>From here:
http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2011/08/muhammads-flat-earth.htmlHi Sam
I suggest we take it in turn to post, and that we keep each post to a single point if possible. In each post we can answer the question asked by the other person, and at the end pose our own question in return. If the other person does not address the question to our satisfaction we need to agree that simply saying "You did not answer my question" is insufficient, we must agree to explain WHY the question has not been answered.
Seeing as it was Numbers 31:17-18 we were discussing when you blocked me from your facebook account and subsequently deleted all of my comments I shall use that as my first question.
(Numbers 31:17-18) Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Could you explain to me in what way is virginity an acceptable method for determining whether or not someone deserves to die?
I await my promised humiliation and destruction. Or as I like to call them "introduction to new ideas"

PS: Please refrain from typing in capital letters.
Or preferably you could spend 5 minutes downloading and installing Skype and we could do this face to face, just as you initially challenged me to.