Being a fairly new athiest (possibly agnostic at best), I question things that have happened in
my life that point to a higher consciousness. Has anyone else experienced things like this?
Ive had two near death experiences, and am trying to sort all this out.
1. I was 11, and in Hawaii bodysurfing. I got caught in the undertoe and was swept
out to sea. The next thing i knew, i was fully conscious, but swimming to the bottom
of the ocean. It was very bright, and i could see for miles. I had no need to breathe
and saw a beautiful shell on the ocean floor. I thought, "how pretty! im gonna swim
and go get it" I felt no pain, or any fear whatsoever. Suddently, I felt ripping pain in
my chest and went black. A guy had seen me and swam out to rescue me. The next
thing I remembered was being on the beach being recesitated.

2. I was visiting some very close friends on an indian reservation. It was blistering
hot, and i had gone for a long walk in the prairie. I must have walked a mile or so,
and was feeling dizzy, so i started walking back. I came across an old woman and
begged her for some water. Her grandson ran and got some water, and i sat down
under a shaded area. He handed me the water and i passed out. The next thing I
knew there were these BEAUTIFUL people all floating around me, smiling. I sensed
so much love and joy, and PEACE beyond understanding. They were speaking to
me like telepathically. They told me with unconditional love, I could come with them
or stay. I asked them if i could take a raincheck and go with them at a later date LOL.
The next thing i knew, i started coming around. There were folks trying to cool me
off with water on my forehead, and dripping some in my mouth. An ambulance was
sent for me, and i continued in and out of consciousness. The medic was freaking
out (and pissing me off) cuz he kept screaming my name and trying to keep me
conscious. It was so blissfully peaceful and i just wanted to float away, and wished
they left me alone. When i got to the emergency room, everything was blurry at
best, but I started to come around again. The medic kept saying, 'You were almost
a gonner! We saved your life just in the nick of time!" Then i felt really sick, and it
took 4 IV bags to fully hydrate me again, they said I had heat stroke.
I had shared these experiences with the muslims I knew, trying to understand
what had happened. They were partcularly interested to know what it was like
on the other side. I also had some out of body experiences in my life, that I
have no explanation for, but will post them later.
Im interested to know if any of you have had similar experiences.