly and act upon it faithfully instead of ignoring or neglecting or avoiding it.

    047] However if they will continue ignoring your purpose based advised way of life for them by continue living the way they do whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then the foretold time period of revolts or uprisings will come in due course and at that time those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other even if they will possess all the treasures of the earth and as much more like it, they will gladly offer it to each other to be spared from the terrible painful suffering during that forewarned time period of revolts or uprisings but they will not be spared at all. That is how set-up systems and laws of Allah will confront them with results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. This is something about which they are not bothered to work it out for themselves just now.

    048] The harmful and destructive results of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other will eventually become a manifest reality for them and this is how at that time they will be completely encircled by the very thing they take for a lie and laugh it off as a joke for now.

    049] However a human being is such a creature that when he falls in all sorts of difficulties and troubles due to his own thoughts and actions based upon his own ignorance and arrogance he blames us for them but when we free him from them due to his thoughts and actions according to our set up systems and laws he claims, I have attained this freedom and betterment due to my own knowledge of things. The truth is, it is a struggle through which mankind are put by us for a set purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom yet most of them are not bothered with learning about our plan and purpose for them to become properly aware of them to prepare themselves to live up to them.

    050] The same was said and done by those who passed away before them so they gained or attained or got or achieved or accomplished or established nothing for the fulfilment of the purpose from what they thought, said and did.

    051] Instead the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other overtook them. Very soon those who live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other among these people will also be overtaken by the harmful and destructive consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other because mankind can never escape the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other due to set-up systems and laws of their creator and sustainer that never change or fail or which cannot be defeated.

    052] Are they not made aware that Allah increases provisions for whichever people work for them as explained by him and withholds or restricts them for whichever people work against his advised way of life? Surely there are plenty of lessons to learn in all this for those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    053] Therefore tell my human creatures who are in hopeless state of existence due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, do not remain cut-off from the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah that can lead you all to your own blissful, dignified and secure existence in this very world as well as in hereafter because it is through his advised way of life Allah stops mankind completely from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. It is because He is protector of mankind through his guidance that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    054] For that reason turn to guidance from your creator and sustainer and stick to his advised way of life for mankind for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom before there comes to you the terrible painful suffering that you have been already warned about because then there will be none to help you out of that situation so you will perish by hands of each other.

    055] Support therefore O mankind the best possible way of life that is revealed by your creator and sustainer by living by it which can make your existence most beautiful before the terrible painful suffering befalls you all of a sudden and you are caught in it unaware due to your remaining ignorant about it because of your arrogance due to your living by other ways of life whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    056] Lest after being caught in a terrible state of existence you are warned about one then says regretfully, bad news for my future because I ignored or avoided turning to purpose based guidance of Allah because I was of those who took it for lies and mocked at his revealed guidance.

    057] Or in case one then says, had Allah provided me with His guidance, I will have been one of those who were consistent with it as well as with humanity.

    058] Or in case one then says upon seeing the painful suffering for oneself, I wish I am given another chance, I will then be most certainly of those who work for making the world a beautiful place for the existence of mankind according to guidance of my creator and sustainer.

    059] This is why we tell these like people among you now while they still have the time to repent from the way of life they live by and reform by adopting our purpose based advised way of life for them because information about our program, goals and guidelines for you people has come to you and yet you are denying yourselves the chance of life based upon them due to living your lives the way you are for the purpose of dominating each other by undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and still you people are from among those who reject, oppose and fight against our guidance.

    060] During the time period of revolts and uprisings after which the rule of law of Allah will become fully and properly established in the human world by our missionaries you the mankind will see that the faces of those who utter falsehood against guidance of  Allah just now will be covered in doom and gloom. Is terrible state of existence not the proper outcome for thoughts and actions of those who live for the purpose of dominating each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other?

    061] On the contrary program, goals and guidelines from Allah will deliver the promised kingdoms to those who will prove to be consistent with them and with each other. No harm and destruction will be able to destroy them therein nor will they have anything to regret or worry about so long as they will abide properly therein by guidance of Allah.

    062] Allah is creator, evolver and owner of all things and only and only he alone has set up systems and laws as a disposer of all affairs concerning all things.

    063] In understanding properly and following faithfully his guidance alone for mankind rest all the keys for opening up the ways and means to far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets for ensuring the well being of mankind through help and full support of each other. So those who deny themselves and others the chance of living for the purpose of carrying out program of Allah for them by accomplishing his set goals according to his provided guidelines they are bound to be of those who are in a huge loss.

    064] Say to those who take for Gods and rulers other than Allah, O you who have never studied and thought about purpose and plan of guidance of Allah properly, how right could you be in telling me to abide by rule of law of others than Allah

    065] when it has already been revealed to you as it was revealed to those before you that if you will take for Gods and rulers others than Allah then all your thoughts and actions will become harmful and destructive against each other and you will surely be among those who are in a terrible loss as a human population?

    066] Therefore abide properly by guidance of Allah alone so that you the mankind could make proper use of his provided things for you for ensuring your own well being as a proper human community in his kingdom through help and full support of each other.

    067] Despite all these explanations still they have not valued the provided guidance of Allah by living by it as they were supposed to by their own sensible purposeful planning for building their own proper human community in his kingdom upon his provided firm foundation for them. So because of their ignorance based arrogance due to their continuous living like senseless animals by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense this like whole population of the human world all together is under the grip of his set-up systems and laws just like other animals till it can think and do better for itself like sensible human beings according to his guidance or the result remains a time period of revolts or uprisings and upheavals or turmoils whereby social divisions based upon their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the purpose of dominance and undermining each other will gradually even out ups and downs or highs and lows in the human social landscape and this is how his rule of law will become a fully established reality in the human world in due course over a period of time. That is how for this purpose his set-up systems and laws are constantly at work to make it obvious to mankind that his kingdom of creation is free of any Gods and rulers they take for themselves instead of Allah.

    068] That is the reason why masses become filled with motivation for reactions and all people in positions of power as well as those down trodden are taken over by rage against each other save those who stick to guidance of Allah as they are supposed to. Thereafter many of them become inspired and motivated again and again because of this situation for their future so they rise up to stand on their own feet by building their own proper human community upon provided proper foundation looking forward to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer.

    069] This is how in due course kingdom brought about in the name of Allah will shine forth due to light of guidance by its creator and sustainer as an example for the rest of the human populations in the world to copy because the book of guidance from Allah will be laid fully open in shape of actual reality in form of a proper human community in this kingdom just as it happened at the times of messengers of Allah in the past long ago due to which they stood out as exemplary communities for the rest of human populations to witness and copy because dealings between them will be conducted appropriately so they will not be inflicted with any harms or destructions by each other at all as they have been doing to each other always.

    070] Instead each person from then on will receive full returns for his or her efforts according to his or her works and that is how his set-up systems and laws will make obvious for the rest of human populations to see what they are supposed to be thinking and doing for their own human populations.

    071] However those who will continue rejecting and opposing our guidance till then they will be driven to life of hell by each other in large groups till then. When they will reach that state of existence the doors to that kind of life will become open for them but our missionaries who will have warned them from going down that road will say to them, did there not come to you messengers of Allah the human beings from among yourselves who proclaimed to you program, goals and guidelines of your creator and sustainer and forewarned you about coming face to face with this period of time? Yes, they will reply but warning of Allah that those who will reject and oppose his purpose based advised way of life will land themselves into painful suffering will have been turned into a reality by them for themselves despite being warned well in advance about it due to their ignoring of such warnings.

    072] So it will be said to them, enter the doors to life of hell of your own making if you must to live therein but the fact is, terribly painful is way of life of those who try to dominate each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    073] As for those who will be consistent with guidance of their creator and sustainer and with each other, they will be led towards blissful, dignified and secure existence by each other in large groups till they reach the stage of their journey when the doors to blissful, dignified and secure life will open for them, and our missionaries will say to them, blissful, dignified and secure life is upon you, you have done well but enter to live therein for as long as you have by keep thinking and doing well.

    074] They will say, sovereignty only and only belongs to Allah alone whose set-up systems and laws have turned his promise with us into a reality and gave us this land to live in and we can live in this blissful, dignified and secure life providing kingdom as we want according to guidance of Allah. How excellent will be the reward for those who think and do works that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    075] You will see the administrators or managers or officials of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah knowing properly and covering all aspects of state obligations and responsibilities faithfully working very hard to manifest glory of the kingdom based upon guidance of their creator and sustainer, by deciding all matters according to prescribed rights and responsibilities. That is why all will end up saying, right of sovereignty only and only belongs to Allah alone the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the world.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #134 - June 09, 2023, 05:19 AM

    Surah 38    SWAAD - A tree diagram of program, goals and guidelines from Allah for mankind to branch in or converge according to it for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] SWAAD. For this very purpose we cite the Quran as the proof that it contains all the necessary information which current and final era generations of mankind need to know for a purpose based way of life that is fit for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    002] Yet those who reject and oppose it adopt the way of life for the purpose of seeking domination over each other by undermining each other for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which leads them to divisions, hatred and animosity therefore destructions by hands of each other as a consequence.

    003] They should think about how many generations of human populations we have let destroy themselves by living this way before them due to their similar mindsets, attitudes and behaviours as these people? When their doom approached they all called out for guidance that could lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence but they realised not that they have not given themselves sufficient time to do that so that they could escape the situation they had gotten themselves into.

    004] All that happened to those people because they also thought it strange like these people that a warner from us should come to them from among themselves who is just an ordinary human being just like themselves and that is why the rejecters and opponents of our guidance said about him whoever came to them just as these people say about you, he is just a trickster who teaches baseless falsehood or lies.

    005] Does he want us to give up all our Gods or rulers for the only one God or ruler of his choice? That is something impossible for him to make us agree upon.
    006] That is how chiefs of those people walked away from our purpose based guidance just like chiefs of these people and they said to their supporters, pay no attention to what he says instead remain firmly committed to serving Gods or rulers of your own choices, this is indeed a plot by him against you people for taking control over you by using the name of God.

    007] We have not heard any such thing from any of our people of late generation, so it is nothing but a self invented idea of this man who claims to be sent by our creator and sustainer.

    008] Is he the only fit person among all of us to whom Allah has sent his guidance? The fact is, due to their ignorance based arrogance they are in doubt about the truth of my purpose based guidance but that is because they have not yet reached the terrible state of painful suffering by hands of each other like people of old which could make them see and understand the need for this guidance of mine.

    009] However ask them, do they own the treasures of blessed guidance of your mighty creator and sustainer as well as granter of all things? No, they do not own anything at all and it is only and only right of Allah himself alone to reveal his guidance to whomever he chooses.

    010] Or do they have right of ownership and rulership of this whole kingdom of faraway galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as of this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets and all that which is within them as well as in between them? In that case they should also have ways and means to bring them about as well as to manage them properly, so do they? No, not at all. Then how can they decide to whom Allah should reveal his message for the purpose based guidance of mankind?

    011] The fact is, their garrison or multitude is no more than a very large army that is made of rival or enemy factions who will be beaten or defeated right here in this very land by each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    012] Just like people before them who refused to live by our purpose based advised way of life for mankind, such as chiefs and their supporters from among people of Noah, people of Aad and people of Pharaoh the man who controlled his people by setting upon them his chiefs to control them

    013] as well as Thamood people, the people of Lot and those of Aiykah. All of them lived their lives their own ways whereby they divided their own human populations into rival or enemy factions for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is how they ended up defeated and destroyed by hands of each other.

    014] All of those who have been destroyed by hands of each other in the past refused to live by our purpose based advised way of life our messengers told them about and that is how they turned our forewarning into a reality for themselves instead of accepting our purpose based guidance after studying it properly and acting upon it faithfully and avoiding thoughts and actions that led them to their own destruction by hands of each other.

    015] So are these chiefs and their supporters also waiting for nothing other than a single cry for a terrible revolt and uprising by their enslaved masses? Which when it comes in due course if they will continue on this course of thoughts and actions then none will be able to delay or stop it from taking place or happening or coming to pass and they will not be able to survive it or recover from it.

    016] Moreover despite rejecting and opposing our guidance, which could give them a beautiful life, and setting themselves upon the road to destruction by hands of each other they still say, our creator and sustainer, inflict us at once with the consequences your claimant of your messenger-ship warns us about before the arrival of the actual time period of accountability he warns us about. This they are doing only for ridiculing or mocking you and fooling their own senseless supporters because you and they should know our set up systems do not work haphazardly instead they work only and only according to our set laws as per measures put in place by us.

    017] However, you O messenger, be steadfast and courageous in the face of ignorance based arrogance these people of yours express against you in form of their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours and call to mind the story of our steadfast messenger David, the man who showed how capable he was because he always used to turn to our guidance to see what he needed to achieve or accomplish or establish and why as well as how.

    018] We surely through our guidance based proper education and training eventually made highly capable and knowledgeable people work with him in order to manifest glory of our purpose based advised way of life for them by working constantly and consistently hard be it time period of darkness of ignorance or brilliant time period of enlightenment and prosperity

    019] along with highly motivated and inspired as well as properly organised and regulated work force that gathered around him. All joined together to complement each other for accomplishing our assigned mission for them for establishing our rule of law in the human world within their reach for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    020] This is how we strengthened his human population in the land through our guidance for him by giving him sense of making proper sense of things about managing people, land and resources as well as means of production and distribution properly and also granted him ability to decide purpose related all matters properly.

    021] Has the news of two parties that were in dispute with each other reached you? At the time they had already crossed or transgressed our set out limits and they were about to go to war with each other.

    022] But instead of going to war they came to David because he was worried about them lest they go to war with each other over a dispute between themselves about which he became aware so he invited or summoned them over. When they came over to him they said to him, worry not about us, we are two parties who are in dispute with each other because one party has wronged the other so if you are concerned about our fighting with each other then solve the dispute between us according to rights and responsibilities as they are set forth in the book of Allah and not on the basis of anything other than that and that way guide us both to the path that is proper for solving disputes, problems or difficulties and removing tensions from between disputants or litigants to bring about true unity, peace and brotherhood between them.

    023] One of them who is done wrong by the other then explains to David their situation by saying, this man is my brother in humanity yet he has ignored my equal or fair right as a fellow human being and he has taken control of ninety-nine or almost all parts of the fertile or useful or productive land leaving me with only one or just a little part of the fertile land. Despite that he is still forcefully saying to me to give up my control even over that remaining part of the fertile land as well just because he has the ways and means to accomplish or carry out what he says against me.

    024] David said, he has certainly done a terrible or horrible wrong to you by adding fertile piece of land under your management or control to piece of fertile land under his management or control due to dispossessing or depriving you of your livelihood or your lifeline which is same as killing someone slowly and painfully and this is why it is right of the deprived to fight back such aggression and injustice any way one can. The fact is most of the partners regardless in whatever type of contract or relationship they are bound together, they transgress against one another because they live by a way of life whereby they think and do things on basis of securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other but not those who are fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom, however such people are currently only a minority. David was able to see and decide this matter this way because he knew full well that we have surely put him through a hard struggle for the success of our mission for establishing our rule of law in the human world so that his creator and sustainer secures him and his people and that is why he and his people bent or moulded or modelled themselves fully according to our guidance by keep referring to it always.

    025] This is how we secured him against tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars of that kind among his people. That is why for him there was honourable place with us so what a beautiful outcome that was for him for his hard work.

    026] Therefore we said to him, O David, we have raised you as a manager in the kingdom you have established with help of your people based upon our guidance, so manage matters regarding people, land and resources as well as means of production and distribution wisely according to our purpose based guidance and follow not any anything baseless that comes to your mind against that because that will lead you away from the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. As for those who stray from the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for them there is only and only life of terrible painful suffering because they pay no due attention to our guidance nor our set-up systems and laws that make them face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    027] We have not created the distant galaxies full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that too is full of stars and planets and all that lies within them and in between them for no purpose at all. To think that our kingdom that is full of all these creations has no purpose at all is baseless conjecture of those who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose our plan and purpose based guidance for them. So bad news is for those who refuse to study properly and act upon our purpose based guidance faithfully that they will keep on ending up in fire of hatred and animosity with each other that is ignited and fuelled and that way kept alight between them all by themselves.

    028] This is how mankind are treated by our set up systems and laws according to their own thoughts and actions for or against each other or should our set-up system and laws treat those who commit themselves fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our guidance like those who commit themselves to working for divisions and rivalries and igniting fires of hatred and animosity that lead to fights and wars between mankind in the human world? Or should they treat those who are constructive and consistent with our guidance as well as with each other for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other same as those who are against our guidance and inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other?

    029] This book which we have sent for you the mankind of this final era is full of all kinds of purpose based information for ensuring your well being in every way so that you ponder or reflect over its lessons for the purpose of your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom and therefore you should strive very hard to spread its program among yourselves to accomplish its assigned goals for you according to its provided guidelines, O you the people who have learned sense of making proper sense of things to understand things properly.

    030] For the very same purpose in due course we blessed David with Solomon. What an excellent faithful supporter and follower of our purpose based guidance he was. He always constantly and consistently turned to our message for receiving guidance from it due to having sense of making proper sense of real world realities.

    031] During the time period of his administration and management of the kingdom it came to his mind or dawned upon him that he should prepare and organise a proper cavalry based upon excellent-bred steeds as a quick response force as a preventive measure against the forces of the darkness of ignorance to keep the kingdom safe and secure.

    032] For that purpose he said, I love being committed to this project purely for ensuring well being of people in this land under my management on the basis of guidance of my creator and sustainer lest this kingdom disappears or becomes forgotten and a thing of the past.

    033] Which will be hard for us to bring back or re-establish. That is how he thought and acted as an individual and as a part of his team as a saviour of the kingdom that was based properly upon our rule of law.

    034] That is how we put Solomon through a very demanding task of replacing the defective body of administration or management that was in the kingdom because he turned to us for guidance for putting things right or as they should be.

    035] He said, my creator and sustainer, grant me and my supporters blissful, dignified and secure existence in a land based upon your guidance like of which is not granted to any people who distance themselves from the way of life with which you have sent me. Surely you are the bestower of the purpose based way of life that can lead mankind to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in your kingdom if they understand it properly and support it by acting upon it faithfully.

    036] It is because we gave him abilities to learn things himself and also to teach things to others so he used those abilities to learn and teach things including controlled use of wind power according to his needs therefore his ships sailed gently in whichever direction he decided for his ships to sail.

    037] That is how through proper education and training we raised for him experts in various fields including all kinds of builders, explorers

    038] and assembly workers.

    039] We said, this guidance for a purpose based way of life for educating and training people is our free gift of knowledge to you the mankind for the purpose of your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom but it is entirely up to you people yourselves to help each other with it to fulfil the objective it is given for or withhold it from each other and end up ruined or destroyed by hands of each other.

    040] However Solomon and his people used what we gave him for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other therefore he and his team have an excellent reputation with us. What a beautiful outcome for their thoughts and actions they based upon our guidance in light of their knowledge about their real world realities.

    041] Let us also mention here our messenger Job for the very same reason. At the time he called upon his creator and sustainer saying, the way of life imposed upon my human population by harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership is causing me and my people severe hardship and thereby terrible painful suffering because thereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense.

    042] So we said to him, mobilise parties of your courageous people as missionaries for my assigned mission to establish my rule of law in the land. This is how through proper education and training program from us you people should prepare yourselves for this purpose to have a pleasant life as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    043] That is how we supported him with his own people as well as other people like them along with them by means of our purpose based guidance for them to lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence due to their learning sense of making proper sense of things to understand our guidance properly and to act upon it faithfully.

    044] Moreover in due course we also said to him, gather your strength and travel the land and do not break your covenant or pledge or promise or agreement with us. We found him steadfast indeed in fulfilling his pledge with us. What an excellent man he was. In every situation he consulted our guidance as well as his people so that he and his people are guided alright.

    045] And let us also mention here our messengers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the very same reason. They had abilities to think and to do things which needed to be thought and done as well as they had the vision for their great future as a people.

    046] Surely We chose them for their special quality of keeping in mind the end result of whatever they thought and did, especially regarding where will they be in future as a result of their thoughts and actions with respect to our guidance as well as with each other as a people.

    047] Certainly in our sight they were among the outstanding or distinct or special people due to their ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind.

    048] Let us mention here Ismail, Elisha and Zul-Kifl also. They too were all such people who worked for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind.

    049] This Quran is also a similar message to the ones sent before it which can lead those who are consistent with it as well as with each other to their own beautiful existence as the end result or outcome of their own thoughts and actions for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community.

    050] It can lead them into the lands or kingdoms full of raw materials, opening doors for them to show or express their full potentials for creativity.

    051] That is how they will rise to heights of excellence in there, relying upon fruits of their own labour in abundance due to learning knowledge from our revelation by understanding things purposefully properly and doing things which need to be done faithfully.

    052] That is how they will end up with highly knowledgeable fellow residents or citizens or inhabitants of the kingdoms with a crystal clear vision.

    053] These are the things which you are being promised for the period of time to come when people will think and do things purposefully properly according to our specifications or set standards for them.

    054] This is how our unending provisions will prove useful for mankind for the purpose they are granted to them.

    055] This will be the outcome for the thoughts and actions of those who will think and do things properly according to our purpose based guidance but for the rejecters and opponents of our guidance or for people who will rebel against our guidance for living by some other way of life in order to break mankind into factions and keep them divided for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense there will come about for them a terribly painful state of existence as an outcome of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    056] The life of hell of their own making or the state of terrible painful suffering that is full of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves. In which they will keep on burning due to the fire of hatred and animosity ignited and fuelled by themselves. What a terrible state of existence that will be for them to be in.

    057] Such will be the case of rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life due to their continuous living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as if they have immersed or submerged or drowned themselves in hot water that is full of all kinds of filth.

    058] Also they will suffer many other terrible things of similar kind.

    059] At the time when our rule of law will become established in the human world by our missionaries, it will be said to the chiefs of the rejecters and opponents of our guidance about their supporters by the officials of our kingdom, here is your following also to join you in the same state of existence as you are because they used to thoughtlessly rush headlong with you following you blindly. They will reply, they too for sure deserve same treatment relentlessly without respite or ease because due to their backing we became encouraged to be more rebellious than we otherwise may have been.

    060] Their supporters will reply, but same goes for you people as well. You should experience the same terrible fate without any let or ease because it is you people who have brought us to this state of existence due to your imposing upon us a way of life that led us to this end as a people. What a terrible state of existence this is to be in.

    061] This is how they will express their terrible wishes about or against each other to their guards or keepers saying, our keepers, let these people suffer double the painful suffering who brought upon us this terrible state of existence.

    062] While arguing with each other they will say to one another, what is the matter with us why do we not see those people here among us whom we used to count among the harmful and destructive people

    063] and whom we used to ridicule and demonise or is our eyesight is failing us to notice them?

    064] Surely, this is a fact or an obvious reality that that is how people in agonising painful suffering argue or fight with each other. This is what they have been doing always and so they will continue unless they repent and reform.

    065] Say to mankind, my job is only to make human populations aware that there is no God or ruler other than or along with Allah, the one and only, the irresistible, therefore live or abide by his rule of law alone according to his purpose based guidance.

    066] The creator and sustainer of the faraway galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets and all that is within them as well as in between them. The mighty protector of mankind through his purpose based guidance for the purpose of their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    067] Say, this is a message of supreme importance that you cannot afford to ignore or neglect

    068] yet you avoid paying due attention to it.

    069] It is not only my responsibility to be aware of why and how there is a power struggle always ongoing between people in the positions of power as well as the down trodden masses but your responsibility as well.

    070] I am informed about all this struggle between mankind through purpose based revelation from Allah because I am assigned the mission by him to establish his rule of law in the human world who has sent me as a plain and clear warner for mankind against their living by any way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up destroyed by hands of each other due to fire of hatred and animosity that comes about between themselves against each other.

    071] This was already happening at the time when your creator and sustainer sent his message to the missionaries the very first time through Adam saying, I am going to help you people evolve or raise a proper human community out of human beings who are in their simple or purposeless or aimless state of existence through my purpose based guidance for them.

    072] However when I have helped this proper human community to become established to a stage after I have motivated and inspired it through my purpose based guidance then all of you the mankind should abide by my purpose based advised way of life as a proper human community in my kingdom for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    073] Therefore the missionaries abided by it all of them together

    074] but not Iblees, he refused to join those who committed themselves to living or abiding by my purpose based advised way of life for mankind and instead he tried to dominate them by undermining them and that is how he rejected and opposed my purpose based guidance for mankind.

    075] However we said, O Iblees, what has prevented or stopped you from abiding or living by my purpose based advised way of life as a member of the proper human community which I have helped create or raise or bring about due to having the right as well as the ability to do so? Why are you seeking dominance over others by undermining them or are you thinking that you are above my rule of law?

    076] He replied, I am better off than this to be a proper human community members. It is because you have raised me from among the enlightened or knowledgeable or clever or sharp or worldly wise people whereas this whole to be the proper human community is full of simple minded ignorant down trodden folks.

    077] Allah said, get out of this mindset, attitude and behaviour of yours which is based upon your harmful and destructive desires and ambitions against mankind or you will be excluding yourself from the circle of people who benefit from my purpose based guidance which can lead people to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom

    078] and you and anyone like you will remain isolated from my such blessings till the time of the establishment of my rule of law by my missionaries that is based properly upon my guidance.

    079] At this Iblees said, my creator and sustainer, leave me and anyone like me on our own till the time period mankind rise up to meet your set standard.

    080] Allah said, you people are given the respite

    081] till the appointed time or till the time you die.

    082] Iblees said, I swear by your sovereignty that I will try to raise similar ambitions and desires in minds of all of them like myself till the day I die

    083] with exception of those of them who will remain sincerely committed to your so called purpose based advised way of life.

    084] Allah said, the truth or fact or reality is, and I only say what is true or real

    085] that I will let the human world become filled with hell of your own making along with all those who will support your way of life whereby people like you will secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense before my rule of law becomes fully and properly established by my missionaries in the whole of human world.

    086] Say O messenger to people you are sent, I do not ask you for any reward for conveying this message to you, nor do I pretend to be what I am not.

    087] This Quran is nothing less than a program from Allah for goals for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines for giving all the human populations in their world a dignified, blissful and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom,

    088] and you will certainly see an example of this news come true before long.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #135 - June 12, 2023, 07:35 PM

    Surah 37    AL-SAFFAAT- A people or human population who arrange or order or organise and regulate themselves purposefully properly as they are supposed to according to purpose based guidance of Allah for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For this very purpose there should be a properly and purposefully arranged or organised and regulated human population which stands tightly and firmly together as they are supposed to for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence according to our purpose based guidance.

    002] That is what they ought to proclaim, propagate, promote, uphold and defend as they are supposed to.

    003] This is how they should understand our purpose based guidance properly and act upon it faithfully as they ought to or as they are supposed to.

    004] That is because you the mankind have only and only one God, creator, sustainer, maintainer, owner and ruler of this kingdom of whole of the creation.

    005] The one who is creator and sustainer of all the distant galaxies which are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets and all that is within them as well as in between them. He is also creator, sustainer and maintainer of all the set up systems and laws whereby mankind can rise to heights of excellence.

    006] We have indeed adorned this galaxy wherein are based or settled or resident mankind with beautiful stars and planets.

    007] Moreover we have rendered them purposefully secure against each and every destructive force or cause of failure.

    008] Therefore mankind too should strictly adhere to our purpose based guidance properly and faithfully to be safe and secure as a proper human community in our kingdom and they should not listen to those from among themselves who seek positions of power for dominating them by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense because then masses of mankind will become condemned by people in positions of power in every way

    009] so they will end up utterly rejected by them so they will fall in state of terrible painful existence, which will become a permanent state of painful suffering for the masses of mankind,

    010] save such an odd person or group as may snatch away something from them by stealth but even that person or group will be pursued by a sharp predator in position of power. So do not bring upon yourselves such a situation by rejecting and opposing our purpose based guidance that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    011] If due to their ignorance based arrogance they think that they do not need our purpose based guidance for living their lives sensibly and properly because they know better then ask these people of yours O messenger, which is more complex and sophisticated thing among the creations in their opinion if they have actual knowledge of things as they claim, their own creation or the creation of the rest of this kingdom of creation and things in it? We have created mankind from a sticky mixture of chemical contents of the earth.

    012] You marvel at the wonderful way how Allah has created things by knowing his created things better and better through study and experimentation or observation of things while they fail to pay due attention to their details.

    013] This is why when they are delivered our message, they do not consider it with all due carefulness needed for studying it properly.

    014] Therefore when they come across a piece of our revealed information regarding their revival as a people they laugh it off

    015] and say, this is nothing but a clear falsehood or a lie that is presented to us as the truth.

    016] They say, how after we have become a fallen or dead people lying in the dust due to complete disintegration of our social systems, structures, procedures and practices are we going to be raised to heights of excellence as a proper human community again

    017] like our distant glorious forefathers of the ancient times?

    018] Say, yes you people can rise to that glory again but you will have to accept living by our purpose based advised way of life for the purpose of your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    019] If they will do that then it will only be a matter of a single call due to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community and they will see a kingdom based upon our rule of law according to our purpose based guidance in reality before their very eyes.

    020] But those who will refuse to help and support or cooperate they will say at that time, O what a bad news for us for our future plans because this is the time period during which all things will be done according to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah instead of the way of life we are used to live by.

    021] It will be said to them by our missionaries at the time, yes, this is that very same foretold time period the news of coming of which you people used to take for a lie and laugh it off. The time period of separation between people who live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and those who live by a way of life advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    022] The order will come from the officials of the kingdom based upon rule of law of Allah that is founded properly upon his guidance, gather all those who used to live by a way of life whereby they used to secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense therefore they used to inflict harms and destructions upon them as well as their touts and supporters and also those whom they used to take for their Gods and rulers

    023] other than or along with Allah and let them continue on the way - to life of terribly agonising painful suffering due to fire of hatred and animosity they ignited and fuelled as well as kept alight and alive as they chose for themselves

    024] - after holding them for a moment because they need to be asked,

    025] what is the matter with you now that you do not help each other as you used to against bringing about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah?

    026] No, they will not be able to help each other during that time period who used to oppress and suppress people who worked for establishing a kingdom based properly upon guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind, because they will all be humbled by the kingdom based properly upon rule of law of Allah.

    027] However some of them will step forward to confront others with questions.

    028] Their touts, supporters and followers will say to their ring leaders, it were you people who used to come to us from the position of power to force us towards the way of life whereby you used to secure your own petty personal gains from others at their expense which was harmful and destructive for humanity.

    029] They the religious and secular leaders will reply, no, rather it were you people yourselves who did not commit yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community.

    030] We did not have absolute control over you rather the fact is, you people yourselves were a people who rejected, opposed  and rebelled against the way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah.

    031] Therefore warning of our creator and sustainer about us has become a reality for us all that we will indeed experience or suffer the painful existence in due course by hands of each other if we did not follow his advised way of life for mankind.

    032] As for our misleading you, it is true that we did try to seduce you people and you became seduced.

    033] Regardless of their  accusations against each other during that period of time such people will have a share in the terrible humiliating outcome of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    034] That is how our set-up systems and laws deal with those who commit crimes against each other by making them face the outcomes of their own criminal thoughts and actions against each other by hands of each other.

    035] All this because when they are told, there is no God or creator, owner, sustainer, maintainer and ruler other than or along with Allah therefore abide by only and only his rule of law that is based properly upon his purpose based guidance, they instead due to their ignorance based arrogance become yet more filled with sense of dominance over each other whereby they try to undermine each other

    036] and they say, shall we give up the way of life that is imposed upon us by our Gods and rulers just because of nonsense way of life this madman tells us to live by?

    037] No, rather the fact is, he has come with a mission from us to establish our rule of law in the human world that is based properly upon our purposeful guidance for them for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other in order to fulfil or confirm that way whatever was foretold by our earlier messengers on this subject.

    038] So they are told, because you have adopted the way of life whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in opposition to our advised way of life for mankind therefore you are surely going to taste the life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other

    039] which is nothing other than the outcome of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    040] Nonetheless as for people who will sincerely and faithfully abide by our purpose based way of life advised for mankind

    041] there will be for them sustenance about which they have been already made well aware.

    042] That is there will be fruits of their own labours in abundance for them which will be delivered to them with dignity and security

    043] in the kingdoms based upon our purpose based guidance which will be full of all sorts of purpose based useful raw materials or things,

    044] due to people in them founding themselves properly upon the very same firm foundation from us that leads them towards the very same direction or goal in which lies their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom as a proper human community.

    045] All this will happen because among them will be passed round the very same cup filled from the same fountain of knowledge to drink or learn from

    046] the purpose based message that is purposefully crystal clear for ensuring well being of those who will drink from it and participate accordingly.

    047] This information or knowledge will not dull their minds but sharpen them and they will not become bored with it but instead they will become extremely creative people with it.

    048] That is how they will attain and maintain the company of great intellectuals with clarity of vision,

    049] by treating this information or knowledge like a highly or most valuable nest-egg deserving proper preservation for their brilliant future generation after generation.

    050] Whereby some of them will encourage or motivate or inspire others for mutual discussion to seek information from each other about the direction or goal or destination or objective towards which they are supposed to be heading as a people.

    051] One of them will tell others, I had a chief

    052] who said to me, being such an intelligent man how could you be one of those who think the way of life allegedly advised for mankind by Allah is truly from him?

    053] How can it be that even though our organisational and regulatory systems, structures, procedures and practices have fallen apart due to living the way we do by adopting that way of life we can become re-established as a people to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community once again? No way.

    054] Thereupon the speaker will be asked by the official of the kingdom, would you like to become informed about the state of existence of that chief now?

    055] That is how he will be made aware about him so he will see him in a terrible state of existence due to fire of hatred and animosity burning him from inside of him.

    056] He will say to him, due to guidance of Allah I am having a great life now whereas you almost misled me as well from the way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    057] Had it not been for the purpose based guidance of my creator and sustainer that leads mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence, I too will have ended up among those who are brought face to face with such a terrible state of existence like him due to adopting a way of life whereby such people secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    058] Is it not then clear from all this information or explanation that we the mankind should not destroy our future by living our lives the harmful and destructive way whereby we secure our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up destroyed by hands of each other due to fire of hatred and animosity between ourselves?

    059] For this reason we should not fall victim to this sort of destruction again because our first destruction should be sufficient for teaching us a valuable lesson so that we do not end up in a terrible state of existence once again.

    060] Surely that will be a great achievement for us.

    061] Instead for such like blissful, dignified and secure life in a kingdom as a proper human community let everyone of mankind strive whoever wishes to work hard for something worthy or valuable or worthwhile.

    062] Is this not a better ambition and desire to entertain in our minds for a rewarding outcome both in this life as well as in hereafter due to abiding by a way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah or is life of terrible painful suffering that results from following a way of life whereby we the human beings secure our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense better which causes bitterness, animosity, hatred and wars between us the mankind?

    063] Surely we can see the results of the way of life whereby people secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which is invented and imposed or adopted by those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other and they are very harmful and destructive for humanity.

    064] It is a conflict and warfare based way of life because it is founded upon terrible fire of hatred and animosity between people due to divisions that come about between them because of their depriving and dispossessing each other of their livelihood.

    065] Its fruits show up or come about in forms of religion and secularism based divisions which bring about groups of people in shapes of rulers, money lenders and priests who inflict harms and destructions upon masses of mankind
    066] along with whom participate their touts and supporters who fulfil their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires to their heart’s content.

    067] But in reaction to all that in due course things heat up among masses delivering them a taste of their own ignited fire of hatred and animosity.

    068] That is how they are forced by each other into life of hell of their own making.

    069] All this because they found their forefathers living this way

    070] and they eagerly followed their footsteps instead of using their own brains and senses for figuring out the goodness for them in the way of life we advised for them through our purpose based revelations.

    071] Most of the ancient people before them lived that way

    072] even though we had sent our messengers to them to make them aware about all this and to warn them.

    073] Therefore travel throughout the human world and see what was the end of those who had been forewarned but they heeded not our warning. They all perished by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense

    074] except those who decided to live sincerely and faithfully by purpose based advised way of life for mankind by Allah.

    075] For example, Noah along with his supporters relied upon our purpose based guidance in those days indeed, see how appropriate was response of our set up systems and laws to their thoughts and actions for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other

    076] We delivered him and his people from a seriously distressful situation

    077] and we kept his ideological successors united for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom on basis of our purpose based guidance so that they carry on living or existing as they should.

    078] That is how we kept alive for him among generations to come his tradition of living by our advised way of life.

    079] Unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind on basis of our purpose based guidance was the legacy of Noah and his people for the people of the world.

    080] That is how we reward those who work hard to make life blissful, dignified and secure for mankind.

    081] Surely he was one of our such human workers who committed themselves fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for establishing our rule of law in the human world.

    082] However our set up systems and laws let their opponents drown themselves in their own atrocities against each other due to their continuously living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    083] Surely Abraham too belonged to his category of people.

    084] Because he also came to his creator and sustainer with a mindset, attitude and behaviour that was consistent with his purpose based guidance for ensuring well being of humanity.

    085] At the time he said to the leadership of his people as well as his people, think about by whose rule of law are you people supposed to be living your lives?

    086] Is it that you people want to live by rule of law of others than Allah through your invented or concocted falsehood and lies?

    087] What is then the value of the purpose based way of life advised for us the mankind by the creator and the sustainer of the kingdom of all this creation in your minds?

    088] That is how in due course he turned his focus on their idolised personalities when he tried to educate his people.

    089] In due course he also said to them, I am disappointed with you people due to your personality cults and your failure in grasping or understanding my point.

    090] He said that because his people turned their backs on the way of life upon which they were supposed to be after Noah.

    091] However eventually he turned his focus on their idolised personalities which they took for their rulers and chiefs saying to them, why don’t you people deal with affairs related to your peoples’ daily life properly?

    092] What is the matter with you that you don’t even speak up to guide them away from the harms and destructions they inflict upon each other?

    093] That is how he targeted them and tried to knock into them proper sense of proper way of life.

    094] That is other people also came running to the scene.

    095] He said to them, why do you subject yourselves to rule of law of those whom you have given the power which they have with your own support,

    096] when Allah alone is the one who has created you and granted you the ability of creativity to think and do all that you think and do?

    097] The chiefs said to one another, prepare for him a dungeon and throw him in that to stop him from interfering in our affairs.

    098] That is how some of them plotted and schemed against him but we let them continue humiliating each other because of their own scheming and plotting for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other which created fights between themselves due to divisions so they decided to throw him out of their land instead.

    099] Abraham said to his people, I am going to bring about a kingdom based upon purpose based guidance of my creator and sustainer and I am hopeful that soon he will guide me to it or about it.

    100] Thereafter he said, my creator and sustainer, grant me a helper or successor who is of those who are capable of putting things right.

    101] So we gave him the good news of a successor who will be capable of fighting through all these difficulties.

    102] At length when he reached the age to support him in his missionary work Abraham said, O my son, I have a vision that I must dedicate or offer or sacrifice or commit you to serve the mission of Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom so what do you think about it? He said, O my father, do what you have been guided to do, you will find me of those who are steadfastly consistent with mission of Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind .

    103] That is how they both committed themselves to mission of Allah for establishing rule of law of Allah in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind and that is how Abraham dedicated his son to the mission of Allah.

    104] So We called on him saying, O Abraham.

    105] You have indeed fulfilled your vision of bringing about a kingdom based upon our purpose based guidance. That is how we reward those who work hard to make this world a beautiful place for mankind to live in.
    106] That was indeed a mission which obviously needed a very hard work to be turned into a reality.

    107] So we rewarded him for his great dedication that he showed in fulfilling our assigned mission

    108] and that is how we kept his good name alive among the generations to come.

    109] Therefore celebrate Abraham as a man who worked for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance for establishing our purpose based rule of law in the human world for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    110] That is how we reward those who work for making this world a beautiful place for mankind to live in by sticking to our purpose based advised way of life that leads them to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

    111] He was indeed one of those people who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our purpose based guidance.

    112] Moreover we gave him the good news about Isaac who received message from us to deliver it to people he was sent to. Isaac too was of those who did things which ensured unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by removing from between them tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars so that they become and remain a proper human community in our kingdom.

    113] We granted blissful, dignified and secure existence in a kingdom that was based upon our guidance to both Abraham and Isaac. Among their ideological and biological progeny there are some who work for harmony and beauty in the human world according to our purpose based guidance but there are also those who live by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and they are all obvious for people to notice or see.

    114] We also bestowed our blissful, dignified and secure life providing guidance upon Moses and Aaron as well

    115] and through that we delivered them along with their people from a very difficult and painful situation.

    116] The reason we helped them with our guidance was, so that they could overcome the problems that faced them in living their lives purposefully properly.

    117] That is why we gave them our book that made things purposefully clear for them

    118] and guided them both along with their people to the way of life that was firmly founded for the purpose of blissful, dignified and secure existence for them and their people to live by.

    119] This is how we kept their good names alive among the later generations of mankind.

    120] Therefore celebrate Moses and Aaron as men who worked for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance.

    121] That is how we reward those who work hard to make their human world a beautiful place for mankind to live in.

    122] Surely they were both of those who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance.

    123] And for sure Ilyaas or Elijah too was one of those who were sent by us as messengers to their people.

    124] At the time he said to his people, why don’t you become consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community through help and full support of each other?

    125] Why do you people live by rule of law of Baal whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up destroyed by hands of each other yet you avoid living by purpose based rule of law of the best of the teachers of creativity and beautiful way of life

    126] Allah, the creator and the sustainer of yours as well as of your earlier ancestors?

    127] But religious and secular leaders or rulers, money lenders, priests and their touts and supporters refused to live by way of life he was sent with, so they were made to face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other

    128] with the exception of the sincere people who dedicated or committed or sacrificed or offered themselves properly to work for the success of the assigned mission of Allah for the establishment of his rule of law in the human world.

    129] This is why we kept his good name alive among the later generations of mankind.

    130] Therefore celebrate people such as Ilyas or Elijah who dedicate themselves fully and properly for the success of the assigned mission of Allah.

    131] That is how we reward those who commit themselves to working hard for making this world a beautiful place for mankind to live in.

    132] He was surely one of such people who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance.

    133] Moreover Lot was also one of those who were sent by us as our messengers.

    134] At the time we delivered him and all of his people from a troubling and difficult situation

    135] save a party of his people that held back or kept back itself from joining his proper human community that was based properly upon our purpose based guidance so it continued living the way it was.

    136] Therefore we let them destroy themselves by hands of each other through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    137] Surely you pass by whatever is left of their ruins by day

    138] and by night. So why don’t you people use your brains and senses to observe and learn sense of making proper sense of the situation they got themselves into to learn lessons from what had happened to them as a consequence of their living by a harmful and destructive way of life to save yourselves from ending up like them?

    139] Jonah too was indeed one of those who were sent by us as our messengers to their own people respectively.

    140] At the time he left quietly for a place that was full of people,

    141] He looked distressed and frustrated because he was opposed, condemned and persecuted by chiefs of his people and their supporters in the place he decided to leave behind.

    142] The harmful and destructive leadership of his people conspired and plotted against him so he was made to suffer their false accusations.

    143] However had he not been of those who prepare or educate and train themselves appropriately to cope or deal with such situations,

    144] he could have remained under control of this body of his powerful religious and secular people till the time they were removed from the seat or position of power.

    145] That is how we helped him escape that situation by placing him in an uncultivated political landscape as he was utterly against an unorganised and unregulated human population so he worked very, very hard to change it

    146] because through our purpose based guidance we helped him grow in there in getting support for our assigned mission due to our guidance till it spread and our rule of law became an established reality therein.

    147] Behold, we sent him on a mission to establish our rule of law in the human world to a population of more than a hundred thousand people.

    148] Due to his and their own hard works according to our purpose based education and training program for establishing our assigned goals according to our provided guidelines over a time period they eventually committed themselves to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence therefore we provided them with things to enjoy their lives for as long as they continued on that path.

    149] Now after all this explanation about followers of two opposing ways of life and their end results ask these people of yours O our messenger, is it consistent in their opinion with ability of your creator and sustainer to base his purpose based advised way of life for mankind upon weak or harmful and destructive foundations for ensuring their blissful, dignified and secure existence and to let these people have the opportunity to base their way of life upon strong foundations for themselves to live by?
    150] Or have they witnessed that we have approved for our mission to carry it through successfully the people who are weaklings or cowards or who lack courage or dare as our missionaries?

    151] Is it not therefore the case that they are inventing or forging lies when they claim

    152] Allah has relatives or children or needs helpers and backers? They are surely liars.

    153] Ask them, do you still think after all this explanation that he has chosen weak or harmful and destructive foundations to base upon his advised way of life for mankind instead of strong foundations for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other?

    154] What is wrong with your ability of thinking? On what basis do you judge things to see if they are true or false, right or wrong?

    155] Why don’t you think all this through thoroughly?

    156] Or is it that you too have a clear proof beyond any reasonable doubt for whatever you claim like the Quran?

    157] In that case show us your book from any of your Gods other than or along with Allah if what you claim is true.

    158] They also claim that rulers are appointed by Allah so masses should become their subjects in the name of Allah. However the harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership that is full of deceptions and manipulations is made aware indeed that they are bound to face set-up systems and laws of Allah in due course to suffer the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as well as against their own masses of people.

    159] The actual fact is, Allah is free from advising people to think and do harmful and destructive things to each other which people who inflict harms and destructions attribute to him.

    160] No such harmful and destructive things are done to each other by people who abide purposefully properly by purpose based guidance of Allah.
    161] The fact is, you and those whom you take or accept for your rulers or chiefs other than or along with Allah

    162] can deceive or mislead or manipulate none about purpose based guidance of Allah

    163] save such people as are hell bent upon landing themselves in hell of their own making.

    164] O messenger tell them, there is none among us who has not been made aware of his God given rights against others and his God imposed responsibilities upon him towards others by our creator and sustainer,

    165] that is why we have organised and regulated ourselves into ranks or categories as a proper human community for fulfilling his imposed duties and responsibilities or obligations

    166] and we are surely a people who strive very, very hard to manifest his glory through making obvious glory of his advised way of life for mankind for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    167] Before this guidance was revealed in the form of the Quran these rejecters and opponents of it also used to say,

    168] if we had received the message from Allah like the earlier people had received,

    169] we will for sure be a sincere people who will act upon guidance of Allah faithfully.

    170] But now that this Quran has come to them for their guidance, they reject and oppose it but soon they will come to know the result of their such mindset, attitude and behaviour.

    171] Regardless of their such negative responses we have already made clear to those whom we sent as our messengers

    172] that they will surely be supported or backed up

    173] and that our forces will surely overcome their opponents.

    174] Therefore pay no attention to their nonsense or false accusations

    175] but instead watch them how they fair due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other because in due course you will see their downfall as a crowd of people based upon harmful and destructive foundation as they will see your rise to power and glory as a proper human community due to following the way of life that you have been advised to live by for ensuring your well being as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    176] Do they still wish to hurry on the life of painful suffering they have been already warned against?

    177] Dreadful will be that period of time when it will descend in the courtyards of those who have been warned about it already.

    178] That is why you should pay no attention to their nonsense for now

    179] because you will surely see their downfall just as soon they will see your rise to power and glory.

    180] The set-up systems and laws are constantly at work to manifest power of your creator and sustainer who is free of doing harmful and destructive things to mankind which they attribute to Him.
    181] This is why our messengers always worked for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to show

    182] that sovereignty only and only belongs to Allah alone who is creator and sustainer of all the people in the human world.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #136 - June 17, 2023, 08:17 AM

    Surah 36      YAA SEEN - The man who is assigned a mission by Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world according to his purpose based guidance for mankind for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] YAA SEEN. O man, who is assigned a mission by us

    002] the Quran which is full of purpose based rational or reasonable arguments and explanations is the proof

    003] that you are one of those who have been sent in the human world as our messengers to mankind throughout times and places

    004] for the purpose of establishing our rule of law and way of life for mankind that are right and proper for them to live by so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    005] It is the message that has been revealed successively by the mighty ruler of this kingdom to inform mankind about his purpose based rule of law and his purpose based advised way of life for them for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world 

    006] as well as for giving opportunity to become aware about his purpose based rule of law and advised way life for mankind the people whose leaderships have not been made aware by each other earlier because they did not make due effort to inform each other or to become aware of them through each other so they are still unaware about his rule of law as well as his advised way of life for mankind that is because they had fallen victim to their own ignorance based arrogance so they are still suffering painfully as a consequence due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    007] No doubt despite our informing mankind about terrible painful consequences for ignoring or neglecting or avoiding our guidance our warnings in advance will become a reality for most of the mankind because they will not commit to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    008] That is because we found them placing around necks of each other yokes of heavy burdens right up to their chins so their heads are as if propped up therefore they cannot see the dangerous path they are treading upon.

    009] Moreover we find a barrier placed in front of them by each other and a barrier behind them as well as a covering over them from above therefore they cannot see the destination they are heading for nor our advised path for them to our pointed out destination for them.

    010] This is why it is the same whether you warn them or you warn them not about dangers along the journey of purposeless and aimless life because they have already decided not to commit to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    011] The fact is, you can only alert those about dangers that face mankind regarding their future who will adhere to this our purpose based guidance for them properly and faithfully because they will pay due attention to things purposefully properly which their provider of all things for their biological, psychological and sociological development and growth has provided them, therefore deliver to them good news of blissful, dignified and secure future who are looking for a great outcome for their thoughts and actions for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom that is based properly upon his guidance.

    012] It is because we surely resurrect and revive such dead or defeated or fallen from heights of excellence or hopeless human populations which are ready or have become prepared to become inspired and motivated through our scripture in which is information about what is beneficial and constructive or what is harmful and destructive for them as well as accounts of thoughts and actions of the past generations of people as to what they did for their own future and what lessons they left behind for the coming generations of mankind. We have taken into account everything purposefully necessary for people to know in this book or the Quran which is our guidance for the people of this time period that stands out or is distinctively manifest or evident or obvious.

    013] So narrate to them as an example the story of a people in a certain place to whom came our messengers or missionaries once upon a time.

    014] At first we sent to them two messengers or missionaries but when they refused to accept them both, we strengthened them both with a third one and they all said, surely we have been sent to you people as messengers or missionaries by Allah or his messenger.

    015] But the people of the place replied, you are just common men like us without any supernatural powers so how can you people be messengers or missionaries from Allah or his messenger? Therefore we think that the gracious or merciful master or lord has revealed nothing at all to you people for us so you are surely lying when you claim you are his messengers or missionaries to us.

    016] They said in response to them, our creator and sustainer makes obvious what we claim through his message if you will care to examine the message as it ought to be examined that we for sure have been sent as his messengers or missionaries to you

    017] and our duty or responsibility or obligation is nothing more than conveying his message to you people plainly and clearly as well as properly and faithfully as it ought to be conveyed.

    018] They responded, as we see it you have a harmful and destructive agenda for taking over this place so refrain from spreading your message or we will stone you to death so you will receive from us a humiliating painful torture.

    019] The messengers or missionaries said, you people yourselves are worse enemies of yourselves so you are a bad news for the future of your own people due to your own harmful and destructive desires and ambitions where upon are based your own mindset, attitude and behaviour therefore you live by a way of life whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Are you people angry with us just because we have come to you with the purpose based guidance from Allah? The fact is, you people work against the purpose based guidance of Allah as well as the well being of mankind.

    020] The while they were arguing with each other another man from among the people of the city came to them from the far end of the city who made the effort to explain things to these people of his by saying, O my people, help and support these messengers or missionaries who have been sent for helping us turn this place into a place that is based properly upon guidance of Allah.

    021] Support these people who do not seek anything in return from you as a wage for helping you to live properly according to purpose based guidance of Allah through your proper education and training for this purpose because they are proving themselves as properly guided people.

    022] So why should I too not work for establishing his rule of law in the human world who has originated and evolved me and to whose guidance you all should also turn or refer for your own purpose based guidance for living your lives properly?

    023] Should I still after their proper explanation of things continue taking or accepting such Gods or rulers other than or along with him who cannot save me from or protect me against the set up systems and laws of the provider of purpose based all things for my biological, psychological and sociological needs and wants which can deliver me harms and destructions due to securing my petty personal gains from others at their expense?

    024] Therefore if I continued taking or accepting Gods or rulers other than or along with him then I will be making a very serious and a very obvious mistake indeed.

    025] This is why he joins the three messengers or missionaries and tells them, I too from now onwards fully, properly and wholeheartedly commit or offer or devote or dedicate myself along with you people to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of your creator and sustainer therefore you people too should respond to my commitment along with you people appropriately.

    026] So he was told by them, you are welcome to enter along with us in the struggle for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world. He said, I wish my people also came to know this truth for themselves which I have come to know.

    027] That through his purpose based guidance my creator and sustainer has provided me with blissful, dignified and secure existence as an honourable member of the proper human community in his kingdom.

    028] After his leaving of his people we did not send any supernatural forces against his people to destroy them, nor it is needed or necessary for us to do so.

    029] It is because as they continued living by their own way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense it was nothing but a single cry for a revolt or uprising in due course by some against the others and they became destroyed or ruined as a people by hands of each other.

    030] What a sorry state of existence it is in which end up many of my human creatures, all because whenever there come to these like people any of our messengers or missionaries from us they try to dominate him by undermining him due to their ignorance based arrogance instead of taking him seriously by examining our message properly with all due care and attention after educating and training themselves to its required standard.

    031] Do these people of yours not see how many generations of mankind before them we left on their own to end up destroyed by hands of each other who just like these people due to their ignorance based arrogance refused to turn to our purpose based guidance for living their lives properly in this world?

    032] That is how each of those human populations were made to face consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by our set-up systems and laws.

    033] The dead land should serve as a lesson for them to observe and learn from as to how we give it life and produce from it grain for them which they eat.

    034] We also produce from it gardens with date-palms and vines and that is how we cause springs of water and prosperity to gush forth from it,

    035] so that they may enjoy the fruits thereof. It was not in their power that they could have created all this, should they not then use all our provisions purposefully properly as told by us?

    036] It is because glory or rising to heights of excellence for humanity only and only rests in understanding properly and following faithfully the way of life advised for them by him who has originated and evolved all things to complement and support each other in different ways for their harmonious existence including all kinds of living things which come forth from the earth as well as mankind themselves even though about many of the things they have not yet become aware through their explorations and discoveries.

    037] Another lesson for them to observe and learn from is the phenomenon of darkness of the night, we interrupt the sunlight from a people in a place on the earth at a time and behold, they are left in the darkness of the night.

    038] Likewise they should observe and learn from the working of the sun that it travels towards its set destination, this destination is programmed in it by the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom who makes things obvious for people to know.

    039] Similarly they should observe to learn from the fact that we have setup phases for the moon till it turns in to a phase when it looks like a bow shaped old dry branch of a palm tree.

    040] It is not part of our program that the sun should crash into the moon just as it is not part of our program that the night time should clash with the day time because each of the things is set to work in harmony with all the rest of the things according to measures set for them according to our purpose based plan.

    041] Another lesson for them to observe and learn from is how we set-up the process of their reproduction and burdened them with responsibility for having and bringing up children for continuation of their species

    042] and similarly we setup reproduction of other things upon which they depend for their survival or continue existence such as vegetation and animals.

    043] But instead of doing all this the way we have planned and done it had it been our plan according to their wishes, we could have left them utterly or entirely on their own or to themselves to destroy themselves without our guidance to help them live properly in this world, in that case they could have cried all they liked for help but no one and nothing at all could have saved them from destroying each other.

    044] No matter they like it or not we have provided them with our purpose based guidance for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom so that determines the term of their survival or existence for a set time period in this world.

    045] Despite all this explanation when it is said to them, be consistent with our purpose based guidance that is in between your hands or within your reach or grasp as well as in between the hands of those who will succeed you and be consistent with each other as well so that thereby you people could be helped to reach blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    046] Yet never came to them a scripture from among the scriptures of their creator and sustainer but due to their ignorance based arrogance they ignored or neglected or avoided it or they turn away from it as well as they stopped others as well from abiding by it and instead they kept on following their own ways of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so they ended up the way they did.

    047] That is why whenever it was said to people like that, use whatever Allah has purposefully provided for you people to ensure well being of mankind. Those dominant or leading religious and secular people who due to their ignorance based arrogance opposed his guidance said to those who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom, should we feed those whom Allah himself could have fed had he chosen to do so? Because you want to feed those whom Allah wants to keep hungry therefore you people are obviously approaching this issue of poverty in a very wrong way by asking us to do so instead of leaving this issue to Allah to deal with it as he likes.

    048] Most of these people of yours do not accept you as a messenger from us yet they still ask you for having a laugh at you, when will this promise of yours about the establishment of the kingdom based properly upon purpose based guidance of Allah will become a reality for you people and when will the revolts or uprisings or upheavals or bloody revolutions promised to us will come to pass if what you say is true?

    049] The fact is, due to their ignorance based arrogance these harmful and destructive religious and secular leaders and their supporters are waiting for nothing other than a cry that will trigger a powerful chain of events which results in the establishment of our rule of law in the human world by our missionaries as well as causes revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions by their own masses against them that catches them unexpectedly or suddenly by surprise while they are involved in power struggles between themselves.

    050] But when that happens then they will not have any time left to be able to inform each other about it nor will they be able to refer to or call upon their own people or supporters to get their help or support to regain their positions of power after they have been dislodged from their seats or positions of power.

    051] Because due to their proper understanding of our powerful revelation human populations in their world will become inspired or energised or motivated and agitated or activated or triggered because new life will become breathed into them to come out of their places of isolation to support the mission of their creator and sustainer to establish his rule of law in their human world to abide by.

    052] The religious and secular leaders or chiefs will say, O what a bad news for our future but who has disturbed or dislodged or turned upside down our rule or plan or set up system? They will be told by our missionaries, this is that event which the provider of all things for your biological, psychological and sociological development and growth had warned about and his messengers and missionaries told you the mankind the truth but you people took it for a lie and laughed it off.

    053] So it will not be more than a single call for a constant and consistent chain of events for the establishment of our rule of law in the human world as well as dislodgement of the religious and secular elite from its positions of power by way of purpose based education and training program based properly upon our guidance or by means of agitations or revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions and that is how they all will be made to face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by our set-up systems and laws.

    054] At that time after our rule of law becomes fully and properly established in the human world by our missionaries, no people will suffer injustice or unfairness even in the least so you all will face the outcomes only and only for what you will have thought and done for or against each other.

    055] In that period of time the people who will fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly work hard for the purpose of maintaining the established kingdom based properly upon our guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community will enjoy fruits of their own hard works or labour.

    056] They and their fellow workers will be shielded from all sorts of troubles and problems between themselves by our purpose based advised way of life which will raise them to heights of excellence and therefore it will lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    057] For them therein will be all kinds of fruits of their own hard works because they will get in there whatever they will work for as a proper human community based properly upon our guidance.

    058] There will be unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind everywhere in the kingdom as promised by the creator and sustainer of this whole kingdom of creation due to his revelation that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    059] However people who will have been involved in committing crimes against humanity by going against guidance of Allah for mankind they will be told by our missionaries on our behalf, keep yourselves away or distant from this kingdom during this period of time O you the criminals.

    060] They will be asked on my behalf by my missionaries, did I not exact an agreement of you O children of Adam that you should never take for a God or ruler anyone at all other than me because anyone you will take for a God or ruler falsely by your own inventions or fabrications you will be told in his name to inflicts harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and that is how any such God or ruler will prove himself an enemy of my guidance as well as of yourselves or humanity?

    061] Therefore you all should abide only and only by my purpose based rule of law alone because only and only that can lead mankind to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom because it is a firmly founded and verifiably purpose based proper way of life for mankind to live in this world.

    062] Yet despite my warning the harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership has led a great number of you away from my purpose based advised way of life for mankind, so why did you people not bother to learn even this much sense to become aware of this happening to you people?

    063] For this reason you ended up in life of hell of your own making against or about which you were repeatedly and clearly warned but you ignored or neglected my warnings.

    064] So you can continue stay in that sort of state of existence even today if that is what you want because you have been persistently rejecting and opposing my purpose based guidance that was supposed to lead you to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom.

    065] At that time we will completely shut down their mouths about their ideologies and ways of life for living their lives by our sound arguments and evidences because the manpower they will have had and the foundation upon which they will have built their lives will expose them completely or entirely or fully before our set-up systems and laws due to the outcomes of all that they will have thought and done to each other to reach that state of their existence.

    066] Why don’t they think that had it suited our purpose and plan, we could have taken away their light and sight leaving them in utter darkness running about looking for the right way to the proper destination for them but then how could they find the proper way to their proper destination assigned for them without being able to see due to lack of light and sight? But despite our giving them light and sight they still behaved the same way as if they were blind and stuck in the darkness.

    067] And had it suited our purpose and plan, we could have bound them by a fixed program like nonliving things then they could not have the ability or choice to deviate from that.

    068] However any human being we bring about and maintain we bring him about lacking in knowledge about our advised way of life to live in this world properly so that one educates and trains oneself with help of our given abilities and our purpose based guidance to be able to do so, so why don’t you people use your intelligence and our provided purpose based guidance to become aware of things you ought to know properly?

    069] This is why we have not programmed our advised way of life into him because it did not suit our purpose for his creation and that is why there was need for revelation of this Quran which makes our advised way of life for mankind clearly distinct from the ways of life people have invented and adopted themselves that lead them to harms and destructions by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    070] The Quran is also revealed to make aware such people as are already looking for our purpose based guidance and to prove this verifiably true message of ours to those who reject and oppose it due to their ignorance based arrogance.

    071] Why don’t they observe to learn from the fact that among other things which we have originated and evolved through our power of creativity we have also created cattle which are given under their management?

    072] We have subjected these animals to their management so that they could learn to survive due to them by making proper use of them.

    073] In them there are many benefits for them whereby they can quench their thirst of knowledge, so why don’t they make proper use of them?

    074] Despite all this explanation they have taken for Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah in hope of getting their help and support.

    075] But the fact is, these imaginary Gods and rulers of theirs are not capable of helping them against our set-up systems and laws rather they and their supporters are themselves bound by our set-up systems and laws that make them face the results of their own thoughts and actions against each other.

    076] Therefore let not their harmful and destructive desires and ambition as well as their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon them grieve you O messenger. Surely we make obvious to mankind in due course the results of how they use our provided capabilities and things and how they do not use our provided capabilities and things.

    077] Why don’t mankind observe and learn from the fact that we have evolved them from a single living seed or cell? Yet man rises to openly challenge us over our right of ownership and ruling of our kingdom of creation.

    078] He creates nonsense arguments and stories about explaining our existence and purpose of our creating this kingdom of our creation yet neglects story of his own origin and purpose as explained by us. He says who will bring to life or raise again or reinstall or reinstate the proper social systems, structures, procedures and practices for a proper human community that have fallen apart completely or totally?

    079] Say to them, he who brought them about through his missionaries the very first time will bring them back to life again as he makes it obvious to mankind through his power of all kinds of creation and purpose based revelations.

    080] He who has produced a purpose based plan for you a war torn human population to turn you into a brilliant very first proper human community so that in due course on that basis you could bring about your own brilliant proper human communities and you did and you will do it once again as well for the very last time.

    081] Is he who has brought about all the galaxies full of stars and planet as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets not then capable of originating and evolving the likes of them? Of course he is because he is the one who has made obvious for mankind to see that he has the power for originating and evolving things.

    082] When he intends to do anything, he needs only to initiate his plan and it begins to take shape in reality.

    083] This is why sovereignty of all things belongs only and only to him alone with whom alone rests ownership and management of everything that is why mankind are supposed to refer to his purpose based guidance for living their lives properly in this world.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #137 - June 21, 2023, 05:54 PM

    Surah 35    FAATIR– Allah is originator of his kingdom of creation and sender of his revelation for mankind so that they freely by their own choosing appreciate his greatness in goodness by bringing about a proper human community in his kingdom which reflects that goodness through their own hard works according to his provided guidance for them for this purpose. So they should work very, very hard towards their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity to become a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world to be greatly rewarded for it in hereafter as well.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Naturally aroused feelings of appreciation in a human mind are commanded only and only by wonderful and awesome works of Allah alone to whom rightfully belongs ownership and sovereignty of all that exists, who is the sole originator of all the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets and who has chosen and appointed the best of his human creatures as his messengers and missionaries to deliver his messages to rest of mankind throughout times and places in the human world in formations of groups or teams of twos, threes and fours and he keeps on expanding his creation according to his purpose based plan. No doubt Allah has set up systems and laws as well as he has put in place measures for governing operations of all things for ensuring they keep on working properly for fulfilling his purpose based plan for mankind.

    002] The blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom which Allah has planned for mankind through his purpose based guidance none can withhold it from becoming a reality in due course but none can deliver to mankind that which he has made conditional unless his set conditions are met because he is mighty wise ruler of this whole kingdom of his creation.

    003] Therefore O you the mankind, spread among yourselves the message of Allah for you which can ensure your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom. Is there any creator and evolver of all things other than Allah who provides you with sustenance from the heaven and the earth? There is no God or ruler of this whole kingdom of creation other than him. Why are you then allowing yourselves to be deceived by each other by remaining ignorant about his purpose based provided guidance?

    004] However if they still condemn and oppose you after all this explanation O messenger, worry not because so were condemned and opposed our messengers before you by their such like people. However to settle all affairs properly and appropriately ultimately rests with set-up systems and laws of Allah that make people face consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    005] Listen O you the mankind, the promise of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah through his purpose based guidance for you is a verifiable truth that is bound to come to pass as a real world reality in due course therefore let not your present way of life whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense deceive you nor let any rejecter and opponent of purpose based advised way of life for mankind by Allah lead you away from his purpose based guidance.

    006] Surely any leadership that rejects and opposes purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah is harmful and destructive for your future which tries to take you away from the purpose based way of life advised for you by Allah therefore it is an open enemy for you so treat it as such. It invites people to be members of its party to live their lives according to its way of life whereby they should secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that they end up in painful suffering in due course by hands of each other due to fire of hatred and animosity between themselves as a result.

    007] So those who will reject and oppose our advised way of life for them on basis of false promises by such harmful and destructive leadership, for them there is going to be a terribly painful suffering by hands of each other in due course. However those who will commit or dedicate or devote or offer or sacrifice themselves fully and properly as well as whole heartedly to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community and they will do works that help mankind unite, develop and grow by removing tensions and disputes or conflicts and wars from between them in due course there will be a blissful, dignified and secure future for them as a great outcome of their own thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other.

    008] Can any such person be guided properly by purpose based guidance of Allah who’s harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others are so fair seeming to him that he considers them good and proper? The fact is, Allah lets stray away from his purpose based advised way of life any people who so desire by thinking and acting that way and he guides any people who so desire by thinking and acting that way. Therefore O messenger, let not yourself grieve or suffer any sorrow for regretting such peoples’ mindsets, attitudes and behaviours as reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for mankind. Set up systems and laws of Allah surely expose in due course their invented harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense through results of their own thoughts and actions against each other.

    009] It is set-up systems and laws of Allah that raise winds to raise the clouds then drive them to a dead piece of land and thereby revive the land through rain after its death. Similar to that is our process of raising the dead or fallen from heights of excellence human populations through our inspiring or motivating or inciting or exciting or activating or triggering or energizing or stimulating revelations.

    010] So if any human populations are seeking a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom then let them become aware of the fact that all this entirely depends upon their own proper understanding and faithful acting upon purpose based guidance of Allah, because in his sight his perfect words for their purpose based guidance can raise mankind to heights of excellence or their blissful, dignified and secure existence through their own proper thoughts and actions based upon them. So those who live on the basis of scheming and plotting harms and destructions against others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense they are bound to end up in severely humiliating painful suffering in due course and their conspired schemes and plots against our guidance and humanity will be brought to nothing at all by our set-up universal or kingdom-wide systems and laws.

    011] All because it is Allah alone who has brought forth all of you the living things for his purpose from the chemicals of the earth to begin with then through the living cell and then he evolved there from all kinds of living things like yourselves and that is why no female can conceive or deliver but according to his knowledge based set-up systems and laws. Moreover no human being grows old or has his/her life cut short but this process is based properly upon his set-up systems and laws. Surely all this was easy for Allah to set-up properly and to make it work faithfully for his purpose according to his plan.

    012] No two kinds of bodies of water are the same, one that is sweet and pleasant to drink for people and the other which is salty and bitter, yet from each body of water you people eat fresh meat and extract ornaments which you wear. Moreover you see the ships ploughing their courses through all of them for you to seek your livelihood in abundance, therefore you should use things provided for all of you the mankind properly for ensuring well being of each other through help and full support of each other.

    013] His set up systems and laws by means of rotation of the earth on its axis in the path of the sunlight cause the night to gradually change into the day and cause the day to gradually change into the night. That is how he has made the sun and the moon to serve you the mankind on the earth. Each and everything is working according to its programming for fulfilling its purpose according to a definite plan till an appointed time. Such is Allah your creator and sustainer who has made all this to happen, to whom alone belongs the kingdom of whole of this creation and to whose rule of law I invite you to abide by. As for those towards whom you people invite others as your Gods and rulers other than or along with him they own not even the least of the things in this kingdom of his creation.

    014] The fact is, idols and the dead people you people call upon for help they cannot even hear your call for help and even if they could hear your call for help they are not in a position to help you. During the time period when the rule of law of Allah and the way of life advised for mankind by Allah become fully and properly established in the human world by our missionaries those living human beings whom you will take for your Gods and ruler they will deny their partnership with Allah as you will have ascribed to them. None can inform you about these facts like the one who is fully and properly aware of all things.

    015] O you the mankind, for sure it is you people who depend upon Allah for the fulfilment of all your needs and wants for your purpose based existence whereas Allah is self sufficient and depends upon no one for his existence, the one whose wonderful and awesome acts rouse deep natural feelings of appreciation in minds of knowledgeable people.

    016] One of his such wonderful acts is that through his set up systems and laws if he finds you the living creatures no longer capable of serving his purpose and plan then he lets you disappear and become replaced with your newer versions

    017] and that process does not pose any hardship or difficulty for set-up systems and laws of Allah.

    018] Therefore fear the coming of a time period when things could get so bad between mankind due to their living by any way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense that they could end up utterly destroyed by hands of each other. It is because during that situation or state of existence none will help and support another to fulfil one’s needs and wants appropriately or purposefully properly. When that time comes even if one overwhelmed by needs or necessities of life calls out for help and support so that someone could help him fulfil his needs, none will carry out his wishes even in the least, be one his closest or intimate relative or friend. Yet you O messenger can only forewarn about such a situation such a people who are willing to listen and pay due attention to purpose based guidance of their creator and sustainer for its proper understanding for acting upon it faithfully for ensuring their own bright future so that they strive very, very hard to establish a proper human community network for this purpose. So any human populations that will work for removing obstacles in the way of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community will do so for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence because it is entirely right of Allah alone to set a goal for mankind and for people to accomplish it according to his provided guidelines.

    019] So people must prepare themselves well through purpose based proper educate and training about things they must come to know properly and do them faithfully because the blind or ignorant and the seeing or enlightened cannot be equal or alike.

    020] Nor can the depths of darkness of ignorance and the light of knowledge be equal.

    021] Or the cool shade and the heat of the hot summer day be the same.
    022] Moreover the living and the dead are not the same or equal or alike. Certainly Allah can make one hear only if one so desires therefore O messenger, you cannot make such people hear as are as if they are dead and buried deep in their graves.

    023] You are only a warner who can warn only those who are willing to pay due attention to our purpose based guidance.

    024] Certainly we have sent you O messenger with our purpose based guidance as a bearer of good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom for those who will accept and live by our purpose based guidance properly as well as a warner about the time period of revolts, uprisings and upheavals for those who will reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for them to live properly in our kingdom because otherwise they will keep on living by ways of life whereby they will keep on securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they will keep on ending up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. This is why there have not been any people who have not been sent their warner from us in form of a messenger or a missionary.

    025] Despite all this explanation if these people of yours still reject and oppose our message through you then so did those before them. There came to them their messengers with a brilliant program for a set of goals and guidelines for an enlightening brightly shining rule of law.

    026] Yet in the end we found the rejecters and the opponents of our purpose based guidance caught in their own atrocities against each other whereby they ended up destroyed by hands of each other, so you people can see for yourselves how true was my warning about such people?

    027] Why don’t you the mankind observe and learn how Allah sends down water as rain from the clouds raised high? With it we bring forth fruits of various colours. Moreover observe the mountains and discover their usefulness because in the mountains there various useful materials for mankind to make use of such as rocks with streaks of various beautiful shades including white, red and jet-black rocks.

    028] Similarly human beings, beasts and cattle also have their different beautiful colours. The fact is, only those of his human creatures who have bothered to learn to understand things properly pay due attention to purpose based guidance of Allah for solving problems and for removing or dissolving tensions between human beings in order to lead them to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom. Surely purpose based guidance of Allah is mighty powerful tool for stopping human beings from committing atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    029] No doubt those who read or study the book of Allah carefully or with due attention for understanding it properly in order to act upon it faithfully they strive very, very hard to establish a proper human community network in our kingdom by using whatever we have provided them with to ensure well being of mankind collectively in public as well as individually in private in the hope of promised outcome for their such like dealing with each other that cannot fail to materialise as a result of their hard work.

    030] That is how his set up systems and laws reward them with their full return as well as give them even more due to acting upon his purpose based guidance appropriately. Surely he is protector of those who use his provisions properly as told.

    031] As for that which we have revealed to you of the book it is a purpose based guidance for mankind which is also a standard for confirming that which was revealed before it. It clearly proves to mankind beyond any reasonable doubt that Allah is fully aware of what his human creatures need from him for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    032] The other reason for which we have given this final book of ours to these people of present generation is so that they keep passing it onto their coming generations as a legacy for our such human workers who will choose or prefer to inherit it for their own guidance. No doubt due to their ignorance based arrogance many of the coming generations of people will reject and oppose it because due to their ignorance based arrogance they will be hell bent upon inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other but many of them will also have sincere intention for following our purpose based proper way of life advised for them in it if they will study it properly to act upon it faithfully as well as some of them will be foremost in thinking and doing all that which ensures well being of mankind according to requirement of Allah as explained in it because that is how they will end up having very useful information in abundance.

    033] They will enter the lands or kingdoms that are full of all kinds of precious raw materials wherein they will be able to show our given full potentials or abilities to them for their creativities whereby they will reach heights of excellence due to being equipped or armed or decorated or adorned or groomed or cultivated or prepared with purpose based precious and most valuable education and training and their characters will be spotless as if they are dressed in robes made from the white silk.

    034] They will express or reflect in there their thoughts through their words and deeds that awesome and wonderful natural feeling of appreciation is only and only roused by purpose based guidance of Allah alone who has provided us with his guidance to help us remove all our concerns, regrets, fears, worries and anxieties from us by knowing it properly and acting upon it faithfully. Surely guidance of our creator and sustainer helps secure blissful and dignified existence of whole of mankind by telling them how to use his provisions properly for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    035] It is through his purpose based guidance he has helped us enter into this blissful, dignified and secure existence in this land by organising and regulating ourselves and things according to it due to which we neither experience any weariness, tiredness or laziness due to hard work nor do we feel or sense any boredom.

    036] As for those who reject and oppose our guidance they are bound to end up in life of hell of their own making by hands of each other due to following a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other which causes divisions among them due to rivalries between them which lead them to animosities that ignite or kindle and spread fires of hatred between them leading them to fights and wars between themselves. This is how they bring themselves into a situation or state of existence wherein they can neither live nor die and severity of painful suffering only keeps on increasing till they give up their way of life for the proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah within a given time period or perish. That is the outcome of thoughts and actions of all those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance.

    037] Those who will fall in that situation or state of existence despite our warning well in advance they will cry to us for rescue at the very last minute saying, our creator and sustainer get us out of this situation and we promise that from now on we will work towards unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom instead of working against well being of humanity as we have been doing. But they will be told by our missionaries on our behalf, have we not given you people lives long enough so that he who wishes or desires could heed our warnings about coming of this situation and that is why there came to you a warner well in advance from us? Since you did not heed the warning till the very end now taste the fruits of your very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense till you perish because there is no helper for those who keep on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other till they become destroyed by hands of each other.

    038] Surely Allah knows full well future of all the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as of this galaxy that is also full of stars and planets so no doubt he also knows full well what is in the minds of mankind. So in time to come he will make some of this knowledge obvious for mankind as well.

    039] It is he who has appointed you the mankind as managers in his world in accordance with his purpose based plan so whoever opposes his purpose based guidance and strives against its establishment is bound to suffer the consequences for doing so. That is why for such vehement rejecters and opponents of his guidance their rejection and opposition does not increase anything except the agonising painful suffering for themselves so the rejection and opposition of rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah increases nothing for them except their failures and losses.

    040] Say to them O messenger, have you ever carefully considered those whom you take for your Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah concerning their capabilities? Show me any part of this galaxy which they have originated and evolved, or what is their share in the origination and evolution of the faraway or remote galaxies? Or have we given them a book from which they can derive authority for choosing their own Gods and rulers? No, not at all rather the fact is, those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other promise each other nothing save delusions to deceive each other.

    041] It is the set-up systems and laws of Allah that keep the remote galaxies as well as this galaxy from falling apart and were they ever to fall apart, none could stop them from falling apart other than he himself alone so he is surely capable of putting up or dealing with his human creatures and he is able to save and secure them through his purpose based guidance.

    042] In fact these very people used to assure each other by swearing in the name of Allah that if a warner from him ever comes to them, they will certainly prove better guided than any other people in the human world yet when a warner has come to them they have increased in nothing but schism.

    043] They wage wars for seeking domination over others by undermining them in the land and they constantly plot harms and destructions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense despite the fact that plotting of harms and destructions against each other harms none but the people that are authors of that plotting and scheming. Are they looking for the similar end which overtook such like people in the past? If so, you will find no change in the way Allah does things, nor will you find any alternative explanation to that of Allah for their own destruction by hands of each other.

    044] Why don’t these people travel throughout the human world and carefully observe the evidences left behind by those before them to find out what happened to them that destroyed them who were once upon a time far superior in power than their rivals at the time than these people are in comparison to their rivals because earlier on they lived by our purpose based guidance that made them powerful through help and full support of each other but they later turned away from it and ended up destroyed by hands of each other? The fact is there is no one and nothing at all in the far away galaxies or in this galaxy that could defeat or frustrate purpose based plan of Allah for mankind. He is indeed the only one who is omniscient and omnipotent who has setup systems and laws as well as put in place measures to ensure all things keep on working properly in his kingdom to fulfil his purpose based plan for mankind.

    045] Victims from among mankind seek instant revenge from their perpetrators for each and every one of their wrongdoings to them but that is not the plan of Allah for them to make all harmful and destructive people face consequences of each and every one of their wrongdoings to others instantly or right away. Because had he done things that way as they desire of him then his set-up systems and laws could not have left any such human being in the human world at all who had done any wrong to anyone at all. Instead he has set up things in such a way that human populations have been given respite for a set period of time to learn through their observations and experimentation about the real world realities and his revelations to bring corrective changes in and by themselves for the betterment of their human world so that as their promised time approaches they come to know that set-up systems and laws of Allah have been monitoring and delivering the results of thoughts and actions of his human creatures all along but the ultimate and final judgement time period will arrive for them later on in hereafter when all scores will be settled fully and properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #138 - June 26, 2023, 10:20 AM

    Surah 35..... FAATIR.....The Originator.... 45 verses

    Surah 36.....YAA SEEN .....The Chief.... 83 verses

    Surah 37.....AL-SAFFAAT .....Those drawn up in Ranks... 182 verses

    Surah 38.....SWAAD .....The letter Saad... 88 verses

    Surah 39.....AL-ZUMAR .....The Groups... 75 verses

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #139 - June 29, 2023, 06:56 PM

    Surah 34      SABA–A people who brought about a proper human community in a place according to purpose based guidance of Allah in his kingdom for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence but they failed to maintain it for long due to neglecting guidance of Allah by becoming slack and lazy over a time period regarding it however they gave it another try and succeeded in doing so but they failed again in maintaining it for long and ended up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Naturally aroused deep feelings of appreciation in human mind are only and only commanded by awesome and wonderful acts and works of Allah alone to whom alone belongs ownership and sovereignty of all that is in all the distant galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as all that is in this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets. The naturally aroused deep feelings of appreciation in human mind are ultimately commanded by him also for the reason that he is all aware and all wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation therefore he is the only one who can guide mankind purposefully properly as to how they should live in his kingdom as they should or as they ought to or as they are supposed to.

    002] That is why he made mankind capable of becoming aware of all that which goes on inside the earth and into the earth to make it the earth and all that which goes on all around the earth on the outside of the earth. He made mankind capable of becoming aware of all that which reaches the earth from the very distant or far away parts of the kingdom of creation as well as all that reaches out to distant parts of the kingdom from the earth. It is because he has the capability to do all this that is why he can also give blissful, dignified and secure existence to mankind in his kingdom through his purpose based guidance for them provided they understand it properly and act upon it faithfully.

    003] Those who due to their ignorance based arrogance live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense therefore they reject and oppose our purpose based way of life advised for mankind according to our purpose based guidance say, the foretold terrible consequences of our harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others will never be delivered to us. Tell them, no, that is not the case rather the promised consequences will be delivered to you according to the forewarning of my creator and sustainer who surely knows what is going to take place in time to come. One who makes known to mankind what the future has in store for them as a result of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other. Nothing even as small as an atom that exists in the heavens or in  the earth is unknown or hidden from him, nor is there anything smallest or greatest than that out of his knowledge but its origin, working and purpose is controlled by his self evident set-up systems and laws.

    004] He has put in place each and everything purposefully properly according to his plan so that they could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence by ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other those who commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom and therefore they do works that help people unite by removing disputes, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars from between them .

    005] And so that they could be delivered the horrible consequences of their own terribly harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against humanity in form of a terrible painful and humiliating suffering those who strive very, very hard against our assigned mission for mankind for establishing our rule of law and our advised way of life for mankind in the human world to stop them from doing so.

    006] The fact is those who have learned sense of making proper sense of things and they use it properly to make proper sense of things they can clearly see that, that which you claim is revealed to you by your creator and sustainer is in actual fact revealed by him to you because it guides to the way of life that is purposefully advised by the mighty ruler of this kingdom because it can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom which can thereby manifest his glory to them.

    007] Despite this verifiable fact those who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose our purpose based advised way of life for mankind their religious and secular leaders say to people under their sway, should we point out to you a man who claims that when you the mankind have become socially disintegrated and your dignity has utterly crumbled into the dust you can still be raised again or have a new beginning or a new lease of life as a proper human community to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom due to purpose based revealed guidance of Allah by understanding it properly and acting upon it faithfully?

    008] They ask each other about our messenger, has he forged a lie against Allah or has he gone mad? No, that is not the case rather they make false propaganda against him those who due to their ignorance based arrogance do not want to commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for their brilliant future due to adopting a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense and therefore they end up in a humiliating painful suffering by hands of each other because they have strayed far away from the proper way of life for living in this world purposefully properly due to their ignoring proper study of our purpose based guidance for them and therefore their refusing to act upon it faithfully.

    009] Why don’t they observe and learn what is within their capability and reach and what is beyond their capability and reach within the heaven and the earth? Had we planned we could have kept them earth bound or we could have made our kingdom inaccessible for them. Surely there is a lesson to learn in all of this for every person who is a keen observer and deeply thoughtful.

    010] The fact is we bestowed upon David the intellect as a tool for making proper sense of things as well as the information from us to make proper sense of our purpose based guidance in light of real world realities and said to his people, O leading people of communities, support him for accomplishing our assigned goal or mission and that way rise to heights of excellence. This is how we made easy for him to manage the available manpower as well as our provided things properly.

    011] We said to him, be abundantly productive through taking coordinated and consistent measures by thinking and doing works that help mankind mend or repair their fractured relationships with each other in order to unite, develop, grow, progress and prosper as a proper human community in our kingdom. I help you the mankind through my purpose based guidance in order to see all that you ought to be thinking and doing.

    012] Likewise we made our revelation activating, energising, inspiring and motivating for Solomon to become yet better aware of yet more things that needed to be thought and done for their better future as a people as time marched on so that he takes unity, peace, progress and prosperity of his people to a yet higher level of excellence and that is how our revelations energised, activated, moved, pushed, propelled, triggered, aroused, inspired or motivated mankind to develop, progress and prosper to a much higher level from the level where they already were. In a similar way we raised his people to much higher level of development and progress from where they were in stages step by step by bringing forth or raising for him a work force through purpose based proper education and training programs that was expert in various fields which worked at its full capacity according to guidance of his creator and sustainer. Solomon succeeded because he established our rule of law in the land he lived but if any party conspired against our rule of law in a place then we left it on its own to fall into painful suffering or hell of its own making as a result of its own thoughts and actions against each other.

    013] His people worked hard with him according to his worked out plan of action, making things needed for defence and warfare such as forts and weapons, things needed for food production and distribution, dams and large reservoirs for storage of water and grain as well as shipping ports and ships. All because we said to them, O people of David, manage and use manpower and resources provided to you people by us purposefully properly. However the fact is in practice only a minority of people who live by our purpose based guidance use our provisions properly as they are told by us.

    014] Nonetheless at length came to pass what we forewarned him about concerning his kingdom, that is disintegration of the kingdom he brought about and nothing big caused this destruction but constant small conspiracies against the kingdom by a small band of people which ate away support for the kingdom at the grass root level. The experts and commanders who worked for him did not become aware of it till the disintegration of the kingdom was upon them. That is how came to realise the experts that had they kept an eye out for things that go wrong in a kingdom, they could not have ended up in such a humiliating situation and painful circumstances that they have.

    015] Likewise for the people of Sabaa there was indeed a lesson to observe and learn from in the land or kingdom they lived in. There was abundant prosperity in that land due to their very high productivity throughout their kingdom from one end to the other as they abandoned their original way of life whereby they secured they own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting the purpose based way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah. It was said to them, use all that your creator and sustainer has provided you with properly as you are told by him so that purpose based guidance of your creator and sustainer becomes an established reality in form of a kingdom wherein people have a blissful, dignified and secure existence through ensuring their own well being with help and support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom as it is required of you by your creator and sustainer.

    016] However in due course they started ignoring, neglecting and avoiding thinking and doing things the way they were told by us so we left their multitudes on their own who rose up against each other in due course due to abundance of problems between themselves so their prosperity turned into scarcity and that is how their thoughts and actions against each other produced bitter fruits here and there and everywhere in their kingdom due to their adopting of their original way of life whereby they started to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other which led them to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other.

    017] That is how our set-up systems and laws made them face the results or the consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other due to their rejection and opposition to our purpose based guidance. Our set-up systems and laws never deliver any people such consequences except those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance.

    018] It is because among them within their kingdom in which we placed abundant prosperity we also placed cities in prominent positions with set stages of journey in due proportion so that they could travel to and fro in stages in safety and security, therefore we said to them, ensure by taking all necessary measures that you can continuously travel through the cities by day and by night in complete security and peace of mind.

    019] Yet after they have had guidance from us instead of thereby moving tightly closer to each other as a brotherhood of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom they distanced themselves from each other by inflicting harms and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and yet they blamed us for it by saying, our creator and sustainer has caused distances between us because we let them fall apart and become an unknown or a forgotten people scattered among other populations due to their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. Surely there is a lesson in all this to observe and learn from for every people who wish to be steadfastly consistent in using our provided things properly.

    020] In their case what Iblees said proved true as they all followed his way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other except a small group of those who fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed or dedicated or devoted or sacrificed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our purpose based guidance in our kingdom and proved that commitment of theirs true by their deeds.

    021] It is not that we had given any authority to the Iblees that people should follow his way of life rather people are put through struggle by way of interaction to make obvious to each other which of them are properly, fully and wholeheartedly  committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and which of them are putting future of mankind into doubt and confusion, because your creator and sustainer has set-up systems and laws to guide and guard all things for a set purpose according to his plan.

    022] Say to those who have taken Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah, rely all you like upon those whom you imagine or take for Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah but the fact is they own not even a smallest possible particle of matter in the heavens or in the earth, nor have they any share in creation of any of them and none of them is able to help or oppose Allah as his equal in power and creativity.

    023] The set up systems and laws of Allah in his kingdom are a purpose based setting by him for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan so no one and nothing can contravene or disturb or interfere with this setting to benefit itself instead each and every person or thing has to exist and work within that setting of his as intended by him so that his purpose becomes fulfilled according to his plan. However masses will not realise this fact until concerns put in their minds by their religious leaders have been addressed properly through their proper education and training and this is why they should ask you our messenger, what has your creator and sustainer actually revealed and they should verify it for themselves by studying it properly for accepting and acting upon it faithfully accepting the fact that it is the truth and he is far above in his power and creativity than those upon whom they rely as their Gods and rulers instead of only and only him alone.

    024] In order to help them learn and realise these facts ask them, from within the heavens and the earth who provides your sustenance and livelihood to maintain you and by what method or how? If they cannot answer then tell them, it is only and only Allah alone who provides sustenance for all human beings by means of his set up systems and laws according to measures he has put in place as well as through their own organisation and regulation as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance for mankind for the proper management of people and resources as well as means of production and distribution. Certainly one of us the opposing parties, either we or you people are rightly guided or in manifest error about these explained facts as we both cannot be right due to our opposing claims and viewpoints.

    025] Moreover explain to them the fact that without a solid common ground or a proper basis between us to decide matters of concern between us properly you cannot question us about our thoughts and actions for or against humanity nor can we question you about your thoughts and actions for or against humanity. This is why a common solid foundation is absolutely necessary between us in order to get on with living our lives properly.

    026] Say, only and only purpose based guidance of our creator and sustainer can bring us together in due course by opening us up to his revealed truth gradually because due to his knowledge therein he makes obvious to us how to remove obstacles between us that hold us back from our unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    027] If you still insist or say that your claims are true or right then show me a proof or an evidence about those for whom you assume Godhood or rulership other than or along with Allah. The fact is, you cannot do that. On the contrary the fact is, only and only Allah alone is mighty wise rightful God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    028] O messenger, we have sent you to none other than the whole group of mankind from the time of your appointment, to deliver them good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence if they commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom and forewarn them about the consequences if they refuse to do so even though most of the people are bothered not to use their brains and senses appropriately to observe and learn to understand things properly.

    029] Yet instead of studying our purpose based guidance properly for accepting and acting upon it faithfully all they say is, when will this promise of yours about blissful, dignified and secure existence for you people and terrible painful suffering for us will become a reality for all of us respectively if what you are telling us is true in actual fact?

    030] Tell them, for your information the appointed time is based upon firm conditions to be fulfilled so when the conditions are met and the tipping point is reached the promised time period will arrive in one form or the other depending upon your own course of thoughts and actions you will take because it can neither be delayed or postponed nor can it be made to take place earlier or sooner before its time.

    031] Yet those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance say, we will not commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to this Quran nor according to any of the scriptures that came before it. If you could but imagine the situation at the time promised when these inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense are made to face the consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other by set-up systems and laws of their creator and sustainer while they are tossing accusations and blames against each other between themselves. Those under the influence of rulers, money lenders and religious leaders will say to them at the time, if it were not for you, we will have committed ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah.

    032] The rulers, money lenders and religious leaders will say to those who are undermined and controlled by them, if you truly wanted to, could we really stop you from studying and acting upon guidance of Allah when it came to you had you truly decided to do so? No, not at all, the fact is, you people yourselves are responsible for crimes you committed against each other as well as against the purpose based guidance of Allah for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    033] But those who are influenced, undermined and controlled by them will say to those whom they took for their Gods and rulers, no, not really, it were you people who cooked up plots and schemes day and night bidding us to reject and oppose guidance of Allah through your plots and schemes or conspiracies and to take Gods and rulers other than or along with him. They will come to regret their way of life they had adopted once they come to see the results of what they have done to each other and that is how we leave such people on their own who fetter and entrap themselves up to their necks by rejecting and opposing our guidance. This is how we make mankind face consequences of what they think and do against each other.

    034] The fact is we never sent a warner to a land but its political, economic and religious leadership said to him, we strongly reject and oppose what you are sent with.

    035] Moreover they said to him, we have more personal wealth and manpower than you people as individuals which indicates that Allah is happy with us so he will never let us be of those who suffer any down turn and fall into life of terrible painful suffering and misery.

    036] Tell them, surely my creator and sustainer provides most abundantly for whichever people so desire by working hard for it according to his purpose based guidance as a proper human community in his kingdom and he provides sparingly for whichever people show no such desire by working hard for it according to his purpose based guidance and the fact is most of the people do not bother to learn to understand his purpose based guidance properly therefore they cannot accept it as they should  and so they cannot act upon it faithfully as they are supposed to and that is why they fall into a terrible state of existence and stay or remain in that state of existence or they keep themselves in that terrible state of existence. All that happens to them because despite suffering terribly painfully in that state of existence they still fail to learn and become aware of the fact as to why they are in that state of existence in which they are and how can they get out of it.

    037] But in any case the fact is, it is not your personally gained wealth at the expense of each other nor the number of people under your sway or control that can bring you closer to our required standard of excellence for you the mankind rather it is the commitment or dedication of people who devote or sacrifice themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom and they do works that help mankind unite because they remove disputes, conflicts, tensions, fights and wars from between them and that is what brings them closer to each other as well as closer our set standard for excellence. That is why there is many folds reward for such people who think and work according to our purpose based guidance as a brotherhood of humanity therefore they end up in a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    038] This is why those who reject and oppose our program, goals and guidelines for mankind themselves as well as they strive very, very hard to make other people reject and oppose them in order to prevent them from becoming a reality in the human world their ending up in a terrible painful suffering in due course is a foregone conclusion unless they repent from doing so and reform by adopting our purpose based guidance for them within a given time period.

    039] Say, surely my creator and sustainer provides most abundant sustenance for a proper human community that manifests its desire for it through working properly and very, very hard for it according to his purpose based guidance and his advised way of life for mankind and he limits his provision for a human population that shows no such desire for it by ignoring or neglecting or avoiding his purpose based guidance and instead lives the way it likes. The fact is, you people who work very, very hard as a proper human community according to his purpose based guidance keep open not a useful thing for use of each other in order to ensure well being of each other as well as make no effort for ensuring well being of each other but his set-up systems and laws pay you back many folds more than that. That is how he proves his purpose based kingdom wise set-up systems and laws and his revealed way of life for mankind are sufficiently efficient and they are the best for the provision of his sustenance for them.

    040] As for religious and secure leaders or chiefs who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose his purpose based guidance for mankind as well as they strive very, very hard for making other people reject and oppose his advised way of life for mankind at present because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from them at their expense during the time period to come when his rule of law has been fully and properly established in the human world by his missionaries and his missionaries have overcome them he will cause all of the chiefs and their supporters to be gathered together where after it will be asked of the officials of the kingdom by their coordinator or in charge, was it you people these chiefs and masses served as Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah?

    041] They will reply, Allah you are our witness that we worked or strove very, very hard for making your mission for establishing your rule of law in the human world successful because according to our understanding of things you told us only and only your rule of law could lead us to our blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in your kingdom as opposed to the rule of law these chiefs and their supporters imposed and lived by. The fact is their loyalty was with way of life that was imposed upon them by their dominant and influential people because most of them trusted them without any real basis instead of trusting us on basis of your purpose based guidance.

    042] However during that time period none will have any undue support from anyone to overpower anyone else to unduly protect anyone or for that matter to unduly harm anyone. So to those who with support of others inflict harms and destructions upon each other just now or at present our officials will say to them on our behalf, taste the agonising painful suffering which you said will not be the outcome of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the weaker members of your human populations.

    043] At the present or during the present time period when our brilliant program, goals and guidelines are proclaimed to these people they say to each other in response to that, this man only wants to stop you from living your lives the way you live which is the very same way of life whereby lived your forefathers who served Gods and ruler other than or along with Allah therefore they say, this Quran is only a forgery or fabrication or concoction or an invented lie. This is how they reject and oppose our purpose based verifiably true guidance when it comes to them those who say, this is nothing but falsehood or a lie which is clothed or disguised as the actual truth to fool us.

    044] But the fact is, we have not sent this very people any book to study recently before this nor have we sent them any warners recently before you so where have they got these ideas and practices from for manipulating and using each other abusively for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of struggling together as a single brotherhood of humanity or a human family for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom?

    045] This is nothing new what they are saying about our purpose based guidance today because those who have gone long before them also denied, rejected, opposed and fought against our purpose based guidance for them which could lead them to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom. These people whatever they think of themselves have not reached the social status of excellence that we bestowed upon them through our blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance due to their studying it properly and accepting it as well as acting upon it faithfully till they ended up ignoring our guidance our messengers brought them so how true they proved our warning to them that if they will not leave harmful and destructive way of life and live by our purpose based advised way of life then they will end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other?

    046] Say to your people O messenger, I advise you people sincerely to do just this one thing for sake of ensuring well being of yourselves with help and full support of each other as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah which is, base yourselves firmly and properly upon the solid foundation provided by purpose based guidance of Allah for you individually as well as collectively and turn into reality the explained advantages for all of you and then ponder over this advice and that should prove to you people beyond any reasonable doubt that your fellow human being and our messenger to you is not really an insane person or a liar as you are told by your ignorant and arrogant religious and secular leadership rather he is nothing less than a warner from us to you to forewarn you of a severe painful suffering that will befall you in due course if you will not leave your way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and live by our purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    047] Say, I do not ask of you any of this for securing my own petty personal gains from you at your expense rather my reward rests only and only with Allah alone but what I am telling you is all in your own best interest as a people. It is because outcome of my thoughts and actions just like outcome of your thoughts and actions depends upon the very same set-up systems and laws of Allah as he has set them up to make everything obvious for all of us to see for ourselves and plan or change our courses of thoughts and actions if need be for the best possible outcomes.

    048] Say, all this proves the fact that my creator and sustainer reveals to me that which is verifiably true because he makes known to mankind the outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other as human populations.

    049] Say, the verifiably true purpose based guidance from Allah has arrived and falsehood cannot overcome it either through its open attacks upon it nor through its secret plans or plots, schemes and conspiracies and the proof is falsehood can never provide proper basis or solid foundation for mending or repairing fractured and broken or severed human relationships to bring them together as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    050] Say, if you still think after my clear explanation of things about purpose based guidance of Allah that I am on a harmful and destructive way of life then the resultant loss to humanity because of me is surely upon my own shoulders but if I am on the right way of life to blissful, dignified and secure existence for humanity as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah then it is surely because of what my creator and sustainer has revealed to me. No doubt he helps humanity observe things closely to learn from to come to know the truth so you too should observe things and learn the lessons you ought to learn in this regard.

    051] O messenger, if you could but imagine the state of mind of those human populations that rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance at the time when our set-up systems and laws delivered them the outcomes of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other suddenly and unexpectedly striking terror in their minds. They ended up in a state of horror and shock which led them into a terrible chaos and confusion from which there was no escape or recovery for them and that is how these people will also be seized or caught by a people close by them if they will fail to heed our warning and fail to learn the truth about our purpose based guidance and accept it wholeheartedly as well as act upon it faithfully.

    052] At length when it will happen to them they will say, we commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah but how can they do that just now when what is to befall them they see it distant or far removed from themselves as if it will never happen to them and when it will happen to them they will not have given themselves sufficient time period to repent by leaving the way of life they live by and reform by adopting the way they are advised to live by?

    053] The fact is people like them rejected and opposed our guidance before them as well but in actual fact by doing so they conspired against their own brilliant future when they like these people saw themselves distant and far removed from the forewarned event which caught them by surprise.

    054] Their refusal in following our guidance is due to the fact that it places an obstruction or obstacle  or a barrier or stop or fence or hurdle or hindrance between their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity and humanity itself . This is the case because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other and that is the reason the same was done by the people before them who were of similar mindset, attitude and behaviour. It is due to their ignorance based arrogance they were surely taken over by doubt about our purpose based guidance because they did not bother to find out the truth about it for themselves within the time period they had given themselves.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #140 - July 08, 2023, 11:12 PM

    Surah 33    AL-AHZAAB- Gathering of divided human populations in an organised and regulated way for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they become a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Therefore O you our prophet and messenger, be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with humanity for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom and never heed or yield or surrender or give in or submit or listen to harmful and destructive desires and ambitions of hypocrites and those who reject and oppose purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah. Surely Allah makes it obvious for mankind to see through the real world realities and his revelations that he is all knowing wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation therefore he is able to guide mankind purposefully properly.

    002] So be faithfully consistent with that which is revealed to you from your creator and sustainer because Allah being fully aware of all things makes you the mankind aware about all that you ought to be thinking and doing to end up in a place or land or kingdom wherein you could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

    003] Therefore you the mankind should rely fully, properly and wholeheartedly upon purpose based guidance of Allah constantly, consistently, steadfastly and faithfully because the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah is sufficiently efficient for helping you the mankind take care of all your needs and wants or affairs purposefully properly.

    004] Due to being purpose based, guidance of Allah is contextually so clear for mankind about each and everything they need to think and do for fulfilling its objective or goal or task that it never puts a person who is fully and properly prepared or equipped or armed or groomed or cultivated or cultured with purpose based proper education and training for committing to success of his mission for establishing his rule of law in the human world in two minds to cause doubt or confusion in his mind, therefore he does not advise you to rely for your main support upon your ally communities with whom you have entered in alliances recently as compared to founding communities that have been part of this missionary struggle right from the start till they too go through needed or necessary education, training and testing or thorough examination. Likewise he does not advise you about your newly invited allies who have recently joined you to take them as your core missionary workers just because you presume them fit for the task. These are mere guesses or conjectures or assumptions on your part till they are put through proper education, training and testing. That is how Allah explains to you ground realities and guides you to think and do things in a way that is proper to save you from regretting your incorrect thoughts and actions later.

    005] So invite them to join their appointed or assigned team leaders or educators and trainers or coordinators and managers or supervisors for this purpose that is the proper thing to do for you according to purpose based guidance of Allah, but if for the time being you do not know who their team leaders or teachers are going to be because you do not have any available for this purpose then still they are your brothers or part of your missionary community for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world so use their support properly and effectively as you see fit till they become fully educated and trained. Meanwhile there should not be levelled any false accusations by you people against each other for any unintentional mistakes you make in this whole process of education and training because accusations are only to be levelled for things you people do wrong to each other with the intention of your minds. That is how Allah protects you people through his purpose based guidance which can lead you people to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    006] The messenger is foremost responsible for supporting and protecting those who commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom from their own human populations because they have left their human populations to join him so his communities are now their communities. Therefore people who are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community from among the hosts and the refugees due to being bound together according to the book of Allah are supporters and protectors of each other, so no matter what, you people should think and do whatever is needed or necessary for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom to the best of your God given abilities. This has been the written law of Allah for you the mankind since the time of beginning of our revelations.

    007] You can call to mind the agreement which we entered with all our messengers and their people one after the other successively as they were appointed and assigned our mission throughout times and places, likewise we are dealing with you our messenger and your people as we dealt with Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, the son or leader of community of Mariam. We entered in a binding agreement with all of them that they must fulfil their part of pledge or covenant and we will fulfil our part of the promise or agreement with them.

    008] That is why those who have entered the accord or promise are asked to prove true to their agreement because those who will reject and oppose it they will set themselves on a course to a terrible painful state of existence.

    009] So O you who claim to be committed purposefully properly for working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance, understand properly and act faithfully upon the message of Allah as well as spread the message of Allah in the human world faithfully which is bestowed upon you people for mankind in order for all of you to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom. Moreover call to mind the time when due to your working for the success of our assigned mission for establishing our rule of law in the human world there came upon you forces of rejectors And opponents of our purpose based guidance to attack and destroy you but because we raised against them you people as such forces based properly upon our purpose based revelation which you people could not even think about before receiving and knowing our purpose based guidance for you and that is how our purpose based guidance helped you defend yourselves successfully. That is how Allah makes obvious for you the mankind that he understands fully what you people need to think and do for having a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    010] At the time the attackers came upon you from all directions in every way they could think of to overwhelm you and the eyes of the hypocrites from among you became stuck due to horror or terror and their hearts jumped or gaped up to their throats due to fearing them so the hypocrites from among you began to think harmful and destructive thoughts about or against mission of Allah.

    011] Through that trying and testing situation were put by their opponents those who were fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance but instead of being intimidated and terrorised or horrified by them they were inspired and motivated as well as moved to utmost degree of courage into action by the strongest motivational force to respond appropriately and they succeeded.

    012] Whereas the hypocrites in whose minds were harmful and destructive ambitions and desires who were looking forward to failure of this mission spread the harmful and destructive rumours that Allah and his messenger promised us nothing but falsehood and lies.

    013] This is why at the time a party of them said, O people of Yathrib, it is not within your capability to cope with this overwhelming attack or situation so give up this resistance and return to your old way of life. That is why a party of them sought leave of our messenger saying, our set-up institutions and structures are not sufficient to deal with this kind of overwhelming situation even though they were not insufficient at all rather they had decided to run away from the battlefield or battleground or warzone by way of false excuses.

    014] Had the attackers managed to enter upon them within the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and told them to rebel against the people in the kingdom they will have done it without any hesitation

    015] even though they had already entered the covenant with Allah earlier on not to turn their backs on working for the success of his assigned mission for establishing his rule of law in the human world properly therefore their going against the mission of Allah after agreeing to support it must be answered for by them.

    016] Say to them, your running away from the battlefield from defending the mission of Allah due to fear of death or destruction will not bring you the promised reward and you will not be able to enjoy living in this world for long but only for a little while more.

    017] Say to them, who will protect you against harms and destructions that you will inflict upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other if Allah decides to leave you to yourselves to fall victim to each other’s aggression or who prevents you from ensuring your own well being through purpose based guidance of Allah that leads you to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom if that is the purpose of Allah for providing you with his purpose based guidance? The fact is, none can find them any God or ruler other than or along with Allah who could protect and support them like him.

    018] Surely Allah makes obvious from among you those who try to hold each other back from working for the success of his mission for establishing his rule of law in the human world such people as say to each other stick with us for staying away from the missionary work because they themselves seldom take part in battles worth fighting and what little they do they do it for show or tokenism to stay or remain relevant.

    019] Because they are always reluctant in assisting you in any way and instead try to prevent or hinder you yet whenever they sense they are in danger from the people like themselves they look towards you for help with fear showing through their eyes as if they were at the point of death but when they see themselves out of danger they only come to you with their sharp tongues to try to harm your work for the mission while still resisting supporting you for ensuring well being of the proper human community. Such people do not have true commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom through backing it up with their deeds or works or actions. Allah has exposed them by exposing their thoughts or motives through their own such actions that they are of no real help and benefit for the proper human community and to expose them as such by way of their own actions for others to see was not at all difficult for set up systems and laws of Allah.

    020] They think the threat of more attacks by hordes has not gone away yet and if the hordes do return for more attacks then they will be better off living among the desert Arabs, so that they do not have to do anything to defend the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and they rather seek the news about how well you the Muslims are doing against the hordes from a safe distance but even if they happen to be living among you they will only take a little part in the actual fighting just for show to stay relevant.

    021] Indeed in the way the messenger of Allah and his supporters have handled this whole missionary affair there is an appropriate example to follow for a people who wish to abide by purpose based guidance of Allah as a proper human community in his kingdom for their bright future therefore keep all this in forefront of your minds and spread the message of Allah far and wide to help make his advised way of life for mankind that can lead people to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community a manifest reality for mankind in the human world.

    022] This is why when the ones who are fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance saw the hordes coming to attack them in response to their invitation to them for accepting the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other they said, this is what Allah already told us about through his messenger and what Allah told us through his messenger has proven true. This increased their confidence and motivation or courage and trust in the mission of Allah which in turn increased their commitment to the success of the mission leading them to work even harder for the success of the mission.

    023] Among those who claimed to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom there were people of their word who have been true to their promise or covenant with Allah, of them some have fulfilled their vow through sacrificing their lives and what they had already and there are others of them who are still waiting for doing the very same and they have not changed their commitment to the success of this mission at all or even in the least.

    024] All this was allowed to happen so that Allah rewards with his promised outcome those who proved true to their commitment in form of their words to his assigned mission for them through their deeds and so that he let those with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours become exposed by their own very deeds, works or actions and land themselves thereby in painful suffering so that they too could repent and reform if they so desired because set up systems and laws of Allah surely protect mankind by delivering or rewarding them with blissful, dignified and secure existence if they work for it.

    025] Moreover that is how Allah brought about change of mind in those who fought against his mission out of shear rage and anger always having to retreat with yet more fire of hatred and animosity without gaining any worthy advantage over his missionaries because sufficient for guiding them in their struggle was message of Allah who fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom, for message of Allah is a mighty powerful base for a human population to base or found their own proper human community upon.

    026] Similarly he exposed for their hypocrisy and treachery by bringing them out from their fortresses by letting fear and terror take hold of their minds such of the people of the book who supported the opponents of his mission openly and secretly out of concern in their minds for success of his mission or lest his missionaries succeed. As a result of their partaking or participating in the fights against you the missionaries some of them you killed in the battle and some of them you took prisoners and that is how you limited them in their ability to interfere in the affairs of your proper human community.

    027] That is how he let you people become the managers of their lands and their institutions as well as of all that they had to manage things as you are guided by Allah in the areas of their jurisdiction wherein you had never set your foot before. All this was allowed to happen because Allah has set-up systems and laws for all things to operate according to measures he put in place for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    028] However O you our messenger say to those of your ally parties who did not fulfil their part as they promised you or as they were supposed to that if you support me only because you intend to secure your own petty personal gains from others in form of things that make life alluring and glamorous for you personally at their expense instead of your true commitment to the assigned mission of Allah then come and I will give you your due party shares of things and let you be on your ways to live as you see fit for yourselves by releasing you from your pledges in a kindly and compassionate way.

    029] But if you the parties intend to support the mission of Allah according to his purpose based guidance through supporting his messenger for a blissful, dignified and secure existence of people as a proper human community in a kingdom as the end goal or objective then you are hereby assured that Allah has prepared a great plan to reward those of you grossly or amply who will work for creating and maintaining a beautiful human world for themselves as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    030] On the contrary O ally parties or teams or communities of our messenger, if any of you will set yourselves upon any way of life that is clearly harmful and destructive for mankind which is opposite of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah, its problems and therefore hardship in due course will increase many folds and to let you know about it well in advance is easy for Allah.

    031] But for those of you the parties or communities or teams which are consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other along with his messenger due to which they do works or take actions that help remove tensions, disputes, rifts, divisions, conflicts, fights and wars from between mankind and thereby repair and mend fractured, broken or severed relationships between them so that people could become a proper human community in kingdom of Allah in due course Allah will keep on increasing the outcome of their thoughts and actions many folds because for them we have prepared this purposed based program to grant them unity, peace, progress and abundant prosperity as the outcome of their own thoughts and actions.

    032] O supporting communities of our messenger, you are not like other human populations because you are to be the bedrock of humanity. So if you truly intend to remain consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring well being of humanity through help and full support of each other then you should not be lazy, crazy or foolish and careless in carrying out your assigned contractual, constitutional and legal duties and responsibilities or obligations and other needed or necessary tasks in case any party that harbours in its mind any harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against the mission of Allah and humanity is thereby encouraged and spreads its harmful and destructive propaganda to fulfil its agenda against the mission which is for ensuring well being of mankind. Therefore act purposefully properly or responsibly to turn into a reality all that you claim to be committed to bringing about according to the purpose based guidance of Allah as well as according to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah by way of your appropriate thoughts and actions.

    033] Therefore set-up and run institutions purposefully properly by remaining well within your contractually, constitutionally and legally set limits in your jurisdictions and do not let your rivalry based dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense manifest itself again among yourselves as you used to manifest it in terrible ways during the time period of ignorance due to your ignorance based arrogance because of living your lives by that way of life before committing to this way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah and instead of doing that now, establish and maintain a proper human community network by working hard for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for attaining freedom from all ills in your human population and that is how you people should prove that you are purposefully properly consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with his messenger and each other. O you people who claim to abide or live by purpose based guidance of Allah, no doubt through his purpose based revealed guidance Allah intends to set you people on a course whereby he wants to remove far away from you all that is harmful and destructive for you the proper human community to free you completely from the ideas and actions for inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. That is how he wants to free you from all ills or wrongdoings to each other as it ought to be or as it should be or as it is supposed to be the case.

    034] Therefore strive very, very hard to make all this a reality by your purpose based organised and regulated purposeful thoughts and actions according to the purpose based guidance of Allah which is proclaimed and rationally explained within your learning or education and training centres or institutions and jurisdictions as a program for goals for you people to accomplish according to provided guidelines of Allah in order to realise or become fully and properly aware of the fact that Allah is fully and properly aware of even the finest of the details about things.

    035] Surely Allah has promised blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom as a great outcome for their very, very hard works according to his purpose based guidance for those administrators or managers or coordinators or supervisors of their administrative or management teams as well as their teams who claim to be Muslims or those who say they have accepted living their lives by his purpose based advised way of life for mankind which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence. Such as those who are fully, properly and whole heartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance. Such as those who abide by his advised way of life and his rule of law faithfully and such as those who are true to their declaration of commitment to abiding by his rule of law. Such as those who are steadfastly and constantly consistent with his purpose based guidance and such as those who fear terrible forewarned consequences for going against his advised way of life or his rule of law lest they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby a people secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Such as those who use fruits of their own labour or hard works for furthering his mission for establishing his rule of law and his advised way of life for mankind in the human world. Such as those who do not think and do anything which could harm or damage or destroy proper human community and such as those who guard or watch or keep an eye on all entry and exist points or boundaries and borders of the land for ensuring safety and security of proper human community in the land or kingdom by stopping or preventing unwelcomed or undesired or unwanted entrants into the land or leavers from the land they live in. Such as those who do a great job as reminders or teachers or warners to people so that people think and do what needs to be thought and done for bringing about and maintaining a proper human community properly in a place and so that people do not think and do anything at all which could prove harmful or destructive for a proper human community in a place or land or kingdom.

    036] It is not fitting or suitable or proper or right or appropriate for any administrator or manager or coordinator or leader or supervisor of a team or any member of his team who is fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance that when he is instructed by Allah and his messenger about something to carry it out that he should ignore or disregard or neglect or avoid or overrule it and do as he likes regarding it. If anyone will do so by disregarding any instruction of Allah and his messenger then he has clearly and manifestly strayed far away from the way of doing things properly as they should be done or as they are supposed to be done or as they ought to be done.

    037] Also call to mind the time when you our messenger advised the one who was blessed by Allah with brain, senses and body as well as proper understanding of the purpose based guidance of Allah and whom you also blessed with the official responsibility of heading a team of a department of administration or teaching a class saying to him, hold onto or stay or stick with your team or class faithfully by being consistent with program, goals and guidelines of Allah for ensuring well being of the proper human community and yet due to having a closer connection with this person you the messenger were very much concerned about this appointment within yourself worrying about that which Allah was about to make manifest as to how your people will take it but it is the proper and faithful purpose based fulfilment of the purpose and plan of Allah above all that all of you people should have been most concerned or worried about. However when the appointed person had completed his given task in the given time with the team or class and it was time for him to leave the position as a head or leader or teacher of that team or class and he decided to leave, we gave the team or class under your supervision as the main leader or administrator or manager so that you could if need be restructure or reorganise it as appropriate and appoint another team leader or teacher for it with consent of the team or class so that there do not arise any difficulties for people who commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of a proper human community to serve communities they are assigned to serve as parts of their community administrations once they have completed their given education and training tasks or jobs in the given time with their already assigned teams or classes, because tasks set by Allah must be carried out fully, purposefully properly and faithfully for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community and not for people securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    038] There can never be any insurmountable obstacle or hurdle in the way of a person raised to status of prophet-hood or messenger-ship of Allah to prevent him from carrying out what Allah has set out for him as his duty or responsibility or an obligation to fulfil or carry out. Such has been the set standard of Allah for choosing all his prophets and messengers who have already gone before you. That is because all measures needed or necessary for this purpose have been put in place to work for fulfilling the purpose of Allah according to his plan.

    039] This is why people who are charged with duty of receiving messages from Allah for delivering them to rest of mankind they become pure and sincere as well as prepare very well for this task or job or purpose and they pay no such attention to anything other than the mission of Allah to make it successful because program, goals and guidelines of Allah can take care of all the problems that face mankind that are result of their own thoughts and actions against each other due to their own ignorance based arrogance provided mankind study purpose based guidance of Allah properly and act upon it faithfully.

    040] It is not fitting or proper or right for or expected of Muhammad that he should act as an absolute dictator or ruler over any of you his fellow courageous and brave human beings instead he has to think and act as a last and final prophet or recipient of message from Allah and Allah has knowledge of all his purpose related things which he makes known to mankind through him so that they come to know what they need to think and do in order to fulfil his purpose according to his plan.

    041] So O you people who claim to be fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance; work very, very hard for spreading the message of Allah far and wide in the human world as there are no more prophets to come from him therefore from now on it is entirely your own main duty to receive this message of Allah from each other and to deliver it to each other for the whole of human populations in the human world as much as it is within your capacity or capability as individuals or as teams for the purpose of bringing about and maintaining a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    042] Therefore work very, very hard day and night to establish and maintain the proper human community in a place or land or kingdom.

    043] O mankind, it is he who reaches out to you to strengthen you as a proper human community network in his kingdom through his missionaries on basis of his purpose based guidance so that he brings you out of the ways of life based upon darkness of ignorance - whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other - onto the way of life based upon his light of knowledge, that is how he makes his purpose based program, goals and guidelines which can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the human world a real world reality through those who fully, properly and wholeheartedly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    044] This is how they can bring about and maintain the life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind by the time all people involved in this movement fully prepare themselves to meet his set standard for unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a great outcome of their own such thoughts and actions for which they will end up saluting each other.

    045] O our prophet or receiver of our message directly from us, surely we have sent you as a proclaimer of our revealed message to mankind as a deliverer of good news of brilliant future to those who will decide to study it properly to accept it to act upon it faithfully and as deliverer of our warning of terribly dark future to those who will decide to ignore our message and continue living by ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore they inflict harms and destructions upon each other and end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    046] So call or invite mankind to purpose based guidance of Allah to live by his purpose based way of life advised for mankind by him on the basis of authority bestowed upon you by him by spreading the light of his knowledge like a brilliant lamp that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    047] Therefore give great news of brilliant future to those who will decide to commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance for them as there awaits for them according to Allah a life of abundant or ample prosperity and happiness.

    048] That is why you people should not join those who reject and oppose or fight against the way of life advised for mankind by Allah or those who declare their commitment to it by their word of mouth only but do not follow it through by their deeds and instead conspire against it, so check or challenge or face off their atrocities and aggressions head on by relying fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly upon the purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind. That is because guidance of Allah is sufficiently efficient for helping you people take care of all your needs and wants or affairs.

    049] Moreover O you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our guidance if or when you enter in alliance with any new communities or parties which declare their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community and they are already well prepared for warfare then you should organise and prepare them properly as they suit your needs right away before using them for any battles because there is no requirement for you people regarding them about preparing them over a set period of time so equip them with all needed or necessary provisions and then let them be free to freely join you in battles in a proper way.

    050] O prophet or recipient of our message directly from us, we have opened up for you the way by removing any obstacles or restrictions in your way for working with all your supporting parties under your care be they old or new or small or large such as those whom you personally and directly have recruited or educated and trained as well as equipped properly for missionary work for the mission of Allah. Such as those small or large parties which migrated along with you and those small or large parties which are responsible for your safety and security or any other parties which all by themselves happily come under your care provided you also agree to take them under your care. This greater responsibility is placed upon your shoulders only and it is not for other people to shoulder this responsibility. We are fully and properly aware of who is capable of thinking and doing what so we have placed appropriate responsibilities upon shoulders of leading people about their own communities or parties or teams that are to be under their care. All this is done so that you people are spared any insurmountable hardship or difficulty because set up systems and laws of Allah are there to protect mankind by leading them to blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom. 

    051] So you can engage or call for help or assistance any of your communities or teams or parties you deem suitable for any task that you may plan and you may not engage any of them whom you may consider not needed or not fit for the set task at any particular point in time. However there is no obstacle in your way if you decide to call upon any of them for assistance again after you have set them aside for the time being for whatever reason. This is so, so that all the parties through their heartfelt contributions feel part of the proper human community by way of their contributions so that they do not feel left out and so that they learn through education and training in the field how to satisfy whatever duties and responsibilities you give them to fulfil. Rest assured that Allah makes obvious the goodwill which is in your minds or thoughts about each other through your own actions for ensuring well being of each other in due course and that is how Allah makes you knowledgeable and strong or enduring people.

    052] It is not right or suitable for you people to engage any more human populations for their education and training when you are already fully engaged with communities or parties that have already joined you and they are already under your care for their proper education and training till you people have fulfilled your responsibilities to them and you have become free again to be able to engage other human populations properly even though you may love to engage them or you may become attracted by the idea of engaging more and more human populations. Nor are you people supposed to exchange one new human population for another after you have entered in a contract with one. However there is no harm if you rotate or exchange teams or communities that are already under your care if there arises any need for doing so or if it becomes necessary to do so. This is how set up systems and laws of Allah keep all things properly organised and regulated at all times in all places.

    053] O you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our purpose based guidance, never enter the proper human community institutions, offices or work places that are set-up by the community according to our purpose based guidance to our prophet and messenger for fulfilling the needs and wants of people in his proper human community until you meet the standard set for you to enter them to participate in there purposefully properly rather than for any wrongdoings or time wasting. However when you are invited or appointed or selected or elected or approved by the community itself after you qualify for it then enter them but once you have completed your participation then leave and do not offer long justifications for staying on in those places. That way you will damage the mission assigned to the prophet whereby he most deeply desires to ensure your well being through help and full support of each of you and Allah cannot be stopped or prevented or hindered from stating such facts clearly. Moreover when you the people of the proper human community have to demand anything of your need or want from the managements of the community institutions seek them through properly laid down clear procedures and practices. That sort of transparent and clear participation is necessary for satisfaction of minds of community members as well as for satisfaction of minds of people working in the community institutions. It is never right for you the people of the proper human community to inflict harm or damage upon the mission given to the messenger of Allah therefore you should never tamper or interfere with his set-up or arrangement regarding matters related to his communities after he has finalised things with your consultations because according to purpose based guidance of Allah that will prove seriously damaging for you as a proper human community. So when you have agreed upon doing something then carry it through with full conviction and zeal.

    054] So it matters not whether you people reveal your motives to each other or conceal them from each other the set-up systems and laws of Allah are surely able to make everything about your motives obvious to those concerned in due course through your very own actions.

    055] Moreover there is no restriction in the way of communities that are fully, properly and wholeheartedly committed to making the mission of Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world a success as things are arranged by his messenger regarding their choice for selecting people for serving the proper human community as its administrations or managements, be they their fathers or their sons or their brothers or sons of their brothers or sons of their sisters or their women that are under their care for their recruitment or proper education and training so long as they are consistent with the purpose based guidance of Allah and with each other. However be on your guard because set-up systems and laws of Allah are ever present and effective to make people face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. 

    056] Certainly Allah and his missionaries for establishing and maintaining his kingdom lend their full support to the prophet and messenger respectively. So O you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, give your help and full support also to him by fully, properly and wholeheartedly committing to the success of his assigned mission faithfully as you are supposed to.

    057] Surely those who instead of helping and supporting him try to derail the mission of Allah that is assigned to his messenger, Allah lets them lead themselves away from the purpose based way of life that could lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence in this life as well as in the life to come, that is how by sticking to a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they prepare for themselves a terribly painful existence in due course.

    058] Moreover those who conspire to cause troubles among management personnel and among communities that have truly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community by spreading false propaganda or information about them for creating suspicions and animosities through misinformation and disinformation among them who in actual fact do them no harm will bear the consequences for their such rumours and slanders, for it is surely a grave crime against humanity to place obstacles in its way to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    059] O you our prophet and messenger, tell the chiefs of your main administrations and the chiefs of your subordinate administrations and the communities within their jurisdictions who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community that they should take overall visible appropriate measures to protect themselves against thoughts and actions of such elements. That is more suitable for the situation under the circumstances so that they are recognized by them as well guarded communities that are not troubled by such disinformation campaigns by them, that is how Allah protects proper human community through his purpose based guidance that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence provided they receive and study it properly as well as act upon it faithfully.

    060] If the hypocrites in whose minds are harmful and destructive ambition and desires such as those who want to stir up sedition desist not then we will let you rise up against them and their days in this kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as your neighbours will be numbered.

    061] They will then be left to suffer the terrible consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions wherever they are found and they will be stopped from carrying out their designs through such activities need be by fighting to deal with them as they should be dealt with.

    062] This has been the way of Allah for dealing with such people always since the people who lived before you so you will not find any change in the way of Allah in dealing with such people ever.

    063] People who reject and oppose our mission ask you our messenger about the time when this is supposed to happen. Tell them, it is up to set-up systems and laws of Allah to make that forewarning a reality, but what can reveal to you the messenger the time of this happening? If these people will increase their activities against our purpose based guidance instead of stopping after the warning then the time for our forewarning to become a reality could start drawing near.

    064] Surely Allah lets such people as reject and oppose his mission lead themselves away from the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by him that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence by leaving them to the way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they prepare for themselves the raging fire of hatred and animosity among themselves

    065] to live therein forever unless they repent and reform according to our purpose based guidance because if they do not then they can never find any protection or help against fire of hatred and animosity amongst themselves whereby they end up harmed or destroyed by each other.

    066] The time period when their own ambitions and desires based goals and guidelines will land them in fire of hatred and animosity against each other they will say, bad news for our future, we wish we had been consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah and with each other and instead of doing all this we had supported his mission assigned for us through his messenger.

    067] Moreover they will admit before each other calling Allah to be their witness saying, our creator and sustainer, we supported our religious and secular chiefs or leaders and they misled us from the way that was proper for leading mankind to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community.

    68] Our creator and sustainer, let them suffer repeatedly the painful suffering thereby let descend upon them a great sorrow and sadness over a long period of time.

    069] O you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to his purpose based guidance yet oppose it by your deeds, be not like those who tried to repeatedly derail our mission that was assigned to Moses though Allah saved his mission from all that they did against it, for he was such a wise and courageous messenger who fulfilled his assigned mission purposefully properly according to purpose based guidance of Allah.

    070] O you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah, be truly consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah and with each other therefore manifest only and only that mindset, attitude and behaviour which ensures well being of the proper human community through your own mutual help and full support of each other.

    071] So that thereby he corrects your mutual conduct towards each other for dealing with each other purposefully properly and that way protects you against falling victim to fire of hatred and animosity against each other and thereby removes all ills from between you people and turns you into a proper human community in actual fact, for he who is consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah and humanity along with his messenger and his supporters has indeed attained a greatest achievement.

    072] That is why we offered our purpose based guidance for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of whole of mankind so that they become a proper human community in our kingdom, the people in the most advantaged positions as well as the people in the least advantaged positions and also the people in the positions in between. However due to their ignorance based arrogance they all refused to receive it to study it properly for accepting it for acting upon it faithfully save a person or a group of human beings who decided to receive it for studying it properly to accept it for acting upon it faithfully. No doubt even that person or group was also in the darkness of ignorance therefore he too was in a great loss before receiving our purpose based guidance for studying it properly for acting upon it faithfully to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    073] For the reason of outright rejection or opposition or paying only lip service to his purpose based guidance, Allah leaves on their own those religious and secular leaders and their followings including those who take others for their Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah to suffer the terrible consequences of their very own horrible thoughts and actions against each other whereby they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. However he delivers for those who fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom the outcome they rightfully deserve due to their very own purposeful thoughts and actions. That is because set up systems and laws of Allah deliver to such people blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #141 - July 10, 2023, 12:52 PM

    Surah 32    AL-SAJDAH- The purpose and plan of Allah for creating his kingdom of creation can only and only be fulfilled or served by mankind if they fully, properly and wholeheartedly accept his purpose based guidance for studying it properly and acting upon it faithfully which requires them to become united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] ALIF LAAM MEEM.

    002] No doubt for this very purpose the creator and sustainer of all existing things has been revealing for mankind his purpose based scriptures successively throughout times and places till this very last of his scriptures through his last and final messenger.

    003] Do the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance claim he has invented the Quran all by himself and he is attributing it to us? No, that was not possible for you to do rather it is the verifiable truth from your creator and sustainer that is revealed to you so that you alert these people about their purpose of existence to whom no informer from us has come recently before you so that thereby they could receive guidance for themselves to have a purposefully productive and useful existence.

    004] Allah is he who has created and evolved all the galaxies including this galaxy and all that is in between them in stages one after the other in an expanding and extending manner and that is how he established his right of ownership and right of ruler-ship over whole of the kingdom of his creation. This is why you the mankind have no God or ruler at all other than him alone, nor any intervener on your behalf against his set-up systems and laws. Will you still not accept his message and strive very, very hard to spread it throughout the human world for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom to ensure your own well being through help and full support of each other?

    005] He planned this whole thing or affair from the farthest galaxy to this galaxy then caused it to unfold in reality over a period of time for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan as he arranged it in stages or steps each of which extends over a very, very long periods of time according to your own reckoning.

    006] Such is he who makes obvious for mankind in due course to benefit from all that is hidden in his kingdom as well as all that is in the open for them, for he alone is the mighty provider of his purpose based guidance for mankind which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom provided they study it properly and act upon it faithfully.

    007] It is he who has given purposefully proper shapes and forms to all living things which he has created and evolved. He initiated the creation of man from the essential or needed chemicals of the earth

    008] then at length he brought forth his progeny by way of sexual reproduction by means of a very small quantity of fluid that is so small that it is hardly something that is mentionable.

    009] Then He formed him in the womb of his mother in due proportions and after birth when he became aware of himself and the real world realities and felt the need for his guidance he inspired him with his revelation and that is why he gave you the mankind sense of hearing and sense of sight as well as the brain to think and the bodies to help you do things which needed to be done so that you could become self aware and aware of real world realities and get to know his guidance properly and act upon it faithfully yet you people seldom use his provided things appropriately or purposefully properly.

    010] Despite being explained all this in all purposefully needed or necessary detail they still say, are you telling us that even though we have lost our blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world due to our living by a way of life whereby we secure our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense we could still be given a new opportunity as a new lease of life through this message? The truth is, they are trying to avoid going through with this program for accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines to meet the set standard of their creator and sustainer for having a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    011] Say, the harmful and destructive leadership delivers you the masses the fatal blow whom you let take over yourselves to manage your affairs according to its invented and imposed way of life whereby it secures its own petty personal gains from you the masses at your expense therefore you people need to be brought back by each other to the way of life that is advised for you by your creator and sustainer if you want to rise to heights of excellence by working towards attaining blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    012] And if only you could imagine the situation that is going to take place in due course when those who commit crimes against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense bring down their dominant people or ruling elites and their way of life to make them abide by the way of life advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer saying, our creator and sustainer we have seen and understood the consequences of our own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other so guide us towards your advised way of life for mankind so that we too could be of those who work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based guidance to make this human world a beautiful place and we are sure it is all possible for us to accomplish.

    013] Had it served our purpose for creation of mankind, we could have programmed each and every human being fully with his instructions from us like other things but our purpose and plan for mankind was to give them ability of choice and provide them with our purpose based guidance and that is why we forewarn mankind about the fact that if they will not receive and study our purpose based guidance for them properly for acting upon it faithfully then the human world will become a place full of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves because of their living by any other way of life whereby they will secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, both the clever ruling elite as well as their ignorant masses.

    014] Now that you people have brought this state of affairs upon yourselves despite our guidance by ignoring it in the past and you are still ignoring it then keep tasting the consequences of your own misdeeds against each other by hands of each other by not meeting our set standard for getting out of this situation. Since you have been ignoring our advice we will leave you to yourselves to keep facing the results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other till you people have learned your lessons the hard way by hands of each other or you perish by hands of each other.

    015] It is because only those people truly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom on the basis of our purpose based program, goals and guidelines who when they are told about them, examine them carefully to verify them for their purpose based consistency and only then they carry out our program for accomplishing our set goals according to our provided guidelines working hard for manifesting glory of their creator and sustainer because then they never undermine each other by dominating each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    016] They keep themselves away from idleness, laziness or unproductivity or time wasting thoughts and activities by remaining purposefully properly engaged or active always relying upon purpose based guidance of their creator and sustainer themselves as well as they invite others towards it to think and do the very same in order to prevent situations that lead people to life of all kinds of problems, fears, worries and anxieties or regrets and that is why they strive very, very hard for keeping open what we provide them with as fruit of their own labour for the purpose of their own growth and development as well as progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    017] However no person ignorant about our purpose based guidance is aware of the delights and luxuries that please the eyes that await them in due course as the outcome of their own thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community.

    018] Therefore how can any people who are truly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance by their deeds be equal to the people who cause divisions, disputes, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other? Surely they cannot be taken as equally Godly and human friendly deserving the very same outcome for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    019] That is why for those who will truly commit or dedicate or devote or offer themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance there will be places or lands or kingdoms wherein they will have blissful, dignified and secure existence to enjoy due to that which they will have thought and done for each other as a proper human community.

    020] On the contrary those who will commit themselves to causing religion and secularism based divisions, disputes, fights and wars between mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other their environments or atmospheres will heat up and it will become full of fire of hatred and animosities. Each time any of them will try to get away from that place or situation they will pull that person back in there saying, taste the outcome of the fire of hatred and animosities you people have caused among yourselves against which you were warned by Allah but you denied it could happen to you as a people.

    021] We will certainly let them taste the lighter or lesser degree of torments in the beginning as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other to leave them an opportunity to change their way of life to the one we have advised for mankind but if they will not do that then torment will intensify gravely with time as their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other increase in numbers and frequency as well as intensify in their severity.

    022] So which group or party of people could be more harmful and destructive for humanity than the one which is told about the program, goals and guidelines of its creator and sustainer and instead of receiving, verifying and accepting them properly and acting upon them faithfully turns away from them itself as well as stops or hinders others from doing that? Surely we will make such criminals face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against humanity by hands of each other.

    023] There is nothing fundamentally altogether new in the revelation of this Quran about the way of life we advised for mankind, the fact is we already gave a similar book to Moses before this and made it a purposeful guide for children of Israel to go by, so you people should not be in any doubt or hesitation for meeting the standard set by this book if you wish to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    024] It was due to their capability of proper understanding of things in their real world and their steadfast faithful following of our purpose based guidance as well as due to their capability of inviting others to it at the time that we appointed them as leaders for humanity to our advised way of life because they understood our program, goals and guidelines properly and pursued them faithfully.

    025] Today you people see them divided into groups among themselves due to their distancing themselves from our purpose based guidance but surely your creator and sustainer will settle the differences between them at the time when his advised way of life and his rule of law become an established reality in the human world in due course.

    026] Has the history of mankind not taught them the lesson regarding how many generations of people we left to themselves which destroyed themselves before them when they ignored and neglected our purpose based guidance in whose lands they live today and move about? Surely there are many lessons in that for them to learn from. Why don’t they explore, discover and consider the historical evidences with care and pay appropriate attention to them for keeping themselves on the right path?

    027] Why don’t they observe to learn from how we raise and drive clouds that carry rain to the parched lands and after the rain there from we bring forth crops of which they and their cattle eat? So why have they still not learned sense to understand things properly for themselves?

    028] If they have learned sense of making proper sense of historical and scientific evidences as well as our purpose based guidance then why do they still ask you, when will the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will become an established reality in the human world if you are truthful in your claim about it?

    029] Tell them, during the time period when the way of life advised for mankind by Allah and his rule of law become an established reality in the human world those who reject and oppose it will not be able to live by their own invented and adopted or imposed way of life or rule of law whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other, nor will they be allowed that sort of freedom to do so.

    030] However if after all this explanation they still continue talking nonsense about our purpose based guidance due to their ignorance based arrogance then leave them to themselves and wait for the outcome of your own thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other according to our purpose based guidance and let them wait for the outcome of their own thoughts and actions against each other according to their invented and adopted or imposed way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #142 - July 13, 2023, 12:39 PM

    Surah 31     LUQMAAN- A person who has learned sense of making proper sense of things and therefore he understand real world realities as well as purpose based guidance of Allah so he helps others to become sensible and wise also so that they become united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.   

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Meem.

    002] For this very purpose are revealed program, goals and guidelines for mankind in form of a purpose based rationally consistent book.

    003] Which is for guiding such of the human beings who are willing to work very, very hard for making their human world a beautiful place for themselves to live in.

    004] Such as those who will work very, very hard for establishing a proper human community network according to it by becoming united to have peace between themselves for making full speed progress to prosper as a proper human community in our kingdom because they are sure they can have a brilliant future by thinking and doing things that way.

    005] Such are the people who are purposefully properly based upon guidance from their creator and sustainer therefore they are bound to succeed in their endeavour for their own prosperity.

    006] However despite this being the right way for mankind for living their lives properly in their human world, most of the people in the human world are such as due to their ignorance based arrogance live by and promote baseless traditional ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in order to keep people away from the way of life advised for mankind by Allah and they take the way of life advised for mankind by Allah very lightly or for a laugh or as a joke. This is why they will always end up and remain in a terribly humiliating state of existence due to each other unless they stop living by any other way of life and adopt our purpose based advised way of life for them.

    007] This is the reason when our program, goals and guidelines are proclaimed to any group of such people it ignores them due to seeking dominance over others by undermining them as if it did not hear them or as if it is suffering from deafness, however keep on warning them about the life of painful suffering by hands of each other that can become a reality for them if these people will keep on ignoring this message.

    008] But those who will commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance and they will do such works as help humanity become more and more capable for thinking and doing better and better for itself by removing disputes, divisions, conflicts, fights and wars from between them by repairing and mending broken relationships between them in order to help them unite, develop, progress and prosper such people are bound to end up in places, lands or kingdoms that are full of all kinds of raw materials for them to show their abilities for creativity by making proper use of them.

    009] Therein they will abide for as long as they will maintain those places properly by faithfully keeping up with our purpose based guidance. The promise of Allah always proves true because he is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom as it is obvious from his set-up systems and laws according to which all things in his kingdom have been brought about and work.

    010] He thereby created and evolved all the galaxies without any links between them that you can see with your naked eyes and likewise through set-up systems and laws he raised mountains from inside the earth and placed them on the earth lest it becomes unstable due to lack of balance while in flight and poses a danger for your survival and he scattered throughout the earth all kinds of animals or living things. Moreover we rain down water from the clouds raised high whereby we bring forth every kind of purposeful growth including fruits and vegetables that help mankind to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    011] Say, all this is creativity of only and only Allah alone, now you people show me what is there that has been created and evolved by those whom you take for your Gods or rulers other than or along with him therefore you live by their imposed ways of life? The fact is those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other are living by a harmful and destructive way of life which is a self evident fact due to its end results or consequences.

    012] No doubt we gave Luqmaan the ability to learn sense of making proper sense of things so that he could understand realities of real world as well as our purpose based guidance properly so that he could manage people and provision of Allah properly according to his purpose based guidance. That is because any leadership and following that manages and uses our provided things properly develops and progresses properly as a proper human community itself but any leadership and following that rejects and opposes our guidance and misuses our provided things fails itself to develop and progress as it should or as it ought to develop and progress like a proper human community. It is because purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah is amply sufficient and efficient to manifest glory of Allah.

    013] This is why at the time of his departure Luqmaan said to his successor in form of an advice for him, O son or leader of our people, never take anyone or anything for a God or a ruler other than or along with Allah. For taking any God or ruler other than or along with Allah leads mankind to commit gross atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up seriously harmed or destroyed by hands of each other as a human population.

    014] He said so to his successor because we so advised man about his guardians in form of his proper human community and its proper administration, because his proper human community carries burden of his responsibilities by working very, very hard in order to prepare or groom or cultivate him well both as a very productive member of his proper human community in general and as a competent administrator or manager of his community as well, so that you people use my provisions properly according to my purpose based guidance for the purposeful proper maintenance of your community and administration for fulfilling my purpose according to my plan.

    015] However should your community or administration leave the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by me and start living by a way of life other than that whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and they try to force you also to take anyone or anything for a God or ruler other than or along with me about which you have no proof or proper explanation then do not go along with them but still be a good company for them and keep inspiring or motivating or encouraging them for thinking and doing things which ensure well being of mankind in the human world by keep following the path of such a people who keep referring to my purpose based guidance. After all, all of you the mankind should be turning or referring to my guidance so that I could thereby inform you about all that you should be thinking doing for ensuring your own well being as a proper human community in my kingdom.

    016] This is why Luqman said to his successor, O my successor! Allah will bring all things to your attention that you should be thinking and doing if you will turn to his guidance, be they of little weight or importance like a mustard seed and hidden as if inside a rock or high above in the heavens or deep down inside the earth. All this is explained in the purpose based guidance of Allah because he is well aware of all things even to their finest details.

    017] Therefore O my successor! Keep on working very, very hard always for establishing and maintaining proper human community network based upon his purpose based guidance by encouraging people to think and do whatever ensures well being of the proper human community and by discouraging people from thinking an doing whatever can harm or destroy the proper human community network and be steadfast and consistent as well as well prepared for facing courageously any problem or difficulty that comes your way. No doubt carrying out all this requires courage and determination as well as hard work on your part.

    018] Moreover do not try to dominate people by undermining them and do not try to take over people in the human world by force because Allah does not approve thoughts and actions of such people who think and do that or things like that.

    019] Be objective and purposeful in your approach or dealing with other people and keep your tone appropriate and suitable as well as intellectually inspiring, stimulating, motivating and pleasant. No doubt most unpleasant tone is that of an ignorant and arrogant person who is uncultivated or not groomed intellectually and in mannerism therefore such a person is uncivilised when he speaks and he is crude and clumsy when he does things.

    020] O messenger say to your people, why don’t you observe things to become aware how Allah has subjected to your capabilities to explore and use for your own development, progress and prosperity all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth because that is how he decided to bestow upon you his blessings of all kinds in abundance. Those blessings which are obvious to you as well as those which are yet hidden from you but they too will become obvious to you in due course as you develop and make progress in your observations, explorations and discoveries? Despite our purpose based clear explanations, there are people who will still argue against living their lives by way of life advised for mankind by Allah despite the fact that they have no proof whatsoever about its harmful and destructive effects upon mankind, nor do they have any guidance or any book that could enlightens them better than this Quran about bringing about and maintaining a proper human community in our kingdom.

    021] Despite having no better way of life to live by than the one proposed by the Quran if or when you ask them to receive and study properly for acting upon it faithfully what Allah has revealed they say, no way instead we will follow our traditional way of life upon which we found our leaders and forefathers. Are they going to continue living that way even if their harmful and destructive leadership leads them into life of terrible painful suffering through divisions, hatred, animosities, fights and wars between themselves due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other?

    022] The fact is he who accepts living by way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah for fulfilling his purpose for mankind according to his plan, he has indeed grasped the most reliable handhold because purpose based proper management and handling of all affairs relating humanity rest with proper understanding and faithful following of purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind.

    023] Despite all this explanation if anyone still rejects and opposes purpose based guidance of Allah then let not that rejection and opposition of his put you in distress because such people are bound to face our set-up systems and laws and they will force them into realisation as to what they should be thinking and doing if they want to secure for themselves a blissful and dignified existence as a proper human community in our kingdom or they will perish by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Surely set-up systems and laws of Allah constantly and consistently make obvious for mankind whatever intentions or motives or thoughts they have in their minds about each other through their own works or actions for or against each other by way of delivering them their outcomes.

    024] We let a small number of those who live their lives by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense enjoy their ill-gotten gains for a limited time but in the end most of them are driven by their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires towards the unrelenting humiliating painful suffering by hands of each other.

    025] Yet if you will ask them, who has created and evolved the heavens and the earth? They are sure to say, Allah. Say, this is why ownership and sovereignty over each and everything that has been created by Allah only and only belongs to Allah alone whose awesome and wonderful acts or works command or arouse natural deep feelings of appreciation in minds of people who think properly. However most of them due to their ignorance based arrogance bother not to learn and understand things purposefully properly as they should.

    026] No doubt to Allah alone belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth as well as to fulfil the purpose of Allah works all that is in the heavens and the earth according to his plan. No doubt Allah is fully sufficient and capable for putting it all to work and due to his these awesome and marvellous works or acts he arouses deep feelings of appreciation in thinking and observant human minds.

    027] Therefore if purpose based set up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based guidance for mankind are adhered to purposefully properly in order to settle the conflicts which exist in the human world as well as to solve the problem that face humanity then prosperity will fill the human world because his solutions are such that they can settle even more conflicts and can solve even more problems than there ever will be for mankind, such powerful are purpose based set up systems and laws as well as purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind because Allah is mighty wise ruler of his kingdom of creation.

    028] It is because of these our set up systems and laws your creation and evolution as well as your rising to heights of excellence is nothing more than a single process like creation of a single cell or tree of life that unfolds and blossoms with time, this is how Allah makes things obvious for mankind to observe and figure out or understand.

    029] Why don’t you the mankind observe the solar system to figure out or understand how Allah causes the phenomenon of the night and the day by changing the night into the day and the day into the night by way of rotation of the earth on its axis and how he has subjected the sun and the moon to his laws. Each is executing instructions of its own program for an appointed term for fulfilling its purpose based given role or part in grand scheme of things? That is how Allah shows mankind that he is fully aware of all that you the mankind should be thinking and doing to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    030] All this makes very obvious that Allah alone is the rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation therefore his advised way of life for mankind is purposefully proper for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom and all those to whose ways of life you people invite each other are false because they are harmful and destructive for mankind due to their securing of their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is how Allah proves that he is far above or superior in creativity and knowledge than those whom you take for your Gods and rulers who ruin your lives and this is why you people should turn to his purpose based guidance rather than living by their ways of life.

    031] Moreover why do you the mankind not observe to understand how the ships sail or plough through the waters in the oceans for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind according to set-up systems and laws of Allah so that thereby he shows you the mankind evidences of his creativity and knowledge? Surely there in are lessons to learn for all the people who wish to be steadfastly consistent in making purpose based proper use of things provided.

    032] This is why when giant waves of problems encompass or fully surround or overwhelm or overcome or overpower mankind leaving them no escape route at all due to living their lives by harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, it is during that time period they sincerely call for or look for the purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah to live by to get out of their this terrible or horrifying situation putting themselves fully at the mercy of his set-up systems and laws yet after he has landed them safely out of the problems due to living by his advised way of life for them some of them go back to their old ways of life and continue living that way rejecting and opposing our program, goals and guidelines which led them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom. Such a thing is not done by anyone save those who are treacherous because they reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for mankind.

    033] O you the mankind! Be consistent with purpose based guidance of your creator and sustainer as well as with each other and keep the forewarned period of time in forefront of your minds when no leader will be able to help and support his supporter or follower nor the supporter or follower will be able to help and support his leader. Surely set-up systems and laws of Allah always fulfil their purpose by delivering to mankind the outcomes of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other. So let not the way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense deceive you nor let such leadership or following deceive you that works against the way of life advised for mankind by Allah to take you away from it.

    034] Surely it is up to set-up systems and laws of Allah to make manifest the time period of revolts or uprisings or bloody revolutions or establishment of rule of law of Allah in the human world by his missionaries when his conditions put in place are met and tipping point is reached and that is how Allah makes manifest the time of rain and the time of childbirth for a pregnant female. So no one knows exactly as a matter of fact what one will do in future nor anyone knows exactly as a matter of fact due to which cause one will end up dead. Only set-up systems and laws of Allah make manifest all this for mankind to show to mankind he is all aware and capable of guiding them by way of his program, goals and guidelines that can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #143 - July 18, 2023, 12:35 PM

    Surah 30       AL-ROOM- Mankind have been overcome by lust and greed for power and wealth due to which they are involved in waging wars against each other for dominating each other by undermining each other but this way of life weakens, damages and incapacitates mankind by hands of each other so they should give up this way of life and adopt the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence. 

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] ALIF LAAM MEEM.

    002] However due to their ignorance based arrogance mankind have been undermined or overcome by greed for power and wealth so they chose to live by a way of life where they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and as a result of that greed they have been waging wars against each other for dominating each other by undermining each other.

    003] This is how they have harmed or damaged their human world but after they have been overcome by their greed for power and wealth they will in due course overcome their greed for power and wealth due to our purpose based guidance for them by understanding it properly and acting upon it faithfully.
    004] They have been thinking and doing all this harm or damage due to living their lives by various harmful and destructive ways of life they chose for themselves whereas they were supposed to live by rule of law of Allah in the past as well as in the future. However a time period is coming when they will abide by rule of law of Allah and that will be the time period when those who have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom will rejoice.

    005] This is to happen only and only due to purpose based guidance of Allah provided mankind study it properly and act upon it faithfully because guidance of Allah can help only and only those people who are willing to work very, very hard according to it. That is because guidance of Allah is mighty powerful which can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    006] Such is the promise of Allah and the set-up systems and laws of Allah never fail in fulfilling his promise yet most of the people bother not to learn all this which they ought to know if they truly want to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    007] They only learn as much about the real world realities as suits them whereby they can secure their own short term petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but they keep themselves ignorant about their long term brilliant future in here as well as in hereafter.

    008] So why do mankind not make each other think things through thoroughly among themselves as to how they should live their lives purposefully properly in this world or kingdom? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them as well as in between them but for a set purpose according to his plan for a set period of time? The fact is, most of the mankind refuse to know and live up to the set standard of their creator and sustainer.

    009] Moreover why don’t they travel throughout their human world and see what was the end result of thoughts and actions of those before them who lived their lives the same way as these people are whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? They used their God given abilities or power or strength against each other to dominate each other by undermining each other just like these people as well as they built their useless landmarks and monuments in the land that were of no benefit for humanity because they set-up their own empires therein in great numbers like these empires of theirs despite the fact that there came to them their messengers from us with a brilliant program for a set of goals with guidelines but they opposed them and ended up destroyed themselves by hands of each other. It was not Allah who inflicted harms and destructions upon them rather they were of those who lived by a way of life whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    010] Looking back at the terrible outcome of the thoughts and actions of those who committed atrocities against each other, it was all due to their refusal to live their lives according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah because they were of those who did not take them seriously instead they took them lightly or as a joke.

    011] They did not realise that it was Allah who originated and evolved his creation and since then reproduces it using recycling processes therefore by his set-up systems and laws are bound all affairs of all things.
    012] The time period when revolts, uprisings, upheavals, bloody revolutions as well as establishment of rule of law of Allah will take place those who commit atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will be dumb founded or they will become struck with despair.

    013] None of their Gods or rulers which they take other than or along with Allah will be there to intervene for them in order to save them and that is how they will be disowned by their chosen or accepted Gods and rulers.

    014] During that period of time when the revolts, uprisings and establishment of rule of law of Allah will take place mankind will become clearly distinct groups.

    015] Those who will have committed or devoted or dedicated themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance and they will have taken concrete steps to help people unite, develop and grow by removing from between them tensions, disputes, fights and wars will be pleased with outcome of their thoughts and actions for each other in form of a blissful, dignified and secure existence in places wherein they will be settled or resident.

    016] But those who will have rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for mankind and they will have caused divisions, disputes and thereby fights and wars between people by denying each other our given rights for them to our provisions, due to doing that they will have failed to meet our set standard for their brilliant future therefore such people will end up in a terrible painful suffering by hands of each other.

    017] So these fact should be very clear for you the mankind that glorious existence can only and only be obtained and maintained by you people by reaching heights of excellence through working very, very hard day and night according to purpose based guidance of Allah as a proper human community in his kingdom or you will keep on perishing by hands of each other if you will keep on working against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    018] This is why purpose based set up awesome and wonderful systems and laws as well as guidance of Allah for the heavens and the earth as well as mankind arouse natural deep feelings of appreciation in the minds of thinking human beings regardless you people reach for depths of darkness of ignorance or you reach for highest stage of brilliant light of knowledge.

    019] He raises to heights of excellence a fallen or defeated human population by inspiring and motivating it that decides to follow his purpose based advised way of life with determination in due course and he lets a human population fall into the dust or perish that starts ignoring or neglecting his purpose based advised way of life for mankind just like he brings back to life the earth after it is dead by rain from the clouds that are raised high. Likewise you people will also be raised as a great human population through studying this Quran properly and acting upon it faithfully.

    020] One of his lessons for you the mankind to learn from is that he created and evolved you from the chemical particles of the dust and in due course you spread throughout the world.

    021] Another of his lessons for you to learn from by pondering over is that he created and evolved for you of your own kind complementing helpers and supporters so that you could find comfort through love and kindness of each other by founding your relationship with each other properly upon his purpose based guidance which can lead you to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other. Surely there are lessons in such things to learn from for those who use their brains and senses purposefully properly to observe and think things through thoroughly.

    022] And yet another of his lessons for you to observe and learn from is the creation and evolution of the heavens and the earth as well as the evolution of differences in your languages and variety of colours of things. Surely there are lessons in such things to observe and learn from for all those who are committed to observations and learning in all the human populations in the human world.

    023] And among his lessons to observe and learn from is your sleep and rest during the night or the day and your quest for his bounties during the day or the night. Certainly there are lessons in all this for people who observe things purposefully properly to learn from in order to adhere properly to his purpose based guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    024] Also of his lessons to observe and learn from is thunder and lightning, in which there is cause for concern for harm against which people should learn to take steps in advance as well as sense of hope for mankind for which they should take steps also because he sends down water from the clouds raised high and with it he gives life to the earth after its death as well as it can destroy life if people do not take needed steps to harness nature purposefully properly. There are lessons indeed in all these for people who use their brains and senses to observe and make purposefully proper sense of things in order to take full advantages of these things.

    025] Also of his lessons to observe and learn from is continuous stable existence of all the galaxies including this galaxy due to his set up systems and laws for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan. Therefore in due course when he will call or invite you the mankind to his purpose based advised way of life to come forth from all over the human world, that is the time when you will come forth from all over the human world to become a proper human community worldwide.

    026] All this is done so that mankind become aware of or come to realise the fact that only and only to him alone belong all things that are in the heavens and the earth and to him alone all of them owe their existence and ability to work purposefully properly to faithfully fulfil his purpose of creation according to his plan.

    027] It is because he alone has originated all the creation and set-up systems and laws to reproduce and recycle things and to do all that was consistent with his plan and purpose. That is how through his creative ability he set the ultimate example of creativity in the heavens and the earth in the form of creation of human beings and sending for them his revelation to consider it with care and do what is purposefully proper for the fulfilment of his purpose according to his plan, because he alone is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation so no one has any share in creating and evolving his kingdom of creation.

    028] For that reason he puts before you the dominant or leading people among human populations who claim to be or are taken by your masses to be Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah an explanation for your careful consideration about yourselves as a lesson to help you learn from and do things purposefully properly regarding your own terrible state of existence or your own terrible situations and circumstances in which you people live your lives as a part of your own human populations respectively. Do you people consider any of those people whom you take for your subjects as your equals even regarding that which we have provided for livelihood or sustenance or subsistence of all of you because in actual fact you are all equal in that respect in our sight or do you fear those people whom you consider your subjects as you fear those whom you consider your equals? If you people do not consider those who are your equals in actual fact as your equals then how can you people be right in considering anyone or anything equal to us that are in fact not our equals at all? This is how we explain in detail our explanations for those who have learned sense of making proper sense of things.

    029] Yet despite our such clear explanations those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense follow their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires without having any purposeful proper information or its proper understanding or realisation or awareness of the consequences of their such thoughts and actions towards others. So who can guide such people who ignore or avoid purpose based guidance of Allah? This is why Allah leaves these like people to themselves to keep themselves away from his advised way of life that is purposefully proper for them to live by? This is why there cannot be any help and support for such people to free them from their such miserable way of life that leads them to their own destruction by hands of each other.

    030] However if any of you the mankind have learned sense to be a sensible people from our explanations then live not your lives like people who live their lives by harmful and destructive ways of life and instead set yourselves firmly upon our advised way of life for mankind that is consistent with blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom. This is the way of life that is originated and advised for mankind by Allah because thereby they can fulfil his purpose of creating them according to his plan. So do not replace the way of life originated and advised for mankind by Allah for any other way of life. It is because that way of life is verifiably purpose based firmly founded way of life yet most of the mankind bother not to learn these like facts about it.

    031] So leave all other ways of life and turn to his advised way of life for mankind and be consistent with it as well as with each other by establishing a proper human community network for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom and do not be of those who take for Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah.

    032] Nor be of those who create and impose or adopt their own harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in opposition to the purpose based advised way of life for mankind by Allah that is proper for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence so they end up divided into groups, each group fulfilling its selfish harmful and destructive ambitions and desires with whatever they can grab for themselves by dispossessing others whereby they land each other in terrible painful suffering.

    033] However when painful suffering does befall these people by hands of each other for thinking and doing that then some of them invite others to the way of life of their creator and sustainer by turning to his purpose based guidance for freedom from this terrible state of existence but when his purpose based guidance does lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence through his advised way of life then a party of them goes back to the way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other against the way of life advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer

    034] so that by doing so they could withhold from each other that with which we have provided them for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence. So enjoy your petty personal gains at the expense of each other for a time period but soon again you will come to face the consequences for thinking and doing things that way.

    035] Or have we sent them any proof of authority that for them which authorises them to take for Gods or rulers other than or along with us whereby they are obligated to live by their invented and imposed or adopted ways of life?

    036] Behold the situation! When We let mankind experience blissful, dignified and secure existence due to their faithful following of our advised way of life for them they become joyful due to it but when harms and destructions befall them by hands of each other due to thinking and doing things according to their own invented and imposed or adopted ways of life they fall into despair.

    037] Can they therefore not realise or become aware of the fact that Allah delivers his sustenance in abundance to a people who work hard for it as a proper human community according to his advised way of life for mankind and limits it for those who live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? Surely there are lessons in all this to learn from for those who wish to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    038] So deliver our provided sustenance or subsistence or provisions or livelihood to all concerned according to our assigned or set out purpose based rights for them, be they people who have become well established part of the proper human community or are on the way to becoming part of it. That is an assignment for those who truly intend to accomplish or fulfil the mission of Allah because such are the people who are bound to be successful in accomplishing our purpose based assigned goal or objective or mission for them.

    039] For that reason become aware of the fact that the way of life you people live by whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from others at their expense when delivering them or dealing with them regarding their livelihood or sustenance or subsistence or provisions does not increase your capability and capacity as a human population as it is required by Allah because only that way of life increases your capability and capacity as a human population whereby you people fully complement or help and fully support each other according to purpose based guidance of Allah for seeking or accomplishing his assigned objective or purpose or mission as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of each other through help and full support of each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    040] Therefore it is vitally important for you people that you become aware of and remember the fact that only and only Allah alone is such capable and powerful being who has originated and evolved you the mankind for his own intended purpose therefore he provided for you sustenance or things of your need and want as well as his purpose based guidance so that thereby he inspires or motivates you to become lively or energised or activated to rise to heights of excellence as a proper human community in his kingdom by using his provisions purposefully properly because he created you in an uncultivated or crude form to progress or grow or develop there from and reach the heights of excellence. So is there any of those whom you people assume as or take for Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah who can do all this? There are none at all. Such mighty wise God, creator, owner and ruler is Allah who is far above or beyond your foolish attributions or assumptions or conjectures or thoughts like these.

    041] It is because of your ignorance based arrogant thinking and doing things there has come about or appeared open warfare or naked aggression between mankind in the human world be it in the land or in the sea, so they are delivered the consequences of some of that which they think and do against each other so that they could come to or refer to our purpose based guidance for them for their purposeful proper existence.

    042] Say to people, travel throughout the human world and observe carefully what was the end of those who have passed away before you, that is most of them lived by ways of life which were invented and imposed or promoted by others than Allah.

    043] Therefore set yourselves as a people faithfully or purposefully properly upon the way of life that is purposefully advised for mankind by Allah which is proper for mankind for living their lives in this world before there arrives the terrible time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions which is otherwise inevitable according to forewarning of Allah. During that time period people who live by any other way of life than the one advised for them by Allah whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will become shocked or horrified or terrified.

    044] That is how those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for them will face the consequences of their rejection or opposition to it in form of harms and destructions by hands of each other but those who will think and do things that will help humanity unite and be peaceful to make progress and prosper as a proper human community by removing tensions and disputes or fights and wars between them by mending and repairing their fractured relationships will have a beautiful vast kingdom to themselves to live in as a proper human community.

    045] That will be the reward for those who will commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community and they will take all the needed or necessary steps purposefully properly towards their own blissful, dignified and secure existence according to his purpose based advice or guidance. Surely his set up systems and law as well as his purpose based guidance supports not those who reject and oppose his guidance to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    046] Therefore one of his lessons to observe and learn from for you the mankind is in the natural world as to how smoothly all things work in harmony therein such as he sends the winds as bearers of good news of rain for growth and prosperity of mankind so that he lets you have an opportunity to put in action his program for your blissful, dignified and secure existence and so that ships could sail according to his set-up system and law so that you could seek your livelihood in a dignified manner according to his purpose based guidance by using all that is provided for you people appropriately or purposefully properly.

    047] Indeed we sent our messengers before you to their people respectively and they brought them brilliant program, goals and guidelines from us in order to help them live their lives the purpose based proper way and to keep in check those who commit crimes against humanity because as a part of our binding agreement we owe it to those who truly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom that we support them.

    048] Surely Allah is he who by way of his set-up systems and laws sends the winds to raise the clouds and then he spreads them in the sky and breaks them into fragments as per his program so you people see raindrops falling from their midst at the time when he showers them as rain upon those of his people who need it so they become filled with joy,

    049] though before falling of this rain upon them they sat there in despair and depressed suffering from anxiety.

    050] So look at the self evident clues of Allah’s existence, creation and sustenance in form of natural world phenomena and learn to make sense of them and thereby become aware of the fact how he gives life to the earth after it is dead. Surely the same way by inspiring and motivating people with his revelation he gives life to a human population that is demotivated or dishearted or discouraged or has become inactive or unproductive or lazy or weary or dead because he has put in place purposeful proper measures for working of all things.

    051] Despite our all this work if we send a wind which turns their crop yellow ready for harvesting then behold, they become stubborn in their rejection and opposition to our purpose based guidance and stop or prevent or hinder each other from having our ordained rightful access to it.

    052] O messenger, you cannot inspire with this Quran such a people who due to their ignorance based arrogance refuse to learn sense of making proper sense of things or a people who are mentally stuck or dead who refuse to think for themselves to move with time nor can you make a people who act as deaf to our message hear your call or invitation to our purpose based guidance especially when such people have turned their backs to you and they have distanced themselves from you.

    053] Nor can you guide those who are suffering from self imposed blindness of ignorance due to their ignorance based arrogance because of which they cannot see the need for purpose based proper way of life that is advised for them by us due to living their lives the harmful and destructive way whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other, particularly when they refuse to see or learn to know the right way of life for them. No one is bothered to hear your call or invitation to our purpose based guidance save such people as learn sense of making proper sense of things therefore they realise the need for our purpose based guidance for them and that is why they receive and study our purpose based guidance purposefully properly and commit or devote or dedicate themselves fully, properly and wholeheartedly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to it for accomplishing our set goals for them according to our provided guidelines by carrying out our program for them.

    054] It is Allah who creates you the mankind in a simple state or state of total dependency upon others as babies then he gives you strength to come out or grow out of that simple state or state of dependency to some degree in youth and makes others dependent upon you and then after strengthening you he again returns you to state of dependency upon others when you have heads full of grey hair in old age. He created all things as per his plan for his own purpose that is why he makes known to mankind the measures he has put in place so that mankind prepare themselves well in advance by organising and regulating themselves into a proper human community for dealing or managing themselves and our provisions for them purposefully properly so that they could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence by ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other.

    055] Those who will ignore or neglect or avoid our purpose based guidance, in due course when time period of revolts, uprisings, upheavals or bloody revolutions will become a reality for them, the people in positions of power who commit crimes against their masses by securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense will become seriously worried or anxious all of a sudden about their own future because they will have dwelt on the thought that this moment of uprising against them by their masses will never come about in their lives that they will lose their positions of power due to always offering baseless excuses to their masses that they will do this, that or the other for them if they will have enough time to do things for ensuring their well being. That is how they will keep on deluding themselves and their masses till they run out of their excuses and become fully exposed for their masses and their masses react against them in a way they deserve.

    056] But those who are given the knowledge about it because they will have made efforts for learning it and they are therefore trustworthy they will say to them at the time, the fact is you have stayed in positions of power as told in the book of Allah till the time period of uprising and this is that period of uprising about which you were already warned well in advance but you people did not bother to become aware about it as you were supposed to.

    057] So during that time period no excuses of theirs will avail those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense nor will they be able to stop or prevent their own downfall as a people.

    058] The fact is we have set forth each and every kind of purpose based as well as reality based explanations as lessons for mankind to learn from through this Quran but whatever explanations as lessons you may bring them those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance they are sure to say without seriously considering the message, you are propagating or publicising nothing but falsehood and lies.

    059] This is why Allah leaves such people to themselves because due to their ignorance based arrogance they isolate themselves from his provided information and its proper understanding.
    060] However remain steadfastly consistent with your assigned mission from us for establishing our rule of law in the human world because promise of Allah that his rule of law will become a fully and properly established worldwide reality in the human world will certainly come to pass so do not let those who themselves for sure have no purpose based proper way of life to live by lead you away from this target or task or goal or objective or mission.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #144 - July 24, 2023, 08:28 AM

    Surah 29   AL-ANKABOOT–The vital importance of working very, very hard for mankind for bringing about a proper human community network for themselves so that through their purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity they could ensure their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance for them which provides them with a mighty foundation for this purpose.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] ALIF  LAAM MEEM.

    002] Do the people who declare their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence according to our purpose based guidance presume that they will be left alone or on their own to sit idle or take it easy as they like after their that declaration and that they will not be put through tough struggle to back up their that declaration in form of their own words with their own actions or consistent and matching equally effective deeds?

    003] We did put through tough struggles those who made similar declarations in the past before them so that Allah makes obvious for all of them to see those who prove their declarations of commitment true as well as those who prove their declarations of commitment false.

    004] Or is it that those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other assume that they can escape our set-up systems and laws that are there to deliver them the consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other? How terribly wrong is their assumption about or understanding of our set-up systems and laws that they have ended up with such a wrong conclusion!

    005] Any people who wish to meet their commitment for turning the way of life advised for mankind by Allah and his rule of law into an established reality in the human world, let them strive very, very hard for it because the condition or standard set for it by Allah to become a reality is bound to become fulfilled only and only that way, for he has made his purpose based plan obvious for mankind to fulfil it.

    006] So let it be known clearly that any people that campaign or struggle or strive hard for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom, strive hard for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other because Allah is surely beyond needing anything at all from any of his human creatures in the human world for continuing his own existence.

    007] As for those who will fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance by taking such actions as help remove obstacles in the way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind we will certainly free them from such thoughts and actions which result in harms and destructions in a human population and we will reward them with a purposefully properly balanced community life that is beautiful due to their own mutual thoughts and actions according to our program, goals and guidelines.

    008] This is why in our revealed messages for mankind we have advised each and every human being to think and do all that is needed or necessary for bringing about and maintaining the beautiful human communities and leaderships, so if instead your communities and leaderships become such as force you the individuals to take Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah against our purpose based guidance about which you people have no proof then in that case do not be consistent with either or both of them. For that matter all of you should turn or refer to my provided purpose based guidance so that you are clearly informed as to what you all are supposed to be thinking and doing for fulfilling my purpose based plan for mankind.

    009] That is why those who will truly or sincerely commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom by purposefully properly following their declarations of commitment with such thoughts and works as will lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community we will certainly let them be among those who have attained blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community.

    010] However there are some among people who say, we commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but when they suffer any hardship or difficulty as a result for trying to establish the way of life advised for mankind by Allah and his rule of law in the human world they take it as if it is a terrible punishment for them from Allah. However when there comes support due to revelation of your creator and sustainer they say, we have been supporting you always. Does Allah not expose by his set up systems and laws in his kingdom whatever motivations people of all the human populations in the world have in their minds through their own actions for or against each other?

    011] That is how Allah makes obvious for all people to see those who are truly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as well as those who make false declarations of commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity because they do the opposite to mankind than what they declared their commitment to and that is how they expose or prove their hypocrisy or falsehood of their declaration of commitment.

    012] Moreover those who reject and oppose our purpose based advised way of life for mankind according to our purpose based guidance for them say to those who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it, return to our way of life and we will make up for our failures or mistakes or the wrongdoings we have done to you but the fact is they will not make up for their failures to them at all. It is because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and in doing so or in that process end up destroyed by hands of each other. There is no doubt that they deny each other our given rights to them for our provided sustenance or livelihood, so they cannot prove any of these like promises of theirs true to you.

    013] The fact is, such people are burdened with heavy dose of delivery by our setup systems and laws the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as well as consequences for thoughts and actions of those whom they cause to act on their behalf and that is how they are forced to question their own mindsets, attitudes and behaviours during the time period of revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions when all hell breaks loose upon them due to their inventions, fabrications, forgeries, concoctions or falsehood and lies.

    014] Just like we sent you to these people with our purpose based guidance to help them live their lives purposefully properly in their human world, we surely sent Noah to his people with our purpose based guidance long before you people so he gradually established between those who accepted his message strong bond or relationship based upon mutual love and respect so they became a proper human community that was united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous but we also found their opponents caught up in a huge problematic storm with each other because they were a multitude of people who continued living their lives as they liked by a way of life whereby they inflicted terrible harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and so they ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to their atrocities against each other.

    015] That is how we delivered our promise to people who came aboard the boat of our purpose based guidance and made them a lesson to learn from for all the human populations in the human world.

    016] We also sent Abraham to his people with our purpose based guidance and he said to his people at the time, abide by purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah according to his purpose based guidance by carrying out his purpose based program for his set goals according to his provided guidelines and be consistent with each other on that very basis because only and only by doing all this you can have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom if you will learn to understand these things purposefully properly and follow them through thoroughly and faithfully.

    017] You people live by ways of life and rules of laws of others than Allah who are themselves dependent upon him which you yourselves have taken up or set up due to your own baseless premises and false assumptions by your fabrications that is why you people are suffering terribly painfully by hands of each other because of securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. The fact is those whom you have taken for your Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah have no power whatsoever of their own to own anything at all to provide you with sustenance or livelihood or subsistence or provisions therefore you should seek your sustenance according to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah by establishing and abiding by his rule of law in the human world as a proper human community in his kingdom for managing and using his provisions purposefully properly according to his purpose based guidance because it is only and only his message alone you ought to be referring to for your purposeful proper guidance.

    018] So if you people of this messenger will also deny the rightful place in your lives to our this message in form of the Quran then many human populations have already denied the rightful place in their lives to our these like messages before you. However be warned that the duty of our messenger is only to deliver our message to you purposefully properly but to respond to it purposefully properly is entirely up to yourselves.

    019] O messenger, why do these people of yours not observe purposefully properly and attentively with care to learn how Allah originated the kingdom of his creation and evolved it and repeats the process through reproduction and recycling? Surely to carry through this grand plan of his was easy for Allah.

    020] Say to them, travel throughout the kingdom of Allah and observe carefully to learn how Allah has originated his creation and evolved it particularly the living creation and how he brings about or evolves later creatures from the earlier ones. Surely Allah has set-up systems and laws and he has put measures, structures, mechanisms, processes, and procedures in place for the proper operations or workings of all things.

    021] He leaves to suffer terrible painful existence by hands of each other any people who live their own ways and he leads to blissful, dignified and secure existence any people who make full effort for that according to his purpose based guidance because their minds are consistent with it or are turned or inclined towards it.

    022] So be warned about the fact that you the mankind cannot derail his purpose based plan in the earth or in the heaven because there is no any God or ruler other than or along with Allah for you to protect or help or support you against Allah.

    023] For that reason those who reject and oppose program, goals and guidelines of Allah by refusing to meet or live their lives according to his purpose based set standard, they are in fact leading themselves into despair by leading themselves away from his purpose based advised way of life for mankind which can lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence therefore for them is going to be terribly painful existence by hands of each other due to living their lives by a way life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense

    024] However just like ignorant and arrogant religious and secular chiefs of these people who have no purposeful proper solutions for the problems of their people with each other due to the way they live and yet they reject and oppose this message about our purpose based advised way of life and rule of law for mankind, chiefs of people of Abraham also had no solutions for the problems of their people with each other either due to the way they lived as they were explained or pointed out to them by Abraham and that is why they told their people, contain or isolate him or banish or exile him. However Allah saved him from becoming victim of their fire of hatred and animosity between themselves. Surely there in are lessons for those who will commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    025] This is how Abraham addressed them to convince them or to turn them or bring them round to the purpose based way of life he was sent with by us by saying to them, you people have taken Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah such people who have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires so they live by a way of life in this world whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense. However during the time period when rule of law of Allah will become fully and properly established by his missionaries some of you will end up rejecting and opposing others and join us according to way of life advised for mankind by Allah but some of you will continue trying for keeping each other away from the way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence in the kingdom of Allah and that is how you will keep each other in the life of hell of your own making due to fire of hatred and animosity between yourselves so there will be none to help you out of that state of existence if you will refuse to accept my invitation for you for joining the way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    026] Listening to this kind of talk of Abraham, Lot joined him in commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community and he said, I migrate from this way of life to way of life my creator and sustainer has told me and he is a mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    027] Moreover we succeeded leadership of Abraham with Isaac and Jacob as well as bestowed or conferred our prophet-hood and messenger-ship as well as our scripture on his ideological following and that is how we rewarded him during his life of this world and among the generations to come he will surely be remembered and saluted as one of those who did things that helped mankind unite, be peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a proper human community in our kingdom by removing tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars from between them.

    028] Likewise we sent Lot with our purpose based guidance and he said to his people at the time, surely you people think and do all that is against the purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind. None in our past generations in our places of settlements or lands who have had purpose based guidance from Allah thought and did to each other as bad as you people are thinking and doing to each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    029] Must you people continue supporting your religious and secular dominant people or people in positions of power or people that have power and wealth due to living their lives by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and for that reason must you people continue plotting and scheming for inflicting harms and destructions upon them in your meetings or gatherings in order to stop or prevent them from living their lives according to the purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other? His religious and secular dominant people and their supporters could not respond to his questioning purposefully properly but instead they said to him, bring upon us the consequences for our thoughts and actions right now which you think are harmful and destructive for our human population about which Allah has already warned us according to you if you are of those who speak the truth.

    030] Lot said, my creator and sustainer, help me through your purpose based advised way of life for mankind that is based upon your purpose based guidance against the way of life of these people who are committed to creating disputes and conflicts therefore fights and wars between people thereby.

    031] That is why when on their way to save Lot our missionaries who were sent by their leadership or prophet and messenger from Allah to help save Lot came to Abraham with good news about Isaac and Jacob and he asked them where they were going after seeing him or after paying a visit to him. They said, we are going to attack and destroy township of Lot. It is because leading people and their supporters in that township live by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions for securing their own petty personal gains at their expense from those who try to live by a way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    032] Abraham said, but Lot also is still living in there. They replied, we have been informed already who is still living in there and we will certainly lead him and his supporters to safety but a party of his people that remains stuck to its own harmful and destructive way of life and continuously inflicts harms and destruction upon each other will be left behind to think and do as it pleases.

    033] So when our missionaries came to Lot to help save him, he became worried and anxious for their safety instead because he could not guaranty their safety. However seeing him concerned about them they said to him, do not be anxious or worried about our safety because we have been sent to help you and your supporters to safety. So we will save you and your supporters but not the party of your people that opposes you and your supporters because it is of those who will remain stubbornly stuck to their harmful and destructive way of life.

    034] We are going to leave the people of this place to the heavenly forewarning due to disputes, tensions, conflicts and fights they have created between themselves which are sufficient for their destruction by hands of each other due to hatred and animosity between themselves.

    035] So we have indeed kept a brilliant explanation about what happened to these people and why as a lesson to learn from for the people who care to learn things to understand them purposefully properly.

    036] Likewise to people of Madyan we sent their brother Shuaib as our prophet and messenger with our purpose based guidance who said to his people, O my people, establish the purpose based rule of law of Allah in the land you live in and abide by it purposefully properly for your best possible future and do not be a people who cause disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between human beings in the human world.

    037] However they denied rightfully due place to our purpose based guidance in their human population by rejecting and opposing it and they used their lies and false propaganda against our message to cover it up to render it ineffective so they continued living by their own harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so in due course a terrible revolt and uprising seized them by surprise or unexpectedly and due to the new beginning their rule of law in their jurisdiction was replaced with our rule of law based upon our purpose based guidance.

    038] Likewise happened in case of leadership of people of Aad and people of Thamud. That should be obvious to you people from the clues of their dwellings or settlements. The abusive user and manipulating religious and secular leadership of theirs made their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against their masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense fair-seeming to them which kept them away from our purpose based advised way of life for them which was proper for them for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom. Even though they were a people who were very intelligent and skilled yet they used their brains and our provisions to unduly dominate and undermine each other. So their knowledge and skills availed them not at all because they ignored our purpose based guidance for them.

    039] Similar was the case of Qaroon, Firown and Hamaan, because Moses came to them with brilliant program, goals and guidelines from us but they decided to remain dominant over people in their land by undermining them but they could not defeat our set-up systems and laws with their plotting and scheming.

    040] We found each and every one of the dominant religious and secular elites and their supporters among their human populations caught up in consequences of their own crimes against each other in due course for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense leaving behind a trail of clues throughout times and places. Some of them due to their own self created fires of hatred and animosities against each other ended up as victims of revolts or uprisings like violent tornados, some of them ended up as victims of droughts and famines, some of them ended up as victims of earthquakes and some of them ended up drowned in the floods. It was not Allah who inflicted harms and destructions upon them rather they themselves inflicted harms and destructions upon each other by not paying due attention to our purpose based guidance and going against it for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore they failed to pay due attention for taking care of things they were supposed to plan for well in advance.

    041] The likeness of those human populations who take for their Gods or rulers or protectors of their safety and security other than or along with Allah such people as live by a way of life other than the one purposefully advised for mankind by Allah is like that of a tiny insect which builds for itself a house on a flimsy foundation. No doubt the most fragile and prone to destruction is house of a tiny insect which is built upon the weakest possible foundation. Had they bothered to learn things as they were guided, they will not have ended up as they did.

    042] Surely Allah makes obvious for mankind the fact that all those whom they take for their Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah have no power or authority whatsoever and that he alone is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation so only and only he can guide mankind purposefully properly.

    043] Such are the examples which we cite as explanations for purposeful understanding of mankind but none will grasp them save those who commit themselves to learning sense of masking proper sense of things to be wise.

    044] Allah has created and evolved all the galaxies including this galaxy for a set purpose, surely in all this there is a lesson to learn for those who wish to commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    045] So proclaim to mankind O messenger that which is revealed to you of our scripture for establishing a proper human community network based properly upon it for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity in our kingdom. Surely existence of a proper human community network based properly upon it can stop or prevent people from replacing our advised purpose based proper way of life for them that can lead mankind to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other with a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. The reason for founding the proper human community upon the book of Allah is because guidance of Allah is mighty or strongest possible foundation for the unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and that is how Allah makes obvious weaknesses of all the ways of life that you the mankind invent and impose upon each other or adopt by yourselves.

    046] However you people should not argue your case with the people of the book about our purpose based advised way of life for mankind but for turning into a reality which can make your lives in this world beautiful to live by with exception of those people from among them who are hell bent upon inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other by saying to them, we commit or dedicate or devote ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to you, our God and ruler and your God and ruler is only and only one and the same so we all should abide by or submit to his rule of law for our unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring our well being through help and full support of each other for our blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    047] Because that is the purpose for which we have sent this book for you and that was the purpose for which we sent our book for those who were given our book before you and they too committed themselves to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity according to their book from us and they also commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to this book as well and there are yet other people who will commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community according to this book. It is because none rejects and opposes our program for our assigned goals for mankind to accomplish according to our provided guidelines save those who stop or prevent others from accessing our provisions for them to which they have been given their due rights by us.

    048] The fact is, you our messenger never proclaimed any of our books to all these people before this nor could you ever write one such a purposeful proper book like it by your own hand and proclaimed it in our name. Despite this fact had you written one by yourself and proclaimed it in our name then these people who are themselves fully submerged in falsehood and lies could yet have been right in doubting your claim about our bestowal of prophet-hood and messenger-ship upon you.

    049] Nonetheless the actual reality is that these are our brilliant objectives or goals for mankind to accomplish according to our provided guidelines in minds of those who have been blessed with this information and its proper understanding. So none opposes and fights against our these brilliant goals and guidelines for mankind except those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other due to which they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    050] Despite our all these brilliant explanations those who reject and oppose our message still say, why the power for supernatural acts we demand has not been given to him by his creator and sustainer to prove his prophet-hood and messenger-ship from Allah? Tell them, to send proofs and to determine their nature is only and only up to Allah alone and I am a person who is sent by him to make people aware about his brilliant and self evident message for them as well as to deliver to them his clear warning well in advance that if they will not live their lives purposefully properly as told by him then they will end up in a terribly painful state of existence by hands of each other.

    051] Is it not a sufficient proof for them about your prophet-hood and messenger-ship from us that we have sent to you this book which is proclaimed to them? Surely in its purposeful proper understanding as well as in acting faithfully upon its purpose based guidance rests blissful, dignified and secure existence for people who will commit themselves to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    052] Say to them, testimony of Allah is sufficient evidence and proof between me and you people because thereby he makes obvious for mankind all that is in the heavens as well as in the earth for ensuring well being of mankind. So those who commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and reject and oppose purpose based advised way of life for mankind by Allah they are a people who are bound to end up in a terrible loss by hands of each other.

    053] Yet they ask you to hasten the painful suffering that will be result of revolts, uprisings and upheavals they are forewarned about. Tell them, had the terms and conditions not been set for it, that painful suffering they are calling for will have been already upon them. It is going to come suddenly and unexpectedly and will catch them unaware and by surprise but in its own time when the set conditions for it are met or become fulfilled.

    054] They ask you to hasten that painful suffering while realising not the fact that fire of hatred and animosity among themselves has already surrounded or encircled all those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance by their words and by their deeds because they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    055] During the time period when the revolts or uprisings will suddenly overwhelm them unexpectedly by surprise, it will cover them from above as well as from beneath their feet and missionaries of Allah will say to them, now taste the consequences of your own thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    056] O my missionaries who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in my kingdom, my provided foundation is mighty comprehensive for you to build or raise your proper human community upon therefore abide only and only by my rule of law alone rather than living by rule of law of anyone else.

    057] Each and every human population faces destruction or extinction by hands of each other unless you people meet our set standard for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom by turning to or referring to our purpose based guidance.

    058] So those who will commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our purpose based guidance and play a very active role in removing disputes, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars from between people by helping them become highly capable for reaching heights of excellence we will land them in a kingdom in mansions or high raised buildings throughout which will flow things of their need and want like rivers wherein they will live or abide for as long as they will maintain them purposefully properly. What a wonderful rewarding outcome it is for those who think and do hard works that are purposefully proper.

    059] People who are constantly and consistently steadfast due to relying or depending fully and properly upon purpose based setup systems and laws as well as guidance of their creator and sustainer.

    060] Think about how many living creatures are there in the living world which do not carry around their own sustenance with them instead Allah has set up systems and laws and put measures in place whereby he feeds them as well as you the mankind. Such comprehensively aware is he that is why he is fully capable of guiding you people purposefully properly so you should act upon his guidance purposefully properly for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kiingdom.

    061] Even if you ask the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance for mankind who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon to his laws to serve or be useful for mankind? They are sure to say, Allah. Then why are they letting themselves down by being confused due to their ignorance based arrogance and keeping each other away from his purpose based guidance?

    062] It is only and only Allah alone who provides with abundant provisions a people who organise and regulate themselves properly as told according to his setup systems and laws to manage people and things properly and likewise he limits his provisions for those who fail to organise and regulate themselves properly as guided by him to manage people and things properly. This is why Allah makes everything purposefully obvious for mankind to understand it properly and act responsibly and faithfully.

    063] Moreover if you ask them who sends down water from the clouds raised high and thereby brings the land back to life after it is dead? They will surely say Allah. Say, ownership and sovereignty of his kingdom only and only belongs to Allah alone whose wonderful and awesome acts or works arouse natural deep feelings of appreciation in minds of mankind therefore all people must live by his purpose based advised way of life yet most of the mankind do not use their provided brains and senses purposefully properly to understand to do things as they should.

    064] Therefore to them due to their ignorance based arrogance life in this world is meaningless or useless or has no purpose or it is nothing more than a plaything or an amusement for passing their time. However the truth is, living for a brilliant future and yet better hereafter, that is the life worth living for if they could but become aware of it or if they could realise or think about it.

    065] Behold the behaviour of people who live aimless lives that when they embark for a journey on a ship and the ship gets into trouble in the middle of the sea then they call upon or rely solely upon set-up systems and laws of Allah whole heartedly and sincerely to survive the trouble, however when he thereby brings them safely to the land they go back to living their lives by way of life told to them by others than Allah

    066] due to which they shield or screen or hide what Allah has provided them with from others to stop or prevent them from getting to it, so that only and only they themselves alone could profit or benefit from it, but soon they will come to know the consequences for thinking and doing things that way.

    067] Do these people not see that we have made for mankind our purpose based guidance a means of safety and security or a safe haven or a secure sanctuary or refuge or shelter for their living in complete unity with each other for peace to make progress to become prosperous as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence otherwise people all around them are being enslaved by those in positions of power among their own human populations because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? Do they still want to keep on living by a way of life which is leading them to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other while they keep on rejecting and opposing the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah?

    068] So which people can be more harmful and destructive for humanity than the ones who invent things abo9ut Allah all by themselves but spread them among mankind as things from Allah himself or that they stop or prevent or hinder the truth from Allah from reaching mankind as it is supposed to when it comes to them by spreading falsehood in its name or by doing false propaganda against it? Is life of terrible painful suffering then not the right outcome of their very own such harmful and destructive thoughts and actions for those who cover up our purpose based guidance with their own falsehood and lies?

    069] As for those who strive very, very hard for discovering, understanding and acting upon our purpose based guidance, we will surely guide them to our advised way of life so that they could fulfil our assigned objective or goal or task or mission or purpose for them because set up systems and laws of Allah surely support those who struggle for bringing about a beautiful human world for themselves as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #145 - August 01, 2023, 07:55 PM

    Surah 28   AL-QASAS– The narrative and ideological warfare as well as history about how some power and wealth hungry people with harmful and destructive desires and ambitions due to their ignorance based arrogance took over others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense causing and keeping alive disputes, rivalries, hatred and animosities, conflicts and wars between mankind whereby they harmed and destroyed human beings through hands of each other and how missionaries of Allah brought about unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind by working hard according to purpose based guidance of Allah for them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom to ensure their own well being through help an full support of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] TWAA SEEN MEEM.

    002] These goals and guidelines in form of a brilliant and outstanding book are for that very purpose or objective.

    003] However let us narrate to you in relation to that very purpose some information about Moses and Pharaoh for informing the people who will commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    004] No doubt that a Pharaoh imposed himself upon a human population in a land and divided its residents or settlers into opposing groups or factions setting them up against each other to exploit them for securing his own petty personal gains or vested interests from them at their expense that is why he ended up persecuting one of the groups or factions or parties far more than the rest by undermining it through active discouragement of its people with abilities to lead and deliver them by propping up its witless and characterless people. Certainly he was one of the troublemakers and warmongers who inflicted harms and destructions upon his people by dividing and keeping them divided and setting them up against each other.

    005] However our plan was always in favour of those people who even though begin from a simple or humble state of existence but they keep on learning and strengthening themselves so that eventually in due course we find them in position of leadership of mankind so that they take humanity into the future for its best possible state of existence.

    006] That is how we made possible for these people to establish themselves purposefully properly in their human world to show people like Pharaoh, Haman and their supporters the very thing happening against which they took all the measures they could to prevent it from happening or taking place or coming to pass.

    007] That is how we inspired or motivated or drew attention of leadership of community of Moses towards nurturing or preparing or equipping or arming or cultivating or grooming Moses as well as the community itself for dealing with the situation it faced. That is how when the time came it threw itself in the sea of troubles fearlessly to deal with the situation effectively because we assured it through our set up system and laws as well as our purpose based guidance that we will restore it to its earlier glorious state of existence and we will make it carry our message to rest of human populations within its reach.

    008] Seeing Moses making very fast progress in his education and training among his own human population, the leading people of Pharaoh decided to make him a part of their own human population so that he could act for them as a firm barrier against their enemies or a defensive or protective force for them. However Pharaoh, Hamaan and their supporters were wrong in thinking that way about him.

    009] At the time the leading elite or party of chiefs of Pharaoh said to Pharaoh, highly progressive and impressive performance of Moses looks as pleasing to us as it looks to you so do not let his talent go to waste instead make good use of him. He could prove greatly beneficial for us and we could also nominate him as a successor to rulership of our kingdom if he meets our expectations. However they were unaware of our plan about them.

    010] But in due course due to Moses becoming part of people of Pharaoh, mind of leadership of community of Moses became troubled or concerned and it could have exposed itself to danger thereby had we not strengthened its mind due to reminding it about its commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for them.

    011] Therefore leadership of community of Moses said to one of its sister communities, keep an eye upon Moses regarding his purpose based proper education and training according to guidance of Allah but in a way that does not raise any concerns by people of Pharaoh.

    012] That is because we already made clear to Moses the consequences for adopting their way of life earlier on. This is why his sister community asked people of Pharaoh, should I point out to you a people who are sufficiently equipped to educate and train him for you and for him they will prove good advisors?

    013] However after some experience with people of Pharaoh we restored Moses to his original community leadership so that by having him with them they could find some comfort through hope of better future and so that they grieve not and that they comes to know the fact that the promise of Allah that was made with them was true. Yet despite all this explanation most of the people still do not bother to learn to understand things purposefully properly as they should.

    014] When Moses reached purpose based proper mental and physical maturity because due to his hard works we bestowed upon him sense of making proper sense of things because that is how we reward those who live their lives for making their human world beautiful for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through help and full support of each other.

    015] One day when he entered the city unnoticed by its people therein he found two men fighting with each other. One was from oppressed tribe of his own people and the other was from another people who were their oppressors. The man from his own people appealed to him for his help against his opponent whereupon Moses gave his foe a blow which resulted in his death so Moses said, this division and fighting between people is result of works of the harmful and destructive secular and religious leadership of this land. Surely such a leadership is an obvious enemy of its people which misleads them through its invented and imposed way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    016] So he said, my creator and sustainer, I find myself oppressed by these people who live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from their people at their expense therefore they inflict harms and destructions upon each other so protect me from the harms and destructions which result from living by this way of life. Therefore in due course he protected him through his purpose based guidance, for he is protector of mankind through his purpose based blissful, dignified and secure existence providing way of life for mankind.

    017] He therefore said, my creator and sustainer, because you have bestowed upon me purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding therefore I will never be a helper or supporter or backer of people who will commit crimes against humanity for securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense. That is how he ended up rebelling against the ruling elite of the land.

    018] Next morning as he was walking in the city cautiously concerned about the incidence a day before, suddenly he saw the same man involved in another fight whom he had helped the day before crying out to him again for help. Moses said to him, you are obviously a person who too is rebelling against the ruling elite of this land.

    019] However as Moses was about to lay his hands on a man who was an opponent of both of them, that person cried out, O Moses! Do you intend to kill me as well as you killed another of our man yesterday? You only want your people to become dominant in the land instead of becoming of those who want to mend things and reform to live by rule of law of our land or kingdom.

    020] At that time there also came a man running from the far end of the city saying, O Moses! The chiefs are consulting each other in order to kill you therefore you should leave this place, I am for sure one of your sincere advisers.

    021] Hearing this Moses left that place (or migrated or shifted or moved away from that ideology or way of life) worried but cautious and alert or careful saying, my creator and sustainer deliver me to safety away from these people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    022] So he made Madyan (a place wherein a struggle is going on for establishing the rule of law of Allah or wherein rule of law of Allah has been already established) focus of his attention and said, I am hopeful that my creator and sustainer will guide me to the way of life that is purposefully proper for mankind for living their lives in this world properly.

    023] When he arrived at a learning centre or an education and training place of people of Madyan, he saw a multitude of people learning there from and besides them there were two smaller parties there who were kept back or held back or they were holding their people back from the learning centre. He asked them, what is the matter with you two parties why are you holding your people back from learning centre? They replied, we cannot use that place for learning of our people until the people who are already there in that learning centre take away their people from there after they have finished with it or after they have used it because we are a weak people and our leader or guide or teacher is a very old man.

    024] Seeing their situation Moses helped them with education and training of their people for them and then he went back to a safe place and said in his mind, my creator and sustainer, surely I am in desperate need of hospitality that you may have chosen to provide me with.

    025] Soon after that a person from one of the two parties he helped came to him bringing him message about his livelihood and said, my leader has invited you because he wishes to reward you for your help with education and training of our people. When Moses came to him and told him his story the old man said, have no worries you have escaped the jurisdiction of cruel people of Egypt who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense.

    026] Thereafter one of the parties he helped said to its leader, O our leader! Engage this man to help us in our missionary work for the proper establishment of the rule of law of Allah in this land. The best man one can choose to engage for this task is a man who is mentally and physically very, very strong as well as fully fit and trustable or reliable or dependable or trustworthy in this regard or for this purpose.

    027] The old man said to Moses, I intend to bind in contract with you one of my these two parties for their proper education and training should you agree to work with us for accomplishing highest objectives or lofty purposes but to bring about a proper human community in this land is entirely up to yourself because I do not wish to over burden you in this regard. You will find me fulfilling my part in this contract or agreement to the best of my God given abilities according to his purpose based guidance.

    028] Moses replied, let this be an agreement between me and you people on the basis that whatever of these two tasks I manage to accomplish you will not hold me responsible for the rest of it because I will try to do my best according to my God given abilities whatever I agree with you about but ultimately it is up to set-up systems and laws of Allah to let me bring this contract to its agreed conclusion.

    029] After completing his agreed task here in this place he left for joining his own people back home but when Moses turned his attention to multitude of his own people, he saw fire of hatred and animosity between his people due to the way of life his people had adopted to live by as they deviated from the way of life they used to live by. He said to his people, hold back yourselves from getting fully involved in it. I understand things about this fire of hatred and animosity as to how it comes about and spreads and how to deal with it effectively so let me go among people and observe things carefully so that I could understand the nature of this fire of hatred and animosity between our people so that I could bring you the leadership of our people some information about it or a lit torch of knowledge with which you could enlighten yourselves and become united and free of fire of hatred again.

    030] That is why when Moses himself reached that stage of enlightenment, a voice called upon him with purposeful proper information about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind from the tree of knowledge or enlightenment  saying, O Moses, I am Allah the creator and sustainer of all that exists in this kingdom of creation of mine.

    031] So get your people together upon the mighty foundation you are provided with. However when Moses saw before him the long list of tasks like a giant wiggling snake he was expected to carry out, he was taken aback and he showed hesitation and reluctance for taking on this responsibility. Allah said, O Moses, get hold of yourself and worry not about these tasks, you are indeed of those who have been given the task or mission or objective to establish unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    032] So take this powerful purpose based guidance of ours to your very heart, it will prove most influential and effective without any insurmountable difficulties for you when you will put it before your people purposefully properly, so thereby draw people around yourself under your provided umbrella for supporting the mission to free yourselves from life of fear and anxiety or uncertainty, for these are two clearly effective self evident means from your creator and sustainer for you to draw attention of Pharaoh and his chiefs. Surely they are a bunch of people who have caused rifts by divisions among people for securing their own petty personal gains from the masses at their expense.

    033] Moses then said, my creator and sustainer, I have killed one of their people so I am concerned that they will kill me instead of listening to what I have to say.

    034] Moreover my brother Aaron may be more suitable for putting your message before them because he is more eloquent and they have nothing against him therefore send him with me as a back-up so that he helps me fulfil this task because I am afraid they may deny me even the right to speak.

    035] Allah said, we will certainly strengthen your arm through your brother and give both of you such an explanation as a proof that they will not be able to find any inconsistency with your claims regarding our program, goals and guidelines. Now proceed with mission based upon our program, goals and guidelines because with help of our purpose based guidance you both and those who will support you will surely overcome all those who will oppose you.

    036] When Moses came to Pharaoh and his chiefs with our brilliant program, goals and guidelines they said, this is nothing but invented falsehood and we never heard such a thing from our forefathers of old.

    037] So Moses said, my creator and sustainer makes obvious who it is that comes with purposeful proper guidance from him and which group of people will achieve the best possible outcome for its thoughts and actions for its best possible future. Surely those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will never succeed in attaining purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity between themselves or between themselves and the rest of humanity.

    038] In response to that Pharaoh drew attention of his chiefs to himself and said, O you the Chiefs! I know not any God or ruler in this kingdom for you people other than myself therefore O Hamaan, build for me tower like lofty stages wherefrom you people could impress minds of people in the land by expressing my lofty reputation in this kingdom so that thereby I could become more obvious and loftier in comparison to God or ruler Moses is talking about even though I assume he is of those who will deny my this claim of being rightful God or ruler in this kingdom.

    039] That is how far he, his chiefs and his warriors acted for dominance over the rest of people in the land by undermining them without having the right to do so and all because they thought our set-up systems and laws will never make them face the consequences of their own such harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    040] However to their surprise we found him and his supporters caught up in the sea of their own self created troubles and problems between themselves exactly as we forewarned them therefore see what was the end of those who inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense?

    041] That is why we point them out as leaders of their people of such bad reputation who invented and imposed or adopted the way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from others at their expense whereby they invited and led their people into life of terrible painful suffering so they ended up with no support at all by the time of revolts and uprisings when their way of life became uprooted and the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah became established in their kingdom.

    042] For that reason we let them be followed by their self created terribly bad reputation while they were still alive in this world and on the day the rule of law of Allah became established in the land or kingdom or world they lived in they were among those who were looked down upon and they were denounced or despised or humiliated.

    043] The fact is we gave Moses our book for their guidance so that if these people chose they could strive hard for establishing a proper human community in our kingdom based properly upon it. It contained our program and goals with guidelines for a constitution and its laws as well as eye opening evidences and explanations for guidance of mankind towards blissful, dignified and secure existence after we had witnessed so many of the former generations of human populations destroying each other due to their keeping themselves ignorant or unaware about our message.

    044] O messenger, you were not present at the time when his community was utterly falling apart and we commissioned Moses to put things right so you did not witness that struggle and situation of his people.

    045] However we raised many generations of people after them also for whom life became a long and a hard struggle. You were also not among people of Madyan proclaiming to them our program, goals and guidelines but we kept on sending our messengers in order to guide human populations purposefully properly.

    046] Moreover you people yourselves were not on the side of your purposefully properly guided ancestral tradition when we called upon you but anyhow it was an invitation from us for you people to a program, goals and guidelines for your blissful, dignified and secure existence from your creator and sustainer so that you people forewarn the people you are sent to, to whom no warner had come recently just before you so that they strive hard for bringing about a proper human community in our kingdom based upon it,

    047] and so that they do not say when harm and destruction befalls them on account of their own atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other, our creator and sustainer, had you sent us a messenger with your purpose based guidance then we will have supported your program, goals and guidelines and we will have committed ourselves to working the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind  according to your purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    048] Now that purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by us has come to them for living their lives properly in this world some of them are saying, why is this messenger from Allah not given the like of what was given to Moses? Have they not covered up with their false interpretations already that which was given to Moses before? When you explain to them how both the messages are basically the same then some of them say, both of them the Torah and the Quran are nothing but falsehood backing each other up! And so, some of them end up saying, we reject and oppose each and every one of them.

    049] Say to them, in that case you people can bring your own book if you have any which you claim is from Allah which proves to be a better guide than these two and I will follow that if what you claim is from God actually proves to be so!

    050] However if they do not meet this request of yours, you should come to know that they only follow their own harmful and destructive desires and ambitions and who is more confused and misguided than the one who follows his own harmful and destructive desires and ambitions instead of purpose based guidance from Allah. However purpose based guidance of Allah cannot guide a people who due to their ignorance based arrogance are hell bent upon inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    051] Despite their ignoring of our purpose based advised way of life for them we have been conveying our purpose based guidance for mankind over and over, again and again so that they could heed our call for bringing about a kingdom wherein they could ensure their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through help and full support of each other as a proper human community.

    052] That is why those to whom our purpose based scriptures were given before this and they studied them purposefully properly and accepted them as well as acted upon them faithfully do recognize this Quran also as a message from us for them so they commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to it.

    053] When the Quran is proclaimed to them they say, we commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it because it is truly from our creator and sustainer and we are already committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind even before receiving this new revelation in form of the Quran.

    054] Suchlike are the people who labour twice as hard or much harder with consistent steadfastness for replacing the way of thinking and doing things the harmful and destructive way for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other with a way of thinking and doing things that can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence so that thereby they could open up the sustenance or livelihood or subsistence or provisions for mankind which we have provided for them already.

    055] So when these like people sense any harmful and destructive talk by some elements among them who plot for harms and destructions against the proper human community they confront them to persuade or move them away from such thoughts and actions by explaining to them the fact that just as our thoughts and actions have consequences for us so have consequences your thoughts and actions which affect all of us so we must avoid thinking and doing whatever affects all of us in a harmful and destructive way. So we must say goodbye to such thoughts and actions and we should not be part of people who are hell bent upon thinking and acting foolishly.
    056] O messenger, you cannot make any people adopt the purpose based proper way of life by force just because you love them so you do not want to see them get destroyed by hands of each other by living their lives the harmful and destructive way rather it is up to individuals themselves to understand the set up systems and laws of Allah as well as his provided purpose based guidance for them to think and do what is needed for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom. So Allah is fully and properly aware of those who think and do what is purposefully proper.

    057] Moreover some of those who due to their ignorance based arrogance do not want to be directed by purposeful guidance of Allah say, if we will go along with you and accept this guidance then we will be driven out from the lands we live in. But the question is, have we not given them a secure ground or firm foundation for the purpose of living their lives with each other accordingly in unity and peace to progress and prosper as a proper human community in our kingdom to which are attracted worthy outcomes of all kinds that ensure well being of mankind as a provision from us? Yet most of the people do not use their sense of making proper sense of things to understand things purposefully properly.

    058] How many townships or cities or lands or kingdoms have we let live their own way because they rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them so their people ended up destroyed by hands of each which were once upon a time flourishing economies due to living their lives according to our purpose based guidance from which they moved away in due course? Just see those dwellings of theirs only a few of which have been inhabited after them and we alone became their inheritors.

    059] It was never consistent with plan and purpose of your creator and sustainer that he should ever leave a people on their own to destroy themselves but that he always sent in their main city in a kingdom a messenger proclaiming to them his program to carry out to accomplish its set goals according to his provided guidelines for them. That is how we never left any people of any kingdom on their own to destroy themselves but after they rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance and became of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    060] As for things which you the mankind have been provided with, they are for you to make proper use of for living your lives in this world beautifully by means of them including the purpose based message which you are given from your creator and sustainer for making your life beautiful and long lasting, so why don’t you use your our given intellectual ability to make proper sense of things and use them properly in light of our purpose based guidance?

    061] Can a party to whom we have made a handsome or beautiful promise of blissful, dignified and secure existence and it is sure to find it fulfilled as well if it understands purposefully properly and follows faithfully our purpose based advised way of life be like the party to whom we have granted the provisions of this world and it ignores our guidance about using them properly therefore it is set to bring upon itself period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals as a consequence of its own harmful and destructive thoughts actions against each other?
    062] During that time period kingdom based upon my guidance will also become established and they will be called upon to explain to my missionaries, where are my partners in sovereignty of this kingdom of my creation which they took as Gods and rulers for themselves?
    063] Those rulers, money lenders and priests who will be proven guilty as charged will say, our creator and sustainer, these are the people whom we led astray but we led them astray as we ourselves were led astray by ourselves following our ancestors and our own desires and ambitions therefore we did harmful and destructive things to each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However we plead our innocence before your missionaries that it were not us they were under control of.

    064] Then masses will be told, appeal for your safety and security to those whom you took for your rulers so they will appeal to them but will get no response. They will see the painful suffering with their own eyes so they will wish they had accepted our purpose based guidance and lived by it faithfully.

    065] Moreover they will be asked at the time, how did you respond to our messengers or missionaries, did you support them or declared wars against them?

    066] They will be so awestruck at that time that their responses will be haphazard as all their arguments will be seen by themselves to be weak or flimsy and they will be lost for words even when asking one another for help to build or construct their defence.

    067] However the party that will have turned to our purpose based guidance and will have committed itself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom and it will have taken purpose based actions to help humanity come together and develop and prosper by removing tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars from between them that will have good chance or hope to be among those who will be successful in achieving their goals or targets or objectives as set by us for them.

    068] That is how your creator and sustainer evolves whatever he has planned through processes of natural selection and it is not possible for such things to continue surviving as do not have what it takes for them to survive. It is not for them the opponents of his purpose based guidance to choose and assign the powers like that of Allah to whomever they want because sovereignty only and only belongs to Allah alone and he is far more powerful than those whom they take for their Gods and rulers other than or along with him.

    069] This is the way your creator and sustainer makes obvious for all to see all the potentials people conceal in their very selves without expressing them and all that they reveal of their abilities by thinking and doing things.

    070] Such is Allah other than or along with whom none is God nor anyone other than him or along with him has the right to sovereignty or to rule his kingdom because only and only his awesome and marvellous or wonderful acts alone arouse natural deep feelings of appreciation in minds of mankind. This is why it is only and only his right to give people his purpose based rule of law to live by and to refer to it for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    071] Say to people, consider the benefits for mankind due to the process whereby comes about alternation of the day and the night, have you people ever thought that had Allah decided to keep you the mankind in the state of darkness of the night permanently then which Gods or rulers of yours other than or along with Allah could bring you the day so that there could take place natural processes for you as well as within your own bodies that need to take place during the daylight? Will you still not consider this revelation vitally important which is a purpose based proper guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure existence?

    072] Ask them also, what if Allah had decided to keep you the mankind constantly under the daylight, which of your Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah could bring you the darkness of the night so that there could take place for you as well as within your own bodies processes that need to take place during the darkness of the night? Will you still not bother to observe and understand things properly that you need to know for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    073] No matter what you the mankind think, it is to fulfil your needs and wants that he has evolved for you the process of alternating the night and the day so that you could refresh and recoup yourselves and therefore you could make new efforts on daily basis to carry out his set out tasks for you so that you use all he has provided for you purposefully properly as he has guided you.

    074] Therefore an era is coming when his missionaries will confront such people who take for themselves Gods or rulers other than or along with him saying, where are those Gods or rulers whom you took for partners in my sovereignty of the kingdom of this world?

    075] That is how through our each and every messenger and missionary we will confront each and every human population saying, produce your proof for Gods or rulers you have taken for yourselves other than or along with Allah. They will have none and that is how they will eventually come to realise the fact that this Quran is in fact from Allah because it tells them the purpose based proper way of life to live by and because the way of life which they will have invented and imposed upon each other will have landed them in an abyss or lurch or confusion or loss or terrible painful unending suffering.

    076] Qaroon was surely one of the people to whom Moses was sent because he sought domination over them by undermining them and that was due to our letting him secure or gather some wealth from others for himself at their expense and to carry the chests of which could weigh down a party of strong men. Seeing his harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour against others based upon his harmful and destructive desire and ambition for dominance over others by undermining them his people said to him at the time, do not stand against the mission for the establishment of the purpose based way of life and rule of law based upon purpose based guidance of Allah because Allah loves not those who stand against his mission for the establishment of his advised way of life and his rule of law for mankind in the human world.

    077] Therefore seek all you need according to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah which can lead you to a brilliant future in form of a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a part of a proper human community in his kingdom so do not neglect your responsibilities towards making the human world a beautiful place and make it as beautiful as Allah has obligated you therefore do not conspire for disputes, divisions and wars between people in the human world because Allah does not approve thoughts and actions of people who are mischievous, troublemakers and warmongers.

    078] He replied, all that has come into my possession is due to the virtue of my own cleverness. Did he not know that Allah left many generations of people before him to their own chosen ways of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from others at their expense so in due course they ended up destroyed by hands hand of each other and they were mightier than him and had much greater number of personal possessions than him and his supporters? However at the time of consequences of their crimes against each other such criminals are not asked for their explanations for their crimes against each other because motives for their crimes are self evident by their own thoughts and actions against each other.

    079] Regardless at length or after a while he came out before or in front of his people with his entourage to impress his people so those who had desire or greed for life of power and wealth said to each other, we wish we also had the like of that which Qaroon has! He is surely a man who has great power and wealth.

    080] However those who were endowed with proper knowledge founded upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah said to them, how horrible and terribly regretful it is that you people are expressing desire or greed for such kind of way of life which is built upon blood, sweat and tears of others! Set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based guidance can deliver to those who fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom with much better life than this through works that are suitable or fit or right or proper for this very purpose. However no people can attain that sort of existence save those who work purposefully properly as well as very, very hard constantly, consistently and steadfastly.

    081] In due course as our mission for the establishment of our purpose based way of life and rule of law in the human world was made more and more successful by our missionaries due to our set-up systems and laws as well as our purpose based guidance  the foundation upon which was built his and his supporters way of life lost its attraction or its attraction faded away and he had no host to help him against set-up systems and laws of Allah nor was he able to attract supporters for his way of life any more.

    082] Now after this happening the people who envied and coveted him for what he had before began to say, how terrible that we had forgotten the fact that it is indeed the set-up systems and laws of Allah that increase or decrease the provision for his human creatures as these human creatures wish by working according to his purpose based guidance or by working against it. Had Allah not ensured our well being through help and full support of each other by granting us his purpose based guidance then we too could have ended up disgraced and destitute or humiliated by each other because it is not possible for such people to be prosperous as stop or prevent or hinder each others from accessing his provisions for them to develop and prosper.

    083] The best possible future is only and only for those human populations which strive very, very hard to ensure well being of each other because they do not struggle against each other for dominating each other by undermining each other through causing disputes, divisions, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars among or between themselves, for they try their best according to their God given abilities to be consistent with the purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other due to keeping an eye at the end results or outcome of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    084] So any people who will work according to our purpose based advised way of life for mankind which is based properly upon our purpose based guidance for them which can make their human world a beautiful place for themselves through their own help and full support of each other they will have that sort of world for themselves and those who will work according to their own way of life whereby they will secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other that will harm and destroy their own human world through their own infightings and wars with each other so they will have that sort of world for themselves live in because those who think and do things against each other in order to harm and destroy each other the outcome of their thoughts and actions cannot be other than what they think and do to each other. 

    085] O messenger, rest assured that he who has charged you with the responsibility for delivering the Quran to mankind he will surely bring you the mankind to the very destination set by this Quran. So let people know this fact by saying to them, my creator and sustainer will make obvious such people as are firmly based properly upon his purpose based guidance as well as those who have clearly gone off the way that leads mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    086] You O messenger did not expect that a book from your creator and sustainer will be revealed or transmitted to you nonetheless it is nothing less than a purpose based program for you the mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom  for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other so you should never be a helper or supporter or backer of those who reject and oppose our purpose based advised way of life for mankind according to our purpose based guidance for them.

    087] So let no one stop or prevent or hinder you people from turning program, goals and guidelines of Allah into a reality in the human world after they have been revealed or transmitted to you therefore invite mankind to the purpose based message of your creator and sustainer and never be of those who take for Gods or rulers other than or along with Allah.

    088] Therefore never invite anyone to live by rule of law of anyone other than Allah. It is because the right to rule over this kingdom of his creation solely belongs to him alone and also because all other rule of laws lead mankind to life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other save the rule of law based properly upon his own purpose based guidance. Since right of ruling this kingdom of his creation belongs to him alone therefore the right to decide about each and every affair about each and every thing also belongs only and only to him alone therefore fulfil his assigned purpose or objective or mission or task according to his plan if you the mankind want to have a life worth living.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #146 - August 07, 2023, 02:01 PM

    Surah 27     AL-NAML-  Unstable and shifty foundation prevents mankind from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so they should move or shift themselves onto a solid and stable foundation for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance for them for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] TWAA, SEEN, These are goals and guidelines of the Quran in form of a brilliant book which clearly stands out.

    002] For the guidance of those who will fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.
    003] Those who will establish and maintain a proper human community network as well as increase its capacity and capability because that way they can be sure or certain about their bright future.

    004] As for those who will not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our advised way of life for their own brilliant future as a proper human community, we will leave them on their own to live their lives their own way whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other due to being confused by their own ignorance based arrogance.

    005] Such like are the people for whom there awaits terribly painful and uncertain as well as unstable future full of humiliating suffering due to losing all they ever worked for at the hands of each other.

    006] As for you O Muhammad, certainly you are receiving this Quran from the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation who makes mankind thereby aware about all they need to know as to how they should live and why.

    007] So relate to them story of Moses who said to his leading people at the time, I feel the need for light of knowledge for guidance because I see fire of hatred developing and spreading among people, so I need to set myself off on a journey of discovery quickly to bring you some information about it as to what is causing all this or may even bring you some brilliant spark of knowledge so that thereby you could become a purpose based properly united human community.

    008] So when he arrived at the stage of awareness needed for realising the need for our light of purpose based guidance to deal with the fire of hatred and animosity between people, a voice called upon him saying, blissful, dignified and secure existence is for each and every human beings who is in search of my light of purpose based guidance as well as for each and everyone who gathers around it as a part of a purpose based proper human community, because set-up systems and laws of Allah are constantly and consistently at work to manifest glory of purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind, the one who is creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the world.

    009] O Moses, this is surely I, Allah the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of creation speaking to you.

    010] Now take on responsibility for uniting your people as a purposefully properly organised and regulated proper human community. However when Moses realised the giant task involved in taking on this burden of responsibility he held back himself showing hesitation and reluctance in taking on this huge task. So we said, do not become worried O Moses, because in presence of my purpose based guidance or while my purpose based guidance is there for mankind those who know it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully as my missionaries they need not to worry or be anxious about their future.

    011] Not even those people need to worry or be anxious about their future who in their unawareness or ignorance about my purpose based guidance inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other so long as they leave their that way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense when they are made aware and they become aware about my purpose based advised way of life for mankind which is based upon my purpose based guidance for them and they adopt it purposefully properly which can then lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    012] So pocket this mighty powerful revelation of mine to you in the very heart of your being so that when you proclaim it or express it openly among learned people or people with knowledge, it enlightens and guides them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in my kingdom without any insurmountable problems or difficulties. With this collection of revealed program, goals and guidelines from us go to Pharaoh and his people because they are a people given to drawing wedges between individuals within human populations as well as between the human populations.

    013] However when our awesome and wonderful mind opening revealed program, goals and guidelines with clear explanations and evidences were put before them for their due careful consideration they said, this is a clear case of falsehood that is presented to us as the truth to make fool of us.

    014] The fact is, due to their ignorance based arrogance Pharaoh and his chiefs did not give our revealed program, goals and guidelines their due consideration because they were sure in their own minds among themselves due to their ignorance based arrogance that their self invented and imposed or adopted way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense was the proper way of life to live their lives by but then see what was the end of those who were given to causing disputes, rivalries, hatred and animosity, conflicts, fights and wars among their own human populations.

    015] Like Moses we bestowed our purpose based guidance and ability for its proper understanding upon David and Solomon also so they both accepted and acted upon it purposefully properly by proclaiming the fact that ownership and sovereignty of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone who has chosen us for guiding and leading a vast human population for committing itself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    016] However in due course Solomon succeeded David for delivering our message to his people so he said to them, O you the mankind, be aware of the fact that we have been bestowed by Allah with his purpose based information as well as with ability for its purposeful proper understanding for a way of life which can help a human population rise to heights of excellence or fly sky high therefore he has granted us all that is needed for fulfilling this purpose. This is truly a gift or grant of huge value which can be manifested in reality but only and only if people understood it purposefully properly as well as acted upon it faithfully.

    017] That is why on that basis and for that very purpose or objective or mission or task thereby were brought together by Solomon his forces comprised of highly trained or skilled and expert as well as highly educated or learned or knowledgeable people in form of rapidly deployable force and they were all kept fully organised and regulated under strict discipline in an orderly manner.

    018] Until there came a time for them to inspect or examine and test themselves how well they were organised and regulated as a people so they went on a tour of their own kingdom and arrived at the boarders with Valley of Naml (a place wherein were camped foreign or strange or nomad or gypsy or newly migrated people for the time being or none permanent settlers or campers), knowing about it the Namalite leadership advised its people, O you the Namalites, stay away from the path of Solomon’s forces and well within your own safe places in case Solomon and his forces crush you knowing not who you are and what you are doing in their territory or jurisdiction.

    019] When the news of this statement by Namalite leadership or authority reached Solomon he smiled at its statement and said, O my creator and sustainer! Keep me motivated and inspired through your purpose based guidance so that I keep managing and using all that you have provided me with and my people who rely upon me appropriately and to do such works as help mankind unite, develop and prosper according to your purpose based advised way of life therefore make me one of those who think and do things that are constructive and help increase capabilities of proper human community in your kingdom.

    020] He brought his hosts to rest in a place and decided to inspect and check his forces and as he came to inspect presence of his cavalry personnel he said, why I do not see officer Hudhud or is he absent from his duty?

    021] For absence without leave I will certainly discipline him severely or dismiss or discharge or release him from his position in the force or even demote him if he does not offer me a reasonable or justifiable excuse for his absence.

    022] The officer did not take long in coming and said, I have just found out something about which you are not already aware. I have brought you a reliable piece of information about the people of Sheba.

    023] I found that a woman is ruling over them and she has been given everything by her people because she has control or jurisdiction over a very large piece of land and people living in that land.

    024] Furthermore I found that she and her people are worshippers of the rising sun or whoever rises to seat of power and has wealth because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living by the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah and that is because their religious and secure leading elite conditions their minds, attitudes and behaviours in such a way that harming and destroying each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense seems to them a good thing to do to each other and that is because they stop or prevent or hinder each other from living by the purpose based way of life that is advised for them by Allah and that is why they do not live by purpose based guidance of Allah for them

    025] which tells them, they should not yield or surrender or submit or give in to rule of law of anyone other than Allah who brings to knowledge of mankind in due course all that is hidden in the heavens and the earth through making obvious for them their hidden potentialities by turning them into actualities through their own actions.

    026] Such is Allah other than whom none is God nor anyone other than him has the right to rule this kingdom of his creation because he alone is creator and sustainer of this magnificent kingdom.

    027] Solomon replies to Hudhud, soon we will find out whether what you are saying actually proves true or you have ended up with a false impression about them.

    028] Go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them seeking their reply then leave them to confer with each other and wait there for their reply to see what they decide.

    029] The Queen said, O my chiefs! I have been delivered a letter that addresses us with all due respect as a people.

    030] It is from Solomon and it is in the name of Allah, who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom,

    031] so do not continue living by the way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other whereby you people end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other instead start living by purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom therefore do not go against this request of mine and instead come and join me for this purpose.

    032] She said to her chiefs, O chiefs! Let me have your views on this matter before me because I make no decision without your advice or consultation.

    033] They said, we are a strong people and fierce warriors but it is up to you to command, so we stand ready in wait of your command.

    034] She said to them, when kings or rulers invade a land or country or kingdom they ruin or devastate it as well as they debase its people in position of power and they do so always.

    035] Therefore I will first send these people some things as a gift or present and see with what sort of response my envoys return to see if these people are any different.

    036] When her envoys came to Solomon he said to them, are you people trying to impress me with your highly valuable wealthy gifts? That which Allah has given me has turned us into a far more productive or useful people as individuals and as a proper human community by our purpose based proper understanding of it and acting upon it faithfully than what he has given you and what you have made out of it. You people may find your value and worth or happiness by possessing power and wealth which you gain through dominating each other by undermining each other whereby you cause disputes, rivalries, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves whereby you end up harming and destroying each other but we find our happiness in helping and fully supporting each other as a proper human community for ensuring our well being according to purpose based guidance of Allah.

    037] So go back to your people and let them know that if they do not cooperate fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly with each other among themselves and with us then we will march against them with such a force which they will not be able to face and we will drive them out of their land defeated and humiliated.

    038] Then he turned to his own administrators and managers of the land or kingdom and said, O you the administrators and managers of affairs of this land or kingdom that is purposefully properly founded upon purpose based guidance of Allah! Which of you can bring the administrative and management authority in her land or kingdom under my administration or management if she resists or rejects and opposes my request or refuses to cooperate with us for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other?

    039] A capable expert in administration and warfare said, I will bring it under your administrative or management authority  before you set out of this camping place because surely I have the needed or necessary strength or power and I am a tried and tested person in field of administration and warfare.

    040] One person who was yet more expert in administration and warfare and who also had better knowledge of the book of Allah said, I can bring the authority of that land or kingdom under your jurisdiction before you even decide to return home at the completion of your tour of the land or kingdom for its inspection. When he saw her land or kingdom administration or management matter settled before his very eyes Solomon said, all this is due to my purpose based proper understanding and faithful following of guidance of my creator and sustainer whereby he put me through struggle to see whether I use what he has provided me with rightly and properly or wrongly and improperly. Anyone who uses things appropriately does it for the benefit of his own human race and thereby for himself but anyone who misuses and abuses things does it to bring harm and destruction upon his own human kind and thereby upon himself because Allah upon whom rests all there is for its existence is free from depending upon his human creatures for any of his own needs for his existence.

    041] Solomon then told his officials, transform her place or land or kingdom then let us see whether she also accepts guidance or she is one of those who refuse to live by purposeful way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    042] After reformation of her place or kingdom when she herself arrived to meet Solomon she was asked, is your place or kingdom like this too? She replied, it surely looks as though it is the same. It is because we had received the purpose based guidance of Allah before coming here therefore we have already accepted living by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah which leads to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    043] That is how Solomon managed to persuade her away from the way of life that was invented and imposed or promoted by people who claimed to be Gods and rulers or who were taken as Gods and rulers by their masses other than or along with Allah. No doubt before this change of mindset, attitude and behaviour she was one of the people who rejected and opposed our purpose based advised way of life based upon our purpose based guidance for mankind.

    044] She changed her mind when she was invited to adopt the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah because it could lead her and her people to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the land or kingdom they lived in and that happened to her in presence of Solomon when she saw the result of their living by that way of life before her own very eyes as a concrete reality. That is how she became aware of glory or greatness of this way of life and that is how it fully dawned upon her that all problems and difficulties between her own people could become solved thereby. Solomon explained to her, this blissful, dignified and secure existence of a human population as a proper human community in a land or kingdom comes about as a result of purpose based proper constant and consistent as well as steadfast thoughts and actions of a human population according to the purpose based guidance of Allah. At this explanation of Solomon she said in her mind, my creator and sustainer, I have indeed harmed and destroyed my people and myself by adopting the way of life whereby we secured our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but now on I too along with Solomon commit myself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based way of life for mankind that is based properly upon your purpose based guidance. I accept the fact that only and only Allah alone is the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the whole of human world.

    045] Likewise to a people called Thamud we surely sent their brother Saleh with our message saying to them, be a proper human community who live by rule of law of Allah in his kingdom because at the time due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other they had become a terribly divided people who ended up fighting each other and that way they harmed and destroyed each other.

    046] Saleh said to them, O my people! Why do you hurry or rush towards inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other instead of working together as a proper human community for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other? Why don’t you people seek blissful, dignified and secure existence according to purpose based guidance of Allah so that you people could have a great life worth living.

    047] They said, we take you and your companions or supporters as a signal for troubles to come. He said, the solution for or freedom from your problems and troubles you are already in with each other due to adopting the way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other rests with your adopting the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah because you are a human population that is placed in this world to struggle very, very hard for making this human world a beautiful place for yourselves as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    048] However there were a group of religious and secular leading or ruling elite in the land or kingdom who due to their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions because of their ignorance based arrogance conspired for creating disputes, rivalries, conflicts and fights thereby hatred and animosities between their human population so they were not letting people mend or repair relationships between themselves to unite and be in peace with each other to work for development and growth or progress of their own human population so that there could come about prosperity for them as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    049] So once upon a time they gathered to consult each other in secret and said to one another, let us agree with each other by swearing under oath in the name of Allah that we will secretly make a night attack on Saleh and his family and kill them then if we are questioned about it by his tribe under whose protection he is then we will tell them we did not witness murder of his family because were not even present here in this place at the time and that we are surely a people who speak the truth.

    050] However they cooked a plot against him and his family but we also had a plan for ensuring their well being about which they were not aware.

    051] Therefore think about what was the outcome of their plotting and scheming ! We left them to their own devices so they and their supporters and backer altogether ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    052] There lay their houses in desolate ruins as a result of their own atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other. Surely there is a lesson in this story for people who use their brains and senses purposefully properly to understand things objectively.

    053] However we delivered our promise to those who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom because they became consistent with our purpose based guidance as well as with each other.

    054] And let your people also know about people of Lot when he said to his people, why do you people commit atrocities against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other when you people are sensible enough to know the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah?

    055] Why do you individuals stick to or link up with or cosy up with or act as touts or promoters or supporters for powerful and wealthy people as their touts in your human population in order to fulfil your petty personal desires and ambitions at the expense of weaker and disadvantaged people for feeling powerful and wealthy against them instead of living along with them on the basis of purposeful proper foundation provided by Allah? No, you should not be doing that but you are a people given to ignorance based arrogance seeking dominance over disadvantaged and weak people by undermining them.

    056] However his people had no reply for his questions other than saying, drive out the supporters of Lot from your land. They are a people who want to bring about a proper human community that is free of all kinds of troubles and problems or tensions between its people.

    057] So we delivered our promise to Lot and his people save a party of people which did not make itself capable of meeting our set standard because it lagged behind and remained below our required set standard by ignoring or dismissing our forewarning or taking our early warning that was issued to it well in advance lightly.

    058] So when troubles and problems rained down upon it as outcome of its own thoughts and actions against each other due to securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then it could not cope with them therefore destructive was the rain of their self created troubles and problems which fell upon those who were forewarned but they heeded not our warning.

    059] Say to mankind, awesome and wonderful acts of Allah such as acts of his creation and revelation arouse natural deep feelings of appreciation in minds of such people who have learned sense of making purposeful proper sense of things therefore they ought to be saluted, the people who are therefore selected or preferred to act as missionaries of Allah for establishing his rule of law in their human world that is based purposefully properly upon his purpose based guidance. So whose rule of law is best for mankind? Of Allah or of those whom ignorant and arrogant people all by themselves take for their Gods and rulers?

    060] Or who do you think has originated and evolved the heavens and the earth as well as who sends down the water for you as rain from the clouds raised high or raised to heights? Behold or become aware of the fact that it is we who by that way or process bring forth beautiful gardens. It was not possible for you the mankind to cause the growth of beautiful trees and plants for those gardens without our set-up purpose based systems and laws. So is there any God or owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah who has done and is doing all these things? No, rather mankind are a species with ability to make decisions but they have deviated from the purpose based properly balanced point of reference regarding their creator and sustainer so they do not live for fulfilling or accomplishing his assigned task or objective according to his plan.

    061] Or who do you think has made this world a place for you to live in for a short time period and caused in it the valleys with rivers flowing and raised mountains in it as a way of barrier between any two bodies of water to make way for you to live on the land by means of peaks and troughs? Is there any God or owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than Allah? No, rather most of the people choose or decide to remain ignorant about creation and revelation of their creator and sustainer despite being endowed with purpose based brains and senses as well as bodies.

    062] Or who do you think answers the call of or fulfils the need of a purpose based guidance for despaired humanity when it cries out to him and shows it the way to relieve itself from hardships and problems of life through his purpose based guidance for them and thereby makes possible for you the mankind to become purposefully proper administrators and managers of his kingdom of creation? So is there any God or rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah? No, but despite this fact only a small number from among you the mankind study properly and adopt faithfully his purpose based advised way of life for you people.

    063] Or who do you think guides you the mankind purposefully properly towards blissful, dignified and secure existence through various kinds and degrees of darkness be it in the land or in the sea and moreover who sends the water vapour carrying winds as heralds of his good news in form of rain to help growth of all kinds in abundance for you? So is there any God or owner and ruler for this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah? No, the truth is through all these kinds of explanations and evidences Allah make this fact amply clear or plain for those who attribute partners to him in his sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation that glory of being a God or creator, sustainer, owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to him alone. He is free of or far above needing any partners to help him in his creation and its sustenance.

    064] Or who do you think has originated the creation and evolved it and through set-up systems and laws recycles and reproduces it in various ways using various processes and who thereby gives you sustenance or livelihood or subsistence or provisions from within the heavens and the earth? So is there any God or owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah? No. Say to polytheists who falsely claim other Gods than or along with Allah, show us your explanations and evidences if what you people claim is true.

    065] Say, none within the heavens and the earth knows what the future holds for mankind other than Allah alone because it is his purpose and plan for them as to what mankind should think and do and what will be the result of their thoughts and actions that is why all people must study his purpose guidance for them to know all that they need to do. It is because these people are not yet purposefully aware even about his purpose based advised way of life for them that is why they are not yet aware of the fact as to when or how that can raise them to heights of excellence for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    066] The fact is, the level of knowledge they can attain merely through their brains and senses alone is not sufficient for them even for their comprehensive grasping of the outcomes of their own thoughts and actions. In fact that is the very reason they are in confusion about the truth of our this purpose based guidance for them because they are in utter darkness of ignorance and confusion about the purpose of our revealed message for them.

    067] This is why the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance ask, since we have fallen from the heights of excellence and we are lying as if in the dust as a people just like our forefather before us, is there any way of life whereby we could really get out of this terribly painful situation or state of existence and rise once more to the heights of excellence?

    068] This promise which is being made to us that we can come out of this terribly painful situation or state of existence was also made to our forefathers before us, these are nothing but made up or concocted or false stories about the people of the past.

    069] Say to them, travel throughout the human world and see what was the end of those who committed crimes against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other so if you will stop inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and instead help and fully support each other for ensuring your own well being then nothing can stop you from rising again to heights of excellence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    070] However whatever they think and do against what they are told by us and as a result they suffer due to that, do not let that make you sad or make you grieve or feel sorry for them. Nor feel hurt or troubled or worried due to their secret plotting and scheming against our purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    071] Despite their refusal to understand purposefully properly and live faithfully by our purpose based advised way of life for mankind they say, when will this promise of yours for blissful, dignified and secure existence for you people or our utter destruction in form of revolts or uprisings be fulfilled if what you claim is true?

    072] Say, it may be that a part of what you wish to hasten is near at hand or is about to take place or come to pass.

    073] The fact is your creator and sustainer has granted all the needed purpose based information as well as his ample provisions for mankind for their guidance as well as their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom yet a huge majority of them do not use what he has provided them with purposefully properly as they are guided or advised or instructed by him.

    074] Surely your creator and sustainer makes obvious what their potentialities are or how capable they are through what they actualise by their own deeds or practices or works or actions.

    075] The fact is, there is nothing hidden from or outside of the grip of the purpose based self evident set up systems and laws of Allah in the heaven and the earth.
    076] This is why this Quran clarifies even for the children of Israel most of those issues over which they dispute and fight with each other as well as with you people so that they work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom along with you people.

    077] This Quran is certainly such a purpose based guidance that will lead to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom any of the people who will purposefully commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    078] No doubt through it your creator and sustainer decides or settles or solves disputes and problems between people by his purposeful wisdom based criterion or standard because he is mighty wise therefore he makes his awesome and wonderful wisdom obvious for mankind through his creation and revelation.

    079] For that reason rely purposefully properly upon purpose based set-up systems and laws of Allah for your blissful, dignified and secure existence because you are certainly on the path that is self evidently purposefully properly balanced and therefore it is solid or firmly founded way of life for mankind to live or abide by.

    080] However you cannot get this message through to such people as refuse to learn sense of making purposefully proper sense of things or they are brain dead or they are victims of their own ignorance based arrogance because of which they remain illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled and therefore unable to think logically consistently or purposefully properly. Moreover you cannot make such people heed the call for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community who act as deaf on purpose for such a message or they are stubbornly arrogant seeking dominance over others through undermining them who turn their backs to our purpose based guidance, our rule of law and our advised way of life for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense.

    081] So no matter what you cannot guide to stop or prevent these like people from falling or straying into the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves who act as blind on purpose to our purpose based guidance or who are senseless due to not learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things or who decide to remain in darkness of ignorance. The fact is, you can only make such people listen to you as have learned to understand things purposefully properly therefore they examine with due full attention and care our purpose based guidance for them for purposeful satisfaction of their minds for committing or dedicating or devoting themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to it for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    082] It is because a group of people with a particular mindset due to their ignorance based arrogance do not pay their due attention to our purpose based guidance as they should and instead they cause serious troubles and problems for people in the land or in the human world therefore ultimately at times our set-up systems and laws fulfil to such harmful and destructive mindset people our forewarnings, so we let the group of down trodden dispossessed masses to react or revolt or rise up or bring about bloody revolutions against them who then speak to these like stubborn and arrogant people - who are unduly hungry and greedy for power and wealth therefore they control power and wealth by dispossessing their masses - in a language they understand and it all happens to these like people because they do not bother to attain certainty about our purpose based guidance by studying it purposefully properly to live or abide by faithfully as they should or as they are supposed to.

    083] During that time period we also let our missionaries gather from each and every human population a group of religious and secular ruling elite and their supporters who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for them in order to stop or restrain or prevent or hinder them from continuing their atrocities against their own masses in their own human populations for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.
    084] It is because they continue thinking and doing that until they all arrive at the same terribly troublesome and disturbing as well as humiliating and painful state of existence so they are asked on our behalf by our missionaries about their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours toward our purpose based program, goals and guidelines as well as each other, did you reject and oppose our purpose based program, goals and guidelines for you without gaining their purpose based comprehensive understanding? If this was not the way you behaved towards our program, goals and guidelines as well as towards each other then how else did you manage to arrive at such a regretful and sorrowful state of existence?

    085] Through these like questions to them by our missionaries it will become obvious to them that they have been the people with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours all along toward our program, goals and guidelines as well as towards each other, so in response to their questioning they will have nothing justifiable at all to say.

    086] Why do they not ponder or reflect over the fact as to why we have brought about or gave rise to the phenomenon of the night and the day for them so that they could rest during the night to recoup their lost energies as well as so that they could carry out their purpose based works during the day in the light of the day in order to fulfil their needs and wants? Surely there are lessons in all this for people who work hard to observe things for their purposeful proper understanding so that they could commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    087] During the time period when the benefits and advantages of rule of law of Allah become obvious to mankind they will become highly inspired or motivated or activated or agitated or moved, be they from among those in positions of power or be they from among those who are down trodden, no matter which group they belong to they will all come to purpose based guidance of Allah purposefully properly totally humbled due to being deeply impressed by it.

    088] You will see that such powerful people who inflict harms and destructions upon masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense whom you see as if they cannot be dislodged from their positions of power they will shift or move from their positions like moving or gliding clouds towards our purpose based guidance. Such is the creativity and set-up of Allah whose set-up systems and laws take care of all eventualities about everything. This is why he makes you the mankind aware about all that you should be thinking and doing to avoid harmful and destructive situations or state of existence for yourselves.

    089] Those who will think and do what ensures well being of mankind they themselves will end up in that state of existence and that is how they will save themselves from bringing upon themselves the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions or upheavals and falling victim to it.

    090] However those who will think and do harmful and destructive things to each other they will be made to face their own self created fire of hatred and animosity among themselves. Just think about it, can you the mankind be right in hoping for getting any other outcome for your thoughts and actions than the one you work for? Of course not because you only get the outcome you work for.

    091] Say to mankind, I have been told to work for fulfilling the mission I am assigned by the creator and sustainer of this world to whom alone belong all the existing things in this world who has made it a sanctuary or refuge for mankind to live in. Moreover he has commanded me to be of those who work for the purpose or objective of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    092] He has also told me that I should proclaim the Quran to mankind so that any human population that follows this purposeful guidance does so for ensuring its own well being as a proper human community through help and support of each other. As for any human population that decides to remain unaware of this message by ignoring or neglecting it tell them, I am just one of the many forewarners sent to deliver his message to mankind this very last and final time.

    093] Moreover say to human beings, awesome, marvellous, wonderful and amazing works of Allah naturally arouse deep feelings of appreciation of his works in minds of thinking and observing human beings. He shows you his wonderful and amazing works throughout his creation and revelation because your creator and sustainer is not unaware of your works so he lets you know what you ought to be thinking and doing to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #147 - August 09, 2023, 08:09 PM

    dearest Mughal.,  Glad to see you slugging away at Quran verses and for some reason you are messing up with the order that is there in the book.,   not sure why you are writing tafsir not in the order that is published in the book .,  but  my problem now is not that.,  YOU ARE ALSO ADDING NEW WORDS IN TO QURAN THAT ARE NOT THERE IN THE ORIGINAL ARABIC BOOK.,  that indeed is a serious problem ., In the history of Quran and Islam people have done enough damage, enough confusion and added enough new words and statements   to the book and to the faith.,  We do not need to add more confusion  and more new words and new statements that were NOT presents in the original book  in this century 
    Surah 27     AL-NAML-  Unstable and shifty foundation prevents mankind from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so they should move or shift themselves onto a solid and stable foundation for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance for them for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] TWAA, SEEN, These are goals and guidelines of the Quran in form of a brilliant book which clearly stands out.

    002] For the guidance of those who will fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.
    003] Those who will establish and maintain a proper human community network as well as increase its capacity and capability because that way they can be sure or certain about their bright future.

    004] As for those who will not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our advised way of life for their own brilliant future as a proper human community, we will leave them on their own to live their lives their own way whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other due to being confused by their own ignorance based arrogance.

    005] Such like are the people for whom there awaits terribly painful and uncertain as well as unstable future full of humiliating suffering due to losing all they ever worked for at the hands of each other.


    006] As for you O Muhammad, certainly you are receiving this Quran from the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation who makes mankind thereby aware about all they need to know as to how they should live and why.

    007] So relate to them story of Moses who said to his leading people at the time, I feel the need for light of knowledge for guidance because I see fire of hatred developing and spreading among people, so I need to set myself off on a journey of discovery quickly to bring you some information about it as to what is causing all this or may even bring you some brilliant spark of knowledge so that thereby you could become a purpose based properly united human community.

    008] So when he arrived at the stage of awareness needed for realising the need for our light of purpose based guidance to deal with the fire of hatred and animosity between people, a voice called upon him saying, blissful, dignified and secure existence is for each and every human beings who is in search of my light of purpose based guidance as well as for each and everyone who gathers around it as a part of a purpose based proper human community, because set-up systems and laws of Allah are constantly and consistently at work to manifest glory of purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind, the one who is creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the world.

    009] O Moses, this is surely I, Allah the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of creation speaking to you.

    010] Now take on responsibility for uniting your people as a purposefully properly organised and regulated proper human community. However when Moses realised the giant task involved in taking on this burden of responsibility he held back himself showing hesitation and reluctance in taking on this huge task. So we said, do not become worried O Moses, because in presence of my purpose based guidance or while my purpose based guidance is there for mankind those who know it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully as my missionaries they need not to worry or be anxious about their future.

    011] Not even those people need to worry or be anxious about their future who in their unawareness or ignorance about my purpose based guidance inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other so long as they leave their that way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense when they are made aware and they become aware about my purpose based advised way of life for mankind which is based upon my purpose based guidance for them and they adopt it purposefully properly which can then lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    012] So pocket this mighty powerful revelation of mine to you in the very heart of your being so that when you proclaim it or express it openly among learned people or people with knowledge, it enlightens and guides them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in my kingdom without any insurmountable problems or difficulties. With this collection of revealed program, goals and guidelines from us go to Pharaoh and his people because they are a people given to drawing wedges between individuals within human populations as well as between the human populations.

    013] However when our awesome and wonderful mind opening revealed program, goals and guidelines with clear explanations and evidences were put before them for their due careful consideration they said, this is a clear case of falsehood that is presented to us as the truth to make fool of us.

    014] The fact is, due to their ignorance based arrogance Pharaoh and his chiefs did not give our revealed program, goals and guidelines their due consideration because they were sure in their own minds among themselves due to their ignorance based arrogance that their self invented and imposed or adopted way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense was the proper way of life to live their lives by but then see what was the end of those who were given to causing disputes, rivalries, hatred and animosity, conflicts, fights and wars among their own human populations.

    015] Like Moses we bestowed our purpose based guidance and ability for its proper understanding upon David and Solomon also so they both accepted and acted upon it purposefully properly by proclaiming the fact that ownership and sovereignty of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone who has chosen us for guiding and leading a vast human population for committing itself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    016] However in due course Solomon succeeded David for delivering our message to his people so he said to them, O you the mankind, be aware of the fact that we have been bestowed by Allah with his purpose based information as well as with ability for its purposeful proper understanding for a way of life which can help a human population rise to heights of excellence or fly sky high therefore he has granted us all that is needed for fulfilling this purpose. This is truly a gift or grant of huge value which can be manifested in reality but only and only if people understood it purposefully properly as well as acted upon it faithfully.

    017] That is why on that basis and for that very purpose or objective or mission or task thereby were brought together by Solomon his forces comprised of highly trained or skilled and expert as well as highly educated or learned or knowledgeable people in form of rapidly deployable force and they were all kept fully organised and regulated under strict discipline in an orderly manner.

    018] Until there came a time for them to inspect or examine and test themselves how well they were organised and regulated as a people so they went on a tour of their own kingdom and arrived at the boarders with Valley of Naml (a place wherein were camped foreign or strange or nomad or gypsy or newly migrated people for the time being or none permanent settlers or campers), knowing about it the Namalite leadership advised its people, O you the Namalites, stay away from the path of Solomon’s forces and well within your own safe places in case Solomon and his forces crush you knowing not who you are and what you are doing in their territory or jurisdiction.

    019] When the news of this statement by Namalite leadership or authority reached Solomon he smiled at its statement and said, O my creator and sustainer! Keep me motivated and inspired through your purpose based guidance so that I keep managing and using all that you have provided me with and my people who rely upon me appropriately and to do such works as help mankind unite, develop and prosper according to your purpose based advised way of life therefore make me one of those who think and do things that are constructive and help increase capabilities of proper human community in your kingdom.

    020] He brought his hosts to rest in a place and decided to inspect and check his forces and as he came to inspect presence of his cavalry personnel he said, why I do not see officer Hudhud or is he absent from his duty?

    021] For absence without leave I will certainly discipline him severely or dismiss or discharge or release him from his position in the force or even demote him if he does not offer me a reasonable or justifiable excuse for his absence.

    022] The officer did not take long in coming and said, I have just found out something about which you are not already aware. I have brought you a reliable piece of information about the people of Sheba.

    023] I found that a woman is ruling over them and she has been given everything by her people because she has control or jurisdiction over a very large piece of land and people living in that land.

    024] Furthermore I found that she and her people are worshippers of the rising sun or whoever rises to seat of power and has wealth because they live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living by the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah and that is because their religious and secure leading elite conditions their minds, attitudes and behaviours in such a way that harming and destroying each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense seems to them a good thing to do to each other and that is because they stop or prevent or hinder each other from living by the purpose based way of life that is advised for them by Allah and that is why they do not live by purpose based guidance of Allah for them

    025] which tells them, they should not yield or surrender or submit or give in to rule of law of anyone other than Allah who brings to knowledge of mankind in due course all that is hidden in the heavens and the earth through making obvious for them their hidden potentialities by turning them into actualities through their own actions.

    026] Such is Allah other than whom none is God nor anyone other than him has the right to rule this kingdom of his creation because he alone is creator and sustainer of this magnificent kingdom.

    027] Solomon replies to Hudhud, soon we will find out whether what you are saying actually proves true or you have ended up with a false impression about them.

    028] Go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them seeking their reply then leave them to confer with each other and wait there for their reply to see what they decide.

    029] The Queen said, O my chiefs! I have been delivered a letter that addresses us with all due respect as a people.

    030] It is from Solomon and it is in the name of Allah, who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom,

    031] so do not continue living by the way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other whereby you people end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other instead start living by purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom therefore do not go against this request of mine and instead come and join me for this purpose.

    032] She said to her chiefs, O chiefs! Let me have your views on this matter before me because I make no decision without your advice or consultation.

    033] They said, we are a strong people and fierce warriors but it is up to you to command, so we stand ready in wait of your command.

    034] She said to them, when kings or rulers invade a land or country or kingdom they ruin or devastate it as well as they debase its people in position of power and they do so always.

    035] Therefore I will first send these people some things as a gift or present and see with what sort of response my envoys return to see if these people are any different.

    036] When her envoys came to Solomon he said to them, are you people trying to impress me with your highly valuable wealthy gifts? That which Allah has given me has turned us into a far more productive or useful people as individuals and as a proper human community by our purpose based proper understanding of it and acting upon it faithfully than what he has given you and what you have made out of it. You people may find your value and worth or happiness by possessing power and wealth which you gain through dominating each other by undermining each other whereby you cause disputes, rivalries, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves whereby you end up harming and destroying each other but we find our happiness in helping and fully supporting each other as a proper human community for ensuring our well being according to purpose based guidance of Allah.

    037] So go back to your people and let them know that if they do not cooperate fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly with each other among themselves and with us then we will march against them with such a force which they will not be able to face and we will drive them out of their land defeated and humiliated.

    038] Then he turned to his own administrators and managers of the land or kingdom and said, O you the administrators and managers of affairs of this land or kingdom that is purposefully properly founded upon purpose based guidance of Allah! Which of you can bring the administrative and management authority in her land or kingdom under my administration or management if she resists or rejects and opposes my request or refuses to cooperate with us for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other?

    039] A capable expert in administration and warfare said, I will bring it under your administrative or management authority  before you set out of this camping place because surely I have the needed or necessary strength or power and I am a tried and tested person in field of administration and warfare.

    040] One person who was yet more expert in administration and warfare and who also had better knowledge of the book of Allah said, I can bring the authority of that land or kingdom under your jurisdiction before you even decide to return home at the completion of your tour of the land or kingdom for its inspection. When he saw her land or kingdom administration or management matter settled before his very eyes Solomon said, all this is due to my purpose based proper understanding and faithful following of guidance of my creator and sustainer whereby he put me through struggle to see whether I use what he has provided me with rightly and properly or wrongly and improperly. Anyone who uses things appropriately does it for the benefit of his own human race and thereby for himself but anyone who misuses and abuses things does it to bring harm and destruction upon his own human kind and thereby upon himself because Allah upon whom rests all there is for its existence is free from depending upon his human creatures for any of his own needs for his existence.

    041] Solomon then told his officials, transform her place or land or kingdom then let us see whether she also accepts guidance or she is one of those who refuse to live by purposeful way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    042] After reformation of her place or kingdom when she herself arrived to meet Solomon she was asked, is your place or kingdom like this too? She replied, it surely looks as though it is the same. It is because we had received the purpose based guidance of Allah before coming here therefore we have already accepted living by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah which leads to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    043] That is how Solomon managed to persuade her away from the way of life that was invented and imposed or promoted by people who claimed to be Gods and rulers or who were taken as Gods and rulers by their masses other than or along with Allah. No doubt before this change of mindset, attitude and behaviour she was one of the people who rejected and opposed our purpose based advised way of life based upon our purpose based guidance for mankind.

    044] She changed her mind when she was invited to adopt the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah because it could lead her and her people to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the land or kingdom they lived in and that happened to her in presence of Solomon when she saw the result of their living by that way of life before her own very eyes as a concrete reality. That is how she became aware of glory or greatness of this way of life and that is how it fully dawned upon her that all problems and difficulties between her own people could become solved thereby. Solomon explained to her, this blissful, dignified and secure existence of a human population as a proper human community in a land or kingdom comes about as a result of purpose based proper constant and consistent as well as steadfast thoughts and actions of a human population according to the purpose based guidance of Allah. At this explanation of Solomon she said in her mind, my creator and sustainer, I have indeed harmed and destroyed my people and myself by adopting the way of life whereby we secured our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but now on I too along with Solomon commit myself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based way of life for mankind that is based properly upon your purpose based guidance. I accept the fact that only and only Allah alone is the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the whole of human world.

    045] Likewise to a people called Thamud we surely sent their brother Saleh with our message saying to them, be a proper human community who live by rule of law of Allah in his kingdom because at the time due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other they had become a terribly divided people who ended up fighting each other and that way they harmed and destroyed each other.

    046] Saleh said to them, O my people! Why do you hurry or rush towards inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other instead of working together as a proper human community for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other? Why don’t you people seek blissful, dignified and secure existence according to purpose based guidance of Allah so that you people could have a great life worth living.

    047] They said, we take you and your companions or supporters as a signal for troubles to come. He said, the solution for or freedom from your problems and troubles you are already in with each other due to adopting the way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other rests with your adopting the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah because you are a human population that is placed in this world to struggle very, very hard for making this human world a beautiful place for yourselves as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    048] However there were a group of religious and secular leading or ruling elite in the land or kingdom who due to their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions because of their ignorance based arrogance conspired for creating disputes, rivalries, conflicts and fights thereby hatred and animosities between their human population so they were not letting people mend or repair relationships between themselves to unite and be in peace with each other to work for development and growth or progress of their own human population so that there could come about prosperity for them as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    049] So once upon a time they gathered to consult each other in secret and said to one another, let us agree with each other by swearing under oath in the name of Allah that we will secretly make a night attack on Saleh and his family and kill them then if we are questioned about it by his tribe under whose protection he is then we will tell them we did not witness murder of his family because were not even present here in this place at the time and that we are surely a people who speak the truth.

    050] However they cooked a plot against him and his family but we also had a plan for ensuring their well being about which they were not aware.

    051] Therefore think about what was the outcome of their plotting and scheming ! We left them to their own devices so they and their supporters and backer altogether ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    052] There lay their houses in desolate ruins as a result of their own atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other. Surely there is a lesson in this story for people who use their brains and senses purposefully properly to understand things objectively.

    053] However we delivered our promise to those who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom because they became consistent with our purpose based guidance as well as with each other.

    054] And let your people also know about people of Lot when he said to his people, why do you people commit atrocities against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other when you people are sensible enough to know the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah?

    055] Why do you individuals stick to or link up with or cosy up with or act as touts or promoters or supporters for powerful and wealthy people as their touts in your human population in order to fulfil your petty personal desires and ambitions at the expense of weaker and disadvantaged people for feeling powerful and wealthy against them instead of living along with them on the basis of purposeful proper foundation provided by Allah? No, you should not be doing that but you are a people given to ignorance based arrogance seeking dominance over disadvantaged and weak people by undermining them.

    056] However his people had no reply for his questions other than saying, drive out the supporters of Lot from your land. They are a people who want to bring about a proper human community that is free of all kinds of troubles and problems or tensions between its people.

    057] So we delivered our promise to Lot and his people save a party of people which did not make itself capable of meeting our set standard because it lagged behind and remained below our required set standard by ignoring or dismissing our forewarning or taking our early warning that was issued to it well in advance lightly.

    058] So when troubles and problems rained down upon it as outcome of its own thoughts and actions against each other due to securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then it could not cope with them therefore destructive was the rain of their self created troubles and problems which fell upon those who were forewarned but they heeded not our warning.

    059] Say to mankind, awesome and wonderful acts of Allah such as acts of his creation and revelation arouse natural deep feelings of appreciation in minds of such people who have learned sense of making purposeful proper sense of things therefore they ought to be saluted, the people who are therefore selected or preferred to act as missionaries of Allah for establishing his rule of law in their human world that is based purposefully properly upon his purpose based guidance. So whose rule of law is best for mankind? Of Allah or of those whom ignorant and arrogant people all by themselves take for their Gods and rulers?

    060] Or who do you think has originated and evolved the heavens and the earth as well as who sends down the water for you as rain from the clouds raised high or raised to heights? Behold or become aware of the fact that it is we who by that way or process bring forth beautiful gardens. It was not possible for you the mankind to cause the growth of beautiful trees and plants for those gardens without our set-up purpose based systems and laws. So is there any God or owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah who has done and is doing all these things? No, rather mankind are a species with ability to make decisions but they have deviated from the purpose based properly balanced point of reference regarding their creator and sustainer so they do not live for fulfilling or accomplishing his assigned task or objective according to his plan.

    061] Or who do you think has made this world a place for you to live in for a short time period and caused in it the valleys with rivers flowing and raised mountains in it as a way of barrier between any two bodies of water to make way for you to live on the land by means of peaks and troughs? Is there any God or owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than Allah? No, rather most of the people choose or decide to remain ignorant about creation and revelation of their creator and sustainer despite being endowed with purpose based brains and senses as well as bodies.

    062] Or who do you think answers the call of or fulfils the need of a purpose based guidance for despaired humanity when it cries out to him and shows it the way to relieve itself from hardships and problems of life through his purpose based guidance for them and thereby makes possible for you the mankind to become purposefully proper administrators and managers of his kingdom of creation? So is there any God or rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah? No, but despite this fact only a small number from among you the mankind study properly and adopt faithfully his purpose based advised way of life for you people.

    063] Or who do you think guides you the mankind purposefully properly towards blissful, dignified and secure existence through various kinds and degrees of darkness be it in the land or in the sea and moreover who sends the water vapour carrying winds as heralds of his good news in form of rain to help growth of all kinds in abundance for you? So is there any God or owner and ruler for this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah? No, the truth is through all these kinds of explanations and evidences Allah make this fact amply clear or plain for those who attribute partners to him in his sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation that glory of being a God or creator, sustainer, owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to him alone. He is free of or far above needing any partners to help him in his creation and its sustenance.

    064] Or who do you think has originated the creation and evolved it and through set-up systems and laws recycles and reproduces it in various ways using various processes and who thereby gives you sustenance or livelihood or subsistence or provisions from within the heavens and the earth? So is there any God or owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah? No. Say to polytheists who falsely claim other Gods than or along with Allah, show us your explanations and evidences if what you people claim is true.

    065] Say, none within the heavens and the earth knows what the future holds for mankind other than Allah alone because it is his purpose and plan for them as to what mankind should think and do and what will be the result of their thoughts and actions that is why all people must study his purpose guidance for them to know all that they need to do. It is because these people are not yet purposefully aware even about his purpose based advised way of life for them that is why they are not yet aware of the fact as to when or how that can raise them to heights of excellence for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    066] The fact is, the level of knowledge they can attain merely through their brains and senses alone is not sufficient for them even for their comprehensive grasping of the outcomes of their own thoughts and actions. In fact that is the very reason they are in confusion about the truth of our this purpose based guidance for them because they are in utter darkness of ignorance and confusion about the purpose of our revealed message for them.

    067] This is why the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance ask, since we have fallen from the heights of excellence and we are lying as if in the dust as a people just like our forefather before us, is there any way of life whereby we could really get out of this terribly painful situation or state of existence and rise once more to the heights of excellence?

    068] This promise which is being made to us that we can come out of this terribly painful situation or state of existence was also made to our forefathers before us, these are nothing but made up or concocted or false stories about the people of the past.

    069] Say to them, travel throughout the human world and see what was the end of those who committed crimes against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other so if you will stop inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and instead help and fully support each other for ensuring your own well being then nothing can stop you from rising again to heights of excellence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    070] However whatever they think and do against what they are told by us and as a result they suffer due to that, do not let that make you sad or make you grieve or feel sorry for them. Nor feel hurt or troubled or worried due to their secret plotting and scheming against our purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    071] Despite their refusal to understand purposefully properly and live faithfully by our purpose based advised way of life for mankind they say, when will this promise of yours for blissful, dignified and secure existence for you people or our utter destruction in form of revolts or uprisings be fulfilled if what you claim is true?

    072] Say, it may be that a part of what you wish to hasten is near at hand or is about to take place or come to pass.

    073] The fact is your creator and sustainer has granted all the needed purpose based information as well as his ample provisions for mankind for their guidance as well as their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom yet a huge majority of them do not use what he has provided them with purposefully properly as they are guided or advised or instructed by him.

    074] Surely your creator and sustainer makes obvious what their potentialities are or how capable they are through what they actualise by their own deeds or practices or works or actions.

    075] The fact is, there is nothing hidden from or outside of the grip of the purpose based self evident set up systems and laws of Allah in the heaven and the earth.
    076] This is why this Quran clarifies even for the children of Israel most of those issues over which they dispute and fight with each other as well as with you people so that they work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom along with you people.

    077] This Quran is certainly such a purpose based guidance that will lead to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom any of the people who will purposefully commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    078] No doubt through it your creator and sustainer decides or settles or solves disputes and problems between people by his purposeful wisdom based criterion or standard because he is mighty wise therefore he makes his awesome and wonderful wisdom obvious for mankind through his creation and revelation.

    079] For that reason rely purposefully properly upon purpose based set-up systems and laws of Allah for your blissful, dignified and secure existence because you are certainly on the path that is self evidently purposefully properly balanced and therefore it is solid or firmly founded way of life for mankind to live or abide by.

    080] However you cannot get this message through to such people as refuse to learn sense of making purposefully proper sense of things or they are brain dead or they are victims of their own ignorance based arrogance because of which they remain illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled and therefore unable to think logically consistently or purposefully properly. Moreover you cannot make such people heed the call for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community who act as deaf on purpose for such a message or they are stubbornly arrogant seeking dominance over others through undermining them who turn their backs to our purpose based guidance, our rule of law and our advised way of life for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense.

    081] So no matter what you cannot guide to stop or prevent these like people from falling or straying into the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves who act as blind on purpose to our purpose based guidance or who are senseless due to not learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things or who decide to remain in darkness of ignorance. The fact is, you can only make such people listen to you as have learned to understand things purposefully properly therefore they examine with due full attention and care our purpose based guidance for them for purposeful satisfaction of their minds for committing or dedicating or devoting themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to it for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    082] It is because a group of people with a particular mindset due to their ignorance based arrogance do not pay their due attention to our purpose based guidance as they should and instead they cause serious troubles and problems for people in the land or in the human world therefore ultimately at times our set-up systems and laws fulfil to such harmful and destructive mindset people our forewarnings, so we let the group of down trodden dispossessed masses to react or revolt or rise up or bring about bloody revolutions against them who then speak to these like stubborn and arrogant people - who are unduly hungry and greedy for power and wealth therefore they control power and wealth by dispossessing their masses - in a language they understand and it all happens to these like people because they do not bother to attain certainty about our purpose based guidance by studying it purposefully properly to live or abide by faithfully as they should or as they are supposed to.

    083] During that time period we also let our missionaries gather from each and every human population a group of religious and secular ruling elite and their supporters who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for them in order to stop or restrain or prevent or hinder them from continuing their atrocities against their own masses in their own human populations for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.
    084] It is because they continue thinking and doing that until they all arrive at the same terribly troublesome and disturbing as well as humiliating and painful state of existence so they are asked on our behalf by our missionaries about their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours toward our purpose based program, goals and guidelines as well as each other, did you reject and oppose our purpose based program, goals and guidelines for you without gaining their purpose based comprehensive understanding? If this was not the way you behaved towards our program, goals and guidelines as well as towards each other then how else did you manage to arrive at such a regretful and sorrowful state of existence?

    085] Through these like questions to them by our missionaries it will become obvious to them that they have been the people with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours all along toward our program, goals and guidelines as well as towards each other, so in response to their questioning they will have nothing justifiable at all to say.

    086] Why do they not ponder or reflect over the fact as to why we have brought about or gave rise to the phenomenon of the night and the day for them so that they could rest during the night to recoup their lost energies as well as so that they could carry out their purpose based works during the day in the light of the day in order to fulfil their needs and wants? Surely there are lessons in all this for people who work hard to observe things for their purposeful proper understanding so that they could commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    087] During the time period when the benefits and advantages of rule of law of Allah become obvious to mankind they will become highly inspired or motivated or activated or agitated or moved, be they from among those in positions of power or be they from among those who are down trodden, no matter which group they belong to they will all come to purpose based guidance of Allah purposefully properly totally humbled due to being deeply impressed by it.

    088] You will see that such powerful people who inflict harms and destructions upon masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense whom you see as if they cannot be dislodged from their positions of power they will shift or move from their positions like moving or gliding clouds towards our purpose based guidance. Such is the creativity and set-up of Allah whose set-up systems and laws take care of all eventualities about everything. This is why he makes you the mankind aware about all that you should be thinking and doing to avoid harmful and destructive situations or state of existence for yourselves.

    089] Those who will think and do what ensures well being of mankind they themselves will end up in that state of existence and that is how they will save themselves from bringing upon themselves the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions or upheavals and falling victim to it.

    090] However those who will think and do harmful and destructive things to each other they will be made to face their own self created fire of hatred and animosity among themselves. Just think about it, can you the mankind be right in hoping for getting any other outcome for your thoughts and actions than the one you work for? Of course not because you only get the outcome you work for.

    091] Say to mankind, I have been told to work for fulfilling the mission I am assigned by the creator and sustainer of this world to whom alone belong all the existing things in this world who has made it a sanctuary or refuge for mankind to live in. Moreover he has commanded me to be of those who work for the purpose or objective of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    092] He has also told me that I should proclaim the Quran to mankind so that any human population that follows this purposeful guidance does so for ensuring its own well being as a proper human community through help and support of each other. As for any human population that decides to remain unaware of this message by ignoring or neglecting it tell them, I am just one of the many forewarners sent to deliver his message to mankind this very last and final time.

    093] Moreover say to human beings, awesome, marvellous, wonderful and amazing works of Allah naturally arouse deep feelings of appreciation of his works in minds of thinking and observing human beings. He shows you his wonderful and amazing works throughout his creation and revelation because your creator and sustainer is not unaware of your works so he lets you know what you ought to be thinking and doing to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    In that verse-6 of Surah An_naml .. aka surah-27., that word "Muhammad"  is NOT there., so it is better to delete that  word...   Let me give the real verse-6

    وَإِنَّكَ لَتُلَقَّى الْقُرْآنَ مِن لَّدُنْ حَكِيمٍ عَلِيمٍ         

    Transliteration:    Wainnaka latulaqqa alqurana min ladun hakeemin AAaleemin

    Yusuf Ali:   As to thee, the Qur'an is bestowed upon thee from the presence of one who is wise and all-knowing.

    Shakir:    And most surely you are made to receive the Quran from the Wise, the Knowing Allah.

    Pickthall:   Lo! as for thee   thou verily receivest the Qur'an from the presence of One Wise, Aware.

    Mohsin Khan:   And verily, you  are being taught the Qur'an from One, All-Wise, All-Knowing.

    Saheeh:   And indeed,  you receive the Qur'an from one Wise and Knowing.

    with best wishes.... please continue... to read Quran..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #148 - August 12, 2023, 05:45 PM

    Surah 26     AL-SHUARAA- The human population lives by one of the two opposite ways of life and ends up with outcomes according to their own thoughts and actions for or against each other respectively. People who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose purpose based guidance of Allah and live as they like end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but people who live by his purpose based guidance end up having a great life due to having unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom due to ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001]  TWAA, SEEN, MEEM.

    002] These goals and guidelines are for that very purpose in form of a brilliant book which clearly stands out for mankind to study it purposefully properly and act upon its program faithfully.

    003] If the opportunity availed itself will you O messenger grieve yourself to death just because these people do not study this book purposefully properly to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence?

    004] Had it served our purpose for creating mankind we could have imposed upon them our program fully giving them no ability or opportunity to make choices for themselves so that they fully and humbly submitted to our program and carried it out but instead we have let people have their freedom to do as they please and face the consequences because doing that served our purpose for creating mankind.

    005] However there has not come to them any message for their purpose based guidance from the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom but they instead of understanding it purposefully properly and acting upon it faithfully have been turning away from it by rejecting and opposing or ignoring and neglecting it as if it was something of no benefit or value for them.

    006] By likewise rejecting and opposing or ignoring and neglecting our this message via this messenger people surely continue denying themselves benefits and advantages they could have had through following this message purposefully properly therefore if they will not change their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards our message then they will soon come to know the reality of what they have been rejecting and opposing or neglecting and ignoring as a joke.

    007] Have they not looked deeply and widely into the observable world to study it and learn how we have brought about in there all kinds of growths to grow to their full potentials?

    008] Surely in this vastly observable kingdom of ours for them there is a lot to learn from yet despite that a great majority of them do not commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    009] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance for them no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    010] For this very purpose once upon a time your creator and sustainer called upon Moses telling him, go to a people who are living by a way of life whereby they are securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other in opposition to our purpose based advised way of life for mankind based upon our purpose based guidance for them therefore they are inflicting harms and destructions upon each other in contravention of our purpose based guidance.

    011] So go to the people of Pharaoh and ask them, become consistent with our purpose based guidance as well as with each other.

    012] Moses said, my creator and sustainer, I am worried that they may reject and oppose me and thereby deny themselves benefits and advantages they could have due to your purpose based guidance for them through me.

    013] My mind therefore feels under pressure because under the circumstances I may find difficult on my own to convey your message to them therefore send Aaron with me.

    014] It is because they have a charge against me for murder or fighting or rebelling against them and I am concerned they may start a fight with me instead of listening to what I have to tell them.

    015] Allah said, no, that will not be the case so proceed both of you with our program, goals and guidelines for those people, we are indeed with you observing all things comprehensively.

    016] So go both of you to Pharaoh and say, we are to you the messengers from the creator and the sustainer of all that exists in the world.

    017] He commands that you let children of Israel be free to be with us to be able to live their lives according to the way of life advised for mankind by our creator and sustainer.

    018] When they went to Pharaoh and conveyed the message of Allah to him he said, did we people in this land not nurture and raise you when you were a child? Did you not stay among us for so many years of your life before you went away?

    019] That happened when you fought with our official and killed him then you ran away or went away yourself, so you are an ungrateful fellow.

    020] Moses replied, I did what I did at the time because the situation so demanded and it was not a well planned or premeditated murder of a person by me.

    021] I then went away from you people because I thought you may not be considerate of circumstances that led to that incident but by now my creator and sustainer has granted me even higher wisdom and appointed me as one of his messengers.

    022] As for the favour you are talking about, is it really a favour with which you remind me because you people have gradually entrapped and enslaved the children of Israel?

    023] Pharaoh then said, what about this creator and sustainer of all that exists in the world that you are telling me about?

    024] Moses replied, he is the creator and sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that lies within them as well as in between them should you decide to purposefully examine his guidance for satisfaction of your own mind.

    025] Pharaoh said to those around him, do you not hear that?

    026] Moses continues, he is your creator and sustainer as well as creator and sustainer of your forefathers of the old or past.

    027] Pharaoh interrupted by saying to his people, this messenger of yours who has been sent to you is one of the people who talk nonsense.

    028] Moses continued, he is the creator and sustainer of all that is in the east and the west as well as all that lies in between the two extremes or all that exists from one end of his kingdom of creation to the other if you have learned sense of making purposeful proper sense of things as to how to understand and consider things purposefully properly.

    029] At this Pharaoh said, if any of you people will accept and live by rule of law of any God or ruler other than me in this land then I will have you thrown into the prison.

    030] At this Moses said, even if I bring you people some purpose based brilliant explanation and evidences which make manifest or obvious for you that which I claim is true?

    031] Pharaoh said, bring it then if you are one of the people who are truthful to their claims.

    032] Hearing this Moses began putting before people in his court purposefully properly the information about our purpose based guidance for their due consideration and behold, it clearly moved or convinced or persuaded the counsel about its true worth or value for their brilliant future.

    033) Not only he managed to convince people clearly about true worthiness of purpose based guidance of Allah but he also managed to purposefully expose harmful and destructive effects or results of governing system of Pharaoh to his people which amazed those who were present around him.

    034] After witnessing the demonstration of Moses such powerful delivery of the message of Allah Pharaoh said to his chiefs around him, this fellow is certainly a highly knowledgeable and highly skilled debater who knows very well how to present his case in a moving or convincing or persuading way.

    035] The reason he is doing all this is so that he could take over your land by driving you people out of power in your own land by force of what he is explaining to us, so what do you people advise or recommend me to do about him?

    036] They said, adjourn the discussion with him and his brother for now and dispatch messengers to various cities for a gathering

    037] to bring to you each and every person most expert in debating for arguing your case in a moving or convincing or persuading way better than him.

    038] So the experts in debating were brought together at the appointed time on a fixed day

    039] and the people at large were asked, will you come to the gathering

    040] so that we could support the point of view of our top most experts in debating if they prove to be the winners?

    041] When the expert debaters arrived they asked Pharaoh, are we going to be rewarded if we are the winners?

    042] Pharaoh replied, yes of course! You will even become part of my counsel.

    043] Moses said to them, put forth your explanations and evidences for whatever case you want to argue for.

    044] Thereupon they put forth various explanations and evidences in favour of an elite controlled authoritarian human society wherein a tiny minority secures its own petty personal gains from the rest at their expense saying, we will surely win this case or argument due to the supremacy of governing system of Pharaoh.

    045] Then Moses put before people his explanations and evidences as basis for a proper human community that is based purposefully properly upon guidance of Allah which took them by surprise making their explanations and evidences for social basis look insignificant and worthless as well as harmful and destructive for humanity.

    046] At this all the experts admitted that they were no match for Moses and that he was truly a man of God so they accepted his argument or explanations and evidences as basis for a proper human community

    047] saying, as of now we commit or dedicate or devote ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of the creator and sustainer of all the creation in his kingdom.

    048] The one who is creator and sustainer of Moses and Aaron as well.

    049] Pharaoh shouted, how dare you accepted his explanations and evidences as basis for a proper human community and you have committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community even before I gave you my permission to do so? He must be your leader in this field who has taught you this whole thing to trick our people but soon you will find out the consequences for doing that. I will certainly isolate you people by removing you from your positions of power in your own local populations as well as by removing you from your own local human populations and that is how I will keep you all in my strict control under my authority or rule of law in this land or kingdom and make your life or existence difficult or hard for you due to your going against me.

    050) They said, that does not matter for us because we all have decided to be part of a purposeful education based revolution for promoting the way of life advised for us by our creator and sustainer so you can do as it pleases you.

    051] We only desire that our creator and sustainer protects us against results or consequences of our mistakes in future by helping us overcome our harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other because as of now we fully commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance which can lead us to blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring our well being through help and full support of each other.

    052] So we revealed to Moses, set off with my missionaries on a journey of learning and discovery with help of our purpose based guidance, you are surely going to be helped and supported or backed up by it.

    053] At length Pharaoh sent messengers to all the cities for gathering his people,

    054] and to inspire his people to rise up against Israelites he said, these Israelites are only a smaller number of people compared to us as well as ill equipped for facing our might

    055] yet they are provoking us into rage by not living their lives as we tell them

    056] even though we are a people greater in numbers than them and well equipped to deal with them, it is sufficient for us as a warning so we must act against them.

    057] Yet despite all their preparedness our set-up systems and laws made them leave behind amply fertile lands that were teeming with various kinds of growths

    058] and treasures as well as stately dwellings

    059] and as is always the case we let children of Israel inherit these things.

    060] This is why in due course the multitudes of people who were looking for better life decided to join them

    061] and when both the multitudes saw each other people who were already with Moses said, we are going to be swamped.

    062] Moses said, not at all, the guidance of my creator and sustainer is with me so through it he will show me the way.

    063] That is why we revealed our guidance to Moses telling him, take charge of this sea of people and organise and regulate them purposefully properly, so he expanded the community by bringing all communities together in a purpose based organised and regulated way that became a huge group of people.

    064] That is how we let other human populations join them in hot haste.

    065] that is how we fulfilled our promise to Moses and all who were with him

    066] and we let the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance destroy themselves.

    067] Surely in this story of Children of Israel there is a lot to learn from for people who are interested in knowing things purposefully properly yet most of the human populations do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a properly human community in our kingdom.

    068] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    069] For the very same reason tell them the story of Abraham and his people also,

    070] He asked leadership of his people as well as his people, whose purpose or objective or agenda do serve or fulfil or who do you work or live for as a people?

    071] They replied, we serve or fulfil the agendas of those whom we idolise and we remain fully committed to serving or fulfilling their agendas.

    072] Abraham asked, do they really listen to your concerns when you call upon them to do so or do they fulfil your needs when you rely upon them as a people?

    073]Do they help you grow and develop or make progress and prosper as well as protect you against harming and destroying each other?

    074] They replied, no but that is the way we found our forefathers doing things or living their lives.

    075] Abraham said, have you really given thought to whom you have been serving for generations or for whom you people have been living your lives?

    076] Both you and your forefathers who have passed away before you?

    077] To me as I understand things those whom you idolise and for whom you live your lives drive a wedge between masses to turn them into bitter rival factions for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense but not so the creator and sustainer of this whole kingdom of his creation.

    078] He who created me and then provided me with his purpose based guidance as to how I should live my life purposefully properly in this world as a part of a proper human community.

    079] That is how he provides me with food for my thoughts and actions as well as my bodily nourishment and quenches my thirst for knowledge and water by inspiring or motivating or encouraging or urging me to satisfy my physical and mental needs purposefully properly.

    080] That is how when I face any problems or hardships, he thereby provides me with satisfactory purpose based solutions.

    081] Yet he also allows me the choice to perish if I do not wish to live or abide by his advised way of life for mankind but he can also lead me thereby to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a part of a proper human community in his kingdom if I choose to understand it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully.

    082] Therefore it is he towards whose purpose based advised way of life for mankind I look forward to with the hope that once his rule of law becomes fully and properly established in the human world by people themselves during a period of time then thereby he will save me along with them from thinking and doing things which result in a terrible outcome for mankind the while his rule of law is not fully and properly established in the human world by people themselves.

    083] That is why this is how he expressed his hope, wish, desire or ambition saying, my creator and sustainer give me purpose based proper information and ability for its proper understanding or wisdom for running a place or land or kingdom based properly upon your purpose based guidance so that on that basis people come and join with me to work towards a beautiful human world as a proper human community by mending or repairing their broken or fractured relationships with each other and by removing rivalries, tensions, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars from between them

    084] and that way grant me among the generations to come reputation of a person who fulfilled his declared commitment to your assigned mission

    085] by helping me establish a place that offers mankind blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in your kingdom.

    086] Moreover open the eyes of leadership of my people to your advised way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence because this leadership is of those who follow a way of life whereby they think and do harmful and destructive things to each other for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense.

    087] So do not keep me in suspense or worry about the coming of a period of time when revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions or upheavals become a reality.

    088] The time period during which neither having personal power and wealth nor having worthless bases and supporters will be of any help to anyone.

    089] Instead only and only that person who has attained the mindset, attitude and behaviour that is consistent with the purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with humanity will benefit.

    090] That is how the place or kingdom based properly upon purpose based guidance of Allah will be brought within the reach of those who are consistent with the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah as well as with each other to ensure well being of mankind through help and full support of each other.

    091] The while the hell of their own making in the human world will also become a visible or manifest reality to see for those who go beyond his set limits due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    092] This is why they will be asked, where are those whom you took for God and rulers

    093] other than or along with Allah? Can they help you or help even themselves to get out of this terrible situation or horrible state of existence?

    094] That is because in due course they all will be thrown into that state of terrible and horrible existence by each other, both the masses and their misleading leaders.

    095] That is how people who belong to category of Iblees will be gathered therein together,

    096] wherein such followers and such leaders will argue against each other and the followers will say,

    097] with reference to purpose based guidance of Allah, we were indeed in manifest and serious error

    098] when we accepted or adopted your invented and imposed way of life instead of the purpose based way of life that was advised for mankind by the creator and sustainer of all the creation in his kingdom.

    099] The followers will say, our leaders were indeed our misleaders those who were hell bent upon committing crimes against us for securing their own petty personal gains from us at our expense.

    100] Now we have none to intervene for us,

    101] nor any sincere friend.

    102] However, if we could have another chance, we will be of those who fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    103] Surely here in this explanation there is a lesson for mankind to learn from as to how they should live their lives and how they should not live their lives yet most of the people still not bother to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for them for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    104] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.
    105] People of Noah also denied themselves benefits and advantages of our purpose based guidance for them through our messengers.

    106] At the time when their brother Noah asked them, will you not be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence?

    107] Rest assured that I am a messenger from Allah for you to help you purposefully properly organise and regulate yourselves as a proper human community for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    108] Therefore be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other and that way be consistent with me as well.

    109] However I do not ask you people for anything in return as my wage for my this work because my reward for my missionary work rests with the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the world.

    110] So be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other by being consistent with me also.

    111] They said, how can we powerful and wealthy land owners join you in supporting your mission when you are supported by people who work for us on our lands for a wage?

    112] He said, for the time being as things are I am not worried about how people earn their living or livelihood for their survival or I do not see anything wrong with what these people do for their living or survival for the time being as things stand.

    113] No doubt that situation can only be put right on the basis of purpose based guidance of my creator and sustainer if you have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and therefore you can understand that guidance purposefully properly.

    114] Meanwhile I am not going to let these people disperse who say they have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    115] No doubt that I am a clear warner against the way you people live your lives whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from your masses at their expense which can lead a human population to harmful and destructive or dire consequences by hands of each other.

    116] They said, if you do not stop this mission or movement of yours O Noah then you will be cast out or thrown out of our human population.

    117] Noah said, my creator and sustainer, religious and secular leaders of my human population and their supporters have decided to reject and oppose your purpose based guidance for them.

    118] Therefore let this be a clear line of distinction between me and them as it ought to be and let me and anyone who supports me of those who have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based guidance prosper or be successful.

    119] So our set up systems and laws delivered our promised outcome to him and those with him in the same boat in this struggle

    120] and left the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance to themselves to drown each other in their own self created troubles and problems and so they perished.

    121] Surely in this explanation of this story there is lesson for mankind to learn from how they should live in this world and how they should not live in this world yet most of the people still do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    122] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    123] People of Aad also rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance through our messengers.

    124] Their brother Hood said to them, become consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other.

    125] Rest assured I am a messenger from Allah to you people to purposefully organise and regulate you people for your purpose based united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence through help and full support of each other.

    126] So be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other including me for bringing about a proper human community for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other.

    127] I do not ask you people for anything in return as a wage for my this service because reward for my hard work for this purpose rests with set-up systems and laws of the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in his kingdom.

    128] Are you the dominant or domineering people building personal monuments for sake of personal gratification on every prominent or noticeable high place on the high ways to impress your disadvantaged people as to how well you have undermined them because you live by a way of life whereby you inflict harms and destructions upon your masses for securing your own petty personal gains from them at their expense because of which you have fallen in rivalries and animosities by using each other abusively.

    129] On that basis you build stately buildings only for yourselves on their backs by using them abusively as if you are the only ones deserving to live like this here in this life forever and not them when you in actual fact own not even the least of the things in the kingdom of Allah because each and everything be it of least or most value only and only belongs to Allah alone who has given them to you the mankind to manage them according to his purpose based guidance?

    130] Not only that but whenever you lay your hands on anyone weaker than yourselves, do you not act like monsters or bullies or tyrants with absolute power and control as if others have no rights to anything at all which Allah has provided for mankind?

    131] Therefore be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other including me so that together we could bring about a proper human community in his kingdom and ensure its well being according to his purpose based guidance.

    132] So be consistent with purpose based guidance provided for you by him who has provided you freely with abilities to obtain information about all things to be able to understand it purposefully properly to act upon it faithfully.

    133] He has provided you freely with all kinds of things that can make your life or existence blissful, dignified and secure along with solid standards or criteria for your foundation

    134] so that you could bring about kingdoms based upon them through fountains of knowledge or purpose based proper education and training centres for your blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    135] However if you will fail in doing all this then I am concerned that you will land yourselves in torment of dreadful kind in time to come by your inflicting of harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    136] They said, it is the same for us whether you make us aware about these things or you do not make us aware about these things,

    137] because to us such things and events as well as their explanations and evidences by you are nothing but a traditional nonsense of the ancient people like yourself.

    138] We are not going to suffer any painful revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions or upheavals like the one’s you are telling us about because we know things better.

    139] That is how they denied themselves benefits and advantages of our purpose based guidance so we left them to themselves and they ended up destroying each other just like the people long before them. Surely in all this information there is a lesson for mankind to learn from yet most of the people do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    140] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    141] People of Thamud also rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them through our messengers.

    142] When their brother Saleh said to them, become consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being as a proper human community in his kingdom by mending or repairing your fractured relationship with each other and by removing tensions, disputes, conflicts and fights between yourselves by actualising your abilities and potentials.

    143] Rest assured I am a messenger from Allah for you people to help you purposefully organise and regulate yourselves for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    144] So be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other and support me for ensuring your well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community.

    145] I do not ask you for any return for my this work because the reward for my hard work for this mission rests only and only with creator and sustainer of all the human populations in his kingdom.

    146] Should you the ruling elite or the leading people and your supporters decide to reject and oppose purpose based guidance of Allah and continue living the way you are whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from your masses at their expense then do you think you can still have unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a people?

    147] As well as blissful places or lands or kingdoms with fountains?

    148] Cornfields and palm-trees laden with juicy fruits?

    149] And the beautiful dwellings that you design with great skills due to help of highly educated and trained people for this purpose?

    150] No, you cannot have these things for long exclusively due to the reaction and agitation by those masses in due course whom you have made to suffer terribly by dispossessing them of our provisions therefore be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other and support me to bring about a proper human community to ensure well being of all of you as a people through help and full support of each other.

    151] So do not impose and promote or support any more the way of life of those few who secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense.

    152] Such as create and cause rivalries, disputes, tensions, hatred, animosities, fights and wars between people in the human world instead of removing these ills from between mankind in order to bring about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    153] They replied, you are surely of the people who are deluded or are influenced by falsehood and lies rather than actual facts or ground realities.

    154] For example, you are only a human being like us yet you imagine or claim to be a messenger from Allah so show us a proof that you are a true messenger of Allah by performing supernatural acts as we request or by doing some things that are extraordinary or out of this world or which are beyond naturally set up systems and laws in the natural world if you are truly sent by Allah as his messenger for us.

    155] Saleh said, I do not claim that I am a supernatural being nor do I claim that I have supernatural powers to perform supernatural acts instead I claim prophet-hood and messenger-ship from Allah for guidance of you people, so here is a purpose based beautiful rule of law based properly upon purpose based guidance of Allah for you people to understand it purposefully properly and abide by it faithfully. That is the time period when it will become effective and its beauty or glory will become fully and properly manifest or obvious for you people because it will satisfy all your purpose based needs and wants for a known or set period of time.   

    156] So do not approach this purpose based guidance from Allah with intension to misinterpret it to misrepresent it and to misuse it as a tool to inflict harms and destructions upon each other because that will land you in the grip of a terribly painful period and state of existence by hands of each other.

    157] Yet despite being clearly warned the ruling elite and their supporters obstructed its purposeful proper implementation in the land they lived and they kept on harming and destroying their masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense till they were made to regret what they did by their own masses.

    158] That is because the terrible painful state of existence period they were forewarned about overtook them in form of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals. Surely in this story there is a clear and worthy lesson for mankind to learn from yet most of the people do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    159] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    160] People of Lot also rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance through our messengers and that is how they denied themselves benefits and advantages of our guidance.

    161] At the time when their brother Lot said to them, become consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other.

    162] Rest assured I am a messenger from Allah for you people to help you organise and regulate yourselves for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    163] So be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other and support me for ensuring your well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community.

    164] However I do not ask you people for anything in return for this service because my reward for my hard work for this mission or purpose or goal or objective rests with creator and sustainer of all the human populations in his kingdom.

    165] Anyhow think about it, is it not terribly humiliating for you people as human beings that out of all the people in the world you seek favour in the eyes of the power and wealth hungry people who for that very reason seek dominance over others by undermining them due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon their masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense by dispossessing them

    166] the while you leave those weaker and undermined or oppressed people who need your help and support to harms and destructions by hands of these power hungry people whom your creator and sustainer has made your responsibility to protect and look after as your fellow human beings or your brethren in humanity? No, you should not do that unless you are a people who are given to putting wedges between yourselves through tensions, rivalries, disputes, conflicts, hatred and animosities.

    167] They said, O Lot, if you do not stop telling us our way of life is harmful and destructive and your way of life is beneficial and constructive then you will be isolated or boycotted or cast out of or banished or expelled from between our human population.

    168] Lot said, I am certainly one of those who condemn, reject and oppose your harmful and destructive way of life whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from your masses at their expense because your hunger for power and wealth gave you harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours, effects or results of which are very much obvious upon all our people.

    169] Moreover he said before or in front of his people, my creator and sustainer I rely fully upon your purpose based guidance in the hope that thereby you will protect me and my supporters from the harms and destructions likes of which these people inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    170] So due to his and his supporters purpose based proper understanding and acting upon our guidance we saved him and his supporters all of them from the kind of atrocities their opponents inflicted upon each other

    171] with the exception of a party which due to its own ignorance based arrogance decided to continue living its life by its own way of life.

    172] So we left them on their own to continue living that way to turn into a people who are good for nothing.

    173] So troubles and problems poured down upon them in due course like heavy rain about which they were forewarned already well in advance whereby they ended up destroyed by hands of each other due to remaining ignorant about our purpose based guidance for them.

    174] Surely in this story there is lesson for mankind to learn from yet most of the people do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    175] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    176] People of Aiykah likewise rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance through our messengers and that way denied themselves advantages and benefits of our purpose based guidance.

    177] At the time Shuaib said to them, become consistent with the purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other?

    178] Rest assured I am a messenger from Allah for you with a message for your unity, peace, progress and prosperity to become a proper human community in his kingdom.

    179] So be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other and support me to organise and regulate you people into a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other.

    180] Moreover I do not ask you people for anything in return for my these services because my rewards for all this missionary work rests with the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in his kingdom.

    181] So fulfil your duties and obligations imposed upon you by Allah for dealing with each other purposefully properly according to his purpose based guidance and be not of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other by following any way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and thereby such human populations end up destroyed by hands of each other.

    182] So judge and decide matters according to purpose based and properly balanced rule of law of Allah that is based upon his purpose based guidance which in turn is based upon his mighty wisdom as a firm and solid foundation for building your proper human community upon.

    183] So do not withhold from each other rightfully due things to each other nor cause harms and destructions in the human world through causing disputes, rivalries, divisions, conflicts, hatred, animosities and wars

    184] instead be fully and purposefully properly consistent with each other according to his purpose based guidance who has created and evolved you and taught you the purpose based proper or right way to conducting yourselves in dealing with each other purposefully properly just like properly formed or shaped human populations of the past.

    185] They replied to him saying, you are surely one of those who talk nonsense or who have lost their minds or have become insane or gone mad.

    186] You are nothing more than an ordinary human being like us or ourselves so we think you are telling us lies to deceive or fool us or you are lying to us to mislead us in order to fulfil your own agenda by making fool of us.

    187] Go bring down upon us the heavenly destruction that you have been telling us about if you have indeed spoken the truth.

    188] Shuaib said, it is nothing like what you are accusing me of rather it was responsibility of my creator and sustainer to make manifest or obvious to you people what you people were supposed to be thinking and doing for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom and through me he has fulfilled his that responsibility so it is now entirely up to you people yourselves how you respond to his purpose based guidance and what results or outcomes you people get in response to your thoughts and actions for dealing with each other.

    189] However despite all that explanation by Shuaib they rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them through him and that way they denied themselves the advantages and  benefit of our purpose based guidance for them and as a result the terrible painful state of existence engulfed or overwhelmed them in due course in form of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals for a long period of time. It was a period of time full of terrible painful suffering for them indeed as it was already explained or made clear to them.

    190] Surely in this story there is lesson for mankind to learn from yet most of the people do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    191] Despite their such response to his purpose based guidance by mankind no doubt your creator and sustainer is such mighty wise owner and ruler of his kingdom that he still provides things for them for fulfilling their needs and wants or for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence.

    192] Likewise this Quran is revealed in successive stages by the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in his kingdom that is full of various kinds of creations or creatures as he has been revealing his messages always throughout times and places since he started doing so for the purpose of guiding mankind.

    193] Along with his these purpose based messages came the message of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom

    194] in your mind so that you become of those who make human kind aware about this message in this final era or time period

    195] in a purpose based contextualised language that makes it clearly obvious for mankind in an outstanding way so that they could understand it purposefully properly.

    196] The fact that this Quran will be revealed by us as a last and final message was foretold in all the scriptures that were given by us to people before you.

    197] So is it not a sufficient proof for these people of yours that the learned people from among the children of Israel knew about it long before its revelation to you?

    198] The fact is, even if we had revealed this Quran to a non-Arab

    199] and he had purposefully properly explained it to them, those who due to their ignorance based arrogance do not accept it and act upon it now they will still not have accepted and acted upon it then so they will not have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other.

    200] It is because we find ignorance based arrogance a barrier in minds of those who are hell bent upon committing crimes against humanity by inflicting harms and destruction upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    201] This is why they will not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom until and unless they suffer or taste or undergo or experience the terrible painful state of existence they are warned about
    202] which due to their heedlessness will come upon them suddenly or unexpectedly catching them by surprise the while they are still unaware about it.

    203] But then at that time they will say, can we be given some respite or another chance?

    204] Do the powerful elite and its supporters still want to hurry up in bringing on the painful state of existence we have warned them about by continuously living their lives by the way they live whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense?

    205] Just think about it that even if our set-up systems and laws let some of them enjoy life in this world by living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gain from their masses at their expense for some years

    206] and then as a result of that the painful state of existence about which they are already warned befalls them,

    207] of what benefit will their past enjoyments be to them because for the rest of their lives they will live to regret it?

    208] However we have never left to destroy itself any human population to which we have not sent any warners

    209] with our messages because we never do things in a way that harms and destroys mankind.

    210] It is because we never do anything to harm or destroy a human population that lives the way it is supposed to live because that is the very reason or purpose or objective or goal that  we sent our purpose based guidance for mankind to live by purposefully properly so this Quran is not and cannot be a production by harmful and destructive religious and secular leaderships which invent and impose such ways of life upon their human populations whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense and that way they end up harming and destroying their own human populations.

    211] Moreover as they think and do things it is not in their interest to produce such a book and they do not have the needed necessary capacity and information to do so.

    212] Also they have been kept far away from the Quran by their own ignorance based arrogance due to their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions that is why they do not study it purposefully properly to live or abide by it faithfully and instead they inflict harms and destructions upon their human populations for securing their petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    213] So do not trust or depend or rely upon anyone other than Allah alone for a ruler lest you the mankind end up victims of painful state of existence as you have been already explained well in advance.

    214] Therefore make aware by explaining these things to your own human populations as well as other human populations within your reach

    215] and be approachable and reassuring for those who are willing to support the mission you people are assigned by committing themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    216] But for those who continue thinking and doing things that are contrary to what you tell them because they are inconsistent with or against our purpose based guidance for mankind then say to them, I am free of any involvement for anything you people think and do to each other which is harmful and destructive for mankind and yet you think and do it for your own reasons or agendas.

    217] It is because I trust or depend or rely upon the set-up purpose based systems and laws as well as purpose based guidance of almighty provider of program, goals and guidelines for blissful, dignified and securing existence of mankind.

    218] He who helps and supports you through his purpose based guidance when you stand up or rise up to fulfil his assigned mission for establishing his rule of law in the human world.

    219] That is why you go around inspiring those people who have already committed or dedicated or devoted themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    220] All this clearly shows the provider of purpose based guidance for mankind is indeed the one whose observation of all things is comprehensive as he makes it known to mankind by way of his creations and revelations as well as through thoughts and actions of people themselves.

    221] Say, should I tell you the mankind whom the harmful and destructive religious and secular leaderships visit and support?

    222] They visit and support every leading falsehood inventor and promoter or supporter or backer who rejects and opposes our purpose based guidance for mankind

    223] in order to urge or encourage or push them to plot and scheme or conspire against it because most of them deny each other our given rights to access our provisions for them.

    224] They also approach, or visit and support those who breach or break our set limits in following them despite being fully aware of their harmful and destructive agendas for humanity.

    225] Do you not see them wandering about in every simple minded, ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained and unable to think for itself human population to gain their trust and support and to take them into confidence

    226] through promising them what they do not or cannot deliver them?

    227] Such a thing is not done by those who fully, and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance who act to bring people together by removing tensions, disputes, rivalries and conflicts from between them and help humanity develop and prosper and they strive hard to spread the message of Allah and help themselves by standing their ground even after they have been transgressed against showing no personal vindictiveness or grudge. As for those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense they will soon come to know what returns their thoughts and actions against others will bring them in actual reality.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #149 - August 18, 2023, 12:28 AM

    Surah 25      AL-FURQAAN – Only and only purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind is the criterion or standard for clear distinction between the purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by him which can lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence if they study it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully by way of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other and the way of life people live by as they like whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Because the source of all goodness is he who has revealed the purpose based criterion or standard to his messenger so that thereby he warns the human world well in advance that if they will not live or abide by it then outcome of their thoughts and actions for dealing with each other will lead them to or land them into a terrible state of existence.

    002] He to whom alone belongs the kingdom that contains all the far away galaxies as well as this galaxy who has no predecessor, successor or partner in the sovereignty of this kingdom and who has created and evolved all things all by himself and put in place all the needed measures for them to work purposefully properly according to his set up systems and laws.

    003] Yet people take Gods and rulers other than or along with him such as have not created a thing out of absolute nothingness and instead themselves have been created by him and they have no power of their own even to ensure their own safety and security from harms and destructions or for that matter the power to ensure their own peace, progress and prosperity and they have no power to destroy things out of existence nor ability to bring living things into existence out of absolutely nothing at all or to provide mankind with a purpose based guidance for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in a piece of land for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    004] Despite such powerlessness and inability leading or ruling people and their supporters in human populations who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance due to their desires and ambitions for dominating others in their human populations by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense say, this Quran is only a human production which this claimant of prophet-hood and messenger-ship of Allah has invented or fabricated himself and he has used help of people of other human populations as well to do this. The fact is, it is they who have put forth a false allegation because their claim is inconsistent with the self evident realities with respect to the Quran.

    005] Moreover they say, these are collections of invented stories about the human populations long passed which he has copied down from what is dictated to him day and night by some story tellers or pseudo historians.

    006] Say, no this is not the case rather this Quran is revealed by him who knows and will make known to mankind in due course each and every purpose related thing about all the galaxies in his kingdom including this galaxy for proving this claim by way of his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing program with goals and guidelines for mankind to accomplish his purpose based goals according to his provided guidelines.

    007] They also say, what sort of messenger of Allah is this who instead of doing miracles as well as other religion related things such as performing religious rituals and delivering religious sermons is lecturing us people about daily living related matters such as politics and economics for purpose based management of people and resources? If he wants to be listened to by us then why has he not been aided with a powerful king to assist him in re-enforcing his warning to people by force along with him?

    008] Or why has he not been given treasures or a piece of land that is rich with all kinds of things of need and want for him for living a great life thereby? Moreover these religious and secular leaders and their supporters who try to dominate their masses by undermining them due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense in their human populations say to those who accept his message, you are only supporting a man who is suffering from delusions because he is trying to turn such ideas into a reality in the human world that are impossible to be turned into a reality.

    009] See what sort of nonsense reasons, explanations and excuses they are offering their masses about you and our purpose based guidance you are delivering them? All this because due to their own ignorance based arrogance they are lost in their own self centred harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for their own grandeur among their masses and they do not want to know the way out of their this baseless delusive way of life whereby they inflict hams and destructions upon their masses for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    010] Whatever they think, say and do the fact is, abundant goodness for mankind rests only and only in their purposeful proper understanding of his purpose based guidance and acting upon it purposefully properly who if he has decided to ensure well being of you the mankind thereby then it will be much better than the place that you people are suggesting throughout which things of need and want for mankind will flow like rivers because therein he will let you people know about building purpose based proper education and training centres or institutions to help you to be able to do so.

    011] However instead of learning and doing things in light of our purpose based guidance as well as in light of real world realities purposefully properly for bringing about a blissful, dignified and secure existence for themselves as a proper human community in our kingdom in order to avoid the coming of the forewarned period of time during which due to hatred and animosity between people will start taking place revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals between or among themselves they are working towards it by continuing their securing of their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However our set up systems and laws are always ready to deliver to such people who deny our forewarning or take it lightly or laugh it off the terrible consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    012] It is because the religious and secular leading or ruling elite and their supporters see the coming of that forewarned time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals as a farfetched idea or something impossible to happen to them therefore they continue living by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon their masses for secure their own petty personal gains from them at their expense that is why they will keep on seeing and hearing the raging and roaring of the fire of hatred and animosity between or among themselves as warning signs long before it actually strikes or arrives or becomes a reality or comes to pass for them.

    013] That is why when during the time periods of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals the leading religious and secular ruling elite with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours who stick together for the purpose of using their masses abusively for their own agendas for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense are to be collectively put through hell of their own making by their hate filled victims, they will there and then plead with them for their own annihilation to avoid their terribly painful state of existence.

    014] However they will be told by those who were victimised by them, don’t plead with us today for your annihilation just for once for the harms and destructions that you inflicted upon us for a very long time rather keep on living through many, many very, very painful near death experiences and real death threats.

    015] At the time of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions when these leading people are put through hell by their victims they will be asked by our missionaries at the time, which way of life or state of existence is better, this life in hell of your own making about which you were clearly warned well in advance to stay away from but which you have brought upon yourselves or the blissful, dignified and secure existence in a blissful, dignified and secure existence providing place or kingdom founded purposefully properly upon purpose based guidance of God that was promised to those who will be consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom? Obviously having blissful, dignified and secure existence in a blissful, dignified and secure existence providing place or land or kingdom that is most rewarding should be the topmost priority of mankind always.

    016] For them upon entering therein purposefully properly as they are guided there will be all they will need or want or desire. The responsibility of fulfilling that promise rests upon set-up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer for which they are programmed.

    017] So a period of time is coming during which set-up systems and laws of Allah along with his missionaries will bring together from among the masses of the human populations the rejecters and opponents of his purpose based guidance as well as those whom they take for Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah under his purpose based rule of law then our missionaries will ask the fake claimants of sovereignty in our kingdom of our creation, have you people led away from my purpose based guidance these people who supported you or were they led away from my purpose based advised way of life for mankind all by themselves?

    018] Moreover our missionaries will testify in our name before these fake Gods and rulers at the time saying, we told these people that sovereignty of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to you the God alone and that it is not fitting for us human beings that we should take any Gods and rulers other than or along with you however as we see the situation of these people it seems to us that when you left these people and their forefathers on their own due to their rejection and opposition to your purpose based guidance, they used each other abusively for enjoying their petty personal gains which they secured from each other at the expense of each other and that is how their disregard for your purpose based advised way of life and your purpose based rule of law which were based upon your purpose based guidance brought them to this terrible state of existence that they turned themselves into such unproductive, useless and worthless people.

    019] That is how those whom you the masses among human populations take for your Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah deny you people who act as their slaves the access to our given provisions for you and all due to the way you people live or express or conduct yourselves which does not save you from their abusive use or manipulation nor can help you live your lives in a blissful, dignified and secure way. That is how our set up systems and laws let suffer or experience or undergo or taste terribly grave state of existence by hands of each other people who reject and oppose our rule of law and end up committing atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    020] The fact is, we never sent any messenger at all before you who was not an ordinary human being like rest of you people and who did not lecture people to whom he was sent about politics and economics for purpose based management of people and resources for dealing with each other purposefully properly according to our purpose based guidance for ensuring their well own being by way of help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom and instead did miracles and other religion related activities such as performed religious rituals and delivered religious sermons. It is because we made some of you duty bound to fully, properly and wholeheartedly complement others constantly, steadfastly and consistently so that the purpose for which mankind have been created by us becomes fulfilled and in order to show you people that your creator and sustainer is comprehensively aware all things and that is why his guidance for you people is worthy of heeding or living or abiding by.   

    021] Yet those who due to their ignorance based arrogance do not want to know our set out vision for mankind to focus upon by bringing themselves up to our required standard to fulfil or accomplish our assigned goal or task or purpose or objective or mission for them say, why have there not been sent to us as messengers by Allah supernatural beings or such people as have supernatural powers or why is it that we cannot see our creator and sustainer in person? Certainly such arrogant or haughty or domineering or insolent people have taken over their weaker or submissive masses by force for using them abusively for their own agendas instead of complementing them by working alongside with them for the same end goal that is why they have stood up against our purpose based guidance for them by rejecting and opposing it in such a big way which explains for them our purpose for creating them.

    022] The fact is the period of time when they will see our missionaries in power after establishing our rule of law in the human world, it will not be a time of joy for these like people who live by a way of life whereby they commit crimes against humanity for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses in their human populations at their expense instead they will wish there was some sort of indestructible or insurmountable barrier between our missionaries and them which could save them from facing the consequences of their own horrible thoughts and actions against each other by their hands.

    023] This is how we will confront their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions during that period of time which they carry out against the well being of mankind by declaring them useless or worthless and we will render their harmful and destructive effects against mankind ineffective like loose particles of dust that are blown away by the strong wind.

    024] In contrast to these people, those who work for bringing about for themselves a blissful, dignified and secure existence providing place or land or kingdom based purposefully properly upon purpose based guidance of Allah make a beautiful choice and that is why they are end up having a beautiful place or land or kingdom to live in.

    025] Moreover during that period of time when the new beautiful beginning for human beings bursts forth in the human world from within the confused human world for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind the missionaries for establishing the purpose based rule of law of Allah in the human world will appear purposefully properly organised and fully regulated.

    026] The kingdom of the human world during that time period will become fully and purposefully properly based upon purpose based guidance of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom in actual reality and that is the time period that will make existence of those who reject and oppose his purpose based guidance tough or difficult or terribly hard because they will not allow any human population to inflict harms and destruction upon its own people or any other human population for securing its own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    027] Seeing the results of where people have ended up respectively living by both ways of life during that time period the individual who just now inflicts harms and destructions upon others for securing his own petty personal gains from them at their expense will bite his hands at that time in regretful rage saying, Oh! I wish I had supported the struggle for the establishment and maintenance of the purpose based rule of law of Allah in the human world along with his messenger.

    028] Oh what a terrible state of existence I have ended up in! I wish I had never chosen so-and-so for my friend or advisor or manager or leader or guide or teacher.

    029] He was indeed the one who led me away from the purpose based guidance of Allah after it had been brought to my attention. The harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership or ruling elite and its supporters are ever deceptive and treacherous for the masses in their human populations.

    030] That is why our messenger complained, O my creator and sustainer! my people to whom you have sent me are bent upon neglecting and ignoring or abandoning the message of this Quran and drowning it avoiding it through their false propagandas against it.

    031] That is how we saw rejecters and opponents rising against each and every messenger we sent from among those who live by a way of life whereby they commit crimes against humanity for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other expense, however sufficient is support for purpose based guidance of your creator and sustainer in getting his message through to mankind and to help them thereby out of their all problems and difficulties between themselves if they understand it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully.

    032] Yet those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance say, why is the Quran based rule of law of Allah is not fully and properly implemented or established for his messenger by Allah himself all at once? The reason for manifesting it stage by stage is so that that way we give you the mankind the time needed by you to prepare yourselves for its purposeful proper implementation or establishment because it is not for us alone to implement or establish it all by our-self but instead it is to be implemented or established by mankind themselves with our help and support so the sooner the mankind take up this mission to accomplish it the sooner our rule of law will become an established reality for them in their human world and delaying its implementation or establishment by human beings will mean continual of things the way they are in the human world.

    033] However no matter whichever way of life the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based advised way of life propose to you the mankind to adopt, we will always make obvious for you in due course that we have brought you the best possible beautifully balanced and properly and firmly founded way of life that is made absolutely distinct or outstanding for you for leading you to your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom provided you people study it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully.

    034] Those who despite becoming aware of our purpose based guidance for them about our purpose based advised way of life for mankind that can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom but they are still gathered upon their different ways of life by their rulers or leaders in their human populations because these rulers and leaders secure their own petty personal gains from them or their masses at their expense, they are in fact led to life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other. That is because such people are dragged into terrible painful suffering by each other which is a horrible state of existence to be in because any such way of life is harmful and destructive for mankind whereby some people inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense which keeps mankind away or leads them away from our purpose based advised way of life for them which can instead of their slavery of each other can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom if they study it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully.

    035] That is the reason we gave Moses our book also for informing the people he was sent to about our purpose based guidance and we commanded his brother Aaron to support him or back him up.

    036] Moreover we said to both of them, go both of you to a people in Egypt, because the dominant or leading or ruling people of that place are denying their undermined or weaker people their due rights to our provisions for them. However those dominant people and their supporters rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them when it was put before them by our messengers and they continued living by a way of life they invented and imposed or adopted by themselves whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense and as a result we found them harming and destroying each other to their own utter destruction or ruination.

    037] Likewise rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them the dominant people of Noah which our messenger put to them so in due course we caught them harming and destroying each other therefore we pointed them out to human populations to come as a lesson not to follow the way of life whereby dominant people in a human population secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense because we have put in place measures for those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from their masses which leads such people into terribly painful state of existence and even to their own utter destruction or annihilation as a human population.

    038] The human populations by names of Aad and Thamud were also destroyed by themselves and so were the dwellers of Al-Rass as well as many other human populations generations after generations in between them.

    039] We informed each and every one of them regarding terrible consequences by citing examples of those who were destroyed by hands of each other before them for living by a way of life whereby dominant people in human populations secured their own petty personal gains from the masses in their own human populations at their expense by undermining them in opposition to our purpose based guidance for them which tells them to complement each other instead of undermining each other, even then they rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance, so we left each of them to themselves and they ended up destroyed by hands of each other due to following their own invented and imposed or adopted ways of life.

    040] These people of yours have passed by that place or settlement or township which was destroyed by a fatal rain of troubles and problems between its people, have they not purposefully observed its ruins and wisely reflected upon them to learn some useful lessons as to how not to live their lives as a human population? But the fact is, they do not purposefully observe things nor wisely reflect upon the idea of how human populations rise to heights of excellence from the ashes to have a new beginning.

    041] This is why due to their ignorance based arrogance when they see you, instead of supporting you they scoff at you saying to each other for a laugh, is this the man whom Allah has sent as his messenger for us?

    042] Had we not stood firmly upon our traditional way of life, he could have misled us about our Gods and rulers by his lectures. However in due course when they will face the terribly painful results of their own thoughts and actions against each other due to these Gods and rulers they have taken up they will find out who in actual fact went off the track of properly balanced and firmly founded way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    043] Have you the supporters of this message of the Quran come across a person who is ruled by his/her own ambitions and desires that are harmful and destructive for mankind? Could you be an advocate for a way of life of such like person?

    044] Or do you think that most of these like people are sensible enough to heed the message or have enabled themselves to understand it purposefully properly? These people are behaving just like stray animals or they are even further away from the properly balanced and firmly founded way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence than the stray animals are from their path.

    045] Have you not purposefully or objectively observed and wisely reflected upon the fact that how your creator and sustainer is gradually increasing your influence in the human world in various ways in accordance with your own efforts and hard works? If it is his plan, he will keep on increasing it constantly and consistently as you work constantly and consistently for your assigned purpose or objective or goal or mission. Moreover we draw your attention to the sun and the phenomenon of the shadow as a demonstration of it.

    046] Likewise we set the pace for increase in your influence by way of gradual steps in accordance with or with respect to your efforts.

    047] Moreover he is the one who has made the night a mantle for you to sleep and rest to recoup your energies, and made the day to rise up to get on with your assigned daily tasks or life.

    048] He is the one who sends the winds as heralds announcing his blessings in form of growth and prosperity whereby we send or pure down water from within the clouds raised to heights,

    049] so that with this rain water we give life to a dead land and quench thirst of countless animals and human beings that we have created and evolved.

    050] We have distributed all things among all of the human populations so that thereby they manifest glory of our purpose based advised way of life for mankind yet most of the people refuse to use things provided for them purposefully properly for the purpose they are given to them.

    051] Had we planned we could have sent our prophets and  messengers in each and every habited place regardless of size of its population but we only planned and sent a prophet and messenger as a warner to each and every kingdom or a major township with its greatest human population the majority of which expected our purpose based guidance.

    052] Therefore you the supporters of our this purpose based guidance in form of the Quran must never submit or yield or surrender or give in to the way of life of rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up destroyed in the process by hands of each other instead you people should organise a major or a great campaign using this Quran for the purpose based  education and training of people to help them out of their ignorance and arrogance based harmful and destructive way of life by letting them know how they should live their lives purposefully properly to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    053] It is because he is the one who has let free the two large bodies of water, one sweet and fresh and the other salty and bitter, and he set a barrier between them which is an insurmountable barrier.

    054] Moreover he is the one who has brought forth human kind by means of mechanism of fluid and made for him kith and kin, because your creator and sustainer is capable of setting up systems and laws as well as proper measures for all things to work purposefully properly according to his plan to fulfil his purpose.

    055] Yet they take for Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah those who can neither ensure their well being nor provide them with complete protection from harm but instead rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance support harmful and destructive way of life in opposition to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer for the reason so that thereby they could secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    056] However we have not sent you O messenger but for spreading the good news among mankind about a way of life that can lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom and to warn them against inventing and imposing or adopting any other way of life for living their lives whereby they could inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    057] Say, I ask of you the people nothing in return on my time and effort that I invest in my this missionary work for giving you people the purpose based proper education and training according to purpose based guidance of Allah so that you the mankind could live your lives purposefully properly because my desire and ambition is only that he who wishes or desires to live or abide by purposefully properly balanced way of life for living in this world purposefully properly from his creator and sustainer for ensuring well being of mankind is allowed to do so.

    058] So rely or depend or rest or stand upon purpose based guidance of ever-living ruler of this kingdom who cannot be undermined or defeated or subdued and strive very, very hard to manifest glory of his purpose based advised way of life for mankind to live by through purposeful proper understanding and faithfully acting upon it because his purpose based advised way of life is sufficient for helping mankind become purposefully properly aware of their problems in order to solve them purposefully properly because this way of life is advised for mankind by him who is comprehensively aware about all things in this regard.

    059] It is a way of life that is advised for mankind by him who has created and evolved all the galaxies in his kingdom including this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them in gradual stages over a periods of time and by that right he, the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom established his sovereignty over the kingdom. Ask about all this of any person who is purposefully properly aware about all this.

    060] Yet despite all these explanations when it is said to those who live their lives by harmful and destructive way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, accept and submit to the authority of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom they say, who is this provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom? Are we to submit to rule of law of anyone just because you tell us to? It only increases them in their resistance to our purpose based advised way of life for mankind.

    061] Ever living and provider of foundation and sustenance in abundance for purposeful proper development and growth of his human creatures is he the ruler of his kingdom of creation who has furnished this part of his space or world with the solar system that contains planets by placing in their midst the sun like a huge blazing lamp as well as he placed the moon therein that shines due to reflecting the light of the sun.

    062] He is the one who has set up the mechanism to cause the phenomenon whereby the night and the day keep on following each other on this earth. This information is for him who wishes to observe them purposefully properly to learn and understand how they came to existence and work to serve their assigned purposes as well as for the one who intends to think and do things as they are supposed to be thought and done according to his purpose based guidance for mankind.

    063] Because the fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed people to abiding by the rule of law of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom are those who conduct themselves in their human world in a blissful, dignified and secure way as guided and when people lacking in purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding meet them they advise them too to learn about these things purposefully properly so that they too could become part of the united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer.

    064] They are a people who spend their lives for purposeful learning and teaching as well as purposefully acting upon the purpose based guidance of their creator and sustainer by fully, properly and wholeheartedly committing and submitting themselves to working for it for making it successful as well as they purposefully organise themselves for spreading this message far and wide among human populations so that thereby they could get help of the rest of the human populations for establishing his rule of law throughout the human world.

    065] They are those who express their wish or desire by saying, our creator and sustainer, keep us away from the way of life that leads to painful suffering and destruction because thereby the dominant people in a human population secure their own petty personal gains from the rest at their expense, no doubt the way of life that leads to life of painful suffering is a terrible way of life to live by or to work for.

    066] Surely it is a terrible end result for thoughts and actions of a person who lands in a very painful state of existence and remains in that state of existence.

    067] They are those who use what we have provided them with for ensuring well being of other human beings purposefully properly and they do not use it for harming and destroying other human beings and that is how they keep themselves firmly stuck with our set standard or criterion.

    068] They are those who do not claim or take or invite others to Gods and ruler other than or along with Allah and they do not attack or fight with any human population attacking or fighting with which is not allowed by rule of law of Allah except when they have to do so for administrating purposeful proper justice to ensure well being of its people but when they have to do that they are to ensure they do not adulterate or mix or confuse the purpose based proper way of life advised for them by Allah with the harmful and destructive way of life whereby dominant people in human populations secure their own petty personal gains from their masses in their human populations at their expense, so be warned and become fully aware of the fact that any people who will mix or adulterate or confuse the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah that can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom with a way of life which can lead them to their own destruction by hands of each other are bound to thereby slow down the process of unity and peace between mankind and therefore their progress and prosperity by creating distrust between people so those who will do that they should and they will face grave penalties.

    069] This is why there is going to be double the painful suffering for such people during the time period when the purpose based rule of law of Allah becomes fully and properly established in the human world by his missionaries but along with the establishment of the rule of law of Allah during that period of time there will also take place revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals in the world of those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance therefore such people will remain in that terrible state of existence till they end up destroyed by hands of each other

    070] unless they repent and reform or they stop thinking and doing things the way they do and commit themselves fully, properly and wholeheartedly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance by thinking and doing constructive and benevolent things which help human populations unite and be peaceful to develop and prosper, that is how purpose based guidance of Allah will help such people overcome results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other with outcome of thoughts and actions of such people that are beautiful for building and maintaining a proper human community because that is how the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah will bring them blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    071] So he who stops acting harmfully and destructively against the proper human community and starts acting beneficially and constructively for the proper human community he has purposefully properly turned to the purpose based guidance of Allah as one should or as one is required to do otherwise one is only paying lip service to the mission assigned for him by his creator and sustainer.

    072] Because those who truly commit to the mission assigned to them by Allah they never take a stand for promoting falsehood and wrongdoings and if they are faced with or confronted by harmful and destructive situations and circumstances or elements they deal with them appropriately while keeping their own dignity and integrity intact.

    073] Such people even when they are truly informed about the actual program, goals and guidelines of their creator and sustainer they do not take them for granted or accept them and submit to them blindly at face value like people who have failed to develop their faculty to observe things purposefully properly and faculty to understand things purposefully properly instead they examine them purposefully properly and commit themselves to them after the satisfaction of their minds.

    074] Therefore such people say, our creator and sustainer, help us through your purpose based guidance by granting us such fellow members of the kingdom and successors that prove to be a pleasant sight for the eyes to see and make us a leading people for those who are consistent with your purpose based guidance as well as with each other.

    075] Such are the people who will be rewarded with blissful, dignified and secure existence in the kingdom based upon our purpose based guidance due to their steadfastness in supporting our purpose based advised way of life that is why therein they will live a life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity

    076] to remain therein for as long as they will live by our purpose based guidance for them. That is why it will be a beautiful kingdom for them as well as an excellent place in that kingdom for them to dwell in.

    077] O messenger say to those who reject and oppose this purpose based guidance of mine, my creator and sustainer is not affected at all by your rejection and opposition to it, however since you people have rejected and opposed this purpose based guidance of your creator and sustainer soon you will start facing the inevitable outcome of thinking and doing things your own ways according to set-up systems and laws of Allah.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
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