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 Topic: Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??

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  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #150 - September 22, 2022, 08:39 AM
    22-year-old Mahsa (Jina) Amini was visiting Tehran from Saqez, Iranian Kurdistan when she was arrested on 13 September for ‘improper’ veiling by the morality police. She was badly beaten according to eyewitnesses, her skull fractured. She was taken to Kasra hospital in a coma and died in intensive care on 16 September.

    Outrage over her murder has sparked a new round of protests that have spread across Iran. The slogan of these protests include: ‘Down with Dictator,’ We don’t want an Islamic government,’ ‘We don’t want an anti-women government.’

    The main slogan speaks volumes:  ‘Woman, Life, Freedom.’

    Women leading the protests, their removal and burning of the veil, the feminist, secular slogans, the widespread nature of the anti-Islamic regime protests, the solidarity between women and men, the unity and courage herald a new dawn in the women’s liberation movement that must be supported by feminists everywhere. It is the women’s revolution we have been speaking of for many years that is taking centre stage to bring the Islamic regime in Iran to an end. The solidarity of women and men everywhere can help end theocracy in the 21st century once and for all.

    Feminism today must stand with women in Iran and challenge Islamic misogyny of which the veil is a pillar if it is to have relevance in this crucial struggle. Key in all this will be to pressure western governments to end their support of and relations with the Islamic regime of Iran. A case in point is Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s president, who is now in New York to speak at the UN General Assembly. He is responsible for Mahsa Amini’s murder and that of many more, including crimes against humanity, enforced disappearance and torture. He should be arrested not welcomed.

    On Mahsa’s gravestone, it says: ‘Dear Jina, You will not die, your name will be a symbol.’ And so it will be. Mahsa Amini, a symbol of the struggle for women’s liberation from religious rule.

    16 September, the day of our beloved Mahsa Amini’s death will be known in history as a day against hejab, against the Islamic regime in Iran and against misogyny and for Women, Life and Freedom.

  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #151 - September 22, 2022, 02:41 PM
    Protests in Iran continued with ferocity on Wednesday, as unrest spread to more cities and locations within cities, complicating the task of security forces.

    The death toll began to rise with around ten confirmed civilian casualties, although military force has not been used nationwide as was the case in the bloody protests of November 2019.

    Some believe the authorities were caught off guard and are preparing a fierce crackdown. But with the geographic spread of the protests and the determination seen on the part of a new generation of protesters, the use of military force can be extremely costly in human lives.

    In large cities such as the capital Tehran, protests are no longer held just in the central areas, but they have mushroomed in multiple districts and suburbs. This would inevitably make a military response harder, but the regime also has its local forces in the form of Basij paramilitary, commanded by the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC).

    Some of these local “thugs” as the people see them, have already tried to intervene in the protests by mixing up with the crowds and then grabbing a key figure from among the protesters and shoving him or her toward the police or anti-riot forces who then arrest the person.

    There are multiple videos showing people attacking these elements once they are identified and beating them up. Protesters are also much more brazen than in past rounds of unrest, by advancing toward security forces with rocks and sticks and in many instances forcing them to retreat.

    This creates a situation where only direct gunfire can stop protesters, who appear to be a mirror of society, with women having a major presence and even older people pitching in and helping the younger, front-line protesters.

    The Islamic Republic has proven time and again that it would use military weapons against protesters. In November 2019, at least 1,500 unarmed people were killed in less than a week. Whether this time it would be willing to shed so much blood, is not clear yet.

    Popular anger and frustration have increased since 2019 because of more social restrictions and unprecedented economic hardship triggered by United States’ sanctions. The killing of a 22-year-old woman in custody last week was all it took for pent-up anti-regime sentiments to boil over and lead to perhaps one of the biggest opposition challenges the clerical regime has ever faced.

    Speaking of clerics, people on social media point out that they are nowhere to be seen, staying put at home to avoid angry protesters. Attacks and public insults against clerics in the streets had already increased even before the protests.

    Some believe that the regime has held back on using military force because President Ebrahim Raisi is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, and they do not want a public relations fiasco during his trip. He already carries the baggage of a human rights violator, having been a member of a death commission in 1988 that ordered the killing of up to 5,000 political prisoners serving their sentences.

    It is also predictable that if the Islamic Republic resorts to military weapons and kills hundreds or thousands of people, it can damage chances of a nuclear deal with the United States, or at least make it harder for Tehran to try to get more concessions. Washington might also impose more sanctions for human rights violations in such a case.

  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #152 - September 22, 2022, 05:52 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #153 - September 23, 2022, 04:47 AM

    CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Ebrahim Raisi at the UN:
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #154 - September 23, 2022, 06:09 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #155 - September 24, 2022, 02:07 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #156 - September 24, 2022, 10:36 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #157 - September 25, 2022, 10:10 AM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #158 - September 25, 2022, 02:47 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #159 - September 25, 2022, 06:09 PM

    There are people among us who are incapable of expressing solidarity for Iranian women because Israel and US  support Iran protests.

    They’re the same people who are happy for millions of Syrians to be killed and displaced by Assad because something something about Israel and US.

    Well yeah...
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #160 - September 25, 2022, 10:36 PM

    This 20 Yr old girl who was getting ready to join the protest against the murdering of #MahsaAmini got killed by 6 bullets.
    #HadisNajafi, 20، was shot in the chest, face and neck by Islamic Republic’s security forces.
    Be our voice.
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #161 - September 26, 2022, 08:43 AM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #162 - September 26, 2022, 09:19 AM
    Iranians have taken to the streets for a 10th consecutive night to protest against the death of Mahsa Amini in defiance of a warning from the judiciary.

    Officially at least 41 people have died since the unrest began, mostly protesters but including members of the security forces, but sources say the real figure is higher.

    Norway-based group Iran Human Rights (IHR) said on Sunday evening that the death toll was at least 57, but noted that ongoing internet blackouts were making it increasingly difficult to confirm fatalities in a context where the women-led protests have spread to scores of cities.

    Images circulated by IHR showed protesters on the streets of Tehran shouting “death to the dictator”, purportedly after nightfall on Sunday.

    Echoing a warning the previous day by the president, Ebrahim Raisi, the judiciary chief, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, on Sunday “emphasised the need for decisive action without leniency” against the core instigators of the “riots”, the judiciary’s Mizan Online website said.

    Hundreds of demonstrators, reformist activists and journalists have been arrested amid the mostly night-time demonstrations since unrest first broke out after 22-year-old Amini’s death in police custody on 16 September. Amini was detained by the morality police for not wearing a hijab properly.

    Iran’s largest protests in almost three years have seen security forces fire live rounds, while protesters have hurled rocks, torched police cars and set fire to state buildings.

    Some female protesters have removed and burned their hijabs in the rallies and cut off their hair, some dancing near large bonfires to the applause of crowds that have chanted “zan, zendegi, azadi” or “woman, life, freedom”.

    Web monitor NetBlocks noted “rolling blackouts” and “widespread internet platform restrictions”, with WhatsApp, Instagram and Skype having already been blocked. This followed older bans on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Telegram.

    Speaking on behalf of the European Union, its foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said “the widespread and disproportionate use of force against nonviolent protesters is unjustifiable and unacceptable”. He condemned the internet restrictions as “blatantly violating freedom of expression”.

    Iran has summoned the British and Norwegian ambassadors over what it called interference and hostile media coverage, while the foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, also criticised US support for “rioters”.

    On Sunday, the US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said the US had taken “tangible steps” to sanction the morality police.

    The UK was blamed for the “hostile character” of London-based Farsi media. The UK foreign ministry said it championed media freedom and condemned Iran’s “crackdown on protesters, journalists and internet freedom”.

    Norway’s envoy was summoned to explain the “interventionist stance” of its parliament’s speaker, Tehran-born Masud Gharahkhani, who has expressed support for the protesters.

    “If my parents had not made the choice to flee in 1987, I would have been one of those fighting in the streets with my life on the line,” Gharahkhani tweeted on Sunday.

    Pro-government rallies were also held on Sunday, with the main event taking place in central Tehran.

    But one of the main teachers unions on Sunday called for teachers and students to stage a national strike on Monday and Wednesday.

    Protests abroad have been held in solidarity with Iranian women in Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul, Madrid, New York and Paris, among other cities.

    Iranian Oscar-winning director Asghar Farhadi called on activists and artists around the world to support the protesters, who he said were “looking for simple and yet fundamental rights that the state has denied them for years”.

    “I deeply respect their struggle for freedom and the right to choose their own destiny despite all the brutality they are subjected to,” Farhadi said in a post on Instagram.

  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #163 - September 26, 2022, 11:01 AM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #164 - September 26, 2022, 01:23 PM

    Harris seems to suggest that the support from the liberal left is tepid so far. Well there's a thing. Huge mass protests in Britain for a guy killed by a cop in America though with complete solidarity from and active support from liberal leftists. Not so much for the women in Iran. Not surprising. And if it gets a passing mention by the blue check marked brigade, it has to be tagged on with other solidarity issues else like the hijabis in France for example.
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #165 - September 27, 2022, 10:09 AM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #166 - September 28, 2022, 05:06 PM

    Revolt in Iran: The Feminist Resurrection and the Beginning of the End for the Regime
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #167 - September 28, 2022, 06:28 PM

    I’m a member of Gen Z from Tehran. World, please be the voice of the people of Iran.
    Hello world,

    My name is Sarah. I’m a twenty-two-year-old student in the capital, Tehran. I share a story that doesn’t just belong to me—it’s also the story of many inside my country, Iran.

    Throughout my life, I’ve learned that my country is different and its rules are difficult. I’ve also learned, while growing up, that I must not speak out about my rights; otherwise, I could be imprisoned, exiled, or even worse. Here, in my country, I could die for not approving of the Islamic Republic’s laws, which have oppressed my generation and generations before me.

    Until the age of about thirteen or fourteen, I knew very little about the obligations women and young girls faced in my country—particularly mandatory hijab. Imagine suddenly going through such a shift in your life and not even being prepared for it, since your family never formally introduced you to this piece of fabric that could cause trouble.

    My teenage years felt so lonely because I was lost and confused. Just like many other families, I grew up in a non-conservative household. I had all the freedom a girl could want at home—whether it came to how I dressed, who my friends were, or when I could go out—but the outside world very different. It felt like I was living two completely different lives. You see, anything in Iran can easily be a crime, including showing some hair.

    This time, we saw a so-called “crime” lead to the death of a twenty-two-year-old Kurdish woman. The woman whose name has been heard around the world.

    Her name was Mahsa Amini. Her actual name was Jina Amini. Jina is a Kurdish name, but, in my country, people are not allowed to choose their names based on their ethnicity. Jina’s “crime” was not wearing her hijab in the way prescribed by the regime. She was beaten by the morality police and later died—we believe as a direct result of her treatment at the hands of the authorities.

    The morality police are always there on our streets waiting for us. I can’t even begin to tell you how unsafe I’ve felt whenever I wanted to go out. Or how many times I’ve nearly crashed my car just because I was trying to fix my hijab while driving because there were morality police up ahead.

    Imagine the whole world being your prison. That’s what it’s like to live in Iran.

    Our beautiful Jina is not the first victim of the Islamic Republic, but she has become our martyr. Now the whole country has risen in her honor. But the regime doesn’t even know what honor is. They are oppressing us in the harshest and most inhumane manner. If you don’t believe me, just look at the videos filmed on our streets and uploaded onto social media for the entire world to see.

    I have witnessed with my own eyes how one member of the security forces shot a young man to death in Tehran. Where in the world have you seen executions carried out by officers that are meant to maintain our peace and safety?

    My message to you is that we are not tired of fighting because we know that the destiny of our nation lies in our own hands. But, to you, I can say: take the time and educate yourself on Iran’s history. We weren’t always a sad people or a people who suffered. There was a time when Iran was free and happiness wasn’t a crime. I was privileged enough to study English and have access to sources in English, which is important, because the censorship in our state media and even educational resources is incredibly damaging to the way that young minds develop. Having that privilege allowed me to pursue intellectual independence. In my country, that is the most dangerous way of fighting against ignorance.

    You could be a spark of hope in our dark days. Tell the world about us and let the world know the names of those we have already lost: Mahsa Jina Amini, Hananeh Kia, Ghazaleh Chalavi, Danesh Rahnama, Reza Zare, Zakaria Soleimani, Hadis Najafi, and many others.

    Tell the world about the brave freedom fighters, activists, and journalists—like Niloufar Hamedi, who first reported on Mahsa Jina Amini—who have been arrested at protests or in their homes. For the first time in a long time, the whole country has taken action. This time, we will not be silenced by the government’s bullets. For every fallen, many rise in the name of freedom.

    This isn’t just my fight. This could easily be your story had you been born in my time and my country. To all the brave and beautiful people out there who know what freedom feels like, be our voice. Hold your authorities accountable for closing their eyes and ears to our cries for help. More importantly, hold the Islamic Republic accountable for the atrocities they are committing against the people of Iran.

    Better days lie ahead for us.

    And, with that, I leave you a poem by the Persian poet Saadi Shirazi:

    Human beings are members of a whole
    In creation of one essence and soul
    If one member is afflicted with pain
    Other members uneasy will remain
    If you have no sympathy for human pain
    The name of human you cannot retain

  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #168 - September 28, 2022, 10:02 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #169 - September 28, 2022, 11:24 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #170 - September 29, 2022, 08:51 AM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #171 - September 29, 2022, 07:47 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #172 - October 01, 2022, 08:57 PM

    Girls removing their hijab chant “freedom, freedom, freedom” at Mashhad Ferdowsi University , Oct1, #IranProtests2022. #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #173 - October 01, 2022, 09:26 PM

    Academics talking about the protests
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #174 - October 01, 2022, 10:30 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #175 - October 02, 2022, 01:02 AM

    Berlin Wall moment and a lash at Western liberals...
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #176 - October 02, 2022, 01:25 AM

    Our sisters from Afghanistan took to the streets to show solidarity with Iranian women’s revolution against gender apartheid regime.

    I asked one of the women if I should blur her face. No, she said. “The Taliban blurs our face. We want to take our visibility back.”


    A group of women in Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, Thursday staged what was the first demonstration in support of protests in Iran before being forcefully dispersed by Taliban authorities.

    The rally comes as nationwide protests continued in the neighboring country over the death of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, while in detention by morality police in Tehran for failing to properly cover her hair with a hijab.

    Witnesses in Kabul said that about 30 female activists in headscarves gathered outside the Iranian embassy chanting, "Women, life, freedom" — slogans used during Iranian protests. They also held banners that read, "Iran has risen. Now it's our turn!" and "From Kabul to Iran say no to dictatorship!"

    Taliban security forces snatched and tore the banners before firing in the air to disperse the rally. Organizers later said the demonstration was held to show "support and solidarity" with the Iranian people and the women in Afghanistan...
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #177 - October 03, 2022, 07:47 PM
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #178 - October 03, 2022, 08:43 PM

    Thread on today's protests:
  • Is Iran/Persia going to burn again & go back to 1979??
     Reply #179 - October 04, 2022, 12:12 AM

    Protests in Iran: Q&A with Peyman Jafari
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