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 Topic: hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo

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  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     OP - September 30, 2015, 07:45 AM

    hindus in India  beat A Muslim man  to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumours'  says news

    A 50-year-old man was beaten to death, while his 22-year-old son was severely injured in Uttar Pradesh's Dadri after it was rumoured that the family had been storing and consuming beef, police said.

    Muhammad Akhlaq and his son were beaten allegedly by residents of Bisara village, Indian Express reported. The attack on Akhlaq and his family occurred around 10pm on Monday night, after a local temple allegedly announced the family had been consuming beef.

    Farm worker Akhlaq succumed to his injuries, while his son Danish was admitted to a government hospital in what doctors called "critical" condition. Violent protests erupted after six people suspected of involvement in the incident were arrested near Delhi. Bisara village sarpanch Sanjeev Kumar Rana ─ who also runs a shop near the temple ─ claimed the temple priest and an aide were among those arrested.

    Police said the priest was released after questioning.

    Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Gautam Buddh Nagar Kiran S said that preliminary investigations revealed an announcement had been made from the temple about the family consuming beef. "The priest was picked up for questioning as we need to investigate the involvement of others in the case," he said.

    He said that a case of rioting and murder had been registered against 10 people, of which six had already been arrested. Rupendra, vivek, Sri Om, Sandeep, Saurav and Gaurav, who are all residents of Bisara village.

    The SSP said police had been told of a group of people entering the temple and using a microphone to make the announcement. "However, investigations are still underway. We do not know if any of the accused are associated with the temple."

    Akhlaq's 18-year-old daughter Sajida said the family kept "mutton in the fridge", not beef.

    She said a group of over 100 villagers arrived at the family's home. "They accused us of keeping cow meat, broke down our doors and started beating my father and brother."

    "My father was dragged outside the house and beaten with bricks. We came to know later that an announcement had been made from the temple about us eating beef,” she said.

    Samples of the meat were sent "to the forensics department for examination", police said .

    Gautam Budh Nagar District Magistrate N P Singh said police had been deployed in the area and the situation was under control.

    "Some locals spread rumours that Akhlaq had cow meat at his home and engaged in cow-slaughtering," he said, adding "Following the rumours, tension ignited and some locals attacked his home in Bisara village." Residents of Bisara and nearby villages clashed with police following news of the arrests. Protesters damaged vehicles, including a police van and a motorocycle.

    One man, Rahul, was injured as police resorted to firing.

    His brother, Narendra, said, “Around 500 protesters from nearby villages had assembled there. A policeman fired a shot in the air but it hit Rahul on the side of his abdomen."

    Senior police officials contested Narendra's version. SSP Kiran said "We are yet to ascertain the type of bullet and the weapon from which it was fired."

    Many Hindus regard the cow as the living symbol of their religion. Hindu welfare organisations run gaushalas, or cow shelters, in many cities where abandoned cows found wandering the streets are given food and shelter. Feeding a cow is seen by many Hindus as a way to appease the gods and get one’s wishes fulfilled.

    Not all BJP-led states are pushing for tighter restrictions on beef. The chief minister of Goa, another BJP-led state, has refused to back the ban, saying that two-fifths of people there eat beef and he respected the rights of minorities.

    Meanwhile, Hindu nationalist groups affiliated to Modi's BJP want to set up more cattle camps and cow shelters to house animals no longer wanted by farmers. India has some 300 million cattle, and animals foraging for food are a familiar sight on the rubbish-strewn streets of towns and villages.

    That is what these brainwashed religious rogues do

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #1 - September 30, 2015, 10:00 AM

    Photograph of 50-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq, who was beaten to death in UP’s Dadri, allegedly by residents of Bisara village, after rumours spread in the area about the family storing and consuming beef

    Relatives of Akhlaq sit next to the bed from where he was picked up and killed, in Jarcha area of Dadri, on Tuesday  

    18 year old daughter asks: ‘If it’s not beef, will they bring back my dead father? -    I have lost my father. I cannot lose my brother. Please do everything possible to keep him alive -

    On Monday night, after an announcement at a local temple that her family was consuming beef, 18-year-old Sajida had no inkling about how the next few hours would unfold. Minutes later, a mob surrounded and then ransacked her house before allegedly beating her 50-year-old father Mohammad Akhlaq to death. Her brother Danish, 22, is battling for life at a government hospital in Noida.   Wearing a white salwar-kameez stained with blood, Sajida pleads with a relative over the phone to save her brother: “I have lost my father. I cannot lose my brother. Please do everything possible to keep him alive.”  

    Standing in her father’s room on the first floor, Sajida points to pieces of bricks near a broken bed, blood stains on the floor and on a loincloth which belonged to her father. A refrigerator in the next room has been broken and turned upside down, while a shattered mirror stands in one corner.

    “They dragged my brother and father outside the room and used bricks which they found under his bed to beat them. My father was taken outside the house and beaten to death. My brother was dragged to the courtyard downstairs and they used bricks to hit him on the head and chest, leaving him unconscious. They also tried to molest me and hit my grandmother on her face. They threatened to kill me if I said a word to the police,”              Sajida says.

    It was only when the police reached the village around 10.30 pm that the attackers ran away. Sajda said the announcement allegedly made by the temple was not even finished when the mob reached her house. “The incident took place around between 10-10.30 pm Monday. A few minutes before they reached the house, there was a temple announcement alleging we had killed a cow. We did not know what the announcement was about. Before the announcement was finished, they reached our house and broke down the doors. They shouted abuses at us and alleged that we had beef in the house,” she says. The family, which has been living in Bisara for generations, never felt any communal tension in the past, she says.

    “Every time there was a feast in this house, Hindu residents of the village would attend such functions. Even on Bakr-Id, we had guests. But suddenly they started doubting us. There was some mutton in the fridge which was taken away yesterday. They thought it was beef. The police have taken it for examination. If the results prove that it was not beef, will they bring back my dead father?”

    Sajda asks.

    A rumour leads to a lynching

    Around Sep 16: A calf goes missing from Bisara village, according to residents

    Sep 28, noon: Rumours about remains of the calf being found near a field close to Mohammad Akhlaq’s house in Bisara spreads. Rumour alleges Akhlaq was carrying beef in a polythene bag when dogs started chasing him. He threw the bag in a open field. Residents found remains of the calf in the bag

    Sep 28, at about 9.30 pm: A group of 10 people reach a local temple, make an announcement relating to these rumours

    Sep 28, 10-10.30 pm: A mob reaches Akhlaq’s house, beats him and his 22-year-old son, Danish. Ransacks the house.

    Sep 28, 10.30-10.45 pm: Police reach Akhlaq’s house. Akhlaq found dead outside. Danish found unconscious inside. He is admitted to a government hospital in Noida, is critical

    Sep 29 : In the wee hours of Tuesday, six Bisara residents are arrested in connection with the case

    Sep 29, at about 9.30 am: Residents of villages in Dadri assemble near the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) office, hold demonstrations. Two police cars damaged while a bike is set ablaze. Protesters are lathi-charged. Heavy police deployment at the protest site.

    Sep 29, at about 10 am: A 20-year-old welder who works at NTPC hit by a bullet, injuring his lower hip. Even as his family alleges a policeman fired the gun, police deny charges, say they are investigating the matter

    Sep 29, at about 1 pm: Senior police officers held a meeting with residents, urge them to maintain peace

    Sep 29, at about 5.30 pm: Last rites of Akhlaq performed in Bisara amid heavy police deployment

    Sep 29, evening: A large number of policemen deployed at the site

     that is what news says from a GREAT  country(That is what many in western world thinks).,   the BABOONS  want to save cows and kill people because they eat cow meat

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #2 - September 30, 2015, 11:07 AM

    So, religious freaks? Doesn't sound like nationalists, although of course it could be. Or religious freaks.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #3 - September 30, 2015, 12:52 PM

    ^Sounds like the influence of Hindu nationalism to me.
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #4 - September 30, 2015, 01:35 PM

    So, religious freaks? Doesn't sound like nationalists, although of course it could be. Or religious freaks.

      well let us get some links and put it here SO THAT PEACEFUL COW SAVING MUSLIM KILLING hindus will read it and learn from it...........

    Daughters of the man who was murdered  by THE BRUTAL  BABOONS OF  PAGAN  HINDUISM


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #5 - September 30, 2015, 01:43 PM

    So, religious freaks? Doesn't sound like nationalists, although of course it could be. Or religious freaks.

    Freaks?  Freaks??  Quod  .. we got to use right words...

       NOT FREAKS  but hindu religiosity rabies infected stray dogs...... .. Either they should put in a facility to do experiments.. or put in a zoo along with other animal so people who visit  zoo can watch them and learn their babbonism .. or you just put them away send the souls dolls whatever to their heaven god/goddesses whatever ............

    Well that is life, it goes away.,  but those his two daughter  will suffer for life.,  but let me add relevant links so people can read,  understand  and see the filthy  stuff  that is filled  in these  religious baboon  brains.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #6 - September 30, 2015, 04:29 PM

      NOT FREAKS  but hindu religiosity rabies infected stray dogs...... .. Either they should put in a facility to do experiments.. or put in a zoo along with other animal so people who visit  zoo can watch them and learn their babbonism .. or you just put them away send the souls dolls whatever to their heaven god/goddesses whatever ............

    Whoa, Yeez. Turn it down, man. That’s pretty extreme stuff you’re saying there. Not cool.
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #7 - October 01, 2015, 04:40 PM

    Whoa, Yeez. ....................Not cool.

    True HappyM  true.,  I AM NOT A COOL GUY., I was not a cool  guy and i will never be a cool guy...

    A bruised Asgari Begum, mother of the victim, stands by the entrance of her home in Bisara village

    Those heroes of hinduism instead of killing that poor guy should clean the shit  and cow dung on their roads  and feed those cows  roaming on their roads  


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #8 - October 02, 2015, 12:29 AM

    ^Sounds like the influence of Hindu nationalism to me.

    It goes to show, the best religion in the world (even atheism) can become evil right quick. All it takes is an angry mob A, a foreigner B, and some sociopath on the make willing to remind A that B doesn't belong there.

    And now I think I'll take a nap, because this story is upsetting me. Poor guy. If there's an afterlife to be had, I hope he's treated better in it than he was down here.
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #9 - October 02, 2015, 02:02 PM

    It goes to show, the best religion in the world (even atheism) can become evil right quick. All it takes is an angry mob A, a foreigner B, and some sociopath on the make willing to remind A that B doesn't belong there.

    And now I think I'll take a nap, because this story is upsetting me. Poor guy. If there's an afterlife to be had, I hope he's treated better in it than he was down here.

    Zimriel.,   you got to give me bit more details and examples on those highlighted words.,

    ...... But as far as THOSE RABIES RELIGIOSITY INFECTED DOGS that murdered that poor 50 year old muslim guy  is concerned., a wonderful article is written by Ajaz  Ashraf with a heading A short account of India's long history of hypocrisy on cow slaughter laws  .. Let me take few nuggets from it..

    Rumour has always been a weapon for the anti-cow slaughter movement, as is evident from Akshaya Mukul’s magisterial book, Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India.

    After India gained Independence and Jawaharlal Nehru became prime minister, Mukul writes, a delegation of Hindu leaders called on him to demand a ban on cow slaughter. Nehru heard them patiently and then asked, “Why do you people run a campaign that I eat beef?” The delegates denied they had spread this information, but suggested that the best way for him to silence his critics would be to ban cow slaughter.

    In September 2015, as India undergoes a digital makeover under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the rumour that Mohammad Akhlaq and his family had eaten beef and had stocked some in their refrigerator is said to have so enraged the residents of a village in Dadri town, next door to Delhi, they decided to lynch him. It is more evidence, if any was needed, of how rumours about beef consumption have long been used to terrorise Muslims.

    It is ironic that Muslims have been the sole target of the proponents of the anti-cow slaughter movement from its inception in the late 19th century. As such, a large number of communities in India consume beef in India – Christians, Dalits, groups in the North East, among them.

    Looking back

    The targeting of Muslims on the issue of beef is ironic also because it was one of their representatives in the Constituent Assembly who had declared their approval for a ban on cow-slaughter in the 1940s. The only condition he suggested was that the Constitution should specifically mention that the ban had been imposed to uphold the religious sentiments of Hindus – and not because of economic reasons, all of which they claimed were dubious and difficult to sustain logically.

    This plea arose from two types of arguments cited by the votaries of the cow protection movement. There was the religious argument – that the cow shouldn’t be slaughtered because it was an object of veneration among the Hindus from time immemorial, which is why beef was a taboo food item for them. This myth has been punctured through several scholarly studies over the years, not least by BR Ambedkar’s 1948 work, The Untouchable and Why They Became Untouchables? Ambedkar linked the status of Untouchables to their eating the meat of the dead cow.

    The economic argument spoke of the multifarious roles the cow plays in the agrarian economy, from providing milk to pulling the plough, to being a source of cheap fuel, to the therapeutic value of its urine, to being a symbol of wealth. Thus, it was said, Hindus considered the cow holy because of the many economic benefits accruing from it. Yet, in many senses, the economic argument was merely an attempt to dress the religious sentiment in the garb of rationality.

    The more exuberant members of the Hindu Right not only wanted the Constitution to explicitly ban cow-slaughter but also have such a provision to be incorporated in its chapter on the Fundamental Rights. In a fascinating essay, Negotiating the ‘Sacred’ Cow: Cow Slaughter and the Regulations of Difference in India, researcher Shraddha Chigateri notes, tongue-in-cheek, “This unique constitutional protection would have meant that the protection of the cow would have been treated on par with other human fundamental rights such as right to life, right to equality, etc…”

    Economic rationale

    In the debate in the Constituent Assembly, Pandit Thakur Dass Bhargava and Seth Govind Das proffered economic reasons to demand the ban on cow slaughter. Bhargava said,

    “To grow more food and to improve agriculture and the cattle breed are all inter-dependent and are two sides of the same coin. [ ...] The best way of increasing the production is to improve the health of human beings and breed of cattle, whose milk and manure and labour are most essential for growing food. [...] From both points of view, of agriculture and food, protection of the cow becomes necessary.”

    However, Das referred to the religious argument in his submission to the Assembly: “... Cow protection is not only a matter of religion with us; it is also a cultural and economic question.” The cow had, by then, already become an incendiary issue dividing Hindus and Muslims, largely because Gaurakshini (cow protection) Sabhas had already mushroomed in large parts of North India. The activism of the Sabha members triggered riots in several towns in the last decade of 19th century. During the Khilafat movement of 1919, the Hindu Right offered their support to Muslim leaders in return for them supporting the ban on cow-slaughter, Mukul notes.

    The hypocritical tendency to cloak the religious demand in economic arguments inspired a Muslim member from the United Provinces, ZA Lari, to say, “Mussalmans of India have been, and are, under the impression that they can, without violence to the principles which govern the State, sacrifice cows and other animals on the occasion of Bakrid.” He went on to suggest to the Assembly, “If the House is of the opinion that slaughter of cows should be prohibited, let it be prohibited in clear, definite and unambiguous words.”

    Cutting thorugh the clutter

    What could those unambiguous words be? Syed Muhammad Sa’adulla, a Muslim member from Assam, was forthright in declaring,

    “I do not want to obstruct the framers of our Constitution ... if they come out in the open and say directly: ‘This is part of our religion. The cow should be protected from slaughter and therefore we want its provision either in the Fundamental Rights or in the Directive Principles ...’ But, those who put it on the economic front ... do create a suspicion in the minds of many that the ingrained Hindu feeling against cow slaughter is being satisfied by the backdoor.”

    Sa’adulla said there were thousands of Muslims who did not eat beef, and that cattle for the agriculturists among them were as useful for them as they were for their Hindu counterparts. To quote Chigateri,

    “Syed Sa’adulla questioned the argument that Hindu reverence for the cow was always reflected through a taboo on slaughter, arguing that in Assam, when there was a shortage of cattle and a prohibition on the slaughter of milch or draught cattle, it was Hindus who resorted to slaughtering cows with the argument that the cattle were unserviceable and ‘dead weight’.”

    But at the dawn of a new era, India wanted to hide from the world the irrationality that had a pull on its citizens and their leaders. It chose the language of rationality to introduce cow-protection in the chapter on the Directive Principle of State Policy. Call it a classic example of India’s penchant to find the middle path. Nevertheless, Ambedkar is mostly credited for saving India the blushes of becoming the only country in the world to extend the fundamental right to an animal.

    Cloak of rationalism

    Thus came into existence Article 48, which still reads, “The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and other milch and draught cattle.” But this compromise did not satisfy the Hindu Right, which wanted a total ban on cattle-slaughter.

    It soon found a reason to feel aggrieved on account of the model bill on cow slaughter that the Centre had circulated among the States. This was because the model bill allowed the slaughter of cows above 14 years and those unable to conceive. Mukul quotes an editorial of Kalyan to portray the Hindu Right’s dismay, “…. Kalyan (published by the Gita Press) asked, if this was the treatment meted out to old cows, would the same be done to old people who had ceased to be useful?”

    Nevertheless, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh enacted laws banning cow-slaughter. That the Congress was in power in these four states suggests the Hindu Right did, even under Nehru, occupy substantial space in the party. As expected, the cow became a matter of court dispute.

    The Supreme Court has upheld the notion that the cow was held in reverence by the Hindus, prompting legal luminaries, such as Upendra Baxi, to say the judges perhaps hadn’t been rigorous in examining this sweeping proposition. However, the Supreme Court has also ruled that a ban on the slaughter of bullocks and bulls, despite being old age and no longer economically useful, amounted to imposing unreasonable restrictions on the butchers – and was, therefore, ultra vires of the Constitution.

    Attack on Parliament

    Unwilling to dilute their position from a nationwide ban on cattle slaughter, various cow-protection groups united to stage a massive protest before Parliament on November 7, 1966. Provocative speeches instigated the crowd to attack Parliament, leading to lathi-charge by the police. In the ensuing violence eight people died. It prompted Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to sack Home Minister Gulzarilal Nanda, who subsequently became a member of the anti-cow slaughter movement.

    The cow was back to grazing the political pasture in 2005, courtesy the Supreme Court’s judgement upholding the decision of the Gujarat government to impose a total ban on cattle slaughter, regardless of whether the bovine is useless or not. The judgement said bullocks and bulls are useful, as Chigateri notes, “past a certain age, in terms of added benefits of urine, dung – manure and biogas, especially in this age of alternate sources of energy”.

    In other words, the hypocrisy displayed in the Constituent Assembly has persisted nearly seven decades later. Both Maharashtra and Haryana have followed suit, the latter imposing an incredible 10 years of imprisonment to anyone found guilty of slaughtering a cow, a bull or an oxen, or even caught carrying or consuming beef. However, the ban has also stoked suspicions that Muslims are slaughtering cattle clandestinely, leading to police cases being filed against them.

    The killing of Akhlaq near Delhi testifies that the cow-protectionists will never forego the weapon of rumour about beef eating because it can be tellingly used to foment hatred against Muslims and to paper over caste divisions among Hindus.

    Ajaz Ashraf is a journalist from Delhi. His novel, The Hour Before Dawn, published by HarperCollins, is available in bookstores. This article was originally published on and has been reproduced with permission.

    well I thought I pull nugget out of that article but whole article is important to read., the fact he from India says this

    "It is ironic that Muslims have been the sole target of the proponents of the anti-cow slaughter movement from its inception in the late 19th century. As such, a large number of communities in India consume beef in India – Christians, Dalits, groups in the North East, among them"

    means  many religious rogues in India  seem to have this  hindu religiosity in their minds have utter hate towards Muslim folks .... and they better learn quickly before their super duper hinduism sand castles falls on their heads and buries them under it..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #10 - October 02, 2015, 11:18 PM

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #11 - October 03, 2015, 07:07 PM

    Akhlaq’s daughter and her cousin, in Bisara village Wednesday. Akhlaq was killed when a mob attacked his house following rumours that he and his family stored and ate beef.

    Since time immemorial, people have been killed for what they believed in. We are all familiar with the stories of how early Christians were thrown before hungry lions by the Romans to the delight of cheering mobs. Patriarch Abraham was flung into a raging inferno by Nimrod. The early believers of Arabia had to go through hell and high water for their faith. In India, the followers of Buddha were nearly wiped out even as the faith spread to far corners of the world.

    All of them paid a price for their beliefs. So it would be a historic first that in Narendra Modi’s India people are now being killed for what they eat. Or even on the whiff of a rumor, as 50-year old farmer Mohammed Akhlaq was this week, within minutes of his ‘crime’ of eating beef being proclaimed on loudspeakers by the local temple. His 22-year old son is battling for his life. As Siddharth Varadarajan puts it, forget about your right to eat what you want. The fight is now over your right to not be killed for what you eat!

    This did not happen in some remote, lawless badlands of the country. Dadri happens to be right in the heart of India, on the outskirts of the national capital Delhi. The killing has understandably has sent shockwaves across India and around the world with the incredulous global media reporting the unusual crime in fascinating detail.

    The hyperventilating Indian networks are suitably outraged too. Our friend Arnab Goswami from Times Now is worked up over the fact that the older son of Akhlaq, Sartaj, serves in Indian Air Force. As if the crime would somehow be more understandable otherwise. In the black and white world of the Arnab Goswamis, these things do matter. A Muslim farmer with a son serving in the Army … now that’s what you’d call a good, patriotic Muslim!
    Others furiously debated if it was indeed beef or mutton that Akhlaq had in his ransacked refrigerator. A BJP lawmaker praised Akhlaq as a ‘respectable man’ and termed the ‘action by some young boys’ as unfortunate. However, he went to great lengths to cite various laws and acts against cow slaughter blaming the killing on the administration’s failure to implement those laws!

    The ever vigilant Uttar Pradesh police promptly sent the incriminating evidence, the leftover pieces of meat in Akhlaq’s fridge, for forensic tests. As if the killing and violence would be somehow justified if it turned out to be beef! What, as Akhlaq’s anguished young daughter asked, if the laboratory tests established that it was indeed mutton? Would that bring back her father?

    Whoever thought that in the 21st century and in the week NASA brought us the glad tidings of water and possibly life being found on Mars, in India we would be debating and killing over our choice of meat.

    But then as Vir Sanghvi, himself a proud beef and pork eating member of the vegetarian Jain community, joked, if you vote for the Gujarat model, you get the Gujarat diet too. And you get the leaders you vote for. Or rather, as the old saying goes, you get the rulers you deserve. But did India really vote for this unadulterated madness, a mass march backwards, eyes wide shut, to the middle ages?

    Of course, the majority, like people elsewhere, remains extremely reasonable and tolerant. And it was only a paltry 31 percent who voted for the BJP and its narcissistic with-me-or-against-me leader after he promised them the moon and more. But then in the strange numbers game that is Westminster democracy, it has not just meant a shift to the right but a total, upside down transformation.

    The all-embracing diversity of India represented by Gandhi, Nehru, Azad and Ambedkar appears to have already given way to the searing, saffron uniformity dictated by Savarkar, Golwalkar and Deendayal Upadhyay.  It’s fascinating what a single election has been able to achieve in terms of changing the very character and disposition of the republic. Who says you need sweeping and dramatic changes in the constitution to change the direction of the country! With brute majority in parliament and all state institutions, not to mention a pliable media and captive big business, in your pocket, an assertive and ambitious leader could do anything he puts his mind to.

    So India hasn’t just lurched rightwards, it has been witnessing a dangerous ratcheting up of communal tensions and atmospherics across the country.

    While the Prime Minister endlessly regales foreign leaders and desi friends of the BJP with pearls of wisdom about India’s fabled rich heritage, tolerance and democratic strength, the Parivar has captured every sphere of public and private activity.
    While he wows CEOs of Fortune 500 companies with his tech savvy and slick slogans of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’ in between the regulation selfies and made-for-TV emotional bear-hugs with the Silicon Valley whizkids, his comrades in khaki shorts have been going about their business, telling people what to wear, what to eat and what to read and watch.

    The disconnect between this India of silicon dreams that Modi projects for foreign audiences and the reality back home is as stark as the gulf between India and Bharat. The country where desperate farmers are killing themselves in their thousands, some of them right in Delhi, while corporates party; where minorities are being reminded day in and day out that India doesn’t belong to them and if they are still keen to live here, they had better learn to live like pariahs in their own land, cowering in their ghettos.

    Even then you cannot be too sure of your safety. You could be beaten to death like an animal on the mere suspicion of a crime as Akhlaq has been. Recently in Kanpur, in the heart of Hindi heartland, another Muslim man was lynched accusing him of being a terrorist.  In March, a Muslim merchant was paraded naked in Dimapur in the northeast of India before being hanged and burned in the town center while police and local administration stood around. He was accused of being a rapist.

    Down south in Mangalore last month, a Muslim techie was beaten black and blue and paraded naked for talking to Hindu female colleague.  Are these isolated incidents? One would have dismissed them as such if it weren’t for the deliberate hysteria that is being orchestrated against religious minorities, coupled with sharpening attacks targeting churches and mosques across India.

    From these growing hysterics over cow slaughter to meat ban ahead of Eid and the scare over supposedly multiplying Muslim ranks and love jihad, there’s a method in the madness.
    Many in the media like to think all this cannot be happening with political blessings. They blame the Parivar for ‘stray acts of violence.’ The PM who takes pride in being a ‘strong and assertive leader’ has yet to open his mouth to send out the message that he will not tolerate these attempts to wreck communal peace in the country. Instead he has rewarded characters like Giriraj Singh and men involved in Muzaffarnagar riots with ministerial berths.

    Even if Modi doesn’t directly support the bigotry and violence of fellow travelers, he’s certainly guilty of condoning and encouraging it with his deafening silence. And that silence is seen as the license to kill by the fringe. As they say in Hindi, jaisi raja waisi praja (people follow the leader).

    So if intolerance is on the march across the land, you know what’s fueling it. Where’s it all going to end and at what price to India? In Varadarajan’s words, we are not far from the stage when we get to discover that the color of human flesh is the same as the color of what Modi innocently, or not so innocently, calls “mutton.”

    That is from  Aijaz Zaka Syed published in  and I fully agree with many of his points in that article..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #12 - October 04, 2015, 09:45 AM

    Two more arrested in India after murder over beef rumours ..   say news . ,

    NEW DELHI: Indian police on Saturday arrested two more suspects in a mob murder of a Muslim man over rumours he had eaten beef, as debate mounted over communal intolerance under the Hindu nationalist government.

    Mohammad Akhlaq, 50, was dragged from his house on the outskirts of the capital and beaten to death by around 100 people on Monday night over suspicions he had eaten beef — a taboo in the Hindu-majority nation.   Akhlaq's 22-year-old son was also seriously injured in the attack in Bisada village in Uttar Pradesh state and has been undergoing treatment at a nearby hospital.

    “Total eight main accused (have been) arrested out of 10 named ones,” A. Satish Ganesh, a senior police official for Uttar Pradesh told AFP in a text message, without giving any further details. Police arrested six other suspects on Wednesday.

    The case has fuelled concerns over perceptions religious intolerance is growing under the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party government.

    Calls have grown for nationalist Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to speak out on the case after colleagues in his party came under fire for appearing to trivialise the crime.

    “If somebody says it was pre-planned, I don't agree. It was an accident and investigations should happen,” junior culture minister Mahesh Sharma told reporters during a visit to the victim's family on Friday.

    Hostile villagers attacked a media crew on Saturday, pelting stones and shattering their car windows. Rumours that the family had eaten beef began when a calf was reported missing in Dadri village, 35 kilometres from New Delhi.

    Soon after a nearby temple made an announcement via loudspeaker that the family had consumed beef and within minutes the mob kicked down Akhlaq's door and tore through his home before killing him.

    The victim's family has maintained they had mutton in the fridge and not beef.  Killing cows is banned in many states of India, where the majority of the population is Hindu but which is also home to sizeable Muslim, Christian and Buddhist minorities.

    In March, the state of Maharashtra toughened its ban to make even possessing beef illegal, a move seen by religious minorities as a sign of the growing power of hardline Hindus since Modi came to power last year.

    well that is the latest news......  latest news on that Brutal  killing by these religious Rabies  Infected  Rogues.  sorry.... dogs..   But so far news didn't publish the names and faces of those BABOONS

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #13 - October 06, 2015, 12:33 PM

    6 outrageous statements by BJP about Muslim man's murder over eating beef Says Web desk from Tribune

    The brutal murder of an Indian Muslim man, Muhammad Akhlaq, on Monday after rumours that he and his family had consumed beef sparked widespread outrage.

    However, leaders of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have tried to trivialise the incident by responding to it with these six outrageous statements.

    1. “An accident”

    Minister of State for Culture Mahesh Sharma termed the reprehensible incident an ‘accident’. “This (incident) should be considered as an accident without giving any communal colour to it,” he said.

    The BJP MP from Noida also tried to shift the blame on the victims by pointing out that the two other families who lived with the victim’s family were not attacked.

    “About 10-12 houses of other community are in the outlying part of the village but no incident concerning them has happened. I feel this incident occurred due to some misunderstanding and the law should truthfully act against whoever is responsible for it.”

    2. “Be a victim and maintain silence”

    BJP MP Tarun Vijay went a step ahead and said that the responsibility to maintain peace did not rest with the Hindu community.

    “Why responsibility to keep peace and maintain calm is always put on the Hindus alone? Be a victim and maintain silence in face of assaults!!” tweeted the former editor the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) weekly in Hindi, Panchajanya.

    3. “Mob consisted of innocent children”

    Another BJP leader, Nawab Singh Nagar, termed the mob that beat the Muslim man to death as ‘innocent children’.

    “If anybody was consuming cow meat then that is wrong,” said Nagar, adding that “innocent kids” who allegedly killed Akhlaq were “children barely 10-15 years old”.

    4. “Arrest cow slaughterers instead”

    Another local BJP leader Vichitra Tomar was more concerned about the sentiments of the Hindu community than that of the family of the victim. Instead of punishing the mob, he called for cow slaughterers to be arrested, although there is not much proof that a cow was actually slaughtered.

    “The police have arrested innocent people. We also demand legal action against those people who are engaged in cow slaughter as it is hurting Hindu sentiments,” he said.

    5. “Some people (just) got agitated”

    BJP district president Thakur Harish Singh tried to excuse the actions of the mob and was more interested in the police investigation on whether beef was consumed by the victim’s family or not.

    “The locals gave samples of meat to the police but they (the cops) did not take it seriously. Then some people got agitated,” he said on Tuesday, suggesting that the “agitation” was justified.

    6. “This happens every day”

    Shrichand Sharma, vice-president of BJP’s western UP unit, spoke to The Indian Express and offered an alternative theory for the 52-year-old man’s murder.

    “The man did not die because of the injuries but because of shock when someone (wrongly) told him his son was dead. This happens every day. When we hurt people’s sentiments, such clashes take place. This was not a communal riot. The Hindu community worships cows. Whose blood won’t boil if they see cow slaughter?”

    Instead of focusing on bringing the perpetrators to book, the BJP leader blamed the local police for not registering an FIR after reports of the alleged cow slaughter and called for a meeting of the administration, district magistrate and other officials on the matter.

    “From Friday, we will go from village to village and mobilise people. We will not tolerate harassment.”

    This article originally appeared on Huffington Post   By   Indrani Basu

    My friends from India .. India and Indians MUST CHANGE THOSE RULES AND THOSE EXCUSES.. ..otherwise you and your economy will go down the drain.....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #14 - November 05, 2015, 12:26 PM

    India's Arundhati Roy returns National Award    says Dawn News

    NEW DELHI: Renowned South Asian writer Arundhati Roy on Thursday issued a statement explaining her decision to return the 1989 National Award she received for Best Screenplay, saying, "I want to make it clear that I am not returning this award because I am 'shocked' by what is being called the 'growing intolerance' being fostered by the present government."

    She goes on to clarify her statement: "'Intolerance' is the wrong word to use for the lynching, shooting, burning and mass murder of fellow human beings.

    "I cannot claim to be shocked by what has happened after this government was enthusiastically voted into office with an overwhelming majority,"
    she says.

    "These horrific murders are only a symptom of a deeper malaise. Life is hell for the living too. Whole populations ─ millions of Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims and Christians are being forced to live in terror, unsure of when and from where the assault will come," Roy says.

    The writer says, "When the thugs and apparatchiks of the New Order talk of 'illegal slaughter' they mean the imaginary cow that was killed ─ not the real man that was murdered. When they talk of taking 'evidence for forensic examination' from the scene of the crime, they mean the food in the fridge, not the body of the lynched man," ─ an apparent reference to the recent Dadri lynching incident where a Muslim man was killed and his son injured after a mob beat them for keeping 'beef' in their fridge.

    Roy also touches upon a recent incident of caste-motivated violence: "When Dalits are butchered and their children burned alive, which writer today can freely say, like Babasaheb Ambedkar once did that 'To the Untouchables, Hinduism is a veritable chamber of horrors,' (Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Volume 9 pg 296) without getting attacked, lynched, shot or jailed?"

    She laments the loss of the right to speak freely: "It doesn’t matter whether we agree or disagree with what is being said. If we do not have the right to speak freely we will turn into a society that suffers from intellectual malnutrition, a nation of fools."

    I hope Indians read and think about what she is saying....

     "It doesn’t matter whether we agree or disagree with what is being said.
     If we do not have the right to speak freely we will turn into a society that suffers from intellectual malnutrition, a nation of fools

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #15 - November 22, 2015, 06:16 PM

    Murder over meat  writes  IRFAN HUSAIN

    THERE’S an odd sense of schizophrenia stalking India these days: on the one hand, its scientists have put a satellite into orbit around Mars, and placed a telescope to circle the Earth to peer into deep space; on the other, a rampaging mob in Uttar Pradesh has brutally murdered Mohammed Akhlaq, and severely wounded his son, on the suspicion that they had beef in their fridge. How do we reconcile these opposites?
    The prime minister, Narendra Modi, attempted to do just this by boasting that ancient Hindus had discovered genetics, plastic surgery and aircraft thousands of years ago. To him, there is no contradiction between mythology and science. And it is this extremist Hindu narrative, based on RSS ideology, that is fuelling a surge of religious violence against the minorities.

    After lab tests that confirmed that the meat at Akhlaq’s house was in fact mutton and not beef, there is some backtracking in official Indian circles. Now the murder is being termed an ‘accident’; no longer are politicians pushing the line that the victim deserved what he got, as Mahesh Sharma, the Indian culture minister pronounced in the aftermath of the incident. Indeed, ministers have been reluctant to condemn the attack.

    In many ways, this tragic episode carries echoes of the victimisation of Pakistan’s hapless minorities under its blasphemy laws. The difference is that in India, six men have been arrested and charged with Akhlaq’s murder. In Pakistan, few members of lynch mobs are arrested — and even fewer are actually charged or sentenced — for attacking and killing Hindus, Christians and Ahmadis accused of blasphemy.

    But Pakistan is an Islamic state, even though this does not excuse our vile treatment of our minorities. However, although India’s constitution declares it to be secular, the BJP government under Modi does not bother to pay even lip service to the lofty secularist ideals of the founding fathers of independent India. In a secular society, the followers of all faiths are held to be equal, and there is no state religion. But by holding a national yoga day, and by using overtly religious symbolism and mythology to further his political agenda, Modi is making it clear that while all religions in India are equal, Hinduism is more equal than others.

    Don’t get me wrong: I think yoga is a wonderful system to exercise the mind and the body, and I have personally benefited from it. But to elevate it to a national duty because of its ancient association with Hinduism is to increase the existing insecurity felt by non-Hindus.

    Despite the ban on beef in many Indian states, cattle-rustling is rampant in Delhi where organised gangs load stray cows on to trucks, and sell them to illegal slaughterhouses. Indeed, India is the world’s biggest beef exporter, although much of the meat comes from buffaloes that are not revered by Hindus. More and more Hindus are acquiring a taste for meat of all kinds. Nehru enjoyed a juicy steak, and refused to enact a ban on cow slaughter. A Hindu reader informs me that in the Mahabharata, there are many references to the consumption of beef.

    Clearly, it is up to a society to pass laws that reflect its cultural and religious values. But a secular state ensures that such edicts do not infringe on the rights of any particular group or minority. This is often a fine line, and balancing competing rights is a delicate business. Witness the controversy over the French ban on Muslim women wearing a full burqa in public places.

    Nevertheless, the Indian ban on beef causes hardship among the Dalit and Muslim poor as it is the cheapest meat available. But the friction over killing cows goes back a long time in South Asia: during times of sectarian tension, Hindus would find pieces of a slaughtered cow in the local temple, while Muslims would discover a pig’s head in a mosque. Both caused outrage and led to violent riots.

    In Sri Lanka recently, an extremist Buddhist group has been targeting Muslims for their taste for beef. Supermarkets have been forced to remove ‘halal’ labels from packets of meat. Although the quality of the local beef is awful, Sri Lankan Muslims cling to their habit of cooking it, much to the disdain of their Buddhist neighbours.

    I confess to enjoying an underdone steak, but if it causes offence to people around me, I would defer the pleasure and eat something else. Ultimately, however, this is not about dietary preferences but about perceived religious duty and individual rights. In much of the world, pork is perfectly kosher for everybody except Muslims and Jews.

    More than the attack on one man, Mohammed Akhlaq, the sharp increase in the public avowal of Hinduism indicates a rise in muscular nationalism, as well as a more assertive India. This can be seen in the repeated artillery barrages over the Line of Control in Kashmir, as well as in the blockade of petroleum supplies to Nepal. The latter is being squeezed for the changes it has made in its new constitution that appears to weaken a dominant pro-Indian community.

    But as the secular impulse weakens, India will become a weaker nation. It is far too large and diverse a country to be governed under a single ruling faith. Its numerous beliefs and cultures have been a source of strength, but if minorities start feeling marginalised, the Indian union will be under threat. As it is, it faces rebellion from various ethnic and religious groups. Nehru and his colleagues in the Congress Party realised early that the country could only thrive as a secular entity. There is a real danger today that Modi and the BJP can undo the foundations of the Indian constitution.

    when religious bigots and religious zealots enter in to politics .. the results will be same in every religion in every country and in every culture.. Off course some religions are more political than others in their so-called scriptures..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #16 - November 22, 2015, 07:35 PM

    It is impossible to keep people out of office if the population supports the very religious ideology of those that they elect. It is not a political problem, it is a national issue itself when bad ideas are protected as a religion and allowed to propagate.
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #17 - July 01, 2016, 05:12 PM

    Hindu extremists force ‘beef transporters’ to eat cow dung  says news

    NEW DELHI : Prime Minister Narendra Modi had not finished underplaying growing incidence of hate speech by his supporters in a TV interview on Monday when a video surfaced of two bruised and battered Muslim men being forced to eat cow dung.

    The Indian Express said on Tuesday that the video shows volunteers of the Gau Rakshak Dal (Cow Protection Group) forcing two men, who they suspected were beef transporters, to eat a concoction of cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd and ghee near Delhi recently.

    Modi blamed the media in his TV comments for carrying reports of hate speech and communal incidents. He said the media made heroes of the communal propagandists. The surfacing of the video of a two-week old incident belies the claim because without the media’s help no one would know what really transpired with the two men.

    Admitting that they had forced the two men — Rizwan and Mukhtiar — to eat “panchgavya” (cow dung concoction) on June 10, Dharmendra Yadav, president of the Gurgaon Gau Rakshak Dal, said volunteers, acting on a tip-off, intercepted a vehicle transporting 700kg of beef from Mewat to Delhi.

    “We had to chase the car for 7km before we finally managed to stop them near the Badarpur border,” The Indian Express quoted Yadav as saying. He had no idea who shot the video.

    “When we caught them, they had 700kg of beef in their car. We made them eat the panchgavya to teach them a lesson and also to purify them,” Yadav said.

    The volunteers can be heard prompting the captives to say “Gau Mata Ki Jai” and “Jai Shri Ram”, both of which the duo say as they struggle to swallow the mixture, The Indian Express reported.

    Modi has kept silent over the lynching of a Muslim blacksmith near Delhi over claims his family ate beef. Hindu extremists are now hoping to make this an election plank in Uttar Pradesh where polls are due next year.

    I know hindus eat  meat and I don't know about cow meat but many eat buffalo meat and chicken,fish, goat.. human   etc..etc..

    I wonder whether Indian govt could force TO EAT SHIT AND DRINK THE PISS OF THOSE SPECIES  on its citizens .,  no doubt that  ram ram..choori choori fits well for some of these faith heads who come from that faith .  well i can not find the video...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #18 - September 12, 2016, 03:14 PM

    India Muslim women 'raped' in fatal attack 'over beef'  says BBC news

    An Indian woman has said that she and her 14-year-old cousin were gang raped and two relatives murdered, after being accused of being Muslims who ate beef.

    The woman, 20, told the BBC that four men carried out the attack in northern Haryana state two weeks ago. She denied consuming beef.She said the men beat her uncle and aunt to death in their home in Mewat.Many Hindus consider cows sacred and the slaughter of the animal is banned in several states, including Haryana.

    The suspects have been arrested and charged with rape and murder.
    However police have told reporters that there is no evidence to suggest that cow protection groups were involved in the attack.

    Although the alleged rape took place two weeks ago, news of the incident has only just come out. "They [the accused men] said that we ate cow meat and that is why we were being disgraced [raped]. They even threatened to kill me and my family if we ever told anybody what happened to us," the woman told BBC Urdu.

    Muslim-dominated Mewat district, 100km (62 miles) from the capital Delhi, recently made headlines after a senior official told reporters that police would check dishes of mutton biryani to ensure they did not contain beef.

    That is the news from  the land of Religious snakes and snake charmers   well details are not there but that news got pubed 5hrs ago...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #19 - September 12, 2016, 07:50 PM

    no words really. its insane.

    what amazes me is when some hindus and Sikhs get on their high horse in the comments sections of new reports about muslims and side with the bigots against muslims in general..

  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #20 - May 04, 2017, 02:07 PM

     mob kills two Muslim men over 'cow theft' in India says BBC News with this picture

    Police in India say two Muslim men have been lynched by a mob which accused them of trying to steal cows for slaughter.The killings in the north-eastern state of Assam are the latest in a series of attacks blamed on religious tensions over the treatment of cows.

    Hindus consider cows sacred and killing them is illegal in several states.
    A Human Rights Watch report last week said at least 10 Muslims had been killed over the issue since May 2015. A night patrol with India's cow protection vigilantes Indian leader rebukes cow vigilantes
    'You may as well kill us': Human cost of India's meat 'ban' The victims of Sunday's attack in Assam's Nagaon district have been identified as Abu Hanifa and Riyazuddin Ali, police said. "They were chased and beaten with sticks by villagers who said the two men were trying to steal cows from their grazing field," news agency AFP quoted senior police official Debaraj Upadhyay as saying.
    By the time we took them to the hospital at night they had succumbed to their injuries."
    A murder case has been registered and two people have been detained for questioning, police said.The Human Rights Watch report says that since the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party formed India's federal government in 2014, attacks against Muslims and Dalits (formerly known as untouchables) have risen over rumours that they sold, bought or killed cows for beef.

    The BJP now also governs Assam. Those killed in the violent vigilante campaign against beef consumption in India include a 12-year-old boy. Many states are now actively enforcing bans on cow slaughter and in March, the western state of Gujarat passed a law making the slaughter of cows punishable with life imprisonment.

    In addition to government bans, vigilante groups who portray themselves as protectors of cows have also been active in several states. The groups routinely check vehicles and often beat up cattle traders. Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year criticised the vigilantes, saying such people made him "angry", but this has not stopped the attacks against cattle traders

    well that is the news., ha! they kill 12year old boy and save their cows.,

    So  I wonder about all those  highly educated peaceful cow loving cow praying  hindus,   Can't they educate  THESE HINDU BEASTS who kill people and  save fuckig cows??  

    and I wonder did any of these hindus who profess their faith write anything against these  HINDU RABID DOGS for killing people?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #21 - March 04, 2019, 05:16 PM

    Did cow vigilantes lynch a Muslim farmer? A story  from  in BBC  news 23 February 2019 with this picture..

    Cow-related violence - 2012-2019

    In the Indian media there have been claims that the police took the two cows that Rakbar had been transporting to a cow shelter, as Rakbar lay dead or dying in a police vehicle.

    There are also claims that the police stopped and drank tea instead of taking Rakbar to hospital.

    Whatever they did, they did not take Rakbar to hospital immediately

    well read the story  of Rakbar  Khan at the link...  and warch the tube..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #22 - August 17, 2019, 01:23 PM

    Pehlu Khan murder: Acquittals shock India's Muslims, threaten to weaken community's faith in judiciary says news with this pictire

    The acquittal of six persons accused of lynching Pehlu Khan, the dairy farmer whom they waylaid near Alwar, in Rajasthan, while he was ferrying cattle from Jaipur on 1 April, 2017, has been ascribed to the shoddy police investigation in the case. It prompted Additional District Judge Sarita Swami, who heard the case, to give the accused the benefit of doubt. This doesn’t come as a surprise — ham-handed police probes, or witnesses turning hostile, or trials dragging on for years have always dogged the judicial process.

    Yet the acquittal of those accused of beating Pehlu Khan to death can’t but demoralise the Muslims of India. The grisly episode involving Pehlu Khan wasn’t a local affair. It had sparked national outrage and dominated media headlines because the video recording of his lynching had gone viral. For the Muslim public, the case of Pehlu Khan had seemed a close-and-shut one. It has turned out otherwise.

    The judgement in the Pehlu Khan case was preceded by the withdrawal of dozens of cases against those accused of fomenting or participating in the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots. A variety of factors has been speculated upon behind the turn in the Muzaffarnagar riot cases.

    well that is the news from India  .. The Lands of Cows and Angry Monkeys ......

    well that was the case .. IT IS A TEST CASE FOR INDIAN GOVERNMENT

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #23 - August 02, 2020, 11:46 AM

    Another News comes out of India on their Snakes and Beef Problem...     news says with this picture

    Indian man attacked with hammer on suspicions of transporting beef as cops watch on: media

    Police in India watched as a young man was brutally attacked by a group of men on suspicions of transporting beef, it emerged on Sunday after a video of the incident went viral on social media.

    According to Times of India, police said that the incident took place on Friday morning in Haryana's Gurgaon district and one of the accused had been arrested.

    In the video, a group of men can be seen dragging and kicking the 27-year-old victim, identified as Lukmaan, as a huge crowd watches in silence, the TOI reported without identifying the deceased's faith.

    One of the men in the video can also be seen using a small hammer to physically assault the victim, the report said, adding that a cop can also be seen standing next to the victim.

    "The victim told police he was transporting buffalo meat in his truck from Nuh to Sadar Bazaar area of Gurgaon. When he reached Gurgaon, he was chased by some men on motorcycles. He sped away but got waylaid and thrashed by them," police PRO Subhash Boken told the publication.

    "They later took the victim to another place near Sohna and beat him up again and also damaged his vehicle," he said, adding that the victim had been hospitalised and a case had been registered.

    He said that one of the accused, Pradeep Yadav, had been arrested while the others had been identified. "Efforts are under way to apprehend them," he told TOI.

    Meanwhile, NDTV reported the owner of the vehicles as saying that the meat was buffalo and he had been in the business for 50 years. The publication added that officials had also sent the meat to a lab for testing.

    At least 44 people were killed in cow-related violence from 2015 to 2018, according to Human Rights Watch.

    In 2019, a US State Department report said religious violence against minorities had increased under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    It said Muslims and low-caste Dalits had been particularly targeted for eating beef. In recent years, angry mobs have lynched many people from marginalised groups in India, especially Muslims and the Dalits who occupy the lowest rung of the ancient caste system, often over suspicions of cow slaughter.

    That is the news .. I guess hindu snakes of India doesn't like people eating  nutritious  food  that comes out of beef., May be hindus and Muslims of India should export these snakes to Pakistan or Bangladesh or even to London and New York...

    and here is that video

    I am glad to notice that video is viral... WHY DON'T THESE BRUTAL ROGUE HINDUS BUY THOSE COWS/BUFFALOES WHATEVER from these transporters and feed those animals .. drink their piss and eat their shit instead of beating or killing these poor beef transporters ??

    well another video

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #24 - September 15, 2020, 08:47 AM

    well this great article  for Indians..from Jawed Naqvi  of their country

    Impunity isn’t exactly popularity

    .................In Modi’s India, TV channels bombard the gullible with a similar power projection. In this they work in cahoots with web-based platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp. The process is all in all a shabby attempt to pass the state’s impunity as the government’s popularity................

    .....Friends condole with friends with great concern that India has gone fascist. They undermine a different way of seeing it. Popular support for wilful dictators was a necessary ingredient in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. There’s no compelling evidence — other than perennially fudged opinion polls — that Prime Minister Modi has won himself invincibility any more than what everybody manages to get in India’s first-past-the-post electoral system.

    Nehru with his winning streak offered to resign on at least two occasions. Indira Gandhi swept the elections in 1971 and had to hide behind the emergency in 1975. How else can we explain the dichotomy between Modi’s two innings and the fact that half the Indian states run opposition governments, including Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Odisha, West Bengal, Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Delhi? Why do cow vigilantes not succeed there? In several other states, namely Manipur, Goa or Madhya Pradesh, Modi’s BJP gained power by backdoor methods. And where have the cow vigilantes disappeared in the beef-eating but BJP-ruled northeast?.......

    read it all at the link...  glad to read that,.. such decentralization of power structure is necessary to keep checks and balances  on powerful political forces  FOR NOT TURNING  A NATION THAT IS RULED BY A   TOTALITARIAN REGIME..... 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #25 - September 16, 2020, 01:06 PM

    well this is a good one from BBC on India corona virus..

    The news says  India's corona virus infections top five million mark  with this picture

    The number of confirmed coronavirus infections in India has surpassed five million, officials say, the second-highest in the world after the US. The virus appears to be spreading much faster in India than any other country, with daily cases crossing 90,000 for the five days up until Tuesday. More than 80,000 people have died, amid reports of shortages of intensive care beds and oxygen supplies.

    But the death rate is lower than in many countries with a high caseload. The rise in infections comes as the government continues to lift restrictions throughout the country to try to boost an economy that lost millions of jobs when the virus hit in March. Gyms are the latest to reopen, while schools, colleges and cinema halls remain shut. But most workplaces and markets are back to normal, and many cities are permitting restaurants and bars to resume serving alcohol, which is likely to increase crowds.

    How did India get here?

    In the initial stages of Covid-19, India appeared to be doing fairly well, imposing a strict lockdown, but the virus then hit megacities like Mumbai and the capital, Delhi, before surging in smaller cities and rural areas.Despite the increase, the government has eased restrictions to recover from the effects of an early lockdown - between March and June - that hit the economy hard.

    Why is India's death rate so low?

    India has reported 82,066 Covid-19 deaths so far, and has been recording around 1,000 deaths daily in recent weeks. While that's the world's fifth-highest tally in absolute numbers, it amounts to about 60 deaths per million of the population. And India's case fatality rate, a measure of deaths among Covid-19 patients, is just 1.6%. For the US, it is about 3% and UK's is around 11%.

    Many epidemiologists attribute the low death rate to a young population. Other South Asian countries with young populations are also reporting low mortality rates - some even lower than India's. Some experts also believe that several states are undercounting deaths. And they also cite the fact that a handful of states are heavily attributing Covid-19 deaths to patients' underlying conditions or co-morbidities. But they add that it's hard to measure the scale of undercounting without reliable historical data and calculation of excess deaths.

    Well Indians watch out yourself and what your GOVERNMENT IS DOING ON HEALTH CARE OF THE PUBLIC...

    Hmm.. That DEATH RATE IS AN INTERESTING POINT.. let me calculate that... Damn I need Qtian  and his statistics expertise here

    well let me run through this site .. the world meter ..  ..on the death rate from Covid in all countries and their population density..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #26 - October 02, 2020, 07:39 PM

    India Dalit rape victim family ‘locked up as police burned body’     says news

    The family members of a Dalit (formerly known as “untouchable”) girl in India who died after she was gang raped have accused the authorities of forcefully cremating her body in the middle of the night without their consent.

    The 19-year-old from a village in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras district, 200km (124 miles) from the Indian capital New Delhi, was raped in a field near her house on September 14 by four suspects belonging to upper castes in the Hindu religion’s hierarchy.

    Officials said she suffered paralysis due to severe injuries to her spinal cord and died two weeks later in a New Delhi hospital on September 29, triggering nationwide outrage, protests and the detention of opposition leaders.

    The teenager’s body was cremated in an open field in Hathras around 3am on Wednesday (21:30 GMT on Tuesday) in the presence of nearly two dozen police and other officials.

    But the teenager’s family members alleged the cremation was carried out against their wishes, with neither of her parents present.

    “We told the administration we want to cremate her in the morning as per Hindu rituals, but they did not listen to us. They locked us inside our home and burned her body,” the girl’s brother told Al Jazeera.  “We kept shouting from inside the house but they did not listen to us and cremated her using petrol. Petrol is never used for the last rites but why would they care?” The family said they wanted to see the girl’s face once more before her cremation, but the authorities refused.

    “The last time we saw her face was just after the post-mortem [autopsy] was done. They did not even accord us the basic dignity of allowing us to watch her face one last time,” her brother said.

    On Tuesday night, moving footage of the girl’s female relatives and villagers throwing themselves on the bonnet of an ambulance carrying her body was broadcast on Indian television.

    The girl belonged to the Dalit community, at the lowest rung of the complex Hindu caste hierarchy, which has been subjected to systematic discrimination and violence for centuries. All four men arrested so far in the case belong to the influential Thakur community.

    The state administration, however, rejected claims the girl’s body was cremated forcefully and without permission, terming them “baseless”.

    “Everything happened with the permission of the family members. There was a risk of a law and order situation getting out of hand in the village. So, we asked the family members for their permission to cremate the body at night and they allowed the same,” Brahm Singh, a senior police official, told Al Jazeera.

    Meanwhile, a senior Uttar Pradesh police official on Thursday declared the victim was not even raped because the samples collected from her body did not contain semen.

    “Autopsy report confirmed [that] no sperm was present in the sample. She died due to trauma of her neck injury,” Prashant Kumar said during a news conference in the state capital, Lucknow.

    The victim’s family accused the authorities of trying to cover up the case. “How can we ask them [police] to cremate our sister without us being present there? They are making such shameless allegations against us just to save themselves. There is a limit to telling lies,” the victim’s brother said. In the past week, Uttar Pradesh has reported at least two other rape cases as anger over the law and order situation in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-governed northern state grows.

    On Tuesday, another Dalit woman, aged 22, was raped and killed in the state’s Balrampur district. She was also cremated in the early hours of Wednesday.

    Experts blame police inaction and state impunity provided to upper caste perpetrators in cases of sexual harassment for an increase in rapes against Dalit women.

    Last year, more than 500 Dalit women were raped in Uttar Pradesh alone, according to the data provided by India’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), which added that more than 3,500 Dalit women were raped across the country in 2019. India reported a total of 32,033 rapes last year, the NCRB data said, with Uttar Pradesh accounting for just under 10 percent of those cases.

    “We know so many cases where the family of Dalit rape victim first goes to the police station, but they are chased away. This happens most of the time,” Asha Kowtal, general secretary of All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch, a prominent Dalit women’s rights group, told Al Jazeera.

    “In this case also, police were reluctant to do their work right from the start. There is no SOP [standard operating procedure] and there is absolute state failure in protecting our right to life.”

    The death of the Dalit girl also sparked protests across the country, leading to dozens of arrests. In New Delhi, Kush Ambedkarwadi, spokesman for the Bhim Army, a group advocating for the rights of Dalits, said 50 protesters, including 15 women, were detained by the police.

    He also alleged Uttar Pradesh police were trying to save the accused “because they belonged to the upper caste”. “In her [victim’s] village, Thakurs are in majority. There are just a few Dalit families residing there. Had she belonged to the upper caste, no one would have dared to burn her body in the dead of the night without her family being present there. She was treated like this because she was a Dalit,” he told Al Jazeera.

    “It was being done to make sure there is no evidence against the culprits. Everything is planned just to protect the perpetrators,” he said.

    On Thursday, opposition Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra were also detained while on their way to Hathras to meet family members of the victim. Videos on social media showed Rahul Gandhi being manhandled by the police on a highway.

    That is the news from  HINDIA... the land of gods/goddesses and sex obsessed angry monkeys., well  that is a big news  i need to read it/edit again... I guess all gods of india are high caste and goddesses are of low caste...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #27 - December 24, 2020, 01:54 PM

    Well This is interesting and important News... for   Fucking Zebras like me...  Today's News from Dawn says with this heading  and a DISGUSTING  Picture

    Indian Right Wing The BJP's  ]Government   next mission: eradicating 'love jihad' in India

    Dozens of Muslim men have been arrested — for which police need no warrant — in just a few weeks after a new law was enacted.  In India's most populous state, the Hindu nationalist BJP government is on a mission against “love jihad”, the conspiracy theory that Muslims are luring Hindu brides with the aim of conversion and eventually national domination.

    While interfaith marriage remains rare in the Hindu-majority nation, this zealous drive in Uttar Pradesh has taken the form of a new law that can land the couples in serious trouble.

    A few weeks ago, when 22-year-old Muskan and her Muslim husband Rashid went to register their marriage in the town of Moradabad, he ended up in jail and the young woman in a state-run shelter home.

    Three months pregnant, she suffered a miscarriage.

    Read: Police in northern India arrest 10 Muslim men under new 'Love Jihad' law

    “They knew I was pregnant. They still made me work, clean the room, putting strain on my belly,” said Muskan, who went by Pinky when she was a Hindu.

    “I knew I was losing my child.”

    The couple's “crime” was the alleged violation of an “unlawful conversion” ordinance promulgated last month in Uttar Pradesh by the local Bharatiya Janata Party government. It carries a punishment of up to 10 years in jail.

    It sent a further chill through India's 200-million-strong Muslim minority and defenders of the country's secular traditions, who have raised alarm about the BJP's policies since it returned to power in 2014.

    'Laughable but dangerous'
    Nowhere is Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP's alleged mission of “Hindutva” — Hindu hegemony — more in evidence than in Uttar Pradesh, a vast and economically backward state of 200 million people.

    Its government is led by the saffron-robed, firebrand Hindu monk Yogi Adityanath, 48, a hardliner known for his inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims who has been touted by some as possible successor to Modi.

    While there is no credible evidence of an organised mass attempt to convert Hindu women to Islam and bring about Muslim domination, the conspiracy theory is rife in Hindutva circles and Adityanath's government has vowed to stamp out “love jihad” with the new law.

    Falling foul of the vaguely worded legislation is not hard. Dozens of Muslim men have been arrested — for which police need no warrant — in just a few weeks.

    Any relative of the bride can complain to the police, the men can be arrested on the slightest suspicion, and women are pressured into making incriminating statements, activists say.

    This week, an 18-year-old Muslim was jailed after going out for pizza with a Hindu girl because her father complained to police, according to media reports.

    He was booked for “inducing” the girl to elope with the intention to marry and forcefully change her religion — charges both teenagers deny.

    Muslim boys do sometimes pretend to be Hindus, and there have been instances of kidnapping women — on both sides.

    But many Hindu activists think the men are not acting alone but are part of a master plan, which they allege is probably financed by Pakistan.

    Believing “love jihad” is real “would be a laughable idea if it wasn't so dangerous”, said activist Harsh Mander.

    “What we're witnessing ... is the complete demolition of everything that the constitution promised.”

    Valentine's Day vigilantes
    Other states governed by the BJP want to enact legislation similar to that in Uttar Pradesh.

    Egging on the government and the police are militant Hindu groups, the most prominent being the Bajrang Dal, which is thought to have more than five million youth members nationwide.

    It has been repeatedly accused of deadly sectarian violence, and is also known for hassling couples on Valentine's Day, and intimidating Muslims and low-caste Hindus accused of slaughtering cows — which are sacred in Hinduism.

    “Love jihad is a reality, it is a well-thought-out strategy deployed by Muslim boys to lure Hindu girls,” Ramji Tiwari, the Bajrang Dal chief in the city of Kanpur, told AFP.

    Muslims, he claimed, are “hellbent” on one day outnumbering Hindus — currently they outnumber Muslims by almost six to one — in India by “trapping and brainwashing our girls”.

    Bajrang Dal now conducts “awareness campaigns”, going door-to-door telling “our mothers and sisters that they should be wary of these smooth-talking men”.

    'Unholy trinity'
    The BJP's new mission against “love jihad” is also a blow against the right of women to choose whom they marry and an attempt to ensure they remain in “traditional” roles, activists say.

    “It's the unholy trinity of patriarchy, caste and dominant religion that has always wanted to control women's sexuality and freedom,” Vrinda Grover, a lawyer and rights activist, told AFP.

    Muskan, meanwhile, is back with her in-laws, still suffering medical complications. She intends to stay with Rashid.

    He and his brother spent two weeks behind bars before police released them as Muskan resisted pressure to incriminate him.

    “I trust and love Muskan. I knew she wouldn't make a statement against our love,” he told AFP. “I only got to know about our baby when I got out.”

    Well no time to edit or  comment on that .. but there must be a better solution...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #28 - December 23, 2021, 01:56 PM

    News  Says... Hindutva leaders call for killing Muslims at recent 'hate speech conclave' in India: reports  with this picture

    Leaders from several far-right groups in India have issued calls for the ethnic cleansing of minorities in the country, especially targeting its 200 million-strong at a recent three-day gathering, according to several Indian media reports.

    A report by The Quint said that the "hate speech conclave" was organised by Hindutva leader Yati Narsinghanand from December 17 to 19 in Uttarakhand's pilgrimage city of Haridwar, where multiple calls to kill minorities and attack their religious spaces were made.

    "Economic boycott won't work. Hindu groups need to update themselves. Swords look good on stage only. This battle will be won by those with better weapons," the report quoted Narsinghanand as saying...........................

    well there is more at the link., but i have little time to look at the tube/video...

    well that is the twitt video link.,,  mygoodness  SHE SHOULD PUT SOME BURQA ON HER HEAD... hind ladies should learn from BUEQUANI'S of Islam

    let me watch that bit later  but I wonder what is there in his brain and in his stomach......... must be full of shiiiiiit

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • hindus in India beat A Muslim man to death, son injured over beef eating 'rumo
     Reply #29 - January 21, 2022, 12:54 AM

    Indians are pressing hard .. But I did not realize there is an EX-MUSLIM in the group

    Well these Indians are playing shouting matches   fish market

    That Ex-Muslim is Syed Waseem Rizvi

    Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi, formerly known[2] as Waseem Rizvi, is the former member and chairman of the Shia Central Waqf Board of Uttar Pradesh, India.[3] He on his will underwent religious conversion to Hinduism on 6 December 2021 in the presence of Dasna Temple (Ghaziabad) head priest, Yati Narsinhanand Giri Maharaj.[2] He is known for filing a petition in India's Supreme Court, as well as producing the Bollywood film Ram Ki Janmabhoomi.[4][5]

    Tyagi is a son of a Class III railways employee. He was elected a Samajwadi Party (SP) corporator from the Kashmiri Mohalla ward of Old City in Lucknow in 2000, and in 2008, became a member of the Shia Central Waqf Board. In 2012, Tyagi was expelled from the SP for six years after falling out with Shia cleric Kalbe Jawad, who accused him of misappropriation of funds.[6] Tyagi termed these charges as "cooked up" motivated by the desire to "weaken his argument".[3] Tyagi later got relief from the court and was reinstated.

    In January 2018, Tyagi wrote to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and the Prime Minister of India, seeking the abolition of Madrasas and said that some of them act as breeding grounds for terrorists instead of ensuring jobs for Muslims.[6] In response, a Bareilly based religious outfit All India Faizan-e-Madina Council (AIFMC) announced a bounty of Rs 10,00,786 and a free Haj trip for anyone who beheads Tyagi.[7]

    In September 2018, Tyagi said that homosexuality was prevalent in India's madrasas.[8]

    In January 2020, Tyagi said that, "Some people believe that childbirth is a natural process and should not be interfered with. To give birth to more children like animals is harmful to society and country. It will be good for the country if a law is implemented for population control."[9] In an interview he said that he did not like being called a Muslim, which to him was like being called a "cruel, wild beast", he added that he was very much a Muslim, but if that placed him in that same category as the Taliban he would rather identify himself as a human.[10] In another interview, he declared that he has left Islam

    Wasim was a   powerful Shia  leader of Indian shia community

    A full discussion between Jitendra Narain Singh Tyagi (then Wasim Rizvi) and Vibhuti Jha on Islam

    Well Ex-Muslims DOESNOT MEAN WE NEED TO BECOME HATERS OF MUSLIM BROTHERS..  Well right now I am going to become Muslim   and My Islam is

    La Ilaha illallah  .....La Ilaha illallah......La Ilaha illallah.......La Ilaha illallah

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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