for comparison, what do mullahs do?
what is that thing?.. I guess you are missing words...
talk about peace and mercy while lambasting kafirs, offended by western dresses but cite verse mitigation (them to their religion) rather than cultural context, blindly conflate race and religion (esp for yahud), pretend that religious speech is not political.
What did Dawkins do similar to what you are saying above with reference to mullahs?
conclusion: potatoes, tomatos.[/b][/s]
not sure what you are trying to say but irrelevant ..
Your statements are invalid and your comparison of Dawkins with mullah with reference his words and his actions are in valid...
The only thing you can say is that
he is as stubborn as mullahs and imam
mamas with reference to his words on Darwin's theory evolutionary of biology .. even there he is giving you and every one Full FREEDOM to question him..
So what you say is rubbish dear crumble..