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 Topic: Christmas in the Qur'an

 (Read 6899 times)
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  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     OP - December 24, 2014, 03:54 PM

    A seasonal article by Stephen Shoemaker:

    Christmas in the Qur'än: the Qur'änic account of Jesus's nativity and Palestinian local traditionän_the_Quränic_account_of_Jesuss_nativity_and_Palestinian_local_tradition
    In winter of 1997, an archaeological discovery occurred on the outskirts of Jerusalem, holding great significance for our understanding of the earliest development of the Qur ̄anic traditions. Approximately halfway between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, just to the east of the main highway, a group of archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority engaged in a salvage operation unearthed a large octagonal church, which our late ancient sources identify as the church of the “Kathisma of the Theotokos,” or the “Seat of the God-Bearer.” As the present article will demonstrate, this church was originally associated with the Nativity of Christ, but eventually came to be linked with the commemoration of Mary’s death and, more importantly, with certain events from the Holy Family’s legendary flight into Egypt, as described in several early Christian apocrypha. The new church’s connection with both Christ’s Nativity and the flight into Egypt is particularly important, since it is (to my knowledge) the only place where these two early Christian traditions meet, outside of the Qur ̄anic account of Jesus’ Nativity. There is a great deal more, however, than just this mere coincidence to suggest that traditions associated with this shrine influenced the development of early Islamic tradition. The church of the Kathisma was converted into a mosque in the early eighth century, and its mosaics indicate that the recycled sacred space probably continued to commemorate the Nativity of Jesus, as the Christian shrine had before the Arab conquests. Moreover, the significance of this shrine in early Islam is underscored by the important architectural and artistic relationships that scholars have identified between the Kathisma church/mosque and the Dome of the Rock....

    Palm mosaic from the Kathisma church

  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #1 - December 24, 2014, 05:32 PM

    wonderful  Afro

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #2 - December 24, 2015, 04:10 PM

    More about the Qur'anic nativity and the Church of the Kathisma. The article is more accessible than the title suggests.

    Guillaume Dye - The Qur'an and its hypertextuality in light of redaction criticism
  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #3 - December 22, 2017, 02:51 PM

    Mustafa Akyol - Away in a Manger... Or Under a Palm Tree?
  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #4 - December 22, 2017, 03:00 PM

    Mustafa Akyol - Away in a Manger... Or Under a Palm Tree?

    I argue with THAT GOOD FRIEND   that he  should join  a  forum like this   .. or he should  start his own  forum

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #5 - December 27, 2017, 09:53 AM

    Thread from Emran El-Badawi:
  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #6 - March 09, 2018, 02:20 AM

    Christoph Luxenberg (2014) - Christmas and the Eucharist in Qurʾān.

    Markus Gross (2014) - Christmas and the Eucharist in Early Islam? Remarks about Assumptions and Methodology

    Nicolai Sinai (2012) - „Weihnachten im Koran“ oder „Nacht der Bestimmung“? Eine Interpretation von Sure 97

    Daniel Birnstiel (2015) - Illibration or Incarnation? A critical assessment of Christoph Luxenberg’s alleged Christmas liturgy in surah 97

  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #7 - December 22, 2019, 01:00 PM

    Christoph Luxenberg (2014) - Christmas and the Eucharist in Qurʾān.

    Markus Gross (2014) - Christmas and the Eucharist in Early Islam? Remarks about Assumptions and Methodology

    Nicolai Sinai (2012) - „Weihnachten im Koran“ oder „Nacht der Bestimmung“? Eine Interpretation von Sure 97

    Daniel Birnstiel (2015) - Illibration or Incarnation? A critical assessment of Christoph Luxenberg’s alleged Christmas liturgy in surah 97

    That Markus Gross article:

    Christmas and the Eucharist in Early Islam? Remarks about Assumptions and Methodology,%20M%20-%20Christmas%20and%20Eucharist.pdf
    In several of Christoph Luxenberg’s articles, Christian liturgical practices are claimed to be the source of Koranic texts, above all the Eucharist and Christmas. His views have been contradicted vehemently, not only on apologetic Muslim websites, but also in scholarly publications. Therefore it seems fair to take the arguments against his new interpretation of Koranic texts seriously. The present article will present some of the arguments of one of his critics, Nicolai Sinai, but also some of the findings of another scholar, Stephen Shoemaker, who found a material source in the form of a church for the Koranic narrative of Jesus’ birth. This should be understood rather as the invitation to further discussion than as a final judgment.

    In the following, the articles of both Sinai and Shoemaker are first summarized in as objective a way as possible. Only after that are their arguments assessed and if possible either confirmed or refuted.

  • Christmas in the Qur'an
     Reply #8 - December 23, 2019, 05:06 PM

    1/ What does the #Quran have to say about #Christmas, and what does this ruined church located between #Jerusalem and #Bethlehem have to do with it?

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