God honors us by giving us free will, this ability to make our own decisions. Regarding the coronavirus, you may wish that it was finally the definitive eradication of the human race from planet earth, or on the contrary fight to remove all the pain that makes humanity suffer. It is only at this level that free will is placed, if not, it will be done only what God predestined by his presence and his omniscience. Both in the Qur'an and the Bible, God encourages us to choose life by listening to his word, that is, by choosing to obey his commandments.
but we decide to a large extent what our future will be, that is free will. Thereafter what will happen will happen. Islam recognizes in the human being a creature able to understand the content of the revealed truth, and to welcome it according to its own will. Moreover, during its creation no human being was neither warned nor previously consulted. God having therefore been alone during the creation decision by the supreme effect of Love. We didn't choose where we were going to be born. Overriding our burden, would lead us to a lack of convenience towards the Divinity
This is God’s test for people
Q&A: Why Does God Test Us Despite Knowing Our Destiny ...