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  • Question: Which one (if any) are you more inclined to side with? (Give reasons)
  • Israel - 50 (30.5%)
  • Palestine - 114 (69.5%)
  • Total Voters: 163

 Topic: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?

 (Read 226227 times)
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  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1110 - January 20, 2018, 07:27 AM

    My goodness gracious ....this lady terrorizing every one,,,,,very aggressive

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1111 - January 22, 2018, 04:44 PM

    i am inclined to both i got soft corner for both for different reasons to me israel has the right to exist and the way they have been persecuted in the past and judged in modern world is not fair i suppose they are over all minority kinda 0.2% and they have the right to defend and in known history they way they give right muslims christians and jews to practice they religion with in their country was never there before and when it comes to palestine the loss of life and aggression they face is terrible as a human they have a right to have peace without further invasion i hope these countries come together and sort their issues out throught peacefull process not through violence cuz jesus is not goan come hes a cunt hes gonna hes game over
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1112 - April 21, 2018, 12:04 PM

    Natalie Portman clarifies why she dropped out of the 'Jewish Nobel' award ceremony  says news   
    Actress Natalie Portman has snubbed a prestigious prize known as the “Jewish Nobel,” saying she did not want her attendance to be seen as an endorsement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Portman was to have received the award in Israel in June and said in a statement issued early Saturday that her reasons for skipping the ceremony had been mischaracterized by others, and she is not part of the BDS, a Palestinian-led global movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

    News of Portman’s decision to skip the event triggered an angry backlash Friday from some in the country’s political establishment.

    That was due to reports that Portman through a representative had told the Genesis Prize Foundation she was experiencing “extreme distress” over attending its ceremony and would “not feel comfortable participating in any public events in Israel.”

    Portman’s statement said her decision had been mischaracterized.

    “Let me speak for myself. I chose not to attend because I did not want to appear as endorsing Benjamin Netanyahu, who was to be giving a speech at the ceremony,” she wrote.

    “Like many Israelis and Jews around the world, I can be critical of the leadership in Israel without wanting to boycott the entire nation. I treasure my Israeli friends and family, Israeli food, books, art, cinema, and dance.’”

    She asked people to “not take any words that do not come directly from me as my own.”

    Israel faces some international criticism over its use of lethal force in response to mass protests along the Gaza border led by the Islamic militant group that rules the territory.

    One Israeli lawmaker warned that Portman’s decision is a sign of eroding support for Israel among young American Jews.

     well  some good  news   but  not good enough

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1113 - May 04, 2018, 01:48 PM

    Dareen Tatour: Israeli Arab poet convicted of incitement  says BBC NEWS

    A court in Israel has convicted an Israeli Arab poet of inciting violence and supporting a terrorist organisation over comments she made on social media. Dareen Tatour was arrested in 2015 in connection with three posts, including a video of her reading one of her poems - Resist, My People, Resist Them - set over footage of protesters.

    She said her poem was misunderstood and that she did not call for violence.
      PEN International, an association of writers, condemned the verdict. It believes Tatour was "targeted for her poetry and peaceful activism".  "Dareen Tatour has been convicted for doing what writers do every day - we use our words to peacefully challenge injustice," said the group's president, Jennifer Clement. "PEN will continue to call for justice in this case." Tatour, 36, was arrested in October 2015 and spent several months in prison before being placed under house arrest in January 2016.

    She was initially confined to a flat in the city of Tel Aviv and her movements restricted because Israeli authorities deemed her a "threat to public safety". She was later permitted to return to her family home in Reineh near Nazareth, but the house arrest continued in various forms until the end of her trial and she was not allowed to use mobile phones or access the internet.

    Tatour was charged in connection with three posts that appeared at the start of a wave of deadly stabbing, shooting and car-ramming attacks on Israelis by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs. The first was a video featuring her reciting a poem and footage appearing to show Palestinian protesters throwing stones at Israeli security forces.

    The poem includes the lines: "Resist, my people, resist them. / Resist the settler's robbery / And follow the caravan of martyrs."  The indictment said the poem's "content, its exposure and the circumstances of its publication created a real possibility that acts of violence or terrorism will be committed".

    But Tatour insisted the poem had been mistranslated and misinterpreted. "They didn't understand my poem," Tatour told Reuters news agency last year. "There is no call for violence. There is a struggle, they cast it as violent."

    Tatour was also convicted over another post that prosecutors said expressed support for the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad - which is designated a terrorist group by Israel, the US and UK - and for a new Palestinian "intifada", or uprising, against the Israeli occupation.

    The third post was a photo of an Israeli Arab woman who was shot and wounded by Israeli police after she brandished a knife. It was captioned: "I am the next martyr."

    Following her conviction, the Haaretz newspaper quoted Tatour as saying: "My trial ripped off the masks. "The whole world will hear my story. The whole world will hear what Israel's democracy is. A democracy for Jews only. Only Arabs go to jail."

    The court said I am convicted of terrorism. If that's my terrorism, " I give the world a terrorism of love."

    well that is the news     let us watch her  and her case carefully and  Israeli Govt  MUST KNOW that world is watching   it  on this case   .,   Indeed what she said is true  ..

    "Love,  Unconditional Love terrifies those  who  does't  understand it "

     Anyway  I must read her and her poems and I  hope her actions, her writings and her poems speaks about that  "'Unconditional Love""    and it is worth remembering  Xiaobo Liu   an his words                           
    “Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights,
     the source of humanity, and the mother of truth.
    To strangle freedom of speech is to trample on human rights, stifle humanity,
    and suppress truth.”

    ―Xiaobo Liu― 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1114 - May 04, 2018, 10:56 PM

    I tend to think of myself as neutral but I’m more leaning to Israel, based on the fact Palestinians and Arabs don’t want any form of peace and are not willing to coexist normally.
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1115 - June 30, 2018, 03:34 PM

    Does Kushner really believe Palestinians will trade their dignity for cash?

    IS there no humiliation left for the Palestinians? After Oslo, after the “two state solution”, after the years of Israeli occupation — of “Area A” and “Area C” to define which kind of occupation the Palestinians must live under — after the vast Jewish colonisation of land thieved from its Arab owners, after the mass killings of Gaza, and Trump’s decision that Jerusalem, all of Jerusalem, must be the capital of Israel, are the Palestinians going to be asked to settle for cash and a miserable village? Is there no shame left?

    For the Palestinians are soon to be awarded the “ultimate deal” — “ultimate”, as in the last, definitive, terminal, conclusive, no-more-cards-to-play, cash-in-your-chips, go-for-broke, take-it-or-leave-it, to-hell-with-you, cease-and-desist, endgame “deal”. A pitiful village as a capital, no end to colonisation, no security, no army, no independent borders, no unity — in return for a huge amount of money, billions of dollars and euros, millions of pounds, zillions of dinars and shekels and spondulicks and filthy lucre, the real “moolah”.

    “I believe,” quoth Crown Prince Kushner this week, “that Palestinian people are less invested in the politicians’ talking points than they are in seeing how a deal will give them and their future generations new opportunities, more and better paying jobs and prospects for a better life.”

    Is Trump’s son-in-law — “adviser” on the Middle East, real estate developer and US investor — delusional? After three Arab-Israeli wars, tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths and millions of refugees, does Jared Kushner really believe that the Palestinians will settle for cash?

    Did he not notice — ever — that the Palestinians who have protested and suffered and died and lost their lands for 70 years, have not been demonstrating in their streets for better roads, duty free zones or another airport? Does he think that the people of Gaza have come on to their streets and marched towards the lethal border fence because they are demanding new prenatal clinics? How can he humiliate an entire Arab people by suggesting that their freedom, sovereignty, independence, dignity, justice and nationhood are merely “politicians’ talking points”? Is there no end to this insanity?

    No, there is not. For the drip-feed of detail which is emerging about the Trump-Kushner “ultimate deal” in Israeli newspapers — the venerable Haaretz in the lead — is that Palestinians will have to abandon East Jerusalem as the capital of a future “Palestine”, that Israel will withdraw from a handful of villages east and north of Jerusalem — the measly Abu Dis among them — to create a Potemkin “capital”, but will remain forever in the Old City. That a Palestinian state will be completely demilitarised (so much for “security”), but that every Jewish colony constructed illegally on Arab land — for Jews and Jews only — will remain, and that Israel will control the entire Jordan Valley. Right of return? Forget it.

    And all this for billions of dollars in infrastructure projects, a free trade zone at Al Arish in the Sinai, an outpouring of money into the West Bank, a new Palestinian leadership — out would go corrupt, arrogant, senile, dictatorial Mahmoud Abbas whose leadership has “no ideas” and has made no “efforts with prospects of success” (this latter from Kushner, of course) in favour of a new and pragmatic man who will (here more delusional thinking) be even more pliant, peace-loving and grovelling than Abbas himself.

    All this nonsense depends on the largesse of Saudi Arabia — whose bungling crown prince appears to be arguing with his kingly father, who does not want to abandon the original Saudi initiative for a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital — and the feebleness of King Abdullah of Jordan, whose country’s IMF-imposed financial suffering has provoked unprecedented riots and the fall of his government, and the support of Egypt’s field marshal/president who will supposedly be happy to impose law and financial benefits on the Egyptian-Gaza border. Oh yes, and there will be no real contact between Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas has been forgotten, it seems.

    By arrangement with The Independent

    Published in Dawn, June 30th, 2018

    well read the rest at link.... But  that picture is missing Caliph  ............  I only see his daughter....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1116 - October 08, 2018, 04:37 PM

    Still a refugee, 70 years on_ Palestine   bbc media news

    Donald Trump says he has a peace plan that will solve the Arab-Israeli conflict for good, he calls it the "deal of the century".  But Palestinian refugees living in neighbouring countries fear they are not going to be part of it – particularly those in Lebanon.

    With restricted work and property rights, there are few options for them outside returning home. So after 70 years of waiting, and four generations, what does it mean now to be a Palestinian refugee?

    The BBC’s Paul Adams travelled to Burg Al-Barajneh camp in Beirut to meet them.

    Palestinian Refugees: Refugees in Jordan

    Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
    Lebanon's Palestinian refugee camps

    It seems UNO trying to do some good around the globe actually increased the problems to many conflicts since 2nd world war..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1117 - July 16, 2019, 11:38 AM

    well that is from last week ..samething was there in 1960s, 70s, 80s, 1990s  and now in almost 2020.. same story same problem..

    July 12, 2019 Clip No. 7345

    Hamas Political Bureau Member Fathi Hammad Calls on Palestinians All over the World to Slaughter Jews, Says: If Israel Doesn't Lift the Siege by Next Friday, We Will Kill the Jews with Explosive Belts and Knives

    Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad said in a July 12, 2019 speech at a March of Return rally that aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) that Israel has until the following Friday (July 19) to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and implement its understandings with Hamas, lest the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and all over the world use the "many methods and means" that are "up their sleeves" to "powerfully explode" in Israel's face. He said that, contrary to what Israel thinks, the Gazans are not rational, and that if they die, they will do so honorably while cutting off the heads of Jews and killing them with explosive belts, which he said Hamas has been actively manufacturing in factories. Calling on the seven million Palestinians abroad, whom he said have been "warming up" and "preparing," Hammad said: "Enough warming up... We must attack every Jew on planet Earth and slaughter and kill them." Hammad also encouraged Palestinians in the West Bank to purchase knives in order to cut the necks of Jews, saying that knives only cost five shekels. He added: "We will die while exploding and cutting the necks and legs of the Jews. We will lacerate them and tear them to pieces, Allah willing!.................

    that is the present the  hero  Fathi Hammad.... olitical Bureau Member of Hamas., Not sure such fellows become leaders in Islam... 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1118 - August 25, 2019, 08:30 AM

    Where did Jews Come From? | Casual Historian

    Why Do People Hate Jews?

    Israeli settlements,


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1119 - August 14, 2020, 10:02 AM

    Israel, UAE reach 'historic peace agreement'   says news

    that is a good news  ... after a looong time

    US President Donald Trump, in a surprise announcement, said on Thursday that Israel and the United Arab Emirates had reached a peace agreement.

    The normalisation of relations between the UAE and Israel is a “HUGE breakthrough” Trump tweeted, calling it a “Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends.

    In a joint statement, Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan said they had spoken on Thursday “and agreed to the full normalisation of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.”

    let us get that full agreement from

    Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates

    President Donald J. Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, spoke today and agreed to the full normalisation of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

    This historic diplomatic breakthrough will advance peace in the Middle East region and is a testament to the bold diplomacy and vision of the three leaders and the courage of the United Arab Emirates and Israel to chart a new path that will unlock the great potential in the region. All three countries face many common challenges and will mutually benefit from today’s historic achievement.

    Delegations from Israel and the United Arab Emirates will meet in the coming weeks to sign bilateral agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecoms, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit. Opening direct ties between two of the Middle East’s most dynamic societies and advanced economies will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation, and forging closer people-to-people relations.

    As a result of this diplomatic breakthrough and at the request of President Trump with the support of the United Arab Emirates, Israel will suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the President’s Vision for Peace and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world. The United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are confident that additional diplomatic breakthroughs with other nations are possible, and will work together to achieve this goal.

    The United Arab Emirates and Israel will immediately expand and accelerate co-operation regarding the treatment of and the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus. Working together, these efforts will help save Muslim, Jewish, and Christian lives throughout the region.

    This normalisation of relations and peaceful diplomacy will bring together two of America’s most reliable and capable regional partners. Israel and the United Arab Emirates will join with the United States to launch a Strategic Agenda for the Middle East to expand diplomatic, trade, and security co-operation. Along with the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates share a similar outlook regarding the threats and opportunities in the region, as well as a shared commitment to promoting stability through diplomatic engagement, increased economic integration, and closer security coordination. Today’s agreement will lead to better lives for the peoples of the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and the region.

    The United States and Israel recall with gratitude the appearance of the United Arab Emirates at the White House reception held on January 28, 2020, at which President Trump presented his Vision for Peace, and express their appreciation for United Arab Emirates’ related supportive statements. The parties will continue their efforts in this regard to achieve a just, comprehensive and enduring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As set forth in the Vision for Peace, all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and Jerusalem’s other holy sites should remain open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan express their deep appreciation to President Trump for his dedication to peace in the region and to the pragmatic and unique approach he has taken to achieve it



    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1120 - August 14, 2020, 11:34 AM

    UAE-Israel  deal.... what people are talking??

    #AlJazeera.,   Hamas: Israel-UAE deal...

    The Foreign Affairs Minister for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has told Sky News that a new peace accord between the UAE and Israel should promote peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

    well that is one side of the story.. how about other side??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1121 - August 14, 2020, 11:45 AM

    Iranian  Jewish minority

    Jewish Population of the World

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1122 - August 14, 2020, 12:53 PM

    what people are saying on that deal??

    Israel-UAE peace deal won't change Iran's position, Emirati minister says

    State of Palestine: Gaza locals  on  Israel-UAE deal

    Middle East political analyst Omar Baddar reacts to comments by both Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and US President Trump that the UAE agreement is a step in the right direction.

    State of Palestine: Presidency calls Israeli-UAE deal "a betrayal"

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1123 - August 14, 2020, 06:18 PM

    peace comes after accepting defeat.
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1124 - October 15, 2023, 03:58 PM

    well  .we are back to square one.... so let me go back to this folder to learn something about Israel/Palestine problem..

    And that is Hamas' Head of Political and International Relations Dr.  Basem Naim.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1125 - October 27, 2023, 05:48 PM
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1126 - October 28, 2023, 11:30 PM

    well hsitory is repeating again and again so let us watch some history that happened just recent past

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1127 - October 30, 2023, 12:23 PM

    Israel - Birth of a state | DW Documentary

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1128 - October 30, 2023, 01:46 PM
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1129 - October 30, 2023, 01:56 PM
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1130 - October 30, 2023, 02:04 PM

    Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe - Episode 1 ... The Other side story

    well there are many episodes on that from Al Jazeera watch all of them

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1131 - November 22, 2023, 07:49 AM Raised to see Israel as a ‘Jewish Disneyland’, two US film-makers are telling a different story
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1132 - November 22, 2023, 08:14 AM
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1133 - November 22, 2023, 09:05 PM
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1134 - December 05, 2023, 07:02 PM

    In this episode, Rashid Khalidi discusses his latest book The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017, where he defines Zionism not only as a nationalist project in conflict with the Palestinian one, but also a settler colonial project supported by the British and later the American imperialism. We begin in the late Ottoman period as Khalidi examines the familiar episodes and key turning points, which he characterizes as declaratations of war and wagings of war on Palestinians. We discuss the 1917 Balfour declaration and the communal conflict in the British Mandate of Palestine that led to the general strike and Arab revolt of 1936. The 1948 war, the Palestinian Nakba, and the creation of the State of Israel provide the backdrop for Cold War period conflicts, the rise of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the outbreak of the First Intifada, which culminated in the Oslo Accords of 1993-95. Khalidi reflects on his experiences with the failures of Oslo, which set the stage for the rise of Hamas in Gaza and periodic sieges that have continued to the present day. We conclude with a consideration of the current war, situating the unprecedented civilian toll of both the attacks by Hamas in Israel and the subsequent Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip within Khalidi's larger narrative of more than a century of war on Palestine.

  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1135 - December 05, 2023, 10:01 PM


    The question is simple:
    Based on your knowledge of the problematic situation between Israel and Palestine (historically, modern or both) which side are you more willing to side with overall?

    The contents of your decision can include weighing up the victimization of people, attacks against the opposing side, propaganda, embargo's etc etc.

    I am an Arab and half-Palestinian, my predecessors fought against Israel. I think that was wrong and due to lack of knowledge at that time. I am from the second generation, I admit my defeat and unconditional surrender to Israel and now side with it and support it.
    I think the main problem with Arabs is that they are looking at Israel from a completely different angle. It is not competition or an attempt to achieve a win-win condition between the two, but rather integration and role division: wise superiors supervise and rule ... others collaborate and obey.

    The right of Israel to exist and its superiority in the region in every aspect are not to be questioned at all. It should be respected, encouraged and supported. Anyone who acts against this vision acts against the civilisation of the Middle East. Taking the historical dimension into account, Israel existed since 2000 BCE (approximately). So, you are the land Lords and Masters. No one competes with his Master. It is rather unfortunate that Arabs learned this fact using the hard way. The wishful thinking of those who think that the end of Israel is near is far from reality, I think.

    What if Saddam Hussein had the power of Israel, what could he have done? Israel is a wise power in the region and that should be respected. It is better for all to have a strong Israel. If Israel puts down weapons it will get invaded, if Arabs put down weapons they will not get invaded. Arabs should accept Israel as a neutral power in the Middle East region. This will lead to peace and a stable life for all people in the region. No problems in the Middle East, no tyrants like Gaddafi, Saddam Hussain or Robert Mugabi to deal with. No mass starvation in Africa to solve. This will bring back the time when ISIS were not terrorists, they were the NO.2 Oxford boat in the annual
    University boat race!

    I am glad that Saddam Hussein was finally brought to unconditional surrender and paid the price of his mistakes. I hope this will be a good lesson for other remaining dictatorships in the region and a chance to deplete the region not just from WMD, but from all kinds of weapons and keep it in the safe hands of wise powers only (Israel and the West). 
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1136 - January 18, 2024, 09:47 PM

    oh well juicily  juice never learn.... and I know plenty of them,  thank you for that video.....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1137 - January 29, 2024, 12:56 PM

    and here it is from   Dec 19, 2023 PBS of America  it is worth watching

    Following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel and amid Israel’s retaliation in Gaza, this 90-minute documentary offers a sweeping examination of critical moments leading up to this crisis, and the pivotal role of a central player: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Starting with the Oslo Accords and continuing through to the current war in Gaza, “Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza” draws on years of reporting and takes an incisive look at the long history of failed peace efforts and violent conflict in the region — and the increasing tensions between Israel and its ally, the U.S., over the war’s catastrophic toll and what comes next.

    The documentary traces the tenure of Israel’s longest-serving prime minister and the years of jockeying between him, U.S. presidents and the Palestinians. It features firsthand accounts of insiders and advisors to Netanyahu, U.S. presidents and Palestinian leadership, as well as key insights from experts and observers of the decades-long conflict. Painting a revealing portrait of Netanyahu’s political evolution and fateful decisions, the film also draws on past interviews from FRONTLINE’s 2016 documentary “Netanyahu at War.”

    “Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza” also shows how, in the wake of President Joe Biden’s initial embrace of Netanyahu in response to Oct. 7, the relationship has become increasingly fractious, with the president pressing Israel to embrace a two-state solution to the conflict, and the prime minister vowing not to “repeat the mistake of Oslo.”

    “Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza” is a FRONTLINE Production with Left/Right Docs. Directed by James Jacoby. Written by James Jacoby and Anya Bourg. Produced by Anya Bourg and Lauren Ezell Kinlaw. Co-produced by Christina Avalos and Chris O’Coin. The senior producers are Eamonn Matthews and Frank Koughan. The editor-in-chief and executive producer of FRONTLINE is Raney Aronson-Rath.

    That is worth watching, worth  reading and worth Questioning  some of the folks that are saying without knowing the problem...  THE REAL PROBEM..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1138 - January 29, 2024, 01:53 PM

    And here is the response of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu today

    So where do we go from here??   A news says this

    Well Mullah fools of PERSIA better learn lessons form recent middle east history after 2nd world war and  and wash their brains and clean shave themselves .. Moreover it is AMERIKI ELECTION TIME.,appeared%20to%20come%20from%20Syria.

    and That Amerki news says

    Three US Army soldiers were killed and more than 30 service members were injured in a drone attack overnight on a small US outpost in Jordan, US officials told CNN, marking the first time US troops have been killed by enemy fire in the Middle East since the beginning of the Gaza war.

    “We shall respond,” President Joe Biden said while speaking in South Carolina on Sunday.

    The killing of three Americans at Tower 22 in Jordan near the border with Syria is a significant escalation of an already-precarious situation in the Middle East. Officials said the drone was fired by Iran-backed militants and appeared to come from Syria. It is still being determined which militia group specifically is responsible.

    US Central Command confirmed in a statement Sunday that three service members were killed and at least 34 injured in a one-way drone attack that “impacted at a base in northeast Jordan.” Eight injured service members were medically evacuated to receive higher-level care, CENTCOM said.

    The number of wounded is expected to rise as service members seek treatment for symptoms consistent with traumatic brain injury, two US officials said.

    Biden vowed Sunday to hold those responsible for the attack “to account,” saying that while facts are still being gathered, “We know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.”

    “These service members embodied the very best of our nation: Unwavering in their bravery. Unflinching in their duty. Unbending in their commitment to our country — risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow Americans, and our allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terrorism. …  [H]ave no doubt – we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing.”

    Iran on Sunday denied any involvement in the attack, state news agency IRNA reported, citing the country’s permanent mission to the United Nations.

    Tehran sought to distance itself from the attack, calling accusations of Iranian involvement “baseless.

      that news is from today two hrs ago

    So who and which group droned  Americans in Jordan??  whose drone??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #1139 - May 02, 2024, 08:16 PM

    student protests are about ritualised rebelliousness not any real understanding of conflict.

    I expect most american students are as deranged as british asians when it comes to the issue of palestine and israel.

    Federal investigation to come as university called New York police to quell protest on campus; more than 2,000 demonstrators arrested since 30 April
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