I think people need to calm the fuck down! Srsly, words like "slut" are thrown around all the time IRL and often barely have any meaning. Does anyone consider how an "illegitimate" child feels when the word "bastard" is thrown around? Or do we just accept that it is not always intended literally and is just an empty stock insult? No need to make a mountain out of a molehill. It's not like sethyboy has a habit of slut-shaming or sexism so why all the harping over his usage of "whoremones"?
So basically if his associating the whole hormone experience as a whore moan, and jokes that he is a whore too (because when men try to adopt the shaming words, that makes it all better right? ) and I am personally offended by it, I should say nothing in case I get accused of harping? (which would you believe it is another word used to only describe a woman talking continuously about something?
Sorry, I'm not about to bow my head down and let someone make me feel like shit by sticking up for his right to use the word whore as some personal joke.
I don't think it's cute when men adopt words "Oh, but I;m a whore too"
As if they even have an inkling of what it feels like to be described in those terms. They don't, never have never will.
Bit like a white person saying "Well, I'm black too"
Of course. Anyone who who uses the words "slut" and "nigger" is obviously a crazy misogynist racist asshole who cannot possible be making any kind of point or anything.
In fact, we shouldn't even read or understand his posts, and we should ignore the fact that he is against slut shaming, racial profiling, and the lack of thought in society.
We should just be exactly like the people this forum is against and jump him for any signs of what could possibly or not possibly be an opinion other than our own (although we don't know because we didn't actually read and understand what he said).
So I'm now a muslim? or just like one? Just like the people this forum is against?
Because I think you should refrain from throwing the word whore around joke or not and have explained my reasons?
Is this your final answer? that if I am offended by you using whore as any form of joke, this makes me a muslim and representative of the sort of people this forum is against?