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 Topic: TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran

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  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #240 - January 18, 2015, 04:34 PM

    It's exactly as simple as that.

    Surrender.  Do as He commands.  If you do not have faith in your heart, then just surrender to Him, and let your record of deeds speak for you on the Last Day.  Surrender means that you behave in life as if you believed, even if you don't feel it, you do it anyway, faithfully until you die. 

    If you do this, God says He will help you, and He very well may cultivate the surrender into true faith -- perhaps it will be His will to do so -- but first it requires that commitment from you.

    Surrender.  Surrender, and all will be well.  This is part of the mercy from the Lord of all the worlds.

    OK, thanks - so even if I don't believe in it I should just surrender and obey the commands and pray etc... Belief will come and then I will be saved from Hell by his Mercy.

    Thanks,  Afro

    Just one problem, though...

    I've been told the exact same thing by Christians who say I should surrender to Jesus - pray to him and let him into my life etc... and belief will come by his Mercy and I shall be saved.

    Why should I choose Islam over Christianity - or any other faith for that matter? Bearing in mind I don't believe in any of them.
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #241 - January 18, 2015, 04:36 PM

    Mr Rasheed... That is actually in contradiction to what the quran and hadeeth says. Your "submission" and actions will be utterly pointless in the hereafter if you did not carry true imaan or faith in your heart. Soorat al Asr is the shortest, most consise, and clearest part, you can refer to on this matter. What you are talking about is how Islam deals with apostates. You can be one, as long as you outwardly act as a believer, and not be executed for apostasy.... but still burn in hellfire after you die.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #242 - January 18, 2015, 04:51 PM

    You don't know me, you know my doctrine.  My belief system (or at least you should).

    what is the matter with you Rasheed ? why you don't understand what I write Rasheed? I said to you and let me say it again..

    I don't know you, I don't know your doctrine and I don't know your belief system.

     What all I read from your posts is few words from Quran  such as

    "Surrender ...  Do as He commanded in Quran...Surrender.  Surrender, and all will be well,   Otherwise   HELL FIRE.,WRATH.,  FEAR MY ALLAH  ...."Boiling fluid will be poured down on your will  be Dragged through scalding fetid fluid and burnt in the Fire....." ....etc..etc.

    And based on your posts I am of the opinion that  in near future you may also use some more  Quranic words such as
    Ohyee!.. False believers of Allah
        Allah knows.. what is in your heart"
        Allah knows..
        "when a false believer is hurt,
        then you start believing Allah"
        And you say we are with you. "We are with Allah"

     Allah know., You Liars
        "when help from your Lord comes, they will surely say:
        "Indeed, we were with you"
        but After time passes . transgress Allah commands.. and.. you forget Allah
        .. You  Lairs.. Cheaters and Rascals "..
    a Seen Meem
        Kaf Ha Ya Ein Sad.
        Alif Lam Ra ..
        .Doom ....Dam... DoooomM  .KhaboomM....
        Meem... dum..dum
        ..Ta Ha....
     Alif Lam Mim
     Faa' Qaaf.

    That is what I see in your posts Rasheed..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #243 - January 18, 2015, 04:51 PM

    I've been told the exact same thing by Christians who say I should surrender to Jesus - pray to him and let him into my life etc... and belief will come by his Mercy and I shall be saved.  Why should I choose Islam over Christianity.

    The record of sacred texts reveal that the Pauline Christians (those who worship the Christ as a deity-son), were usurpers of the message of Jesus, which was preached by the messenger's hand-picked heir and younger brother James the Just, leader of the first church of Jerusalem.  James was a major community leader of the time period, and was actually more famous than his brother, before the Roman Empire through its weight behind Paul's version of the message, that they felt was more friendly to their pagan-flavored populace.  The message of Jesus as preached by James stressed a strict monotheistic belief in the One God of Abraham, stressed performing good deeds and avoiding bad deeds, and had a dietary law consisting of 1.) don't eat pork, 2.) don't eat blood 3.) don't eat carrion 4.) and don't eat the meat of an animal killed in the name of a pagan deity.  All of these items combined should be very familiar to you as a former Muslim.  Like all the previous Books in the message of Allah, the Qur'an also came to confirm & fulfill the messages before it, and to correct those areas the previous guardians allowed to go astray.  The Qur'an also fulfilled the promise to free the Christ and his mom of the falsehoods spoken about them, and raised them up in the role they actually played in the saga.  Christ Jesus, the son of Mary was no more than a messenger, and like the messengers before him he preached no less than Al-Islam.  The documented record of the ancient texts demonstrate this as true, and since this is true you can rest assure that the rest of the Qur'an is true as well.  You know Islam, and recognize it for what it is, and you should recall that for one such as you, Allah will not accept any other religion from you once you've recognized the truth.  Hassan do not DARE stand before The Master of the Day of Judgment, manifest in His glory & power, with the sin of giving Him a partner/son upon your record.  Things will not go well for you.  Christianity is not for you.  Pick up once again the mantle of Al-Islam, and hold onto it for dear life.  Die not except in the state of bearing witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger that you may know Peace.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #244 - January 18, 2015, 04:53 PM

    what is the matter with you Rasheed ? why you don't understand what I write Rasheed?


    ...because english is my first language...?   Tongue

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #245 - January 18, 2015, 04:57 PM

    Mr Rasheed... That is actually in contradiction to what the quran and hadeeth says.

    O atheist!!  Do not presume to preach to me my religion!!  I will NOT follow you to hell!  What I told Ali above is exactly what is true.  There is NOTHING that can come from your disbelieving face that will hold any worth.

    Shut. Up.

    The ONLY thing you can do is to bow down to your Guardian Lord who made you, and repent of your filth.  That's it!  Do not dare talk to me of scripture and hadith when your own piss poor understanding has you on the path towards the Pit! 

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #246 - January 18, 2015, 05:01 PM


    ...because english is my first language...?   Tongue

    really Great.. I am glad to know your Mother is/was English., well I am not that fortunate(may be fortunate) My mother was not English ., But that is not a big deal Rasheed., Big deal is stuff like this in your silly posts
    The record of sacred texts

    ...........Hassan do not DARE stand before The Master of the Day of Judgment, manifest in His glory & power, ............

      That nonsense along with wrath hell fire., That is what you write  my friend..

    Incidentally you know nothing about Quran,  nothing about Islam and nothing about history of Islam .. You are a book bug Rasheed...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #247 - January 18, 2015, 05:04 PM


    Shut. Up.

    The ONLY thing you can do is to bow down to your Guardian Lord who made you, and repent of your filth.  That's it!  Do not dare talk to me of scripture and hadith when your own piss poor understanding has you on the path towards the Pit! 

    Stop that.. stop that Rasheed., I am sure you know a better way to rebuttal those who question Islam and other beliefs

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #248 - January 18, 2015, 05:07 PM

    That is what you write  my friend..

    And I will continue to do so.  Get over it.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #249 - January 18, 2015, 05:10 PM

    Stop that.. stop that Rasheed.,

    Repent & believe, and then I will take you seriously.  At the moment you lack all authority to back your babbling, and have nothing to stand upon.  Why should I take your weak admonishments to heart? 

    What good is a person who has rejected his Lord?  Tell me.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #250 - January 18, 2015, 05:12 PM

    But that is not a big deal Rasheed.,

    It's a big deal if you actually expect me to understand the words you type (during those rare moments when you aren't building evidence against yourself for the Last Day with your blasphemies).

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #251 - January 18, 2015, 05:12 PM

    O atheist!!  Do not presume to preach to me my religion!!  I will NOT follow you to hell!  What I told Ali above is exactly what is true.  There is NOTHING that can come from your disbelieving face that will hold any worth.

    Shut. Up.

    The ONLY thing you can do is to bow down to your Guardian Lord who made you, and repent of your filth.  That's it!  Do not dare talk to me of scripture and hadith when your own piss poor understanding has you on the path towards the Pit!  

    Be respectful. If you cannot be humble, just be respectful.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #252 - January 18, 2015, 05:15 PM

    O atheist!!  Do not presume to preach to me my religion!!  I will NOT follow you to hell!  What I told Ali above is exactly what is true.  There is NOTHING that can come from your disbelieving face that will hold any worth.

    Shut. Up.

    The ONLY thing you can do is to bow down to your Guardian Lord who made you, and repent of your filth.  That's it!  Do not dare talk to me of scripture and hadith when your own piss poor understanding has you on the path towards the Pit!  

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #253 - January 18, 2015, 05:16 PM

    And I will continue to do so.  Get over it.

    Get over it? what get over?  

    Rasheed  you are not controlled by any one or any government.  You have full freedom to air  your views to write in support of your Islam.,

    I &  others have full freedom to question your stupidity. NO PUBLIC LASHING FOR WHAT YOU WRITE

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #254 - January 18, 2015, 05:22 PM

    There's nothing more stupid than a mere human rejecting his God.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #255 - January 18, 2015, 05:22 PM

    Woah! I was gone for a day and I missed all of this? Alright, alright, let me catch up. I don't want to miss a word Yeezevee said.

    Excuse me... "Jedi" is it?  I'm actually in the middle of a discussion with a real life molecular biology scientist, so your true believer-blind faith assertions -- that don't even possess the weight of what lua brings to the table -- are beyond worthless to me.  You obviously lack the ability to discern between who is an idiot and who isn't.  

    Get your Force game up, please, then come back.  Thanks.

    Are you trying to butter me up? You're in luck, flattery is super effective on me, I'm a straight sucker.
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #256 - January 18, 2015, 05:25 PM

    Oh, lua... if only you would've showed up 20 minutes earlier, you would've caught me before I went off on Cornflower.  lol

    Sorry you had to see me like that.  You and Abu Ali.  I was waiting ALL DAY for the heavy hitters to show up, and was left all by myself with Jedi, and bogart, and other meatballs, until I couldn't take it anymore.   Cry

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #257 - January 18, 2015, 05:27 PM

    (i probably should've just turned the internet off and waited.  lol)

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #258 - January 18, 2015, 05:30 PM

    I hope this thread doesn't get locked it is very entertaining lol, also hoping Quod comes back to answer Rasheed on the other thread too.

    Rasheed, you were very disrespectful to Cornflower,  who is also what you would describe as a "heavy hitter" she could run circles around you and almost everyone on here with regards to Islamic knowledge..

    Anyway, if there was an afterlife, what on earth makes you so sure that you are going to Jannah, did you get a personal invite through the post or something lol..  

  • Re: TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #259 - January 18, 2015, 05:30 PM

    Oh, lua... if only you would've showed up 20 minutes earlier, you would've caught me before I went off on Cornflower.  lol

    Sorry you had to see me like that.  You and Abu Ali.  I was waiting ALL DAY for the heavy hitters to show up, and was left all by myself with Jedi, and bogart, and other meatballs, until I couldn't take it anymore.   Cry

    Ugh, I've been following the discussion the whole day from the side line, and holy shit you are arrogant and annoying.

    You are the Universe, Expressing itself as a Human for a little while- Eckhart Tolle
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #260 - January 18, 2015, 05:38 PM



    I have a revelation from Allah...


    My mistake

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #261 - January 18, 2015, 05:39 PM

    also hoping Quod comes back to answer Rasheed on the other thread too.

    Me too.  That's one of the things I've been waiting all day for.  Hopefully he hasn't taken an extended hiatus.  I can't stay here forever.

    Rasheed, you were very disrespectful to Cornflower...

    I felt disrespected by the unrepentant hellbound trying to teach me my faith.  Based on WHAT?! 

    ...who is also what you would describe as a "heavy hitter"

    We'll see.

    ...she could run circles around you and almost everyone on here with regards to Islamic knowledge..

    Psh.  If that were true then she wouldn't be an atheist.  You all lack insight by definition.   "The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know." 

    Anyway, if there was an afterlife, what on earth makes you so sure that you are going to Jannah, did you get a personal invite through the post or something lol..

    My personal invite is the Qur'an itself.  My Lord has told me that if I but believe in Him, do good deeds, reject evil, repent of my bad deeds when I mess up, and die only as a believer, I will indeed receive paradise.  I will have no need to fear, nor shall I grieve.  A promise from the Lord of all the worlds, and surely Allah speaketh the truth. 

  • Re: TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #262 - January 18, 2015, 05:39 PM



    I have a revelation from Allah...


    My mistake

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  oh Jedi

    You are the Universe, Expressing itself as a Human for a little while- Eckhart Tolle
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #263 - January 18, 2015, 05:41 PM

    Ugh, I've been following the discussion the whole day from the side line, and holy shit you are arrogant and annoying.

    So?  Join meeee and I will complete your training.  With our combined strength we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. 

    Don't make me destroy you.  cool2

  • Re: TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #264 - January 18, 2015, 05:42 PM

    There's nothing more stupid than a mere human rejecting his God.

    I dunno,  you're doing a pretty good job of blowing that one apart.
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #265 - January 18, 2015, 05:46 PM

    I have no interest in wasting my time arguing with you when it's very clear that you have no intention on letting anything get through that thick ignorant skull of yours  Roll Eyes


    You are the Universe, Expressing itself as a Human for a little while- Eckhart Tolle
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #266 - January 18, 2015, 05:49 PM

    Letting what exactly get through my "ignorant skull?"  What have you all offered that is worth risking hell, or giving up paradise for?

    What do you offer me?

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #267 - January 18, 2015, 05:49 PM

    (other than depression, and cutting, and probably suicide, and stuff)

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #268 - January 18, 2015, 05:54 PM

    I dunno,  you're doing a pretty good job of blowing that one apart.

    Right.  That really stings coming from you, josephus.   Roll Eyes

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #269 - January 18, 2015, 05:57 PM

    And yet, still wittier than anything that you've managed to come up with thus far.
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