a) You think Quran does provide a clear context then and each quranic verse can be explained with the Quran alone?
I think nothing. When it speaks about Abraham, what
references (and
not "context") it provides? Bible, Talmud, Midrash. So what?
You think Quranic texts have nothing to do with Biblical, Talmudic or Midrashic texts then ?
I just said the contrary; the Quranic texts refers to Biblical (including NT and NT apocrypha), Talmudic or Midrashic texts
that it includes texts written for Jews by Jews for a big chunk (the link to the Bible, Talmud, Midrash is a known fact).
Same question: so what?
What you draw from this? One still does not know or making sense of what you say...
Therefore, to say the Quran is anti-jewish is just a reflexion of the Mecca/Zam Zam/Medina framework.
Whatever it comes from (Jews or not), the more or less anti-jewish stance is factual in the text. There is no need of the Mecca/Zam Zam/Medina framework to ascertain it.
By the way can you provide the sources that say that the leaders of the arab army had Quranic texts with them in the 630's
637 attestations of an (only) Arab building in the Temple Mount.

. I repeat again (yawn...) that the Jews are the objective allies of the Arabs since they get rid of the Romans in Jerusalem by them. But they are not at the origins of the Arabs in war as it exists a totally secular origins (sourced) to this.