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 Topic: The changing face of God

 (Read 1960 times)
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  • The changing face of God
     OP - January 03, 2018, 04:06 PM

    When most atheists argue against the existence of God they are arguing against the concept of a personal God, some sort of being that directly involves himself with his creation, answers prayers and intervenes in our lives, takes sides and dispenses rewards and punishments as described in ancient "holy" books.

    These days most intelligent believers in God, know they have lost this argument. The observable evidence is overwhelmingly against the existence of such a God.

    So they have moved the concept of God to something impersonal, intangible & vague and that cannot be pinned down. They have pushed God ever deeper behind veils of mystery and metaphor.

    That's fine. It is impossible to completely dismiss such an impersonal God.

    But when they try to claim that their favourite "holy" book supports this vague, esoteric God they become disingenuous. Not only with others, but to themselves. For the God of the Bible & Qur'an is so obviously a personal God, a petty, jealous and vain human God it simply cannot be spun into some sort of universalist, hippy, New Age God without an enormous amount of self-deception and delusion.

    The irony is that they have closed themselves off into such an impregnable ivory tower they are as dogmatic and intolerant as the most fervent traditionalist.
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