Hello, I'm new!
OP - December 12, 2010, 05:12 PM
Hello CEMB members,
Well I'm not and have never been a Muslim. My parents are Christians, one Roman Catholic and the other CofE. Despite attending a Christian primary school, and spending much of my formative years with an extremely devout and involved (obsessed?!) Grandmother, my belief in the Christian lead character, his eternal love for me, and his (our) father faded not too long after the Father Christmas and Easter Bunny stories began to look decidedly shaky.
Needless to say, I have never had to undergo the internal intellectual battle that many others who have liberated themselves have had to go through. For many years I found the concept of religion irrelevant and had no interest in it, or, for that matter, in opposing it. It wasn't for me, and that was that. Recently, for various reasons, I have come to realise the importance of rational thought, of evidence and of open debate. I've become increasingly frustrated with the inability or unwillingness that many people seem to have to thinking, to questioning, to doubting. Indifference and baseless certainty seem too often to prevail. Simultaneously, and somewhat consequentially, I have become interested in religiosity and, latterly, its consequences. I have not been impressed.
I'd never become involved with any sort of group before, but a few months back I decided to join the British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society. Through these I came to hear of the One Law for All campaign and of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, and just yesterday attended the Conference on Apostasy, Sharia Law and Human Rights in London. I had a great day, learnt a lot, heard some wonderful speeches and discussions and met some lovely individuals, some of whom were truly inspiring. Through them, I arrived here.
So here I am...a non-ex-Muslim non-Muslim whose faith in Santa, the chocolate egg rabbit and Yaweh has withered and died. To all who have emancipated yourselves from theism and everything that it entails, I have the utmost respect for you. I sometimes wonder if I would have been able to break free if I had been born into your shoes. I would like to think so, but have by doubts.
I float between London and Bath so if anyone would like to meet up, that'd be ace.
Until then take care,